HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-07-10, Page 4a Inserted At New Low Cash Rates' FOR ,s4.4g, WANTED, COST AND FOUND, ETC. --Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week 4 Ceat Minimum charge, eech husertion26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Oiede at Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Corning Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 00 mete per week. Ereleiriti may be directed to Dag 24o., e/o The Huron ExPositor. for 10 eente extra. Teri cents additional will be charged f ado in above class are not paid within 10 days ut eate of anal Insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted bee of rheum Auction Salm, Notices to Creditors, Em—Rates on similcation. Coming Events rpgn ANNUAL CRICH REUNION WILL be held at Seaforth Lions Park on Wednesday, July 22, at 1:80 p.m. 44614 eanAT THE HEAT AND ENJOY A " treat, dealing every Friday night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mitchell. to the =VAC of Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. 4460-6 O') TIME BARN DANCE—IN GEORGE Smale's shed, 21/4 miles west and 21/4 miles south of Dublin on Wednesday, July 25th. Double dance floor; good MUMC. 4461x1 For Rent VOA RENT -4, -.ROOM APARTMENT IN Seaforth. Apply to Box 288, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4461x1 Fon RENT — HEATED APARTMENT, one bedroom. Apply to DR. E. A. McI4ASTER. Phone 26. 4461-1 port RENT—UNHEATED APARTMENT, "- two bedrooms. Apply to DR. E. A. MobEASTER. Phone 26. 44614 RENT -4 -ROOM HEATED APART- "' tient, with bathroom, sun porch, also cellar. For August 1st. PHONE 249-W. 44614 Help Wanted HELP WANTED—BRUSH AND SPRAY painters. Apply J. MISENER; Room 11, Commercial Hotel, Clinton. after 7 p.m., weekly. 4461y2 AVOULD YOU LI10E TO BE A SALES- " man? Here is your chanae. You can learn in your spare time and make $35 to $50 per week while you learn. If you are married, and have a car for local travel, apply to P.O. BOX 6, Harriston. 4461-2 HELP WANTED We require 3 or 4 capable, energetic young men for furniture work. Apply to JOHN BOSHART & SONS Seaforth, Ont. Agents Wanted Wanted WANTED .TO BUY — GARAGE OR " small barn. PHONE 188, Seaforth. 4461-1 Livestock Wanted MAD, DISABLED HOMES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service. phone 'STONES" collect, Ingersoll 2L or Seaforth 656 r 2. Personals T_TYGLENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goode), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e: 24 samples 41.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. For Sale POR SALE—S_YOUNG PIGS, READY " to wean, W. C. MONTGOMERY. Phone 884 r 4, Seaforth, 4461-1 FOR SALE—ESSOTANE GAS R.ANGE, in good condition. Reasonable price, PHONE 6824, Seaforth. 4461x1 "FOR SALE—.QUANTITY 08' MIXED " grain. oats and barley; also 8.3 John- son outboard motor. Apply to HAROLD JACKSON. 4461-1 port SALE—YORK HOG TWO YEARS old; Massey -Harris 7 -foot binder. AP.. ply VIVAN COOPER. Phone 563 r 41, Seaforth. 4461x1 FOR SALE—GRAIN SEPARATOR IN A-1 condition. 28-40: complete with feeder, blower, shredder, high elevator; al- so belts. Apply to DAVID DIGNAN, Wednesday or Saturday, Mill St., Hensel], Ont. 4460x2 QTOP CLAW -RIDING. MILK WITH genuine tug -and -pull. Surge Milkers are adjustable to the individual cow he. cause of their hanging arrangement. Call collect LOVELL McGUIRE, Surge Service Dealer, Phone 593, Wingham. POR SALE—ALLIS-CHALMERS POWER -` take -off combine, with pickup, enlarg- ed bin and straw spreader, three years old: 'has new cylinder and concave bars. Has 4461-2 gone over only about 200 acres. Apply ..100001 THOMPSON. Phone 833 r 33, Sea - forth. 4461x2 - AGENTS WONDERFUL OCCASION TO WORK `' for yourself. Be independent! Sell from door to door 225 well-known and guaranteed products such as; Toiletries, Culinaries, Medicines, Domestic Necessi- ties: Tea, Coffee, Etc. Splendid vacant territories in your neighborhood, $18 need- ed. NO RISK. Free details on request. JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. 4460-4 Property For Sale -peon SALE -8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE, ingulated, stoker heated, modern bath- room and kitchen, new garage. Lots of room for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 355-W, Seaforth. 4439-11 PROPERTY FOR SALE—TWO-STOREY 1. three bedrooms. living room, den. a- piece bathroom, oil heated house, including I three acres of land, edge of town. Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ap- ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR. Phone 41, Seatorth. 4431-tt Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED -pawl HYDRO INSTALLATION " fixtures in S.S. No. 1, Eibbert. den to be received by July 13, and completed by August 10. IVAN McDOUGALL, Sec.-Treas., Mitchell, Out, R.R. 3. AND Ten - work 4460-2 TENDERS WANTED FOR INSTALLING SANITATION SYS - tern in S.S. No."1, Hibbert. Tenders to be received by July 13, and work com- pleted by August 22. IVAN McDOUGALL, Sec. -Tress,, Mitchell, R.R. 3. 4460-2 Notices -ra,ADIO REPAIRS --...FOR ., ALL EIND.S of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE. PAIR, opposite Dick House, Settforth., Phone 347-R. 4868-10 NTOTICE—I AM PURCHASING BOARS 4-` at 10c and 13c per pound, live weight. Phone ox- write, LEROY ACHESON, At- wood, 37 r 12 collect. 4467-8 $500 CASH—FOR PART TIME EVEN- ing work between July 20 to " September 20. Car essential. State age. Appy Box 239, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4461-1 PAINTING — SPRAY 011 BRUSH; Papering. Sunworthy wallpapers. Sign Painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE. Hensel!. Phone 196-R, Hensall. 4425-tf A reralTiON, FARMERS! — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 861 r 11, Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Aasoelated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4899-tt A OCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent, please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 382; local 262. 443643 A TTENTION, FARMERS McKILLOP '-`• Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (0.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and Mirth Arnerican Life Insurance. Consult ERIC EL MUNROE, Seaforth. Phone 894-M. 44564f PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith Tartar /NaTellerrONS Parole 0013e- eil uuder authority of By.,Law No. 18, Ttaanship of Totatesinith, I hereby proclaim that all doge In the hamlets of EgmOrdvitle and Harialzhey are etehlbited teem teaming at large, during the Period fronf/tittir 1, 1958, to Notaufier 1, 1058. •0W4* r hsrbO4s atedetag et:her:wen- "la the We:Hakes Of thha digellw wail ea $bttoll.ditoditioto midair of eStaole edr D. A. mortme, .4k1 0040 of therseilas, 4461-0 Auction Sales A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- " fects in the Village of Hensali; on Saturday. July 11, at 1 p.m.: Chesterfield bed (like new; upholstered lounge chair; 2 walnut occasional chairs; occasional arm chair: walnut antique sideboard: Marconi radio; walnut radio table; antique cherry chest of drawers and writing desk ; elec- tric heater ; electric lamps; mantel clock: wardrobe; oak dresser: bed springs and spring mattress (like new) ; bedding; scat- ter mats; Axminster rug 8x10; Thor all - enamel washing machine; coal oil stove and %yen ; dropleaf kitchen table; 2 -burner ;hotplate; step -ladder; (medicine cabinet; [Duo -Therm. oil space heater (like new); dinner set of gold band Limoges china; large quantity china, and silverware; 2 copper boilers; tubs; pint sealers; Cobb/in electric vaomun cleaner; pillows: 200 -gal- lon oil tank; Clare Jewel cook stove; ball seat with mirror; cherry glass cupboard; mahogany setee and 2 chairs. Terms— Cash. MRS. MARY SIMPSON, Proprie- tress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Cards Of Thanks I WISH TO THANK MY MANY friends and neighbors for the cards, flowers and treats given erne while a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. L. M. Gibson, Dr, AL W. Stapleton and the nurses. 446120L MRS. JAMES KELLY WISH TO EXPRESS OUR SINCERE thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for the flowers. cards and treats received when we were patients in Scott Memorial Hospital. We also wish to extend our thanks to the nurses and doctors. — MRS. JOAN Me- LAUGPILIN AND DAUGH1hR JEAN. 4461-1 In Memoriam INGRAM—IN LOVING MEMORY OF Mr. and Mrs. Alex Inertun. —Ever remembered by the Family, 4461x1 nORRANCE—IN LOVING MEMORY OF a dear mother, Mrs. James Dorrance, who passed away one year ago, July 13, 1952. One year has passed Since that sad day, The one we loved Was called away. She bid no one A last farewell: She left this earth In Heaven. to dwelL —Ever remembered by her Family and Grandchildren. 4461x1 Births ALEXANDER --Mr. and Mrs. John Alex- ander, Hensall, are happy to announce the gift of a daughter, Iris Isobel, on Tuesday, July 7, 2953, at Clinton Public Hospital. BURT—At Scott Memorial IlosPital, on July 8. to Mr, and Mrs. Ross Bnrt, Sea - forth, a son. HILDEBRANiD—George and Hazel Hilde- brand (nee Coleman), Seaforth, Noah to announce the arrive/ of their son, Doug- las Andrew, on July 2, at Scott Memor- ial Hospital. KIPFER—At Clinton Hospital, on Thurs- day, July 2, to Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall, a sem A brother for Danny, Linda Jane and Dorothy, NIC114)LSON—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholson, Seaforth, a son. RACHO—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglat Dublin, a son. ROWLA.ND—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Row- land, St. Columban, a daughter. Deaths BURNS—Suddenly, at Grand Bend, on Sunday, July 6, Daniel Phillip Burns, be- loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 'Burns, Hibbert, in his 24th year. Be thrifty!, Phone 41, Sea - forth. Clegg -Ned ad. ars re - suit -getting. The IluronExpot4 itor. . • ' • Me.elaid Mrea-la Mieltle.and fam- ily are spending three weeks' 'meat' than at So.bade 14710W 081 Lake Hur- on. • Mrs. Maurice Johnston (nee Sad- ie Harburn), formerly of Remo.% accompanied- 1y her daughter, rare. Win. Marshall, and little daughter, Sarab, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Maurice Johnston, Jr., all of Flint, Mich., were guests over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dick, Cromarty, and called on some friends in the village. William Smale has accepted a Position at Jim* Machine Stop. Miss Hazel Slavin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slavin, Kippen, has •been attending the athletic training camp conducted by the De- partment of Education Physical Breech at Longford Mills, near Orillia. This is a training camp for leaders Hazel was chosen to represent Seaforth District High Sch 001 . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, St. Thomas, spent the weekend with M. and Mrs. Roland Williams and Ona, and with Mr. Ritchie Traquad'r, Exeter, Mrs. Ella Bolger, R.R. 1, Hensall, won a prize in a contest held 're- cently. Her dealer was Clare Reith, Seaforth. Miss Ruth McLean, who recently accepted a position with the Lon- don Life Insurance Co., London, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr..and Mrs. Robert McLean. She was accompanied by Miss Gwen Anderson, also of London, who was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. McLean. Frank Wood, who suffered a ser- ious fall downstairs over a month ago, 'was taken to Clinton Hospital on Tuesday for x-ray examination, to determine the present state of his injuries. . No Time Like Now! To Have Your Clothes Fresh -Cleaned the SYNTHOTEX WAY Leave garments at The Launde- teria while you shop or visit in London. Pick them up the same day on your way home. Your clothes will sparkle with deep -down cleanli- ness, because Synthotex is the cleanest, most modern dry clean- ing money can buy. Open from 8 in the morning until 9 at night, Saturdays until 4 p.m. There's no extra charge for same-day service. (Leave you wash for fast ser- vice, too, and add wash -day to your list of holidays), FORSYTH'S LAUNDETERIA and DRY CLEANERS 649 Richmond Street South of the C.P.R. Hotel London : Phone 3-1294 11111111110.111111111110101111111110Millingneemeng ProinotioWLitted for Stanley7Timnship School -.Fa•Reeeige. ToWliehip;- prenaotenui, are. listed. 'Me teacher irga leirs,-.-LaurithelleReich' ert. Grade VII to Gvade an Coleman, John eMan; Donald Forrest, Norma Lay,e, Harold Par- sons, Mariou, Turnere'lleth, Turner. Grade V to Grade VI—John Con - set and Jean Turner. Grade IV to Grade V — Marion Forrest, Wayne Love, Donald Par sons, Glen Reitahert, Leroy Work- man. Grade HI to:Grade IV—James Consitt, Kenneth Reiohert, Charles Stephenson, Keith Stephenson, Rob- ert Turner. • Chiselhurst Resident Celebrates 80th Birthday -Hugh Norris, Chiselhurst, !was pleasantly surprised last Sunday when some 40 members of his family and relatives, gathered. at his home to honor- hint on the oc- casion of his 80th birthday. He was presented with numerous love- ly gifts, including a birthday cake topped with 80 candles, .made by his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Parker, Heinen. Relatives were present from Munroe, Staffa, Cromarty and Hensel]. District Weddings, SWEITZER - SLOWES HENSALL.—The aisle of Maia Street United Church, Exeter, Sat- urday, July 4, was ,decorated wit4 rose -covered arches.,and white lilies and blue delphinnms banked the altar for the marriage of .Claudette Mae Blowes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes,, Exeter, and Ralph Jacob Sweittee, eon of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer, Exeter. The Rev. A. E. Holly performed the ceremony. Mrs. William Mur- doch, Dundas, soloist, was accom- panied by Mrs. A. Willard at the organ, 1 C Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-leiagth gown c of white nylon net and Chantilly v lace. The strapless bodice was o covered with a bolero jacket styled C with Johnny collar and long taper- ing sleeves. The bouffant skirt fea- in tured inserts of Chantilly -lace. A coronation headdress held her French illusion veil, and she car ried a cascade arrangement of red Briarcliffe roses and stephanotis. ThaillgtOta,„, eh* iet.Yy acdertearreeellhaVele elk 'the, 'Iror the volt ' 1,'''.. ,Oe •'rafted St,atige. at '- a :Mauvite'liaieCe ,.... - aeCessories;'arte and eurele sweet .00 plan'ttelive illPelaterik .i.- ". The triddhi! paientaheerie ft/Mier • . , well-known Hengtale 'residente, Mr. /Howes -was a formey prineipal Of the Hensel! Public School. PHILLIPS - STOKES ,f,e HENSALL.—A wedding trip to Bermuda followed the marriage ilii St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church, Leaside, of Patricia Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmet Vi0P,r Stokes, to Roland Warren PhilliPs; son of Me and Mrs. Percival Wes- ley 'P:hillips, Toronto, on Saturday. July 4, the 'birthday of both the bride and the groom. Canon P. Morland Lamb officiated. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a gown of net 'lied lace over taffeta with straplego bodice and long sleeved lace jack- et, .A headband of aitfotber-oefeerarl, flowers held her anger -tip veil,s,*e she carried a cascade of white :and yellow roses with stephanotis, Miss Betty- Lou Irwin was maid of honor, and Mrs. William Bur- gess was bridesinaid. They wore forest green net over apple green taffeta. Miss Carolyn ,Flhillips, sis- ter of • the groom, was junior .brides- maid, wearing a 'ballerina gown of apple green lace and net over taf- feta. The attendants wore match- ing net hats with apple green leave.s, and carried cascades of carnations., daisies and rases in shades of yel- low Mr, Fred Travell was the best man, and Mr. Gordon Giles and Mr, Eric Stokes, brother of the -bride, were the ush,ers. The reception was held at the Guild Inn, Scarborough. The mother if the bride received in a floor- lD. ength gown of dusty pink crepe with late -bolero and corsage of blue corn flowers. Mrs. Phillips chose a graceful gown of "Alice Blue" sheer with camisole of pink lace. Her flowers were pink roses. Out-of-town guests included Mr. nd Mrs. W. Imarie Walker and Mr. ill Walker, of Montreal; Mr. and rs. Fred Beer, Hensall; Mr. Sane rown, of Centralia, and Mi1'. and' rs. Albert E. Cutlmore,, of Kit- hener. The groom, an honor graduate In ommerce and finance of the Uni- ersity of Toronto, is a grandson f the late Mr. and Mrs. Roland udnaore of Hensall. The bride and groom will reside Montreal. a B M B Attending the bride were Mrs; Ir- vine Armstrong, sister of the groom as matron of honor; Miss .Elaine Gill, London, bridesmaid; Miss San- dra Blowes, sister of the bride, as junior bridesmaid. They wore identically -styled floor -length gowns of blue net over taffeta and carried cascade arrangements of pink ros- es and sweet peas. Jack 011en-Bittle, Toronto, was best man, and Irvine Armstrong and Ross Pierce ushered. Receiving guests in the church parlors, the bride's mother wore a navy sheer dress trimmed with` white lace, navy and white acces- sories, and red rose corsage. The' Huron County Federation of Agriculture NNUAL PICNIC SEAFORTH AGRICU—LTURAL PARK 011. Friday, July 10th GUEST SPEAKER J. A. Carroll, Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario • Softball Tournament • Horse Races • Sports Events • Special Prizes •• Fiddlers' and Square Dance Competition DANCE IN COMMUNITY CENTRE KIRKTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Annual Garden Party FAIR GROUNDS K irkton , Ontario Wed., July 15; 1953 Girls' Softball Game -6:00 p.m. Juvenile Programme -7:30 p.m. Professional Programme -9:00 p.m. Ample Facilities for Refreshments and Seating Free Supervised Parking' on Grounds ADULTS 75o • CHILDREN 30c a COME AND ENJOY suoenion ENTERTAINMENT District Obituaries LATE ROBERT .C.UNNiNGHAM • HENSALL.—RobertCurrninghann 55, who came to Hensall from 11- derton three months ago •Witiere•he formerly operated a general store, died suddenly at his home Friday, Yuly 3. He suffered' a heart at. tack while having supper. He had just driven home from London, where he had spent the afternoon. Born in Harriston, he was raised in Toronto, conducted a business for 18 years in Bronte and, three years in Ilderton. 'SurviVing are his widow, the for- mer Gladys Bond, Sparta; one son, Peter, 13; one daughter, Gail, 10; four, brothers and two sisters. Private funeral service was held from the Bontbron Funeral Home,. Hensall, 2VIontlay, July 6, at 2:00 pan., conducted by Rev. W. J. Rog- ers, Hensall United Church, assist- ed by Rev. C. Fox, formerly of Ilderton. Burial was in EXeter cemetery. , • Bearers were relatives of the de-, ceased. The casket and grave wete banked with lovely floral tributes. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Cunningham and family. KIPPEN Mr;' and Mrs. Frank Chance and sons, Gary and Murray, Winnipeg, are visiting a few days with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood. Mrs. W. H. Stiles, Gordon and Stewart, and daughter Annie, of Brussels, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Cudmore Saturday. Miss Barbara Workman, Oshawa, is holiday/1;g with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Work- man. . Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor and Terry, Stratford, were Sunday visi- tors, of Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Whiteman. D. and Mas. Guald, of Penetan- guishene; Mr. Guald, Guelph, and Mrs: Balfour, Regina, are visiting with Mr. Henry and Miss Jean ,M. and Mrs. Tom Munroe, Mr. and,Mrs. Wm. Coleman and Mr. and Mrs„. Jack :Heitz spent the weekeild in Muskoka. The annual Sunday School pichiC of St. Andrew's burch here will be held Tuesdae, July 14, at jowetee Grove, Hayfield, during the after- noon. - Mrs. Priebtali and family, of Mit- chele • and :Mr. and Mrs. Ricbard Cornish' and feriallY, Goderich, were Sunday VISitors of, Mr. Robert Thogison.- Mia and MraeWilfred Mellis vis- ited Sunday_ in Nieroeeter with late: latter's mother, NITS/ 6/13sOn, and - on Tee,sdayi they epeet,the day at Niagera, Falba "". . Mr: and Mrs, Hny McBride, tien0 &lila; Mr. Hugh McBride, lions don, and Mr. ghat Mee Ear1 Deirt- ert, near Baygeld; iivnro' qiicl visitors of Mr. and Jonee. Mr and Mrs. Artibiceelatketettei, Gail Ann and Lynn and Mrs. Homey, Exeter, Spit' the weekend in :Ifeutilten. "a " Mit. Brown; Grariti,**rite, vented Monday with her`citelghter and son - in -late, Mr. and Mrs. Ow M6116- seau.1 moc,a1tI Mrs. 'fatotge Wieder, of London iincontpa4e0, .1400 .441". • ay*A'nedttsidaa°reileithef , sthillaildttlt411$11:5':,1114714; hal 41.L-V4r4MA iTn9.73 *pier -boo, Mae. Mad, gra. Ad-, enn�Therderlettn, and Mr. Peter Thinnernien. , 1•1 aneld rm. aumdpillarts.ouTrromatralLondth anond, vis - Mr r ited. Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. GerderiaWeeek James MOCilenlone, who le at pres- aleendon, isowly improving 1:1,1Wheeitlareth. Pleased te rept Mrs- ent with her daughter, Mrs. Alice Cook M:ita muwVinwe. centrVeleder, London, Is the guest of her illiAter-hi-raw, Mrs. wi Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lent., at,- el:maim-need. hy M. Robert Thom - Bole visited Sunday evening -with Mr. ,ae11 Mr8. James Armstrong, Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Meals, Bela and Jiituniee of Detroit, have been the goes:heal their aunt and Mr.; and Mre. Wilfred Mellis. W.M.B. Met Friday The W.M.S. held their., Ashy Band meeting on Friday afternoon 012 the spacious lawn at the tome of Mrs. Emmerson Anderson, with Mrs. John Anderson acting as to - hostess. It was. largely attended, and Mrs. Vernon Aldeediee con- ducted a fun line of sports. Mrs. Robert Elgie conducted a Bible quiz and other sports foe the lad- ies. Later a delicious lunelt was served. LLASHMAR DRIVELIN THEATRE CLINTON NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK First `Show Start e At Dusk Thurs., Fri. July 9, le "FANCY PANTS" ...Bob Hope - • Lucille Ball CARTOON — NEWS 'Saturday, Monday—July 11-13 "Buffalo BM" Technicolor Joel McCrea Maureen O'Hara CARTOON — NEWS ' Tues., Wed.—July 14, 15 "Mr. Music" Bing Crosby Nancy Olson ., NEWS Thurs., Fri. ---July 16, 17 "Take Care of My Little • Girl" • Technicador Jeanne Crain , Dale Robertson CARTOON — NEWS Children's Playground TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Rain or Clear Children Under 12 in Cars Admitted EEE , „ r •r. ' . . ef t. A WV FARNHAM? Ml PIRA ROOM? A WAR? A KEW ROOF? DOWNS FOR )IRO HIM .Ferhaps PIL can supply a good part of the necessary funds. Talk over a farm Improvement Loan with your Menet B of M manager. Ilitxx or MONTREAL ersotte.417iket Cod WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERT WALE OF LIFE S1111 11117 . *Si Hensall Branch: WALTER *ma., 1Vianaget Brucefield (Sub -Agency): Ope•Tuescray and Fold* , SIZE 600 a 16 LESS OUR BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEVROLET — OLDSMOBILE SALES & SERVICE GOOD:714AR TIRES • Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 111111110m0.1111m411111111111melleillmwealimme nrs HERE! First All-Canaffian Rodeo Show ; Diamond S Rodeo Sponsored by Hensall Branch Canadian Legion Hensall Ball Park SATURDAY July 1 ,5.OUTS. SEE: Horse Rider Jump Through Hoop of Fire Featuring two outstanding Horses, Silver Belle & Smokey Bronco Riding • Trick Roping • Clowns 'Calf and Horse Roping • .Bull Riding Square Dance on Horseback • ADMISSIONS: • Adults 41.00 • Children, 35 Cents -mingokfrp. SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 1953 bIlEY. BELA'S COACH - 1953 CHM DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 CIIEV. STANDARD SEDAN • 1952 MEV. EMMELINE SEDAN SPECIAL 1952.LCHEy. DE LUXE SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC 'COACH ...,;195,201E9'. LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN 3952 PONTIAC- STYLELINE COACH /951 OHEY;^ ATYLELINB COACH with Radio , - 1951 tllOVVIinaouNE SEDAN • A951 DOtiatitVgbAN 1951 OHIgtlfirkLEILINE COACH 1949' POREPSEDAN--4895 1948 (HEV. STYLEMASTER COACH 1948. cumv. SEDAN • • 1948 onsw. PLENTLINE COACH 1947 CHEM SEDAN 1947 CHEY. COACH • 194,2 DODGE COACH TRUCK* 1948 MECURY *TON PICKUP 1947 CHET. 3/2 -TON PICKUP .1947 MERCURY 3 -TON STAKE A written guarantee for 00 days on all Late MOdel Cars . •-• . • ',MANY OTHER:MODELS TO OHOOSD FROM 41,,s moToRs 1110JSIgjEtWi ONTARIO opEm EVERY evisw400., tbiloNE;73-x aiteie HOnle ott Setter Wed Carew r a a -°Iare",'?': 5 • • t O • ,14 • 4