HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-07-10, Page 5a • 4 • . • • t • E , • , • w 4. t7t Ilk (BY �.��� ryI .. Piz ` '•., :•... ;you wr4ilitl>'`it,t ,thinly that tthp! ilea? Yep wouldn t 7,hink that NOW •shape of a ibau Anil Would .. I th' the. b. n h olbt to be 'the , : er a,-dQtand was built round s a Qt qqi�e ot-ti e t rattan lar ti y, exciting e •=nee in the` -hlet. o . `..'i t)ange the Ory lc'xiti aQ o, f a' . , a l i , n w would e theatre rite F a , A4+ ., .. ,' , .r . of the i C Ada ,. A wo d u. Y et t•. a +� �s a ac�l }'rY y"o th _� T what BEFORE YOU BUY A TV SETS See the New i!; ;1kr0 nit 4tex-&g.elefikepb SEAFORTH e also have on display Hallicrafter Marconi and Philco Television,. CHECK SjE RING M1: .:4i: r;.;fA::.:3^•:t'di}k'k:'f ofi.?:'S� f•^rni A check-up takes minutes—and, could save you dollars! For instance, wheels out of alignment can ruin good tires in a few miles. Faulty steering may Cause a costly occident Be sure! Let us Safety -Check your steering NOW 1 INSIST ON awe° Arm THEY'RE GUARANTEED CHRYCO is a trademark of lhe,Chrysler,Corporation of Canada, Limited cusycO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ARE SOLD BY :. a Rawcliffe Motors Phone 267 • Seaforth 'y@y� pp M, 1?9w4 t .ere, alhgpt tt7ce!ii t Tears' d$Q after ;Lir/ 11A4 ¢t On./E144, d 'eltl r1Ver ; le;R,e ont.:< ' sono willawe planted *Rang the banks, Miri'+a,' pail' Cif ne'rl ne tQ';a'iiient along graoefilnY 1lyt the'anneeler'Wear decided that 'anent the 'next steps in exltg up their Peek would, be to build a° )dew, 'bandstand. The=classic ,pattern for a ,band stand is, ea a eryone knows; cir velar, open on all sides sothe peo- ple can sit in the 'Park 'all. around it ands enjoyed, a. spirited rendition of Colonel i3ogie, Turkey. in the Straw and a sacred .selection or two. It seems• to makes nee,' -How- ever, somebody pointed out that a round bandstand like that isn't much good for anything except looks, Just let a stiff summer breeze come up and all •the -line ,music the boys in the band prac- tised up all winter will •be 'blown clean out of the park. Tlie answer was to build what is called 'a "shell." This is a box -like etruc- ture with a curving back which acts as a .sounding board ,'and throws the band music out to the audience. The wind can't blow it away. Remember when, we built . one here in Seaforth? A lot of people didn't like it and said It was one of the ugliest things they'd ever seen built anywhere. They weren't far wrong at, that, but just' the same it work's; and if you doubt it, why not take a trip down to the park next Sunday night and •hear ;for yourself. Well, the Stratford people were a little more careful than we were. They built the same Irind-'of band- stand; but tliey dressed it up so' it didn't look quite so much like a deserted 'cowshed, in teeth's Gulch. They even Went so far as to add two decorative dressing rooms to each end of the structure. It looks quite pleasant; in fact, when you see it, it looks like a real stage. Indeed, that's exactly what a skinny kid •thougiht one Sunday night about twenty years ago while he was on a grassy bank See me for remarkably LOW RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE With State Fart Mutual) R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 r 41 Seaforth Huron -Perth Intermediate Baseball • ZURICH vS. • SEAFORTH Fri. Nite JULY 10th 6:30 p.m. LIONS PARK Seaforth Admission: Adults 35c Children 15c SUPPORT YOUR BALL TEAM ! SAVE MONEY PAINT SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, S The LATEX Wall Paint Rev SATIN ado $7.35 The Easiest -to -Use wall paint. 44 gorgeous colon. Practically odor- less. Dries in 20 min-, utes. Clean brush or roller with soap and water. i 1 1; BERRY BROTHERS GALLON (MOST COLORS) QUICK DRY `''ENAMEL A top quality enamel with unlimited osis — indoors rand outy..on any palaNkatie sorfao►. Dries fast to rich, oleo- sy finisI. Covin Most surfaces In OM saat. 49 $2,34 QUART 0M0$T COIGNS) BERRY BROTHERS PORCH 8. FLOOR ENAMEL For all exterior and interior floors—wood, netal;'Nholeum: fad« resisiaM cobn...great resistance to scuffing. Witbstdwds severe weather cAongw—Ire. quem .uubbings. 44, e ,/441440411i.o f ete4e *SOY 1101V 6' Arora 4e. , Seaforth 5c to $1.O . ►tore E. EARONE 4104,,,,Mereh; ttiige 1914 $G.(5 OSUMI (MOST COLORS) CONE IN TONY , . 9ce ?Qac S azc 0 Lc (� of ,%GE's? it it : k .,*.rfk,+IiQ **OR*, Oskitof sync /ryo:0d�eFp]ltttage 4t .Tixay bullae; gA o gy! .< .,,,. ,y . A t+ , s largie .nusnbefi 'from rIeheeetliee unity etteeded the Sr , celebration.in ldseter l y,, iiia@ Wilma • W'alttirs iti• ho;iday ing with her aunt atld uncle in New Orleane. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne,and li ty attended ..the funeral' of the late Rufust. iiorne, Toronto, on Fri- day. )lira and Mrs. Henry Delbr..idge spent Friday with their 'son and daltghter-in law, Mr. and Mre. Hor- ace Delbridge. It was Mr. Del - bridge's 80th birthday.. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and Gordon spent Sunday with Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence Ford, Kitchener. Mrs, Norman Egan, of King, vis- ited' last week with Mrs, Fred WaI- teri. instructedto notify Cor- bett, of C. P. r- bett, O.L.S., Lucan, to examine both drains and report back to council. A by-law was passed appointing John Vock, Bornholm, as weed in specter. The township levy for 1953 was set at eight mills,. Coun- cil adjourned to meet again Mon- day, onday, August 3, at 7:30 p.m. ZION Mr( and Mrs. Albert Roney ac= com.panied Mr. George Ahrens, and. family to London on Sunday to see. Mrs. Ahrens, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital. We wise] Mrs. Ahrens a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham and family, Mr. Arch Malcolm and Mrs. George Graham visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, and Mrs. J. Malcolm. Master Kenneth Britton had his tonsils removed in Stratford Hospi- tal on Thursday, and is feeling fine again. Mr. and Mrs, George Robinson and family attended the Stacey re- union on Saturday and the Robin- son reunion on Sunday in Mitchell. Little Eleanor Lannin has been under the doctor's care for a week with infection in her ear, but ee better again. Master Gerry Graham, Sarnia, spent a few holidays with his cou- sins, Keith and Bruce Malcolm. A good crowd from. Zion attend- ed the Pioneer Service in Staffs on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton and Kenneth visited her mother, Mrs. H. Workman, Hensall, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs., Lorne Brown, Glenn and Brenda., of Islington, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bennett, Toronto, spent the weekend with their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Malcolm and attended the Fuller reunion in Mitchell. • Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Williams, Fort Erie, visited his sister, Mrs. WCharles Roednesday.ey, and Mr. Roney, on n Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malcolm at- tended the Hodge reunion in Lon- don on Sunday. Master Blyth Lannin is spending this week at Camp Bimini. of the Avon listening to the C.N.R. band. He was a Stratford boy, just thirteen years old. That June he had just passed his Entrance from a public school named Avon in lon- er of the river which flowed through the old country's Stratford which was famous because it was the birthplace of the greatest dramatist the world has ever known. This boy knew quite a lot about Will Shakespeare and as he looked at that bandstand which resembled a stage a strange thing happened. Somehow the members' of the C.N.R. band became fuzzy; gradual- ly they drifted away and other 'fig- ures seemed to take their places. Two teen-age lovers were there called Romeo and Juliet, and an - amiable old drunk named Falstaff, and 'a sad -looking young man who was Hamlet. A huge colored man strangled his white wife and down in al'corner lurked the misshapen m 1 forof a wicked king—Riobard III. It *as just a schoolboy's dream of course. But it was a remarkab- ly vivid one and the boy—a lad call- ed Tom Patterson,—never forgot it. Twenty years later he still remem- bered it and next Monday night another curious thing is going to happen. He's going to see that Brea t again,' This time, it will be real. Large- ly because of his own unceaeing efforts, Tom .Patterson will see his dream- Come true. He'll be on .hand —the general manager Of the whole thing—to see a real Elizabethan stage on the ,banks of the Avon, to see some of the greatest actors in the, world play Richard. III to an audience of people .who have come from as close as the next, street and as far a' ay es Greenland. The shape of the Stratford band- stand started it, PC changed the shape of the cultural pattern of Stratford; 'of' Weetet'n Ontario, of. !Canada: And this time it's no day dream. tIA tial • W'4T W ,n • d, t ; y@alr ef the +gnfaz;lo p!e�+• Wfie.4t i!t ebe moi iehita degea'ted eafort4h Pe^�Wnes 2r -o- u +a a40 • used W O.?f A' &Mei iii New ga 4* *or w -est. Max00,0 'pitching aloe a+st gamtl , 'allowed 'but three' bit8, and it way-tiieo'errors that allowed Sea- forth to score their one run. • Ronnie Mathies led hie 'team at bet, with four hits• out of eve offs- tial times at the plate • and was closely' followed by'Gary Pfaff, wbor had three.for IIve McClinchey got:, two of Seaforth's time hits. Neon -Hamburg 2 8 2 011 3 x-2617 3 Seaforth 0 0 0 0 010— 1 3 6 Seaforth. JecClInehey, T. 'Aid, Al- brecht, G. Ast. New Hamburg — Margetts and Mathies. Logan Council' Sets Tax Rate of Eight • • Mills, At Meeting Logan Council met Monday with all members present, the reeve pre siding. The minutes were read and adopted, correspondence read, and road accounts' amounting to $1,865.22 and miscellaneous ac- counts totalling $5,088.14 were or- dered paid. - With work on the Weir, Wolfe &, Hinz Drain completed, except for the levelling of the clay and cover- ing the tile, the contraotors receiv- ed part payments on each drain. The council received' a . notice that the Bode Municipal . Drain. is out of repair and a petition, was signed ley the majority .of the as.; ase se d ratepayers on the M. Clarke, D. Graham and H. Chaffe Awards for a municipal drain. The clerk me h BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hartwfck and Jon, London, visited Mr. -and Mrs. Don Gray over the weekend. At the annual picnic of S.S. No. 5, Stanley School, where she is the teacher, Miss Blanche Zapfe was presented with a beautiful table lamp by her pupils. CROMARTY Miss Marguerite Dunces:mon, To- ronto, is spending the holidays with het -parents, Rev. and Mrs. Duncan- son. They, ,are leaving this week for their cottage near Pembroke. Mrs,' Alex Ramsay has returned home from the hospital, .where she underwent an operation. Mrs. M. Houghton visited Sunday wlt'h''Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rose, Mit- chell, and also attended the bap- tismal service of their little daugh- ter, Susan Paulette. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas La r g, accompanieda - ed by Mr. and Mrs. `E, Templeman and Mrs. M. Houghton, Mr, and Mrs. Calder Mc- Kaig, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harper, Wilma and Shirley, were guests of Rev. G. Young and Mrs. Young at their cottage near Forest on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cockwell, Dashwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker Sunday, Mrs. Alf. Coates, Exeter, and Mrs. Edna Irvinfi, of Grenfell, Sask. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl. Frankie Boughton, of Wingham, spent a few days with his grand- mother, Mrs. M. Houghton. Western Subscriber Tells of Popularity i Of Rome Town Paper( D. K. Harrison, son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Harrison, McKillop, who, now lives in Calgary, Alberta, in writing to The Expositor to ad- vise of change of address. attaches the following note: "I look forward to your paper weekly, and I find that no matter where one is located, the home town newspapef as in demand. Ev- en •while in Fort St, John, on the Alaska Highway, I had a former Walton lady. asking for my copy. Of course the biggest question out here in.'theWest is, 'Where do you come -from, Huron or Bruce?' Be- ing a*, native Huronit'e, I find that the people, from Bruce remain very loyal 'to their County" • • The original ,provinces of the Confederation of Canada were New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario. and, Quebec. Pro, TIAO.Peli/l*a A0110 ! Xeer: Oardea. club. Me . e .. . µlb Met at the ��, of the Leader; Mltn. W. Brough, on Moetday ,for the ,third nneetin RQ11 Carly' was ancete ed •'t' r by, , op9 114Y gardeµ,' grows." "'here were 39 members' present, out of 42, With three girls on vacation. Every girl is expected to comtplete her pre ject. A deeinonstration on flower ar- ranging "was ghten by :Mary Why„'te and Muriel Dale; Mrs: 'Haugh led a discussion 0TC:flowers and told about the prize -list. Anne Haugh introduced the guest speakers, Mr. and Mrs. Epps. Mr. Epps gave pointers on arrange- ments. Swanye Haugh played ' a piano solo and Dorothy Enzensber- ger played for a sing -song. Lunch was served by some of the mem- bers. Mary Broadfoothas mislaid her garden plan. • If anyone finds it, will they please return it immedi- ately to the owner. The Question Box Miss C. T. asks: Can you make tart shells of cookie dough? Answer: Here is our recipe for Cookie Tarts: 1% cups cake flour ee tsp. salt le cup shortening 14 cup sugar 1 egg V. tsp. lemon extract. Sift flour, measure and stir in salt.ea Cr m shortening and sugar until fluffy; add egg and flavoring. Stir in flour, only enough to com- bine. Pat the mix onto wax paper, fold in paper and chill overnight in refrigerator. Roll out /-inch thick and cut with 2 -inch cutter. Line muffin pans with 4 cut-outs, over- lapping each one-half inch. Place scrap piece of dough in bottom. Moisten overlapping edges and press gently. Bake in preheated oven of 375 degrees for 10 or 12 minutes. When cool, fill with sweetened berries and top with whipped cream, Makes 8 or 10. Mrs. K, T. asks: How can I 'pre- vent fruit pies frotn becoming -sog- gy on the bottom? Answer: Quick Booking of fruit pies in preheated oven of 450 de- grees, then reducing heat in 10 minutes to 350 degrees should pre- vent this. Also, brush dough with egg white before filling with fruit, sugar and a teaspoon of minute tapioca. Anne Allah invites you to write to her c/o The Huron Expositor, Send in your suggestions on home- making problems and watch this column for replies. In Canada there are 390 national historic sites which have been of- ficially marked with plaques or cairns. • - "Wiell, I got me a new job and do I ever tell them all where to get off!" "Sounds important; what you doing?" "Bus conductor." A Complete Line of All BuildingMaterials SPECIALS ! Small Quantity of AMERICAN CEMENT - Due to the large demand we'll run this Special One More Week! Specials on Combination Doors and Window Screens Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Phone 47 . Seaforth TOWN of SEAFORTH WARNING Dogs running at large in the Town off Seaforth will be impounded, and if not ' claimed within 48 hours by the owner or harbourer will be destroyed, by Order of the Town Council. DR. E, A. MCMASTER, Mayor. i 1 tt ,1 nl�t 6t,. . 24atira,atti 1 vot REGULAR, :PA , 42.50 to 69.50 $34. to MANY WITH TWO PANTS AT THESE. PRIcgS Here's your chance to pick up a Summer Suit at a great big bar- gain — 50 only sults left from mar• big stock of tine Summer Sults •that we 'must clear ',Out now. -Sizes SS to 42 only. Fine tropicals, gabardines, and light color English worsteds, in neat checks, pick -and -peek weaves and over -checks, In Tight stades of grey, fawn and blue. YOURS AT A REAL' BARGAIN!. $34. to $ay. SPECIAL! ENGLISH N ` Men's Interlock 'T' Shirts We picked up a special in plain color, interlock knit 'T' Shirtis. and we've added some regular stock 1.95 lines to round out the sizen a d color range. Wear W r them for work or play. y. SIZES ---SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, at 1.59 EACK STEM'ART EROS. $i,9'OOBINGO CLINTON LIONS CLUB RENA 'THURSDAY, JULY )6th Doors Open 8 p.m. — Bingo Starts 1• CLINTON LIONS A r One Special Game — $1,000.00 Prize Three $100 Specials — 12 Regular Games at $50- - DOOR PRIZE — ADMISSION — $1.00 Extra, Special Cards, 25 Cents — 5 for $1.00 DURO WWT.t SYSTEMS Prosperous farmers are installing DURO PUMPING SYSTEMS to save LABOUR mid TIME with fresh run- ning water at the turn. of a tap . . in the house . .. barns . stables . chicken houses. The fire pro- tection value, too, is vital. BUY the BEST BUY a DURO Why carry water when you can have clean, fresh water anywhere yon want it with a DURO Shallow or Deep Well Pump? Modernize your home with EMCO Fixtures and Fittings for kitchen • . . bathroom . . . laundry. Add comfort and value t,$, your home. Drop in and see us today! • 1 ahr„�IdV,.x''i Limo . NAMNN ST. CATNl1RINEgq . NNR toner TI SUOITO8UNY • WINNIPEG VANCOUVERITCENE/` tee zA;Q i',y . Ya.yQ: yq i,:'.a..' 5 •.'?:. is yi +°WY)u.,'•eq? Vim',`` `i,,,> )``� � L�,i ' a k 1 •' tr''.Y,'lFlf'.",, it Yrt, L'!l ,4. t•1: Nd_:1,