HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-09-04, Page 4• lassified Ads ,111;300144.10.191,144.0.1...."."1"limalmalsimmamMismiliallgalmslataltaa lissified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates ,FOR SALE, W'ANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 2rd Week ' Cent Minimum charge, each insertion26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. verde of Thank*. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Eventa-1 cent per word. Minimum 0 cents ;ler week. ihusairka may be directed to a Hex No.. c/o The Huron Esmositor, for 10 cents extra. TeliA cents additional will be charged If ads in above class are not paid within 10 days 'nf date of final Inaertion. Rieke. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sake. Notices to Creditor% Etc.—Rates on application. • 1st Week ' Coining Events Livestock Wanted WOR -AN EVENING OF FUN AND EN- rIF,AD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS ice:anent, bring your friends to the a.' removed free of charg.e. For prompt Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. every and efficient service, phone "SToNKs:, Friday night. and dance to the music of collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 655 r 2. Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. 44704 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R USHER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA-RIIBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. Wanted WANTED —SECOND-HAND PIANOS. PHONE SEAFORTH 265. Write BOX 299, Seaforth. 4467-tf WANTED TO RENT—UNFURNISHED house or apartment, in Seaforth area„ on or after 15th September. PHONE 3394, Seaforth. 4469x2 Poultry 1p-1 0 R SALE — 150 PULLETS, 4% ": months, laying, New Hampshire X Sussex. Phone ROBERT McLACHLAN. 651 r 19, Seaforth, 4410-1 Property For Sale VOR SALE -8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE, iniulated, stoker heated. modern bath- room and kitchen. new garage. Lots of room for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 355-W, Seaforth. 4439-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE—TWO-STOREY " three bedreoms, living room, den, 8- Piece bathroom, oil heated house, including three acres of land, edge of town. Approv- edfor Veteran& Land Act purchase. Ap- ply Box 202. HURON EXPOSITOR, at Phone 41, Seatorth. 443140 Help Wanted For Rent POR RENT -4 -ROOM HEATED APART- ment, with bath room, sun porch; also cellar, for September 1. PHONE 249-W, Seaforth. 4468-tf WAITRESS WANTED C ALL REIM- ER'S Cern- SHOPPE SOS. Exe- ter. 4470-1 FOR RENT — 4-E00,M APARTMENT, :with separate bath and cupboards. Available now. PHONE 679 r 14, Hensel:Central. Central. 4470x1 FOR RENT —THREE-ROOM APART - anent, with bath; unfurnished; nice location: separate entrance. Apply Box 252, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4470x1 Q1MPSON-SE,ARS ORDER OFFICE, SEA- " forth. requires a keen, capable lady for part time help. All employees' 'sena- fits. Apply MRS. ROWLAND, Simpson - Sears Order Offire, Seaforth. 44'70x1 Auction Sales A N NOU NC EM ENT The engagen;tent is announeisd of Helen Marilyn, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons, Hen- sel', to Theodore Paul, son of Mr. For Sale FOR SAI.E—GOOD HEREFORD CALF. PEone r 83, Seaforth. W. D. WILSON.4470-1 'F'011 SALE -6 YOUNG MILKING COWS. Apply to JOHN WOOD, R.R. 3, Ele- ven. Phone 651 r 83, Seaforth. 4470x1 plea SALE—KITCHEN RANGE, WARM - closet and reservoir. in good re- pair. CALL 657 r 8, Seaforth. 4470x1. POR SALE—QUANTITY OF colttrELL 595 seed wheat; grown from register- ed seed. Apply PEAIISON CHARTERS, 647 r 4, Seaforth.4470x1 -picta SALE -100 SUSSEX -ROCK PUL - lets. laying. Apply MOORE'S POU L - TRY FARMS. Phone 647 r 31, Seaforth. 4470x1 POR, SALE — BADMINTON RACKET .1 with press (like new). Sealers, used one season. Apply MRS. G. HARRISON, Code:a:Mb St. East (across from Separate School). 4470x1 PPR SALE — CEMENT SIDEWALK -t -blocks: window glass; sewing machine; 2 Quebec heaters; cook stove: sink quan- tity of . pipe and a gramophone. Apply CLARENCE REEVES, Seaforth. 4470x1 QLABS—DRY WOOD AND SOFT WOOD, " (mixed. at 910.00 per load; approxi- mately 2% to 3 cords per load, delivered Phone 627 'r 3, Clinton. WILLIAM CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF c "DWELL 4470x4 Household Furniture.—Fred W. Ahrena, TAWBUL SEED_ WHEAT — HIGH Auctioneer, will sell by public auction at ky Lot 9, Concession 1. Township of Fuller- yielding' variety, second generation ton, 4 miles east of Mite from certified seed: smut resistant. For Sa::hell on No. 8 further information. call 616 r SS. Clin- Highway, on turday. Septets:116er 12, sale tom J. ARNOLD JAMTESON. to commence at 1 o'clock sharp, the fob. lowing Dining rooisa extension table; 6 dining room chairs with leather seats; large arm chair; Victrola and records; oak sideboard. antique; Grandfather clock, good timepiece; Willaras sewing machine; kitchen extension table; 10 kitchen chairs: sideboard; 0 -day clock: good cook stove with pipes 2 wooden beds. antique. with springs and mattresses: 2 feather ticks; about 2 dosen feather pillows, some never been used; 2 wooden beds with springs and mattresses; dresser and stand.: 1 iron bed with springs and mattress; dresser and stand; dhamber Reiman's piano. nearly new: 2 piano stools; upholstered rocking chair. antique; leather couch; large quantity of good rag mats: hanging lamps; several oil lamps; host of carpet rugs washstand : battery radio. nearly new 2 suitcases ; telescope; curtain stretchers.; drupleaf table: 2 dressers and stands • several small tables: clothes ham- pers • good buffalo robe car rug: power lawn mower: several rockers: oak rock- ers rentre table: drapes: table covers; cornerglass cupboard; snare glass cup- board ; good rocking ,hair: couch; large flower stand: wooden tub: set trona: sev- eral clothes baskets: wash tub: water 'fountain nmnber of jags: Maxwell wash- ing machine and wringer; coal scuttle: 'several 5, 6, 7 and a -gallon crocks: several smaller cracks ; fruit jars: chicken brood- er milk pails strainer pail several 5 - gallon cream cans: sausage grinder ; saus- , age filler : several small rags; large trunk ; large quantity of bedding, such as corm- , fortera quilts. cotton and woollen sheets. 'single and double; feather pillows: pillow rases; 40 -gallon gas drum and taps lev- el ; several iron kettles; new are: granite kettles ; latchen sink : set scales; cellar table ; frying pan : 3 oil lanterns; linen table cloth : large quantity of good dishes: chinaware ; graniteware: kitchen utensils; 1,silver knives and forks; silver spoons. nev- er used ; hand sleigh : crosscut saw : lard areas, and a host of other articles too EARN :MONEY — MAKE FRIENDS, selling blouses. skirts. shirts, slacks. Highest quality, rock bottom prices. Sam- ples loaned. Good commission. STENBER DISTRIBUTING CO., 30 McRoberts Ave Toronto. 4469x2 , . Dixeban'ne, qUag*, wood. •The 'Marriage will take :plus at 10 Ana, Saturday, Sept. 111, in St. Boldface Church, Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. 1L Scruto. and family, Port Dover, visited here last week. AliI345 M. Ellis was visited. by Miss Margaret Grieve, Seaforth. Mrs. William Green; who resides two miles south of Hensel', was taken by ambulance Friday night to Scott Memorial Hospital,' Sea - forth. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drysdale, ac- companied by the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodwiss, Chatham, are enjoying a vacation at Gaspe Peninsula. They expect to return this Wednesday. Cpl. John Atkinson, Mrs. Atkin- son and Byran, Summerside, P.E.I., arrived in Hensall on Sunday to spend a vacation with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Perzke and Marlene, The 1,500 -mile trip was made bey car, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor have been enjoying a delightful visit with their son, Chief Petty Officer Maurice Tudor, Mrs. Tudor and family, , Johnny, Jimmy and Jerry, at Victoria, B.C. Maurice has re- cently returned home from Korea, where he was Chief Petty Officer on the Crusader, having spent over a year there in the navy in Japan- ese waters. Mr. and Mrs. Tudor who made the trip by car a month ago, are expected home shortly. Late Jack Logan FOR SALE — DOMINION ELECTRIC " washing machine. brand new, reason- able; also six -tube Firestone under -dash car radio, and aerial. A,pply to KEN MOORE. Phone 647 r 31, Seaforth. 4470:11 Farms For Sale Faints FOR SALE-100-AORE FARM numerous to mention found about a 0 . for sale in Hibbert Township. Lot 25. No reserve as everything will be sold. as Concession 3„ four miles from town, two the proprietor has sold the farm and is miles from church, one mile from school moving away. Auctioneer's decision final and the High Schol bus passes the door: in case of all disputes. This sale will start 12 -room 2 -storey brick house with Hydro: sharp on time, as there are s large num- barn Silvia, straw shed 56x36, benbouse ' her of small articles. Terms — Cash. and garage: two good wells and niver- WILLIAM JACOB, Proprietor: Fred W. failing spring. Also 60 -acre grass farm Ahrens. Auctioneer. 4470-2 for sale, Lot 241/2, E, Concession '7, Hibbert 1, Township. Good well with windmill, and AUCTION SALE OF ESTATE OF LATE four acres of bush; well fenced. MRS. aaa Harold Tomlinson. at Dublin: Farm DANIEL J. O'CONNOR, RR. 2, Dublin. property. household goods, all roofers' sup - Phone 41 r 14, Dublin. 4460x4 plies and some implements. Sale Thurs- day. September 10, commencing at 1230 I o'clock. Property offered at S -p.m. .Notices To Creditors 1PROPERTY—Choice farm land consisting PEACHES E.STONE PEACITF-S, RED HAVEN and Golden Jubilee. now ready for canning. Bring containers. GIDVEN- LOCK ORCHARD. la mile north oT'Porent on Bluewater Highway. 4469x2 Cards Of Thanks Word has reached here of the death of Jack Logan, Old Wives, Sask., who died suddenly with a heart seizure. He was horn and raised in Stanley Township. Sur- viving are his widow, the former Margaret Kilpatrick, of Crediton, and two sons. aila pee Via,aaalerao °ea 4a•-•sk-0- " a • Rt °IVO, Mir,"$?114,11f Ititd,A*044, bat, said fromQuebec 41;Shtr 00 the Atl-4;tAg terra ateltD of Scot/Ad. Ig4e0t41/81e40 ailt4,7r two nunathk, JO will land at ScrUtit' am,pton, During thre, tour, he will visit Ed- inburgh, the Isle of Sims and Eng" land. During his stay in Scotland he will also visit Glenisla, Forfar - shire, which will have a •dou.ble in- terest for him, as it is the birth- place of his mother,and alao• his grandfather CaMeron's birthplace. He expects to leave for home Octo- ber 30. and Mrs; Stuart BarbOur, Mimic.); Mrs. Florence Baxbour and son, Ernest, Toronto; 'Mrs. Cecil Kais- er, Toronto; Mie. Joseph Grieve and granddaughter, Linda, Detroit; Mrs, Earl Sproat, Hensall. Mr, and Mrs. Miller McConnell and children. Detroit, visited over the weekend with Mrs. Hinsdale and Miss Mabel Whiteman. Mrs. McConnell remained ,for this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, Strat- ford, visited Saturday with Mrs. DinSdale and Miss Whiteman. Rev. Norman and Mrs. McLeod and friend, Miss Florence Haske, spent Monday in Hayfield. Mr. Robert Thomson returned home Thursday after a holiday at Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oakes, Lon- don, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Howson visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Good, of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell and Mrs. Hinsdale, accompanied by Mrs. McBride, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, Stratford, We are pleased to report Mrs. Wood, who is confined to Victoria Hospital, London, with •polio, has shown signs of a slight improve- ment, Mrs. Robert McBride will attend the wedding of her grandson, Glen Ross McBride, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McBride, at Windsor, Sat- urday, Sept. 5. Miss Mildred Parker, Winnipeg, who has been visiting two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Hood, returned to her home on Wednes- Improves in Hospital Mrs. John Wood, Kippen, who was stricken with polio last week and was completely paralyzed and is in the isolation ward at Victoria Hospital, London. is able at date of writing to move her head and hands slightly. Best wishes of her many friends are extended to her for a speedy recovery. She is 34 years of age and mother of two children. y The Misses Elaine Bell and Bon - R S. HARRIETTE BLANCHARD, 1 a." Brucefield, extends thanks, for the nie Kyle have returned from a sympathy shown at the time of her ' lweek's vacation, camping at Camp .of 071a. acres of good land. well drained 'and fenced. There are on this Property 1114 storey frame house and kitchen and NOTICE to CREDITORS woodshed, hot and cold water. hydro 'throughout, 3 -piece tenth upstaiaa, 1 -piece on first floor: this is a city borne. There In the Estate of WALTON KERS ,is a large bank barn 40-sa0 feet OTI stone foundation with goad stabling. hydro in AL L PEftSONS HAVING CLAIMS :barn and: water on pressure: there is a against the Estate of WALTON KEW"- large straw shed 30x79. feet. This farm is LAIM, kite of the Too:ea-hip of Hibbert. !on Highway 0. Concession 1. Lot 35. at in the County of Perth. Farmer, deceased. I Dublia. County of 'Perth. la mile from who died on the nal day of April. 1953. church_ high and low sahool and mat of - are hereby notified to send in full Darden- free. All 'buildings have new roofs. : Prop - less of their claims to the undersigned on rt' offered subject to reserve bid. or before the lath day of September, 1950 Meteor Coach with all new tires after, which date the assets .111 be die- 'and radio: this car is like new : 1947 Ford tributed, having regard onlyto claims then panl truck with new tires: 2 large trailer received. :tar kettles: 240 -gallon gas tank and pump; DATRD at Seaforth. this 26th daa of large teal: for gas. 180 gallons: large col - August, 1953. ony house. lar -IS feet: stonebeat: 40 -foot McCONNELL & HAYS, extension ladder: 3 30 -foot extension lad- Seaforth. Ontario, ders Pace garden tractor, 3 H.P. plower: Solicitors for the Executors. gas la -am mower. new : 0-5notsteel bracer: 4469-3 new aluminum and rubber 'wheelbarrow: husband's death. and the kindness shown , at the time of his illness. Special men- ' tion is made of Dr. Oakes and Dr. Yates, also Rev. Mr, Maines. Mr. and Mrs. Chris- tie and Mr. and Mrs. Kornegan. 4410-1 Births liAUGH—Robert and Audrey Haugh (nee Walsh), Dashwood, are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of their son, Terrence Robert. at South Huron Hospital. Exe- ter, Thursday, August 27. 1953. Weight, 81.- pounds. MaM,ILLAN—At Ottawa Civic Hospital. on August 30, to F/O. and Mrs. Miles Mc- Millan, a daughter—Elizabeth Anne. MURRAY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 61, to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mur- ray R.R- 5. Seaforth. a son. SIMMONS—At Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Sept. 2, to Mr. and Mrs, Rita Simmons. Hensel]. a daughter. VICKERS—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vickers nee Joyce Seruton) wish to announce the birth of a daughter on August 18, 1933. at York County Hospital, Newmar- ket. Both are well. Notices Massey -Harris hay loader: root pulper: 1 I set 3 -section harrows: large rise: 12 , bunches of asphalt shingles : 3. 10 -gallon , gas barrels; 2 crosscut saws : 6 hand- saws: 200 feet of balf-inch rubber hose: BREMOVING A TREE ADJACENT new hay car, rope and pulleys: 2 large ao my property. party clang work may garage doors and hinzes: forks, shovels. bas's the wood. PHONE 13:54, Seaforth. hoes. rakes, tools. pails. logging chains, 4470-1 1.000 different artielm; kiddies' toboggan; quantity 2x4 plank ; hanber: 24 rolls of T AM PURCHASING BOARS AT 9c TO roofing felt: 4 hunchm roofing board : 4 ' 12c per pound, live weight. Phone or neckyokm : whifiletrees: gas piping. all write LEROY ACHESON, Atwood, 37 r 12, sizes; gond front bob for sleigh; 2 piles collect. 4469-10 of 2x4, all lengths: 1 shed 6x10: quantity. of wood; Melotte new cream separator, NOTICE — I AM AGAIN BUYING ' never used, 300 lbs. caPooitY• g "-• rain for George Thompson. Hensel], HOUSESOLD—McClary's refrigerator, 2 Call for information. W. M. SPROAT. years old; McClary's gas range. 1 year: Phone 655 r 2, Seaforth. 446443 , Beach coal ana wooa range. new: kittben table and 6 chairs: Thor electric washer, like new: 9 -piece dinner suite; guitar, like new: Pak table writing desk : White sew- ing machine; 3 -piece wine chesterfield suite. new: antique walnut table and lamp toffee table: end table: 2 small tables; 4 iron beds: 1 wood bed, springs. spring -filled rnattres.s: 3 dressers; 2 chests or drawers; 2 wicker rocking chairs: set- tee and chairs: 2 hat trees: 5 large ixdr- rors: used chesterfield suite; 2 dozen jars of mixed fruit: 3 dozen jars: 4 large crocks; double toaster: sandwich grill: ironing board; General radio: 3 pair of feather pillows: kitchen linens: large pres- sure cooker and otber odd dishes: 5 pairs of lace curtains; 2 pairs of curtains; elec- tric fireplace and bookcase; 8 small elec- tric lamps; 3 floor lamps; new roller painter: electric clocks: flour bin: gallon thermos jug: copper boiler and tib: leather lounge; 2 girls' bicycles. Chattels offered without reserve and sold to highest bidder. Terms—Chattels. cash, Property, 109e pur- chase money day of sale, balance 30 days. MRS. LUCY BURNS. P. D. MaCONNELL. Executors: Joseph L. Ryan, Auctioneer: Tom O'Rourke and William Maloney, Clerks. 4470-1 Deaths ELLIOTT—In Seaforth. on Wednesday, September 2, William Clayton Elliott, beloved son of ' Mr. and Mrs. Morten Elliott, Varna, in his 44th year. ROSS—In Seaforth. on Monday, August 31. Sarah L. Simpson, widow of the late Allan Ross and dear sister of Th01118.9 Si/DTI-SOU, Windsor. Mrs. Rees Matheson and Mrs. McGavin, Winnipeg, in her a:alas year. ADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS1 ▪ ofradios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE-. PAIR, opposite 'Dick House, Seafortb. Phone 347-11. 4136341 A TII4NTION„ FARMERS! -- PROMPT, • courteous collection all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR "“ Air Forte personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a htsuse, apartment, famished or unfurnished, to rent, please esti STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 982: local 252. 443641 A TTENTION, FARIVERSI—MeXILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers* ce, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (0.A -A.), Hospitalisation Insurance, Accident and Sicknets Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult FIRIC H. MUNROE, Seafortb. Phone 294-18. 445641 The New RED JACKET 1r it, PUMP - The Latest in Water Pumping Equipment for the Home and Farm Minniehaha, north of Godericb. Edison Forrest has left on a trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. G. Follick, Cr. and Mrs. T. Kyle and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kyle and family are enjoying a week's vacation. Mr, William Cole suffered a stroke this week at his home and at date of writing is slightly im- proved. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, R. X. MaeLaren were in Kitchener last Saturday at- tending a wedding of a nephew of Mrs. MacLaren's. Cromarty Comedians, who cap- ford General Hospital. tured first prize for square dancing Miss Marcia Little, Hensall, is, at the C.N.E. last year, left Thurs- speridingaahie7aveA Withher grand - day to enter in this year's square parents, Mr. and Mrs. Long. dancing competition at the 'Ex', Mr,. Long picked a few strawber- Mr. Bert Horton, who is employ- ries September 2, and took a few 1 , es "411.11.14—Rlt HENSs:Gtargiele°sTirAbbott passed away in Detroit on Monday, August 31. The former Alice Petty, she was -born in Hensel', a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ilek C. Pmeatryety.. Her father built the Illrst house in 'Hensel'. Surviving are three sister, rs. J. L. Scott (Blanche), Guelph; Mrs:- Peter Kennedy (Maude), Winnipeg, and 'Mrs. 0. F. Smith (Gladys), St. M , The body was brought to the Donthron Funeral Home, Hensel], to .rest there from .8 p.m. Wedneer day. Private funeral service was held Thursday at 2 p.m. Rev. C. L. Langford officiated. Burial was in Hensel] cemetery, PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersrnit,h UPON issmucTionTs PROM dotrINT- ell under nuthoritr of BYLLaw No. 13, WS; Township of Tacitersmith. I hereby iweetalm that all doge in the hamlets of Menondville end Stamm -belt are Prohibited *ION :tinning at large during the period flan June 1, 10101, to thromilbeft 1, 1955. Omer* or harborer. of doss eontraven. fag the trovlourr or thia 10.4aw will be tetatett to it emaiditeet lieu* *1 160.00. leitaell IX A. ROMA% Yienita "ibrinethlto of' TeekerlialUL *lam 41. •eafoZth. For Sale POTATOES FOR SALE — APPLY TO GEORGE SMALE. Hensall. 44704 poit SALE — Watt .61 PORCELAIN table. Apply to .1. E. KEATING. Pbone 46, Seafortb, 4470-1 PPR SALE — 2 CHOICE AYRSHIRE betters. tofrekhen soon. PHONE 667 r 24, Sealer*. 4470.1 VOR SALE -2 QUEBEC STOVES, COAL: 6-6urner coal oil stove. All in 11.1 a)staition. Apply enuattlLES BRODIE, North Main St. . 44/0s2 * 7146 PUMP YOU DON'T SEE. CANT HEAR AND NEPER LUBRICATE * PUMP AND MOTOR COM- PLETELY SUBMERGED UNDER THE WATER IN THE WELL * 140 PRIMING --LUBRICATION FREE NO PR OR PUMP NOUSE REQUIRED ONLY ONE PIPE FROM PUBLP TO TANK NEEDED * CAN 86 INSTALLED QUICKLY AND EASILY LATE WM. C. ELLIOTT VARNA.—ManY friends learned with regret on WednesdaY. Sept. 2, of the passing in Seaforth of Wil- liam Clayton Elliott, son of Mr. and' 'Mrs. Morton Elliott, Varna, in his 44th year. Mr. Elliott had been in failing health for two years. He was born in Varna and was un- married. Mr •Elliett was the efficient op- erator of a county grader for 15 years, and was a farmer as well. He also was a member of the Hos- pitalization Association of Huron County. Surviving besides his parents are two. sisters, Mrs. 'Fred Heard, Strat- ford, and Mrs. Jack Ferguson, Ger- son, Ont., and three brothers, Har- old and Roy, Varna, and Alvin, Sea - forth. One sister. Mrs. Frank Grieve, Seaforth, predeceased bins in December, 1951. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, Seaforth, with' Rev. Carew -Jones, Hayfield, officiating, assisted by Rev. J. W. A. Stinson, Northside United Church, Seaforth. Interment will be in Hayfield ceme- tery. St. Thomas' WA Group Welcomes New Rector At 1 First Meeting Tuesday CLEARANCE of Our RelPflar Steck Plastia4,,la 4100 etlred Savings To Y0141 Reriar 019,401)111Prie.0. 36-1INGH MAUI •gRADES .45 , .29 364O11 PRINTED .59 1164INCH PRINTED DRAPER?! .59 & .40. 54-INCII PRINTED 54 -INCH, SIMIJIDATED ARBORITE 1.19 .98 Plastic Drapes; Reg. 1.98, °leading at 1.39; reg. 2.95, cleaning et Z.18 PHONE 70 TUDOR' S IIENSAI44 LADIES' WEAR DRY GOODS % day.• Visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. W. R. The first autumn meeting of the Cooper over the weekend were: St. Thomas' W.A. was held in the Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Toronto; parish Hall Tuesday. Mrs. George Miss Patsy Cooper, Exeter; Mr. McGavin,' the president, welcomed and Mrs. Eric Dyer-Hurdon, De- the new rector and his wife, Rev. troit, Mich; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ryan and three children, Detroit, Mich.; Dr. and Mrs, W. L. Lawson and cbildren. Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. Don Cooper and Michael, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs, G. Harkness, Dennis and Sandra, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance, Por- ter's Hill. accompanied by Miss 'Jean and Mr, Henry Ivison are spending a few dye at Mr. Wni. Ivison's cottage at Drysdale Beach. Miss Donna McBrideadaughter of Mr. and Mrs.. A-lvin McBride, left Tuesday to.goain training at Strat- ed by Lee Oesch, had the misfor- to Dickert s store. tune Wednesday afternoon to have bis index finger on the right hand injured. It was believed at first the finger might have to be ampu- tated, but a number of stitobes clos- ed the wound. KIPPEN The meeting of the Kippen East W.I., planned. for September 3, in S.S. No. 10, is postponed until a later date. Miss Carol McMurtrie, accompan- ied by a girl friend from London, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMur- trie. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson included: Mr. Here is the best investment you can make in a water system. You can always depend on a Red Jacket "Submerge" pump to supply you with all tier water you need, when and where you want R. No unsightly and costly pump pit or house is required — quite a saving in itself. Built of the high- est quality materials avail- able with watch -like pre. cision of all working parts. Corns in and lei us show you this marvel of water pumps. Write or Call Ed. Fink Plumbing & Heating .lekg-TZIMIZwat.ca Phone 36 IlensolOnt. Oirosisz. Phone Gaa r 41, geatortti, 441", 0111111000,0108008.900101100111S10 twiremilomiftgewitaillooleinwe WS PRINT IT Store Sale BMs Business Cards Window Cards Laundry Lists Visiting Cards Bread Tickets Letter Heads Meal Tickets Filing Cards Programmes Score Cards Debentures Note Heads Bill Beads Invitations Hand Bills Pamphlets Circulars Booklets , Dodgers Blotters Badges Drafts Books Tags Bills Bonds Labels Cheques Placards - Vouchers Prize Lista Catalogues Price Lists Post Cards Statements Mentt Carts Blank Notes Milk Tickets Legal Femme Memo Heads 4-, 'Order Blanks Shipping Tags Amaral Cards fithuvloPrInting Greeting Claris Montt Booklet ,At Home Card* Vhone 41- STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. James McKellar and Billy, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pigeon, Galt, visited with Mrs. Jack Drake. Miss Ethel Mae Norris, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Norris. CROMARTY and Mrs. James. The meeting was opened with special prayers for ministry, eohol- ars and scientists, and the Lord's. Prayer and Members' Prayer in uni- son. 'A letter was'read from Mrs. ,Cal- der, Diocesan W.A. President, re- minding of the bishop's request to raise funds to build a coronation missionary church, as a tribute to the Queen. Some $219 was raised at this meeting. Bishop ,Wilkinson is visiting the diocese and will take the evening service in St: George's Church, Gode- rich, on October 4, to which all WA. members are urged to attend. The date for the Fall Deanery will be announced later. HURON F(ARNI FEEDS . Seed Cleaning Plant NOW IN OPERATION! Farmers wishing to use our facilities PHONE 644 J 3 FOR 'APPOINTMENT Huron Farm Feeds Phone 644 J 3 Seaforth rAmmiprw- esellIllsweillM10•11111.2111•111111111111assillini Miss Susan Stinson, Mitchell, is holidaying at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn. Duncan Scott and Kennk Welker have returned home after spending a week in London with Mr. and airs. Hugb Currie. Mr, and Mrs .Thomas Aldington, Seaforth, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlin. Mr. and Mrs. ,Lloyd Sorsdahl and family have returned home after visiting for a week at Ipperwash Park with Mr. and Mrs. Neil La - mond. Mr. and Mrs. William Drover and Mr. Miller Adams, Seaforth, visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wallace. Mr. Thomas Scott, Sr., was visit- ed by members of his family on August 23, to celebrate with him' on bis 80th birthday. Mrs. Wilmer Howitt and two. sons, Gordon and Jack. Auburn, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gardiner. Mrs. 4sabella Boyd, Walton, and Ma-. William Leeming, Seaforth, ac- comiranied by Mr. Lou Fisher, vis- ited Friday with Mrs. Worn. Hough- ton. Mr. Clive MacDona-ld and three children, Janie, Timmy and Mlle; spent a few days last week with Miss Olive Spear*. Mr, Eugene Mills and Rosetta Mills, accompanied by a friend, vis- ited Sunday evening with Mrs. Robertson and John Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. William 'Hamilton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson }Dinkins at Belmore on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar, Mrs. Grace Scott and Mrs. Hough- ton vtaitett Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. WfIliam Binning and Irene Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Dintanson, Mar- guerite and WeedY, spent a few days last week in Toronto and Fort Erie. Polio HAS STRUCK THIS DISTRICT! For 510.00, you can in- sure your whole fam- ily for two years for medical expenses of this crippling disease up to $8,000.00. This Policy also covers Small- pox, Diphtheria, T et a n u s, Leukaemia, Encephalitis and Meningitis. For further particulars contact W. E. Southgate GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 334 Res. 222R Advertisers' Like To Be Told! Many of our advertisers write to' tell us how pleased they are when customers say, came in because I saw your ad in The Huron Expositor." In this way they have definite proof that their Expositor advertising brings them good will and profitable business, and that, therefore, their money has been' well invested. Buicber: "Hama, Yes, ma'am, Pare the Most beautiful cured hauls You ever seaW." ' Bride: "But 'haven't you that have never been sick?" • "That's 'a large grandfather dock yea bare In the hall." "We Call it a inother-in-law clock because tot been here fer yeari'4 atut it W0fl'1 ki4I" any LLASHMAR CLINTON Next to Community Park First Show Starts at Dusk Thurs., Fri. — Sept. 3, 4 "CAPTAI N SCAR L ETT" (Teehnicolor) Richard Greene CARTOON NEWS Sat. (One Day Only) Sept. 5 "LOVE HAPPY" Marx Bros. CARTOON NEWS Sunday (Midnite), Sept. 6 "THREE HUSBANDS" Eve Arden CARTOON r NEWS Monday (Holiday) — Sept. 7 "THE GREAT DAN PATCH"' Dennis O'Keefe Ruth Warrick CARTOON NEWS Tues., Wed. — Sept. 8,S "I WAS A COMMUNIST FOR THE F.B.I." Frank Lovejoy Dorothy Hart 'CARTOON NEWS Thurs., Fri. — Sept. 10, 11 "HERE COMES THE GROOM"' Bing Crosby Jane Wyman, CARTOON NEWS CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND Children Under 12 in ears Admitted FREE Expositor Want Ads Bring 'Results — Phone 41 SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT' Huron .County's Finest Market for USED CARS 2-1952 OBEY. STYLELINE SEDAN SPECIALS 1952 PONTLiC STYLBLINE COACH 1951 eREV. COACH 1951 CHEV STYLELINE SEDAN 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1951 tikthiV. POWER -GLIDE COACH, with radio 1950 catv-stowr COACH 1949 CBEV. DE LUKE FOUR -DOOR SEDAN; fully ,equipped. 2-1948 STYLEMASTER COACHES 1948 :a ' . SEDAN 1948 CHEV. DE LUXE 5 -PASSENGER COUPE; Radio. 2-1948 OLDSMOBILE FLEETLINE COACHES; radio. 194/7 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN ' 1947 CHEV'. COACH 1949 CHEV. ,SEDAN 1942 DODGE COACH TRUCKS —. 1998 MERCURY wroN PICKUP A written guarantee for 10 day. on all Late Model Care - • MANY OTHER MODELS TO MOOS, FROM BRUSSELSBMOTORS HONE Itait,ar Orbin4044`titB�srWNW eire • k Opts tivOnt EvEraime , L'• • "",:a 5 4 0 4 4 1 0 4 4,