HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-09-18, Page 8!II ecia ze in, AtITOMoBILE,. CASUALTY, ,GUARANTEE BONDS Y,}iw open T AND SICKNESS i {RGI,.ARY AND WINDSTORM 'Menreeenting Companies who five Security with Service -jl!. A.GENTS FOR ONTARIO THRESHERM,A�N'S MUTUAL . FIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON & REID Id. A. REID - Proprietor insurance and Real Estate Phone 214 — Seaforth FOR SALE Modern Dwelling on East Wil- liam St. New air conditioning unit. �amediate possession. F}•ame Dwelling ,with all modern ,conviences. Oil heating. Suit- able for V.L.A. purchase. Modern New Dwelling. very cen- trally located; oil beating. All conveniences. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St.,' with all modern conveniences. Poe - :session arranged. Frame Dwelling in Egmondville; mein garage. Immediate possession. Frame Dwelling on Louisa St. Modern conveniences. New fur- nace. Possession November 1. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID BEAL ESTATE PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI All passengers insured PHONES: 162J or 162W INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE , Successor to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Peon 834 Res. 222-R MAIN ST.: SEAFORTH 11 U 111111111111111111111111111111111111 i 8 IIWIIW111111U Veteran's CAB GEORGE H. MILLER, Prop. >~ Passengers Insured Phone 362 SEAFORTH After Midnight, 2310 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o o W. J. CLEARY 0 O Seaforth, Ont O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 O Night or Day Calls — 335 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 J. A. BURKE O 0 Funeral Director O 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 O Phone 43 r 10 0 0 - 0 X00000000000 0000000.0000A ° G. A. WHITNEY 0 0 Funeral Home o 0 Qoderlcli St. W„ Seaforth O 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital beds 0 0 for .rent. 0 0 FLOWERS FOR EVERY 0 o OCCASION O 0 Telephone: Day or Nights 119 0 0 Residence 65 O 0 0 000000000000 Church St- Thomas" Anelicen 1 hurciu 11 a.m., Morning Prayer. St. Mary's, Dublin: 9:34 a.m. -- Rei, J. ''H, James. Reetor. Salvation Army.—•$ 00 P.ss., am - day School; 7 pm., Salvation Meet- ing; el ing; 4 p.m., Thursday, Hobby Crafts, Youeg People; 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting. A cordial welcome. —Lieut. Harry Keats, Muerte, Charge. Northshie United Church. — 10 a,m., Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., Rally Day Ser- vice; er vice; guest minister, Rev. J. E. Witte, ..of I.ondeeboro; Tocllerw group; 7 p.m., Harvest 40.01e SO' vice at St. Themaa' A.nelican Church; 8:15 p.m,, X.P.U, meeting. Rev. .john W. A. Stinson, Min- ister. First Presbyterian Church. -- 0I a.m., 4 phurceh School and Bible Class; 1.1 a.m., "The Glory of God"; Evening service withdrawn. — Rev. i D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. 000000000000 0 0 0 BOX 0 funeral• Oerbice 0 R. S. BOX O .0 Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Prompt and careful attention. 0 0 Hospital Bed 0 o FLOWERS FOR ALL * 0 OCCASIONS O +If Phones: O 0 Res, 595-W Store 43 O 0 0 0.0000000000* Yon Have a Lucky. Number, Too 1!t you're .a little skeptical *bout there being such, things as lucky numbers, here's your 1►toot. Take the Number 41, your Expositor phone number ' for Instance thousands bane it 'their lucky number 9r R ling any need' from find- :, lig lost "Pets, and valua'b1es to ,Yecmring Scarce arlticics. You'll llM lt• lucky; too, Whether you Want to rent a 'room ,tot a job, a ter lrid~'hey fors fit • fC b, . . ' a Y' uck k. I r I riii:so ears { . ltbr rtict Adm.. NEWS OF THE TOWN ,Japgea Bruce Jo ynaton,, son of .Mr. 'a1a!� Mrs,. Alfred .J•ohnst„on, Veleta, the Marriage to telco place:One lit- ter it ter part of Septewber, ANNOUNCEMEr1T Mr. and Mrs.'Alvin Dale, Sea - forth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Dolores, to Mr. William Franklin Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs, Augustus Wheeler, Brussels. The marriage will take place in Northside United Church, Seaforth; on Saturday, Oc- tober 3, at 12 o'clock noon. ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT _ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burstow, 14 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Drager, Sea- Martin Road, Hove (near Brighton), forth, announce the engagement of England, announce the engagement their daughter, Pearl Louise, to of their only daughter, Rita Doro- thy, to Sergeant Douglas Love, SAVE TIME AND MONEY "It Pays To Shop in Egmondville" WEEK - ENI, SPECIALS: DELMAR MARGARINE -2 Pounds 59c REDPATH SUGAR—Per Cwt. 8.79 CARNATION MILK, TALLS-6 Tins 88c NAVEL ORANGES -2 Dozen 29c Buy Quality! Buy Economy! Buy the Best! Miner Rubber Boots — Miner Rubbers EARLY TELEPHONE ORDERS APPRECIATED Clair Haney - Egmondville For FREE Delivery, PHONE 72 et REDEDICATION SERVICES in — Northside United Church Seaforth SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th + 11 a.m.—Rev. Charles Daniel President of London Conference SERMON: "The Church Today" 7 p.m.—Rev. H. V. Workman, Tillsonburg.. SERMON: "God's Art in Church Life" + 1• SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR 111-1111-1111—R-111-111-11— Petit Point Is BACK AGAIN See our Display of FINE ENGLISH DINNERWARE and TEAWARE at the Seaforth Fall Fair SEPT. 24th and 25th • SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA .Seaforth VETERAN'S CAB SCHEDULE OF RATES IN TOWN OF SEAFORTH 1. Rates Up to- Midnight: . (a) One or two passengers from one place to another, not exceeding one mile • • • • 35c (b) Over one mile, in addition to the fore- going, 10 cents for each additional half mile or fraction thereof. - For each additional passenger, the sum of 10c (d) For each stop between the first pick- - up and destination, the sum of 10c 2. Minimum after midnight for local calls• • 50c 3. Waiting time shall be charged at $1.50 per hour, or 75 cents per half hour, and less than a half-hour, in proportion thereof. (c) 4. All other trips outside of the Town of Seaforth to be 20 cents per mile, one way, and shall include five passengers or fewer in number. GEO. H. MILLER, Proprietor Seaforth; Ont. Day Phone 362 After Midni ht Phone g , 230 First Canadian'Rifles, 27th Brigade, Hannover, Germany, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. James Love, Tucker - smith. Their marriage will take Place in St. Philli'p's Church, Hove, the latter part of 'December. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 * Weddings * 11111111111111111111 u 111111111111111111111111111 MacLEAN - ELLIS The marriage of Harriet Eliza- beth Ellis, Kitchener, to Roderick William MacLean, Egmondville, took place at•Trinity Church, Corn- wall, on Saturday, August 29. Ven. Archdeacon H. A. E. Clarke, rector, officiated at the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. James Ellis and the late Mr. Ellis. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. MacLean, Egmondville. A reception followed at the Vil- lage Inn, Massena, N.Y., after which the bridal couple left for New York City. Many row flee Attend Press roan' WSr' 'sly a .Q Amor..�tiioee who attended, the .annual rally of the H'ur'on 'r :elle— o01lS (Continued frome'P ge 1) Mrs. J. $. • ell, Mrs, Robert Smiths. Mrs. W. E. 'Butt, -Miss Re1Xe.. Camp ll, :Mra. John McGregor; Mrs. R.. Glenn Campbell, Miss -S; I. McLean, Miss Ina Gray, Mise Mar- garet McKay, Mrs. G. Hina,, Mrs, W. D. Smith, Mrs. T. Bickell, Miss Harriet Murray, Mrs. W. J. Thomp- son, Mrs. John McMillan, Mre. T. W. McMillan, Mrs. J. L. Bell, Mrs. J. ,JJ. Daley, Mrs. S•.Habkirk, Mrs. W. Orland Johnson, Mrs. W. A.. Wright, Miss M. J. Habkirk, Mrs. H.. R. Scott, Miss Jean Scott, Mrs. Leatha Millar, Mrs. C.. Felker, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Ed. Andrews; Miss Marion Gray, Mrs: Jas. Hill, Mrs. J. R. Stewart, Mrs. R. Eber- hart, Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Mrs. G. D. Ferguson, Mrs. J. MacTav- ish, Mrs. J. F. Scott, Mrs, M: R. Rennie, Mrs. Herr. terser of the Presbynteriari IiV.M.s. inGhiderich esday were; Side SIMIIlign LATE MRS. L. McCONNELL A highly respected resident of Keddleston, Sask., for the past 35 years, Mrs. Leonard McConnell (the former Mabel Caldwell), passed away September 8 after suffering a severe stroke two days before. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell, Hen - sell. After her marriage she resid- ed in Brucefleld. She is survived by three daughter: Mrs. George Poul- ton (Thelma), Regina Beach; Mrs, Earl Holt (Muriel), Keddleston; Mrs. Carl Dobson (Helen), Besena Vista, all of Saskatchewan; two sisters, Miss Sadie Caldwell, Van- couver, and Mrs. Russell H. Sproat, Seaforth,and one brother, Grant, of Central 'Butte, Sask. Her husband and sons, Stewart and Guy, predeceased her a few ears ago. Funeral was held Sept, 10 at Keddleston Church, with bur- ial in Keddleston cemetery, DEATH OF MRS' F. R. BEATTIE Death came unexpectedly to Ed- na Holmes, wife of Fred R. Beattie, on Sunday evening, Sept. 13, at Isle of Springs, Maine, where she was holidaying with her dauught0, Mrs. Chester Dawes. Mrs. Beattie was born in Clinton, the daughter, of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Holmes, and attended both public school and collegiate 'there. In 1910 she was married to Mr. Beattie, who survives, together with one son, I5enneth Beattie, St. 'Phomas; one daughter, Mrs. C. Dawes, Boston, Mass.; two sisters, Mrs. Chester Jones, Boston, Mass., and Mies Car- olyn Holmes, town; one brother, Ray B. Holmes, • town, and one grandchild. In religion Mrs. Beat- tie eattie was a Presbyterian. The remains arrived here Tues- day afternoon and rested at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home until Thursday, when Rev. D. G. Camp- bell conducted funeral services at 2 p.m. The pallbearers were J. C. Stevens, M. McKellar, G. Hays, W. E. Southgate, W. D. Smith and W. A. Wright. Interment was in Clin- ton cemetery. - LATE JOHN S. DICKSON Funeral service for John S. Dick- son, Toronto financier, who died Monday at Wellesley Hospital, To- ronto, was held at 1:30 p.m. Thurs- day in Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. He was a past president of the Royal Canadian Institute and an active public worker. A partner in the brokerage firm of Dickson, Joliffe and Co., he had been president of Harding Carpets Ltd. for many years, and recently Was elected chairman of the board. He was president of American Nephiline Ltd., and a director of Ventures Ltd.. Canadian General Investments Ltd., Trader's Finance Corp. Ltd., Guaranty Trust Co. of Canada, Canadian Wirebound Box- es Ltd., Nipissing Mines Ltd., and FARMS FOR SALE 300 Acres in . Morris Twp... 25,000 100 Acres in Tuckeremith. , . 11,000 100 Acres in Tuckersmith.. 9,000 100 Acres in Stanley 12,000 47 Acres in Hul'lett 7,000 For Rent Pour -Room Cottage 25.00 Will.l be vacant October 1. M4. Apply to W. C. OKE Phone 458, FfIICR 1N THic'QUEENS HOT,11X, LOCAL BRIEFS a local resident from :peddling in town?" "Yes," was the reply frons Cleric W tisou. 1 csguncil agreed efter a letter from the Public School Board was read, that all members would attend the official opening ceremonies of the new school. October 1. No .decision was reached regarding an inquiry from the C.N.R, for suggestions for a suitable machine shop location here. The Mayor reported a net total of $437.74 sent to the Huron County Wind Disaster Fund from Seaforth, raised by a cabinet draw and bingo. After discussion of safety condi- tions near the new .public school, `some 'Councillors .believed the Board, Council or ;local Police 'might be wise in Consideringform- cation of a Safety Patrol here, as in .Clinton. Council also believed (children on bicycles should use Market Street instead of Goderich Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart and Street. son, Douglas, left this week for Kingston, where Douglas will en- Motion on Fire Problem ter Queen's /University. p Reminding Council of the sugges- Mr. F. Joseph .Sills, Baltimore, tion to install colored lights on Maryland, is visiting his brothers, Main Street before Christmas, Messrs. C. P. Sills and Frank S. Councillor Sharp also queried about Sills and their 'families. parking marks. Councillor Close Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hodgert and said these marks ' would not be Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice have re- made this fall; Councillor Sharp turned after spending a week in Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Oliver, Win- nipeg, who have been visiting here this week, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. W. Eberhart and Mr. and. Mrs, Thos. Oliver and family, are spending several days this week at St. Anne de Bellevue with Dr. and Mrs. Fraser Oliver. Mrs. George Hamilton, Auburn, is a guest of her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rout- ledge. Mr. Donald J Dale left last week for Fort William, where he will teadh during the next term. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McKercher, Mc- Killop, spent aweek visiting noted farms in the New England States. Mr. and Mrs.. W. Orland Johnston and son recently returned after a motor 'trip to the Canadian West. Mr. Charles Barber is in Victoria Hospital, London, where he under- went a major operation. Mrs. John E. Daley has returned from Ottawa, Montreal and Boston, Mass. MISS Mary Ryan returned to Pres- ton to resume her duties as teach- er in the high school there, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stuart and Margaret have returned from their cottage at Hillsbow Beach, near Forest, where they spent the sum- mer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Brute Hodgert spent the holiday weekend in Flint, Mich., and other .points. e Mrs. E. S. Little, Quebec City, visited her brotaer and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson, and her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Me- Quaig, last week. Miss Evelyn Southgate, Toronto, spent two weeks holidaying in Northern Ontario. Miss Doris Pullman left last week for London, where she will teach in Tecumseh School, Mrs: M. H. McKenzie, Oshawa, Mr. Jack Dorrance,- St. Catharines, Miss Joan Govenlock, Simcoe, Miss Barbara Govenlock, Toronto, and Mrs. Mae Dorrance, town, have re- turned after a month's motor trip through the West. Mr. George Hays has returned af- ter spending two weeks in North- ern Ontario. Mrs. Robert Charters was in Port Hope over the week -end at- tending the wedding of a niece. Miss Camilla Ryan has returned to Aylmer to assume hey 'duties as teacher. Miss Margaret Grummet& and brother, John Grummett, who are suffering from an attack of polio in Victoria Hospital, London, are now improving. LAC. J. J. Jones, Mrs• Jones and son, Michael, who have been visit- ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones, George St., left for Goose Bay, Labrador, last Thursday. Mrs. Harold Shera spent a week's vacation visiting her brother, Mr. Clare Way, at Bogies Beach, also visiting a couple of days were Mr. H. Shera, Mr. and Mrs, R. Nelson, Goderich, Mrs. Ida Jackson, Hen- sall, Mrs. R. Dallas, Brucefleld, Mr. Warren Shera, Seaforth, and Mr. Don Jackson, Hensall. Mrs. Emma Burns, Seattle, Wash., is a guest of her cousins, Mrs. W. Ament and Mr. Rufus Winter. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erickson, of Waterloo, spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs, Messenger, Egmondville. Miss Marlene Erick- son returned home with them af- ter spending over three weeks with her 'grandmother. Mrs. Hamilton, who . has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Routledge, and other relatives here, has returned to her home at Auburn. also asked about the possibility of putting up parking time limit signs here, and Reeve Scoins wondered if the ,C.N.R. would pave between the tracks at the Main St. cross- ing. No decision was reached on either question, but Clerk Wilson was asked to write a letter of in- quiry to the C.N.R. Councillor Harvey Leslie initiat- ed a discussion on the re -occurring I problem of open and unattended ' fires at the rear of Main St. stores. There are more complaints and there is still a dangerous situation, he said. Outcome of this discus- sion was a motion by Council that, effective October 1, no res behind downtown places of business will be allowed unless contained in an incinerator approved by the Fire Chief. Before Council adjourned at 14:15 p.m., the old problem again reared about whether or not the County completed its contract in the sur- facing of Main Street. As before, no solution was found. Dublin District Teachers Return to Their Schools The following teachers from the Dublin vicinity assumed their du- ties at their respective schools last week: Miss Phonsine Meagher to S.S. No. 8, Logan; Miss Mary Morrison to Whalen's Corners; Mrs. James Morrison to Ingersoll; Miss 'Mar- garet. Flanagan to Kennicott; •Miss Mary E. Stapleton to Kitchener; Miss Joan Flanagan to Beechwood; Mrs, G. E. Holland. to St. Agatha; Mists Dorothy {Dillon to Grand Bend; Miss Regina Bowman to Tuekersmith; Miss Lorraine Row, - land to :Goderich; Mrs. Jack McIver to Seaforth; Miss Bernadette Bar- ry to Simcoe; Billy Murphy to Port Dover; Hugh Benninger to Logan; • Jim Lane to Sudbury; Mrs. Joseph F. Melady to Hibbert S.S. Other financial mining and indus- trial companies. Bornnear Seaforth, Mr. Dickson graduated in commerce and finance at Uttiversity of Toronto in 1916 and served as ad'officer in the army during World War 1. He was a member of the national cmpaign committee of the CanadiairCancer society and chairman of the Toron- to Victory Loan Employees' com- mittee. He attended Timothy Eaton Mem+trial Church and was a mein- ber Of the National', Rosedale Golf and Granite' Clubs. Surviving sire two ,daughters, Mrs. David It, Grant and Mrs. 11. W. 'Itiutherford,; it son, John T.; .two skiers, Mrs,. Duncan B. 'Gilt'ies atilt Miss Jean. . ,titekabb, one brother, Cl .Tam . of eveland Is; brfe a o� te him inn 946 .3 i s 'blue coal' SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT The Color Guarantees the Quality Spring and Summer prices WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 3884 Res, 192-M TAG DAY Women's Hospital Aux- iliary to Scott Memorial Hospital will hold a TAG DAY — on — SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVAS WILL ALSO BE MADE THORSDAY, FRIM IAO!, $ATURQAY " THE WILD °''$TAIM4N " BEN JOHNSON EDGAR BUCHANAN. A thrilling story of a Wild Horse hunt£ alined in Beautiful Technicolor. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL " •.w LANA TURNER KIRK DOUGLAS In a drama sensa'tlonel 4out the Movie -making; of tWdale; THURSDAY, FRIDAY, .SATUURDAY SAN ANTONE " ROD CAMERON ARLENE W!HELAN Coming Soon -- "The Clowln" ALWAYS OUT IN FRONT . , FOR VALUES ! BLACK CANVAS RUNNING SH -GES White Trim; Extra Heavy White Rubber Soles with Cushion Insoles•. YOUTHS' SIZES, 11 to 13 BOYS' SIZES, 1 to 5 - MEN'S SIZES, 6 to 11 Now— ' $2.95 $3.50 $3.75 WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the 1310 Values" — SEAFORTH FRANK'S SERVICE "The Service You Will Appreciate" • • " COME TO THE . FAIR! " �. I Prize for_ Best Float i n School Children's I I Parade by,FRANK'S B -A SERVICE 1 • •_ Motorways Bus Depot AGENT FOR TUCKEY-GUENTH'ER TRANSPORT Cigarettes - York Ice Cream - Chocolate Bars F. C. GRIEVE - Lessee Phone . 592 -- Seaforth Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 • and while you're there, look around a little more and see our Booth on. -the Arena Floor - Crown Hardware M. NOTT and K. SHARP Phone 797 Seaforth AT mai Seaforth. Fall Fair THURSDAY EVENING TWO BIG VARIETY, SHOWS Featuring Vaudeville and Comedy at its best by Paul .Bros. and Shirley The Acrobatic Blonde Bombshell — Dorothy Steadman Ken Mills -- Pianist TWO SHOWS, OF 35 MINUTES EACH P.M. -- FIRST SHOW 8:30, SECOND SHOW 9:80 ARENA OPEN 7:30 Thursday Night and All Day Friday SEE THE COLORFUL1300TH DISPLAYS BY SEAFORTH MERCHANTS IN THE `COMMUNITY CENTRE! thuit,do aini . ? rd tted,Beethl l' 'says tl0sore+t '' the tbcal .'Cha isber n l Cosi° tttiAbb Sett b `tht 4 4dtiltii't t. 5balet yr CO A L We can't sell all of the Coal in town, so we only sell the BEST! • Top Quality • Screened SUMMER PRICES Wine M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth FARMS FOR SALE 300 Acres in . Morris Twp... 25,000 100 Acres in Tuckeremith. , . 11,000 100 Acres in Tuckersmith.. 9,000 100 Acres in Stanley 12,000 47 Acres in Hul'lett 7,000 For Rent Pour -Room Cottage 25.00 Will.l be vacant October 1. M4. Apply to W. C. OKE Phone 458, FfIICR 1N THic'QUEENS HOT,11X, LOCAL BRIEFS a local resident from :peddling in town?" "Yes," was the reply frons Cleric W tisou. 1 csguncil agreed efter a letter from the Public School Board was read, that all members would attend the official opening ceremonies of the new school. October 1. No .decision was reached regarding an inquiry from the C.N.R, for suggestions for a suitable machine shop location here. The Mayor reported a net total of $437.74 sent to the Huron County Wind Disaster Fund from Seaforth, raised by a cabinet draw and bingo. After discussion of safety condi- tions near the new .public school, `some 'Councillors .believed the Board, Council or ;local Police 'might be wise in Consideringform- cation of a Safety Patrol here, as in .Clinton. Council also believed (children on bicycles should use Market Street instead of Goderich Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart and Street. son, Douglas, left this week for Kingston, where Douglas will en- Motion on Fire Problem ter Queen's /University. p Reminding Council of the sugges- Mr. F. Joseph .Sills, Baltimore, tion to install colored lights on Maryland, is visiting his brothers, Main Street before Christmas, Messrs. C. P. Sills and Frank S. Councillor Sharp also queried about Sills and their 'families. parking marks. Councillor Close Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hodgert and said these marks ' would not be Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice have re- made this fall; Councillor Sharp turned after spending a week in Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Oliver, Win- nipeg, who have been visiting here this week, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. W. Eberhart and Mr. and. Mrs, Thos. Oliver and family, are spending several days this week at St. Anne de Bellevue with Dr. and Mrs. Fraser Oliver. Mrs. George Hamilton, Auburn, is a guest of her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rout- ledge. Mr. Donald J Dale left last week for Fort William, where he will teadh during the next term. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McKercher, Mc- Killop, spent aweek visiting noted farms in the New England States. Mr. and Mrs.. W. Orland Johnston and son recently returned after a motor 'trip to the Canadian West. Mr. Charles Barber is in Victoria Hospital, London, where he under- went a major operation. Mrs. John E. Daley has returned from Ottawa, Montreal and Boston, Mass. MISS Mary Ryan returned to Pres- ton to resume her duties as teach- er in the high school there, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stuart and Margaret have returned from their cottage at Hillsbow Beach, near Forest, where they spent the sum- mer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Brute Hodgert spent the holiday weekend in Flint, Mich., and other .points. e Mrs. E. S. Little, Quebec City, visited her brotaer and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson, and her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Me- Quaig, last week. Miss Evelyn Southgate, Toronto, spent two weeks holidaying in Northern Ontario. Miss Doris Pullman left last week for London, where she will teach in Tecumseh School, Mrs: M. H. McKenzie, Oshawa, Mr. Jack Dorrance,- St. Catharines, Miss Joan Govenlock, Simcoe, Miss Barbara Govenlock, Toronto, and Mrs. Mae Dorrance, town, have re- turned after a month's motor trip through the West. Mr. George Hays has returned af- ter spending two weeks in North- ern Ontario. Mrs. Robert Charters was in Port Hope over the week -end at- tending the wedding of a niece. Miss Camilla Ryan has returned to Aylmer to assume hey 'duties as teacher. Miss Margaret Grummet& and brother, John Grummett, who are suffering from an attack of polio in Victoria Hospital, London, are now improving. LAC. J. J. Jones, Mrs• Jones and son, Michael, who have been visit- ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones, George St., left for Goose Bay, Labrador, last Thursday. Mrs. Harold Shera spent a week's vacation visiting her brother, Mr. Clare Way, at Bogies Beach, also visiting a couple of days were Mr. H. Shera, Mr. and Mrs, R. Nelson, Goderich, Mrs. Ida Jackson, Hen- sall, Mrs. R. Dallas, Brucefleld, Mr. Warren Shera, Seaforth, and Mr. Don Jackson, Hensall. Mrs. Emma Burns, Seattle, Wash., is a guest of her cousins, Mrs. W. Ament and Mr. Rufus Winter. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erickson, of Waterloo, spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs, Messenger, Egmondville. Miss Marlene Erick- son returned home with them af- ter spending over three weeks with her 'grandmother. Mrs. Hamilton, who . has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. C. Routledge, and other relatives here, has returned to her home at Auburn. also asked about the possibility of putting up parking time limit signs here, and Reeve Scoins wondered if the ,C.N.R. would pave between the tracks at the Main St. cross- ing. No decision was reached on either question, but Clerk Wilson was asked to write a letter of in- quiry to the C.N.R. Councillor Harvey Leslie initiat- ed a discussion on the re -occurring I problem of open and unattended ' fires at the rear of Main St. stores. There are more complaints and there is still a dangerous situation, he said. Outcome of this discus- sion was a motion by Council that, effective October 1, no res behind downtown places of business will be allowed unless contained in an incinerator approved by the Fire Chief. Before Council adjourned at 14:15 p.m., the old problem again reared about whether or not the County completed its contract in the sur- facing of Main Street. As before, no solution was found. Dublin District Teachers Return to Their Schools The following teachers from the Dublin vicinity assumed their du- ties at their respective schools last week: Miss Phonsine Meagher to S.S. No. 8, Logan; Miss Mary Morrison to Whalen's Corners; Mrs. James Morrison to Ingersoll; Miss 'Mar- garet. Flanagan to Kennicott; •Miss Mary E. Stapleton to Kitchener; Miss Joan Flanagan to Beechwood; Mrs, G. E. Holland. to St. Agatha; Mists Dorothy {Dillon to Grand Bend; Miss Regina Bowman to Tuekersmith; Miss Lorraine Row, - land to :Goderich; Mrs. Jack McIver to Seaforth; Miss Bernadette Bar- ry to Simcoe; Billy Murphy to Port Dover; Hugh Benninger to Logan; • Jim Lane to Sudbury; Mrs. Joseph F. Melady to Hibbert S.S. Other financial mining and indus- trial companies. Bornnear Seaforth, Mr. Dickson graduated in commerce and finance at Uttiversity of Toronto in 1916 and served as ad'officer in the army during World War 1. He was a member of the national cmpaign committee of the CanadiairCancer society and chairman of the Toron- to Victory Loan Employees' com- mittee. He attended Timothy Eaton Mem+trial Church and was a mein- ber Of the National', Rosedale Golf and Granite' Clubs. Surviving sire two ,daughters, Mrs. David It, Grant and Mrs. 11. W. 'Itiutherford,; it son, John T.; .two skiers, Mrs,. Duncan B. 'Gilt'ies atilt Miss Jean. . ,titekabb, one brother, Cl .Tam . of eveland Is; brfe a o� te him inn 946 .3 i s 'blue coal' SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT The Color Guarantees the Quality Spring and Summer prices WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 3884 Res, 192-M TAG DAY Women's Hospital Aux- iliary to Scott Memorial Hospital will hold a TAG DAY — on — SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVAS WILL ALSO BE MADE THORSDAY, FRIM IAO!, $ATURQAY " THE WILD °''$TAIM4N " BEN JOHNSON EDGAR BUCHANAN. A thrilling story of a Wild Horse hunt£ alined in Beautiful Technicolor. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL " •.w LANA TURNER KIRK DOUGLAS In a drama sensa'tlonel 4out the Movie -making; of tWdale; THURSDAY, FRIDAY, .SATUURDAY SAN ANTONE " ROD CAMERON ARLENE W!HELAN Coming Soon -- "The Clowln" ALWAYS OUT IN FRONT . , FOR VALUES ! BLACK CANVAS RUNNING SH -GES White Trim; Extra Heavy White Rubber Soles with Cushion Insoles•. YOUTHS' SIZES, 11 to 13 BOYS' SIZES, 1 to 5 - MEN'S SIZES, 6 to 11 Now— ' $2.95 $3.50 $3.75 WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the 1310 Values" — SEAFORTH FRANK'S SERVICE "The Service You Will Appreciate" • • " COME TO THE . FAIR! " �. I Prize for_ Best Float i n School Children's I I Parade by,FRANK'S B -A SERVICE 1 • •_ Motorways Bus Depot AGENT FOR TUCKEY-GUENTH'ER TRANSPORT Cigarettes - York Ice Cream - Chocolate Bars F. C. GRIEVE - Lessee Phone . 592 -- Seaforth Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 • and while you're there, look around a little more and see our Booth on. -the Arena Floor - Crown Hardware M. NOTT and K. SHARP Phone 797 Seaforth AT mai Seaforth. Fall Fair THURSDAY EVENING TWO BIG VARIETY, SHOWS Featuring Vaudeville and Comedy at its best by Paul .Bros. and Shirley The Acrobatic Blonde Bombshell — Dorothy Steadman Ken Mills -- Pianist TWO SHOWS, OF 35 MINUTES EACH P.M. -- FIRST SHOW 8:30, SECOND SHOW 9:80 ARENA OPEN 7:30 Thursday Night and All Day Friday SEE THE COLORFUL1300TH DISPLAYS BY SEAFORTH MERCHANTS IN THE `COMMUNITY CENTRE! thuit,do aini . ? rd tted,Beethl l' 'says tl0sore+t '' the tbcal .'Cha isber n l Cosi° tttiAbb Sett b `tht 4 4dtiltii't t. 5balet yr