HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-12-04, Page 3et 'r �a Pay that 9 ori a• ;Vv. has 9 ,,rp,R P ;P flop thA$ `whq, �T Y IP - l . al Iysrgi ' fppm., ' lo this 80? NYE RN4,41,,0,1AI HAAR � IIC ddh,, Ap\1\gyp\\\ 40" 1� Model 4105-D, 10 cu. ft., 6° for frozen foods and ice cream .'.. 130 for frozen desserts .and quick chilling ... 31° for keeping fresh meats hash - - - 37° for milk and general food storage ... 40° humid cold los fresh fruits and vegefabfes ... 39° foe eggs, condiments, bottled beverages ... 55° for keeping butter easy to spread. .(Temperatures shown ore for average conditions) It takes 7 different areas of cold—from 6° to 55°—to keep basic foods in prime condi- tion. You get all 7 of these qg essential "food climates"—all working at once—in the new IH Refrigerators. Come in and see how they can help you feed your fam- ily better—get more out of your grocery money, too. ,IIrcRNATIOYAL NARVLSILR • New Push-button automatic defrosting • beautifut Spring -Fresh Green interiors • Big Full -width freezers • Pantry -Dor with extra shelves • Giant Crispers, deep and roomy • Famous "Tight-Wad"m unit with 5 -year' warranty LOW DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS: 10 models' JOHN BACH Phone 17 Seaforth •f: :r :' r If it :3 _ IYr IT 9 iT ' I r ly ' ITr i ri i A ,re i - iter i it The !Light, 0 By R'O ERTT J. leleCRACICEN, ' (Dr- Robert J. M'efixeeken, iScottjeh born minister, w as, formerly p, professor :at McMas- ter ip'niverei ty, IBamiltoni Qnt., and is well ltrieWVn” in Canadian Ipu1 its of different neve/Mina, tions. eR in1na- tions: He isnister. oe River- eide Church, New York City). It is a familiar sentence but long acquaintance with it does not make it any less astounding. The thing about it that rivets attention is the magnitude of the claim. There is something here for which there is absolutely no ,precedent or parallel in history. " There have been lead- ers among men whose personal pre- tensions shave been unbounded but there has never been one who has come within eight of a claim as stupendous as this. Think of it! A carpenter, hail- ing from an obscure village in a province under Roman rule, with- out wealth or official position, the author -of no books, the organizer of no institutions, his friends fisher-, men and peasants, calmly and de- liberately presents himself as the Light of the World. The majority of his contemporaries'' never even heard of him. The bulk of those who did treated his claim as in- credible, blasphemous, the raving of a megalomanic. He died in his 33rd year in shame and ignominy, crucified between two thieves, and was buried in a borrowed grave. Yet year by year multitudes all over the- world assemble in places of worship reared to the glory of His name and celebrate His birth- day, The Claim that nearly two thousand years ago seemed ridicu- lous and preposterous has been am- azingly fulfilled. Jesus is far and away the most dominant and influ- ential spiritual fact in history. His life has changed the calendar so that we date everything from the time He came. • For millions he has been, for mil- lions he still is in John R. Nlott's words, "One other than all the rest, strong among the weak, erect among the fallen, believing among the faithless, clean among the de- filed, living among the dead — the Fountain -head of vitality, the World's Redeemer and Lord of all." This is not simply the judgment of Christians. Men with no brief for orthodoxy extol Jesus as the great- est personality in history. Said Ren - an, "He stood, in the front rank of the grand family of the sons of God. Whatever the surprises of history Jesus will never he sur- passed." Tourist: "Any big men born in these parts?" Villager: "leope—we start as babies here!" • There are more than 14,000 eat- ing places in Canada. the. Said "W. H. Lecky, ,flit • vas Tee served: for abristianity. to Present to . the world 4101 :Ideal character, which tharnngh all rthe eel/tee/len ha0; filled' the ..hearts, of men with an impassioned love; and bags sibown itself capable' of eating on all ages, nations temperaments and condi- tions; anti has not only been high,- est ighest pattern of virtue but the high- est incentive to its praetice; and hats exerted so deep an innuenee that it may teethe. be said that the simple record of three short year, of active life has done more to re- generate and soften mankind than all the disquisitions of philosopherle. and than all the exhortations of moralists." Said George Bernard Shaw, "I am nota Christian any more than Pilate was . But I ami ready to admit, after studying the world of human misery for 60 years, that I see no way out of the world's trou- bles but the way Jesus would have found, had He undertaken the work of a. modern practical statesman." On any showing Christ is the cen- tral figure of history. Whether we approach Him along the line of his place in history or his power over men, this Is true. He is not only the central figure of history, He is the moral and nJp Iitlla . VT94,1111 11 of titti` ibi cgrgir nr ��3 teriarl� #� "h. War 3 e Th1!o x1 fence gr'e movexneia tRr#ii'll#ave I:7(00,4p earn . • $'I` ttdwx> the dent# le4,4, 449 saving force. The attitudes, habits, sogtirnents, values, nhibentbropiee Of' Mee have''been profoundly; of fectedi by him. B'ehi'nd our belies the r inalienabi'tity of ' humran rights le bisestimate Of the faw. ite worth. of every soul. peQ ilius eweconceptionof the dignity of hnpuarri labor is a. workshop -en Nare meth Back of every movement :four the redemption qf society, as on our pmbulances and mercy ships is the most sacred of all symbols, cross. Our hospitals, our orphan- ages, our schools, our churches :mark the forward march across the ,centuries of the spirit of Christ. Unto all peoples of the earth, A little child brought light; And never in the darkest place Gan itbe utter night. No flickering torch, no wavering fire, But Light, the life of men; whatever clouds may veil the ,sky, Never is night again. !cr The difference Jesus has 'madeein the world is the difference between night and day. I am not saying that all was completely dark before He came. Many stars of truth had shone prior to his advent, but they were not enough. In spite of the great Hebrew prophets, in spite of We °A &IrJg'Sll•?' °.°1400 end Ra Ab G, german X004149 # FiPhaai ir, etiiee„.eeireeeo he 8'a4400e8ate 1al etfifr',�1RPS the 100104 ,tiaer40. o tae of th0 gado' wprp-::itaa 9lRe14 :. - ,an%. An, nianyy flet}.fallen rtoa.a µiii, 1y: were e.debtical. 'and.,.cyn'loaL.. (told 414140We '1r .0 art �Ae. ala AYM. ?n, P o y pegra,, dt eteT, Agfk-Pril RdM ::as!': s�AwlY<I,.b1L st>iely <:kxeliin� ;417,ow Arno die rliAesi eq)lne Q. r'9 THIS CHRISTMAS' Why,Not Give • . • A SERVICE VOUCHER FROM FR STATION — The ideal Gig for the aro ;'. er Gift Certificates sold in $5.04 and $10:00 detlom- inations and redeemable ANYTIME .on 'Service' up to the value of the voucher. Service on these certificates is the same High Standard .extended every day at FRANK'S B -A STATION - "The' Service You Will Appreciate!" . PUT YOUR CAR IN OUR HANDS . . . , ARE OUR LONG AND STRONG AT CHRISTMASTIME! CHECK THIS ROLL OF SUGGES- TIONS FOR YOUR GIFT TO THE MAN -IN -THE -HOUSE! • Pipes • Cigars • Lighters • Cigarettes • Wallets • 1 M. and 1/2 Ib. • Watches Tins of Tobacco • Flashlights • `Flat Fifties' • Pocket Knives • Cigarette Cases • • For the Kids: Children's Story Records Made of Unbreakable Plastic OKE'S BILLIARDS • • ORVILLE OKE, Proprietor MAIN STREET SEAFORTH GAS You can depend, with thousands of other motor- ists, on the continuous high quality of B -A's 88 and 98 Gasolines. TIRES Fisk Tires—Inquire about Fisk's new dual guaran- tee, uarantee, which assures you of complete coverage against all road hazards. OIL Premium and Heavy Det- " argent Motor Oils—devel- oped from a new catrlytic process -,from: BA's own refineries. At Our Counter SOFT DRINKS CONFECTIONERY YORK ICE CREAM CIGARETTES and TOBACCO MOTORWAYS BUS DEPOT LUBRICATION .Complete "Check - Chart" Lubrication assures you of ,safety and complete pro- tection for your ear. y0\I1t/i/// Washing, Polishing We use Simonize Products only! White Walls clean- ed leaned snow white. All cars vacuumed. FRANK'S B -A SERVICE F. C. GRIEVE, Lessee Phone 592 Seaforth riq i1. Your Chamber of Commerce YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is an entirely non- prdfit body, composed of •Seaforth businessmen organized to increase trade, support civic improvements, and further good relations between retailer and consumer in the town and im'med'iate district. Within the Chamber of Commerce, the Merchants' Committee, remade up df businessmen more gen- erally concerned with direct sale of consumer goods, is work- ing to provide to you, the consumer, the best, possible shop- ping sources. - In the achievement of these aims, everybody benefits. The Town as a whole enjoys a continuing, healthier economy. Increased 'sales in the stores mean reduction of overhead and allows the ,businessmen to 'buy their same quality goods at better quantity prices. They can then market these lower- cost goods, In turn, at better prices to you, their customer. While your :Seaforth merchants are ready and able to extend customer -satisfaction in congenial Bervie& and reliable dealing, they can only offer you the benefits of prices better than the competitive level': by receiving your co-operation. You can do this by simply patronizing Seaforth places, of huffi- ness. Remember, your dollars ,SPENT here will, in the long rill, mean more dollars EARNED --r by you and everybody else in the community. ... and here are Three Star Reasons WHY You SHOULD Shop in Seaforth e BY PATRONIZING YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS YOU'RE INVESTING IN THE WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY OF WHICH YOU ARE PART. NOT ONLY DOES THE BUSINESS YOU CREATE — BY PUTTING YOUR DOLLARS TO WORK HERE — MEAN A HEALTHIER, LOCAL ECONOMY, BUT ENABLES SEAFORTH RETAILERS TO REALIZE AN INCREASED TURNOVER WHICH SUBSEQUENTLY MEANS MORE GOODS AT LOWER PRICES TO YOU. ►L When you buy in Seaforth you are assured of getting the Most Value for your Shopping Dollars. You are dealing with Reputable Business- men who, in many cases, know you as customer as well as you know them as merchants. Realizing this, they value your patronage. • AS A RESIDENT OF SEAFORTH SHOPPING AREA, YOU KNOW THE MERCHANTS OF THIS TOWN CARRY — IN QUAN- TITY AND QUALITY — THE GOODS YOU NEED AT PRICES COM- PETITIVE WITH THOSE IN OTHER CEN'RES. WHY, THEN, SPEND MORE TIME AND MORE MONEY BY GOING OUT OF '6' TOWN FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NEEDS? For the benefit of Seaforth and District Shoppers, the majority of Seaforth Stores will be OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 16, 23 Also, the majority of Local Stores will remain open to 9 p.m. each evening, from December 21 to 24, inclusive. THIS MESSAGE IS SPONSORED BY THE MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE OF THE SEAFORTH ileee �.�iJ74a.