HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-10-30, Page 811 it 0,0 ILE, C.ASLALTYi TEE BONDS AND SICKNESS `AND WINDSTORM titb#g..Coplpanies, who urity With Service r 1'iQ S ButAt ONTARIO TBII-ERMAN'S MUTUAL ME INSURANCE rnfoonation gladly given. WATSON & REID au. A.. dull) - Proprietor urance and Real Estate Phone X14 -- Seaforth FOR SALE Modern Dwelling on East Wil - Ilam St. New air conditioning unit. Immediate possession. Frame Dwelling with all modern Sony eniences. Oil heating. Suit- able for V.L.A. purchase. Modern New Dwelling, very cen- trally located; oil heating. All 1COnveniences. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St., with all modern conveniences. Pos- Ieassion, arranged. Frame Dwelling in Egmondville; pew garage. Immediate possession. Frame Dwelling on Louisa St. Kodern conveniences. New fur- ante- Possession November 1. Qther Properties Also Listed M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 FOR STOVE OIL or FUEL OIL Meter Delivered Contact Don Wallace RELIANCE FARM AGENT Phones: 385 or 460 — Seaforth INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Ccverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor, to E. O. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 384 Res. 222-R MAIN ST.: SEAFORTH MIIhlUIUIUH lllllll11111I1/11ii71btii19eld " RUUIt8uu3aIJnuIftiiujj19it1Apf➢ Egmondville United Obaireh. l:' a.m., sermon, "Trustees of iliat"xog- Pel"; 7 p,m„ sermon, "The Cloud of Witness." --Rev. W. E. Milroy, Min- ister, The Salvation Army, --Corea (R,fII car, Lieut.. H. Keats: Sunday Seri vices: 3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 Pan., Salvation Meeting. Thurs- day, 4 p.m.; Hobby Class;` 8 pm., Prayer Meeting. A welcome awaits you. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. -10 a m., Sunday School; 11 a.m. Morn- ing Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. St, Mary's, Dublin -2:30 p.m., Sun- day School; 3 p.m., Evening Prayer, —Rev. J. H. James, Rector. Northside United Church. — 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Clas; 11 a.m., sermon, "Chris- tian Salvation"; Junior Cougrega- tion and Toddlers' Group; 7 p.m., sermon, ".On Being a Livewire"; Dedication Service; 8:15 p.m., Young People's Union. -=Rev. J. W. Stinson, Minister. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 a.m.—Church School and Bible Class. 11:00 A.M. Anthem— "Jesus Saviour, Pilot Me" Sermon— "The Abundant Life". 7:00 P.M. Anthem— "The Holy Ghost, the Oomfbrter" Sermon— "Banners of Triumph" 8:15 .p.m.—Y.P.S, Fireside The Lord won't care what you wear, if you come to Church to Worship. LEMON'S TAXI All passengers insured PHONES: 162J or 162W COAL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784, Seaforth LATE WIt.LIAM Md. -SOD • Williams MaeLeed 80 termer member s.of the Port Huron City Band and a resident there $3 years, flied in Port Huron, Sunday, Octo- ber 18, at the home of his daugh- ter, 'Mrs. Merles Lickfeldt, 1333 'Twenty-second Street, after a long illness. Mr. MacLeod was bora in Sea- forth, eaforth, May 17, 1873. He moved to Port Huron in 1910 after touring Ontario and Western Canada for many years 'as a comic vocalist and •Scotch and Irish darter. He joined Port Huron Band shortly af- terwards and was active until a few years ago. He worked for the Grinnell Brothers' music store for 36 years and was a member of Port Huron Lodge No. 19, Knights of Pythias. Mr. MacLeod is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Charles Lickfeldt, and two grandchildren, Barbara Ann and Douglas Lickfeldt, all of Port Huron, and several nieces and nephews. His wife, Mrs. G. Mable MacLeod, died in 1939. LATE MRS. CHARITY KNIGHTS The death of Charity Jane Snell, wife of Reginald Knights, who pass- ed away suddenly as the result of a heart attack at her home in Eg mondville, Friday, October 23, has shocked the community in which she lived and a wide circle of friends in Hullett and Tuckersmith townships where she was well known. Daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Humphrey Snell, the deceased was born and educated in Hullett town- ship, where she spent the early years of her life. Following her marriage March 18, 1933, to Reg- inald Knights, the couple lived near Clinton, later moving to Brucefield where they farmed for a few years prior to moving to Egmondville some 15 years ago. Beside her husband, she leaves to mourn one son, Jimmie, age eight years. Other immediate rela- tives are: Mrs. Emma Snell, Clin- ton; Ephriam Snell, Hullett town- ship; Howard Snell, Tuckersmith township; Miss Mary Snell, Ham- ilton; William Snell, London, and several cousins in this district. George Knights, Clinton, is a Badminton 21st Season Official Opening All Members, present and. prospective, PLEASE TURN OUT NEXT Wed. Evening GET IN ON THIS ! Over 7U0 EnaQY'x' kY Supper in Walton C1turr1: Mfrs United Church, Waltola,. vias Ailed "to capacity last week wlie>i the members of the Woman.% .AAsseciatioa served a turkey sup- per to over 700 people. A :program Under the convener - •ship of Mrs.. II. Brown, presented- in resentedin, the auditorium of the church, included;: vocal duet, Joan and Louise Shortreed; piano solo, Ken Woods,Brussels; vocal solos, Don McDonald, 1V rs. Rogers of Auburn, and Bob Barwick of Wingham; readings, Mrs. Scott of Belgrave, S. G. Gregg of Biuevale; piano duet, Mary Dennis and Doris Johnston; •cornet trio, June, Aud- rey and Reid Hackwell; accordion solo, Bette Boyd. Mrs, H. Brown and Mrs. W. Cuthill were accom- panists, and Rev. Mr. Thomas was chairman for the evening. W. I. NOTES The second Huron County Rally. of the W.I. will be held in the Community Hall, Garde, on Tues- day, November 3, at 10. a.m. Each lady is asked to bring a box lunch. As many as possible from Seaforth are urged to attend. 'Committees for the November 6 euohre are as follows: tables and chairs, Mrs. E. Whitmore, Mrs: J. McLean; lunch, Mrs. E. Cameron, Mrs. W. Coleman; prizes and tal- lies, Mrs. A. Crozier; punchers, Mrs. E. Kerr, Mrs. G. Horner, Mrs. H, Hugill, Mrs. L. Carter, Mrs. Jas. Doig and IVirs. Sandy Doig. brother-in-law, The remains rested at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, ,Seaforth, until Monday afternoon, when fun- eral service was conducted by Rev. W. E. Milroy, Egmondville United Church. Interment was in Mait- landbank cemetery, Seaforth. Pall- bearers were James Snell, Alvin Betties, Robert Welsh of Hullett, and Ooderich townships; William Fotheringham and James Souter, Tuckersmith township, and James Johnston, Clinton. LATE MRS. ROBT. CARNOCHAN The death occurred in Scott Mem- orial Hospital on Thursday morn- ing, October 29, of Alva Graves Carnochan, after a long illness. Born in Seaforth 62 years ago, Mrs. Carnochan was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Graves. Her husband, to whom she was married in 1933, predeceased her two years ago. Following her education in Sea - forth schools, she specialized in Art and attended courses at Art School in Detroit. For a time she conduct- ed classes in Seaforth. For a number of years she was a valued employee of The Huron Expositor. 'She is. survived by two sisters, Miss Verna Graves and Mrs. Orville Weston, Seaforth, and two broth- ers, James of Toronto, and Harry of Vancouver. She was a member of First Pres- byterian Churh and her minister, Rev. D. Glenn CanCipbell, will con- duct funeral services from the Box Funeral Home on ,Saturday after- noon •at 2 p,m.-Intermen•t will be in Maitlandbank cemetery. USED CAR JACKPOT EARN $20o IN CASH HERE'S THE PLAN — Each Buyer of a Used Car or Truck, regard- less of price, will drop a ballot stating Serial Number of Used Vehicle Purchased in the 'Jac-kpot Drum.' When Ten (10) such Ballots have been deposited, His Worship he Mayor, Dr. E. A. McMaster will draw one Ballot. If the owner of this Ballot can answer the following question correctly, he will receive $200.00 CASH THE QUESTION — "Name the Four Automobiles Manufactured by Chrysler Corporation of Canada" The Lucky Winner will then be asked to draw the Winning Ballot for the Next 10 Used Cars. HURRY! Just 2 to go for .Jackpot Draw 1953 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN (Blue) Clean car; Air Condition Heater; Radio $2,075.00 1951 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN (Blue) Air Condition Heater; New Rubber $1 8'95.00 1951 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR SEDAN ' (Blue) Air Condition Heater; New Rubber $1,695.00 1950 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN (Black) . Air Condition Heater; New Rubber and Slip Covers. $1,495:00 1949 CHEV. 4 -DOOR SEDAN (Maroon) Air Condition Heater; New Paint; New Rubber, Engine just overhauled, $1,250e00 1947 CHEV. 2 -DOOR SEDAN (Grey) Heater. A good buy! $895.0'0 1937 FARGO 1/2 -TON EXPRESS Good Tires and Motor. $200.00 1939 DODGE 2 -DOOR SEDAN (Grey) $1455.0'0 1946 FORD %z -TON EXPRESS (Green) Heater and Defroster $595100 1948 DODGE 3 -TON TRUCK Platform and reek. Good motor and tires. Priced to sell! $795.00 1949 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN (Grey) One Owner. '(Low Mileage) Heater and Defroster. FFE $1,395x.00 S4ourft . HosPIT41, AID #AI ' sueeesafui rumnxa,ge rulit d' bone baking Palle 'ere 4144 IV the Women's .uxiliary, to Scott oriel 'Hospital In the Rut lit ,4i rary last Saturday. The group realizQ4 $330 from the sale. The Auxiliary thanke all who contributed to the success of the event. LOCAL BRIEFS - Mr. Joseph Matthews, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr, Joseph. and Miss Teresa Heffernan. Miss Mary J. Hagan is visiting in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Boles and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Boles, Carber- ry, Man., were visitors last week with Dr. and Mrs. F. Hanburn and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Trewartha. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armitage and daughter, Elizabeth Anne, Guelph, spent the weekend with Mrs. Mar- garet White. Miss Pearl Patterson is spending a week visiting friend in New York, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly and 1VIr. George Daly, Toronto, were here Sunday visiting their mother, who is ill in Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr. Matthew Armstrong celebrat- ed his 89th birthday at his home here on Monday. Mrs. K, M. McLean is visiting her dallghter, Mrs. G. C. Jarrott in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Grant were in Toronto this week. Mrs. W. M. Hart and Mrs. H. E. Smith, representing the Women's Hospital Auxiliary to Scott Mem- orial Hospital, were in Toronto at- tending the Ontario Hospital As- sociation Convention. Mr. Dennis Maloney, Toronto, spent the weekend with his moth- er, Mrs. Margaret Maloney, Arrangements have been made to receive contributions to the Cana- dian National Institute for the Blind at any of the Seaforth banks, according to H. E. Smith, the local chairman. Church Groups Guests At McKillop Branch Of Presbyterian WMS The McKillop Branch of the W. M. S. of First Presbyterian Church held its autumn thankoffering meeting last week with Mrs. D. J. Lane, Clinton, as guest Speaker. Guests were the Senior W.M.S. and Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Church, also the W.M.S. lad- ies of Northside Churh and Duff's Church, McKillop. The meeting opened with short poems, read by the president, Mrs. A. Harrison read the scripture les- son, followed ,by prayer by Mrs. J. L. Bell. Mrs, J. F. Scott spoke a few words of welcome. Miss Jean Scott gave a Thanksgiving reading, followed by a solo by Mrs. F. Kling. Mrs. W. Thompson introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Lane, who delivered an interesting address on the subject, "Learn of Me." Mrs. Stewart Dale, on behalf of the so- ciety, thanked Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Kling. After the offering was received, Mrs. Keyes gave the dedicatory prayer. Mrs, W. Drover closed the meeting with a prayer. Lunch was served and a social time was en- joyed. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. 3. T. Scott. 'blue coal "The World's Finest Anthracite" SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT The Color Guarantees the Quality WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M FOR SALE 100 -Acre Farm ON NO. 8 HIGHWAY Close to Town Hay, Straw and Grain go with Farm, For Price and Terms CALL W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTELIt Four of WA NIPP Group 4 o1: the United Church W.' A,' n et et the bonne et We. John, Currie Wednesday evening with, a good attendance. ?Linea crp cued with a hymn .and, sorigture, reading by Mrs. G. Ferris, followed by the Lord's P.,F•ayer in uniepn. •Discussion was held on plana for the fowl supper November 4. Money bags are to be brought in at the December meeting, wbieb Will take the form of a pot -luck supper. A humorous reading, "The Mourning Veil," was given by Mrs. Sims. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, and a social half-hour followed. - CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson visit- ed in London over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E., F. Warren. Mr. and Mr& Wim. Webster, St. Helens, called on relatives Monday. Farm Forum Meets The Friendly Few Farm Forum held its first meeting of the season at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. John McDougall was elected leader and Ken Thompson was nam- ed secretary for the coming year. Lunch committee is Muriel Dale and Grace, Riley. After the election of officers, a contest was enjoyed, followed by progressive euchre. Winners were; most games, June Rogers and Bill Dale; consolation, Laurel Dale and James Dale. Next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dale, WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band of Cavan Church will meet Satur- day, October 31, at 2 p.m., in the church. After the devotional .per- iod there will be a Hallowe'en so - 'tial. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hogg, Col- lingwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dodds, Lis- towel, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Zack McSpadden are visiting their son, Rev. B. Mc- Spadden, near Pembroke, Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hawley -vis ited awley-visited their sister, Mrs. C. Hawley, in London on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Rogerson, Tuckersn3Ith, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glen McClure. EGMONDVILLE• 'Mrs. B. Hamilton, Auburn, is spending a. few days with her sis- ters in the village. Miss Laura McMillan, Toronto spent the weekend with her moth er, Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Mr, Ivy Henderson, Toronto spent the weekend at his home here. Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Milroy and family visited recently with the for mer's father and sister at Milton. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson are spending a few days with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark, Muirkirk. Mr. Andrew Houston and daugh ters, Mrs. Lionel Roy and children and Mr. and Mrs. Reg Allin spen the x eekend with the'former's sis- ter, Miss Frances Houston, Brant ford, Mrs. David Stephenson, in com pany with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mc Connell, Varna, visited recently with friends at Marlette and De trot t. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh McLachlan and Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie visited over the weekend with Rev and Mrs. A. H. McKenzie and fam ily, Islington. Mrs, Thomas Beattie visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Peebles, At wood, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bar ton, Stratford, were Sunday -visitors with Mrs. Thomas Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tucker and family, of Trowbridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Struthers and chil dren, of Atwood, were Sunday visi tors with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Strong, Mrs. George Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. P,hachuck and children, Till- sonburg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dalrymple for a few days, Mrs. Ed. Chapple, Cromarty, vis- ited friends in Marlette, Mich., and their daughter, Adeline, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dal- rymple while her mother was away. Mrs. Robert Dalrymple held the winning ticket in a draw held at he Seaforth Fair and has been awarded a large photograph df Queen Elizabeth, TABLE LAMPS . , . with fine china bases . . . handsome shades... . and in all colors! SPECIAL AT WHITNEYS You'll find a Complete Assortment of Floor and Table Lamps -- For Every Room — at Whitney Furniture Funeral 61 Ambulance Service Day or Night SEAFORTH PHONES: 119 - Rea;, IS THURSDAY!.:. • : . FR#D4i'k, e4,yat17IJ4IN,l(' " CODE TWQ" RALPH MEEKER . • SALLY FQR.ftEST The story of those motorcycle policemen-fh ;action again modern cattle rustlers, _,M,ONDAY., TU'ESOAY, WEDNESji3AY " PLYMOUTH ADVENTURE SPENCER TRACY 9ENE TIERNEY The brave story of the Puritans that landed ,on 'Plymbutit'Reek to found Ainerica. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " FORT DEFIANCE DAVE CLARK BEN JOHNSON Coming Soon — "RATTLE 'CIRCUS" NO FOOLIN', SELLAS-- , OUR . OXFORDS ARE TOPS AND TAKE OUR TIP— The "C4tk BALDWINS" Junior 'B' Hockey Team WILL BE ON TOP THIS SEASON! WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the SIG Value's" - SEAFORTH Cooper's Groceries WEEK - END SPECIALS ! QUICK QUAKER OATS—Large 3 -Pound Box 31c TREE SWEET ORANGE JUICE—Large 48 -Oz. Tin 41c FLUFF() SHORTENING -1 -Pound Package 28c AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP -11-0z. Bottle 210 , WESTON'S SHELL -OUT HALLOWE'EN KISSES -2 Pounds 65c ROSE -DALE SWEET PEAS—Choice: 2 15 -Oz. Tins 310 JELL-O POWDERS and PUDDINGS -3 Packages for 25c SALADA TEA! BROWN LABEL—%2-Pound Package 51c DUZ: LARGE SIZE Package` 34c PICNIC HAMS—Pound 49c. CHECK THE FRUIT COUNTER! PHONE 8 Orval Cooper Seaforth FREE DELIVERY SELF SERVICE or _ COUNTER SERVICE 10 DAYS ONLY ! Radiator Flush FREE With Every Change of PRESTONE • Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 Junior `B' Hockey Subscribers Tickets SUBSCRIfERS' TICKETS are now ON SALE At the Seaforth Community Centre BOTH IN THE AFTERNOON AND EVENIN.,� No telephone orders accepted, A Subscriber's Ticket will cost $1.00, and will entitle the holder to the same Reserved Seat for all Junior 'B' Games _played in Seaforth, includ- ing Playoffs. These Reserved Seats will cost the regular price of 50 cents per game for the regular schedule, and will be in the Centre sections of the Arena. If a -holder of a Subscriber's Ticket misses three games during the season his subscriber's pr+ivllegee will be cancelled. p' by Reserve Seale must be picked up at the Arena b 70. the tight of the gatite. At the;;tend of the ,second period of every' .ggi ne a Subscriber will be able to ptii hose his tickets for the next game. r, a{ dl • i