HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-09-11, Page 4d P • ly l$t. Ads Inserted At New Low Cash 'Rates WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—+Per Word; tat Week 1 Cent 2nd Week , % Cent • 3rd Week % Cent Minimum cbarge, each insertion—, 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Caxdlp Q!•Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events --1 cent per word. Minl•rnm, 1 1iq Carts Der weee 14* male be directed to a Box No.. a/o The Huron Rent/alto; for 10 cents extra. IM4 ?eE)tt; additional win be charged If ads In above elites are not paid within 10 days 4Mo of $nal insertion. »lt t1 iritreileges and Deaths inserted free of charge, daatlon 81►%. Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Mates on application. Coming Events REMEER THE HOSPITAL AUXIL- iary Tag Day, Saturday, September 26_ Also the annual Fall Rummage Sale, Satur. day. October 24. Housewives, please save used clothing. 4471-1 • pun AN EVENING OF FUN AND EN - 1' joyment, bring your friends to the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, and dance to the music of Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. 4470-4 Help Wanted tIELP WANTED --TWO OR THREE mornings a week, for housework. Ap- ply Box 25e, HURON EXPOSITOR, 44714. nYTORTUNITY" FOR YOUNG MAN over 16 year of age to learn all branches of the Printing trade, hand com- position, Linotype, automatic presses, etc. Well equipped shop does fine commercial printing and publishes two prize winning newspapers. Good starting wage and ad- vancement. If interested and you want to learn and earn well, apply for par- ticulars to THE AOTON FREE PRESS, Acton, Ontario. 4471-1 Property, For Sale g SALE -8.1t0014 FRAME HOUSE, rinsulated, stoker heated, modern bath- room and kitchen, new garage. Lots of room for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 855-W, Seaforth. 4439-tf IROPERTY FOR SALE—TWO-STOREY three bedrooms, living room, den, 8 - piece bathroom, oil heated house, int ding three acres of land, edge of town. A rov- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase:f:Ap- ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, 01 Phone 41, Seaforth. 4431 -ti Farms For Sale pARMS FOR SALE -000 -ACRE FARM for sale in Hibbert Township, Lot 25. Concession 3, four miles from town, two miles from church, one mile from school and the High Sehol bus passes the door; 12 -room 2 -storey brick house with Hydro; barn 88x43, straw shed 66x36, henhouse and garage; two good wells and niver- :feiling spring. Also 60 -acre grass farm for sale, Lot 24% E, Concession 7, Hibbert Township. Good well with windmill, and four acres of bush: well fenced. MRS. DANIEL J. O'CONNOR, R.R. 2, Dublin. Phone 41 r 14, Dublin. 4468x4 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WALTON KERSLAKE A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of WALTON KERS- LAKE, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of April, 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the leith day of September, 1953, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of August, 1953. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 44694 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of HAROLD J. TOMLINSON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Harold J. Tom- linson, late of the Township of Logan, in the County of Perth, Contractor, de- ceased, who died on the 12th day of August, 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of Octdber, 1953, after which date the assets willbe distributed, having regard only to claims' then received. DATED at Seafortb, this 9th day of September, 1953. MoCONNELL & HAYS, Seafortb, Ontario, Solicitors for the Exeeutors. 4471-8 Notices NATIOF.—SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. PHONE 108-W, Liman, Ont. 4471x2• GOOD FILL MAY BE HAD FOR TAR- inq same away, Apply ED. AN- DREWS, Seafortb. 44714 T AM PURCHASING BOARS AT 9c TO 12e pe' pound, live weight. Phone or write LEROY ACHESON, Atwood, 87 r 12, collect. 4469-10 NOTICE — I AM AGAIN BUYING grain for George Thompson, Hensel). Call for information. W. M. SPROAT. Phone 655 r 2, Seaforth. 446443 RADIO REPAIRS --FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4368-tf. ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 — PROMPT, courteoue collection of all dead and disabled farm animals, Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seafortb, or 285, EEanaxet r. Associated with Darling & Co. of n ki ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Mr Force personnel stationed at Clin• on. If yon have a house, apartment, rnished or unfurnished, to rent, please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 882; local 252. 4486.tf ATTENTION, FARMERS I — MCKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- eoc, (O.A.A,) Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MONROE, Seafortb. Phone 894-M. 4456-tf PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith TiPpg ht&TRU(Yi`IONS FROM COUN- ii under' atiithorily of BeeLaw No. 28, 1952 '1'*i oeby ltip at 'Ititekeremith, I her Predate that allolio In the hamlets of Eg iiendeil!1e an& Nareiirhey are prohibited feeixe l'a'shing at large during the. period fro= dime 1, 1958 20 November 1, 1953. jet narO ar ;h101Idireril o! dose ' entraven. oar ihd li4otbiloe* of this bq law vont be i to It I ibdrn ire trerialw ail m8o Oo. Voillieratalth 7a �aa 'ra4t�rtt Livestock Wanted MAD, DISABLED HORSES Olt COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and eflrcient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 655 r 2. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E 11 Goods), *nailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples '$L00. Mail-Order'Dept. T-78, NOVA-RURBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Wanted 'ANTED — SECOND-HAND PIANOS. PHONE SEAFORTH 266. Write BOX 299, Seaforth. 44674f WANTflD—BABY'S CRIB, IN GOOD condition. Apply Box 254, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4471x1 WANTED — FIRST MORTGAGE ON house in Seaforth. Contact BOX 319, Seaforth. 4471-2 Auction Sales LEARINIG AUCTION SALE OF ' Household Furniture.—Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer; will sell by public auction at Lot 9, Concession 1, Township of Fuller- ton, 4" miles east of 'Mitchell, on No. 8 Highway, on Saturday, September 12, sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp, the fol- lowing: Dining room extension table: 6 dining room chairs with leather seats; large arm chair; Victrola and records; oak sideboard, antique: Grandfather clock, good timepiece; Willams sewing machine; kitchen extension table; 10 kitchen chairs; sideboard ; 4 -day clock ; good cook stove with Pipes; 2 wooden beds, antique, with springs and mattresses; 2 feather ticks; about 2 dozen feather pillows, some never been used; 2 wooden beds with springs and mattresses ; dresser and stand; 1 iron bed with springs and mattress; dresser and stand; chamber set; Reiman's piano, nearly nevi; 2 piano stools; upholstered rocking chair, antique; leather couch; large quantity of good rag masts; hanging lamps; several oil Iarnpse host of carpet rugs; washstand; battery radio,' nearly new: 2 suitcases ; telescope; curtain stretchers; dropleaf table r 2 dressers and stands; several small tables; clothes ham - leers; good buffalo robe; ear rug; power lawn mower; several rockers; oak rock- ers ; centre table; drapes; table covers,; cornerglass cupboard; square glass cup- board; good rocking chair; couch; large flower stand; wooden tub; set irons; sev- eral clothes baskets; wash 'tab; water fountain; .number of jugs; Maxwell wash. ing, machine and wringer: coal scuttle; several 5, 6, 7 and 8 -gallon crocks; several smaller crocks; fruit jars; chicken brood- er ; milk pails ; strainer pail; several 5 - gallon cream cans; sausage grinder ; saus- age filler ; several small rugs; large trunk; large quantity of bedding, such as com- forters, quilts, cotton and woollen sheets, single and double; feather pillows; pillow cases; 40 -gallon gas drum and taps; lev- el: several iron kettles; new axe; granite kettles ; kitchen sink ; set scales ; cellar table; frying pan; 3 oil lanterns; linen table cloth; large quantity of good dishes; chinaware; graniteware; kitchen utensils; silver knives and forks; silver spoons, nev- er used; band sleigh ; crosscut saw ; lard press, and a host of other articles too numerous to mention found about a home. No reserve as everything will be sold, as the proprietor has sold the farm and is moving away. Auctioneer's decision final in case of all disputes. This sale will start sharp on time, as there are a large num- ber of small articles. Terms — Cash. WILLIAM JACOB, Proprietor; Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. 4470-2 ; ucUQQ1, es UGTIN O O O gA3.Ix F S Ut3 k7SgLp 40§, in . the Town of $raRoatp three blocks welt of Main, on Ord at.. on Saturday, Sept, le, at 1:30 p.m.: Matte land cook stave with hot :water front, in A-2 .condition; heisting stove;rangette, 2- burner electric ate (like newt ; b3alltag white enamel washing machine (like new):' wine chesterfield ,bed (like sew) walnut finish china calbinet; couch (like neve); hall tree; 2 extension tables (mahogany); 12 dining room chain; hot plate; plat- form rocker ; occasional chairs; rockers; small tables; mahogany wardrobe; Mir- rors; rors; sideboard; Bard' table; 12 kitchen chairs; pine cupboard; cupboard zinc; folding ironing board; clock; chest of drawers; 2 furnished bedrooms, beds, dressers, springs and mattresses; meat grinder; lard press; hoagie plants; fern- ery ; lawn mower ; aluminum scoop; car- penter's tools; shovel; axe; garden tools; dishes; kitchen utensils; sealers; tubs; copper boiler; host of other articles. Terme—Cash. MRS. SETH BROWN, Pro- prietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 0. ',BARING, AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements and Household Ef- fects at Lot 22, Concession 3, McKillop Township, 2 4 miles north and 1 mile east of Seaforth, on Thursday, September 24, at 1 p.m.: CA'l' T.'E-4 cows, rebred; 5 spring calves; 3 Durham year-old heifers; 5 Durham year-old steers. IMPLEMENTS —ICocksbutt 70 Tractor, Standard, on rub- ber, power takeoff and six -speed gear ; Massny-Jfiarris binder, 6 -ft. cut; Cockshutt manure spreader; Deering mower, 6 -ft, cut; International side rake; Massey-Har- rie dump rake; 3 -section spring tooth har- rows; stiff tooth cultivator, 6/1 wide (new) ; fertilizer disc . drill, 11 -run, good condition; Massey -Harris No. 7 drophead hay loader ; rubber tired wagon; new one- man bay rack, 16 ft,; 1 steel tired wag- on ; sloop sleighs with flat rack ; grain grinder; grain crusher; lumber and planks ; fanning mill with bagger; 82 -ft, extension ladder (new) ; 9 -foot three -drum steel roller ; 4 -section diamond barrows; 2 - section barrows, 9 feet wide; Internation- al bean scufer and puller; fence blocks; electric fencer; rubber tired wheelbarrow (new) ; trailer; brooder house, 14 x 10; set 2,000 -lb. scales; set horse clippers; win- dows and casings ; harness and horse col- lars; barrels ;. oil space heater, Coleman (new) ; coal heater and pipes. GRAIN - 1,200 bushels of choice mixed grain, Ajax oats and Montcalm barley, suitable for seed. Terms—Cash. MILTON STEWART, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4471-2 For Rent 'j'0R RENT — THREE-ROOM APAIRT- nient, No children. Apply OKE'S BILLIARDS. 44714 TOR RENT -4 -ROOM APARTMENT, ON ▪ Goderich St. East; separate bath, built- in cupboards. Phone 891 r 2, Seaforth. 4471-tf 'pima RENT -4 -ROOM HEATED APART- ment, with bath room, sun porch; also cellar, for September 1. PHONE 249-W, Seaforth, 4468-tf -poll RENT—HEATED APARTMENT ON James St.; modern conveniences; sep- arate entrance. Available September 15. PHONE 782, Seaforth. 4471x1 'OR RENT — THREE-ROOM APART- ment, with bath ; unfurnished ; nice location ; separate entrance, Apply Box 252, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4471-1 For Sale volt SALE—CORGI SCOOTER, GOOD condition, Reasonable. PHONE 1384, Seaforth, , 4471-1 1 0R SALE—BOY'S BICYCLE, SMALL size, 812. NORMAN SCOINS. Phone 1242, Seaforth. 4471x1 I VOR SALE — OAK COMBINATION buffet and' china cabinet. PHONE 651 r 21, Seaforth. 4471-1 Fl OR SALE—LARGE COLEMAN OIL heater, in good condition, PHONE 678-M, Seaforth. 4471x1 1 OR SALE—HEAVY DUTY 4-3URNER Beach electric range, in excellent con- ' dition. J W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Ses- forth. Phone 833 r 31, 4471x1 1 0R SALE — BOY'S RED BIRD bicycle. Apply MAC CHESNEY,i'ILR. 3, Seaforth. Phone 658 r 16. 4471-1 1 fi OR SALE—PUBLIC SCHOOL DESKS and various items of school equipment, i for sale reasonably. Apply to J. A. WESTCOTT, Main St., Seafortb, 4471-1 pOTAT'O1 ,5 1000: 13104:E.'n p ; ti1"O cMOR9P PDX* Bcn FOZtSAI;?= 2 GOOD OXASTpIN OOW3; j' FHONB' 6¢7 r 24, Seafortb, $' SA47-2 QUE>O7C 810 ,. QQf►L burner coal oil ttov NII in 44 condition, App19pD Ngrth Maui St. 447Qx.` 2, Fo>;t S AI F7- dt3TC&EN RANci 5,' WOOD or coal, small fixe; alga (948Dodge five -passenger car, in good'tondition, Ale- ply BRUCE WAI,.TERS. Phone 273441, Seafortb. 4471x2 LABS—DRY WOOD AND SOFT WOAD, • mixed, at $10.00 per. load; approxte mately 2% to 8 cords per load, delivered. Phone 627 3, Clinton, WILLIAM CALDWEL pj OR .$ALB --•BLACK CREPE DRESS. white trimming, size 40; red crepe dress, never worn, size 90; lady's grey checked winter coat. All will be sold reasonably. Apply to Box 247, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4471-tf H ONEY FOR SALE—WE ARE NOW running our September honey which is recommended for hay fever; 14c pound in your own container; also white honey at 20e, in your own container. Buy direct from producer at first cost. Orders for hay fever customers will be given my prompt attention. -WALLACE ROSS APAIRIES. Phone 1354, 4471x2 Cards Of Thanks T1lE, FAMILY OF 'flit, LATE 'MR. James Delaney wish to express their sincere thanks and deep appreciation to all their friends and neighbors who help- ed in any way during their sad bereave- ment. 447.1x1 neR, AND MR'S, MORTON ELLIOTT and family wish to extend thanks for the sympathy shown at the time of Clay- ton's death, and kindness shown at the time of his illness. Special thanks to the nurses. of Seaforth Hospital; also Drs, McMaster, Brady and Elliott. 4471x1 REI..A'1' OF THE LATE MRS. AL - Ian Ross, of McKillop, wishto extend thanks to ber many friends and neighbors and to all who sent flowers and messages of sympathy during her illness and their recent bereavement. Special appreciation to the nurses of Scott (Memorial Hospital, Seaforth; Dr. P. L. Brady, Dr. C. Elliott, Lois Whitney Hamilton, and Mr. G. A. Whitney. '4471-1 Births DEIT7.--Glenn and Shirley •Deitz (nee Wolff), of Hensall, are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of their son at Clin- ton Public Hospital, Sunday, September 6. 1953. A brother for Gordon. McKAY—'Mr. and Mrs. Kennth McKay, Kippen, are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Diane Cheryl, on Tuesday, September 8, 1953, at Clinton Public Hospital., STEWART—In Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor, on September 9, to Dr. and Mrs. Friel Stewart, Windsor, a daugh- ter. WRIGHT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wright, Cromarty, a son. WILLIAMSON—At Listowel Hospital, on September 2, to Mr. and Mrs, Roy Wil- liamson, Walton (nee Kathleen Roe), a daughter. Deaths - DELANEY--In McKillop Township, on Friday, September 4, James Delaney, in his 89th year. NICHOLSON—In Hullett Township, on Thursday, September 3, Mary Mann, widow of the late Adam Nicholson, in her 85th year. Hay Fever Sufferers May Look to the Busy Bee For Some Relief If you're suffering from Lay fever, stop sniffling! At last a cure has been found. "Get a five -pound tin of Septem- ber honey and eat it—all of it. It has to be September honey because that's the only honey made from • Time passes quickly and before we fully realize it another year has gone by. This is particularly true in regards to subscriptions. We think we paid that subscrip- tion just a few weeks ago, whereas actually it was many months ago. So just to make sure you are up to date, will you please check the date on the label' on your copy 0.1t The Huron Expositor. then you are in arrears. If this le the case, your remittance would be appreciated. Either drop Into the Office or mail ,,theamount to The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Thanks a lot. Mr apld " 71 xet, ledn4tter :Se4b4i'y a.*ui T1Tprtl 4034,e via Michiga3l, . r 'Weekend visitor* with Mr. 'a ,4 ,Mie. 'sSim Roobgl l'were Mr.. and Mrs. L. Vlastbloom,''1,'.oronto. Mr. and Mrs'. Andrew Knapp and daughters, 'Mrs. 'Lorraine Victor and Mrs. Thelma iMCKenty, Oakland, California, were guests this week with Dr. and h4(i's. - James W. Bell. Mrs. Knapp is a sister of 'Mrs. Bell. Mr, and Mrs,: W. D. Simpson, Bill and Bob, Mr. and ldrs. Gus Voth, Owen and Jimmy, Detroit, and M. and 'Mrs. Kenneth King, London, were week -end guests with Simpson. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol were: Mr. and Mrs. K. Van Den Heuvel, Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Greenway, Hensall. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Reid spent a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson spent the weekend in Toronto. Mrs. R. Higgins has. returned to Exeter after visiting with her sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar McQueen. Mrs. Higgins, a former resident of Hensall, called_ on many old friends and renewed acquaintances who were pleased to meet her again. Miss Maja Roobol was a week- end guest with Miss Marilyn Eyre. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plumb, Mon ty and Mary Ellen, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean enjoyed a few days' vacation last week in the Muskoka Lake district. Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dayman on Sunday were: Mrs, Sullivan, Mrs. Nenno, Mrs. Brough, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith and two daughters, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Johnston and family, London. - Among the Airforce personnel graduating at Clinton Radar School is AC.1 Donald Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Orr, Hensall. Don is a teletype technician and is being posted to Trenton. . Mr. Lloyd Hedden and Mr. and Mrs, Kay and Seve, St, Catharines,; Mrs. Edna Pace and'•Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and Steve, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hedden, Brantford, were weekend visitors with Mrs. C. Hedden and Herb. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. , R. A. Orr and Jim were Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Orr, Elmwood, Ont. Mr. and Mrs, Campbell Eyre and Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Kyle en- joyed a pleasant weekend at Mani- toulin Island. They were joined there by Mr. and Mrs, W. J. F. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caldwell, who had been on a trip•to the coast and San Francisco, Cal. They ar- rived Manitoulin rr ed at M niton rn Island Satur- day to spend the weekend there. Guests this week With Mrs. C. Ballantyne, Miss Scott and Mrs. Graham were: Mrs. George Cox, Mrs. Fred Ballantyne and Miss Eleanor Ballantyne, Atwood, and Dr, and Mrs. DarwinY Dowds, Shel- by, Ohio: CROMARTY Rev. R. Duncanson, Mrs. Duncan- son, Marguerite and Wendy visited Friday with Miss Mary Currie, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Young, near Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and family visited Sunday at Wingham with Mr. and Mrs, Len Houghton. Mr. and. Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun and Mr. and Mrs. 'Len Caldwell, of Londesboro, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Scott. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. MacDonald, Ruth and Joyce, of Georgetown, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace, Margaret .Ann returned home with them after spending a week of holidays. Laverne Wallace is holidaying in London. Hibbert Couple Feted By Friends Monday Mr. and Mrs. Edward Allam, resi- dents of Hibbert township for over 50 years, who are taking up resi- dence in, Mitchell, were tendered a farewell party Monday evening when over 50 neighbors and friends met at their home and presented them with an end table and chenille spread. The address to the couple was read by Mrs. William Harper, and the presentation made by Mrs. Calder McKaig, Progressive euchre was one of the highlights of the evening. - Visiting Editor Has Praise for Huron's • Historical Museum Huron Countyts Museum at Gode- rich came in 'for praise from the editor of the Fergus News -Record, Dr. Hugh Tempiin, recently, after he visited Goderich on a holiday trip 'through Western Ontario. Cr. Tempiin writes: i "Since the Wellington County Historical Research Society is tak- ing steps to found a county museunil at Elora soon; we called at the Huron County Museum at Gode- rich when in that town last week. We are glad we did, 'It is an in- teresting experience." Referring to the many interest- ing exhibits made 'by curator J. H. weeds. And it's weeds that eaose. hay fever." This is the advice given by a workman at the University of West- ern Ontario, Lolldo'Yi.'" "You can take • as long as you want to eat it—up to a month, that is -7. an8 then you'll be cured of ;hay fever for life." ;But the man Wrididet give' 1111'ir name—said bis wife would tease' him about it too much. "Anyway, it works," he- iiaiti,. If it does, 'then the Department 01, Agriculture will be happy to. hear about it. A resent pollen' check allows that 80 per cent of hay fever is t'eaused 'by ragweed. Abdo at least three .per'Of the population suffers, froth the titt. NOM ,.• 3eli' Edit*" ' Templin :01,ft; VO dlE,41.1.V•i(lli Mr. W11,: lw'ho able 1lll040 .ttii8• 19904 cl(ec3i' "slim tort °de?x, napcit de - penile on tete.30C& of a curator. "There wereiimauy things we would have likgrl;,'; to, ask Mr,, Neill such a0 •'t'he Way, they get type money to start the museum„ and where they. 'picked up. the great glees -fronted display cabinets," wrote Editor Tempiin. "There were many) other things we would have asked (him, too, but others from Wellington will probably visit Roderick soon." • ItIPPEN ' Mr. D. Russell and Mrs_ J. Poole, Sault Ste. Marie, visited a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor and family: Mrs. J. F. W. Patterson has re- turned to Toronto after spending a few days with' her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. WIDriqui n -Io also•.called on many of her," fiends acid relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau spent Friday at Port Huron. Miss Katherine McGregor has re- turned 'home after a vacation. with her grandmother, Mrs. John Mc- G.egcr, £ci:orth. Mr. and Mrs. Mellis visited Son - day with relatives in Wroxeter. Miss Isobel Caldwell, London, was a weekend guest of her friend, Miss Merle Diekert. Mr. Robert J. Cooper is holiday- ing with his daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, Cairo, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Curran, Lon- don, visited on Labor Day with their grandmother, Mrs. McCly- mont. Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'Dickert spent Sunday with relatives in Clif- ford, • Mrs. Richardson returned home after having spent several weeks in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudmore, To- ronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 'Cudmore. Mrs. Jennie Taylor and son, Bay City, Michigan, called on Mr. Jon- ah Green on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Long, Owen Sound, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Service in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, on Sunday, 'Sept. 13, will be at 11 a.m. Rev. T: J. Pitt, Varna, will be in charge. Miss Gridzak, , Sudbury, is visit- ing her sister-in-law, Mrs. Peter Gridzak and family. Mr. Albert Collingwood, Hamil- ton ,spent the weekend with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- stetter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ashwood and Carol and Mr. Amos Ferguson. Ilderton, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Elnr3nerson Kyle and Mr. and Mrs. ,OampbeIl Eyre motor- ed to Manitoulin Island 031 the holi- day, weekend. Reception — for — Mr. - Mrs. Bev Alexander HENSALL TOWN HALL Friday, Sept. 11 Harburn's Orchestra Ladies, Please Bring Lunch RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs Jack Feeney . FRIDAY, SEPT. 18th SEAFORTH Community Centre Kelly's Orchestra, Stratford Lunch Served EVERYBODY WELCOME StL�, aril MFs, W,ILIiam Bell aaad, 44rer. BOP* »g'si4we re- 'turlled' hone On Monday,- Aft • a Month* yacat1on•through be West ern -'Provinces, alid'Valleouver, :11 c% Kyle, Clinton, visited recent- ly 'With Mr. and Mrs. E mfl1exson $YLe, F • rank's,• "The SerWce You WIll'Appirecoaftw •• 7�m you seed A FURNACE? A WATER NEATER? PIPING? NEW TOILET FACILITIES? A COMPLETE PLUMBING' SYSTEM? PIL is installing these in the homes of thousands of Canadian farmers every year. Talk over a Farm Improvement Loan with your nearest B of M manager. Why not do it now while it's on your mind? 1411 BANB" . MA Isf1N urla'Ie BANK OF MONTRIBAL eagadd4.T ' 64.4 WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE M fait• Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager1 Brumfield (Sub -Agency): Opal Tuesday and Friday -"1 Prices cut to rock bottom on Old Company's Lehigh Oremium Hard Coal! • imagine! This fine, long -burning hard coal actually on sole! FiII your bin at our low prices, today! You'll never have a better opportunity to save heating money! ORDER NOWI You'll like our-spedq!-andel plea! SeaforthLumbr Lt& PHONE 47 eieesaesonseeserseeeraseenesseeeraisesafterenenarraseeneesteeseerereeftearemassiemerveweeereeesarall LLASHMAR CLINTON Next to Community Park First Show Starts at Dusk Thurs., Fri, - Sept. 10, 11 "HERE COMES THE GROOM" Bing Crosby Jane Wyman CARTOON NEWS Sat., Mon. — Sept. 12 - 14 "ALONG THE GREAT DIVIDE" Kirk Douglas Virginia Mayo CARTOON NEWS /4.N.N.,44,..f.14,4b,„.44, . o� Tues., Wed. — Sept 15 - 18 "TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY" Steve Cochrane Ruth Roman CARTOON NEWS Thurs., Fri. — Sept. 17 - 18 "THREE FOR BEDROOM C" Gloria Swanson James Warnes 'CARTOON NEWS CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND rr Children Under 12 In Cars Admitted FREE SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 'OHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1952 COM: STYT EL NE SEDAN SPECIAL 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH—Radio 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 1952 pomirIAe STYLELINE OOACIH comm "lay CROY. MUSLIN'S SEDAN 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1951 CHEM POWER-OLIDECOA'CH, with radio 1.950 'CHOLET COACH 1949 FOND CUSTOM SEDAN ^•0. A written guarantee for eo MAN* OTHER MOD 1949 CHEV. SDE LUXE POUR -DOOR SEDAN; fully equipped. 2-1948 CHEW. ST'YLEMASTER OOA'CRES 1948 C'IiFJV. SEDAN 2-J1948 OLDSMOBILE FLEETLINE COACHES; radio. 194f7. GREY, FLEETLINE SEDAN 1947 CEI17V, COACH 1946 CHEV. SEDAN 1942 DODGE COACH TRUCKS ---.. 1948 'MERCURY 3! -TON PICKUP 1943 DODGE STAKEBODY TRUCK days on all Late Model Cara ELS. TO 01400S1 FROM r,J' BRUSSELS MOTORS B:RUSSE ..S r-" O$1•A1tIO PHONE Td -7C --- "'ries Homeeef Better Used Care* 'uvr„Yis4'" yrw,.. • OPEN EVERY' E1l':*Nuis t• 4