The Huron Expositor, 1953-12-04, Page 16• • '",••,, • :11. '!� IS 10,u,DAEIVALTY, ifrEg,OONDil. gINITAND SICKNESS rimaiMARY AND WINDSTORM RODWWerathIS Cole/Antes who 011.64•3tirly With Service MAID ADAINTS VOR ONTARIO SMIIMSILERMAWS •ILITTUAL SMIE INSURANCE mon gladly given. WATSON & REID map - Proprietor [insurance and Real Estate Phone Seaforth FOR SALE Alodern Dwelling on East Wil - ram St. New air conditioning unit. enumediate possession. Frame Dwelling with all modern lionveniences. Oil heating. Suit - Cable for V.L.A. purchase. ,,"••41odern New Dwelling, very cen- y located; oil heating.All eniencea. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St., With all modern conveniences. Pos- *coition anranged. Frame Dwelling in Egmondville; sew garage. Immediate possession. Frame Dwelling on Louipa St. alfodern con.veniences. New iv, gees. Possession November 1. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID MEAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI 411 passengers Inured PEONES: 162J or 162W 'blue coal' e'The World's Finest Anthracite" SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT ditahe Color Guarantees the Quality WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-I Res. 192-M 0777017747.•••••••••••••••••m/ftak...ftem Xmas Bazaar HOME BAKING SALE AFTERNOON TEA in St. James' School all SATURDAY, DEC. 5" 3 to 6 p.m. • SEWING BOOTH • MYSTERY BOX Draw for Cedar Chest Auspices of C.W.L. FOR STOVE OIL FUEL OIL Meter Delivered Contact Don Wallace RELIANCE FARM AGENT Phones: 385 or 460 - Seaforth 411100160•0101,1•100ftsmoyftsimin.ftwommemr, INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. 'Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to 311. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 384 Res. 222-R MAIN 8T.: SEAFORTH ilitinI1lBUIM1111111111111111111111111111 0000000000,00 0 0 • W. J. CLEARY 0 Cr Seaforth, Ont JO - LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls:- 335 0 o0 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 its . J. A. BURKE 0 i0 Funeral Director 0 giv and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN ONT. 0 -0 Night or Day Calls 0 0 Phone 43 r 10 0 a> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 000000000000 "Ile. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Home Goderich 8t W., Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 Adjuatable hospital beds 0 00 0 dor rent, 0 FLOWERS FOR PIVERY OCCASION 10 Teleddione: Day or Nights 119 0 10 Residence 66 004444404000 0 00000,0000400 BOX antral Otrbite R. 8. sOX Ueengd Enibaitner rcauldlt at& eteretni attentiOn. • twit Bed itt414.A9MItif FOR ALL • * 43 26 The Salvation Army,-Oorps Offi- cer, Lieut. R. Keats: Sunday Ser- vices: 3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 P.m., Salvation Meeting Thurs- day, 4 p.m, Hobby Class; 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting, A welcome awaits you. St. ThomasAnglican Church. -10 Morn - Ing Prayer; 7 p vening Prayer. a m., Sunday •s,940; , 11 a.m. Mortl• St. Mary's, Dublin -2:30 p.m., Sun- day School; 3 p.m., Evening Prayer. -Rev. J. 11. James, Rector. Northside United Church,. - 10 am,, Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., Sermon, "0 Come, All Ye alaithfull"; Junior Congregation and Toddlers' Group; 7 p.m., Sermon, "The Story Behind the Babe." - Rev. J. W. Stinson, al Mist ea MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Seaforth and District Ministerial Association will meet Tuesday, De- cember 8, at 10 a.m., in Egmond- ville United Church Manse. Rev. W. E. Milroy will be the speaker. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 a.m.Chureh School and Bible Class. 11:00 A.M. Anthem -"Sun of My Soul" Sermon - "HOW GOD BUILDS HIS KINGDOM^ 7:00 P.M. Solo -F. E. Willis Sermon -- "GOD'S GIFT OF REST" COME TO CHURCH - You don't know what you're miming! JR. 'El' HOCKEY SATURDAY, DEC. 5th • Chatham - at • Seaforth Baldwins FOR SALE New Three Bedroom House -All on one floor. Oil furnace and gar- age, New Two -Bedroom House - Oil Furnace. Seven -Room Brick --On large lot. Good loca.tion. 100 Aeree-On No. 8 Highway. Good buildings, with Hydro. 100 Acres -In Tuckersmith. Steel barn. Good house. 50 Acres -in Hibbert. Priced to sell. CALL W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOILL "e4111101••■111111111m41111110•eollailleelwillil oreo11111111oreollgemeigneweemigiwill USED (ARS and TRUCKS 53 DODGE SEDAN $2,075.00 Like new; Radio '52 DODGE SEDAN 1,845.00 Low mileage 51 DODGE SUDAN 1,695.00 New rubber '51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN .. 1,695.00 New rubber 51 CHEV. 2 -DOOR 1,625.00 Love mileage; Radio '50 DODGE SEDAN 1,495.00 New rubber; slip covers '47 CHEV. 27300R 895.00 Heater '46 CHEV, SEDAN 895.00 Clean; Radio '39 DODGE 2 -DOOR 145.00 51 G.M.C. le -TON EXP,..$1,065.00 Clean; Low Mileage '46 FORD %-TON 595.00 Heater '47 MEV. 3/4 -TON EXP. . 675.00 Completely Reconditioned SEE OUR FINANCE PLAN and DETAILS ON JACKPOT Rowdiffe Motors PHONE 26/ SEAFORTH '36 WoeiligliwiMilliowiliiilwelaggioaligi I UMW Albert Jordan, Detroit, 'visited with his brothers, Joseph and Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams and zi(r. and lairs. J-0131011 Jordan visited at London. IVir. Francis Flanagan, Kitchener, visited with Mr. ,aud Mire. Louis Bruer. Mr. Albert Jordan, Detroit, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jor- dan. Mrs. Leo. Holland, Windeor, vis- ited with Mrs. M. Schulman. Mr. Bill Evans, Merritton, visit- ed with M. and Mrs. Frank Ev- ans. Mr. and Mrs. Jisn 'Curtin and Mrs, Stella 'CurtIn attended the Rae - Norris wedding at Stratford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John F. O'Reilly spent the weekend as guests of Ma and 'Mrs. Thomas D. Morris, Mount Forest. At a meeting for the installation of officers for 1964 Chamber of Commerce, Mitchell, on Monday evening, Mr. Gerald Holland was elected as one of the directors for a two-year term. A successful progressive euchie party was held in St. Patrick's Parish Hall Friday evening with about 30 tables in play. Mrs. Chu,. ence Ryan won first ,prize for the tig,AFenTH floTNE4 The Seaforth W.I. members will entertain their Irtisbanda arid fam, Wes at the Christmas meeting on Tuesday evening, December /3, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Haugh. The meeting is called for 8:15 p.m. The roll tall will be answered by bringing a gift for the Children's Shelter, or a cash donation for same. Each family Is asked to provide a number on the program, and members not other- wise contacted are asked to bring a loaf of bread sandwiches. women and Joseph Nolan took the men's prize. Lunch was served by the members of the Catholic Wee mena League, who were in charge of the party. Dancing was enjoy- ed to the music of Siemon's orch- estra. LAC. Jack Mercer, formerly in the Navy at New Westminster, B. C., has been transferred to Clin- ton Air School. LAC. Mercer and Mrs. Mercer and two children, Johnny and Wendy, have taken up residence in Dublin in one of 'Ger- ald Holland's apartments, ' A balsam .forest could reach merchantable size in 40 years. .,g••••••••••••••• As with farm crops, the period of tree growth varies greatly. Fuel Costs Slashed Learn How to Save Up to 25% WITH THE BEST BLOWN ROCK WOOL INSULATION For free estimates, consult V. S. LATSCH and SON QUEEN'S HOTEL - SEAFORTH BRANCH 156, CANADIAN LEGION ANNUAL BINGO COMMUNITY CENTRE SEAFORTH WEDNESDAY, 166 DECEMBER 1,8 15 LUSCIOUS CHRISTMAS GAMES • TURKEYS, Ready for the Oven THREE SPECIALS - $25.00, $25.00, $50.00 Admission $1.00 Specials and E2tra Cards - 25c or 5 for $1.00 PLAY COMMENCES AT 9 P.M. eeqe.e aa'e! a'• We're Helping You Make This Christmas a Happy One With These Value -Plus, Exciting Gifts, When your Dollar Really S -T R -E -T -C -H -E -S LOVELY LINGERIE NYLON, CREPES and SATIN - Sure to please! GIFT HANKIES LINENS, SWISS EMBROIDERY, LINEN and LACE. Many designs and colors to choose from. .29c to $1.00 GIFT HOSIERY Famous Brand Names - "HOLEPROOF", "KAYSER" - In newest shades and weights. GLOVES KID, CAPESKIN, OHAMOISETTE Wool, Angora. $1.29 to $1.75 Warm lined gloves. HAND BAGS PLASTIC, LEATHER, SADDLE LEATHER, CORDE $3.75 to $9.95 LOVELY SELECTION OF BLOUSES Carol Lyn Sho Main Stteet Seaforth r"`r"'e r r" r r r'rr -r r r -r r flood • #1. e, 11, 9W ," • ttt stati in as g IVar. Close paid tribute to the werk. of two municipal employees, Mr, Maloney and Mr. Price, and added that tbe town was fortunate to have these men in its employ. Mr. Close mentioned he was re- cently approached • by a man who complained about the manner in which municipal affairs were be- ing run and criticized the Werk of the Council. Mr, Close said he sug- gested the man attend Monday night's meeting and he'd nominate him for council. The ntan's reply was, "Like h- you will!" This reply, Councillor Close indicated, is typical of the attitude held by many citizens who are too ready to criticize, but not at all ready to take responsibility or constructive interest in municipal affairs. Doubts Plan Opriosition After reporting "very little do- ing" in the work of .the fire and • - :0019 V:91311101.10*s Conadign .4e1ations The No. 4 Pa= Voniti met Monday night at the halite of Mr. and Mrs John- Ilenderg, MEl lop.. Groups were farmed to an- swer the miestions: (1) 'What steps should Canada take to show.A.13iatit countries that our attitude to theta .is friendly and non-aggressive?; (2) What can we do to eonvizice others that the democratic way of life is batter than the Communist vray? This was followed by a short dis- eussion period. Euchre was play- ed with Mrs. Robert Campbell and Harry Nesbitt the win:ners. Lunch was served. The next meeting on Monday ev- ening will be at the home of Mr. and MTS. cordon MacKenzie. Hospital Aid Annual Christmas Party Held water committee, Councillor John The annual Christmas, party of C. Crich declared that the sewage the Women's Hospital Auxiliary plan as outlined was the only reas- will be heed in the nurses' resi- onable way the town could get dence on Tuesday, December 8, at sewers at present. Regarding the 8:15 .p.m. Members are asked to plan as "a step forward," Mr. Orich bring' their ticket money on the explained that over a 10 -year per- draw for the turkey and doll, and iod extensions would continue as also to bring a gift costing not the town is capable of 'financing more than fifty cents, the continuing stages of installa- tion. At the present, he said, we are taking care of a critical area. Mr. Crich said he doubted if the ratepayers wanted a vote on the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alexander, question. "If they were against McKillop, spent a day with Miss the plan." he asserted, "I believe Jennie Alexander. they would have turned out in more Mr, Everett Felker left Thursday force tonight. I am not afraid of for Portage La Prairie, Man., where the citizens turning the plan down," he will be- stationed with the RC. he concluded. A.F. for two years. The chairman of the property Many friends will regret to committee, Councillor Keith Sharp, learn that Mrs. Joseph Miller had glanced over the walls and ceiling the misfortune to fall on Friday of the town hall auditorium as he and break her hip. She was taken admit the property up here doesn't to Stratford General Hospital, admit the property up here woesn't where she will remain for two look too good." However, he be- weeks. gan, considerable expense on nec- Mies Terry Loiselle left last essary work to the exterior of the week for Weyburn, Sask., where town hall had been incurred by she attended the funeral of her Council this year Mr. 'Sharp agreed mother, Mrs. Selina Loiselle, with Councillor Crich that if the Mrs. W. J. •McKay, Seattle, majority of local citizens were Wash, visited recently with rela- against the proposed sewage plan tives and friends here. there would have, ,been a heavier Mr. and Mes. A. W. Armitage and turnout at the nomination meeting. daughter, Elizabeth Anne, Guelph, Declines One Nomination spent a few days last week with Councillor Harvey Leslie, after Mrs. M. White, commenting "there is not much left Mrs. Harvey R. Rowe, Silver - for me to say," announced he wood, Mich., is visiting her parents, would not stand for the reeveship Mr. and Mrs. 11, Mason. in event of an election. Mr. Les- Mrs. Roes Murdie has returned lie assured the citizens present from Woodetock, where she spent that in its deliberations the Coun- a few days visiting relatives. cil gave the ratepayers every con- Mrs. William Skinner, Detroit, sideration before any decision on spent the weekend with her raoth- matters involving money spending. er, Mrs, R. S. Hays, Councillor James T. Scott, chair- 'Mies Mary Morris, Seaforth, has man of the parks committee, said accepted a position as assistant in he would not worry the audience Seaforth Poet Office. by quoting facts or figures. He Mr. Kenneth Southgate has re - agreed with the statements of Mr, turned after spending two weeks Crich regarding the se-ers clues- in Brampton, and Toronto. tion, Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Matthews, of .Chairman 'Wilson called on the Chatham, spent the weekend with Chairman of the Public School Mrs. Matthews' parents, Mr. and Board, F. E. Willis, who initially Mrs. W. J. Cleary. remarked that he was pleased to Miss Yvonne Bolton, London, hear Mayor McMaster calling for spent the weekend with her moth - federal assumption of education er, Mrs., 7. F, Bolton. LOCAL BRIEFS costs. (Mayor McMaster interrupt- ed: "I said provincial, not federal." Mr. Willis replied: "I think it should be federal.") To Collect Legal Dues The Public School Board chair- man noted the new school had been successfully opened, but that there were some minor matters of con- struction to be cleared up, and un- til this was done, he said, the final payments would not be made, to the contractors. Turning to higher education tax rate here, Mr. Willis said opera- tion costs, in the new school were naturally greater than in the uld school. As well, he stated, the Beard realized that higher salaries to the teachers were necessa-ry. I hope, Mr. Willis added, that the Board in 1954 will continue good supervision of spending as it did in 1953. To ease, the tax burden on town ratepayers, Mr. Willis continited, the Board has started to collect at- tendance fees for the children of roil -residents. He indicated steps are being taken to collect all the fees legally due the Board. The disposal of the old school will fur- ther alleviate the burden of educa- tion costs, Mr. Willis added, and pointed out a motion was on the Board's ?ecord,s in this matter. School "Exceptional Value" Before concluding his remarks by emphasizing the Board hes hand- led the interests of the school in a manner best befitting the interests of the. ratepayers, Mr. Willis com- mented that, unlike these ofek, Council, the .Sehool Board's deet ings "have (been many and some- times Much too long." School Board trustee W. T. Tealle chairman of the school building committee, remarked the ratepay- ers had received "exceptional va- lue" for the amount of ,money spent on the school, Mr. Teall declared that he knew of many trustees, on other Boards which built new schools, who were amazed at the quality of the ,Seaforth school for the amount of money spent. Fol- lowing Mr. Teall, J. A. Westcott said the method of supply Purch-ae- ing was in good order. Mr. West- cott remarked that he had- enjoy- ed his Work aa a trustee on the 1953 Board. Calls For P.U.C. Statement The only nominee for Council who was not a member of the 1953, body, John E. Longstaff, said if he mese to qualify and sought mem- bership of 1954 Council through an election he would serve the rate- payers to the best a bis ability. Nelson Cardno, after announcing he would waive his notaination as School Board trustee in favor of nomination to the P.U.C., said he believed that since the P.tf.C, , w a 'business it should be run 4cord- ingty. In this connection, Mr. Camino stressedthe, nee di for a published financial statement of the ,COmmittaion at the time of the annual andit. Mr. 'Canine, the lad epealiet iiitraeltmedly the Chair. luau, noted he had not yet decided Whether he oiikidtiafl1 er ot for the posithm of P.1700. &nitro's- slotter. Miss Florence Dinney, London. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close, Mr, J. C. Bell, St. Marys, visited his mother, Mrs. J. P. Bali, on Mon- day. Mr. B. Tucker, Winnipeg, was a recent guest of his sister, Mrs. G. A. Whitney, and Mr. Whitney. Mrs, James Keyes was, the win- ner of the lucky lunch ticket at the Women's Institute euchre last Fri- day night, instead of Mrs, Robert Dalton, as announced in the stole - on Page 8 of this issue, The Red Cross work rooms will be open on Friday, December 4, to give out sewing and knitting. The executive will meet at 3 p.m. 1.110•11=71111/. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Fletcher, Kin- caid, Sask., were guests of Mr. and Mrs, William Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt, Guests on Sunday at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt were Rev. and Mrs. T. White, Lon- desboree M'r. and Mrs. Fletcher, Mr. and mrs. WiLbur Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Dexter, Christmas Party Enjoyed By LegioneA.ux. Members Thirty-one members of the Cana- dian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary met in the Legion rooms Wednesday evening to hold the annual Christ- mas party. Games and contests were enjoyed during the evening, Betty Squires danced the Highland Fling much to the delight of all present. COAL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 : Seaforth Turkey BONO Parish Hall ST. COLUMBAN Tuesday, Dec. 8 9 p.m. • 15 Regular Games • 3 Cask Prizes • 1 Lucky Door Prize ADMISSION a-, $1.00 ; 1..;i;;;;141..,/.../;/4'.7,;..";//;,-/''./t;;;;''4;k;,;t.;;;'11;;;',.....;;',;14;;;.;i;''';;i;;.;e1;;;;I;;;6;;0*.0.;';;;10.;;;:'' „ . • -THURSDAY,: FRID41Y, SATURDAY "THE , THIEF " RAY m I LLANO RITA GANN The most unusual picture eines the start of talking pictures! MONDAY, 'TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " AFRWAN QUEEN " (Color) HUMPHR,E.Y BOGART KATHERINE HEPSORN A thrilling drama of Africa in the days of the Boer War. TH U RSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER " (Color) CLIFTON WEBB RUTH HUSSEY Coining Soon - "JEOPARDY" $6.95 SPECIAL LADIES' NYLON OVERBOOTS Black, Brown or Grey Foam Rubber Soles that will fit any heel.' ONLY 20 PAIRS Hurry ! WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the BIG Values" SEAFORTH _JUNIOR 0.H.A. HOCKEY: SATURDAY, DEC. 5th - CHATHAM at SEAFORTH BALDWINS 111111.41111111.16.111111.111111.4111.411•111111••••11111111."1111110mollinhesealiMaimmillIlio, Cooper's Groceries WEEK - END SPECIALS ! ELLMARR PURE PEANUT BUTTER -16-0z. Jar 32c ROBIN HOOD QUICK COOKING OATS -36-0z. Bag 17c CLARK'S PORK1, BEANS -20-0z. Tin 17c WETHEY'S FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE -20-0z, Tin 110 BANANAS -2 Pounds 31c FRESH PICNICS -Pound 45c CHECK THE FRUIT COUNTER! Mrs. Sill Miller won the Cream and Sugar and Tray (Grape Design) Orval Cooper PHOIrth8 FREE DELIVERY SELF SERVICE or COUNTER SERVICE Expositor Want Ads Bring Results - Phone 41 POINSETTIAS SAY IT BETTER from 1.50 upwards from 1.50 upwards from 2.00 upwards from 3.00 upwards COMMERCIALS - ROSES GOLD FISH' CYCLAMEN CHRISTMAS BEGONIAS AZALEAS BABY MUMS CARNATIONS GIFT POTTERY - Artist in Flowers Owned and Operated by Eric & Barbara Milner STORES in SEAFORTH and BRUSSELS Seaforth-Phone 393 Phone: Brussels 4X 'O.K.' SPECIALS O.K. 'Appearance - O.K. Price'- O.K. Condition 1951 Chev. Special 4 -Door --New condition 1951 Chev. Special 4 -Door -Two-tone Gray 1949 Austin Sedan -Good, priced to sell 1948 Chev. Coach -Outstanding condition O.K. TRUCKS - 1951 Chev. %-Ton Express -Special buy 1952 Chev. %-Ton Express -Four -speed Trans. 1950 Fargo 1/2 -Ton Express -Perfect condition 1947 Fargo 1/2 -Ton Express -See this one OUR TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1937 Olds -New paint, good condition 1934 Chev. 4 -Door Sedan - Outstanding throughout 1987 Dodke Coach -To clear at 5O.00$ 1937 Chrysler Sedan -To clear at $50.00 1937 Pontiact-"As is" at $100.00 1942 Dodge Coupe -"As $100.00 , ABOVE ALL PRICED TO CLEAR Seaforth Motorg Phone 541. &Afar*