HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-08-28, Page 4,r• •il 1 sF,7iril! sifi�d Ads fids Inserted At New Low Cash Rates it;*ANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC., -Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week %Cent 8rd Wee1 a.,....... T5 Cent' Minimumcharge, each his o4; .:' 25 •Cents Each tagttre, initial and abbreviation counts ,@alone word. Clads of Thanks, In 'Mwnprism Netieea, Coming Events -1 cat per word 00 cents per freak. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., 0/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Tan cents additional will be charged ft ads in above ohms are not paid within 10 dare **de of thus] insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. 4uction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.-ltates on application. Minimum. Coming Events VOU'LL ENJOY DANCING AT THE popular Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mit- chell. every Friday night. to the music of Glarence Petrie and hip Night Hawks. Help Wanted TASTY GRILL HAS, OPENINGS FOR " two part-time waitresses, to work al- ternate evenings, 4 to 12 shift. Preferably y ng married women who wish to earn additional income for the home, Reason- able wages. 44694 Lost and Found LOST -BABY'S RING WITH INITIAL J' on Saturday evening, August 8, on street or in stores,Valued as keepsake. MRS. MERVIN DI•ETZ, R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 83 r 13, Dublin. 4469x1 LOST -ON MONDAY EVENING AT 'Lions Park, a baseball glove. Finder please leave at EXPOSITOR OFFICE or Phone 684 r 34, Henault 4469-1 LA ST -,BROWN TERRIER, WITH COL - lar and tag: Answers to name of "Trixie." HARRY NESBITT, 835 r 15, Seaforth.a ` 4469x1 LOST -GOLD BULOVA WRIST WATCH with expansion bracelet, on Main St. Reward. Finder leave at EXPOSITOR OF- FICE. 4469.1 Property For Sale pea SALE--SIX-ROOM FRAME HOUSE on Louisa St., Seaforth. For particu- lars contact MARJORY BICKELL, Sea - forth. 4469x1 Fj OR RENT - FOUR -ROOM APART- taent, upstairs, in Egnaondville. Ap- ply to Box 250, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4469x1 FOR RENT - 6 -ROOM APARTMENT; electric refrigerator, electric stove, telephone; separate bath. Apply after 7 p.m. to JOHN TREMEER, Victoria St. 4469x1 ' OR SALE -8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE, meulated, stoker heated, modern bath- room and kitchen, new garage. Lots of room for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 855-W, Seaforth. 4439-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE -TWO-STOREY three bedrooms, living room, den, 3 - piece bathroom, oil heated house, including three acres of land, edge of town. Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ap- ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, of Phone 41, Seatortb. 4431-t1 Wanted WANTED - SECOND-HAND PIANOS. PHONE SEAFORTH 265. Write BOX 299, Seaforth, 4467-tf WANTED -DOUBLE •BARREL SHOT - gun, 12 gauge. NORMAN EGGERT. Phone - 84 r .14, Dwblin, 4469x1 ]'ANTED TO RENT -UNFURNISHED house or apartment, in Seaforth area, on or after 15th September, PHONE 839-.T, Seaforth. 4469x2 WANTED --TWO MEDIUM SIZE COLE - man oil heaters. LOOBY & LOOBY CONSTRUCTION, Dublin, Ont. Farms For Sale • Auction Sales AUCTION SALE -I) SALE OF IM - ported Sootch SK horns at Genmar Farm, Tuckersmith, o Friday, September 4th, at 1 p.m. DR, M. W. STAPLETON, Proprietor ; C. D. Swafer, Auctioneer. 44694 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B BE R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples U.N. Mail -Order Dept. T-78. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Livestock Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge '1:'or prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 655 r 2, - Motor Cars For Sale pun SALE - 1951 DODGE REGENT club coupe, new tires, perfect condi- tion, custom radio. PHONE 745, Sea - forth. 4469.1 Dj OR SALE -8 -TON G.M.C. TRUCK; cdinbination stake and dump, excel- lent condition. Business and P.G.V. in- cluded. Owner deceased, BOX 183, ,Zur- ich, Ont, 4468-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WALTON KERSLAKE A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of WALTON KERS- LAKE, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth. Farmer, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of April, 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of September, 1953, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of August, 1953. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executers. 4469-3 For Sale FOR SALE -HARDWOOD, BY THE cord, Apply HAROLD JACKSON. Phone 661 r 14, Seaforth, 4469-1 Ii 'OR SALE - TWO BULL CALVES. Phone PETER SIMPSON, 667 r 2, Sea - forth. 4469x1 FOR SALE --FALL RYE SEED. PHONE HARRY NESAITT, 855 r 15, Seaforth. 446951 peat SALE -Fla -1EEN ACRES OF SEC- ond cut alfalfa. Apply HARRY NES- BITT, 635 r 15, Seaforth, 4969-1 FOR SALE -BOY'S C.C.M. BICYCLE, nearly new. Apply GLENN CHES- NEY, 652 r 12, Seaforth. 4469x1 4469-1 • POR SALE -BARN, doqq'.n and removed. Seaforlth. EARNS FOR SALE--R00-ACRE FARM for sale in Hibbert Township, -Lot 25, Concession 8, four miles from town, two miles from church, one mile from school and the High Soho] bus passes the door; 12 -room 2 -storey brick house with Hydro ; barn 8$x48, straw shed 56x36, henhouse and garage; two good wells and niver- trailing spring. Also 50 -acre grass farm for sale, Lot 2439 E, Concession 7, Hibbert Township. Good well with windmill, and four acres of bush ; well fenced, MRS. DANIEL .1. O'CONNOR, R.R. 2, Dublin. Phone 41 r 14, Dublin. 4468x4 Notices I AM PURCHASING BOARS AT 9c TO 12e per pound, live weight. Phone or write LEROY ACHESON, Atwood, 87 r 12, collect. 4469-10 NOTICE - I AM AGAIN BUYING grain for George Thompson, Hensall, Call for information. W. M. SPROAT. Phone 656 r 2, Seaforth. 4464-88 RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. 1/hone 84741. - 4368-tf AT10E-WILL THE PARTY WHO pi1lted up the .brown pup in front of the home of Mrs, James Johnson, Sea - forth, on Saturday night, please PHONE 790-W, Seaforth. 4469x1 ATTENTION, FARMERS! - PROMPT, courteous.,: collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851' r 11, Seaforth, or 285, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 489941 AOCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment. tarnished or unfurnished, to rent, please rail • STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 882; local 252. 4436-t1 ATTENTION, FARMERS 1- McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Winds Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone 894-'M'. 4456-tf NOTICE Township of Hullett rpHE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of" the Hallett Township Council will he held Tuesday, September 1st, 1953, ow- ing to Monday, September 7th, being a holiday, GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk. 4469-1 PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith 'tr'ort mmaJCITIOXS FROM coml. ail under authority Of By -Law No. 18, 1942, ! owfebi$ of Teekeremith, I hereby Xl *41alm that all doge in the hamlets of EgniDMAoted running a lare and ge during he peri Mita June'1, 1958, to 1!i'oveltnber 1, 1058. Diener* Or beiborele q dogs coTttraai,eo- Ir� tite..pravisldite of tide by tis* will be eat -to s initititnilin 41tm ltY of 450,09. (liad;D,4$* tOulii>d+ r'i1`sltei<slmltlt; ".. 4467-ff Y,Gi'u SX ,i eb %,SA's7ij y. ,fA . TO-. BE TORN PHONE 691-M, 4469x1 R SALE -CHILD'S TRICYCLE, 20- inch •wheel, new condition; reason- able. PHONE 745, Seaforth. 4469-1 FI OR SALE -MAHOGANY S1'EaL BED, full size, with springs.•' almost new. Apply MUNRO'S MEAT M'AR.KET, 446-W, Seaforth, 4469-1 FOR SALE -QUANTITY OF CORNELL seed wheat, 45.95; grown from regis- tered seed. Apply PEARSON OHA•R- TERS, 647 r 4, Seaforth, 4469x1 FOR SALE - DOMINION ELECTRIC washing machine, brand new: reason- able. Apply KEN MOORE, 647 r 31. Sea - forth. 4469x1. FOR SALE -QUANTITY OF GOOD EAT - ins pears, Clapp's Favorite. Apply MRS. M. MESSENGER, Egmondville. 4469x1 FOR SALE -GIRL'S SMALL BICYCLE. in good condition. Apply NORMAN SCHNEIDER, or phone 235-W, Seaforth, 4469x1 FOR SALE - CORNELL 595 S1;ED wheat, $1.50 per bushel. not cleaned at the farm. Apply JOHN F. BELL, 847 r 4, Seaforth. 4469x1 "pOR SALE -FRESH RED COW WITH white -headed calf. GORDON REY- NOLDS. Phone 667 r 24, Seaforth, 4469x1 poll SALE -FRESH CORN ON 1'ab cob; also pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. ELLIOTT GARDENS. Phone 249-W. 4469-1 R SALE -25 ACRES GOOD SECOND cut hay, standing. HENRY ENZENS- BERGER, R.R. 5, Seaforth, or phone 689 r 25. 4469-1 FOR SALE --SINGING CANARIES AT 48.50: budgies at 47.00 and up; cages, 52.50 and up. All prices greatly reduced. SEAFORTH AVIARY. Ted Savauge. Phone 120, 4469x1 FOR SALE - MASSEY•HARRIS SIDE delivery rakb, suitable for raking beans: also 17 pigs, six weeks old. Apply WILLIAM COLEMAN. Phone 674 r 22, Hensall. 4469-1 pun SALE -SIX SIDEWALK BLOCKS, small table: 2 stoves: 2 rugs: baby buggy; commode; small quantity of pipe; corner cupboard: window glass. CLAR- ENCE REEVES, Seaforth. 4469x1 F'OR SALE -BLACK CREPE DRESS, white trimming, size 40: red crepe dress, never worn, size 40: lady's grey checked winter coat. All will 'be Bold reas- onably. Apply to Box 247, HURON EX- POSITOit. 44694f DAWBUL SEED WHEAT - HIGH yieldin..' variety, second generation from certified need; smut resistant. For further information, deil 616 r 88, Clin. ton. J. ARNOLD JA•MTESON. 4469x2 PEACHES FREE. STONE PEACHES, RED HAVEN and Golden Jubilee, nos ready for canning. Bring tilhtainere. COVEN - LOCK ORCHARD, IA mile ninth ot,F'ores , on Blnewater Highway, 4480x22 tiT?It SALIO--t16Ll3 RESItt42ERA TORS, Ar one 9% and two 61/2 cubic feet 816o a' 4 -burner electric range, b'ea y' d 1�ty , electric hat visite: Moffat Hbndf.Chef. Anisiienee-46% dietotlht Mi. Xe,atlndr aind iiryet ; alta 0 4ubie foot' WeetlrlgNatite refrig'em*tor; non.a'titotitatfc ffcneo end toaster% at $200 Minnaeach,,y,CLARK & FUSS, MinnaThint'e 124, 4408.2 For S?+e 1804, Spo ortbl, 44691c1 POI. SALaELWINGHAM RANGE, USED erre year. Apply MRS. WILLIAM• AUSTIN, High St, 4469x1 rtiOlt-SALE- 34 CHOICE PIGS, EXTRA strong and well started. Phone 838 r 14, Seaforth. A. 'R. DODDS. , 4469-1 OR SALE--00AL BURNER •UNIT OR •• draft ventilator assembly, complete with motor, fan and electric wire. Take it away for 4,20, WILLIS' SHOE STORE. Seaforth, 44694 For Rent 73 OR RENT -4 -ROOM HEATED APART- " Ment, with bath room, sun porch; also cellar, for September 1, PHONE 249-W, Seaforth, 4468 -it RENT -ONE BEDROOM APART- "` anent ; all conveniences, Apply DR. E. A. MeMASTER, Seaforth. 446,9-1 POR RENT -APARTMENT, FURNISH - ed or unfurnished; bath room; con- tinuous hot water. PHONE 669 r 38, Seaforth. 4469x1 1 - RENT - THREE-ROOM APART- ment, with bath; unfurnished; nice location; separate entrance, Apply Box 252, HURON EXPOSITOR. 44694 Cards Of Thanks IATE WISdH TO THANK THE SEAFORTH Fire Brigade and our neighbors, who assisted at the fire last week, MR. AND MILS. JAMES BLACK 4469.1 MR. AND MRS. HAROLD COREY WISH to thank Dr. Stapleton and Dr. Wil- kie and the nurses of Scott Memorial Hos- pital for their kindness while Mre. Corey was a patient in the hospital. 4469x1 I WISH TO THANK ALL MY FRIENDS for their -lovely flowers, treats, cards and visits while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Special thanks to Rev. J. W. A. Stinson, 'Drs. Brady, McMaster and Elliott; special nurse, Miss Dunn, and the nursing staff.. 4469-1 • AUDREY BULLET HILDF7BHANT THE FAMILY OF the late Alex Hildebrantwish to ex- press their sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy during their recent sad bereavement, to those who sent flowers, cards and letters: special thanks to Rev, Fox, Father Mona- han, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Foster, 4468-1 -'-'LAVER WEBSTER A N D FAMILY, Varna, wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent,sad •bereavement. Special thanks to the special nurses• and 'the staff of the Clinton Public Hospital, and Dr. Oakes, Thanks to Rev. Pitt for his comforting message, also for the beau- tiful floral tributes and to the gentlemen who acted as pallbearers and flower - bearers. 4469x1 The New RED JACKET PUMP The Latest in Water Pumping Equipment for the Home and Farm * THE PUMP YOU DON'T 5EE, CAN'T. HEAR AND .NEVER ' LUBRICATE it PUMP AND MOTOR COM-,' PLETELY SUBMERGED UNDER' THE WATER IN THE WELL * NOEPRIMING-LUBRICATION,•• NO NT OR PUMP HOUSE REQUIRED ONLY ONE PIPE FROM PUMP TO TANK NEEDED * ANG. EASILY STALLED QUICKLY Here is the best investment you can make in a water sy5stem ' You can at *ays depend on a Red Jacket "Submerge" pump to supply you with all the water you need, when and where 9eu want it. No unsightly and costly pump pit or houseis required -- quite a saving in itself. Built of thehigh- est quality materials avail- able with watch -like pre- cision of all working parts. Come in and let us show you this marvel of water pumps. / Write or Can ensall ''Fera Recant *gore with,wog; scot, Mr+ Ballantylie ,and Mxa;, Gra'haau were: MF• and Ur& .doy1 Hudson, Poultry �''{ OR SATE -7o RED ROOK HYBRID Dunks, laying. Apply KEN STEW - ART, Seaforth, 44694 Tenders Wanted SEALED TENDERS WILL, BE RECEIVED UNTIL WEDr needay, September -2, 1953, for the caretaking of St. James' •School, Church and Convent. Apply, stating wages expected- Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LEON BANNON, See-Treas.. St. James' Separate School Board, Seaforth, 4460.1 In Memoriam BERRY -JN LOVING MEMORY AF Hugh F. Berry, who died August 22, 1952, $e.liveth long who liveth 'well." -Sadly missed by his Wife, Brothers and Nieces, 4469-1 Births COREY -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corey, R.R. 5,• Staffs, announce the .birth of a daugh- ter, Wednesday, August I9, 1953, at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, DALRYMPLE--At Scott •Memorial Hospi- tal, on August 20, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dalrymple, Seaforth, a son. GILBERT-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gilbert, R -R, 2, Bayfield, a son. HODGERT-Mae and Russell Hodgert, 3662 South 96th St., Milwaukee, Wis., are happy to announce the arrival of a eon, Thomas Russell, at Columbia Hospital, Milwaukee, Sunday, August 17. A 'broth- er for Margaret. HULLEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hulley, Seaforth, a son. JOHNSON -To Mr. and Mrs, Cyril John- son, Hamilton, . on August 17, a daugh- ter. KEYS ---Mr. and (Mrs. Harvey Keys, Hen- sall, are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter at Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, Sunday, August 16, 1953. MOSHER-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 20, to Cpl, and Mrs, Lloyd Mosh- er. Seaforth, a son. PEEBLES -At Listowel Hospital, Sunday, August 9, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John Peebles, of Atwood, (nee Lila Moir of Hensall), a daughter. .A sister for John. STOREY -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Everat* Storey, R.R. 1, Dublin, a daughter, W'EBSTER-:At Clinton Hospital, on Mon. day, August 17, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Percy Webster, Hensall, a daughter, Deaths FERRIS -Suddenly, on August 21, in Guelph, John Alexander Ferris, father of P.C. Gordon Ferris, Seaforth. STUDENT REQUIRED Young man with Grade XIII education, desiring to become a: Chartered Accountant, required by A. M. HARPER, C.A. Goderich, Ontario Apply in writing, outlining edu- cation; age and business experi- ence. Folio HAS. STRUCK THIS DISTRICT ! For $10.09, you can in- your whole .f am- a�l,. or two years for medical` expenses of this crippling disease - up to $8;000.00. This Policy also covers Small- pox, Diphtheria, T e t a n us, Leukaemia, Encephalitis and Meningitis. For further particulars contact Ed. Fink W. E. Southgate Plumbing & Heating. GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 36 - Hensall, Ont. Phone 334 Res. 222R 54,000.00 CASH BINGO EXETER ARENA Friday, Sept. 4th 14 Regular Games for $50.00 Each '4 3 Special Games for $100.00 acu 1 SUPER SPECIAL FOR $ i 4 ."' Admission Extra and Special Cards 25c -4.11!' ¢. Games Stant a( 0 p.m, .Sham Procee Proceeds in Aid of ArenkF'I' NFA S1L1 ytr�`a. , � :: done .2.1, - . St- 'Marys;' ' Mr. and 'Mrs, Lorne Acott, Guelph; '*s Retold White and Mrs. F. Horning,' Guelph. Mr. John D. Reid,- London, ,visit- ed his sister; Miss Minnie Reid, and other Hensall friends when on va- cation. Mrs. E. Norminton and Ted, ac- companied by Miss Ellis, spent. a vacation at- Rev. Roger's cottage, near Port Elgin. Miss Phyllis Case spent a week's vacation in St. Catharines, Mr, and: -Mrs. T. IGittus and 'Mr. and Mrs, Gittus, Jr., and son, of Adrian, Mich., bave been holidaying with 'Mrs. A. 'C. 'Meidinger, Mrs. John D. - Wren, Toronto, vis- ited in Hensall this week, Miss Mildred Forrest, Reg -N., of Brantford, is holidaying with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. William For- rest, •- Mrs. Alice Joynt is being visited by Dr, and Mrs. Harry Joynt and Judith Ann, Toronto. Mrs. Mary Ann (Stephenson re- cently visited Mrs, Lorne Coleman - and her sons, George and Clarence Stephenson. Mrs. Lillian Hyde and Jim were weekend visitors in Buffalo. Miss `udora Hyde, who spent a holiday there, accompanied them home. Miss Helen Moir, London, has been visiting 'Mrs Pearl .Baynham and Mrs, Bertha Moir. Weekend visitors with -Mrs. A. Saundercock were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Freeman, Clinton, Mrs. George Armstrong, Mrs. Harry Horton, Mrs. Fred Beer, Mrs. Alex Mousseau and Mrs. Harry Faber, representing the Hensall Women's Institute, attended the A.C.W1W. convention held in To- ronto. Mrs. Whitney Carter and family, Clinton, were weekend visitors with Hedden arta. Herb. Mrs. James Wright, Kippen, spent a day last week in- Guelph visiting with Mrs. Husband, a lady of 98 years. She had made the trip by plane from Saskatoon to Toronto to attend a reunion at Mitchell and was returning to Saskatoon the next day.. Mrs. Husband and •MI'S. Wright were born on adjoining farms, north of •Mitchell, Mrs. Wright said that she was busy at a piece of tatting and has a won- derful memory. Robert Evans, Kitchener -Water- loo, is visiting with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and. Mrs. R,' YMcLaren. ,. Mr. and 'Mrs, John Bean and fata- lly, Brantford, visited this, week with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bean, Mrs. Eugene Gonyou and son, Donald, Detroit, visited with Mr, last week. and Mrs. William Pepper last A. G. 'Smillie, Toronto, is vis- iting with relatives in the village. Mr, and Mrs. Orland McLeod and family, Kincardine, visited with Mr. and Mrs, William Pepper last Sunday. The many friends. of Dr. B. Camp- bell, Toronto, vacationing in the village, are pleased to see him able to -be out again following his recent illness. To Tour cNiaga•ra A rea Four bus loads of sightseere•rs will leave Wingham Friday morn- ing, August 2.8, and will pick up pas- sengers from Wingham, Belgrave, Blyth, Londesboro, Clinton, Bruce field and Hensall, for a tour of Niagara Falls and down to Vine- land to spend. the day there, Tak- ing iehe trip from Hensall are Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper, Mr. and. Mrs. Percy Willett and John 'Alex- ander, This project is sponsored by the Department of Agriculture' at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ilubbert, Toronto, spent the weekend with the latter's mother, 'Mrs. Sararas. Mr, and Mrs, Earl. Sararas and family, Toronto, have, returned home after spending three weeks with the formers mother, Mrs. S. Sararas, While 'here, accompanied by Mrs. Sararas, they enjoyed a week's vacation, motoring to Sud- bury and Northern Ontario and' enjoyed a boat trip at Tobermory. Mrs. ,Stuart Gunn, London, who Is vacationing at Oakwood, Grand Bend, visited with her cousin, Miss Hattie Sutherland, on Mon -day, District Obituaries 1 LATE DAVID.DUCHARME ZURICH. - .Solemn High Mass was sing in St, Boniface Church, Zurich, on Wednesday, August 19, for Mr. David IDucharme, who died on August 16 in his 73rd year. The Masa was celebrated by Rev. Father Monahan, Zurich, assisted by Rev. Dr, Ffou•lkes, of Dublin, and Rev, Dr. Durand, of St. Peter's Semin- ary, London, acting as deacon and sub -deacon, Rev. Father Flannery, of „St. Martin's- parish, London, was• present in the 'Sanctuary, Miss. Mary Denomme,'of St. Jos- eph, presided at the organ and ac- companied the soloist, Miss 'Rose Marie Ducharme, of Dublin, 'niece and godchild of the deceased, who sang 'Schubert's Ave Maria. Besides his wife, the former analleilmessiglagenswilsgemegussmalli SIGNS OF ALL KINDS Any Size Not Too Great NEON, SERVICE Cutout Letters • Truck Lettering t S,. rocker '.PS it pl .01RAuae lr} sox gam, 40... f,Ye 41mP.,. ter c t� rk of w+Fllr Rooe.ei1 dl, wufrfO o wog err •George, oR pot.-• )lilt -By rO of 7,ondpn, i.. r Qf . s ion, )00--/15X/148.Xei}r}) CharQtte of Detr�olt, M tiricto (EveiYn) Den- -MOM es.ornme oR Bose/041k Mlcl#,;:IMra• 'VW" len (Doreen) R,usee11 oR .A4 Orai4; Petrie* CR I.,ondou, • an4i Eleanor at. hems, .He ie also survived by two 'brothers and one . e)ster.i Ju11us' of Westloek, Alta„ AWmo&tee. of Dublin, and Mrs, Wallialn (Julia) Geoffori of Wallacebtlrg, and 41 grandchil- dren and, three great grandfebildren. 'The paitbearerkwpre Harald arid, Robert Charette b4' Detroit, Earl Devastate of Roseville, and James and Thomas, Ducbarine of Dublin. LATE OSCAR J. BLANCHARD BR1UCEMILD.-Bervicea for •Os- car J. BIanchard, 79, who died Fri- day, August 21, at his home in Brueefieid, were conducted in Clin- ton 'Monday afternoon by the Rev. W. J. Maines, in the Beattie Fun- eral home, and interment made in Clinton cemetery, Pallbearers were Harold and Keith Tyndall, Kenneth Pickett, Clark Ball, Fred Vodden and Lawr- ence .PlunisteeL He was bore at Montreal and was married in Clinton 40 years ago to Miss Harriet Pickett. Later they lived in ,Detroit for several years, andcame to Brucefield m /941. Surviving besides his wife is one sister, Mrs. Amelia Wood, Mons. treal. 'Mother: "Have you given the gold fish fresh, water today?" Sonny: "No, ma'am. They have not finished tie water 1 gave them yesterday." ,.... McKillop School Fair will be held THURSDAY, SEPT. 17 at S.S. 6 School Grounds Special Prizes ,Public Speaking, all ages, and will include 'Men -Atop, Logan and Hibbert Townships. Prize for SLOWEST WALKING ,,a' TEACHER on grounds Prize donated by. Frank 'Grieve. 1 tF 1-1953 METEOR SIk7Di.N-Tvvcstone green,stained gimme, OntiOnt coated, with custom raddo; 2,l) 4)Lmilee, ,1.. 1--(1951 NIASH SEDAN -Ilium in color, with oar 1,890 milee. • Thin; is a lovely car and Just like new. IR you are going triptl, can be used for sleeping in, which WiPsayey„ou 'big expenses, l 1--1951. k`ORD -TON PIIOitIUP-78,000 miles, ins first -,lass condi- 'lion, with god rubbet•.and spare. ' ' 1 • These are all guaranteed. ljeing my own vehicles, I 'will Brame same, or take cattle or hogs on same. SEE -- Jonathan Hugill Silo Contractor -- or Phone 667 r 13, Seaforth Expositor Want Ads 'Bring Results z .. • Phone 41 M 111 ■-■-®-®- LLASIiMAR CLINTON- Next to•Comniunity Park , Fi:rat' Show Starts at Dusk Thurs. - Fri. - Aug. 27 - 28 "LOVE NEST"• -William Lundigan June Haver CARTOON . - • . NEWS' Sat. - Mon. - Aug. 29 - 31 "MISSOURI RAID" (Technicolor) ' Wendell Corey Ellen Drew CARTOON , NEWS - r Tues. - Wed. - Sept 1 - 2 ; "SEPTEMBER AFFAIR" - Joseph Cotten Joan Fontaine -CARTOON - NEWS Thurs. -- Fri. - Sept. 3 - 4 "CAPTAIN SCARLETT" (Technicolor) Richard Greene CARTOON - NEW CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND 1Children Under 12 in Cars Admitted FREE SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest 'Market for USED 1953 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN 2--1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN SPECIALS 1952 PONTIAC STYLELiNE COACH 1951 CHEV. ST!L,EidNE SEDAN 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1951'-CIIEV. POWER -GLIDE COACH, with radio 1950 CHEVROLET COACH 1949 FORD SEDAN -4895 1949' CHE V'. COACH 1949 CEBIT. DE LUKE FOUR -DOOR SEDAN; filly' equipped. A written guarantee for 60 MANY OTHER MODE CARS 2--194& CHEV. STY'LEMASTER-COACHES 1948 CHEV. DE LUXE 5 -P'ASSEN'GER COME; Radio. 1948 CHEV. SEDAN 2-1948 O•LDSMOIBILE PLEETL1N•ECOACHES; radio. 1947 CHEV, COACH 1946 CHEV. -SEDAN 1942 DODGE 'COACH . TRUCKS 1948 MERCURY 5 ,FON PICKUP days on all Late Model Cara L8 TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS BRUSSELS -- PHONE 73•X -- "Tire Home ei Setter Used Care MOTORS ONTARIO - OPEN EVERY EVENING LIONS CLUB Western Ontaiio's Largest Cash Bingo Vlore than $2,500 Cash 1 TEESWATER Ar�na Wedmesday,Sept.., �t. Comurencing at '9:00 p.m. - Doors Open at 8:00 12 REGULAR. GAMES -- $60.00 Prize Each - Game 3 SPECIALS -,•- $200.00 Prize Each Game 2 DRAW PRIZES,--- $100.00 Each 1 SPECIAL GAME -- $1,000.00 PRIZE All Prizes Must Go l= (No Jackpot) ' • , ADMISSION $1.00 Extra and Special Cards 25s• f A -Int :fi- v 'r,t;':T+Iri"e e,', .; ,rr• ,,1'S. r• ti• �'5for $1..Od ' x.N� r. �I•F !„ S6