HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-07-17, Page 1- , ..qwk �� �. :: 1.� I - ,I, �� � I � ,,J-; --i, I, " I I , ��,,�j�Q�1�",.,'� ". I�Tik I'll 13IM", � 4 'r , ; ... 31 0',' i". # � . , "" _ , � 1� ,,, ! . , �i �04 �', � , , , ��,q�:�;',��,,��'.�,�14,'���ei,��;.,�,�',���', J� 1�z�,.��,�,Ii,S' �'P'��',,� , ]11,11�11,�11�,11 1k, 11.11illa, , I ., I. I; , 'I'lil"', , � ,�� , , , ., " , - , ,, , - , , . � , . "I "' . �', , . � ,., 11�1.1,111­ *�,;,;U, O.,� i -� !:,� I I 1, , . � � 1;1, �e, ,-i� �oyf".Tt',",l i�'1,14� 11 I , L 'i I jq� ­"�,�J"I ;,.,., , 'J'. "� "'041p, ­­ "I, I", I i . . ..... �, I I " �,74 11;4 I`-;,�,i! 0.1 ;!.I.!, '�� �,�- 1. 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I � I 11 ­­ ­ 11 .1.11 11 ­­ 11 .11, 11 � I � a . 1� � , . . � � !!r rl. � ''I I 11 - t - 1� 1. .1 - - . , , . .". L � 11 ..�, I � , I , III i �,`I'4 I � ,, ". . I - ,�, � .1 I � , I - . �:� .� 11, ' . . , , , , I , I . , . . ., �' I ,� '..." , - , .1 � ,. - , I , ! , , L , - . I , , , Z I "' . . I ." -LY I x � 1. I ­ 11-1. ;,� I . � :$F� H7 "R -, , 'Ip;? ,-� ; I I "I I �� 1;ill , ,� _ � )A'Y' 4U, ,. V, 1953, 1 ,. 11 .1, I � I — _ - . :: I . I �'_,�- , I �,­. 4 " � It I "!, ��N ;� � , �,_ , : �; : ," W, . � , '� , �,,� -i, t��','T`�:: 6, iN I �.'ri,WW,,�� ­' ..� f W �"T�,�T­­4'g 1 A . .f ". p,�, � ,%,'I,,�v , .� ", .W, . ,,� _p,,'i.,;, I IPL'I� , M I , . � I L , , " : ,��?..�,� , _rjl�; ��. � T'i", , 4, , T Zil, , . � , _11�1111 _-A� I � ". � - �� J.� -� ,I,,-., I " � , , I , 1� p I I 1;I � !�' �!, , -� . ....... � " ,7,�":: I . . 1. I I 1 . I � - ,� , - ;' " � �:�:��!��"t"' '� ':�; � I 1� . - I I � I � I I . I �, I I : � . I I , lo �, I ; ; t t", , 4' , 1 ': , 11 . I ". ,111 . .. 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I I , .;_ I . I -I , , :F1`iF1.;7,F -� I I � .. , I I � I _ I , ' ,.IL, ,�, Y� ... ... __,.,_..,W. 1�1116P`1.1111�1 . �, " . _,,,,_�"���Q i � I , , , troyo Born , ii� TO STOP HERE' . V 7, , k ­.""", ,­�, �.,-, - , 4 ,�; 11 �III­�n,i�-..Q!,p, v,',�:"­' .'�11�'J',i,,`A;�I, I _. " - , I . . . , ; '� 11�� - -t;��,,,­:;,,i.,�,,( ­11`1`11_� 0 ��0t,,I't,Rv,N I %I11% 01,11 I !� ' ,. , 11 bw I � , " , ��',' i� x7 �,,�!', , , , � ,�,;�11* � , ;,,�! I , .'.' ,9, "I'll, I � .1 , . , I Z'%1, ., " . . .� 1, � 'i . � ,:-,.!. ,,,, , � ��,: . , ' � . I�l ., T 1,i;� , 0 ,�� - , , * � � I I I I ' - - �: " ' - " "Y I I ,,I-, I _�� , . I I . . Near b .._ , '' , ,,: ,',,I� I I � 4_,L,.,�',',Xi,,'0,, 11 , I ''. I � . I 'i;� , , I All; �"�I�i?,�"Z_�,"�,_ li.L;'_� , "­:, �. - �� , I. I I 11.1 . I I I � " I Z . ". 0 a _ � � I , r I , , , I ,, '11; 1. r I , . I ,".L .4-4. , .' -- -11.-- I �'. � � �'. - - 1� ." , -7 T 'M - ! � ;'( " ' '4bthlng* . § � ,,, AWAIITI��"1'11111"111 Elik'011 ^ � Piro, caused 4Y Ii . . j d0a, _ I "­; _ I 11 . 1� , 'T �, " � L.' I 1 �.4 �, 7,,77 477,,� -5 .T4 i - .11 I'll .111, - , 0 , , � �R,,7,,, �,; , .11111 , I . � "" "�,! 6,1 , ,'t"t1"` '�`Ii,l N�11,";��"'�' ��'L14�; . I . . . . . . . � � ,,,, ­ ��,,�"4"!�,;"."t,,!,�,,.",.,g, ; � .1441111 i, '17, - Icla - I 'd� i' At, ' �'_ �,L 1, , ,�, I ' -:: t�*:,.�.::,,4 �' �'yqlii,',,,,��M'41�,�� rt In .r - 10 re n, et large barW on '1.th� �: ' ,i , e -4 , gm;��. "� � jg,� . , I . I ;, ''I �� ,�_ , ,�,V , , tl�,�. ,�',�, "'��je,;�L$'­'�"f� , 511".1, . I ,,, I .. L��Ii-- , ­ 0 . . I I . " _ ", " !,ill" , il� 7 � farm of Jack Snell, two, atn`$ a '.. I I 1. Oft (I � Irm � .1.1 . '. � I I . - " ('411 S � . I ,,L . _1* m " , I -0- n� _6 I " I'm , I . V.- ayx, n . �:: I -1, , ;', �,,,'. I I ­�,� .-s "'I", � R` � . � i , " I ", "'p, ' T-" ' :,i . Fire Des ,. q�,'i;��­ , , , , T I.. "SL t FiIa,r,%� -�, r -s- -, .' 7 . � �,l , I S; kip , � � 104.4� ',�� � r I. I "". P, "" ,_ 41 'I r -e - r .; ,,, e � - 1% , P , , '' - I 9;.H4T . � ., Qr , , III , �'V:; , `q'T I �,,__ . .­ . Council Gets v � - lip _ _. ,- 1. �,!. .1 � ,. I ", ,�0 . _�_, a , i.t. I - .11, . I " "_ I �,I �.,11 I .- ..... � - 4141C 1wer; :,:.��w ";'mir, ift I .. " _ 1, I "'l- ;I, . . I , . 110L 0%0%0- %M 7 lfwt,x,,;00110M',�� , -;, I "'..""F- � For P rt'* - . > ..... "F, - 4'. , � II �Jll .� I m� . half miles west of Londes . mi imew in ge.- . ': I . 11 I i; i I .... % , . .. -, X"Of I I . -, " om "�.m . .t, :, following a storm late "r4esday ' "' , 1.1 .", ",Arw�o�"'r I ,,, g% � � 4� . �;, ..,,�i:_i'. �'. v ,,;: �.;��:, , � - .. -1 ­­ .�, � Under 1,000 -at, 11th afternoon. ....... F " * . "!, li�; I , Advised at their June me ,.. '. Yd ",-',,,,,-,, .; � 0 Provincial Sanitary, In , 'g,10"'; g , I 11 , ""4'a. 1,1�1`1`­I,�j,F�t lwl� � . �" �; , .::: .. - , ,xl, � eting,that. th speor I , I . .. ., . , I . � �i . -;,. :111, :: ..... , . . . 7�� 1 . 1 4, . $ .. "' I I ,I; , , I 1� I i �i,�I��,- 'qJ,,,',7,�'e' . I I With loss esumated in the i � for would not grant permission for a partial sewage system here, __ - eft, ......... Yineo of" , re'r- 0 , �; R1,10111 L'�, . ,,;�,, II!I-.�.;- members of Seaforth Countil. learned Monday night th t this w q 111.,�" � . . is ; , I I I . ,- V11-1, , , - 1, �111day,, thott4ands, of d'ollarsir 11 vhi,ve�q* 11 ,; a, as, 4, t I , , , " M F " t -I , ;.". the case. A4ccording -to MayoF E..A. MoMast r who ,met wA Pidd -11 .-'so-1 , I� � i � , i 13 p1lis and'several p"llptisperv-1, I . - I ,"c -F " Annua .,K nic, r . , h the ­ a 1 ��.%:,�,�,20,1,' � - ,�,, g I . I I _111.1-1111 1. q � � � inspector, Dr. A. err - - I I ;,,hi ..�:;,ir' - 1:1"q ,,,, , .a ,.I 'A , 15. Frida I ytAe , ., , , Iqhed In the, blaz --..--", E. B 10 � �� 11 �� sun ,shone, 944 1*'*t given to go ahead with the planas 6utlined ,by the County Sanitation W., "T9",P­"';&,- . " f . ,Y, ehrlier ,this. month, verbal -permission was . I. I . ,, ,. ! o'w� Milli' grinder and. about 40 tons .. I � I , . I . 1. I � . ,­;�w­r � ,-"O'­,'�J% __ - - I .., , ,., �p, � � ` 1. . ;4, of the reduced �attenda,ince at the of 94, were al�* lost. Distr � �­ , . 1,�;,4 09. Inspector, William Empey. � �, � � - , , '21 � I oy- ` ;;; ­ (At the June meeting a repreq- 1 xagisti'me, ja, kolm , , , ';,,;.�--,X"'%X' . I I ,� , : i � � g 1. � 1, ,; � I I I pleA � I It', h0r.0 I� t P - wa's 0, �i�z, � Aur" Federatiom of Agilculturd's ed as well as a large driving' ,!" .. � —41lientative of James F. MacLaren Aq- .4 bnsy place W�dueso "is * ,-A ,,',, 4 1 . I , y. ,, ", T. I I picnic h .1 majority of ahed- � I SOCiatiO informed Council that the five'. local and'distri.et. p I o I opl I @ . � , -j6_ 1� " �i �� - ,� . _eiro, 4-.heAyy ri� � .We, , �1 111, - w .1 , the e unty"a � farm4ris'.. J,A.#st have 1 ­17� . V111 to insta, ' ' , 1, ,� if I .`1 , I . . :.., :: . U septic tanks to re- convlc�ted of Yiiri6ns-',Db.'�x,j ­�iid ""';"" " ­ ' :1 r " ,.,��. . . I c0ve sewage from tiles along the nineL otl�ersi,,frotn oultaide.towA.Were, ' )"; &' . � I .. , ­ 11 I I � I lil t , been at home making hiy in tt lit Man Dies,'Three 11�,,�,�'I'l I ­ a One - __ ; I'll � � two lanes"be � . � . ,j�'� 41 i 11 - ... eriffly speaking. . - . e hind'Main Str6ef, wAs assess6dw,firift of from �b. f,Q ,.O.,,, I , , "I" � I 011.1. M � , " ,I,L� I � AM 1� I I I .r However, those who did J__ th- Council StriKes 1953 � not acceptable by Dr. Berry. An on charges 'Of' speeding. , � , :,.,,�, ,. I, . . , I I ... � va � Injure'd in Accidents alternative installation - -­+ i , cr­1 estimated - Ing- than I na" . 'L ,�O A I V . .11 :: I I f .., . � ... . � , I N � I I . , .. - F. 1 4 3,� 1 � �, 1" 11�, ,;, I " I, , " 11 ,,, ", " " : I � "Irr", "Irr", ,: �,-',;� .1 , , . I - . I I One ,local man was giv.oi1,:sj - '�,_,� " " , � I , X'�� , ,g� ­. ,,, , . about $110,000, was suggested.) � f I , . I ..... - I �� . I "joyed afi efficiently-cionAZe4 T �l = . t About $66,,35,0 . pended sentence on a charge o ` , - � , ;,,�L,q . ax Rate at Meoti __________ , .,;, " ; program ot aports�, contents, speech- A . . ng Would Cos ft" I 'L, . M I sault ocesIsioning.,bodily hax=.'_'L';A - 'L'4�'�� �,��, J , �� ,� .1 , es and duspla'". Guestspeaker'for . ... . ., n District Townships In reveallng this information, Seaforth youth ,­ _&L��'n* �J II L J.V I � I �nted . ,� &ne,d.' $10 , d ' L! " � ; :�, the 1lih annual 'picnic was. J. A. Seaforth Public School supporters Mayor MoMaster,poi .. J;Ut thaj'� ; cho'je_�6jL"dir ."', I �� Carroll, assistant, deputy Minister will Pay an increase of 13.4 mills I I " . L - I cosIrS. OnLa _ f� _I. Ing W ; " - , . . . vi b1i'd I �,; "'; . ul N , . . , I One man was electrocuted, an- he had learned from. inottbar en -lability impaired, as "We'll, as , "'.1 � . .11 � of Agriculture for Ontario.� I their assessment' dollar in 1953,L ZanacOls Milli 'for Ex. ' other seriously burned, and two gineering firm that this . I 1 .00 I, . on Plan,, urg- and costs on a chatge,o,.'_ ai , ng �'�:I�,� � 111�.. :b i ,r �i,.. Afterpraisirli the,Huirion Federa- a total of 71.4 mills for 1153 over ternif Affairs and current others Injured by farm machinery ently needed because' of the "un-! A Hensall woman was ,fine# $�Q. ­` � .. tion for its work, Mr. Carroll said 58 mills fo� 1952. Separate School President of the United Nations, in three accidents which occurred : sanitary situatio r, whioll o;iists in and _ . . . . . " , .10, I n costs for driving without a 0 ,. I'll, ..." III.!, � 1 of supporters will pay 61.4 mills in General Assembly, Hon, (Kr�. . , -e I I . � that in 40 years observation Lester pthe Main Street Area, c4uld be ef- mit. A charge of driving wb,06 . ,�".,,,,, 1, I'll, �,�4, I � . .. . 1953, an increase of 1.6 -mills over B. Pearson, in McKillop, Tuckersmith and Mor-! fected for a cost of about $66,350 ability impaired cost an Egmand ' , :'11�1 ... L, 11 � . . farming and, agriculture,' he has will be accorded a ris towAships. �­­ the previous year. , ,,- ,',' -, I seen. the creation of many oigan- civic reception here next Wed. To raise the money, merchants ville man $N, and ano her seaforth 1 _'. �'11 , I I I ' " ,, p�;.�,6JL -1zations and societies for farmers While certain operating increas- nesday, July 22, at 11:30 a.m., Kenneth Coleman. 28, Brussels, who would first ,benefit by the par- resident paid $15 and costs- for not . 41,� ,I, . --clubs, Junior Farmorp,'the O.A.C. on are refle6ted in the 1959. eati-' ,when the Popular Canadian ll children, was. tial system, could be - assessed ap- reporting an accident. I . I 1.111M : - ' " ... ,Mie i .;. -have been good mate of expenditure for the Public diplomat stop$ over prior to a electrocuted Tuesday when a length! Proximately $20 per year, while an IL -, '1�� :;; ... "I"' and others --which I The nine person who oft -ed for - - I - of pipe he was Installing in a well I additional three mills on the tax I ,a a I ,�!%' 11 .11 L - .... "I � ....... I'll, for farmers -0 economically and so- School, by far the greater portion tour of Huron riding centrea 1, � , charges. of speeding were: Donald ,�� :. 1 11 . - . [do' cially.. or the rise is accounted for in the that afternoon and evening. touched an overhead hydro wire on 1 rate would take care df the $27,500 'McGee, Goderich; Ray Chambers, � , Distinction of ,being the a est man and woman at the Huron . . - I Federation of Agriculture's litli annual field day and picnic her,86 Farmers More Efficilent assumption this year of the. first . the farm of Frank Walters, cOnces-'disposal plant whiah would be a - ,. i �: debenture payment and interest on sion 6, Morris. Fred Walters, son n 'Clinton; Robert Raymond, �­, Brus- , ��. 11 last Friday afternoon was Won by Mrs. Jessle-A. McGregor, Kip- Refofe discussing at some length � ultimate benefit to all ratepayers, s,els- Kennet& Buss, Kitchener; ..I s t� � Den, and James D. Gemmell, Seak-forth, showin. here. Mr. Gernmell the current problems facii4r, farm the new public school. ion � of the farm awner, was seriOuslY'the Ma,yor suggested. I 11'�j Expense estimates are up in most Don�Jd McLellan, HensaII; Russell .. 1. I is 92. Prize. for the largest family in attendance was won by Mr. labor, Mr. Carroll pointed- out that, Keen Competit In burned about the bands and was I Continuing, Mayor McMaster said Smith Brantford; Ronli]TlZeid, To- . _�-`i while farm workers are fewer in 1,1,1 and Mrs. Gordon Reynolds and five chilldrerv, R.R,. 2, Seaforth. I departments of municipal ,re- rushed to hoapital here. He Was'the Department of Municipal Af- ronto;' Kenneth Jordan, Stratford, .' L ` B" - - . number, farm production is increas- sponsibility. General adrainistra- Coleman install the,lairs will ,lot allow Seaforth to and Patrick Gardner, Stratford. A ' L �, .'��X ing. The answer to this, the speak- I pipe in the well. .I : , , tion shows an increase of $3 060 Fiddling Here Friday belpfug mr. I spend over $100,000 on sewage B,u efield man was fined $5o and , lrl�i ' and -protection of.persons, and iprop- Hui -t By Implements treatment at the Present time. . :.',',,� er concluded, is that farmers are At costs for driving while ability im- L' �,J Gaily -Dressed Park Host to more efficient. erty has increased ,by over $3,500 Winner of the Huron Federation's David Watson, concession 12, Me- the same -time, he observed the paired. I ;:,,�.� 1, -the Federa- ewage ..� - ' An organization like in fire, and police costs. Estimated of Agriculture fiddling competition Xillop, I.% reported resting comfort Department of Health sees s ' 1.3 _ ;, I _1 ion of Agriculture, which ,can total expenses for 11952 were $106,- at the Community Centre Friday ably in Scott Memorial Hospital treatment, at last partially, as a I . k'41��'�` 650. 1 ,:.,�, 1,0 0-0-,,, for Carnival Opener stpeak for farmers, Is going to be 150,403. night was Lorne Allen, R.R: 1, here where he was taken'tollowing' necessity here ' i ' " ", . I ,,�.,; , � Total taxable assessment for 1953 Kirktori, in a keenly -contested part an accident last week while on hi Reeve Norman Scoins disagreed: L L - I ,::, �3 all the more necessary s i osers of -Hogs Will """ get ,to be a, smaller -segment of the against Public School supporters of the evening" program which fol- way home from the farm of his i that the need of the Main Street , ,,, A fun -seeking crowd, estimated population, Mr. Carroll said. "If shows $1,215,38S and $1�3,622 for lowed the afternoon picnic. son-in-law, W. C. Hannan. The area for a, sewage system was more I I ) I 1� 1, �., ., at ,over 1,000, took advan Separate School supporters. Mr. Allen, brother of Ward Al- tongue of a forage harvester, a_ pressing than in other sections of , . �:� d only one in 10 is on the farm,' -then t L , L � L � ,!, � . 91 town. "If this plan goes through " I ,!, , L " " , . es a . , I , , .. ,.,�",, 1; �,� I balmy summer evening and the op- agriculture is going to need, friends nd revenues for 1953, with com- ships in district and Provincial fid- came loose and caused the blower ght Hori6rable Jam6s' G. � I, Seaforth. Takes 12-3 A full table of estimated expens- lerL who has won several champion- tacbed to a tractor be was drivin Gain by Amendment , ` , ­,, _�, 1� 1, _;1I 11011 "And, you don't, make friend -for 1952, will be dling contests, competed with Nel- to fall oil Mr. Watson's back.' In Gardiner, federal Ministe ­ � ,euiulg night of the Seaforth Lions among the other nine," be sald. Varative figures he asked, "willen would the other �CarrAval to enjoy an evening in Game at Cli t , a by I citizens get the service they'll be I The Ri . I making faces." A strong Federa- found on Page -3 of -this issue of son Howe, Cromarty, in an extra. hospital, x-rays revealed a broken ,I paying for?" r of, Agi�l- . I`�L,,, " , I � culture, announced last week thkt � � li`49 the park; and -the park was a gaily-' ' The Expositor. I round to break a first -place tie. back and shoulder. I ­.,� " ,L'I��4 9 '' li Mystery of Missing Hose it is the intention of the ,.Govern- I -tion of Agriculture is goin to be I �� . � .�.'fl � dressed host to receive its equally Faced by three Pitchers, Seaforth -needed in Ontario, he continued, - Cecil Maxwell, Hensall, took. third Charles Wilbee, Stratford, who To this Ma,yor McMaster explain- ment to introduce amendments to I 11. gay visitors. nine doused, � ,� ,ft,C . , _ .,,Jigton Place. Kenneth Ducharme, Dublin, was assisting Alex McGregor, Tuck- ,.,,, 11 . �1, " �� � y.Radar base- to provide a good public relations � , ed the assessment scheme for Main the la governing ,payment of com- ­W ar- .1., .From the step-off of the first ballers 12-3-, §*'s4g,*,.,uight. H", - ,-. �, & � d -for the service for agriculture in.its deal- a a i I ,�:.I_ ' I wa the fourth -place winner. ersmith, with haYing operations 'Street -t xpayers. who Prima,r ly pensation to owners of livestock . I'— I night parade, which featured a col- xy Jacobi, on ifie . Puri lugs with the Cons,id.er Road Signs in the step dancing competitions, was seriously injured Saturda� I benefit and the fact that other rate- slaughtered for the purpose of dis- ,1­ Jectlon of youngsters on -decorated victors, struck out six, giving cut Concluding, the sitea-ker" told of , ­ I two young daughters of 'Nelson when a trip rope ,broke and threw Payers would eventually have to ease control. . I bicycles and ponies, a ho.rise-drawn.five hits to hold the Clinton team M , I d, Howe, Mildred and Carol, took first I him against a beam Ili th� barn. I I I I ! scorele.85 until the seventh round. his 'recent trip to. Great Bi pay for the disposal plant anyway. I ,Consideration of this questi I .,,,�., . . . . . . on by � contraption for 'unlicensed drivers', ,dr sin, For i' uca . and third places. Second place, Taken to Stratford General Hospi- After further discussion on the the Cabinet followed an announce- . I kiddIe , Maulley connected for a four -bag- awing some comparlsou*­11in a J rsmithTwp. � , I . . a truck-tull 6f cid,stuined a, ' ger to ceintre fi -he seventh cultural methods. in Calaada and ... . ,Went to Helen Horan, Dublin. Bert tal, he Is reported to have suffered 'matter members decided to with� ment made' by Prime M. .: I :,il 4, ;. . .e . Id I as t -England, and noting a: few. of- his � . - , c n', was in charge. a -broken vertebrae in the neck - the �, gel 0.4eRAftlinjot , I " Tuckerstmtb Municipal Court il IrV 6 $eqf0A .0, Clinto .�, _� ,#.,`ZeWTA . t 1hold Ly action until Dr. Berry Louis St. Laurent regardiMng'i Ightog , .1 , on w-h6619"the local band-''a"ll"Ied opened. . . a rin- met in' the' Town Hall here last N61son. Frowe competed with Mr. Mr. Coleman was, a son of Mr meets With the whole council. , cholera compensation In a speech 1 . , �; �_ ,by a _ kW�ii in genuine shining I Boyd started for Clinton with one 'o week with all memberspresent and Allen once again, this time in the and - Mrs. Alex Coleman, o , . two, walk g. I Ing picture of the Old Country. f Brus- I Streets, committee chairman E. H. at Wingham June 24. ".4 armer, tio the'LliaSt. Whirl of the Per- batter swinging and in the Reeve presiding. James Mc en's'i§tep-dancing meet. Mr. Howe sels. 'He was born in Brussels and Close reported that some 5,6ss A-ecording to a statement by the I, ty Mentioning. the high 'regard in - ul I ; -�� : ris wheeL','Ifio. festivities were hap-, Let with which Canada is held abroad, Mr. Gregor and Stewart Wilson. re. was Victorious. educated there. He served overseas square feet of sidewalk has been minister, the o t .,I py-a-ad,,carifivalmspirilited. two out In the second. A hard hit' u break of bog chol- 5 1 Carroll said: "I returned with a presenting the Junior Farmers, at- The Seaforth Ramblers were the during World Wer 11 in the Cana- put down along six different streets, era in .Ontario is now considered ' 11 i Au array. of� games and entertalu- tball by Muir to the plicher foreed new,? appreciation of Canada and tended the meeting and outlined a top 'group ,in the square-danci,ng dian Army, and later was an active, Some cold patching has been done, under control. No new cases have . I ment booiiis,'-ililus 'the ever -popular his replacement in the seventh 3f- Tier people." project to install name -plates on competition. This group is mAde member of the Canadian Legion, he said, and a catch basin installed been reported since June 19. I'll ter swinging two and passing one . , bingo, drew.-:11heir firsit-night quota to first. Berreth completed the Speeches By Officials each mail box in the township- up of Joanne Sinclair, Graham Branch 218. He was a piper in bhe'near the Separate School. I The existing law provides maxi- . 1. I , E, They requested financial bell) f m Sholdice, Cecelia, Norris, Bob Huh- recently -formed Brussels Legion I P of patrons. hriler in the evening ro , teporting for the property com- lnum compensation which may be � 1 1two mem" of the Goderich de- pitching staff for the final frame,, Mr. Carroll was introduced by the council. After consideration, ert, Iris Byerman, Doug Wilson and Pipe Band. mittee, Reeve Scoins questioned the paid for individual animals In the I," liachment of the Provincial Police sending two to the bench. Wilfred Shortreed, Walton, first Council L suggested that concession Mr. 'and Mrs.'Glen McClure. They Surviving besides �i�parents are, wisdom of using fire hose to blow cue of hogs the limit values are ­ elosed'ono.of the games booths. I A triple, double and two singles vice-president of the Huron Federa- road signs would -be more favor- defeated the Tuckernmith Octette. his wife, .the former Elizabeth out clogged drains. Mentioning the $30 for grades and $50 for pure� I "L ,.d . lwere slapped'to the field ,by Ferg. tion, and was thanked by D"UgIas able and asked the delegates to . A draw, sponsored by an insur- Bettger; three children, � I ion the well -lighted platform two McKellar to net him three runs. McNeil, R.R. 6, Goderich, ;�cond ' _ . Karen,, expensiveness of the hose, he be- breds. e', r- procu �! . ­ re an estimate of costs of ance,-firta and conducted by W. V. nine; Bobby, .seven, and Susan, I lieved that possibly another ar- I Performance$ ,',F.ere .Presented du Eric McCue rounded the -sacks four vice-preWdent. same and report back. '11-03r,l, Clinton, was won by Robert five; and three brothers. Donald,! rangement could be made whereby Ing ttuF -4�e;liiug, - � Destroy S6me 2,800 Hogs I ", 'hd An energetic times- R. H, E. Earlier, Robert' S. MoKercher, The clerk was authorized to pay E. McMillan, R.R. 2, Sea.forth, and Elmira; William, Wawa. and John, the town works could do the same In the recent outbreak of bog . . tumbler ,a a vociferous com- Clinton ..... 000 000 12-3 5 8 president of the Federation, said for cattle spraying at. the� rate of -Carl: MeClinch*ey, Kipper., . 11r, edienne were ell I Brussels. ' ' older or secondhand cholera it has been found neces- 1.1L . "' r ' u I rth .... 140 101 41-12-16 2 that Federation workers appreciat- nine cents per thead -per spray �hose` C.i".7ilcillor John C. Crich sary to destroy some 2,800 hogs for . I the sho t4per ' I 5 W-19 --was a young lady Batteries- Jacobi ancl Norris; ed the -attendance of those who let Council acknowledged receipt of a agreed with Reeve Scoins. and told the control of this; disease. For . . � . of about,10:'*bose agile contortions Boyd, Leferge, Berreth and Luras. their haying Problems. go for a ,day. petition for drainage work P El . . Council that the fire department is light -weight hogs the full coulmer- .1 ,ed y amia:z - and 'amused. Master of I I ' '' Lose to Mitchell In a. similar thouglit, G. W. Mont- liott Layton and others for drain' Aft 6a Lodges Win Distinction missing some 400 feet of hose since clal Value has been paid, but for L .. -perem,6' Won was"bric Munroe. - I gricultrfre 'representative Ing Lot 36 and SV2 37, Concession , I L- ' I L -night draw, a Seaforth. 10-8 in a' Hurori-Perth for Huron, observed that, "it seems 1, L.R.S.,'and Lot 37, Concession 2, . mystery. Councillor Crich said. value than the- limits provided in . '1� Winner of the first Mitchell Legionalres defeated gomery, a last August. Where it's gone to is heavier hogs, which had a higher � �.,.-., 2radio-phonograph, was Russell Bol- .. range I tbe law, owners have received less li� l Baseball League 'game in Mitchell too bad we have ,to hold a Picnic L..R.S, The township engineer will Q.L CA Walk iii Goderic ii, Flares to Stop Cars? I I lfm, R.R. 1, Dublin. Thursday night's . to get good baying weather." be requested to report on these. than the market value. I draw attraction Is & refrigerator, I Monday night. The warden of Huron County, Al- 0 - Another myste�y in the disap- I Gatently, third -baseman for Mit- Pay For Fire Calls Goderich's population was swelled — I It is the intention to amend the I 1, while Friday night will see a brand ' e vin W. Kerslake, Hensall, compli- The Town, of Seaforth was paid by pearance of the town's public foun- law so that the full market value L 0 -new automobile go to some lucky chell, hit two home runs, one in th* mented Ole Federation on its work several thousands Saturday Fire Damages Interior tains was queried -by Reeve Scoins. of each bog at time of slaughter .. . , 11 . first with one main on, and one in $64 for two fire calls. The clerk when 33 lodges from Huron aE - ' There used to be four of them , . , : ticket -holder. the fifth with tw ' o on. Smith eon- in the county. Mr, Kerslake said: was instructed to apply for subsid Of Hensall Mill Office can be paid to the owner, Records ", "The Federation ,brings the far& IV lie stated. "arid now we've got trefielder for Seaforth, brou�ht I. - Perth, many from Seafortb district, none.., Tbe Reeve ,,,aid he'd lk of all animals slaughtered in the �, era' problems to the attention of on the warble fly inspector's salary � Fire of unknown origin burned ,,e ,three runs with his homer in the and mileage, and on Warbicide Pur- gathered for the colorful and cele- , to see a drinking fountain install d present outbreak -have been kept : i" fifth. the heads of government, which in ch. . ased. No action was taken on a brated July 12 'walk" on the 263rd !the interior of the office of Cook on Main Street. again. in such a way tba,t where full value � Norris, relieved S the long run is going to help the : Bros, . Milling Company at Mill and has not been paid this can be done I 1 opnotch Feeds -ills'on the Sea- farmer." Mayor E. A. McMaster request by the County of Huron to anniversary of the Battle of the L Well ngton Streets. Herlsall, last Criticizing the impulse of motor- : . forth mound in the first, and pass a by-law regulating fees for . ists to tag after the fire truck on after the law has been amended. extended a welcome -from the Town , Boy'ne. . I S.t1r1daY afternoon. Damage was Commenting on the hog cholera , I Jacobi replaced catcher Henderson inspecting of plumbing and sewage i every call. Councillor Crich advanc- ' . of Seaforth, adding a few light - Three pipe bands, from Bru-,elq 'estimated at between $3,000 and ed the auggestion that flares be 11 in the third. "Whitey" Malcho re- installations. - .1 situation generally, the Minister ob-.. Buys' Mill Here' lier,bd Sadler in the sixth for Mit- anecdotes. M. L. "Tory"Gregg was The Town of Clinton will be ad- Varna and Luckuow, with the Gode-! $4 ' 000 * A passerby saw flames in I ed behind the fire truck in served that there had been no new � . the after- the building and turned in the ,dropp cases in the present outbreak since, L . I . chell. master of ceremonies for vised that the Council wish them rich Girls, Trumpet Band and some i, the fire area to dissuade moebrists : ,McCue and M,cKellar hit tw noon program. to answer fire calls in an area ap- 14 other. smaller b4.vds. led the .1arm, Herisiall firmen controlled I going beyond certain points. Coull- June 19. This fact, said Mr. Gard - Topnotch Feeds Limited, Strat- CIO Huron Wins Ball Game the blaze. , . iner. gave reason for hope that the . ford, have purchased the flour mill baggers in the seventh for Sea- proximately five miles siquare in 1;000 marchers with their brilliant cil decided not to charpe the Lions formerly owned here by Excellence forth, R. H. E. Eight horses made the field in the northwest corner of the town- banners and standards around the lClub for the fire lruck',%, consump- disease was under control, but vet- . ' F7our Mills Limited, it was an- Seaforth ... 010 040 300-8 12 3 the Junior class, limited to nou- ship. Payment will be called on Court House. In the afternoon pro- I Lion of 4,0 gallons of gas while erinary officers had urged that ev- I mounced 'this week. Mitchell I ... 410 23-0 00x-10 14 2 winners of $400. Ada McLellan, the Alexander Drain. gram following the parade. the Ilumping out the Parl� pool. ery precaution should be continued : learned ' I Mi-tche-11-Colqljhoun, I.f.- Gaten- owned by Bob Kirkby, Walton, -on A grant of $150 Was made to bhe principal speaker was John Moore, Hibbeft Man Passes L Prior to Proclaiming August 3 a and that farmers should report I It was from Garnet by, 3b.; Rolif-ritsoh, ,c.f.; ' Sadler, both heats, but was raced to the Seaforth Agricultural Society. The Toronto, past grand master of the I I c promptly any sign of disease among Stockwell, L manager 'of the Strait-' , I hic holiday, Council discussed Ill their hogs . ford head office of the company, -1. M a] cho, p.; Gaul, s.s.; Elliott, 1b,; wire both times by Dr Chips, en- treasurer's surety bond was renew- Orange Order for Western Ontario, I notation from the relief commi . ttee . whic,h has branches at Dundas,' V�Te.ber, c.; Bert White, Jack White, tered by Reg McGee, Goderich. The ed with the Dominion of Canada ChaJrman was Anson Coleman, Zur- I On Farm of Birth i to sbare Ili the cost of' insillin for 2b.; Chessell, r.f, times In the junior class, 2:19 2/5, General Assurance Co. ich. . . a local woman. Huron, Perth District 310ingston and Milverton, t"t flc�ur Seaforth-McCue, 2b.*, McKellar, and 2:Z2, were faster ithan either Accounts passed included: roads Distinction was won by Seaforth Plumbing inspection B production will'begin "as soon ias'l.f.; Muir S.s.; St . hith, c.f., Dol- of the heats of the senior class. , $3,82a.52: insurance premium, $ � Robert Roney. all esteemed rest- y -Law ppssible," Mr. Stockwell, pointed . , 2-0; and district members of lodges. a% � dent of Dublin district, died ,,,,,(,-' .Building permits, granting per� Lodges Gather Here � ., mage. lb.; Henderson; Jaqobf, c.; Ili the -senior class, Ima Chips, chickens killed, $67.25; flre protec- well as honors by area. lodge units. mission to sevell applicants for - out that the feed mill will com- Melliwaln, 3b.; .9,111s, Nor�ls, c.'; 'owned by Bud Jerry, Goderich, and tion. $64; drains, $427.60; advertis- � i denly Saturday afternoon on the %� P 0"Ji aMou11tLjJJ2 to nliproximately The annual picnic ,of the Past mence operations at a later date. I Jacobi, r.f. Dlamorrd G., entered by W. J. Fin� Ing, $3; grants, $150; salary and al- '� I ., Olderft is Local Man � farm where he was bo%u over 96 ,TI7.350. were TiHsse(l Ili I'avor of*. Noble Grands of the Rebekah Lodg- . Although he declined to say how Umpires -Harburn, Houghton, nigan, Egniondville, ran almost 9 lowarice, $�175z warble fly inspec- Largest L.O.B,A. unit oil pirade, ago. Mr. Roney had be -en se. $8,i)00; Y, � �� of Perth District No. 29 and 3mucli employment will -be avail- I , years G. D. Ferguson. lion . I able under the new ownership, Mr. I I I V, dead heat, after -racing wheel -hub tion, ,$127-15. wa.6! from Clinton; be%t-dressed L.O. living with ,his son, Alex Roney. W. Hoelsobcn,. kitchen. $300; N. Huron District No. 23. was held � I to wbeel-hub for the last three- B.A. was from Gorrie. Clinton also, Lot j 1, Concession 9, Hibbert. for Cardno. slln porch. $450; James El- at the Lions Park �ere last week.. 11 Stockwell Indicated that if is the Presentation to Hensall - eighths of the mile. Ima ChIpshad � L ,had tbe,larges,t L.O.L., and _-Nmber- I some time, He had walked down liott. garage. $200; C, P, Van Mill I There were 60 in attendance, '� � ' . ,: I lutention'of Topnotch Feeds to em I a nose in front at the -finish line. Monday Morn' False ley thad the best -dressed L.0 L. The: Ili 'or,. with ris from L Bride -Elect At,Howe the road a short distance to a, small house, $5.000; William Smit st , good represeritatio J . ploy as much town and distTictil I Huron,defeated Perth 16-6 In a prize for the best b as won creek which runs through the farm. frolit, $3-000: -C. H. Addicott. b6ck lodges of Stratford, Milverton, 'Af- '. I � I wood, Monkton, Goderich, Brussels. 1; help as possible. At the present, Of Mrs. J. Flynn girls' softball game that was one . Alarm Caused a Stif by Winthrop. William Murray, 91., It is believed lie suffered a weak kifichen. $400. 1 . I .time, only what alterations or addl- i of the featured events of the Alay. Seaforth, was the oldest Orangemarl and Seatortb, Each lodge wag re- . . :L,L� Mons to the building a-qd equipment Mrs. J. Flynn and Shirley Were Huron' -Sheila Black, 3b; Nora 'Sound and fury' In th�e wee on parai spell and fell into the water, where Ali application by D. J. Sopha for ,� I , , I I ,as needed to bring the mill.to oper- bostesses at their home Friday eve- hours of Monday morning sig- he was found shortly after by his a hawkers. and peddlers: license, to spoliMble for a game and contest. . Stephenson, s.s.; Iona Watson, c; Veteran Orangemen In the roarch granddaughter, Miss Ethel Roney. ,ell fresh fish, ivai- turined down I Plans were made to bold the I 1.11 .. ation form will be undertaken, Mr. ning for a miscellaneous presenta- nified loss of sleep for Sea- 954 . 11 I . Donelda Pearson, rf; Shirley'steprb- included George, Taylor. 89, Bay- Surviving are two daugobters. Council Passed a by-law providing' picnic at S�eaforth on the first Wed- �� Stockwell stated. - tion for Miss Orlan Stephen, bride- forthlites, annoyance for mem- � .� I . ' enson, c; Joan Mao -ban, 2b; Mabel field; W[illam Kinney. R7, Wiln� Mrs. George Parri-sh, Atwood; Mrs. for 1 -be regulation of fees lor the I , elect of Saturday, July 18. Includ- bers of the fire brigade and an , nesday In July. Mrs. Annie Ber- 1; Property IListed MCW!i�er. lb; Mary 1111WIts, If; l thro ger, P.D.D.P., Stratford I:: I d in the lovely gifts .she received east end citizen, and the possi- .p; R. M. Pollock, -82. Bethel; Fred Parsons, Sarnia, and six solis, inspection of plumbing and sewage district. , A, Ver,da, Watson, ef; Freda Saw 'John Foster, 79, Goderich. installations in town and d"ignat.- presided over the meeting, �' were a wall mirror, ovenware, lin- or. . yer, bility of charges against two .� ... in the'ten(Ter safe announcement e I Kenneth, Stratford; Alex, Hibbert; L — " 6y Guaranty Trust. Company fol- Loyal Orange Lodges oii parade Fred, Mitchell; Joseph and Robert. hiv the Huron County -Health Unit I . ." ens, etc. Perth -Marilyn Krueger, s.s., p; Seaforth people. most members were be -hind Coun- 11�11 11 1, by the former lowners, the -property g, 3 b, s.s.; D. l4aloes, cillors Crich and B. F. Christie In 1.� lowing declaration of -bankruptcy Miss Ruth Alexander read the Jean Holmee . Following a phone call from Included No. 182, Godericb. lei by Imperial, Suk., And Albert, Bran. AP insPector. Fees are $2 for Ili- , ,�, ot address to Orian, and Peggy Row- Brown, a booth near R d6wntown gar- Earl Cooper; No. 24. Bayfield, led don, Man.; one sister,'Mrs. Charles spection of drains and sewers. $3 expressing that the highway, as a . I 11 is listed at comprising part of I cliffe, Shirley Flynn and'f,;Is Hen- c; R. Morrison, p, 3 b; M. age about 3 a.m. Monday, fire- by William Mollwain; No. 492, Young, To�ronto; 27 grandchildren for inspection of residential plumb- hazard and. local traffic tie-up, , L!! � 10, concession 1, London Road Sur- r.f. - H. Sadler, 1b; Lois Nothereott, men were directed to the East Woodham, led by 0, Ja(�que,�; No, I arid 13 great-grandichilften, Tbree Ing Installation% and. for commer- `_ ,�, r" derson made the presentations, 111., Pern Sawyer, i_6.f.; Douna Dun- Goderich Street farm of Harold 813i' Winthrop, led by Robert HIM- brothers and four sisters predeceas- cial installations, a fee prorated in would be better routed around Sea- ,I,�i� vey of the Township of Tucke Q)ntests were featured and lunch- 'selt;h, 2b: Jean Cooke, 1b; Betty ley� No. 794, Wingliatil, led by ed him. comparison to the domestic rate. forth. Mayor McMaster disaigreed, ��4. " Smith, Town of 86aforth. Contain- eon served. Jacka'on. With no fire there, I assorting -that local businegew would ��11 Dill, 3b; Shirley Hatmer, 2b. Percy Hogg; No. 869, Londesboro. I Funeral service was held from Following Council's concurrence] 1;""t I , ,, ,a oti approximately two acres, are, The. affair was arranged by Miss Race. Sports Results Mr.. Jackson, by this time suffer it the highway detoured the _� ;�,It' 01 01 as listed, an elevator, flour mill Shh-ley Flynn and Miss Lois Hen- thought the fire might be at led by, J. Webster; No f expenditure -F to T . I . 89S. Kin- the Luckhart Mineral Home, Mit- with 1953 estimates o ,'.;,',!. '" ' � I . ,,��; ersou. -Orian war, also honored Non -winner's of $00', Or6peRy of his In Egmondville, Iona, led illy C. MacLennRn; No. chell,- Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Rev. and the establishment of the mill 11 Lj4, I engifte house. and other buildings d Wn ; �. adj6inin I . �,,,, r ,q -a rall sidling, 710,' Clinton, led by CbeFtPr Em- j, R. Watt, Main St. United Church, ml:6, a discussion followed on. bus- I Th,6104blll bugilneaften.1should be 11 , , 'ftain is rb&ently at a pregentation by the Ada, McLellan, Bdb XfrlQ4T,, . 19ack through tow" the fire ,,, o0lisUlt0d, about this," Mayor Mc_ ,f.�, - - 81%lik,, fora'je ,Is approXi- stAff of the'London Lffe ln�ur 'Walton ............. I—— I I truck raced, foilowed by a traill , .1derloft;rNo, 1126, Rethel. led by Mitchell. officiated. Interment was iness tax arrears, It was suggest- M.aster .. 12. - .. lmAetY,,,,4k#00' busbals and sack Com, any, sftoage& Talk eoutibU44 I . I ��i,,,, WLJLY for WM r.;i,� . where she Is emill ance McGee,: Gode- of curious ' No lire L ' ' . , Presbyterian Cemetery, ed that the town solicitor prepare bout the high' 0 tim:e'. ,.�, p oyed Dr, Chips, Re* , motorists, _qslie Ray; No. 793, Seaforlb, led Ili Knox a t ,41', 8f,0XlW6,,vs1.*i,%1or 600 tons- F'rOul 8 -he received a clothes hamper an� � rich .., ...................... 2 2 'in Egm6ndvillel by' Garnet McClinchey; No, 932, Mitchell. a. letter to send to local busines,ses ) i�,�', t I with pros and cons ,fli eitaphagiz- . 1. Ahe-"plffik'lil� "AAllitiery ,and equip- � Auburni, I 4. by Robert Armqtrong. Pallbearers were six grandsons of behind in -business tax paymenis. I I , 4 � L"�: , boc, Bud - this week Constable le ,,'��L'�', -j � _�J# , ", � I ,,.� 111 " ,7,;, . Od. Councillor kat*lw uoud.,igma , ")Ij , , , M34 , 14 , �,6 N W`1' ileffi 19 f6ted,at 6thetligirts. Valuable ' Jerry, Latei ,;I',�', � I 4 . _ Goderich ....... I .......... 3 4 Gordon Ferris said that follow. LaY.W1 Orange Benevolent Assoct. the deceased: Earl Roneyi Robert To By -Pass or Not to By-Pasa it would be a good0j&,��' J6 �ftj,�'g ,.,"'�"'1,"I�,,�,���l,"�"-, Q .I­11�,Yw ZF, - , , , s%-J'5.Vb`hir,# -a 0 floor per dity- 'Chlps� Todd, Win. Gatdrldf, Ing Investigation, wh4ch Includ. ation Lodki6l on -Parade included Roney, Russell Roney, Ar dR - Winding up Monda.y nigbt',q meet- the Matter b6fotO Jile,'Oh' " ". '%,`ji!j-' . ai6UW b , ­.��," I ,� "&I. ' ' 'L I., ­ .. .. ... g � ,# - f1i , i,�,'fh6jrjbd 4n Which­i� ' ftrao Mooh'aid6ii, � "Why" your - 40derich , I I I I... ­ � ...... I 9 ed Interview of witnesibda, Nor -M., Uniti -tar 1A)dge. F - , eitib Par- Ing was a lively discu - rnmeii,04. seve - " I , � � nel on ,Rd "k, , . "' � ii, I I .�, , _ " ", . "'; e ey, Elmer Parrish and X , It', g S ord nsion on whe- Co , I : 'the haii�s, of the th6torlo rutinhig like & dhoru.,, ' AUgt,V Woo'�L '�Yk�;,J, l$rdj6rfte' . . Wgtgon rlah� Friends atteb. " I .1.11 : "I t , ,� ��: ���, L L 'Prov �111,lti I 1i charges may be pending o'cialtibit AV40A died the funeral ther Nb� 8 Righway, When r6sUlt� a��eod to thl's, blit , �, �'11?#. I � 1,;'I,: ", Vb,� "11 6 f, Agnes �� I I -1-1 - trat- Oitr Own-6ir �, "ThAt Isill't the, Sbat6rth , -'1-.,- "A. man' and woman alleg. W&br1aI,,L o4ge, Wo6dliam, No. from Atwood, Brandou Man, Mid, faced, should. f ,low it P,L,i,I� 11.1 out WAA , I .1 I. . , v_ � . . . 6 8 e . "I ""'. � , ea��,X r. I,. � i ft' g,etneilt of Par- '061iif.' I V66.t. yoi6 to, mak - ­ ___.ii�� ­ .. , . ,V,!� ".L,"�� &­­ 11 - - 6 lit run Walf-on no land, 8eallorth, t6ift&, Monk at alljouriliblent. le'1'111 ,", � " lti .. .... I . to have telephoned the faldt $10.' �00�P*J;&,. No JP2.8 Lady Ali -1)t" the town it thO lghollid -b I . �, � I 11 do 11 )1� I N", i ., 11 I U , - nb. ?", '00 0 "I_Wri '' .1 I � I A I "' , :, ,I - , likoll - ;'I I . I 11 . ", _. ; . � . � I ' ­ I " I �; rdritb I 4;I, "% . : � I Sarnia And IdItthell diftrict . I �� 11 J 1'. , ! Z !�7 . .11 I . � I 'I., I �, I , , . � " I . 4,;� � - I . I ­�. , A,O 4T� . 1. . ­ 0 Vpuu V le, '' 6) � I . c i�'; � '��:, , 11.1, .'' . " :�,� . """ :� , , , I I ,?'A ,. P,� , I it) onallge or ,6#JAJo1i6`,,,� ,1., 11�� ­` , � ,� ; " � I I I I �."�� I ., F,N �I �TXM04� 1 . i'!'�A .1 ' 4 14 ' � , . . Y �. , ql -1, I . I I', . I I 1 --7 � I I ) - ;� 1� �;I��.,�, .� �� I , , ""i � ,. , '' 1 � I 1�,.�,,, , 1%--,,, '­­­ . � , , 11 .1�1". �, I, 'Y I " , ��, r � " I:) 1 � 11 . � .1 ;;; !!!! � 4,,�X'1#1,,`�'�i;, � . I � � , ,, , � I I ,i� � I -,'.I " � 1, -,� 1'r,", , I " 1, , i � �� . . i I , . 4 , A ,I ' " , I " ,., ' , ' 4 , " , I , " � , ,1. 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