HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-09-11, Page 3• • 4 { s 1 • 4 4 • Y A 4. • 4 Mrs, 43,9130rt,,#i p cR $ were in Leamington Iasi week at tending 'the' fltneral Ofsntirg,...Gookrty brother, the late. Wallate Wide-. brand, 2$, :of Los Aneles, Meter Branch of the 'Canadian !Legion 'sponsored a successful bill- go last Friday night, with $2,000 in cash given away. Eileen Lottie, London, was the winner of the $1104) $1104) special. Three $100 specials •were, wort by two Londoners and -one Exeter resklent. Proceeds are in aid. of the arena floor. Mr. ;and Mrs, William 'Forrest and their 'two• sons, Edison and Ross, left for a trip to 'Marquis, Seek, • PAINTING • PAPERHANGING Anterior and Exterior Decorating WALTER PRATT' R.R. 1, Walton Phone 481M Phone 48 r• SEAFORTH. BRUSSELS • NOTICE ! , Salvage WANTED WE. WILL PICK UP Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags, Highest 'Cash Prices Paid LOUIS HILDEBRAND uckanan Cleaners Mount Forest Successors to TONE CLEANERS . We Pick Up and Deliver Monday and Thursday Phone 230 Seaforth ANDY CALDER AGENT Ladies' and Gents; 2 -piece Suits, $1; Plain Dresses, $1; Plain Skirts, 50c; -Gents' Trousers, 50e. "Quality •Plus Service is Our Motto S. BUCHANAN - Proprietor "Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service - 4% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention call RAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensel], Ontario, Phone 51 or any Office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • MONTREAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR NIAGARA VALLS • SUBMIT SAULT ST8. MARIE CALGARY • VANCOUVER M'rs Eail-.'reffr'y,'Cro aatti,' hath the 7Wiefa tuneLto:fan acid frafsturfi .her leftarm, 1-emew. WOO hope -for °a:'speedy".-recovery;.:' - Mr. and M. E.arl'Kineman, "Bob Bell and Rosi Riley are enjoying a holiday; in the West. !Mrs. 'Cook returned home friday after spending a, week with herapar- ents, Mr, and 'ire. N. Hildebrand, near Leamington. Lloyd Venner, ;lieAsall, topped the Goderich trap shoot's 16 -yard event at 'Goderich with a score of 24. A, Gilbert and William Beek tied for top honors in the handicap shoot, both shooting 22, with a 23 handicap. Winners at the mixed Scotch doubles tourney on the bowling green here September 3 were: first, John Henderson, skip, and Lorne Luker, 2 •wins plus 1; second,, Wes Venner, skip, and Mrs, G. Walker, 1 win plus 6. Minor Damage After Storni Over Kippen • Last Friday. Morn In the severe electrical and wind- storm which passed over the Hen- sall district last Friday morning, some damage was reported in the Kippen area. At Ed, •McBride's farm, four apple trees were uproot- ed in the orchard and several in the bush. Part of the roof of the barn was blown off. It landed on the road. Robert Dalrymple re -ported a window smashed in their living room, William Coleman and- Roa- ns Faber had shingles blown off their barns, and half a dozen maple trees in a grove in front of the house on the Forbes' farm were up- rooted. P rooted. 'Alex McMurtrie reported his chicken shelters were damaged, but no chickens injured. Surprise Party For Hibbert Couple in Silver Anniversary James O'Connor, Harold Pethick and Patrick Ryan were sponsors tlor a surprise event celebrating the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and M'rs. Joseph Stapleton, Hibbert township, at their home last week, About 50 friends and neighbors assembled to extend good wishes and- congratulations, An address -was read by James O'Connor, and the presentation of a -silver tea service and a purse of money was mad,e by Patrick Ryan and Harold Pethick, Mr, and Mrs, Stapleton have one daughter, Mary Catherine. A social hour of dancing and progressive euchre was enjoyed, and a lunch was served by the sponsors and their assistants. • THE GREEKS HAVE A WORD FOR IT ... WE MEAN the magic word that tells a mule to get going. It prob- ably worked better than usual, recently, when Greek mule -driv- ers had to transport into the isolated interior, roofing materi- als needed for the construction of refugee shelters. The government purchased 2,000 tons of alu- minum for the purpose — and incidentally licked the transporta- tion problem. Another nice thing about alu- minum's lightness is that a given poundage goes two to three times as far as with other metals. It often means that aluminum, with all its advantages, actually costs less, too. Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). 000 1409, ealf .� .�n ins -Pet ''renetit/Y the.: allowing. ta• singing E1lng'Of 't Q.'Cna,da,'r'-•minutes of tei if last meeting :were. read, :glans were discussed to• hold a weiner roast at .the tome of 'Mrs. Rosa Oink on September 8. :Mem- bers are to meet at the Legion'' all at 8- pm. in :ease of rain the roast willbe held Septeusber 10. A thank -you note was read from Miss Gladys Luker. • The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Bertha Moir. A pot -luck lunch :was served and a social hour ,enjoyed. Lunch committee for October are Mrs. Inez McEwan, Mrs. Bertha Moir, Mrs. S. Dougall, 'Mrs, Howard Swale, Mrs. W. Parke, .Mrs. C. Ken- nedy, Mrs. Edna Mae Jones, Miss Gladys Luker, Mrs. Maude Hedden. District Obituaries LATE CLAYTON ELLIOTT VA'RNA.—Funeral service was held on Friday, Sept. 4, at 2 p.m., from the Whiteney Funeral Home, Seaforth, for the late Clayton El- liott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elliott, Varna. Rev. Carew Jones, assisted by the Rev. ,john W. Stinson, conducted the funeral service. Interment was made in Bayfield cemetery. Pallbearers were Wilmer Reid, Lloyd Johnson, Lee McConnell, Wilfred 'Chuter, Mel Webster and Lloyd Keys. s. Flower e stars were Jim McDonald, George Beatty, Rus- sell Bolton, Gordon Elliott, Arthur Dutton, John -McConnell, Albert Horner, Jack Smith, Al, Keys, Perce Johnson, Joe Riley, Orrin Dowson and Donald Key's. LATE .MRS. ADAM NICHOLSON 'C'ONSTANCE.=One of Hullett township's oldest and most highly respected citizens passed away on Thursday, September 3, in the per- son of Mary Mann,' widow of the late Adm Nicholson, in her 85th year, Mrs. Nicholson was ill for only a t short period before ^her passing. Born in Hul et 1 t she received her a education here and was married in a Cavan Church, Winthrop, and lived C all her life in this vicinity. t Mr. Nicholson passed away in July, 1951, but she is survived by one sister, -Mrs. F. B. Anderson, Geraldton. The funeral was held on Satur- day at 2 p.m, from the G. A. Whit- ney Funeral Home, Seaforth. The pallbearers were Charles Dexter, Ernest Toll, Jack .Stevens, Reg. Kerslake, Lorne Roe, and John Mor- rison, and the flowerbearers were Charles Riley and Ronald Riley. In- terment was in Maitlandbank ceme- tery. '1040 ti t=,. .C..1 % en, n e. Mgnat oa ' Fr Aasr a 4;‘,1,4r,..:444 ItAr,11 F}•s„W iyi gte.,„Ma,e 64%0, 147towel, visitedwith 04d. Mrs, • ddrs.:FTope Pauli, Detroit, .attend ed; 'the 'Diegel. - Roiph wedding and spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Idora. tDieeel, Mrs. Rosina Miller visited in Seaforth.` Mr. and . Mrs, George Wesenberg and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eiligson. Mr, and Mrd. Lavern Wolfe ac- companied Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Tait on a trip to the Ottawa Val- ley and other .places. Ralph 'Scherbath, Detroit, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scherbarth, Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk vis- ited their son, •Carmen, and Mrs, Mogk, St. Thomas. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elligdon, of Hamilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William L. Querengesaer. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rock and Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Rock have left on a trip to the Western Prov- inces. Wayne Wurdell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell, is a patient in the 'Children's War Memorial Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gerald l ttmer and son, Bradley, 'Toronto, visited with Mrs. Mary Dittmer and John Preu- ter. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Grove, Har- old, Jr,, and Robert, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart, London, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Louts Rock, A cemetery decoration• service will bheld o tc ' M Krllo Evangeli- cal p a geli- cal Church on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homan Eggert, McKillop, and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McNichol, Grey township, visited with relatives at Unity, Sack, Miss Helen Goerz, Kitchener, vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. W. Beck- er and Rev. Mr, Becker. Mr. and ' Mrs. John Hinz have sold their business and home to Lew and Ralph Hicks and are at present, living with their daughter, Mrs. Don (Doris) Barber and Mr. Barber, Guelph, ,but expect to be employed at Waterloo College, Wa- erloo, Mr, and Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mr, nd Mrs. Ralph Hicks and Alvin nd Mrs. Jean Morton, Lynn and olin, Thornhill, have moved into he house they bought from Mr. Hinz. ;T,adie'' 4ililfa Mother: "Now, Charles, don't you know you are not supposed to eat with your knife?" Charles: "I know, mother, but my fork leaks!" Frank's B -% Service "The Service You Will Appreciate" WALTON 'Lorne Steiss, London, visited with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. have returned home after visiting in Seaforth. L. McKay, Monkton, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kirkby, Mr. and Mrs. John Steiss and family, Welland, visited friends here. - Gordon Murray is in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McBeath, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don McNeil. Frank Marshall, North Bay, vis- ited with Mrs. J. Marshall and Barry. Miss Iva Fraser, Stratford, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. M. Fraser. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Marks have moved to their new apartment in Hensall, where Mr. Marks has se- cured a position as chief motor mechanic, $2,000.00 CASH BINGO EXETER ARENA Friday, Sept. 184h 14 Regular Games for $50.00 Each 3 Special Games for $100.00 Each 1 SUPER SPECIAL FOR $1,000.00 Admission $1.00 Extra and Special Cards 25c — 5 for $1.00' Games Start' at 9 p.m. Sharp " Proceeds in Aid of Arena Floor rty co ledians4bteisd 0 d ntftlYA n14914 tin al. i"' b n a I in,', .o Esh t o o r '.l' n n Q t• Wne–„k:PP.4 were .000 awarded• tai' al i Cup for; first pia05 ii};thq PP" en: se thpetition, 7#1)bert oddlere, menabeopf the. Cp Oaana tea.m, turned, friendly' rivals during the same evening :and took "'the two top ppets, in the 30 to 5Q' years old class of the Addling competition. Nelson; Kowe, 'Crow arty, won first prize, and Fred Har burn, Staffa, placed second. Til* popular dance team has per- formed erformed throughout Western Ontario and has achieved fame in Toronto and other large centres. Pianist for the dancers is Mil- dred" Howe, 10. Also providing music for the top team are James Young, a new addition this year, on the gltitar; Nelson Howe, ,fiddler, and Norman Ferguson, the caller off. The Comedians consist of .Mr. and ^ 'Mrs. Ross Houghton, 'Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, Gordon Hough- ton, Fred Harburn, Mrs, Ed. Dick, William Dalrymple and Mrs. Don- ald Wallace, CROMARTY Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cald- well aldwell and family, Londesboro, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs: Thos, Scott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and Alice and- Oswald Walker visited with Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Cock - well, Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. B. 0, MacDonald, Joyce and Ruth visited Y with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Margaret Ann Wallace returned borne with them. -Frank Caddick, S•herian, Grace, Miss Lottie Phillips, London, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott. Laverne Wallace returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Houghton and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Houghton, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith, Cal- gary, Alta., and Mrs. Harvey Fran- cis, Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp and family. VIr, and Mrs. Hugh Spence have taken up residence in Mitchell. Mr. andMr,5 . Aubrey Geiser, Lon- don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dar- rel Parker. Mr, and Mrs. George Boa and family visited with relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kaye and Janie visited with Mrs, Jack Drake; Mrs. Lorne Elliott visited with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Tindal and Wilfred Elliott, London, Mrs. John Drake visited with rel- atives in London. ZION Miss Gwen Britton visited last week with her cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Thompson, Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Smith and fam- ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Malcolm Sunday, Mrs, Charles Hunter, London, vis- ited with her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton, Mier, Donna Gordon, Seaforth, visited a few days with her grand- mother, Mrs. James Malcolm, and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Al- so at the same home, Miss Peggy Higgerson visited a few days, Mr. John Perrin, Brantford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson, Mrs. George Ahrens and family visited a few days with her par- ents, Mr, and- Mrs. Albert Roney, last week, Master 'Carl Roney spent a fern holidays with his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Aldon Williams, Miss Gladys Robinson • spent a few days with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Pep- per Monday and attended the Gode- rich races. Mr, and Mrs, "-Morley Lannin and family, after spending a week in Bayfield, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKee, Gode- rich, visited with Mr, and Mrs- Rus- sell Roney on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams and Shar- on returned home from their trip to the West on Saturday. Mrs. Herb Britton visited with her mother, Mrs, Workman, Hen- sall, on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Aikens visited in Goderich recently. Mr, and Mrs. Herb Britton and family visited in Niagara Falls last week. inBig Mone oe$ to the. ore In Fatly INTO E FREE PI*oayte Earl Participate in an actual radio broadcast! Seven lucky people will con' pe+e for the Big Top Products and Cash Prizes each day on CFPL's Big Top Show. 3.4.m.00;4 Dem.flair:Week, the Theatre, Confederatioar ,, uild ng 41, p vi'.T fil'15.1NL __ ema hSs�4s�na',y,na, ttw 8 e Ja t t P�zah•Tr�9f�'"n Jt 14, : t� , xi b e -e cell us A; s .Fred, l d: pretty "a tied: fort , every 7tgA>+ul 11t•'the: 'tonte, cd ourt whist! was; •ear; .0 b'..• $ . gut s. d #mss e,m.11ton, in a,few' iYell ol>ai- en words, presented !her with -the. *4 gift. 44 0041oetiom prize was won 'Iky .. Mins '.Sheila ,14 eFaddea. Mrs. O. A. W'iiitney ,Played the piano. Delicious refreshments were; nervedat the close of the eveuIig. WINTHROP June•, and Lois 1;TcLemghlfn Trio - ersmith, visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dolmage, !Misses Iris Byerman and Joan Somerville are attending Alma •Col.- Iege, St. Thomas, this week. R. K. McFarlane received word last week that Robert .McFarlane, of Almonte, had lost his hand in a planing mill on Thursday. The playoff game at 'Brussels on Monday night resulted in a tie. The teams are now tied two games each. - Mr. Leslie McSpadden had charge of the services at Walton on Sun- day. District Weddings FEENEY – MITCHELL - DUBrLI•N.—St, Patrick's Church, London, was the setting for the double -ring ceremony uniting Claire Marie Mitchell, London, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Mit- chell, formerly of Dorchester, and John Lewis Feeney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feeney, Dublin. The church was banked with pastel -shaded gladioli blossoms and ferns for the ceremony and the Rev. Paul Doucet officiated. The organist, Mrs. Daniel Creighton, ac- companied the soloist, -Mrs. Max Joy, Given in marriage oy her broth- er, John Mitchell, Dorchester, the bride wore a floor -length gown of white slipper satin, styled with a Peter Pan collar, o r fitted tt d sari n bodice fashioned with a French lace insert yoke and long tapering sleeves. The full skirt fell into a cathedral train and' her fingertip veil of white net edged with lace was held in place by a satin cap studded with pearls. She carried: a bouquet of white gladioli centred with red, rosebuds. Mrs, Thomas Kelly, the groom's sister, as matron of honor, wore a gown of yellow taffeta and carried a basket of mixed gladioli, red ros- es and mums. Bridesmaid Mrs. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE — EXETER, ONT. President, William A. Hamilton, Cromarty; Vice -President, Martin Feeney, R.R. 2, Dublin. DIRECTORS—Harry Coates, Cen tralia; E. Clayton Colquhoun, R.R 1, Science Hill; Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, . Kirkton; Alex J. Rohde, R.R. 3, Mitchell. AGENTS—Thos, G..• Ballantyne, R.R. 1, Woodham; Alvin L. Harris, Mitchell; E. Ross Houghton, Orom arty. SOLICITOR -W. G. Cochrane, Exeter. sEGRETARY-TREASURER — Arthur Fraser, Exeter. 00.Ig�. °AllJx+� i4F'��Fp-' v.��•a.�,��,>i'�� ,tratd ,,..,Rlt .,r 1. _tc f' ”: �, o g r ,� .400Ae0 • >A"eM , n eat groom,{,ingbeartsr Kelly, ITP9ept. wags.., Grove ]itestaurant .arid - th'E. $i rte a rMis atltel le; littR]„ eye. ,..rwe-aring ..a ,• ngcoa. bra dress with green t ecessortee ,al corsage of yellow groom's mother was' attired-; et' d T A MIA., K�3 ANNOUNCING - The QPening in Seater* . ; i, o: r �r ALL TYPES OF ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS Clayton Dennis Railway St. - Seaforth - Attention Farmers WE ARE NOW OPEN TO PURCHASE GOOD QUALITY FALL Wit EAT t t Highest Market Prices Paid t t Apply Topnotch Flour Mills Seaforth, Ont. Phone 376 'EVERY ACCOUNT IS.=AN IMPORTANT ONE AT THE OM I KION BANK. 82 Years of Service to the Canadian People J. R. M. Spittal - Branch Manager A New Kind of --'Heating. for Homes Anywhere This revolutionary new system gives economical beat- ing service, with even distribution of heat, plus indf. vidual temperature control in each room and over - thermostat control. It conditions the home for health as well as comfort. Easily installed! Heating and Ventilating System (Gas and Oil Models) 1 SPECIAL BLEND -AIR FURNACE Forces warm air into heat tubes lead- ing individually to each room. . 2 NEW 9t/2 -INCH HEAT TUBES They fit any home -construction, old or new. Flexible elbows bend around obstacles, simplify installation. 3 THE MAGIC BLENDER Located in the wall, it sucks in room air, blends it with freshly heated air from the furnace, then REcirculates it through the room for even comfort. • Pays for itself in economy and comfort. Come in and see why "Comfort costs so little with a Coleman." Por ouhaanding achiewnlse+tdestisolise received the fiat sward made In th, warm air boating industry by flningE Seaforth Plumbing &''eating CLARENCE G. Ci 'WAR PHONE '4198-R or 084-4ta41 pf"Isi4 lV'f'. nay... Bat Moil'eb *pprovad by Anfinfeintileg I ilpMltlM ✓ 11 Me i thiiiitooktio felle0I 1 tliN . x f• ' "` s Ir,,,b�,�;iti,n"a,av+Gat�tns'P.ur