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The Huron Expositor, 1953-12-11, Page 4
nT� It laiiikasosanasaiwasseameceacceneneeawseesascie sified Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETG-Per Word: tat Week 1 Cent End Week % �t 8rd Week Ya Minimum charge, each insertion.,, 86 Cents stash azure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Garda of Thanks, In Memoriam No6ioea, Coming Events --1 cenA per word. 60 eats per week. Slogan® may be directed to a Bax No„ c/o The Huron Expositor. for 20 amts opera. Ike data di cinswas ertion. H ads in above alma ars not paid yields 1V days `Births, Marsiasas and Deaths inserted fres of chance. Auatian Baas. Notions to Creditors. Etc. -Maw on ainescalfar. • Miabsosa Coming Events flAVAN CHURCH, WINTHROP, IS holding a Christmas Concert Friday evening, December 11. 4484x.1 Et NJOY DANCING TO THE MUSIC OF the Night Hawks every Friday night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. 4483-4 CHRISTMAS CONCERT-S.S, 6, DEL. lett, will present their concert in Lnndesboro Hall, Monday, December 14, at 8 gal. Admission, 40c and 26c: pre- school age, Free. 4484-1 Agents Wanted Auction Sales LIVESTOCK SALE IN KIINSALL SALE Barn every Thursday at 2 p,m. For further particulars phone HARRY SMITH, 187 Hensall, or VICTOR HARGRAVES. 635 r 21, Clinton. or contact ALVIN VJAL- PER, Auctioneer, Zurich 4479x8 Property For ,fie pen BALE ONE OP I $ Ar0RT most beautiful homes: four bedrooms; hot water heating wan oil; tomnlrletely re- decorated; decorated; fireplace; insulated; two -oar garage. Well landscaped. App1$ to DR. e, A- MrelASTk1R Seaforth. 4481-tf For Rent FOR RENT -1 NEW FOUR-BEDROOM aparyment for rent; all eonveniences. Apply DR. E. A. Mc32ASTEIR. 4484-2 Lost and Found JJOST-,FEM'ALE BEAGLE DOG, EARS tattooed. Finder please PHONE 888-11. Seaforth. 4484.1 LOST -ON DECEMBER 4, BETWEEN Hayfield and Seaforth, one ear wheel and tire. 16x600. 3. E, HOWARD, Bay- field, Phone 52 r 3. 448445 LOST --A SUM OF MONEY. ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of this money, please contact SCOTT 'MEMORIAL HOSPITAL or SUPaltfraT SERVICE STATION. 4484-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 84 sem ke 81.90. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUSHER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR THE POSITION OF Agent for the Usborne & 'Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co., in the Mit- chell district, and should be made in writ- ing to the Secretary -Treasurer of the Company, Exeter, Ontario, before Decem- ber 31. 1953. 4484-1 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ABIGAIL T. JACKSON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Abigail T. Jack- son, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 2nd day of Novem- ber, 1958, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of January. 1964, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 7th day of December, 1953. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4484-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALVA CARNOCHAN ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Alva Carnochan, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow. deceased, who died on the 29th day of October, 1953, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the Ind day of January, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed, ha. ing regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 30th day of November, 1953. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4484-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CHARITY JANE KNIGHTS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS, against the. Estate of Charity Jane Knights, late of the Village of Egauond- ville, in the County of Huron. Married Woman, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of October. 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims tb the undersigned on or before the 4th day of January. 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 30th day of November, 1953. TdcCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4484-3 Notices Livestock Wanted rIKAD DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES-' collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 656 r 2. Wanted YOUNG LADY IS FREE TO BABY SIT any evening. Apply MISS DE24N13. Phone 736 between 6 and 7 pm.' 4482x1 WANTED - A GIRL'S SIDEWALK bicycle, PHONE 691-W, Seaforth. 4484x1 WANTED TO BUY -A GOOD HAND sewing machine. Phone 41, HURON EXPOSITOR 4484x1 WANTED) - GIRL'S BICYCLE, IN good condition. Apply to Box M. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4484x1 �% SN 81D -I AM PURCHASING BOARS ' • at 9c to 12e per pound, live weight. Phone or write LEROY ACHESON, At- wood, 153 collect. Please get in touch with me direct as I have no boar buyers in the Seaforth district 4478-9 APPLICATIONS WANTED APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned for the position of Secretary of the Seaforth Public Utility Commission. Applicants are expected to have a knowledge of bookkeeping and are requested to indicate salary expected. R. B. HOLMES, Manager, Seaforth Public Utility Commission 4488-2 Tenders Wanted TENDER Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up until 4 p,m„ De- cember 15, 1953, for the construction of the Stanley Jackson Drain. Township of Tuckersmith. 5,590 feet tile, 2 catch basins. one field stone protection, 10 feet of 11 -inch iron pipe. Contractor to supply all requirements, except tile, which will be supplied by the Township. Work to be completed by June 3e.0, 1954. Marked cheque for 10% of tender to accompany each tender and tenders to be sealed and marked "Tender". Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office in Tuckersmith. Lowestor any tender not neoessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY. Clerk, R.R, No. 4, Seaforth. 4483-2 For Sale FOR SALE-OHRISTMAS S TREEAP- ply STANLEY HILLEN, 848 r 2, Sea - forth. 4484-2 CHRISTMAS TREES -DELIVERED TO your home. Order now from CECIL LONEY. Phone 332-R, Seaforth. 448323 FOR SALE -1949 FORD TRACTOR : 1 cultivator. Apply GUS JOHNSON. CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING - CUSTOM Phone 790-W, Seaforth. 4484x1 -',Sin saving by hour or logs by thou- sand. EM£R.SON ANDERSON. Henson. OR SALE -14 HEAD OF CATTLE, BE - Phone 675 r 4. 4484x9 F tween 600-:00 pounds. Apply URBAN V9CtiU3i CLEN.,R Inas. ON 85.T , DUCHARME. Phone 91 r 7, Zurich, ast : 22 year_ experience. We pink 4484-2 ,m tip and delicts. PHONE 162-W. Seafax•tb. , PIGS FOR SALE -SEVEN PIGS. SEV- 44sa tf, en weeks old : also male Budgie bird. 'E UEL C05I5 SL-mS?'t1: LEARN" HOW Apply IltVE.3ago0t TP SVARTiiA. Phase 840 +o sere. up to tem wits the bit blown r 3B_SeafoY,;a. 4484x1 roti wtx.i iaia'ariaa- .131 -fry e=4cmates �--- R SALrCOMPINATION ELECTRIC spool. V, S. LATSCH & Son,. Queen's rove : burns mood or coal: good as Hmtel..�>eafo:-3ti, 435 -ti' new. Apply to EBNEST ROSS. Phone RADIO ?P.PAIn.s-,FOR As r K1N-Dg 41 r 3. Dublin. 4484x1 of ra3.ns.. al inear'S 1A�10 - VOR SALE --2 0012.111 PUPS: MOTHER PAIR ccipo 0te Dick H.onse. Seaforth 3 a Rood heeler. one black. one brou•n- Pirsra,e yr417-R 4868-tf Apply ?. J, i OIG. RR. 1_ Dublin. Phone NTOTI.,1 ..S TO N41:3-0-+: P`O?. 84P r 11. Sea: art`^s 4484-1 Ga-zcn_ars € ', c=+aed or w•en- -p -1 CLEAN- ready- n N ..a. ?bone 526 r 6, i' P' SALE--GOPsti VACUUM CLEAN- +EsL5ar1�. fin 1 er lire new : all attat-l�entc • dining room table and buffet : York wood or coal A tTV:M.74Tl0K FAP. WEP8 ' - PROMPT, ki'..e;h>n range_ PHONE 450. 11. cAr,,._^tatm,: scone, -,ion of aS dead and 4�8".1 i l.ae30s,4 dor:1 ate. -._.s.15. r ..t1 eotDent. ED. '' R SALE -1,900 1,165:1PN 1 OF I -CH AND e.6 -S. 8a1 r IL Seafartfi. or , hemlock plank, 31.00 per thousand: F2rebm Aau aaatel with D-....... Ji &e. C. of , Da e Lavas cream separator. used only two Canada I3d 43 -tf yrs $7,9 1 sone feed beans EMERSON COB CORN FOR SALE -DELIVERED. LEO O'SULLIVAN. Phone 22 r 4. Dublin. 4484x2 A+©fSOMMODATION REQUIEED F'OR' Air Force pm-am:mei stationed at CI'tn- ton. If Faun base a hawse. eparne rrt. furrsc4+unfurnished, to rent, please sail STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Carden. E E : )o al 241 4426-tf ATT113'rioe retie es I - ekEI TRIP Fire irmuramie. Western Emmen" Wind Insurance. Ontario Automobile As - one. (0.AA.), Hospitalization Inanyanee, 14,s-ides'+t and Sickness Insurance, and North Ameriosn Life Insurance Consult Ram H. MU RR©E, Seaforth. Phone ttsf-1d. 4456-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers DONT WASTE MONEY ON MiiJER- els your land does not need. We will, sitboset charge to you, taste samples of me earth in your fields and have diem analyzed. CALL Top Notch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 876 4484 -id COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth 'Che Court of Reclean toe the Assess - tient Roll of 1858 l'er the Town of Sea- eatia will meet ie tete Gown Hall at 7:50 S l en Thursday, Detxmiiac• 17, 1051t.' D, WIDSON, 44811:2 ANDERSON, Henault Phone Heasall 675 r 4_ 4484x2 GIVE NURSERY STOCK for Christmas Births GARTER --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 9, to Mr. and Mrs, John E. Carter, RR. 2, Seaforth, a daughter. REABURN-'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rea - burn, Hensel]. announce the birth of their son at South Huron Hospital. Exe- ter Tuesday, December 8, 1958. SALLOWS-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 6, to Mr. and Mrs. James Sallows, Seaforth, a son. SMITH-Myrt and Don Smith are happy to announce the birth of their son. Douglas Edward, on December 6, 1953. at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. A brother for Marlene. 4.0 to 60% cash discount sole. April delivery. Special Christmas trade only. Roses, reg. 31.70, now 79c. Evergreens, E7 to 49 value for 93.60. Amazing prices of fruit trees and hedges, while we have them. Order now. Act fast. HOGLE NURSERY, Camybellford, Ont 4483-3 Cards Of Thanks Deaths McADAMS-In Seaforth, on Friday, Dec. 4, Elizabeth J. Spark. beloved wife of Thomas J. McAdams, in her 81st year. NOTT-In Seaforth. on Thursday, Dec- 3. William John Nott, in bis 88th year. PETHICK-In McKillop, on Sunday, Dec. 6. 'Margaret Ann Pethick, infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pethick, aged 9 months and 25 days. MRS. NELSON REID WISHES TO thank her many friends for the thoughtfulness, kindness and sympathy extended to her in her recent bereave. rent- 448421 RENSA14114 willionieneweeeteiseeinielesiseesei Mr, and here. Eugene Conyou, of Detroit. were weekend gne to with Mr, and MTs WlItalaR,' At th$ a recent examination& of the Conservatory of Mtlfsic in Lon- don, Neleon McClinchey passed with-Au:mere his Grade 6 in piano. He ie a pupil ofj. T,.Rigel, A.C. C.U. 'Nelson is the eon Of "Mr. and Mrs. Carl of Clinchey, J:i1PPen. Miss Betty Mickle, nurse -in -train- ing at Victoria Hospital, Loudon, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mrs. T. Parlmer was admitted to Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday in the interests of her health. Mrs. Inez McDwan, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Respite., London, ,has returned house. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Miokle, Charles, Bob and Ann, spent Sun- day in Ridgetown, visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. George T. Mickle and other relatives, Mr. and .Mrs. W. R. Bell moved on Monday to the Dougall residence on Main Street. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Redden and Jimmy, of Dresden, spent the week end with Mrs, Catherine Redden and Herb. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jer- ry erry and Allan spent. Sunday with relatives iii Kincardine. Mr. Witham Venner, Chiselhurst, was the lucky winner of the $5,00 certificate in a draw at Brown's hardware store last Saturday night. Mrs. James W. Bell left Tuesday of this week to spend the winter months with relatives in Oakland. California. Mt. Fred Peters, who suffered serious injuries in a recent acci- dent, was reported to be resting comfortably at St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, on Tuesday. His hip, which was fractured in the acci- dent, was set last week. WE WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE " who were so kind and thoughtful dur- ing our recent bereavement. Thanks to Rev. W. E. Milroy, doctors and nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital, Mr. Whitney, the quartette, and those who emit' the beautiful flowers. Last but by no memos leen those who railed to ober wale of comfort at a lonely time. -MRS, W. J. NOW, EVALENA WEBSTER and EAT - `MOND NOTT. 448421 T°Py trams" Expositor 'Ant ludtiy Pltoilel 41,; Seaforth. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Shop at TUDOR'S for the Best in Gift Selection! HOUSECOATS - LINGERIE GIFT BOXED NYLONS - SKIRTS BLOUSES - TOWEL SETS CHENILLE BEDSPREADS PHONE 70 TUDOR'S HENSALL LADIES' WEAR DRY GOODS See Our Large Selection of Toys VARIETY SUITABLE FOR EVERY AGE • Electric Trains • Dolls • Games • Mechanical Toys • Cowboy Guns • Crokinole • Etc. COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND • • C.C.M. SKATES and EQUIPMENT • • Geo. A. Sills & Sons Plumbing - Hardware - Heating Phone 56 Seaforth Dub Q, ecordoll 0 ref 140 votere 1,1;ste+ii eU bLe te. ca4t helleta `Irl IMIelaars 414001 In Dublin $'*$ three village trustees, 135 "exercised their franchise. Five residents were reported sick in hed. Results of the voting were: Gerald Holland, 80; Charles Friend, 79; Pat Maloney, 75; Joseph Looby, 71. Prize Winners in LoO.BAA. Euchre Friday Evening The LO.B.A. Hold a 17 -table euchre in dile Community Centre Friday evening. Mrs. Garnet Ma Clinchey was mistress of ceremon- ies. Prizewinners were: ladies, Mrs. George Reeves; lone 'hands, Mrs. Dale Nixon; consolation, Mrs. Jas. Barry; men, first, Robert Charters; lone hands, Donald Nord; consola- tion, 1. W. Vanderbruck. The lucky lunch ticket was won by Miss Doro- thy Parke. Collins' orchestra sup- plied music for the dancing which followed. ' KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper spent the weekend in London visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell. Mrs, Wilfred Mellis visited rela- tives in London Wednesday. Mrs. Ducker, Toronto, who spent the, past month with Mr. and Mrs. Long, left for Sarnia on Saturday. Miss Desna McBride, nurse -in - training at Stratford Hbapital, was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MoBride, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchin- son, St. Thomas, visited the lat- ter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, W. Mellis over the week- end. A family dinner was held recent- ly at she home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken. McKay to honor the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love, on the occasion of their sliver wed- ding anniversary, They were pre- sented with a silver tea service and a beautiful bouquet of 'mums, Miss Isabel Caldwell, London, visited over the weekend, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cald- well. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert and Elaine. Clifford, visited Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, Norman Dick- ert. lliIna Hopp, Zurich, is spend- ] ung a couple of weeks with her friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstet- ter. Miss Marion Thompson, Thed- ford. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thom son. Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Beattie, of iWingham, visited recently with the latter'S mother and brother, Mrs. Robert :McBride and Lorne. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Smith and Mrs. Mausseau, Zurich, • visited Sun- day with the latter's son. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Ml's. Elzar Mourseau. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson and Mr, Robert Thomson spent Wed- nesday in Stratford. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Donald O'Brien and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harvey. Flint, Mich.. and Mr. and Mrs, Beverley Alexander, Hensa.11, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott Sundae. Mr. and mfrs. Ed. Alien. Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M cLachlin_ Mr. Ger_-heurn Speare, Toronto, and Mrs. E. MacDonald, Exeter, visited with their sister, Miss Olive Speare. Mrs. Robertson visited for a few days with Mrs. Charlie Mills, who has been under the doctors care. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Corn- ish in Exeter. Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Davis and family, of Belton, and Miss Celia Norris and Robert Hubert, Sea - forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris. Mr. Jack Kemp and daughter, Audrey, visited Sunday evening with Mrs. Houghton. Mr, and Mrs, Alonzo Harburn and family. Thorndale, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Harburn. Little Billie Houghton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton, was last week taken to Victoria Hospital, London, where it was found he had A LASTING CHRIST MAS GIFT FOR HIM eereensee- Min Aent. \ .v. tor your -l oonvoniesum se RACK'S GIFT CER77FIC4TES 6d, -4.♦ I�.Ybe ale* so dos vogoo•Aver, • :Poke SMITH'S SHOE STORE' SEAFORTH We Wish You All A Very Merry Christmas i'. Ul halsetha rat !MS to Fact Baits of Clothing for Overseas Relief biro.. Herold, L'ar&or preeided``'for the Cr lf1811na8 Inieeting of the Wo- Inen'e Misiilonary Societe' of Ohia- elhurst Hutted Church Tuesday af- ternoon. In charge of the worship period was Mrs, Fred Brock, asedst- ed by Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mrs. R. Boyce reviewed temper ante notes, and the study book was taken: by Mrs. W. ,Martin and Mrs. Ed. Dick. Arrangements were made for the pecking next month of a bale of used and new cloth- ing for overseas relief. Mrs. W. J. Rogers, Hensall, was guest soloist, The Wbmen'a Assoetation held a brief meeting with Mrs. Roy Mc- Donald, ,president, in charge. Wor- ship orship period was conducted by Mrs. R. McDonald, Mrs. Percy Harris and 'Mrs. Jack Brintnell. District Obituaries LATE MRS, JAMES LEiPER FiiUli.ihETT.-The death occurred on Monday, Dec. 7, at her home in Hullett, of Ma's. James Leiper, in her 81st year. Mrs. Leiper was born in Huliett township, the former Annie Ham- ilton. She was devoted to her home and family, but her warm heepi- tality made her a host of friends in the community. Her late hus- band, James Leiper, was Warden of Huron County at the time of his. death in 1941. Surviving are five sons and two daughters: John, Robert and Ag- nes, Toronto; Guy, William, Thom- as and Jean, at home; also a sis- ter, Miss Agnes Hamilton, Clinton. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at the family residence with 'her pastor, Rev. T. J. White, conducting the services. iPallbear- era were Ross Leiper, Wan. Trewin, Wm. Hamilton, Glen Cook, Thos. Beattie and Edward Reid. Flower - bearers were Art Colson, Bert ,Bea- com, .Tack Riley, John Rapson, Art McMichael, Gordon McGregor, Fred Fowler and George Dubs. Inter- ment was in •Burns' Cemetery. polio. Although not of a serious nature at present, he will be con- fined onfined for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forrest, of Hillsgreen, visited Tuesday even- ing with Mrs. Wim. Houghton. THANKS! Having been elected to the Council of Hibbert, I wish to thank all those who supported me at the election on Monday. Wishing you the Com- pliments of the Season. AUGUSTE DUCHARME NEW, MOIIEEN' WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION,:. In Town of Goderich Easy terms to the right party. Possession January 1, 1954. SAM MclONALD PHONE 392 - CLINTON ApPly- ,5 Eipositor Want Ads Bring Results - Phone TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT: Many thanks for your support on Election Day, and wishing you the Compliments of the Season. MORLEY H. LANNIN Car Canadian Cement NOW EN ROUTE • • I PLACE YOUR ORDERS AT ONCE! • • Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Phone 47 Seaforth i SEE OUR STOCK' OF STYLES AND SIZES IN SANTA'S GIFT FOR THE HOME - TELEVISION • COMPARE - with any other TV Sets on the market - the prices and Quality At Our Store! We Wll&.Arrange Easy Terms on All Sets -. ADMIRAL • ELECTROHOME WESTINGHOUSE • COLUMBIA CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Come in and inquire about our Christmas LAY -AWAY PLAN ON ANY ARTICLE IN THE STORE! BOX FURNITURE FUNERAL HOME AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE: MAIN 43 NIGHTS 595-W SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 CHEV. BEI -Alii 4-DOOR--F'laily. equipped 1953 CHEV. SEDAN, 3-1952 CHEV. 8TYLELINE SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 CHEV. POwr:RGLiiDE FR.EETTLI:NB SEDAN Fully equipped. 1951' fatta V. DDE LUXE FLEETLrNE COACH 1951 C'11BV. DE LUXE JEAN 1951 CH7 V. STY. 4EL1NE SEDAN 1951 CEFJV. POWER -GLIDE COACH, with radio 1950 AUSTIN COACH • 1949' PONTIAC SEDAN 1942 CREV. SEDAN 1948 PONTIAC COACH-Vu3 eq 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN 1947 OLDSMOBILE FLIMITIANE OA - dramatic Drive. 1946 PONTIAiS SEDAN TRUCKS'. 5-1943 DODGE STAK-BODY TRS "SPECIAL" -1947 MERCURY A written guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars 1 - MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO ' >=J�t tvEnv . 'O PHONE 18-X -- altho Hone of Better titled Cars" 1 • 14 .mw