HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-09-04, Page 7"t ,s 4 „S9 D $e iniiidtWee ;OM during -4W recent. 0104194. about the -1Oss of the BritiSh market for our -cattle and beef - and the cense- ementIperils. .00as! me. live- fateek fit49417; that ate -5;illow, lag excerpti frem an article by the -editor Of the Canadian Cat- -moo Sifitalt51 frkS PiCiOliP tlemiwie laterest. • ' The caption in, "Why thn-' Gloeni?" "We have heard recently freni•a, few cattlemen and a number et tle marketing 4expeils' hattthe t look for the cattle' producer fell Weak and, that proapecte far .the efsttle feeder In the new fee+ Mg season are diepouraging, considered opinion. that these at - Mures and eonclusione, slunild not be taken seriously; tat it is cue-, 'ternary that we should hear them at this stage of the marketing cycle and that the parties holding these views, for the most part, are the same ,parties who were optimis- tic and predicting higher prices in the fall of 1951 when feeder steers SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY — PHONE 8634 T. PRYDE & SON ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Enquiries are invited. Exeter Phone 41.4 Clinton Phone 103 Your Business Directory LEGAL MEDICAL A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. nsies; Office 173, Residence 781 2111:AFORTH : ONTARIO McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. •PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C. County .Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 ACCOUNTING RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant £LINTON : ONTARIO Office: Phones: Neyal Dank Office 561, Res. 455 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 56 South St. Telephone Ooderich .7. 343 Licensed Municipal Auditor. OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Wen Examined. Glasses Fitted. Phone 791 MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH Office Hours; Week days, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Closed Wednesday all day. Thursday evenings by appointment only. CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON Specialist in Farm and House- hold Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; satis- faction guaranteed. For information, ete., write or phone HARPLD JACKSON, 661 r 44, Seaforth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. JOSEPH L. RYAN Specialist in farm stock and im- plements and household effects. Satisfaction guaranteed. Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties. For particulars and open dates, write or phone JOSEPH L. RYAN, B. R. 1, Dublin. Phone 40 r 5, EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer Correspondence promptly answer- ed. Immediate arrangements can 14; made for sale dates by phoning 455-1, Clinton. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. PERCY C, WRIGHT Licensed Auctioneer - Cromarty Livestock and Farm Sales Specialty For a better auction sale, call the WRIGHT Auctioneer. Phone Hen- sel], 690 r 22. DR. M. W. STXPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensel' JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W; Res. 5-J Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Internest Telephone 27 P. L BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 55 C. ELLIOTT, M.D. Telephone 26 EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be made. VETERINARY D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon HENSALL, ONT. — PHONE 99 TURNBULL & BRYANS Veterinary Clinic J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M. Phone 105 Seaforth FOR ACCIDENT and SICKNESS INSURANCE LOW COST PROTECTION LIFE INSURANCE and RETIREMENT PLANS Phone, Write or Wire E. C. (Ned) BOSWELL JOHN ST, - SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 113 Special Representative: The Occidental Life Insurance Co. of California. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS: President - J. L. Malone, Seaforth Vice -Pres, H. McEwing, Blyth Manager and See.-Treas. - M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: E. T. Trewartha, Clinton; 1. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whit- more Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornkolm; Robert ;Archibald, Sea - forth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; William S. Alexander, Walton; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Brucelleld. AGENTS: William Leiper, Jr., Lontlesboro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Sea - forth. At A tick cow44800 PO • ,r "., Couster Argumenb0 ':•'14•40011y; Safe* Will be 'Ititei4' oeteltli*VglO04,tkalti• eliPPOrt our views and in :ciniater 10 14198.0 'Of the PrOblOW Of gloom. ;;,' • Pirst. ae to UM :Canadian sittlia- tie*, Our';009olatien '1(o0 alOwn ateadY; Increase and t00eY proaabing Pie 15 Mill104416Inan'The number orthince;gainfidly employed and their averagi- wage is at the highedt in tlie nittitnt:s.hiStory4 - While sonic. areas in Western Canada wlth reapeet to grain Plant- ings, have suffered because of ex- Cess..rains and with reseed to Pro- duction, because of deetructive iail storms, the overall Picture of Can- ada reveals no areas of drought, East or West—only an abundance Of grazing and forage and prOapeet for a large grain crap. 'Under these conditions cattle will not be forced to market at light weights. Their Owers can, hold and market in an orderly, manner. Despite the increase in human population in Canada, the cattle opulatimeatood as of December 1, 1952, et 8i006,000, and is a heavy reduction from the high Ogere of 10,758,00 in 1945. The ratio of cat- tle to humans in Canada is at a new low: ' Cattle Ratio Tice inspected Slaughter of cattle p14:1 41 .yetdur- prblitablo 10 Orel° the 4,145;40# export only 5,326 hand of 60g Cat- alighfly more than lIel11104,pEicnbeet'it auoounte0,rgtueme iodt9trh0440:ttxleao tuallY inverted WO CAMP from istio re.r,s reossPhit eantaba‘inprorpgine holdings of beef and vial in Can- ada were reduced 3,574,000 pounds -from Nee 1, 1903 (0;895,000) to July 1, 1953, (38,321;000). Stornge stinks of all meats stood at 190,- 087,000 pounds as at SWF 1, com- pared to 110,963,000 as a't Time 1.1 Present stocks are, less; than Seven pounds per capita and of beef alone only 2 ,pounds. These figures doj ,not Inalude 87 million ,poiinde of canned meats, mainly pork, held for government account which may be held for export or for future use. Incidentany hog slaughter in Can- ada so far in 1953 has declined 17.2 per cent. Burdensome Supply pecondly, as to the situation in the United States, our export mar- ket. A burdensome supply of cat- tle built up during the post-war ieriod, mainly because of control and tax regulations and aggravated by a devastating drought in the southwest has resulted in an in- Get a Coke for Labor Dag weekend You'll want plenty of delicious Coca-Cola on hand ...to make holiday meals tastier. ...to serve Mends who drop by. Be prepared . :. get means carton or case of Coke: faded* Federal row Ride deposit ze per bottle Authorized bottler of Coins-CeSsi under contract with Cctea-Cola 'ALL ESBECO LIMITED 658 ERIE STREET, STRATFORD, ONT. — PHONE 78 °Coke" Is a registered trademark 4Pit „ .01'14.3:Apr.4qt 810,14#117 s4p1}40* 0.;, ,POr',Ani,*,47, !' 4,4 '4kra911030 :prIce -hive, '#'40 hkil •heavily. -RteOge ii3OF44: 01 tle,it.p.: ot ali *Pais Aue101ik poti r reveal, however, a Stro/4 _t deete in supplies — 793 aulkoA . ., 00 5 sti- 1414,0 1,00;:v` HQIFE(OOrSf gitaU 41,110Findfara0Yr HofloftE60,48RaiSlia,Z! rrror *4, 1,421 41011110a ,,as of Mai 81, 49, Tot, twidiSoe and (limier! 400.0 andri Million for a five -.year .fruit bi season, OZ ;dowse you •have age. ;•,' • your faverite recipes, but perhaps As a result of the combined ef- forts of the entire livestock indus- try to promote a greater internal market, the:per capita, consumption of beef in 1953 will rise in the it is estimated, to about 68 pounds, from 56.1 pounds in. 19151, and, were it not for the great drought, prices today because of this industry et, fort would -undoubtedly be much higher. Moderate Trend There, also, employment and in- comes have been maintained at a high level and population is still inereasing. It is our view that the bottom of the ;price cycle in cattle in the United States " has been reached and a moderate trend has even now set in. Already' a strong tone in Chicago is evident. Good steers for th week ended July 11 averaged. $192 per cwt. against $18.43 the week previous. No, we cannot agree that the out - You w01.11d like to prepare these economical and tasty Olellea—then you will count them among your favorites too. Deep Peach Pie 5 cups Sliced peaches 1 cup sugar 2 tbrips. cornstarch ;% MP salt 2 tbsps. butter 1 cup sifted flour look for the Canadian cattle indus- try is one of gloom. We hold to a sober optimism for the next ten months and we are frank to.admit that this optimism would be great- ly strengthened' first, if and when all elements in the industry, active- ly co-operate to persuade the Cana- dian people to eat more Canadian beef and secondly, if the producers in the next few menthe hold to a program of orderly and regular marketing, of their cattle. What do you think a small loan office like? If you think of a dim room hidden away in the innards of an ancient building, you have a surprise coming! The offices of consumer finance companies, such as Household Finance". are pleasant and attractive. In 151 such offices of Household Finance, more than 1,100 employees are trained -to serve you quickly, quietly, conveniently, when an emerg- ency makes borrowing necessary. We operate under the Canadian Small Loans law. This law, wholeheartedly endorsed by us, safeguards every man and woman who borrows. -PlesSant surrolitidings, -friendly' peopre, and a sincere desire to serve, are good reasons why today Household Finance is Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance organ- ization. Read our free booklet. MONEY MANAGEMENT, YOUR BUDGET. Available at your nearest branch office, or write: Consumer Education Department, 0 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario. OUSEHOLD FINANCE e0/1/204ation ea.& 74 114030„!0*,0% 5f4 tsps traTROAmf* ° ' § tbehe's MArgPille 2 Vivo. water t-ezz Yolig 1 tap. sugar 5rit UR, eiaaaMea, Mix wig% eernelteeek, aUd salt, and 04tly into poaches, until. they are thoroughly, mixed, Pour inte greased eaSserole. Dot, with butter. Sift flour ,and add! salt and lemond rind. 'Cat W.,,pitrrel4P; 411-1 til nOture coarse Otttabg. ,Sprjnitle water ever dour and 'mix with tO'rk. ...ShRs late, with. hands. Roll oat., Cut in. strips and form a lefties cruet ov- er fruit.' Presa edges to rim of dish and then brush with egg yolk. Sprinkle on sugar and einnamon. Bake ia .prelieated, oven of 460 for IC minutes, then reset to 350 de- grees for 25 minutes. Summer Salad 1 cantaloupe 3 peaches 3 pears 3 bananas 3 oranges 1 bunch grapes Juice 2 lemons. TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE TO THE EXHIBITION AUGUST 28 TO SEPTEMBER 12 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE • ROUND TRIP Good going Thursday, August 27 to Saturday, September 1 2, inclusive. Return limit—September 16 Full information from any agent . I qa-q644GRAtiOSTAND PERFORMIIN Flag, rounb-and.tumbIs eentedy to a sensational balancing perform. canoe, nine internolionally famous ods will delight and thrill the after. 11,0041 and evening audiences in the Grandstand Performance. In addi- tion, each evening, the spectacle of Vise "Grandstand Follies", highlights die 190 Western Fair, all followed by a brilliant display of fireworlisl PRICES $1.00 - $1.50 - 92.00 MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED , Write for reservatians to Western FairAssociation, . London, Ont. HORSE SHOW 5 p.m. each night in tile Ontario Arena, Tuesday through Satupday, with a Saturday Matinee at 130 p.m. ADVANCE SALE TICKETS Three for One Dollar. Entitles holders kr participate in draws for prises valued at over 87,500.00. Special Afternoon Grandstand Performance JACK KOCHMAN'S HELL DRIVERS World Champions in Action! Monday and Tuesday Afternoons Only rd.& iimo. a 1 ;ieeetw 3-53 s. r.. • „ s'.11•St s... 1 .et."1". t.: ADVANCE SALE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT BALDWIN HARDWARE — ELLIOTT'S RESTAURANT ca@ C36d Egg MY E66S ARS GRADING our BADLY, whirs WRONG WITH MY BIROS? BIRDS LOOK ALL RIGHT, JOE, AND YOU'RE PEEDIN6 ROE VITA -LAY E66 MASH 50 THAT OK- ars LOOK AT YOUR 566 HA NOL I NG. • • ' • HERE ARE MY E66$ POR THE PAST WEEK. ment 60 IN ON MY NEXT TRIP TO TOWN FORFEED. JOE- IT LOOKS LIKE YOUR E66 TROUBLES ARE CAUSED BY YOUR HANDLIN4 tar YOUR BIRDS. KEEP 5665 UNTIL. SHIPPED IN CLEAN, COOL, WELL. VEATTILATED ROOM By Roe Farms Service Dept. 4, IN SHIPPING- AVO/D e/ARRIN6 AND EXTREME TEMPERATURES !..6 WARM i WEATHER 6ATHER E66$ Ar LEAST ?VICE DAILY IN •" OPEN -WIRE BASKETS AND COOL QUICIAY 4: FOR III611 PRODUCTION OF TOP QUALITY E66S-FEED ROE VITA -LAY 666 MASH OR PELLETS • 17 • . . . • ..• • 0071/1156.9 , with ROE, EGG MASH (ALSO IN PaLgT FORM \Mass-% , 1144: • • is in I ki .407 "ow 9ui*7 C4 0eas111‘,.. W. R. Kerslake, Seaforth Lorne Eller, Hensall A. J. Mustard, tirtteelleld J. A. Sadler, Stagg R. Shouldice, Broditago ,A4 of eui stewed •Plf4F41 "Oh) R‘444 ilia. colc on mediw ring oonstantk untII DiiXtUre.c a silver *poen, ;let aside, to co APide. Coffee •011.1iO. •2 5 tbsps.lard 6 WO. Bazar • , 104, =Pe 'aitteCileerIk Ws, tabfi bak1ni powder Vs. Isp. ealt. ,5 Isp. cinnamon 24 tsp. nutmeg • 2 apples, sliced. Cream lard and sugar, add un- beaten , 0egg on 4 O2,11.k, Wit; .• Oughly. Fold in sifted drY ititts. Spread evenly lit -War' by 8Litieh cake pan. Place apl slices on top of batter. Sprinkle tap with 2 tablespoons sugar ansi another 14. teasPoon, cinnamon,: Bake 20 minutes at 400 degrees. r• -t. ' A Hibbert. (Continued from Pate 2) owned Lot 23 from an ettry,datErt . -• He married Margaret McCurdy••,a4 • • they had fair sons—Tom, Dan, Sara: and Archie. In; 1894 Aiehibeld'a two bachelor song., got a fifty each. After Tom died in 1818, his brother, Sam, got kis East 50. Two sons of Sam, John and- Dan, later lived here. The owners since Dan McCurdy litie been the same as those who halite had the West 50 of Lot 24.: In.,138 Dee McCurdy sold his West 50to his brother Sari); wh „frosKI873 owned Lot 2,X, ‘From 14k-Terat-0413, other son of Sam's; Owned this §o. He was known, as "Lag", Teo distinguish him from "LittlekUmn, a cousin of hiswho lived hrSce- borne Townsiiiii. ownerik,sliMe have been the eame, as ilios,Omwim have had Lot 22. ,Lot 22 itt 1861 Hon. Donald McDonald got Lot 22 front the Canada Coin- PanY. , He was a, iLePhew Jon McDonald, Canada Company's sur- veyor. John Malcolm bought in 1865, and Sam McCurdy bought from Malcolm in 1873,-, , Sam, Uved here till he went ito be .care for at the home of his daughter, WS. Robert Norris, sometime before his death in 1904. His daughter, Nan- cy, was a semi -invalid for 45 years. She also stayed at, Norris' and died in 1951. In Sam McCurdy's family there were eight children — Archie, Charles, Maria (Mrs. Peter Cooper), John, Lizzie (Mrs. Robert Norris), Dan, Thomas and Naney. Peter Gardiner and James Hackney in 1867 bought a lot off the west cor- ner of this farm fron2 John Mal- colm and a cheese factory was built here known as the Thames Road -Cheese Factory, with at least Gardiner, Hackney and Andrew Malcolm having an interestAR, Andrew Malcolm, father of , John, was the cheesemaker, till Mary, 1873. Shortly after the name was changed to the Gardiner Cheese Factory, and before June, 1876, cheese was being made on Lot 19, Usborne Township, east of Farqu- har. This building was moved and used as an addition..to the Gardiner factory. 0 cc u pa n ts—Hon. Donald Mc Don- a Id, John Malcolm, Samuel McCur- dy, Thomas McCurdy, James Harri- son, Herbert Harrison, William Duncan, Hugh Duncan, Albert Pearce, (Continued Next Week) (Continued from Page 2) period rate of gain was increased from 18 to 31 per cent. Feed efficiency of the antibiotic - fed lots during the growing period and for the total feeding period was improved, without exception. From .28 to 1.06 pounds of feed was saved for each pound of gain when compared to the control lots. In most cases feed efficiency was not improved during the finishing .per - lad. Cost figures show that, on the whole, during the growing period, the use of antibiotics saved suf- ficient feed to pay for the anti- biotics. In some cases this holds true for the entire feeding period. Other factors such as improved health. lower labor costs, and the ability of antibiotics to get weaned pigs quickly onto feed with no set- backs definitely favor the use of antibiotics during the growing Per- iod. Carcass data from trials in which only terramyein, fed at the rate Of 15 raga per pound of feed, was compared to the control ration, re- veal no differences in grade or 'back fat measurements, betweeu the con- trol pigs and those fed, terramircin. ' The carcasses of She terramycitbted pigs were slightIY shorter dile, oo doubt, to the fact that they Were marketed from 12 to 18 days earl- ier, on the average, than Were the control pigs. At present, no car- cass data, available from the penicillin, torraiareio or atirectity- cin-fed pigs. In these eltperiments all three antibiotics at the le -els 'bed gave comparable inefeseetiitete otgain, and feed titlelifiby over the etifio, trot lots. ThWterritalit the rate Of 7•Mge.-Pa (fa) feed is eqU1ittiziffeetive• fed at the Of feed. ratikuXt0AiIii. Pet 10ti •,,, ••*•-'4,