HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-10-02, Page 4BRO e n f tteeel,t ( i i� eInserted At New Low Cash Rates 'SOH •13AII4H, krAiNTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: Ent Week 1 Cent d Week % Cent Ord Week lie Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counta as one word. tis of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cenl per word. Minimum, AO Cents per week. moi, Itgui$eal. may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 11) cents este. ' Tenesent• additional will be charged if ads in above clam are not paid within 10 dues R1 date of final insertion. %8irti*pr Merrlaass and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Haler, Nodes to Creditors. Ete.-,Rates on application. s Coming Events THE W.A. OF NORTHSIDE UNITED Church will hold a Turkey Supper in the church, Wednesday, November 4. 44744 DO YOU ENJOY SQUARE DANCING? Then dance to the music of the Night Hawks every Friday night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. For Rent WOR RENT -4 -ROOM HEATED APART- ment, with bath room, sun porch; also cellar, for September 1. PHONE 249-W. Seaforth. 4468-tf 'pan RENT--FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT ." in Seaforth, newly decorated ; dewnstairs , bath; cupboards and floor coverings. Im- mediate possession. PHONE 679 r 14, Hensall, 4474x1 Lost and Found j OUND-YALE KEY, LEFT AT 'WO - men's Institute booth at Seaforth Fall Fair. Owner may obtain same at THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 4474-1 Opportunities BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, STEN- ogrepher or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For particulars, write CANADIAN CORRESPONDENCE COURS- ES, 1290 Bay Street, Toronte. 4474-2 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1948 DODGE SEDAN, IN good condition. ROY HOPF, Seaforth. 9474x1 Personals TF IT'S HEADCOLDS, HAYFEVER OR Sinus, that's bothering you, by all means try NAMELESS Cold Remery. Con- vincing trial 51.00. Address PURITY, Exeter, Ontario. 4472-4 HYGDENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 4L00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER 00., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOUND -IN SEAFORTH, WARMING closet from stove. Apply ROY HOPE, Seaforth, after 8 o'clock at night. 4474x1 LOST -.TOY TERRIER, BLACK WITH brown, white throat and tip on tail. Answers to "Tippy." Tag No. 13. Re- ward. PHONE 395 or 185, Seaforth. 4474-1 Agents Wanted G ESA 00D DEALERS WANTED TO ESTAB- `-' rich a business of their own with our 225 guaranteed and well-known products such as: Toiletries, Culinaries, Medicines, Tea, Coffee, etc. Excellent opportunity to earn from $60 to 375 per week. Exclusive territory. Specials each month with free LOST -AT SEAFORTH FALL FAIR, Products. $18 needed. NO RISK. De - boy's blue satin jacket. Finder tails: please phone WILLIAM CAMPBELL, 486-W, Seaforth. 9474-1 JITO: 5139, St, lueert, Montreal. 4472-4 LOST -1 RED STEER, 800-900 POUNDS, sawed-off horns. Strayed about four weeks ago. ERNES(' DALE. R.R. 4, Clin- ton. Phone Clinton 800 r 21. 9974x2 Wanted WANTED - WOMAN FOR GENERAL STRAYED -FROM LOT 6, CONCESSION hotel work. Must live in. PHONE 2, McKillop, recently, black steer with 45, Seaforth. 4474x1 white Fane, 700 pounds. Anyone knowing whereabouts of this animal, phone CLEM BOARDERS , WANTED - ROOM AND KRAUSKOPF, 40 r 21, Dublin. meals; alt conveniences, Apply Box 4474x1 ,259, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4474.2 Property For Sale Fj OR SALE -8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE, fniulated, stoker heated, modern bath- room and kitchen, new garage. Lots of room for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 856-W, Seaforth. 4489-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE -TWO-STOREY three bedrooms, living . room, den, 8 - piece bathroom, oil heated house, including three acres of land, -edge of town. Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ap- ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, or Phone 41, Seatorth. 4431 -ti port SALE--'B-ROOM HOUSE IN ELIM- ville; 5 bedrooms. living room, dining and kitchen, also bathroom; furnace; air conditioned and pressure system; rf, acre garden ; also four -car garage and truck- ing business, Class 'F' License for 50 years. Apply, writing Box 260, HURON EXPOSITOR. Business and property sold separately if desired. 4474-1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JESSIE PEARL GRAIN - GER, Spinster, Deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of the above-named deceased, late of Seaforth, County of Hur- n who o died on or about the 20th day of June, 1953, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executrix on or before the 9th day of October, 1953, their names and full particulars of their claims. Immedi- ately after the said date, the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED September 9, 1953. F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for Mrs. Gertrude Wright, Executrix, 4472-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SARA L. ROSS A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Sara L. Ross, late of the Township of MoKillop, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 31st day of August, 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of October, 1953, after which date the assets will he dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 16th day of September, 1958. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4472-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALLAN R088 ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Allan Ross, late of the Township of McKillop, in the Coun- ty of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of July, 1953, are here- by notified to send in full .particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 12th day of October, 1953, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED at Seaforth, this 16th day of September, 1953. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate, •4472-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY MANN NICHOL- SON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of 'Mary Mann Nicholson, late 0 the . Township of Hul- ,Iett, in the County of Huron, deceased, .Who dried on or 'about the OM day of 8eptetaber, 1963, are hereby natifled to Lend in full tiaytieulare of their clafine t0 alto utaidieligtted fee°or before the 12th day of Ocfbbei+ 1958; after which' date the its etc will bd dietr]•btited, having regard to denim then received. • X?Ag`BII'.-at lini'farth, tilts ieth der of .5,344164w Oata'r1dr • 8oi1r1tdr brY tbd 4itat 44124 r WANTED--FOUR-ROOM UNFURNISH- " ed apartment. PHONE ?11. Seaforth. 4979-1 WANTED - SECOND-HAND PIANOS. PHONE SEAFORTH 265. Write BOX 299, Seaforth. 4467-tf WANTED TO BUY -WILL PAY 5c each for 10 -pound syrup pails. WAL- LACE ROSS APIARIES, Seaforth. Phone 135-J. 9474x1 WANTED - HORSES WAN1e.D FOR meat and bush; also 310 to $15 for sick, crippled or disabled horses or cattle. Write or phone LEROY ACHESON. At- wood, 153, collect. 4472-7 Lives tockw an tea DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 656 r 2. Notices CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING DONE. PHONE 27 r b, Brussels. 4472x8 T AM PURCHASING BOARS AT 9c TO 12c per pound, live weight. Phone or write LEROY ACHESON, Atwood, 153, collect. 4469-10 RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO 'RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4363-tf Fi REE -WILL GIVE AWAY FOUR KIT - tens. Apply to D. NETZKE, Phone 669 r 41, Seaforth, after 6 p.m. 9474-1 CUSTOM COMBINING -BEANS AND clover: '90' Combine converted into bean machine. Satisfaction guaranteed. C. J. WALKER, Cromarty. Phone 12-15. Dublin. 4474-2 ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 - PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 285, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4899-tf AOCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a hoose, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent, please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE •at Clinton, 582; local 252. 4436-tf NOTICE -WE HAVE PURCHASED A eriodern Oliver Iron Age spray machine and are now prepared to do your clean- ing, whitewashing, spraying of any kind. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaran- teed. Give us a call: 64 r 10, Dublin. PETER E. MALONEY & SONS, R.R. 5, Seaforth. McKillop Twp. 4473x3 ATTENTION, FARMERS i - McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance, Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone 994-M. 4456-tf PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith UPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM COUN- eti under authority of By -Law No. 18, 1952; Township of Tuckersmith, I hereby proclaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Egmondvifle and Harpurhey are prohibited from running at large during the period from June 1, 1958, to November 1, 1958. Owners or harborer- of dogs contraven- ing the provisions of this by-law will be subject to a maximum penalty of 050.00. (Signed) D. A. MOFFAT, Reeve, Township of Tucker:Amide 4457-tf For Sale FOR SALE --BOY'S SPORT JACKET, size 12; like new. PHONE 394-M, Seaforth. 4474-1 FOR.: SALE -,LEICESTER - SUFFOLK owe lambs, Around market price, KEN McPHERBON, Dublin. 4474x1 1OR.8ALE-HEAVY DUTY 4 -BURNER ,+ Beach electric range, in excellent con- dition. 4. W. 'll$OMiPSON,. net 2, Seg. forth. Phone 883'r 31. 447.3x8 o1L :f1Ai. BLAGIG CREPEDRM(4S, white hie:trent, ''site 40; red crepe theta,. 5dit40• were, eine 40, lady's gray ebe'c� ked Winter coat, Ail *i11 be , end teammate,. Amer to tree 247, Hit los tXPOS31.01L. 4471-tf , Auction Sales For Sale AUOTIUN *ALB QF FARM PliDFa TY on Monday, October 12, at. 1 none at Lot 14, Bayfield Road, south one mile, teat of Varna, op County Road, Stanley Town- ship: 105e acre farm, clay loam land; 16 acres second.growth bush; remainder workable lad, all freshly seeded. Frame house, bank (barn 40xS0, cement pig or poultry shed. Hydro availalble. Tema - 10% down; balance in 80 days. Sold sub- ject to reserve bid. For further particu- late apply to NORMAN CAMPBELL, Pro- prietor ; ,Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects, 'on Saturday. October 8rd, at 1:80 p.m., at Lot 17, Concession 10, Me- Kilrop Township, 1% miles north of Win- throp and two miles east: Day bed (new): 2 occasional chairs (new): extension table; 6 dining room chairs; kitchen chairs; side- board; rocking chairs; sewing machine; battery radio; Newcombe piano; fernery; 8 fur dished bedrooms ; curtains; Pictures; bed linen: pillows; Wingham Clipper mon SALE - REGISTERED SHORT - range (new) ; quantity dishes; toilet sets; Born bull, roan, 18 . months old. ooal oil lamps: 00 drum; kitchen utensils, FRANK FALCONER, R..R, 6, Clinton. and other articles too numerous to men- Phone 43tinton, 615 r 16. 44474-8 tion. Terms -Cash. ESTATE OF LATE MRS. ALLAN ROSS; Harold Jackson, -y1R SAIF THOROUGHBRED JER- Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk ; A. W. 1 - sey calf, about 185 pounds. Have no Sillery, Solicitor. I stable room. D. NETZKFI, Phone 668 r 41, Seaforth. 4474-1 Than ,SAFE -SIX CHUNKS PIGS. i)IRIU WOLTEEBEEK. Phone 22 r 14, Thebe ]in. 4414z1 FOR SALE -.+BABY BUGGY, EXCEL- ' condition. Apply to MRS. COR- DON ELLIOTT, Brueefleld. Phone 659 r 11, Seaforth, 4474x1 Fon-BALE-BOY'S BLUE QA.BAItDIN'F., suit; also pair Davy troupers; size 10 years. PHONE 1884, Seaforth. 4474x1 • FOR SALE -SINGLE BED SPRING and crib mattress, large size; new. ALFRED PRICE, Main St„ Seayforth. 4474x1 FOR SALE -MEDIUM-SIZED QUEBEC heater, nearly new. Apply BERNARD NOTT. Phone 664 r 4, Seaforth. 4474x1 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY, House and Household Effects, Thurs- day, October 8, at 1 .p.un., in the Village of Hensall: PROPERTY -2 -storey solid brick house, consisting of 7 rooms, newly decorated, side hall plan, new bath, cement cistern, full 'basement, town water and hydro, also a garage. Terms to be made known day er sale, sold subject to reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Nine -piece (oak) dining room' suite; chesterfield; or- gan; writing desk; sewing machine; 6 rockers; end tables: 2 chest of drawers; magazine racks; bedroom suite; beds; mat- tresses; rugs; kitchen range; kitchen table; cupboard; kitchen utensils ; cutlery; quantity of dishes ; good china cups; sil- verware; figuerine lamps ; wall ornaments; Pictures; clock; bedding and linens; cur- tains; veranda cot; lawn mower ; trunks; garden tools; sealers; galvanized tub; quantity of lumber and wood ; wheelbar- row and other articles. Terms -Cash. MRS. AGNES FARQUHAR, Proprietress ; P. L. McNaughton, Clerk ; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, Farm Stock, Implements and House- hold Effects, at Lot 25, Concession 3, Hib- bert Township, 3' miles east and 134, miles south of Seaforth, on Thursday, October 8th, at 12 o'clock: HORSES - Clyde middle-aged mare. CATTLE -9 Dur- ham cows, fresh with calves at foot; 6 Durham cows due to freshe n' tune of sale; 3 Durham cows due to freshen in March; 8 Durham steers, 9 to 10 cwt.; 6 Durham heifers, 900 lbs.; 11 Durham steers and heifers, one year old. IMPLEMENTS - Massey -Harris No, 30 tractor, fully equip- ped; Case 2 -furrow plow ; Massey -Harris spring tooth tractor cultivator; Massey - Harris 13 -disc fertilizer drill: 9 -section harrows; 3 -drum steel roller; Massey -Har- ris side rake; hay loader; sulky rake; 6 - foot mower (like new); rubber tired wag- on : 16 -foot hay rack ; sleighs: 2,000 -pound scales: 290 -pound scales: Renfrev; cream separator; fanning mill; Massey -Harris binder ; stoneboat ; wheelbarrow ; 2 colony houses, 10x12: 6 shelters ; 2 Jamesway .stoves. HAY and GRAIN -35 tons mixed hay, alfalfa and timothy; 800 bushels mix- ed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Quar- te, -cut oak dining room suite: buffet; china cabinet; table; 6 chairs; upholstered walnut parlor suite: rocking chairs ; small tables : 9 beds, springs and mattresses ; 2 single beds; dressers; mantel radio: side- board; extension table; kitchen chairs; other articles too numerous to mention. PROPERTY -Parcel 1: Lot 25, Concession 3 100 acres, practically all workable; clay loam land, in good condition; 2 -storey brick house; large bank barn with straw shed, henhouse, garage. Good water sup- ply; Hydro. Parcel 2: 'East half of Lot 24, Concession 7, Hibbert Township, 50 acres, all in grass, 8 acres bush; good water supply with windmill. Property will be sold together or separately. Terms: Chattels -Cash; Property 10% down ; bal- ance in 30 days. Immediate. possession, ESTATE OF LATE DANIEL O'CONNOR, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER, Ahoice, plump oven -dressed turkeys. Phone BERT SPENCE, 190-11, Mitchell. 4474-2 FOR SALE -ROLL TOP DESK ; EX - tension table; kitchen cupboard; kit- chen table; three doors and three Will. dows. Apply MRS. A. BROADFOOT, Eg- mondville. 4474x1 FOR SALE -6 HOLSTEIN COWS CAR. rying their second calves; due to calve from 28rd of September" to February lst. SOL GINGERICK, Zurich R.R. No. 3. Phone No.' 84 ring 3, Zurich. 4478x6 A PPLES FOR SALE -SPRAYED WIN - ter apples: Spies, McIntosh, Delicious, Russets, Tolman Sweets. Bell Flower. Phone ROBERT ARCHIBALD, 655 r 16. Seaforth. 4473-8 pan SALE -25 AORES GOOD GRASS land, part of Lot 4, Concession 11, Mc- Killop. Shade, spring well with windmill. Apply GILBERT MURRAY, R.R, 1, Dub- lin. 4474x2 pan SALE -4 NEARLY NEW CASE forage harvester, with pick-up , and corn heads. Price attractive for quick sale. ROBERT BELL INDUSTRIES LTD., Seaforth, Ont. 4474-1 FOR SALE-BASSINETTE, COVERED with plastic: also some home-made knitted articles. MRS. DIRK WOLTER- BEEK. Phone 22 r 14, Dublin. 4474x1 port SALE -LARGE SIZE DUOTHERM console model space heater and small Coleman space heater; in good condition; galvanized tank, 4%%, foot diameter, 5 feet - high. MRS. E. J. WEBER, Egmondville, 4974x2 W NS.ALL !weal taken to VIOttir4k Hospital iso- lation: ward, London, Friday with polio. (Cathy Scone, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Howard Scene, who was taken ill with polio some two weeks ago, was taken to Toronto for treatment on Monday. Congratulations are in order for the ''Thrifty Kippenettes, composed of Bonnie Kyle, Elaine Bell, Lois Visitors with ]Hies Minnie Reid on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Wigll'.tman and •Mr. Cooper, Bel - grave, and Miss Craig, Seafo3'th, Mrs. S. Ronnie, president of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion, and Mrs. Bertha •Moir, first vice-presi- dent, attended the Legion Auxil- iary convention in Ottawa Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this , week, Linda Mock, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mock, who has been in the Sick Children's Hospital, To- ' ronto, for treatment, is back home again. ' Mrs. James McAllister, who un- derwent two major operations, is improving nicely. Mrs, Peter Robin (nee Maude Chesney), Toronto, called on sev- eral old friends in the village Sat- urday. Miss M. Reid visited friends in Chatham last week. Miss Marlene Hunter, of Clinton. spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Clint Bunston, Toronto. Jackie McKenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKenzie, returned home from Clinton Hospital Thursday night, after •being admitted Tues- day with a foot infection caused when he stepped on a nail. Mrs. Agnes Laramie and Miss Greta Lammie attended the birth- day dinner of Mrs. John Hunter, Exeter, oldest resident of that town, who celebrated her 98th birth- day last Wednesday. Mrs. Hunter, who lives with her daughter, Mrs. Flossie Dickins, was born in Us - borne township, and has been a resident of Exeter for over 45 years. Winners at the euchre party held at the Bowling Club Wednesday night were T. Butt and Miss Min- nie Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sangster and Sandra, London, were recent visitors with Mrs. Minnie Sang- ster. Mrs. Constance Magnell and Mr. Ken Magnell, Beachville, visited last week with their cousin, Miss Hattie Sutherland, and also visited with Miss Mary Fee. Miss Fulton, of Toronto, spent a week with Miss Minnie Reid. Keith Hay, 5, son of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Hay, pupil ,at the kin- dergarten at Hensall public school, HONEY FOR SALE -CHOICE. SEPTEM- her light amber honey in your own containers, at 12c per pound. A liberal, discount on large quantities. Build up ; your resistance to fight those autumn colds by eating lots of this fine honey. A taste will convince you it's good. ELMER SHADE, Egmondville. 4474x2 Cards Of Thanks MANY THANKS TO ALL WHO RE - membered me so kindly in any way during the many weeks in Victoria Hos- pital and since returning home, which was all deeply appreciated. MRS. JAMES McALLISTER RONALD JEWITT WISHES TO THANK ' his many frierfds who sent cards, treats, flowers and paid him visits while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital; also to thank Mrst Millson's, Sunday School Class, Mission Band and Farm Forum for the I and Elliott and the nursing staff. 447.4x1 I ' lovely .boxes ; also Dry Me'Vlaster Brad CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements, Feed and House- hold Effects, at north half of Lots 24 and 25. fourth Concession of Hallett, on No. 4 Highway, 21/2 miles north ei Clinton, on Saturday, October 3rd, at 1:80 p.m., the following: CATTLE. -Brown Swiss cow, 8 years old, milking; Brown Swiss cow, 5 years old, milking, bred again ; Jersey cow 8 years old, milking, bred again; Ayr- shire cow 5 years old, milking, bred again; 2 Jersey cows 4 years old, milking, bred again; Jersey heifer, recently freshened; Durham heifer 4 years old, due November 29; Durham X Jersey heifer, recently freshened; 4 steers 1% years old; 2 steers one year old: 6 spring calves; calf three weeks old. PIGS -Yorkshire sow with 9, pigs eight weeks old; Yorkshire sow with 11 pigs five weeks old; Yorkshire sow due time of sale; 1 hog. IMPLEMENTS - 1950 %-ton Chevrolet truck with stock rack ; 1998 Ford tractor ; 1948 Farman Cub tractor, equipped with hydraulic plow, scufiler, mower and planter: rubber tire wagon (factory; made); , ha y rack; side de- livery rake: hay loader; manure spreader; 11 -disc fertilizer drill; harrows; root pulp- er ; cement mixer; circular saw; 2 -wheel trailer assembly and tires; 500 chick elec- tric brooder; 500 -chick oil brooder; grain crusher; 100 feet of %-inch cable; 125 feet of is -inch cable; hay fork ; pulleys ; forks; shovels; .22 rifle; 4 milk cans; strainer; pails; quantity of used lumber; electric fencer; numerous other articles. 1' K .D -Approximately+ 1,000 bushels of oats; approximately 14 tons of mixed hay; 2 acres of husking corn; 1,( an acre of rnangolds; 30 bags of potatoes. FURNI- TURE -8 -piece chesterfield suite; floor lamp; table lamp; child's bed, springs and mattress; dresser and wash stand: child's crib; double bed, springs and mattress; dresser and stand; porcelain table; kit- chen chairs; day bed; Quebec heater; Beatty electric washing machine; sewing machine; toboggan; girl's bicycle; quan- tity of girl's clothing, size 14. Terms - Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold, AL. STEVENS, Proprietor; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4473-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF THE Estate of the late John Cluff, of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements, 'Feed and Grain, at Lot No. 18, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, 11/4 miles southwest of Middle - ton's Church, or 7 miles southwest of Clin- ton, on Wednesday, October 14, at 1 p.m. (Standard Time) : CATTLE and EQUIP- MENT --04 head of Holstein cattle, all vaccinated; most of these cattle are from the Waterloo Artificial Unit and of good quality and in high production ; 9 cows and heifers, recently freshened; 10 cows and heifers, milking and bred again; 3 Holstein heifers. recently bred ; 3 Holstein heifer calves; Registered Holstein bull, 8 months old; two -unit Surge milker, :(4 H. P. motor; 6 milk 'cans, milk pails, com- presser and fittings. IMPLEMENT•S- 1930 Fordson tractor with disc plow at- tached; 3 -section spring tooth harrows; M.M. manure spreader on rubber (nearly new) ; M. -H. binder. 7 -ft. cut; McCormick - Deering 6 -ft. mower; M. -H. 31 -hoe drill; 5 -section drag harrows: hay ewather•; hay loader; hay rake: rubber tire wagon, slid- ing rack; sulky plow; Fleury land packer (nearly new) ; fanning mill; poultry equip- ment, consists of 5 range shelters, water tank, drinking fountains and feeders, 2 electric brooders, 500 -chick capacity. FEieD and GRAIN -Quantity of mixed haled hay ; approximately 600 bushels of oats. FARM -At 2:30 p.m. the farm will he offered for sale. This farm consists of 187 acres of clay loam, with water supply being a drilled well. a never -failing spring and the river at the hack of the farm. On this farm is approximately 50 acres of hush, including second growthhard- wood and a good eupply of cedar. The buildings consist of a 194 storey brick house and a bank barn, 72' x 54/ with straw shed attached. There is accommo- dation for 500 hens in the barn. There is also a doufble garage. TERMS: On Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Grain -Cash. TERMS ON FARM: This faun is offered for sale subject to a mortgage of approximately 04,000.00 having about three years to run ; It% of purchase price to be paid 071 date of • sale, and (balance subject to adiustreente to be paid in 30 days. For further particulate and condi- tions of sale, apply to the undersigned solicitor oe the estate. MRS, HELEN OLU(E'F, Adminiati'atrix ; F. Finland, Q. C., Solicitor. of the Estate; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4474'2 Deaths , 1N;GS»4n Seaforth, of Sunday, Senteeljier 2(l, .Alfred G, lege, beloved Weenie. of Laura E, Howler, 811 his°'75tir iiea, TO ALL THOSE GOOD NEIGHBORS and friends, both young and not so l young, from far and near,' we take this opportunity be express the great pleasure rt gave us receiving and studying the many and varied tokens received recently, 1 from the kind, thoughtful associates who wished to mark and pay tribute on our lgolden wedding day, and may al] those good wishes and blessings be granted and !shared by us all, is the wish of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Aldington. 4474x1 Try Huron Expositor want Ads. Phone 41. Seaforth, Births BUCHANAN-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Sept. 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Buchanan, Londesboro, a daughter. BARRY -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Barry, Egmondville, a daughter. COLCLOUGH-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Sept. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. David ,Colclough, 'Clinton, a daughter. DUCHARME-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Sept. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. George Ducharme, R.R. 3, Dublin, a son. ELLIOTT-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on .Sept. 29. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Dublin, a daughter. HULLEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 25, to Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Hulley, R.R. by Londesboro, a daughter. HAASE-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on .Sept. 29, .to Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Haase, Winthrop, a son. JEWITT-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 30, to Mr. and Mrs: William Jew- itt, R.R. 1, Clinton, a son. KERR-At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sept. 29, to Mr. and Mrs, Roy Kerr (nee Ina Walkom), a son -William Roy. LAiM.ONT-In Tillsonbarg Hospital, on ' Sept. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lamont, Delhi, a son. • A .brother for Linda 'Margaret. McNAUGHTON-At St. Michael's Hospi- tal, Toronto, on Monday, Sept. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen McNaughton, Toron- to, formerly of Cromarty, twin daugh- ters. Granddaughters for Mr. •and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton, Cromarty, SHEA-At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Thursday, Sept. 24, to Mn.•and Mrs. John Shea, R.R. 5, Seaforth, a daughter. WOOD -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on. Sept. 30, to Mr. and Mre. Charles Wood, R.R. 3, ,Seaforth, a so Man Wanted With Fourth Class -Engineer's Papers Ontario Textiles Ltd. Phone 74 •Seaforth Mechanic's Specials 1940 FORD -New Tires. Good running condition $100.00 1939 PONTIAC COACH - Good Tires and running condition ' $100.00 1938 FORD COACH -As is $50.00 Seaforth Motors Phone 541 • • Seaforth • s Why Rent a Safety Deposit Box? To protect your bonds, insurance policies, documents, Im- portant paper`s and jewellery items against fire and theft. The cost is lees than 2¢ a day at The Dominion Bank. Only you may open your safety deposit box and you can examine its contents in complete privacy any time during banking hours. For advice and assistance on either business or personal financial matters, consult the manager of your nearby Dominion Bank branch. A friendly welcome awaits you. THE 'r OMINION BANS 82YEAirlS ,OF SERVICE TO .THE CANADIAN 'PEOPLE • McLellan, Phyllis Lostell, Marie Jarrott, Marilyn Mousseau and Ann Sinclair, who captured first prize with their collection of vegetables at Exeter Fair last week, compet- ing with eight clubs. ' Mr. Fred Beer is a patient at 1 Westminster Hospital, London. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Milton Love, Hensall cattle buyer, was admitted to South Huron Hos- ' pital, Exeter, Tuesday night suffer- ing a fractured left arm 'after he I was kicked by a cow. Dr. J. C. God- dard, Hensall, attended. KIPPEN •Mrs. James Campbell and daugh- ters', Hamilton,. visited last week at the home of ther parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Cooper. Mr. Lorne McBride visited Sun- day with his sister and brother-in- law, Mr- and Mrs. Beattie, Wing - ham. Mr. and Mrs. Havercamp left on Saturday for Toronto, where Mrs. • Havercamp will spend a month (with her ;aster, Mrs. Weddema, Two dozen pheasants Were seen crossing the highway, just north of Kippen, on Sunday morning. Mrs, Alice Cook, London, visited her mother Friday evening. Mrs. McClymont returned with her daughter for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McBride and Mr" and Mrs. Wilmer Jones spent Sunday afternoon in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Beaton, Goderioh, visited Sunday with the latter's father, Mr. Jonah Green. Mrs, Gibson and son, Art, Wroxe- eter, visited recently at the home of the former's daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mellis. Miss Carol Meleurtrie, London, was a week -end visitor of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMur- trie. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rapp and Ina, Zurich, were recent visitors of M Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore are visiting this .week 'with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pinkney, Toronto. Miss Mabel Whiteman is enjoy- ing holidays this week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood spent Friday in London. Mrs. Norman Long visited Thurs- day and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Dyman Sperling, London. Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Kyle, Win- nipeg, former residents of Kippen, are visiting Mr. Emmerson and Mr. William Kyle and friends. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in St. Andrew's Church Sunday morning at 11 a.m., E.S.T.. Mrs. Robert McBride returned home Sunday after spending a few days with her daughter' and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Beattie, Wing- ham. ingham. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson, near Lucan, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis. Mrs. Dinsdale is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, Stratford; •. We are sorry to report Mrs: El- ston Dowson is i11 at her home. We trust she will have an early reeoy- ery. Mr. John Doig, Grand Rapids, Mich., was a weekend visitor of his mother, 'Mrs. Lydia Doig, and sin ter, Janet. Sunday visitors of Mr. and' Mrs. Norman Dickert included: Mr. and Mrs Alex e Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Gdielon Murray and. infant son, Dav- id, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray, - The. 13rd consecutive GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada DIVIDEND 15¢ a share - rate of 6% per annum payable October 15, 1953 to 1hareholdere of record September 30, 1953 \rosident WILSON BERRY mrd General Masora Waterloo, and Mr, and Mrs. A, Wolfe and grant, Melbourne. Rev. Norman McLean, B.A., B.D., was guest speaker in Crediton Unit- ed Church last. Sunday. Rev. ''Par rott, Crediton, was in charge of the service in St. Andrew's United Church here. 'Mr. Robert Parsons, who spent several weeks with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Arch -1 le Parsons, has returned to the home of his son, Mr. William Par- sons and Mrs. Parsons, near Crom- arty. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones were in Parkhill Friday evening to pay their last respects to little 15 - month -old Lyle Whiting, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Elison Waiting. We regret reporting Mr, Sohn Riley being confined to the house a few days. CRISEI#MST 1. UNITED c I 'cu Anniversary Services SUNDAY, OCTOBER, 4 2:30 and 7:3Q„„ Afternoon Guest *Waken - Rev. C. J. Scot, Blyth Evening Sneaker-- Rev. peakerRev T J. Pitt, Varna Evangelist Fred May And His Amazing Array of Electronic Instruments' WILL BE HEARD AGAIN IN CLINTON At the New Legion Hall SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3rd 8:00 p.m. Clinton Area Youth forChrist $2500 Bingo COMMUNITY ARENA, 'HENSALL Tuesday, October + th 9 p.m. 12 REGULAR GAMES - $75.00 If there are 1500 paid admissions the Regular Games Award will be raised to $100.00 3 Specials $200.00 - 1 Super -Special $1,000.00 Sponsored by Hensall Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary ADMISSION $1.00 Specials and Extra Games 25c, or 5 far 51.00 ALL PRIZES MUST GO! LLASHMAR CLINTON Next to Community . Park BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 P.M. First Show at 8 p.m, Thurs., Fri. - Oct. 1 - 2 "The Lemon Drop Kid" Bob Hope Marilyn Maxwell NEWS - CARTOON Tues., Wed. - Oct. 6 - 7 "Strangers On a Train" (Adult) Farley Grainger Ruth Roman NEWS - CARTOON Sat., •Mon. -. Oct. 8 - 5 "Captain Blood" Errol Flynn Olivia De Haviland NEWS - CARTOON Thurs., Fri. - Oct. 8 - 9 "Riding High" Bing Crosby Ellen 'Drew NEWS - CARTOON CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND Children Under 12 In Cars Admitted FREE SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT I Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN SPECIAL 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE 'COACH -Radio 1952 PONTLAO SEDAN 1951 CHEV. OOACH 1951 CHEW. STYLELINE SEDAN 1051 DODGE SEDAN 1951 CHEV, POWER -GLIDE COACH, with radio 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN A written guarantee for Ad 1949 'CHDV. DE LUXE POURDOOR SEDAN; v 12-94814uC8 EFOTyFeNuppe SB. Sd- AS�COACHES 1947 CHEV. PLEI)i1TLTNs SEDAN 1947 CHEV, COACH 1942 DODGE COACH TRUCKS 1948 MERCURY 46-IPON PJOKUP 1943' DODGE STAKEBOuY TRUCK day. on all Late Medal Cars MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM , .,Ll,[Fir�J.► IaA7 1- Orr. UTO. PRONE vot :-:"The Herne i f tetter %t sed Cart! IGENEVprir'i 'Mimosa N , tt,. A e • ,4 ,{ 4 8