The Huron Expositor, 1953-09-25, Page 4ssifiedAds .ed Ads Inserted At New Law Cash Rates R SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. of Thanes, In Memoriam Notice. Coming Events -1 cans Per word. Minimum 59 cents per En0&UirIes may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expoeitor, for 10 cants adze. Ira cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 dare of hate .of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sale°, Notices to Creditors. Etc --Bates on application. • Coming Events rE FIRESIDE FELLOWSHIP GROUP of First Presbyterian Church are sponsoring a "Smorgeebord" dinner on Wednesday, October 21. from 5 to 8 p.m. Only 200 tickets available. Get 4yours early. 473-1 R AN EVENING OF FUN AND EN- " joyment, bring your friends to the Cryatal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night. and dance to the music of Clarence Petrie and hie Night Hawks. 4470-4 Help Wanted WANTED — RELIABLE HOUSEK 'P- YA er, five days a weej • two adults and one child. Sleep in. Good salary. Apply Box 257, :HURON EXPOSITOR. 4473a1 Wanted Agents Wanted (10013DF A T ,FRS WANTED TO ESTAB- lish it business of their own with our 225 guaranteed and well-known products such as: Toiletries, Culinaries, Medicines, Tea. Coffee. etc. Excellent opportunity to earn from 360 to 375 per week. Exclusive territory,; Specials each month with free products, 318 needed. NO RISK. De- tails: JITO: 5136, St. Hubert, Montreal. 4472-4 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects, len Saturday, October 3rd. at 1:30 p.m., at Lot 17, Concession 10, Mc- Killop o-Killop Township, 114 miles north of Win- throp and two miles east: Day bed (new) : 2 occasional chairs (new); extension table; 6 dining room 'chairs; kitchen chairs; side- board; rocking chairs: sewing machine: battery radio; Newcombe piano; fernery ; 3 furnished bedrooms; curtains; pictures; I AM PURCHASING BOARS AT 9c TO bed linen; pillows; Wingham Clipper i'Lc per -pound. live weight. Phone or yliT ANTED — SECOND-HAND PIANOS. range (new) : quantity dishes : toilet sets; write LEROY ACHESON, Atwood, 37 r'12, YY PHONE SEAFORTH 265. Write coal oil lamps; oil drum; kitchen utensils, collect. 4469-10 BOX 299, Seaforth. 4467-tf and other articles too numerous to men- tion_ Terms—Cash. ESTATE OF LATE RADIO REPAIRS- FOR ALL NEEDS MRS. ALLAN ROSS; Harold Jackson, WANTED TO RENT—TWO BEDROOM Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk; A. W. of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE - apartment, heated, with all modern Sillery, Solicitor. PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. conveniences. PHONE 188. Phone 847-R. 4363-tf Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED g1Ea DERS WILL BE REGEIVED BY' 1 the undersigned until 4 p•an., Satur- day. October 3, 1953, for enow.plawing for the 195344 season in the Townabip of Grey. Tenders to be by the hour. State type of equipment used. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EDYTHEC]3 CARDIFF, Ethel. Ont.. 44924 TWP. OF McKILLOP Bethel Drain rpENDERS FOR DIGGING. LAYING AND ' backfilling L640 lineal feet of 12. 14 and 16 -inch tile, 10 feet of 18 -inch pipe and three catch -basins, according to Ena giaeer's specifications. will be received un- til October 3rd by the undersigned. A marked cheque of 3100.00 to accom- pany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender to state when work will be done. Plans, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop Township, R.R. 1, Seaforth, Ont. 4473-1 Notices CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING DONE. PHONE 27 r b, Brnssela. 4472x3 .vests. ,cls Wan.1 1, DEAD, DIS4$Ll '1 HQIt.4ES QR COWS 8e1Iwved free of charge. For pramppt and efl5cient service. Phone 4 STONES' collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seafarer 655 r 2. 4473x1 WANTED — —THREE-ROOM APART- ment or email house; furnished or un- furnished. Apply to Box 258, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4473-1 ANTED —HORSES WAN 1 271 FOR meat and bush; also 510 to 515 for sick, crippled or disabled horses or cattle. Write or phone I.EROY ACHESON. At- wood, 37 r 12, collect. 4472.7 Personals IF IT'S HEADCOLDS, HAYFEVER OR Sinus, that's bothering you, by all means try NAMELESS Cold Remery. Con- vincing trial $1.00. Address PURITY. Exeter, Ontario, 4472-4 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (BUS B E R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. NoticesTo Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of HAROLD J. TOMLINSON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Harold J. Tom- linson, late of the Township of Logan, in the County of Perth, Contractor, de- ceased, who died on the 12th day of August, 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of October, 19.53, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DAII D at Seaforth, this 9th day of September, 1953. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4471-3 AUCTION SALE—MR. HAROLD JACK - son has been instfucted to sell by public suction on the premises, Wilson St., Seaforth, on Saturday, September 26, at 1 p.m., the following property and household effects. PROPERTY — Frame house on Wilson St., consisting of living room, dining room and kitchen down- stairs, three bedrooms and bath upstairs ; furnace and full basement; Hydro and water. Subject to a reserve bid. FURNI- TURE—Walnut buffet, sideboard, bookcase. dining room table and 6 chairs ; couch; 2 fumed oak chairs; parlor chair; rocking chair; 3 kitchen chairs; 3 small tables; piano with bench; 2 phonographs; hall rack: kitchen range; clock; 2 washstands: dresser", 2 iron beds, springs and mattress- es; 2 -burner hotplate; 2 ladders; step- ladder; number of small articles, Terms —Cash. ESTATE OF LATE ANDREW LITTLE; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4472-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock. Implements, Feed. Grain and Household Effects. from the home of Wil- liam R. Glazier, Lot No. 28, Tuckersmith Township, on No. 8 Highway, 41,..! miles west of Seaforth, on -Tuesday, September ,9th at 12:80 noon, sharp, the following: CATTLE --26 head of Registered Herefords, accredited and vaccinated. IMPLEMENTS —Case Model S tractor Inearly new); Al- lis-Chalmers 51,_ -ft. -combine (nearly new) ; International 2 -furrow tractor plow (near- ly new) ; tractor tandem disc (nearly new) ; Rowell hammer mill: M, -H. 13 -disc fertilizer drill: stiff tooth cultivator,; buck rake: 10 -foot dump rake; hi. -H. manure spreader on rubber; M. -H. mower, 51/2 -ft. cut: steel roller ; 3 -section drag harrows; rubber tired wagon ; stock rack ; electric brooder: oil brooder; 6 range shelters; 2,000 -pound scales: hay car; 125 feet steel cable: forks, shovels, logging chains and numerous other articles. POULTRY -300 Hybrid pullets (laying). FEED and GRAIN—Approximately 50 tons of mixed hay: approximately 1,200 bushels of oats; 14 bushels of red clover seed. HOUSE - !HOLD EFFECTS -2 bedroom suites; day- ! enport: single cot ; 4 kitchen chairs; rock- ing chairs; cabinet Victrola and records; (chemical toilet;. electric heater; library table; numerous small tables and stands; I hall rack : Coleman lantern ; Coleman .lamp. Terms—Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. WILLIAM R. GLAZIER, 'Proprietor: W. S. O'Neil, Edward W. El- Iiott, Auctioneers. NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JESSIE PEARL GRAIN - GER, Spinister, Deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of the above-named deceased, late of Seaforth, County of Hur- on, who died on or abort the 20th day of June, 1953, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executrix on or before the 9th day of October, 195.3, their names and full particulars of their claims. Immedi- ately after the said date, the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DA1biL) September 9, 1953. F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for Mrs. Gertrude Wright, Executrix. 4472-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SARA L. ROSS ALL PERSONS HAVING CL AIMS against the Estate of Sara L. Ross, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, deceased, who diedon or about the 31st day of August, 1953. are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their; claims to the undersigned on or before. the 12th_ day of October, 1953, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 16th day of September, 1958. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4472-3 CLEARING AUCTION SALE, OF FARM, Farm Stock, Implements and House- hold Effects, at Lot 25. Concession 3. Hib- bert Township, 3% miles east and 1t/ miles south of Seaforth, on Thursday, October 8th, at 12 o'clock: HORSES— Clyde middle-aged mare. CATTLE -9 Dur- ham cows, fresh with calves at foot: 6 Durham cows due to freshen time of sale; 3 Durham cows due to freshen in March; 8 Durham steers, 9 to 10 cwt.: 6 Durham heifers, 900 lbs.; 11 Durham steers and heifers, one year old. IMPLEMENTS— Massey-Harris No. 30 tractor, fully equip- ped; Case 2 -furrow plow; Massey -Harris spring tooth tractor cultivator; Massey - Harris 13 -disc fertilizer drill: 4 -section harrows : 3 -drum steel roller; Massey -Har- ris side rake; hay loader; sulky rake; 6 - foot mower (like new); rubber tired wag- on ; l6 -foot hay rack ; sleighs ; 2,000 -pound scales; 240 -pound scales: Renfrew cream separator; fanning mill ; Massey -Harris binder: stoneboat: wheelbarrow; 2 colony houses, 10512: 6 shelters ; 2 Jamesway Moves. HAY and GRAIN --35 tons mixed hay. alfalfa and timothy; 800 bushels mix- ed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Quar- ter-cut oak dining room suite: buffet; china cabinet: table; 6 chairs; upholstered walnut parlor suite; rocking chairs; small tables; 4 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 single beds; dressers; mantel radio ; side- board: extension table: kitchen chairs; other articles too numerous to mention. PROPERTY --Parcel 1: Lot 25, Concession 3, 100 acres, practically all workable; day loam land, in good - condition : 2 -storey brick house: large bank barn with straw shed, henhouse, garage. Good water sup- ply ; Hydro. Parcel 2: East half of Lot 24, Concession 7, Hibbert Township, 50 acres, all in grass, 8 acres bush; good water supply with windmilL Property will be sold together or separately. Terme: Chattels—Cash; Property -10% down; bal- ance in 30 days. Immediate possession. ESTATE OF LATE DANIEL O'CONNOR, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. NOTICE to CREDITORS ATTENTION, FARMERS! — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animal's. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent, please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 382; local 252. 4436-tf NOTICE --WE HAVE PURCHASED A modern Oliver Iron Age spray machine and are now prepared to do your clean- ing, whitewashing. spraying of any kind. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaran- teed. Give us a call: 64 r 10, Dublin. PETER E. MALONEY & SONS, R.R. 5. Seaforth. McKillop Twp, 447353 ATTENTION, FARMERS ! — McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (0.A.A.). Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone 394-M. 4456-tf PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith - Property For Sale WOR BALE-3-I300M FRAME HAUBE. insulated, stoker heated, modern bath- room and kitchen, new garage. Lots of room for garden. QL&Y'1'(1N DENNIS. Phone 385-W, Seaforth. 4489-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE—TWO-STOREY three bedrooms. living roue, den, 1 - piece bathroom, on bleated house, including three acres of land. -edge of town. Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase- Ape ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, or Phone 41. Seaforth. 44814f Fj OR SALE -SONE OF SEAFORTH'S most (beautiful homes; four bedrooms. bot water heating with oil, completely re- decorated; fireplace; insulated; two -ear garage. Well landscaped. ,Apply DR. E- A. M BASTER,- Seaforth- 4473-1 For Rent VOR RENT -4 -ROOM APARTMENT, ON Goderich St. East ; separate bath, built- in cupboards. PHONE 841 r 2, Seaforth. 4471-tf EOR RENT -4 -ROOM HEATED APART- ment. with bath room, sun porch; also Seaforth.cellar, for September 1. PHONE 249 FOR. RENT�ATED THREE-ROOM apartment, with bath. Now available. Suitable for couple without children. Ap- ply Box 256, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4472x2 port RENT—,FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT in Seaforth, newly decorated; private lath; capboarda and floor coverings. Im- mediate Possession. PHONE 679 r 14, IiensaiL 4473x1 TTPON INSTRUCTIONS FROM COUN- T V cll under authority of'Hy-Law No. 13, 1952, Township of Tuckersmith, I hereby ;proclaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Egmondville and Harpurhey are prohibited i from running at large during the period 1 from June 1, 1953, to November 1, 1953. I Owners or barborers of dogs contraven- ing the provisions of this by-law will be subject to a maximum penalty of 350.00. (Signed) D. A. MOFFAT, Township of Tuckersmith. 4457-tf In the Estate of ALLAN R088 ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Allan Ross, late o4 the Townahip of McKillop, in the Coun- ty of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of July, 1963, are here- by notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 12th day of October, 1958, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED at Seaforth, this 16th day of September, 1953. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4472-8 RO �j OR RENT -9 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE with both hot and cold water on tap; heavy duty wiring. Available September 29th; one mile east of Seaforth. Apply to FERGUS KELLY, Dublin. Phone 22 r 12, Dublin. 447851 Poultry FOR SALE -300 ROCK X NEW RAMP pullets: also 10 weanling pigs. Apply VIVAN COOPER, 653 r 41, Seaforth. 4473-1 For Sale at art . 'Fete TJensall J34de Elect • T 100 SALE—USED CH'>: STERFIELD ; buffet ; lawn mower ; 6 -inch stovepipes. Bargains for quick sales- 4.. JONES. George St. ''' 4473x1 pox SALE -6 HOLSTEIN COWS CAR- " tying their second calves`: due to calve from 23rd of September to February 1st. SOL GINGERICK, Zurich RR. No. 3. Phone No. 84 ring 3, Zurich. 4473x6 SLABS—DRY WOOD AND SOFT WOOD, mixed. at 510.00 per load; approxi- mately 21/2 to 3 cords per load, delivered Phone 627 r 3, Clinton. WILLIAM CALDW'ELL- 447054 Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Horton, Hen- saU, were host and hostess for 0- $ensall Rebekah Lodge miscellaneous presentation at their Elect' NeW EXecut' home last Friday evening for Miss ve Patricia Mitchell, Reg.N., popular bride -elect of this Saturday. The Affair was attended by over 40 rel- atives. A program was enjoyed, consist- ing of a sing -song, readings by Mrs. Earl Mitchell; vocal solos by Mrs. W. J. Rogers; violin selections by Jarvis Huron, accompanied at the piano by his sister, Mrs. Grace Harpole. A humorous skit, "The Gossip," was presented, with roles portrayed by Mrs. George Glenn, Hen.'J1, and Mrs. Wiliam Finch, Grand Bend. Following the program the pres- entation took place while the bride was seated in a chair underneath a trellis of pink and white, inter_ spersbd with cedar and wedding bells with baskets of gladioli in various shades on each side of the chair. Mrs. Glenn Broadfoot, aunt of the bride, read the address and the numerous gifts were presented by Ruth Anne Traquair and Edward Broadfoot, dressed as a bride and groo)n. Miss Jean McAllister as- sisted in opening the gifts. Patsy expressed' her thanks, and.. luncheon was served. Following is the address: A row of evergreens marked the spot where the Mitchells lived on a high hilltop; a popular couplele who stayed near home when they mar- ried and started up on their own. One wintry day not so long ago, a stork came along that was flying low; a baby girl it proved to be, a blondie to fill their hearts with glee. She fell in love with a fair young man near a lake, where the Bluewater Highway ran; they de- cided to marry and live n a farm, he wanted to cherish and shield her from harm. She can cook, she can bake, she can dust, she can stew; he'll work in the fields and in the barn too; she can garden, and sew, keep the chickens from harm, while he works around all over the farm. If his work should call him away any day, to his sweet little wife h1e is likely to say: Dear Patsy, I'd'like you to feed the old sow and milk this ornery old thing called a cow. It used to be we thought of June a month to be a bride, but September also has its share when wedding knots are tied. There are cousins by the dozens and many friends more; there are uncles and aunts and old friends galore, all wishing these young folks the 'best that there is, when she calls him mine and he calls her his. We wish them good health their living to make, and plenty of wealth when their leisure they take; above all, to be happy, day by day, and always good friends along their way. HONEY FOR SALE—YOU HAVE JUST this week to have your containers (led with delicious September boner. Spe- cial price. 42 cents pound. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES. Phone 135-3, Seaforth. 4473-1 DAFFODILS AND NARCISSUS BULBS (mixed)—Large, 41.50 a hundred; medium, 51.00 a hundred; small, 70 cents e hundred; express collect; 25% discount n those prices Fair Day, B. PURCELL, Box 460, Seaforth. Phone 175-3. CATTLE SALE GREY -BRUCE LIVE STOCK CO-OPERA- tive Sale of 1300 Cattle, graded in car and truck lots, at Wiarton, October 1st, commencing at 10 a.m. T. STEWART COOPER, Secretary, Markdale. 4473x1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements, Feed and House- hold Effects, at north half of Lots 24 and 25, fourth Concession of Hallett, on No. 4 Highway, 2Th miles north of Clinton; on Saturday, October 8rd, at 1:30 p.m., the following: CATTLE—'Brown Swiss cow, 8 years old, milking; Brown Swiss cow, 5 years old, milking, bred again ; Jersey cow 8 years old, milking, bred again ; Ayr- shire cow 5 years old, milking, bred again ; 2 Jersey cows 4 years old, milking, bred again; Jersey heifer, recently freshened; Durham heifer 4 years old, due November 29; Durham X Jersey heifer, recently freshened; 4 steers 11/2 years old; 2 steers one year old; 6 spring calves; calf three weeks old. PIGS—Yorkshire sow with 9 pigs eight weeks old ; Yorkshire sow with 11 pigs five weeks old"; Yorkshire sow due time of sale; 1 hog. IMPLEMENTS - 1950 '%-ton Chevrolet truck with stock rack; 1948 Ford tractor ; 1948 Farmall Cub tractor, equipped with hydraulic plow, muffler, mower and planter; rubber tire wagon (factory made); hay rack; side de- livery rake; hay loader; manure spreader; 11-dise fertilizer drill ; harrows; root pulp- er; cement mixer ; circular saw ; 2 -wheel trailet assemlbly and tires; 500 chide elec- tric brooder; 500 -chick oil O't`rooder; grain crusher; 100 feet of %-inch cable; 12.5 feet of tV -inch cable; hay fork ; pulleys; forks; shovels; .22 rifle; 4 milk can's; strainer; pails: quantity of used lumber; electric fencer ; numerous other articles. FEED --(Approximately 1,000 (bushels of oats: approximately 14 tone of mixed bay ; 2 ;acres of huaking corn; 14 an acre of snangolds ; 80 bags of potatoes. F•URNI- TURE-'8-piece chesterfield suite; neer lame; table lamp; ehild't bed, springs and mattress; dresser and mate street; child's crib; double b4di apringa and tnattre$p; drespet4 and stand porrelafn table; Ul't- cben 'dhaleb; day bled; stick beater; rIgatty alootrte. tmabltin ytnaehine; IQWin2 muteblee , tbbo'ggaitY g1t4 bldydle; dnadv. ttt3a' gh 1 U tee hing,t 14. Ter tl iee fbiale NO leeeree ab th4 feria tie: olsl: At, MeiTeENS,. iethe ..'> kitcar W.. '4Tliott, Attetfoaee'k. • . 4418-2 „TICE to CREDITORS InSON ithe Elate of MARY MANN NICHOL- ALT: PERSIiI4S HAVING CLAIM S against • the Estate of Mare Mann Nicholson, late of the Township of Hui• lett, in the County of Ruben, deceased, Wife died on air about the, 8rd day of 5pnteltub'ei, `1958, are hereb9 notified to gent it* Mall v06*tietuar4 of their claims to the and rbigned en or before the 12th day ' 11ftecto r; 1088. ,after ah'ich. date the as'a�ilalll.Ibe diatiehetdd, having rdgard Milk to Clam" tbdfr received. at jdaifbrtl 'this 16th day of stit,attlRY, NOTICE Town of Seaforth DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME in the Town of Seaforth WILL END AT 2:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27th BUY YOUR COAL THE EASY WAY! NO CASH! UP TO 112 MONTHS TO PAY! ASK US TODAY! ABOUT THE OLD COMPANY'S COAL CLUB! Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Phone 47, Seaforth Why worry about your fuel bill this coal the easy way from us! All you Any time you wont it! Fast, clean, efficient service! Old Company's Lehigh Premium Hord Cool year? Buy your want! All sizes! e 4n tram cif b�yy Good Ito tirdatopfng HENSALL - Slate At Meeting The ,following otticera were elect- ed by acclamation at the meeting of..Almber Rebekah Lodge in the lodge rooms last week. Mrs. Leona Parke, N.G., presided. Junior P.N.G-, Mrs. Leona Parke; N.G., Mrs. Dorothy Parker; V.G., Miss Mabel Whiteman; R.S., Mrs. Myrtle Orr; F.S., Mrs. �Aldeen Vol - land; treasurer, Mrs. Olga Ohip- chase. Mrd. Jessie Dougall gave a splen- did plendid report of the assembly meeting which she attended in Toronto in June. and Ross returned home a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper spent a few days in Kincardine last week and: attended the funeral of Mrs. Pepper's cousin, Robert Moni- laws, St. Thomas,. whose funeral was held at Kincardine last week- end, eekend, and burial made in Kincardine cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson, Heiman, and Mr. Milton Ortwein, London, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Monza Ortwein, in Crosswell, Mich., who died Sept. 18. Funeral service was held on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ibbotson and Arlene, Hanover, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Pepper. - Miss Lois Henderson left by bus Tuesday morning for a two weeks' vacation with relatives in Winni- peg.• Mrs. Stewart Bell, Pauline and Ann, spent last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bedard, London, and also attended Western Fair. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Robool were Mr. and Mrs. William Maas and family, Granton, and Mr. M. Vandyk, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Streeton, Lucanl who have been on two weeks' vacation, enjoyed a motor trip to Montreal, Quebec, Moncton, N.B., and Halifax, and also spent a few days last week with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mr. Russell Moore has returned after spending a delightful week's vacation at Algonquin Park and Bancroft. Russell reported having a splendid holiday with fishing one of 'the main features of his trip. Mrs. Minnie Sangster spent the weekend with her sons and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sangster, London, Vii', and Mrs. William Forrest, who left on a motor trip three weeks ago with their sons, Edison and Ross, to the West, returned home Monday by train ands report a most enjoyable trip, visiting rel- atives at Vancouver 'Island, Sas- katchewan, North Battleford, Da- kota and other places. They stat- ed the scenery was lovely along their travels and they enjoyed go- ing through the Rockies, Edison For Sale I'(l OR SALE—HEAVY DUTY 4 -BURNER .Beach electric range, in excellent Con- dition. J. W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Sea - forth, Phone 833 r 31. - 447353 1UOR SALE—PANSIES, CHOICE, -AS- Sorted, well -rooted plants and bloom- ing; 3 for 25 cents. T. W. ALDINGTON, North Main St. 4478x1 FOR SALE—MEDIUM-SIZED QUEBEC heater, nearly new. Apply BERNARD NOTT. Phone 644 r 4, Seaforth. 44734 FOR SALE—BLACK CREPE DRESS, white trimming, size 90; red crepe dress, never worn, size 40; lady's grey checked winter coat. All will be sold reasonably. Apply to Box 247, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4471-tf Cards Of Thanks Bus Trip To International Plowing Match THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. John Bolger wish to express their sin- cere thanks and deep appreciation to all their friends and neighbors who helped in any way during their recent bereavement. 447851 Births BUGHANAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Buchanan, R,R. 1, Londesboro, a daughter. DEARING—At Scott •Memorial Hospital, on September 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall ;Dearing, Staffa, a daughter. GORWILL—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 22, to Dr, and Mrs. J. A. Gorwill, Segforth, a son. MURRAY—At Scott Memorial Hospital,' on September 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray (nee Marion KaIe), R,R. 2, Walton, a son Daniel Francis McLEAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sunday. September 20, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. McLean, Seaforth, a son—Ale/an- der on Alexan- der Wilson. NOLAN—At Scott' Memorial Hospital, on September 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nolan, R,R. 5, Seaforth, a daughter. RYAN—At St. 'Michael'e Hospital, To- ronto, on September 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ryan, a daughter- Maur-een Elizabeth. A sister for Paul. SMALE—At Scott biesnorial Hospital, on September 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Boss Smale, Staffa, a son. Deaths AT 'COBOURG 41 TICKETS ARE ON SALE GRI EVE'S SERVICE STATION at $6.25 EACH If tickets are not all sold by September 30, trip will be can- celled ancelled and money refunded. Any person welcome. Sponsored by McKillop Federa- tion of Agriculture — G. Scott, President; A. R. Dodds, Secre- tary. Tiattor.7. SALE 1 Used M. -H. 30 Standard 1 Used International 10-20 — $75.00 DEMONSTRATION SPECIALS 1 M. -H. 44 Standard 2 M. -H. 30 Standards 2 M. -H. 20 Standards 1 M. -H. 20 R. C. with Hydraulic and Mounted Equipment • • MAKE US AN OFFER • • Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth I_•_• ■ ■ ■ r ■--m—e LLASHMAR CLINTON Next to Community Park First Show Starts at Thurs., Fri. — Sept. 24 - 25 "That's My Boy" Dean Martin Jerry Lewis Dusk NEWS — CARTOON Tuesday, Wednesday l Sat., Mon. — Sept. 26 - 28 'The San Francisco. Story' Joel McCrea Yvonne De Carie NEWS — CARTOON — September 29 - 30 "RETREAT HELL" FRANK LOVEJOY- NEWS RICHARD CARLSON CARTOON CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND Children Under 12 In Cars Admitted FREE l i l MMl EMMM5 MeellIAN—tri 'Vtetb'ttla foal itis, Loedet, en Thursday; Or'e itomllor 24,. the infant son $'f Mr. and Mit. A., Y. Mdln. Seaforth. SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN SPECIAL 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH—Radio 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1951 CHEV. COACH 1951 CHEV. STYLRILTNE SEDAN 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1951 CHEV. POWER -GLIDE COACH, with radio 1950 CHEVROLET COACH 1949.FORD COACH 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN A written guarantee 1949 CHEV. DE LUXE FOUR. -DOOR SAN: fully equipped. 2-1948 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACHES 1948 CHEV. SEDAN 1948 OLDSMOBIILE FLEETLINN'•4IOACH radio. 1947 CHEV. FLF7EYrLINE SEDAN 1947 CHEV. OOAOH 1946 CHEV. SEDAN 1942 DODGE COACH TRUCKS 1948 MERCURY %-rrON PICKUP 1943 DODGE STAKE BODY TRUC for 60 days on all Late Model Cara MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS PHONE 73-X — "The Horne of Better Used Cars" • OPEN EVERY EVENING For Their Greater Future .. Give Your Generous Support To HELP THE BLIND HELP THEMSELVES this a•rgRaltgei 10 'being conducted from Z1 tib idcf .3 in the Counties of (girt, Ifni* Mlddianit 'Penh sad dose. fnslfialii+tfrit e K wof London •std ^Shutfoi)I. $18,000 Is Required Now To Provide These Services: Social rehabilitation through counsel of field secretaries. Home instruction in crofts and Braille reading and writing. Maintenance of the new Western Ontario Residence and Recreation Centre. Job placement service, Blindness prevention service. Of 'a total annual operating cost of $46,000, $28,000 has already been provided by munic- ipal grants and Community Chests. SEND YOUR DONATION NOW THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND Campaign Headggirfurs Alf rODIRICH, LONDON* S7'. tIIOMAS,•' $TRii vroto 1 I