The Huron Expositor, 1953-07-17, Page 444 ie idMs Inserted At New Low Cash Rates SALE WANTED LOST AND FOUND, ETC.,—Per Ward: 1st Week .,•• 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent iird Week % Cent chargeeach insertion25 Gents • Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one ward. of Thanks. Io Memoriam Notice's. Coming Events—a mut ser word. Minimum, ;050 cats Per week, wee iew be directed to a Boz No., c/o The Huron Easiositer,%r 10 cent" extra. „cent* additional will be &wired if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days 04 date of dial Insertion, Merrissas and Deaths inserted free of theme. itetisia Salrn. Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. • Coming Events flEAT THE HEAT AND ENJOY A treat. daliling every Friday night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, to the samba of Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. 4460-5 Poultry FOR SALE -175 HYBRID PULLETS, laying 60 per cent. PETER SIMP- SON. Phone 667 r 2, Seaforth. 4462x1 Lost and Found T OST—BROWN GABARDINE MAN'S •"-• suit coat. Dublin -St. Columban area. Finder please contact RONALD MURRAY, 37 r 20, Dufblin. 4462x1 Wanted IXTORK WANTED—BY WOMAN CAP- " able of doing washing, sewing, etc. Apply MRS. J. JA.N1VIATT, R.R. 4, Sea - forth. 4462x1 WANTED TO BUY—IF YOU SAVE any old building of light colored brick, or salvaged brick in light color, call 41 r 8. Hayfield, or write H. H. ORMOND, Bayfield. 4462-4 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR COAL TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY "1the undersigned until July 23, 1953, for supplying 100 tons of stoker coal suit- able for Huron County Home, Clinton. Coal to be delivered in the bin at the County Home Please furnish analysis with tenders. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Huron, Goderioh, Ontario. 4462-1 Notices WO TRESPASSING ON OR AROUND Bell'g Dam. Trespassers will be prose- cuted. STEWART BELL, Hensall. TO RENT—FURNISHED DOWNSTAIRS 4462-3 four -room apartment with sun -room. PHONE 370-W, Seaforth. 4462-1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1987 TWO -TON DODGE tuck, nearly new raotor, good tires, new rear end; steel platform and racka; new battery and -hoist. Would make good grain truck. Cheap. WM. M. SPROAT, 655 r 2, Seaforth. 4462-2 Help Wanted HELP WANTED—WAITRESS; ALSO woman for cleaning. APPIY REIMER'S COFIca..e, SHOPPE, Exeter. 4462-1 1IrA14 WANTED FOR ELEVATOR •"' work, experience preferred but not necessary; good pay. AZIOTly COOK BROS., Hensall. Phone 24. 4462-1 FULL OR PART TIME LOCAL SALES representative required by sales or- ganization in Waterloo. For further in- formation please write BOX 184, Water- loo. 4462-3 T_TELP WANTED--BRUSII AND SPRAY " painters. Apply J. MISENER, Room 11, Commercial Hotel, Clinton, after 7 p.m., weekly. 4461x2 pxs FOR 441;49,,,SPI NVE1940 old. Al.WE, RPM" neat ee ds ur .4dinna ANn }'OX HOUND MS FOR 40' Se.--Fallser l!etigaus •H_Vnelt and Tun; 8. to 4 months old, Mini= S Phone 4429 r 22; Seatorth. 41litcsi pOR SALE—USED HOUSE FURNISH. lugs, which include chesterfieldpait. dining room suites, refrigerator, ranges and rangettee. BOX FURNITURE STORE. 44024 FOR SALE—USED ELECTRIC STOVE, with oven centre: new apartment MU) washer; new radio and record player. Can be seen at M. E. CLARKE' GARAGE. - 4462-1 von SALE — SIX-FOOT McCORMICK 'binder, right hand cut, suitable for swather. Apply WILLIAM McLACHLAN, R. R. 3, Kippen. Phone Mensal 686 r 14. 4462x1 FOR SALE — KITCHEN CUPBOARD ; sffieboard ; 2 beds and wirings; 1 coal heater; 1 cook stove; electric rangette; 8 - burner coal oil stove; quantity of wood; sealers : 1 extension table. MRS. RUBY DUNDAS, Seaforth. Phone 649 r 12. 4962x2 EARN MONEY — MAKE FRIENDS,- " selling blouses, skirts, shirts, slack. Highest quality, rock bottom prices. Sam- ples loaned, Good commission. STENBER DISTRIBUTING CO., 39 McRoberts Ave., Toronto, 4462-2 WOULD YOU LIKE TO BCE A SALES- " man? Here is your chance. You can learn in your spare time and make 185 to 150 per week while Aar learn. If you are married, and have a car for local travel, apply to P.O. BOX 6, Harriston. 4461-2 HELP WANTED We require 3 or 4 capable, energetic young men for furniture work, Apply to JOHN BOSHART & SONS Seaforth, Ont. 4461-2 Agents Wanted AGENTS WONDERFUL OCCASION TO WORK " for yourself. Be independent! Sell from door to door 225 well-known and guaranteed products such as: ToBetries, Culinaries, Medicines, Domestic Necessi- ties: Tea, Coffee, Etc. Splendid vacant territories in your neighborhood. $18 need- ed. NO RISK. Free details on request. JITO: 5130 St, Hubert, 1VIontreal. 4460-4 For Rent FOR sALE—ALLis-cEALMERs POWER take -off combine, with pickup, enlarg- ed bin and straw spreader, three years old; has new cylinder and concave bars. Has gone over only about 200 acres. Apply JOHN THOMPSON. Phone 888 r 81, Sea. forth. 4461x2 THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, AVAIL- '. abe August 10. Apply OX'S BIL- LIARDS. 1 4462-1 -pADIO REPAIRSFOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick Howse, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4863-M 1VOTICE—I AM PURCHASING BOARS "•` at 10c and 13c per pound, live weight. Phone or write, LEROY ACHESON, At- wood, 37 r 12 collect. 4457-8 'PAINTING — SPRAY OR BRUSH; 1. Papering, Sun worthy wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Herniall. Phone 196R, Hensall. 4425-tf A TTENTION, FARMERS! — PROMPT, •••••• courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 285, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4899-0 A CCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR "- Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent. please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 882; local 252. 4486-tf A TTENTION, FARMERS I—McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (0.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and Nokth American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone 894-M. 4456-tf NOTICE AT A RECENT MEETING OF I Etit; " Council of the Township of 1VieKillop, it was decided to ask the ratepayers to please cut the grass and weeds on the frontage of their properties as soon as possible, without remuneration. (Signed) W. J. MANLEY, Road. Superintendent, 4462-2 NOTICE Re Weeds M4YPICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO OWN ".1 era of subdivided portions of the Mun- icipality of Huron that unless all 110X109/3 weeds thereon are destroyed before the 8th of August, 1952, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, the Inspector under authority given in Sections 8, 7, 10 and 12 of the Act, will cause the noxious weeds or weed seeds to .be destroyed, and the costs thereof will be placed on the col- lector's roll for collection in the same manner se taxes tinder the Assessment Act. W. R. DOUGALL, Weed Inspector, Municipality of Huron. 4462-1 PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith 1 11,014 INSTRUCtioNS PROM riciU14. cil under authority of r.Law No. 18, 1952, Teen/lip Tackernmith, I hereby ProClaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Biraminhi)lle anti karourhey are prohibited froor Alining at large daring the Period fient Aida 1, 1958, to hroveither 1, 19511., OWlierI or hothorers of dogs contraven.. line:!the prOvISIOns of this bylaw *Hi be litelt?te it Mainline Penalty of $60.00. cx,i(SErtied) A.11101710A.T, ttiekiviraith. 4157.tf FOR RENT — THREE ROOMS IN '' house, unfurnished. Apply to Box 240, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4462x1 OR RENT—THREIP,-ROOM FURNISH - ed apartment. PHONE 560-M for particulars. 4462-1 FOR RENT—FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT ." with private bath; hot and cold water. Lots of shade for children. Immediate possession. H. McILWAIN, Phone 112, Seaforth. 4462x2 FIVE BIG FEATURES OF THE SURGE " Filter Cooler—Filters and cools in one operation; will' handle up to 40 gallons of milk an hour: needs only to be attached to pressure system; is all Stainless steel construction, and no milk is exposed. Call collect, LOVRLL MeGUIRE, Surge Ser- vice Dealer. Phone 598. Wingham. FOR RENT -4 -ROOM HEATED APART- " Ment, with bathroom, sun porch, also cellar. For August lst. PHONE 249-W. 4461-8 Property For Sale In Memoriam nTJNGEY—IN FOND AND LOVING memory Of our dear mother, Mabel Dungey, who died on July 16,.1052. Qne year today our mother as called To her eternal rest; Gone where the Angels sing so sweet, a And taken when God knew best. We anise here here so very much, Her presence oft seems nigh, But we all hope in Heaven to meet, Where no one says good-bye. TOR SALE -8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE, :..man illllilfaiteiitcbsto.kernehweatgeda,ramget odern l,s,atohf- room for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 355-W, Seaforth. 4439-tf pROPERTY FOR SALE,—TWO-STOREY "- three bedrooms, living roam, den. 8 - piece bathroom. oil heated house, including three acres of land, edge of town. Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ap- ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR. 01 Phone 41, Seatorth. 4431 -ti TOR SALE—LARGE FRAME HOUSE and lot in Egmondville. Nice loca- tion, near church and school. Water pres- sure and good well. Recently wired. Up- stairs suitable for apartment. Good gar- den; new garage. MRS. RUBY DUNDAS. Phone 699 r 12, Seaforth. 4462x8 Personals T...TUSBANDS1 WIVES! WANT PEP? "" Thousands of couples weak, worn-out because body lacks iron, get vim, vitality taking Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory size ONLY 60c. At all druggists. T.TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R UBBER " Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA-RUSBER co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Livestock Wanted —Sadly missed by her Family, 4462x1 Cards Of Thanks Air R. GEORGE LEITCH WISHES TO ""n• thank his friends and visitors for the cards, treats and flowers while he was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Thanks also to the nurses, Dr. Brady, Dr. McMas- ter and Dr. Elliott. 4462-1 nEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS' removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 655 r 2. For Sale FOR SALE—GOOD PART -HEREFORD " calf. Phone 668 r 33, Seaforth. W. D. WILSON. 4462-1 volt_ SALE—USED BEA7TY PUMP 4 jack, oil bath spray. Apply to JOSEPH A. LANE. Phone 46 r 16, Dublin. 4462x1 OR GALE—LITTLE MARVEL GRAIN tiirower, like new, complete with pipes and elbows. Apply HARRY CALDWELL. Phone 657 r 14, Seaforth. ,4462-1 FOR SALE -13 PIGS SEVEN WEEKS old. in healthy condition. Apply to JOSEPH L. O'REILLY. Phone 41 r 18, 4462x1 1'1LL FOR SALE, DELIVERED—ALSO " top soil. Will sooh have good cement gravel for sale, adivered.'• M. McILWAIN. Phone 112, Seaforth. e• 4462X2 mon SALE.--JOBN_IDPBRE BINDER, 7- 4. foot cut, on rubber; equiliped fee trac- tor. Like new. AUGUSTS DITOHARM.E. Phone P7 r 13, Dublin. 4462x2 SALE -2O YORE HOCS, SEVEN weeks old: good healthy stock. AL. BERT W. MURRAY, Bewail. Phone 888 r 11, Hensall. 4482-1 14Atst ikYtt SALH,41111n ti,VOVHfty.,AU ftlesif also mantity of pare All bled in A4 dO5dhlon PAIJt VOW 662 0, Setforth. 44624 111RS. STEWART BELL WISHES TO -u" thank her many friends and neigh- bors for cards, treats and flowers sent her while she was a patient in Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth; also to thank Drs. Brady, McMaster and Elliott, and the nurs- ing staff for their kindness. 4462-1 Mr. andMill, Ferreet lind rank ily have rettirned 'after two week e b,olidaying with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Verbeem at Point Ed- ward. ROW Laramie, Centralia, recent- ly spent same holidays with•is grandmother, •Mrs. Agnea and aunt, Mips Greta Lammia. Ray Hedden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon tletiden, St. Catharines, and grandson of Mrs. Catherine Hed- den, Hensall, underwent a major operation, at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, on Friday for removal of a growth at the base of his brain. Ray was born in Hen- sall. Ann Lawrence, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Lawrence, who has been confined to the house with a strep throat, is improving at date of writing. Mr. Lawrence Legate, Toronto, has taken over the Texaco Service 'Station 8n No. 4 Highway, just on the outskirts of the village, and has rented the apartment recently occupied by 'Mrs. Mary Simpson in the post office block. Mr. and Mrs. Legate expect to move in shortly. Jerry McClinchey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Mophichey, Terry and Randy, at Beadeld last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Vanhorne and family spent the ,weekend". in To- ronto. Roy Telford, Bayfield, visited last week with Jerry McClinchey. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hildebrandt and Marlin spent the weekend at Niagara Falls. Miss Olive Walker, Reg.N., New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker, Toronto, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley McClia- chey and Randy, Bayfield, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McClinchey and Jerry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron, Brian, Bevan and Janice, are vaca- tioningat their summer cottage at Turnbull's '(rove. The auction sale of Mrs. Mary Simpson's was successful last Sat- urday afternoon. Union services were observed in Carmel Presbyterian Church Su - day morning. morning. Rev. W. J. Rogers occupied the pulpit. Mrs. R. Brod- erick and Miss Mary Goodwin ,sang a duet, "Be Still and Wait." Mrs. James Wright and daugh- ter, Mrs. 0. Reichert, attended he golden anniversary of the WM.S. in Cromarty Church last -week Mr. and Mrs. William Dayman, Whitewood, Sask., spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dayman. Miss Eleanor Wright is spending a week with her cousin, Patricia Mcllwain, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Don . Rigby and Donna, Blenheim, s,pent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. S. McQueen and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mr. G. W. Patrick Elliott, Mont- real, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Elliott. He made a solo flight in a Cessna plane from Montreal to Crumlin and return. Following are the results of the midsummer examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music held in Clinton June 25: grade 5 piano, Jane Horton (honours), Beth God- dard (honours; grade. 3, piano, Eileen McLean (honours). The three are pupils of Miss Greta Laramie. Over 50 members of the McAr- thur clan attended the annual gath- ering held recently at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart 'McQueen. Members were present from Lon- don, Ridgetown, Niagara Falls, Births HEYNSBERGEN--,At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on July 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Heynsbergen, Seaforth, a daughter. MORRISON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 13, to Mr. and Mrs. William Morrison, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a son. BEER—Cpl. and Mrs. John Beer, R.C.A.F., Winnipeg, Man., (nee Lillian Mitchell, Reg.N.), announce the birth of a son, July 7, 1953, at Dr. Myer's Nursing Horne, Brussels. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer. Hensel], and Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell, Brussels. smaissill.hweallillomweiMIllnem81111111mmeglI NOTICE Sheppard Diesel Tractor DEMONSTRATION Tuesday, July 21, at 2 p.m. on the farm of KEN WILLIAMS on Highway 8 4V2 Miles West of Seaforth Sponsored by Otaco Ltd. W. COLLINS - Dealer Reliance Station, West of Seaforth Used Cars and Trucks 1—'51 DODGE SEDAN 1—'51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1—'50 DODGE SEDAN 1—'49 METEOR CLUB COUPE 1—'47 DODGE SEDAN, with Radio 1—'48 FORD SEDAN 1—'46 CHEV. SEDAN 1—'46 DODGE SEDAN 1—'51 FARGO 1/2 -TON PICKUP — NEW MACHINERY — 9 -Fa& Swabber and A6 Combines IN STOCk ovircliffe,Motors 4.S.2 0,Weji.fieund, Blenlielta?gurlebiE eter ;m(1'4143;180,, TILeaIkort Were.„' directed by Mr, 8$4,,MeArtllur;Mr;,' and Mrs. Milt Laing and Mrs. Harry Snell. The 1954 reunion' lull lbw held at the benne of Mr. and Mrs - Roy Lamont, Zurich. Mr% E. R. Shaddick was taken to South Huron Hospital, gxeter, Tuesday evening Buttering with a heart condition. Weekend glierste with Mr. and Mrs. George Walker were Miss Olive Walker, Reg.N., St. peters - burg, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. David Fer- guson, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fergu- son and Gail, Mr. and Mrs. -Donald Walker, all of Toronto; -Mr. and Mrs. George Gould and Diane, Lon- don; Mr. Dan Campbell, Vancou- ver, B.C. Miss Olive Wialker is va- cationing at her home for a month. Prior to their departure for their new home, 311 Hyman St., London, Mrs. Emma McDonald and Miss Marguerite McDonald were enter- tained at dinner by the following: Mesdames J. Smillie, C. Passmore, R. Cameron, G. Elliott, A. Case and Miss Minnie Reid. Friends and neighbors presented Mrs. Emma. McDonald and Miss Marguerite Ma' Donald with a kitchen clock as a remembrance of their happy associ- ation with them while they resided in Hensel'. Mrs. F. Brurby, Exeter; Mrs. George Jackson and Donald, Hen- sall, and Dr. R. W. B. Jackson and family, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ford and family, of Brampton, during the first of July holidays. Vacation Bible School Attended in. Hensall Vacation Bible School was held all last week in Hensall 'United Church, Monday through Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., for children of the village and district between the ages of four and 12. Rev. W. J. Rogers showed pictures with Miss M. Ellis as narrator. Mrs. Rogers conducted singing periods. The children were divid- ed into three groups and were taught by Miss Hannah Pepper, Mrs. R. J. Drysdale, Mrs. S. Ren- nie and Mrs. D. Kyle. Mr. Robert Reaburn, principal of the public school, directed recreational per- iods of games. Thompson Clan Meet in Goderich 1104130m vng :WS 1F• VOA*: ‘,2 iaMilY at tuella e of Mr., and Mrs. Harold • laSt Sunday inCluded: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Murch and Mr. and Mrs. 'William Clarke, Columbus, Ohlo; Mr. and Mrs. William Murch, Pa.rlrbill; Mr, and, Mrs. Roes Skin- ner and fanlily; Mr. and Illra. Nor- man Jacques and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cooper and. Mrs. Don Per- sona, Mr. Marie% Stephen, Laurie, Stephen and Ross Dining, London, spent the weekend with Mr. Lewis Woods at his cottage at Stokes Bay. Master Edward Skinner spent last week with Lewis Woods and Bobby Woods, who is staying for a month with his uncle at Stokes Bay. Mrs. Don Parsons, North Boun- dary, is spending some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cormier; while her husband is -a patient in South Huron Hospital, folloiving an accident when he was hurt in a hay baler. Mrs. Drummond, Brandon, Man., LS spending some time atzthe home of her daughter, Mrs. John Miners. miss Betty Oke, Mount Pleas- ant, is holidaying with her cousins, Shirley and Marilyn Sohns. The 15th annual picnic of the Thomson family was held at Har- bor Park, Goderich, on Wednesday, July 8. Tbroughout the afternoon sports were enjoyed, under the cap- able leadership of Mrs. Dick Corn - is, ,Goderich, and Mrs. T. W. Goord, Auburn. A baseball game was enjoyed by the younger attendants, after which a delicious picnic supper was en- joyed. After supper the president, Mr. Norman Stanlake, took charge of the business. The following slate of officers was elected: president, Lloyd Thomson, Brucefield; vice-presi- dent, Dick Cornish, Goderich; sec- retary -treasurer, Marion Thomson, Kippen; sports committee, Gwen Britton, Hannah ' Pepper; lunch committee, Mrs. Sam Thomson, Mrs. Jack Pepper, Mrs. Wlm. Alex- ander. Members were present from Neelin, Manitoba; Parkhill, Toron- to, Hensel), Exeter, Kirkton, Kip - pen, Brucetield, Dublin, Auburn, Goderich and Varna, The oldest member present was Mr. Robert Thomson, and the youngest was John Thomson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chance and family, Neelin, Man., who are visiting friends in Kippen. Since last year there have been three births and one death: births, Paul Schneider, Stratford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider; John Thomson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson; Iris Isobel Alexan- der, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander; deaths, late (Agnes) Mrs, Robert Thomson. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mills and fam- ily, Glencoe, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse and Eva. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright and Ray London, visited Mr, and Mrs. Aus- tin Zapfe on Sunday. Wayne re- turned with them for a short holi- day. Mr. Thornton Mustard, Toronto, is holidaying at the home, of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mus- tard. Mr. and MM. L. Gray and' family have been visiting their father and brother in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser and Mr, and Mrs. Ranald McKenzie, De-. trait, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gay - der, St. Catharines, were among those attending the Parke - Zapfe wedding on Saturday. VVINCHELSEA Mr. Dave Clarke, Mitchell, visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. New- ton Clarke, Mr. William Walters was in De- troit Sunday attending a ball game, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Dayman, Gary and Shirley, visited Sunday evening with Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mrs. Wib. Batten spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arm- htrong, Hensel]. Mies Kay Horne has accepted a podition at We South Huron Hos- pital, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Yoling, spent Sunday eVening, with Mr. and Mrs. John Batten. ' Zir: and Mrs. Mitt Whitlock, Mios' Soy Whitlock and lir, Ittniald Spry, St. Thema, vited iaT with 'Mr. and -Mrs. Preenaan ihe' '• Mr. and Mrs: Cle6r6 Douglas and KIPIPEN Mr. and Mrs. Flaverkatap and family, who have just arrived from Holland, have taken up residence in Mr. Rochus Faber's house on No. 4 Highway. Every -success is wished them in their new coun- try. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dalrymple spent Sunday in -Detroit. Mr. and httirs., Eldon Kerr,' Win- throp, visited Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dow - son. Mr. and MO. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cud - more. Mrs. Eddie McBride and Sharon visited, a day last week with her sister, Mrs. Stewart Baird, near Mrs. Brightmore, London, is vis-, iting with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Coch- rane. Several attended the Cochrane re- union Saturday at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. Miss Joanne Horney, Ridgeway, is visiting at the home of 'Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, Cairo, Mich., visited recently with rela- tives in and around the village. iQuito a riiim:ber attended the 14Ototo-'00,4610144 2,RIsrk, 0e4fettk. . 44 M. flll0toSik: 714.04;10 wiiUi toe jotter's brother and BisteNi-lOri' g. axd Ire: DOWeett.. and MrS; Alex MoldUrtrie, and Carol, and' Mr, and Mre..Allan Johnson and family attended' the SOlineon family reunion held Oet LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK First Show Starts At Dusk Thurs., Fri. — July 16, 17 "Take Care of My Little Girr Technicolor Jeanne Craine Dale Robertson CARTOON — NEWS Sat.; Mon. — July 18, 20 • "Jackpot" James Stewart Barbara Hale CARTOON — NEWS Tues., Wed. — July 21, 22 "Let's Mak,,It Legal" Claudette. Colbert Zachary Scott 'CARTOON — NEWS Thurs., Fri. — July 23,, 24 "Millionaire For Christy" Fred MacMurray Eleanor Parker CARTOON — NEWS Children's Playground TWO-SHOWs NIGHTLY Rain or Clear Children Tinder 12 in Cars Admitted FREE '40444444,4:1,.,„, %8 wbui one WOttIOS dol Wt-nel4l!4!"J';'.14,t, 4#00ti ,0404* bUbe, Exeer• Ap7,.a,i24 Mr % .7,,WilMer„1,4ertotseit.1110-, nett Tuesday '0,700,188 In' the vit. lege, Cook Bros. 'Milling would like to advise their „custOM:e that their Office is now ready for bu7; ness following their fire, and that it *di be open for business as usual. Henson/ Omit • c' Ls the interests 'v• • L/l THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Committee Rooms FOR SEAFORTH, McKILLOP and TUCKERSMITH Will be Open Daily on and after July 20th in the DICK HOUSE, Seaforth (Northeast Room, Downstairs) PHONE 255 Inserted by Huron Progressive Conservative Association ON TIRES! with the famous MARATHON by GOOD/WAR only I 95 SIZE &OD a 14i ilit OUR BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEVROLET — OLDSMOBILE SALES & SERVICE GOOD,;11D1,1/ SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 CHEW. BELAIR COACH 1953-CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 OFIEV. STANDARD SEDAN 2-4952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN SPECIALS 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN ism pONTIAC ,00A011 1952 omit DE LUXE STYLE/AXE SEDAN 1952 PONT/AC STYLIELINE COACH 1951 ClIEV. STYLELINE COACH with Radio 1951 CHEM.- STYLELINE SEDAN 1051 DODGE SEDAN 1951 CHEV. STYLEL1NE COACH 1950 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN, fully equipped A written guarantee for 00 days on all Late Model Care MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM 1949 FORD SEDAN -4895 1948 CHV. STYLEMASTER COACH - 1948 CHEW. SEDAN 1948 OHM FLEETLINE COACH 1947 CHIN. MOAN 1947 CHEM, COACH 1942 DODGE 00ACH TRUCKS ---- 1948 =MIRY WION PIOKIH` 1947 CHEV. Ya -TON PICKUP 1947 MERCURY 3 -TON STAKE SSELS M( '4 BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE /ft -X "The Hethe,Of Better,thied Cr.' (MEN EVERY E1f01104t ,,t,TProtN . , ,ktie 1 4//444 L.•!'"itc, • „ a a 0' A e•P' .