HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-10-02, Page 1a, a ., ..
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Seaforth. Runner-up
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,: ,�� NORTHSIDE PASTOR • : ' ,
o - #Northside) ited Chrxrch
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United` Chuxclt mere
o ening service here S oda will
a, y, Local Competitor Wins
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signify .another :milestone of pro-
green in the 76ryear-old• :I istory of Trophy At Blyth Fair
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Reopening of Northside Unit.
the Church, as its .congregation cele-
crates the completion oP a $22,000 At the Blyth Fair, enjoyed last
week by about 2,0'00 the
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Mien special ®ervioes wilt mark
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event Whiled story de-
Under the.duidane o.P an ener-County in the 4-H Calf {Stub tom-
ssr7iaing this nature' of, the
getie 'buildiffg comm ttee, Sam J. petition, was awarded to 'Berm
Scott, James A. Stewart, Dr, Paul y
Seaforth. Runner-up
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changes to the church building
Brady, Mrs. James M. Scott and ,Strong, was
Willis Walpole, Blyth 4 H Club.
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Ross 8avauge, the extensive pro- _`
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of Tile EXposetor car ries fur-
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Netilr Pews, Furnni,shings Huron C G I T Rall
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mal .building, al-
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messages of congratulations
First difference in the
from those concerned in the
exterior aspect of the church build- ''
Ing two In Northside Church
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accent building iimprovements,
is the absence of large
spires and two chimneys at the ' r
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top. In addition -to, a complete re- , Last week C.G.I.T. groups from
, Present minister of, Northside
paintingof the outside woodwork, all over Huron `County met at
United Church, which this 3un-
i i'1
' uspital Aid Reports'
Reports -been
brick pointing and- repairing has
Northside United 'Church here. The
day marks
the completion of a
I 1.F
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Ti RGcel trJ l�O
effected where needed.
Repainting and installation of girls -took part in handicraft work
and looked oder new books.
new wine carpeting in the body of
$22,000 renovation program, is
Rev, John W. Stinson, shown
here. Mr. $Hinson, formerly a
g .' G pla7 at
Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, Wingham, led
the church; as well as laying of, in First C'h'uurch,
in China, will
i held aInon-slip
The Hospital Auxiliary
a sing -song. Sea-
linoleum in the vestibules, forth, C.G.I,T, led in worship. The
has new aspect" to the
preach at the morning worship
i 1.,
successful Tag Day last Saturday, I
provided a
interior. However, this is not the roll call was answered 150 girls,
20 leaders and 'motherss from Bel -
in the Sunday
reopening services.
realizing some $140. The committee
most notable of the inside renova- 1 grave Benmiller Clinton Dungan -
I tions. At a cost of some $6,000,
ijgg charge thank all who donated in . non, Egmondville, Exeter,' Ford-
new ,pews and .furnishings, have with, Goderioh, Walton, Wingham 1
�y way and especially to thank the been Installed in the main floor of and Seaforth. c iGiver
following girls who helped to tag: o�d Schoo
the church. I Miss Helen An'thony,l Exeter, in -
Fenny James, Connie Wright,'New furnishings at the front of troduced Miss Iris Daly, secretary ■ ■ ■
1Yancy Glew, Marlyn Miller,. Mar- .the church, set amid an entirely 1
53yu Austin, Ruth Sill's, Sharon :different' chancel arrangement, in-' T the Ontario Girls' Work Board, To-Munici a"
3lntham, Isabel Shannon, Sandi Toronto. Miss Daly showed colored p
rf, dbfd-e 'pulpit stall, lee -tern'; choir Slides of C.GA.T. activities, intro
I. Savauge, Suzanne Dick, Alice Chris f�a'.i, and miniiater's, chairs. The I duced some new songs, led in a
tic, Elizabeth Habkirk, Joan Char Seaforth Public -School Boar{
prg� apes have- been divided and I discussion, and ended' with "The Monday night offered to turn th,
Pers, Shirley Kleber, Sally Nott, cont?"ed in new belfreys above Challenge of C.G.1.T:
. - Helen Boyce and Joan Adams, the chanicel anterooms. As well, The Goderich girls -put on a skit old school building and propert;
li When the annual repprt of the the choir -pews 'have been divided of camp life. Recreation -was led over to the town, at no charge. to
Hospital Auxiliary was given last 3o face each other on either side by Rev. John W. Stinson, while oiler was qualified s provide ad
week, the account of the expendi- of the .chancel platform. The organ Miss ,Daly met the leaders. The certain sidewalk construction lead
lures and receipts was omitted. keyboard has also been moved to group formed in a large circle and toff a the .new school.
The receipts for the year were one side, and the organ rebuilt, concluded with the C.G.I.T. Hymn The motion, by members Cliads
S;r,968,. and the total expenditures Re -Opening Services Sunday and Taps. "Theft th and school
T. Tuill, reads
were $1,171, leaving a 'balance of "That the old school building ani
7 In installing the new pews, the property, consisting of five lots, b1
An amount of $1,328 was raised committee. has done away with ,the 'turned' over to the municipalit;
from the following main events: former four -aisle arrangement. Now Walton WMS WA when a sidewalk, five feet wide, i,
Tag Day, $145• rummage sale, $290; I three aisles; one down the centre I eonetructed on the north side o
turkey, draw, x$91 Games Week, and one against each wall, will Market Street from the -Sparlini
$Sig; May. Tea, $37; penny sale,, characterize ••the seating . layout. Street corner, running west to th,
7. The Auxiliary purchased an While. pews were repainted in .the .Plan Fowl upper new school sidewalk, and also thl
Incubator for the yospital, sliver, , gallery, .the committee decided not sidewalk on the south side of Gode
11 tea services for the private wards to replace the furnishings there at The Walton W.M.S.. and W.A.. rich Street be extended' west to thl
ami redecorated the private
of the present time. groups of Duffs .'United-'Charbh, I asphalt walk, north entrance to thl
i i I Recessed lighting fixtures, , dotted ' Walton, met at the home of the 1 school, This transfer of :propert;
the nurses' residence" over a wide area of the ceiling, re- + president, Mrs. Ronald Bennett, to be at no -charge to the town, t'hl
t The rummage sale will be held place the 'two large chandeliers last week-'wi'th 23° ladies present_ fold building and- property being giv
I Saturday, October 24. All good formerly in use. Floors in ,both I Mrs. Bennett presided. and open- I en at no charge with the hope tha
steed clothing can be used, -the body of the church and in the I ed the meeting with a .hymn and I the municipality can, in some man
' basement have been sanded and prayer' The scripture lesson was nor, utilize the gift to alleviate t
refinished. New chairs have been I read by Mrs. ,Douglas Ennis. Toe I cost to the ratepayers of the nev
bought for use in the church base- i minutes of the previous meeting school."
U Firm Purchases went. ( were given by the secretary, Mrs. At the same meeting a motio?
At the rob ening services Sunda , Fern 'Patterson, and Mrs. Frank was passed instructing payment o
Hensall Coach- Plant the .present minister, Rev. John W Kirkby gave the treasurer's report. $1,000 to Pounder Bros., the nev
iimorn-I During the business period plans I school contractors, against the con
Stinson, will preach at the
ii ting worship, In :the evening Rev. were made for the fowl supper tract, with an accompanying'lette:
Following announcement 'last H. V. Workman, former minister which will be held in the church stating the reason for withholdini
I vsaek by Faye B. Paterson, Hensall; at Northside and' now of Tillson- Wednesday, October. 21, Mrs, Frank, the balance a the account. secre
i J trust officer of the Guaranty Trust Waiters thanked the group for a ,tory M. McKellar pointed out the
l i burg, will be the guest ,preacher. ar el she .had received. -Christmas there are some minor matters to b,
Company of Canada, that the Clip Special music will be provided by p e
i per Coach Manufacturing Co., Ltd. cards were passed around for in- attended to before the contractor'(
3■ the choir.
of Hen sall had been sold to Gen-. spection and some were sold. responsibility co7enI
li ,eral Coach Works Incorporated, Mrs, W. C. Bennett, Clinton, in- i Prior to the opening ceremonies
Marlette, Michigan, William Smith, Local Scouts Plan vited the group to hold the next' for the new public ,school her
)1' manager of the Hensall branch, meeting at her home on Wednes- Thursday evening, several matter
otlated this week that there will be Apple Dai', October 10 day, Oct. 14. Miss Marjorie Me- dealing with program arrangements
mo major, changes at, present in the Donald gave an interesting topic, and attendance of invited guest.
�K manufacturing setup of the plant. Tbe.first Boy Scout gathering for "Unfailing Love," after which the were discussed.
asst week, in a statement issued the season took place -in. the form closing hyann was sung and therr by John Atkins, president of Gen of a wiener roast last week. Under Mizpah benediction repeated in uni-
`i +eral C'W
oaahorks,'and Riley Ram, the leadership of Scouters J. R. son. I Rally Day Service in
P sey, vice-president, it was pointed Spittal and Stuart Wigg, 36 'Scouts A spelling, match, conducted by First Church Sunda
mut the 'Hensall plant will be oper- gathered around the council fire for Miss Marjorie McDonald, was held
Il ated ,as a subsidiary to the parent the opening ceremony. following the meeting. Lunch was (Rally 'Day services were held ii
�� plant in Marlette. Patrol 'Leader Hugh Gorwill was served by the hostess, assisted by I First Presbyterian Church las
The statement continued: '}Gen- presented with the Scout "Rescuer" Mrs. Fern Patterson, Mrs. Silas ,Sunday morning when Rev. Wim
i`+oral Coach, with dealer outlets and "Swimmer" badges, which he Johnston and Mrs, Wm. Bennett_ SuUL6rla.nd, Crinan and Largit
` 1t3rroughout the 'U.S., will build' a . earned doming the summer. Scouter charges, was the guest speaker.
'' complete line of. coaches in five Spittal' announced that five Patrol Mr. Malcolm McKellar, superin
1 lengths, from 24 ,feet to 43 feet. Leaders and five Seconds will take Athletic Assoc. Annual tendent of the school, led in th
"With its added facilities the their first-class overnight hike on Meeting Monday, Oct. 5 opening exercises, Miss Alice Ani
management is confident that ,pro- Saturday, October 10, under lead- Nixon sang, "When the Childrei
dtion of these 'unit§ can Ibe In- ersbip of Scouter Wigg A review of th
11 nse past year's activi- Say Their Prayers," at the offer
ii creased substaptially with the pre- .Map reading, tracking, and out- ties and discussion of plans for the tory. W. J. Tlhom•pson's and (
cent plant facilities. Production will door cooking will ,be the main fea- coming season will involve the Re,)lth's classes read the first seril
increased to meet the require- tures. In pair, the boys will start greater part of the business at the ture lesson in unison. Mrs. W, J
rmients of the growing Canadian from different points and make annual meeting of the Seaforth Atli- Thompson's class read the setons
market -Due to the fact that Clip- their way across country to a giv- letic Association in the Town Hall The pupils marched from th
per Coach manufacturing facilities en rendeavous, Good luck, boys, next 'Monday evening at 8 p.m. Sunday School to the front pew
are within reasonable distance from, and we =tope the weather is good. 'The Association urges citizens of and deposited - their floral bouquet
titre parent plant the newly-acgair, Seaforth Boy Scouts' will hold Seaforth and district to lend sup- at the Cross at the front of th
led company fits in with the com- their annual Apple Day on Satur- port to the group by their attend- church. There was a large turnou
$palsy's: general expansion .plan." day, October 10. ante at the meeting, of pupils.
e Driving rain here Friday after- *certainly evidence of it here. `He • . ,
noon did not prevent more than 3,500 ,Qaid Fespect to M. L. "Tory",Gregg,
-persons from enjoying the largest master of ceremonies. All Fall Fain RefU ° 's1J `
Short Storm, Causes Fall Fair to be presented' by the president Arthur Nicholson, May. In T �s S�'b
Seaforth Agricultural Society. Fea- y jUS.LOx TSu� k' rr
or E. A. McMaster, L. E. Cardiff, s
tura of the two-day .fair was (Fri- M.P.-elect for Huron, T. Pryde, M. ,Seaforth Fall Fair Teat}lts 1 .. ,h,, � a,1'
Alarm Box Damage days two regional pure-bred cattle.4-H Club a `i
shows. Eight Huron 4-H beef calfP.P. for Huron; John Hanna, M.P.P. c mpetition, the ;two '
A short but forceful thunder and for Huron -Bruce, spoke briefly, regional cattle show's, liv, to . t1
clubs, a county championship 4-H i Competition, as well as 14am s 1i;Vt
Windstorm here early Wednesday swine show and club achievement I Three bands, Bannockburn.. Pipe
morning caused serious damage to day program for grain,,swine, dairy Band, Seaforth highlanders' Band, , of winners in the exhibit class.- v
Seaforth's fire alarm system and and the district high school cadet es, will be found in this Issue, 'r,a
calx and beef cattle clubs also high -
band led the school children's par- of The Expositor, On Page 1 r
interrupted hydro .service in a lighted this Year's outstanding com-1 ads and licks. Schools were judg is the lead story on the Fair,
western section of town. petition. r
Bhortiy before 1:30 a.m, Wednes ,Following the introduction by R. ed an marching and general ap while on Pages 2, 3, 7 and 8. fit
day, a violent gust of wind crashedearance. 'Winners in the urban will be found the remainder of;
ar T. Bolton, past president, F. A. p the 1953 Fair results.
limb over hydro lines, at the cor- Lashley, Superintendent of Fairs schools were Seaforth' Public School, r'
nor :of Wilson and James Streets. I for Ontario, officially opened the St. James' Separate School; rural r,,
A 4000 -volt line connected with an Pair. Mr. Lashley said it was his school winners in order were: S.S.'
alarm box lead-in, caused the siren first appearance at Seaforth Fair 4, Tuckersmith; S.S. 6, McKillop;
to start wailing, and. then sparked and was pleased to see that the ". 3,' Tuckersmith; S.S-. 2, Me- Tourney Here .f eda 4
a burning circuit down the .alarm community centre was being made Killop; S.S. '8, Tuckersmith; S.S. yl
wires to blow out 'boxes at, the cor- good use of, ' He stated that the 2, Tuckersmith. Other schools en. �■ '11
vers of Tames and Wiest Streets Chamber of Commerce was to be tered were S.S. 7, Tuckersmith; S. Won by Local Rink
and Duke and. North Main Streets. congratulated on the wonderful set- S. 5, Tuckersmith; S:S. 4, McKil-
The damage didn't end. there. up of commercial exhibits -the best lop; S.S. 8, McKillop.
Where the limb fell, primary and Winner of the first prize, a silvsr I,",
to be seen at any fair of this size, Winners in a monster parade o>
secondary lines came down to He also congratulated the fair floats were: Box Furniture; Sills' tea service, in the Merchants' and
blackout an area from the Wilson board' on the fine school parade of Hardware; •Bell Industries Ltd. Re- Manufacturers' doubles' tournament.-
and James Streets corner to the 13 schools including the local high ceiving special mention were the at the bowling green here Wedues- aly�;!
James and est Streets corner. school', and the opening arrange- Crich Bakery entry and 'the Vet- day, was a local twosome, Eric Mun- i
Scott Memorial Hospital was put in ments. crane Cab. roe and Norman MacLean. They ,"
darkness. Float, Parade Winners scored three wins plus 32.
At the fair, winners of the square
Public Utility Commissioner man- Others winners are as follows: r•
Livestock, he said, is the basis dancing competition were ,the Jun Dr. F. J. Bechel
ager R. B. Holmes said powll
er was of agricultural shows, junior clubs for high School group, IND. 4, Mc- y and Dr. P. L. ,.°-
restored to most of the area by Brady; town, 3 wins plus 30; J.
4:46 'a.m., but that work continued and breed shows. They bring wealth Killop, and the Senior High School Reed' aril S. Graham, London, 3 a
that is so essential and there is teams were second and third.
later at the Hospital until full ser- ins plus 19; H. McNee and, C. F.
vice was restored there. Mr. Holmes 'Chapman, Goderich, 3 wins plus 15; t
estimated that damage alone to the Praise Regional Cattle Shows A. Perritt and W. Hollingsworth,
fire alarm boxes would' be over Watford, 2 wins plus 24; G. McKay ?l
$200. ' Although not termed a record senior championship and the re- and H. Brown, Wingham, 2 wins 1.l
Last Friday afternoon a violent show, the Perth -Huron Shorthorn serve grand championship. Hi -Hill plus 23; E. Allison and' J. Allison,
rainstorm here caused a power in- Association Regional Show drew Cornette, owned by Andrew C. Goderich, 2 wins plus 22; J. Vance
terruption of about bhree-quarters high praise from observers and Gaunt, Lucknow, was named junior and Dr. Van Loon, Tillsonhurg, 2
of an' hour at the Community Cen- judges who considered it one of champion, while Genmar P. Fore• wins plus 20; L. Dale and Alvin
tre while the Seaforth Fall Fair the best shows for quality ever most 10th, owned by Dr. M. ' W. Dale, town, 2 wins plus 16; C. Den- I
was in progress. held here. There were 111 entries. Stapleton, Seaforth, became reserve nis and Lorne Lishman, London, 2 `t
Judge Clarence Douglas, of Paris, junior champion. wins plus 15 (49); .Art Wilson and ::3:;
said the farmers were bringing the 'Carman Lyons, of Wallacetown, O. Hazelgrove, Wingham, 2 wins
Curehes and Grou s Shorthorns out in good shape. They judge for the regional Hereford plus 15 (47) ; Harold Thomas and
pare good animals, he said, and the show, said the event had, been a J. Bowman; Brussels, 2 wins plus 14.
showmen proved themselves good good, creditable exhibition of Here- Skips of the, 36 rinks were: From
• s
orts. Ralph E. White, Perth agri- fords, He thought 'there was prob- London: F. Richardson, C. Fo.s'ter,
Are Busy in Hensall ltural representative, was ring- a=bly not enough finish in some of C. Dennis,. S. Graham„ E. Bolby, H.
aster. the entries, abut added that the M• Brown, A. McRae; Goderich:
The Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres- 85 Hereford Entries champions were good representa- T. Prichard, J. W. Baker, C. rF.'
byterian Church,. Hensall, met at Klaymn Objective, shown by the tives of the breed. There were 85 'Chapman, R. Sparling, G. Baechler,
the home of Mrs. Melville Glanville Waterloo Cattle Breeders Associa- entries. E. Allison, R. Besse; Parkhill: H.
for 'their September meeting last tion, toots the' Shorthorn senior George Kennedy's Pine Echo D, Larkin; Brussels: :F. W. Todd, H. aA
Monday. This was the Home Help- champion and grand champion B.L. Royal Regent was declared Thomas, F., Lawrence;. Wingham: '.
ers' meeting, with members of the awards. McLean Farms Royal own- senior champion. G. Williams, C'. McKay, A. Wilson,
Arnold -Circle as their gltests. Mrs. ed and shown by James W. Smith, Full results of 'the two Regional R. Droval;' Exeter: H, Pollen;
John Soldan, Home Helpers' secre- Morris township, wan the reserve. Shows• will :be. found on Page, 2. Stratford„ J. A. McDonald; Till on-
tar -y, was in charge and, presided burg, J. Vance `'Blyth: It. Vodden. I I01
for the program part of the meet- Local skips were: E. H. Close, 10
Ing. Mrs. Harry Hoy, president, Keen Calf Club Competition H. O. Free, A. W. Sillery, J. Hoth-
presided• for the business and dis- am, B. F. ,Christie, W, J. Duncan.,
cussion. I A highlight of the.day's livestock, Scott, Seaforth, Dr. P. L. Brady, E. H Munroe.
Home Helpers who took part program was the assembly in one County 'Championships I I ,
were Mrs, Harvey Hyde, who read -ring of 60 select baby beef calves, I -County grand championshipin .
the topic chapter on African Life; 'for the county championship show .the heifer section was awarded ,to Lions Hear Details.
Mrs. Robert Madge read from the I which brought together the best Lorne Hackett of the Dungannon ,
works of Nellie McClung, 'Canada Of European Trip
and Our Heritage"; Mrs. Frank animals from eight 4-H Beef Calf Club, with the reserve going to
Wright presented a chapter from clubs in Huron. Veteran cattlemen George Proctor, of the Blyth -Bel- Seaforth Lions heard an interest -
Glad Tidings, "Work a in India." The among the onlookers at the ring- grave Club. Following in order Ing account of conditions in France,
worship period was taken by Miss side commented that the quality of of ranking were the heifer calves :Germany and Switzerland' an'Mon-
worshe Love. the 60 calves in the ring was on a shown 'by Reg Riehl, Bayfleld; day evening, when Lion (Fred Feel
par with what would be seen in a Keith Coates, Exeter; Beryl Mc old the club"o`f a trip he took last
After the benediction a luncheon
was served by the Home Helpers similar class at the Royal Winter Farlane. Brussels; Murray Neal, spring. As he to;? of his experi-
and se enjoyable hour was spent. Fair. Blyth-Belgrave; Bill Strong, Sea- ences, he showed a series of in -
Representing beef calf clubs at forth; Edgar Willard, Hay town- teresting pictures he ,had taken-
Chiselhurst Anniversary Exeter, Bayfield, Lucknow, Sea- ship; Dorothy Keyes, Seafortb. President John Turnbull was in the
At the morning service in Chis- forth, Dungannon, Brussels, Blyth, 'In the county championship ,show- chair.
el.hurst United Church last Sunday, and Belgrave combined, and in manship competition, open to mem- Members were reminded the an -
Rev, Mr. Maines, Brucefield, spoke Hay township, the class was made bets of the eight 4-H beef clubs in nual Hallowe'en frolic is being held
effectively on the subject, "The up of 35 in the steer section and Huron, first place and possession on October 30. The fall paper drive
Unexpectedness of Jesus." 25 in the heifer section. of the Senator W. H. Golding tro- is to take place Wednesday, Get, 21.
Chiselrhurst anniversary services County grand championship in phy was won by Robert Parsons, Lion Ed. Smith, with Lions 'Fred
will be held next Sunday. Afternoon the steer section was awarded to Cromarty, member of the Seaforth Peel, George Hays and E. C. Bos -
service is at 2-:30 p.m. and evening John McCullough of the Bayfleld club. Joanne McCullough, R.R. 3, well, is in charge of the C.N.I.B.
service at 7:30 p.m. Special music club, with reserve going to. Tom Clinton, member of the Bayfield campaign in Seaforth and district.
Is being planned by the choir, who Easton, Exeter, Following in order club, was second, and Bob Kinsman, The quota is $350.00.
will be assisted at both services among the top-ranked steer calves Kippen, niem'ber of the Exeter club. The 'Easter Seal campaign will
by special soloists. were those shown by Bob Kina- was third. be in charge of L. Plumsteel, John Z.
In the afternoon Rev, C. Scott, man, Exeter; Mary McCullough, The interclub competition for Longstaff and R. Spittal.
Blyth, will speak. The evening Bayfield; Murray Gaunt, Lucknow; groups of three calves, each group
speaker will be Rev, W, Pitt, Var- Ronald Smith, Brussels; Arnold representing a club, was won by
na, Campbell, Seaforth; Rob Scott, Sea- the Exeter entry, followed in order Men of Hensall United
The W.M.S. thankoffering service forth; Douglas Keyes, Seaforth; by Bayfield, Lucknow, Seaforth,
was =held in Hensall United Church Berne McKinley, Hay 'township; Dungannon. Brussels, Blyth -Bel- Church Paint Basement
last Sunday, Rev. Ma.lnes, Bruce- Crawford McNeil, Lucknow; Jean grave and Hay township.
field, the guest speaker, gave aThe following men of the church
challenging address, "The Place painted the entire basement of
and Influence of Woman in a Chris- ,Club Showmanship Contests Hensall United Church, including
tian Church." five rooms, the entrance and steps
'Next Sunday morning Rev, W, J. Arnold Campbell, R.R. 1, Seaforth, *82. Donald Moylan 79, Arnold Camp• leading to the choir loft. Lunch
Rogers will conduct worship. Com- had the highest score on his ant- bell 78, Bill S'tronz 77, and Rob was served by members of the Eve
munion service will be observed. mal, and Robert Parsons, R.R. 1, Scott 74• The show was judged by ning Auxiliary.
The regular monthly meeting of Cromarty, had the top score for John Underwood of the 'Ridgetown 'Ross Forrest, Edison Forrest, Bob
the W.M.S. will,be held in the Unit- showmanship, when 24 members of Agricultural Schools. Club leader Drysdale, Jack Drysdale, Doug
ed Church Thursday afternoon, the Seaforth 4=H Baby Beef Club is Robert Campbell. Cook, Laird' Mickle, Bill Mickle, 1
October I. held their annual achievement day, Highest score for calf went to James McAllister, Sam Rannie,
The 24 calves, raised by club mem- Douglas Riehl, R.R. 2, Walton, and Ross Richardson, Ern Shaddick,
bers, were shown in one division highest score for showmanship tc Byron Kyle, Dave Kyle, Albert
of 13 steer calves, and another of Betty Simpson. R.R. 2, Seaforth, Alexander, Clarence Smillie, Dr. )
Radio Programme by 11 heifer calves, when the Seaforth 444 Dairy Calf McKelvie. W. R. Stephenson, Har- "'
In the steer calf division, Arnold Club held its annual achievement vey Keys, William Clement, George ;p
Hensall MCampbell's top score of 385 was day. Douglas Riehl made his score Hess, Rev. W. J. Rogers, Don ii
usiPupils followed by 'Rob Scott, R.R. 1, Sea- in the senior calf section of the JoYnt, Melville Traquair, Joe Flynn, `'4.
forth, 384; Douglas Keyes, R.R. 1, Holstein division of the club; Bet- Milt Lavery and Jack 'Tudor. »:
Pollowing is the program pre$- Seaforth, 382; Jean Scott, R.R, 1, ty Simpson was top for showman- ml
entad at the kiddies' studio arty Seafortb, 378; Catherine Campbell, `'
p p ship in a competition which brought ziti
at CKNX, Wlingham, last Saturday, R.R. 1, Dublin, 370; Robert Par- together all club members who had
by the piano, violin and guitar sons, R.R. 1, Cromarty, 369; lien General Meeting Here "Al,4
calves at the fair. y
pupils of 'Miss Greta Laramie, from Coulson, R.R. 1, Cromarty, 388; Tuesday of Northside _ 4
Hensall and, district. Many people Donald Moylan, R.R. 5, Seatorth, Junior, Senior Calf Scores WOmen'� Associaction ';��
from the village and community en- 364; Alian Haugh, R.R. 1, Bruce- Best 'score for calf in the junior ur,
joyed the program. field, 362; Robert Broadfoot, R.R. calf section of the Holstein division A general meeting of Noithaide '
Piano duet, "March of the Wes 1, Brucefield, 360; :Eric Anderson, was made by Margaret Boyd, R.R. W.A. was held in the Sunday
School. , .
F`olk," Terry and Wayne Forrest; Londesboro, 366; Agnes Hickneli, 2, Walton, with 350, followed by room Tuesday. Mrs. Norman knight
adn, "Seven Lonely 'Days," Marilyn R.R. '6, Seaforth, 355; Jack Crozier, Louis Murray, R.R, 5, Seaforth, 346; was in the chair for the devotrional . ;
Steckle and Coreen Dowson, guitar R.R. 2, Seaforth, 360. Betty Storey, R.R. 2, Seaforth, 340; •period', and she read a bosia, 'r,;I
accompaniment by Coreen Dowson; Carl Buuck, R.R. 1, Dublin, 304. "Trust,' 'which was followed: Willi
Awards For Showmanship a'�
pialio solo, "Soldiers in the Dis Scores in the senior calf section a hymn and prayer. A reading on
tante," 'Charles Mickle; violin solo, In the heifer calf division, top of the Holstein division were: Doug "Pait'h" followed.
"Bouree," Bbth Goddard; piano score was on the calf shown by las' ;Riehl 355, Betty Simpson 30, The pr'esi'dent, Mrs. C. W' deny
dust, "London Bridges and Merrily Bill Strong, R.R. 2, Dublin, 380, Donna Riehl, R.R. 2, Walton, 346; welcomed' those ,,Drssent and the ,>
We Roll Along," Peggy Goddard and I followed in order by Dorothy Keyes, Bruno Braecker, R.R. 2, Walton, minutes were read•, Sixty viii hoagie l
Bobby Mickle; ' recitation, "When R.R. 1, Seaforth, 377; Elaine God- 3.45; Gloria Boyd, R.R. 2, Walton, and 3:5 hospital calls there n%dg, Sev
Papa's S'3ok," Margie E'lgle; piano kin, R.R. 5, Seaforth, 3,74; LOUIS 340; Bob Doerr, R.A. 1, Dublin, 3,36 eral Mites of frUff Mid aev'eical'bards 't
duet, "Robin'A Lullarby, • Joyce and Nigh, R.R, 4, Seaforth, 372; Laverne In the Jersey division, scares for we're-116k,dut a:nrl.,th4*ky6u?1"Attars i
P16rence Whittaker; guitar solo, Godkin, R.R. 2, Walton, 3.68; John calf were, A.OA&II Trewa'rt'hb, MR. 6661ved ,c, ,< r i
s ang Syme," Corson Dodson; Nigh, R.R. 4, Seaforth, 366; Eiic 1, Seafoa+tii, '�; 13ar'bara �Crewat+ A iletallerL report ,0 ih 0iza azl
PrN,, nolo, '"Pate .;Swallow," Ilene McIntosh, R.R. li, esiorth, 36? ,the, RrR, 1y .Seaforth t .5; Gloria Chasing tva - �`11ii3ia 1I. 1 " LL �..' r a 4t
M eatii; hymn, „Can a Little Child' Larry Wheatley, R.il, 1, Dublin, darter, R%l, h, SeafdrpkYy. $q; nabott. '1VY ill ;141 t err vele;,-%I 'iv 1 r;
Lilco' 1Vle,�:y� Bobby Mickle;. piano 362; Neil McG'ravin, R.A. 2, lyValton, " . •lfr, the gho*4o.'Cisa, # do , ; y bJi'4i�s1. t. ire y. ;;rd
offergd twix
tr(&- " tW)'" Gigeri Spencer, Jane 360; 'Charlos NeGregdi, P -It 2, *,bibh, bybublit Fitt AtPIAr, the ,:t�tY A f ° 341 l ' -i ,; y :,r �
? Pitt ie Cho l Miokl seafot bh 356Reg ChdlrpAll it,It, divis9t►n5 i' too lti le `dl " g4,44 " f' .1" :' l
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