HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-07-24, Page 8:EIGHT RimoNxExpnorrrok1 eczaii e nrn YC ,,i♦1UTOIMQBILE, CASUALTY, ; GUARANTEE BONDS $CADENT AND SICKNESS. I;iRItLARY AND WINDSTORM U presenting Companies who $live Security with Service. ,A8,g4) .AGENTS FOR ONTARIO TURESHERMAN'S MUTUAL VIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON & REID !L A. REID - Proprietor Insurance and Real Estate Phone 214 — Seaforth Salvation Army. -3:00 p.m., .Sun day School; 7 p.m., Salvation Hobby. bby Meet- ing; 4 p.m-hlu , Trsday, Crafts, Young People; 8 , p.m., Prayer Meeting. A cordial welcome. —Lieut. Harry Keats, Officer -In - Charge. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. -r- 10• a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m„ Morning Service; sermon subject, "The Possibilities in Using What We Have."—Dr. R. P. D. Hurford, Rector. FOR SALE Modern Dwelling; on L -t Wil - R St. New air conditioning unit. ediate possession. ;..Frame Dv.e:iing with all modern i tnveniencaa. Oil heating. Suit- able for V.L A. purchase. Modern 2-S'orey with , 7garage. Sparlin, St. Po. session .arranged. iylodern New Dwelling, very cen- trally located; oil heating. All Ceaveniences. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St., -with all modern,,.;q9meniencea. Pos- session arranged: FrameDouble House on John St. .Possession- arranged. Other Properties Also Listed 'M. A. REID REAL ESTATE P:- ONE 214 - LEMON'S TAXI All passengers insured PHONES; 162J or 162W Anowasiminuommornummw FuneralDesigns Wedding Flowers - Cornag,u - Pottery Tropical Fish - Greeting Cards Owned and Op'rnl'd by ' ERIC and BARBARA MILNER Prem: 393 : Seaforth "Flowers- Wired Anywhere" Vit. • -— gll his life and was ai• successful farmer for 45 years, • He was a member of Cavan 'Church, Win- throp. The funeral was held on Wedne - day afternoon, from the G. A. Whit- ney Funeral Home, with Rev, D. G. Campbell of First Presbyterian Church conducting the service. In- terment was in Maitlandbauk ceme-' tet y. The pallbearers were William Boyd, Ed, Godkin, John Boyd, Stan- ley H'illen, Gilbert Smith and Ross Gordon. Flowerbearers were Ed, Gertsch, Roy Elliott, Carl Leon- hardt, Ross Driscoll, Boyd Driscoll and Roy Patrick. LATE ALLAN ROSS Allan Ross, Well-known and high- •• respected resident of McKillop, a_sed away on Sunday, July 19, ol'.owing an illness of four years. was in his Both year. Mr. Ross was well liked by his many friends and he was a neigh- bor to all. Born in McKillop, he w,ts the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ross. pioneer residents .n the district. He was married in 1907 to Sarah L. Simpson, who sur- vives. There are also three sisters sur- viving, Mrs. R. Wallen and Miss Isabella Ross, Winnipeg,. and Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, Aylmer. Educated in McKillop, Mr. Ross lived there INSURANCE 'blue coal HOLIDAYS Last week in July until August 4 W1141 s DUNDAS Phone 863-J Res. 192-M A/mit ore .; - Mr. and Mrs. BSSSael Wabte f Dundas, were guests Att M. xud Mrs. J. E, ll alis, r Mr. and Mrs, Warren Ament. Un Miss Frances Ament, Detroit, were• guests Saturday of Mrs, 'William Ament. Mrs, F. R. Beattie leaves shortly for Boston, Mass., where she will visit her daughter. Miss Helen Beattie, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. H. 11. Scott. Mr. Jack Dorrance, St. Cathar- ines, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Mae Dorrance. Mrs.' W. g. Kerslake, who spent a few weeks in Toronto, returned over the weekend. She was accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Donald AgP()INerkE Entertain Oriau Hooi*ear, . At trow§eau TO Event grnPr TVilliaiji ,HoRper, 'Exeter, en - tel itaamed at trousseau. -tea ><alst week- in ''honor ol; ' her daughter, Orion, whose marriage to Ronald' Gunning took place in James St. United Church, Exeter, Saturday, July 18. Presiding at the tea were Mrs. •George Swale, Hensall, and Mrs. Mary Stephan, Zurich. Assistants were Mrs. Newton Clarke, Mrs. Leonard Wagner, Mrs, Mervyn Stephan, Mrs. Ronald Stephan, Mrs. Alvin S7male, Mrs. Gordon Smith, Miss Lois Henderson and Miss Shirley Flynn. The bride - elect was feted at other functions and presentations prior to her marriage, LOCAL°BRIEFS i Kerslake. Miss Bella Watson, Galt, is Mrs. Margaret Shoecroft, Toron- and spending gfie a holidays in Seaforth to, is the guest of her aunt, Miss Edith Davidson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William McColl, Miss Florence Laidlaw left Fri- Nancy -and Norman, Wallacebut'g, day on a motor trip to Vancouver, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John B.C., and California- Muir on Tuesday. Dr. and• Mrs. A. W. Coon, Nor- I Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie left folk, Virginia, were guests this Saturday for a month's holiday at week of Miss Lillian Faulkner. ithe home of their son and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davidson, • ter -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton, called on their friends Rennie, Sundridge. in town last week and attended the 1 Mrs. Van Idustine, Winnipeg, is carnival Friday night. •1 visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Thomp- Mr. and Mrs. Scott Habkirk, son. Elizabeth and Brian, left last week' Mr. ander, of s. Pickering, Lloyd guests and on a trip to the Eastern States and da the Maritimes. I last week of Mr. and Mrs. -James Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rennie, To- A. Stewart. ronto, are visiting his parents, Mr, Mr. and Mrs) Herb Trapnell and and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Mr. and Mrs. John Dick, Baden, Mr. and Mrs. ,C. E. Armstrong leave Sunday on a motor trip to and son. Brian, Sudbury, visited Montreal and district. his parents .Mr, and Mrs. Wilson I Mr. Napier Simpson and Donald Armstrong, of town. and Mr. and, MacTavish, Toronto, and Douglas Mrs. Mac Chesney, Tuckersmith, I McCullough and -Oban MacTavish, last week, i London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ,Carson Allen and Mrs, John MacTavish. son, Billy. Guelph, were recent Miss Anne Troutbeck has return - guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ed home after undergoing an oper- Strong. i ation for appendicitis in Scott Mrs. Margaret White, North Bay, Memorial Hospital. was a guest of her brother, Mr. J. Mrs. A, E, Weatherall, Excel. C. Crich, and Mrs. Crich on Mon- Alta., has returned to her. home day. after spending some time with her Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crawford sister, Mrs. William Mason. and left this week for "Summerside, other friends in Blyth. 1 Mr, and Mrs. E. Geddes and Miss POSTPONED The Sheppard Diesel Trac- tor Demonstration, adver- tised for July 21, has been postponed until TUES- DAY, JULY 28. • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to E. Q. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 834 Res. 222-R` MAIN ST.: SEAFORTH 4$16111110111111IU1111IIIi10I1111iiitlU iii, 4A1111N0ii101I11111111ilH IflIe+tio ai,iltirlt The Demonstration will be held at COLLIN'S' SERVICE STATION at 2 p.m., and also atlocal' farms. Veteran s CAB 1 MILLER & WILBEE, Props. Passengers Insured Phone 362 SEAFORTH After Midnight, 762-w- 0 40. 0 0 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 62-W 0<J000000000 O 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 ,¢ • Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0' Melt or Day Calls" - 335 0 0' O 00.000000000 440 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 ,O; O ` J. A. BURKE 0 p Funeral Director 0 .4 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 4 Night, or Day Calls: O done 43 r 10 0 0 O 4 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P.E.I. Mrs. James Stewart, Toronto, is Mary Geddes visited with Mr, and visiting Mrs. Charles Theobald in Mrs. Stewart Geddes at their cot- ekend. Egmondville. Mrs. John Harries Best and Mrs. Shook. Toronto, were weekend guests of Mrs. J. C. Greig. Miss Williamson, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Earle Bell. Miss Lillian Faulkner is spend- ing a few days in Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and Marjorie Allen, Niagara Falls, were weekend' guests of Mrs. H. R. SCOtt. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morrison and daughter, Ruth, of Pickering spent the past week at Bayfield wiftt Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Kerslake. 400000,00000 „s, 0 d0 G. A. WHITNEY 0 0 Funeral Home 0 0 Goderlch St. W., Seaforth 0 O AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital beds 0 10 for rent. 0 C'9 FLOWERS POR EVERY 0 0'jlOCCASION 0 elbyhone: Day or Nights 119 0 11, , Residence 65 O 0 0 1 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Believe Those Who Have Tried It "IT PAYS TO SHOP IN EGMONDVILLE" 8.49 33c 65c 78c 39c 5.49 99c t REDPATH •SUGAR—Cwt. OR'ANGES-2 Dozen ,, MARGARINE -2 lbs. RiNSO—Giant Size POTATOES -15 -Ib. Peck IBEX BLANKETS, 70 x 90—Pair MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOCKS—Pair EARLY TELEPHONE ORDERS APPRECIATED Clair Haney - Egmondville PHONE 72 FREE DELIVERY age, near Godet tch. las I Cpl. and Mrs. V. G. Graham, Ot- tawa, spent the weekend ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Ben- nett. Mrs. James Kerr has returned from Toronto. where she spent the past two weeks. She was driven home by her ,son, Howard H. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes and Miss Mary spent the weekend with :lir. and Mrs. Stewart Geddes and fam- ily, near Goderich. j Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beattie and daughter, St. Thoma::. were weekend guests of Miss C. Holmes and Mrs. F. R. Beattie. . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, of Aylmer. were here Wednesday' at - I tending the 'funeral of the late Al- lan' (toss. 1 Mr. D. C. Cullen and Mrs. C. , Muirhead, Niagara Fabs,' visited ' Mrs: 'J. B. Thompson over the Week- end. I Misses Ada Whatton, Nina Hearn and Edith Martin. Toronto. spent the .weekend 'with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Kerslake. i Mr. William McLeod. 'Pampa, Fla., was here last week to see his old home and his cousin. Miss Liz- zie Henderson, Miss Lizzie Scott and Wilma Scott and former, neigh- bors. He sees many changes in 50 years. William W. Hayson, Hamil- ton, has been appointed Bell Telephone manager at Gode- rich, with jurisdiction over the office in Seaforth, it was an- nounced this week. He suc- ceeds C. B. Symonds, who has been named manager at Lind- say. The changes are effective August 1. 416, Ti•lt)RSDAY, -FRIDAY, SATUfiDAY' Jl!Lio' 23,°.24., 2qr" "WAIT TILL THE SUN -SHINES, NELLIE'- In Technicolor DAVID WAYNE. JEAN PO'i'ERSP+ Don't miss this heart-warming `human.`interest melodran a MON DAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — ,JULY 27, 28, 29 "A QUEEN IS CROWNED" ip ,Technicolor The only full -•length feature of the Coronation_ inTechnicolor daughter, Mrs. H. Britton, and Mr. Britton. • Mrs. Norman Hatfield and fam- ily, Fort Erie, are visiting with her sister, Mr's. R. E. Burchill, and Mr. Burchill and other friends. Master Gerald Ahrens spent the past 'week with his cousins, Carl Alan and Jimmie' Roney. Mr. J. W. Britten is 'spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. K. Sal- ton. Thorndale, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. E. Livingstone. Mrs, A. Babcock, Toronto, spent the weekend . with her sister, Mrs. W. Dodds, and Mr. Dodds. Miss Isabel Betties, Reg.N., Pet- erborough, who has been holidaying in Calgary, is at present with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Bet- ties. Miss Elsie MoCutcheon, Regina, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh Alexander, and Mr. Alexander. The W.M.S. are entertaining the Baby Band at the home of Mrs. R. J. Doig on Monday, July 27. The many friends of Mr. William Kinney will be sorry to hear he is a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital. There will be no service in the McKillop charge next Sunday, July 26. "The Service You Will Appreciate" FRANK'S at SERVICE Phone 592 Seaforth F. C. GRIEVE - Lessee ` 00o�,00,000000 0, O BOX, 4 r erat trbitt At. tii, o'ox 0 dbrise 1 Ernbnlmer O: ,*MiattlANdt 0 rittittCiil attention 4 WINTHROP EAST McKILLOP Mr. Norman Rode, Detroit, called on his uncle, Mr, Henry Wietersen, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eckert and sons visited her sister in London on Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Purvis, of Milestone, Sask., has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler. 'Mr. and Mrs. Z. Elligsen, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elligsen and daughters, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Dietz and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dietz and children attended the Saherbarth'reunion at Lions Park Seaforth, on Sunday. Rev. H. E. Livingstone left. Sat- urday to visit his family in Ireland, leaving Montreal by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haase and family spent Sunday in Woodstock with Mrs. Murray. David and Mar- garet Anne remained to spend a week with their cousin. Sandra Mur- ray, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McGuffin, NOTICE. SEAFORTH BEAUTY SALON will close from August 1st to August 24th for holidays. *riii-ii CLEARANCE LAST 3 DAYS JULY 23 - 24 - 25 STILL BARGAINS GALORE In Summer Cottons • for BOYS and GIRLS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — July 30, 31, Augsse.11 "FEARLESS FAGAN" JANET LEIGH CARLETON CARPENTER= A highly amusing Comedy - one that will keep you; Iaughing throughout, - Coming - "WE'RE NOT MARRIED". DUBLIN Mrs. Katharine Benninger, Lon- don, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger. Leo Holland and J. Colson, Wind- sor, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 3, V. Flynn. Mrs. Aslan .and son, Paul, spent the,;weekend in Toronto. Rev. A. Durand, St. Peter's Sem- inary, London, si visiting with Rev. J. B: Ffoulkes, D.C.L. Rev. Harry F. Feeney, C.R., Scol- lard Hall, North Bay', and Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Brick; Toronto, vis ited with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Rev. Arthur Looby, C.S.B., Aquin- as Institute, Rochester, N.Y., is va- cationing with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. Miss Margaret Atkinson, Toron- to, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph At- kinson, Miss Cecelia and Teddy Feeney are spending a week in London. Mr. and Mrs. P. Groshok and son, Larry, Miss Birdie Costello and Miss Dorothy Ann Costello, Lon- don, spent the weekend- with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costel- lo. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCarthy, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walsh and son, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly and Louis O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. George Gettler and daughter, Joanne, and Mrs. A. M. Looby are vacationing at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ryan and Bob- bie, Weston, visited with Mrs. Thomas Ryan. Mrs. Ken Etue and. children, Zur- ich, visited with Mrs. Loretta Moly- neaux. Mr. Leo Holland, Windsor, visit- ed with his mother, Mrs. Barbara Holland. Mrs. Catherine Benninger, Lon- don, visited with Mr. and Mrs.,, Hugh BenningeL•, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, Londpn,--visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf. EGMONDVILLE The congregation of Egmondville United Church is grateful to all. who, by their presence and assist- ance in any way, helped to make the garden party on the church lawn such a success on Tuesday ev- ening. Miss Jessie Finlayson spent the weekend with friends at Tober- ndory. Mr. Ivy Henderson, of Toronto, spent the weekend at his home here, -Mr. Grant Houston and Miss Marlene Fisher, Kitchener. were Sunday visitors at the Houston home. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hayter and sons, Ralph and Lorne, of Howell, Mich., visited with Mrs. Hayter's mother, Mrs. James Finlayson, ov- er the weekend, and also attended the Hayter family picnic at Bay- field on Sunday afternoon., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jahn and Mrs. Verna Greenbury, Flint, Mich., and Mrs, Grace Whpnsetler, Fort Wayne, Indiana, visited with the former's niece, Mr. and Mrs. El- more Stephenson and family, and also attended the Murray picnic. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton and. family and Mr. and Mrs. ,Charles Roney and family ' attended the Harris reunion in Mitchell Satur- daMr and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Broughton Sunday. Mr. A. J. Malcolm, Vancouver; Mrs. George Graham, Mitchell, and Miss Mary E. Graham. 'Dresden, spent a few days with Mrs. James Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Malcolm on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Gordon and Donna, Mr. H. Gordon, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malcolm visited at the same home. Mrs. Hannah Workman, Hetisall, is at,ending a few days with her COAL HOLIDAYS ! Office Closed last Week of July Open August 4 Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth We Repeat . . It's Just Good Old' Fashioned Horse Sense To Buy Your Footwear.. Where You Get the Best Wiles!, WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With -the BIG Values" SEAFORTH- .. - FOR SALE 100 ACRES IN TUCKERSMITH '150 ACRES NEAR AUBURN 100 ACRES IN GREY COUNTY 6 -ROOM HOUSE IN EGM'OND- VILLE 7 -ROOM HOUSE ON MAIN ST. 5 -ROOM HOUSE ON MARKET ST. 5 -ROOM HOUSE ON LOUISA ST. FOR PRICES AND TERMS Call W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL A Complete Line of All Building Materials We have been appointed Agents for, The New HOLLMAR COMBINATION DOOR A Combination ALL -ALUMINUM Storm and Screen Door that you can install yourself and save money! See Them Now At Cooper's roCeries ' 'WEEK - END SPECIALS ! AYLMER CATSUP -11 -ounce Bottle 21.c HENLEY CHOICE TOMATOES -20 -ounce Tin 17c HUNT'S FRUIT COCKTAIL—Large 28 -ounce Tin 37c LIBBY'S ROSEDALE TOMATO JUICE--48-ounce Tin 250 AYLMER INSTANT BABY FOOD -6 Tins for 19e ST: WILLIAM STRAWBER.RY JAM, BLACK CURRANTC;fr. JAM, PINEAPPLE MARMALADE -3 9 -ounce Jars._ , , J' BLUE RIBBON COFFEE--1-Ib. Tin$1.0 • CLARK'S PORK & BEANS -2'20 -ounce Tins i . 310 JAVEX-16-ounce Bottler 4 ' 15c • WESTON'S MALLOW BOATS--8%-ounce Package ' 17e CHECK THE FRUIT COUNTER! PHONE 8 Orval Cooper Seaforth" • FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN TOWN •' Three Times Daily — 10, 2, 4. o'clock Expositor Want. Ads Bring Results Phone 41 PROCLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH Civic Holiday On instructions from the Municipal: Council I hereby proclaim Mondsy, Aug. 3rd CIVIC HOLIDAY ' For the Town of Seaforth, and respect- fully request the Citizens'and 1, usiness- men to observe the same. DR. E. A. McMASTER, Mayor "God Save the Queen" 14 4 IN FINE LIVING ROOM FURNITURE See them on DiPlaY Now at Whitney Furniture Volt Always Shoir,W!thi denfiderice At • 4., yt - 44 Funeral A1libu Ance Service bay,6$ iS loht. "•Y re,,xl .,