HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-07-10, Page 1I -�� " , ___il�;�; ,�,,__,,� V,_,�_. ". �.',� `� , , " - ,,I. �,�,�t!:.vi, ,d0m 111,", - P�� ", ,�, - , " , I �),',, :A V , "; , �� I', P, "I 'I i-,�!l��:�?,���','�,;Ij�!��'�,,�-',',"�,'J �,�,������'I'l�:�,,.,"�i��,,,,,i,,,.,�.�',,'�,,�, ;".-�,,'����",,,[!�:'�il",��',,��,�����,!,�,'������,�'-,��',� , .1! ­-111'1��, � ­,,��,: - !,,I , I �, 'It' , , , " �4 W�,� "",.T,.,I;,��,,i�";,,",;i"";'',�,,�,,��"I "'�",!;�,�lj,,"�:,I�,,'�;�;7"":.(.;�,��,�11;1,1,��,�"!:!:'',�l"',�"I'l�'I'�,"�,,�',�;�,t",T.�,,��,',,�"'4,,�,V'',;"�;4,.�l,�'i'*- 11 .. .... �, , I . f-'. , .�, ", ""111111 i. 4�� �,:���,,,,'�� "'; �' _`�"'J,"`%,.'k I � ­�, ; " -1- ", " -,��,���,'�,�fP'�,,i��'�,,,��'�.-',,'��"",��', 'I'll"TIN, ',�,J,!;�'., 'i��"..'�ll;,�,�,e,'�;�i,�,�,l��'I'l�"-'i� ; ,�. "I", ". , I .1 "I, , I 1, I I � , � ­ 'li, I - , . - � , 11, I , "'I, , 11 " �, 1, 1 7 1, ��'� � " �_ -k, ,, J'..(' ""'', ­, . 1`1.1-1 ­�,J'j�­,,I .. ...... 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I I . ,�;, _,� , � , . " , I - ­- � I '1111­­,!� . , " ,-, �.-, I'll ��,','J?�, )'�; J�, �,. , � , , , - 0 " , . . I �, 'It I I I ', , .. , ,1177 ,;t 1'j'j� I ,,, ":�'ll �� ,f! I .1 Xt4 , 0-varm I . . I . . A ' ' 'JULY 10 . . /I '� � I � � , �, 7771 �Ii,,',, � , �jl, . M,91b,':WUAa0erA46X . . ­ . ..,! I , . : - I I ��, -�� � , , : . I SEAFOR I . ,I , _, 1� " 11- - - I � I I I 1, I 1FRi '1953 1 1 � ,_ - Xcl,� , ,� ,,, , . I �4#,� Rm , , . 1. ", �,,. _0��M,Wffl* ,, �,�:el,i�,�,,�,-�,"��l','��4�,',,�,'I,Il','� . I I . �:. 1�1 ,� iP'Y'�,, �1,11,R�, ­­ . - �. � . � I . -_ - - I ''.�" � � . � . . " 11 :, I" 0"k, ,,,, - � . , � , ,,, � , I, _M_ � - I I . I ­ I . . I .."'. , �:� - . , ,*,�!, ,� I � I � I I I 11�1 I Ill 1:1111111: I � - I I � . � I I ;� - - '60 `.".Mli " ", �, . .1, . I i - - - � - WN nwompm" �� � I , . , 041'wilu­* ,� ,�, T� I , , ... . �f I I � m I . � . T. . - ... - I I I . � .d. . �1111 . .11 � f t, 7�..�,,, . I I . . . I . � I - - , , _; � ; . _10''.1 I.. i I ". . .;�,�� 11-1. , 1 ,.: 1�� , T*i.p . ' - I I . - -1 �� :,. , I ..., � DRQWN,$,.S,UN_DAy . 0 ' . �. ­:­ ' .. � I . :' .J`�� 1. .., �11 �,, � " .�% . I I I - ziL" J,.4 9 . . , :��: ��` ; " � lls' Enumerators for - - � , , " � ! I 0. � �,Ft�,., il it I'll 11 � I I .� I . I .�. � S . : I., li Al I I I . I It rniv. iui ' .,,;�, I , I— 1. I . I . � Ct : � A: -C I , . I , , . �1� 11 i � ., : - H .: � I imme - Ion I . `� - 1. I I Viefenba'ker Is List I ., . , , , nml�`; To . , � �1�i Electoral Distri . of T1.1 I ,, 91 , -Pn -Hr� - �' I I , . i�� ­ .. �:­ ._ ,,, ef � '' ,,�.-J,:7. Winton" Speake'r I :,.,.."­,., .... :."�1'1. .... . � I. � - � �,,, I I . , ,,, 1. , ;,,,�,�., 'N',, . I � . I . 3�1 '4 .11 , . ., A I The -following Is a list of the 11 , '. ,,, � .:,!ggg , .� ­.�', �:;",r , . . Following stops in Daohw ..." , ", 1.11.5NIK", " ., A . :,�� �'.'.;!-k,,,��111­00. "',.. � ��1111�1�4.11 , ,�� - 7— .�, , , �. I n6drltil" 1. � , , ood, Polls, the names of enumerators �i."���,:��,r,:.,�lf.���,l��*�I �. - I 11 J ��; ."i'd "RiINR ,,� !'N""', ,J--,� , 0"'. ... � , I ­ �,'�-,-,;gg�. I , :­� ''?',.� 411�-- I I *1...­m.::X � ,V;4 t I Induction Service For . , Y,�..4.0 .1*..�, .. . and. their addresses, for the 'I, �qll.­,.M.- .-.-.-:i I I ell alec� , ", " ' ., , , 1; . . . . . . , I ., 1, �",:. .�_, , �; tipZr."' , ;�.., " � , J ,:. , .1 fteter, Zurich'and Goderich, Jvbu . .1 The s , ,�, toral district of Huron. in eaeb M " .1� t0bPrillY dalup dlp�posl I ::::­',,�,�,���'..,, - j�', ��,,t g 1 . 4G. D1efP ��,,,',,'��,.,�,,��.117 .g I ­1­10�.: ... � J , , ­, �. ,, I . - ­ : , , � I - 35�,Paae, -the polling division is named Rev. W. 19. Milroy " ".1C!;i'li�R1�.*i . � I g,, n , Of Old- 113all Weatber-zh# � � �, � " 1V li�l -11.1laker addressed. some � ,.',� , I-7. . 70 . ' ' 0 , W�.- "t a . , � � IN S11 We Bis Eve ts in , , � ,�,%i_'61.,,,��, :"�,*i!Ui�f,��Pi >-, .. omikr I -,41 Emondville United -X.. . . ek' � 2, I _V person �_.e.:­ -� I I - .i--, , ........ I . " Clinton Agriculturgi Arst,'followed -by the name of the �;.,� .. . has incurred difffi - 5,1'.Il " s in ,4 �',',��,,:;�., �.* 41:1e: .. ., I I I I � .�.. �, Cul,ty. an.4 dt,s1p.0, --� ��,�'4 V§�, .. . ___ " ­ , I - I —0 , ,; � � ­ ` V -V ' ' `;�,,',', , ! I -Park Wednesday night at the close enumerator and his' or her own Rev. W. E. Kgr,b,y,, mu. Millia�,, 1". ": In other quarters, 1esJde4,,,rU, �,�!�,'-z ,'*11101 . I of his dqy4ong tour from London address, and sons, ..�� :: .ril, i , :,.i 111,1111, ,I , , " ,�'!�,�. �, RN I I �), g� I I Grant a#d,gpine, J�rqpy­ . � t areas Where farmers had� li� "*,`i�_,�� '�� , �,�r,�,'R,gmi . I through Huron County. . . � T � . . I I , " , ,5 . * .. i", � '6 et v -'Go'derich Hos For Huron A �, :: ............ . ,.�, ams S ­ Sta' ' ' - Ville, Hamilton Congipyopi*, ar;1y,bd � I ...... .. �,��, There is a total of approximately , - , . I ,�,.... 11 " .:. �� .. ..... ; ­..'� :. �� .. ..... 0: I I W­...�._ 3. . ge �, ,.,i'�,.; I or, a, prominent ok. , � I . The 'Glorious Twelfth' ''. , "I A . . Mr. Diefenbak 25,973 persons in the electoral dis� in Eguloadville lasi we . N . gr. Picnic contend with washeq,out see4ling . � , , ,n . and now hampered h4yin If 'N" - ­, 1� r �. W r, spokesmau. for Progressive Con- trict of Huron, who are -eligible -to Mr. Milroy has bee -ed�, ' ' ' I g Opera- , :. , 411,191" 14 appoint ...... ;,,, .. � Thousa ' nds of Orangemen I 1. . 3 1, �servative;, Policy in the present fed- vote In the forthcoming federal minister of the Egniondville, Charge " . . . . . . , I -, . 1. from Huron, Bruce and Perth iHere in Seaforth the Pool and- . " 1� ,, ­ ,.... if 'Three Day's'. ' ' Returns to Tow "O"s* I 11 , - I eral 'election. campaign, election..� . and Commenced his,dutlea on Sun- t ; ��'.. . I � . 4 . C*ticized . ,,, I ' D a 4, i the Government's. Emergen6y Pow. ' ASHFIRLD—No. 1, Mrs. 'Grace day, when he was. greeted by a . I , county lodges will converge an park committee of tihe locaJ ti6us - " �, F, 1. ; . . , fil", �1 . . t­�l r , "s, . bas for several weeks':,teen, ,, " I ers Act on the basis -that it is, 11109- McDaffinid, R.R. 6, Goderich. No. 2, Igrge--congregatiou. . - F,,"�eaforth's 18th''annuai summer Goderich Saturday to celebrate C b � -_,�"i��, � I I r . ,,�', I e.11 Walter Claire R.R. 7, Lucknow; No. The induction servic the "Glorious Twelfth." it will Seaforth, where the Huron Ped- trying to Rive the PQQl. 14�,4plipal ,, " ., _ islation, unnecessary id-poacetim I 0 was 11�1 ;, ;�ayiilval, well in feverent prepara- be the ,first july 12th celebra- oration of Agriculture's ' I .1 N, . �J�� . I 9 before his 3, Win. Helm, R.R. 3, Lucknow; No. Thursday evening at 8.30, address- r� ' orktrig Lio , . first couri- .clean-out and -scrub-dow -4-s- A­�at ,;,M� Continuin r 4 _p, , jr .1.4!" - :tion by hard -w Its Com- tion In Godeelch each attempt r, �* .�IVP Clintou J. � ug 5, H nsall, mittees, will,this year lose nothi rain- On top ­ , ��. P ' , - 4,,,- John Bennett, Port Albert; No. ed by Rev. W R or o 1, � , U& in 20 years. ty-wide picnic was enjoyed 10 years were thwaii,4' i I A I , auAie.M..,Q, Mr. Diefenbaker repeated 5, Dennis Dalton, k.R. 3, Goderich; and Rev. IST. McUod,-X1PP_0n. ,At- I Preparations for the colorful ago in Lions Park, is hOst again Of this, the apiju ", . Tke P 0-servative pl ' ..g I , � . - edges to reduce No. 6,, Lao R.R., 3, ter .,.in standards set -by -former carui- occasion are 'under the direr- a u.tlet, at the bottom of the,p961 I a �, . I * . . ment, tion of the local organ,lzation, which normally -sets as a drain, - "I', I � : 'Olorful s the has been ind s y� " 30PRim. Lucknow; No. 7, John McLennan, congregation eerved,lbnch. and a Drownin Gun -provoking games and which brings member of �.�"Lt,l � . y,o-MacDonald, the service the ladies 'of Ahe Friday to the annual . g 0 , ` taxes 444 reiterated his party's .. ''Vale for enjoyable 'entertain thering i,.,�'j eto bolster dwindling mar, to ,,� 1 -getting aellopkitted, was Daniel Burns, 23, R.R. 1,-Otaffa, sights. County Federation together for a ser. . .,? R '. I . . ket*, Vhe, speaker -pointed up as RI.R. 3, Goiderich. . period of ' Special .0 , nd, The . ,,, 1� .BLYMM_q�Tro, 1, Mrs. Mary Craw- enjoyed, � speakers will be an ha I . , if-1111ty., the selection of August 10 for f - . . at, he was Slated for three nights --July 15, program of sports, entertainment, r�!,& I Ord, Blytb, No. 2, Mrs. Harold , Parade 4s scheduled. to leave Sunday. afternoon, with fingers V, � Ilection day., contending that many companions 16 and 11—in Seaforth's picturesque contests, displays and informative cross I � 1; I I Is Phillips, B�Iyth. - . . riding with four the Agricultural Park for the ed for a few days uninterrupt- 1� " groups were disfranchised by this capsized north of Granj Send. and popular Lions Park, the com- speeches. ed by rain, members of the ,pool , � 1� I , decision outhe Government. ' BRIUSSELS—No. 1, Mrs. Annie Court House Park at 1;30 p.m 4011 The deceased, shown above, mittees in charge have reported led by the Goderich Girls; Gordon M." Greig, secretarY-field- committee and volunteers from the .�. Con' Dunbar, Brussels; No. 2, Mr& Win- I ai . !�'J! , I , eluding, Mr. Diefenbaker rapped the 0 Dublin w * - of the acquisition of topnotch enter- man of the Huron Federation, said local fire brigade moved in wit a . . Receptions 'in No. 3, Mrs . I , I.. I h nifred Edgar, Brusseff; . ,a son Mr. and Mrs. Trumpet Band. Many prizes �h _ �:q. , � "' t for w9ht e termed as �H I Dxiel Burns, R.R. 1, Stiffa. tainment to complement each for parade features are being earlier this week an attendance of Pump Powered by the fire truck, L:41, , , " I ZW'vaZt waste" of funds. , azel Mathieson, Brussels. One other occupant of the night"s program. Six groups of en- offered. ousand was After working until 9 p.m. that n�� . , . . � I CLINTON---;No. I,- Mrs, Minnie For,A-rea' Neily'weds runabout, Cameron tertain6rs, two for each night, have -If ,night, " !�� . � � In ah:,'�ppen car, Mr. Diefenbaker . 117 , McGregor, expected for today's picnic. Pumping continued Monday '�* 11 _ - : Cudmore, Clinton;' No. 2, Vera . �_ ". I . Parkhill, also droWned. Alvin been booked to offer the thousands . Fridaybrings good haying weather morning and into the afternoon. I . , �: I �, . Tode to 'the fair grounds to the Morgan, -Clinton; No. 3, Mrs. Etta Mr. and Mrs. John 8 �1: , Meagher, re- , E. Munn, LondoA, formerly of who'll take in the carnival a de- D IT, ,el l I skirl of ,the Brussels Legion PJPO Thorndyke, Clinton-, No. 4, Mrs. cent newlyweds, "were guests of by rescuers lightful menu of music, 11hough," he added, "that might cut The drain-turned-gey-ser was plug- , 1�.'... � Band. Chairman of the meetilig Jean Cameron, Clinton. stunts, DIngo Friday fught I down on the size of -the crowd," ged, and Tuesday morning the � I - OOLBGBNE—No, 1, Mrs. Flet- in Dublin -parish hall' - 0 1� was --Charles, S. McNaughton, Exe honor at a post -nuptial reception from the shore. comedy, magic and merriment Guest speaker at the picnic, t scrub -down started. . j � I �, I ter, president of the Huron P.C. Cher Fisher, R.R. 4, Goderich; No. night. Ap Tuesday- . Carnival shenanigans will rolic be held in the Agricultural Park, Pool Ready For Use ��11 # 1. Association. Mayor W. J. Mill Proximately 3.00 neigh- before a,gay baptism next , 11. er ex- 2, Doris Hamilton, R.R. 5, Gode- Draws 900 to Arena -will be J. A. Carroll, assistant Wednesday—three days after the, .� tended a civic welcome. bors and friends were present to of Deputy Minister of Agriculture for start on the clean -out --clean water " � day evening, under the music t I . Elston rich; No. 3, Mrs. Win. S . allows, extend good wishes and congratula- Staffa Man Drowns, three bands, the, color of floats and I 1, Cardiff,, seeking election in Huron, R. -.R. 5, Godericb; - No. 4, Ernest tions. I . About 900 people attended the Ontario, Mr. Carroll will spea,k at was back in the large pool follow. t . I � . I - the frivolous antics of the peren- bingo sponsored by the Canadian 1:30 p.m., following the noon lunch- ing the release of the creek sh ­ . I nial clowns. ut- � introduced Mr. Diefenbaker. Dogie, R.R. 1p Port Albert. An address was read by Frank U eon in the Community Centre. off Tuesday night. According to A. .. � 1 , 11 . — GODDRICH—No. 1, Mrs. A. O'Rourke, and presentation .of a Alensall Natie Sd Parades, Prizes, Pop Legion, Seaforth Athletic Associa- � . I Townsend, Goderich: No. 2, Mrs. purse of money was made by tion and the Seaforth Community Day -Long Sports Program W, S'I'llerY, Lions member in 1, .1 , Goo. Currell, Goderich; No. 3, Mrs, Joseph Delaney, The honore - -.1 At 7:30 p.m. the giant parade charge of pool operation, the pool . , . Mrs. Michael Murray . d - Iffs Centre here Friday night. Th First scheduled event on the day- .;� " I VvIalter Westbrook, Goderich; their thanks. will spring from the corner of e pro- long sports program is a -Junior is ready for use. I ..., i NO. guests, expressed In Sun. B A faishap Sperling and Goderich Streets, , At time of writing, a lifeguard �1' . � J Marks 83rd Birthday 4, Mrs. -Phyllis Wilson, Goderich; Lunch was served under the sp()n- Gal . ce,ed,,, will go towards community . No. 5, Mrs. N. Clairmont, Goderich; sorship of Mrs. Joseph Delaney, Dante' Burns, Jr., son of Mr. and spearheaded by the RX.A.F. Sta- welfare work. , Farmers softball tournament at 10 has not yet been engaged, It is . ,'I . . . on, .the Ban- Winners of -the $1,000 prize were a.m. At least four teams, from s for the pool . q I I , John Mrs. Daniel Burns, R.R. 1, Staffs, nockburn Pipe Charles Lindsay, London; Pauline Clinton, Belgrave, Seaforth and will be from 9 a.m. to 9 P.m, The -I In McKillop - Sunday No. 6, Mrs. Robert Wilson, Huron Mrs. Pat Flanagan and Mrs. tion Band from Clint expected open hour . ' Rd., Goderich; No. 7, John Boyle, Nagle. The bridegroom served the I Band and our own � I � 11 I A family reunion was held at the r.oderich; No. 8, Mrs, C. X, Naftel, bride's cake. was -drowned north of Grand Bend Seafortb Highlanders Band. Gossage, St. Marys; Mrs. William Dungannon, will compete for the booth, tended by Don Dale and I I home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mur- Goderich; No. 9, Mrs. Grace Pat- A social evening of dancihg fol- Sunday evening when a small out- Thursday and Friday nights the Buckley, Stratford; Mrs. Mary Por- Huron Federation cup. While the open each day _. 1 I �� " . � Tay, McKillop, on Sunday, inhonor terson, St. Vincent St., Goderich; lowed, board In otor boat he was riding, parade, perhaps a little reduced but ter, Stratford, and Mrs. R. Mussel- softball, games .ai:e in progress, a for the same period of time. In ,� . I - of Mrs, Louise Murray, who Cole- No. 10, Mrs. Marion Bowler, Qode- A post -nuptial recepti with three other men, capsized. One none the thinner for enthus' man, Stratford. Other winners display of farm machinery, equi - charge of grounds maintenance is I I . xasm 'P - I brated, her 83rd birthday. I Jon honor- other companion was also drowned. and energy, will kick off from the were: 100.00 special, Mrs. R. ment and vehicles will be opened, Oscar Tebbutt. , .rich; No. 11, Charles Edward, Gode- Ing Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bassett. The four men bad �een cruising Town ,Hall. Both of these last two Holmes, Clinton; James Crich and Girls from Brussels and the Perth Following t,he completion of the 1. I The lunch table was centred by rich; No. 12, Mrs. Rex Duckworth, Dublin, was'lield at Looby's Hall Jock Doig, Seaforth; $200 special, County Junior Institute Cl �, I I a large birthday cake. All '' momm Goderich. on Friday night. on the lake a,bout a mile above carnival queues start for the Park Nelson W-estcott, Seaforth, will meet ean-out, the Lions committee has . .f, I ' It was attended . 1 . I bers of her family were'present. GOVERICH TWP.—No. 1, Mrs. Grand Bend and were about 251) at 7:30 p.m. at 2 p.m. for the featured ball expressed its thanks to members 11 with the exception of -her son, John, by a - group of neighboira and yai:ds offshore. The boat, a 12- . foot , At the Park itself an array of Fifty dollar specials were won game. A half,hour later, the first of the fire brigade whose ready help I . * 1. Beverly Hills; California. George Sialkeld, R.R. 2, Gloderich: friends, . �, �";,� . '.. ,.,.� ". - 1:11 by: Mrs. W. Elliott, Mitchell;; Win. '. No. 2, Mrs, L' ess I was rulaa6dut, suddenly turned over, games, rides and amusement booth I horse races of the day Will 'take made the clean-out possible. The 4 Mrs. Murray, wtbo enjoys fairly Goderich; _No.,J, 'Mrs. airy Ma.n- survlvors reported. . Cameron .:t I ,proy Rodges, R.R., A congratulatory addr . P s Austin, Seaforth, and Mr. Asline, over the track. Two,heats, in two committee has also reve' . I I good healthi was the recipient ,of , read by Keith Kelly and presentoL- Me- --�- lus the traditional hot dogs and Dublin (split); Mrs. R. McLean, classes will follow for the next two an aled that . . se Of money was . made Gregor, Parkhill, was the second pjap--will keep the crowds in a y persons causing damage to . "I * , mumerous appreciated gifts. ning, R.PL 2, Bayfield; Wo. 4. Mar- I tion of a PUT . , KI ppen; Dan Kohl; Mrs. S. Eck- - hour ' 'According to Mr. Greig, en- property or grounds, or found I .1'. . SbO old Tyndall, R.R. 3, Clinton; No. ' drowning victim. merry movement of gaiety between � s, makes her haind with her son meir Mitchell, and Mrs. Alex Muir, tries look good in the racing event �' I I by Wamic Bruxer. The honored Jack Gre6nley, 21. Harriston, and stage performances. On top thr wing objects into the pool, will � . I I 5, Mrs. Ira Merrill, R.R. 2, Clinton; guests, yespo,nded graciously, . of S. 0 ` "I � . Stephen. Murray. hlh� has six sons -' No. 6, Bert Finlay, ,R.R. 3, Clinton. .� Alvin E, Munn, London, escaped by. this, there'll be -nightly prize- Seaf�rth (split); Harvey Tuffin, Shortly afte� 3 p.m. races and be prosecuted. . 4i Thomas, Michael, Matthe)v, Steph- . Mitchell, and , Mrs. H. Holtzman,l * . I I � I I . GREY—Wo. 1, Lawson Doig, R.,R. clinging to the boat until people on drawing. special prize events will commence. � . I Exeter (split); Mrs. Percy Walla- 11. , "I I en, all,of McKil-lop; Leo, St.0011=7 2, Wroxeter; No. 2, Charles Arm- . shore heard their shouts and came Wvdiiesday ,night a ,radio-phono- ' A well-rounded schedule of sports ,:. . cott, Mitchell, and Robert Fraser, ; ., ban, iind John, Beverly Hills, Call- strong, R.R. 3, Brussels; No. 3, Out to rescue -the two men. Alvin graph 'All be drawn for; on Thurs, MqMaste events for young and old has been 1. I � fornia; als6 tobree daughters: Mrs. iSeaforth Lads Take Clinton (split); -'Dr. E. A. r. Planned for this Part of the day's pal .,. .1 Lorne Taylor. R.R. 2, Brussels; No. I Munn is a former resident of Men- day -night It's 4 refrigerator; to cap H. Cutlinore, Hensall, and Mrs. J. To Install '191ephone,­ I Alarle Evans, Dublig; Mrs. 11�1011, 4 Alex Mann, R.R. 1, Monkton; N ' sall His mother, Mrs. Ads, Munn', the prize roll, Friday night' will program. M. L. 'Tory' Gregg will I . . O'Rourke, MoKillop, and '� � 1953 inodel car go Kurtz, Tavistock (split); M. Moy- : be master of ceremonies for the ' Mrs. Marte 5: Roy Hall, R.R. 1, Ethel; No. '6 ves near Hensall. see a gleaming I Rfelady; Hibbert, George MacDonald, R.R. 1, Lls- To, Peewee Baseball if � Bodies" Recovered to some lucky tichetholder. There'll Ian, St. Columban; Mrs. L. Lechner,'day. Winners of sports Cox I I towel; No. 7, Mrs. Margaret Mac- I be other chances for valuable priz- Seaforth; A. Hudson, Seafarth; J. tio, and special events will be Fire Siren in Hensall Donald, R.R. 2, Brussels. apbout 30 Seaforth were tossed instantly into the wa- es above these. All proceeds from Seaforth; L. Hemberger, Seaforth; I .1 " I I A group -of When the boat upset all four Savark, Sarnia; Mrs. H. Nicholson. awarded their prizes before the At Monday night's meeting of � . � I IAI—No. 1, Percy Campbell. R. , boys are Tearizing the game of base- ter and. Burns, a strong swimmer, admission, draws and other revenue Shirley Waldron, London; Mrs, -R. Completion of the afternoon pro- 14ensall Council members, decided I , ( " Tea- -Shower Honors R. 3, Exeter; No, 2, Sydney McAr- � ball and the rudiments of good disappeared and was never seen above 4expense�i go toward Lions Holmes, Clinton; Mrs. F. Ohm, gram, I to Install an alarm connection be- � thur, R.R. 2, Hens -all; No. 3 Wjl_ sportsmansfiiii these days, through wetfare� work and maintenance of � I - . I fred Scbilbe, Zurich; No. 4, G I ordon i the efforts of four local inen who again, ,It is believed he may have Brussels; Miss 1. Campbell, Mit- Evening Entertainment tweeft the Bell office and tl�e Fire. . , . I I are in-teiested lit seeing the lads struck ihis head falling from the the Liops park and pool. cheII, and Mrs. R. Morey, Sea- The dimming of daylight will not Hall that would automatically ring . . . Miss ,Blanchg'-Zapfe, Surerus, Zurich; . No. -5, William dev'eloP_ some' early talent in the boat. . 6arnival Committees forth (split). 1. reflect a lessening of activity for the fire siren from the office. The � � . Haug.111 R.R. 1, ,Dashwood; No. 6,, sport and at the same time get a . At 12,15 a.m. Monday, Provincial The, 'following are members of Mrs, Mogk, Brodhagen; I-1. Wil. the evening's program feature� an system, costing $6.55 per month, : I I I Last Saturday Mrs. Abe Zapfe, Everett Halst, Dashwood; No. 7, . sense of team play. Consta�ies Elmer Zimmerman, Ex- this year's -carniyal committees: son. Goderich; J. Barbour, Staffa; old time fiddlers' competition, was outIined to membe'ra by Mr. . . I I . Ross Dick, R.R. 2, Hensall; No. 8, eter, and Richard Dawson, Park- General, Lions Sillery, Murray I. McLean, J. Raebo, Mrs. Woods. square dancing contests and Simmons of the Bell Telephone � Brucefield. entertained at a trousr Gordon Turnbull, R.R. 1, Dashwood. The boys, entered in a district a, mon- . " r.eau tea in honor of her daughter, tpeewee league, are playing organ- hill, found the body of Mr. Burns and Roweliff e; Program, Lions Seaforth, and Fred Skinner, Mit- ster dane e on the Arena ' s, new trap Company, Goderich. I I . Blanche, whose marriage takes HENSAI,P;--ITa beiger, Hensall, ized ball for the first time in their washed, ashore at Oakwood, at a Longstaft and Murray; draw prize, chell (split): Ken Staples, Blyth; rock floor, Fiddling competition E, R. Davis. reported regarding . ' I '. . place this week. The house HIBBERT—No, 1, Joe Dill, Dub, lives. Practices are held under point almost opposite. where the Lions ftittal, Larone, Turnbull and Joseph Young, Leo Hagan, Sea. starts RA 8:30. the repairs to the streets and side- .. was Iiii; No. 2, Win. McMillan, Staffa; boat capsized. Clint Smith; advertising, Lions Sil- forth; A. McKercher, Jamestown; ' Arra walks and suggested that some l lbeautifully decorated 'in pink and strict instruction and, according -to - ngements for. free parking ... . No. 3, Walter O'Brien, Staffa; NO, C Dragging operations, by two fish- lery and Southgate; parade, Lions Mrs. Wilson Aflan, Hensall; Mrs. all day have been made. Admis- more material be secured the lat- �� . * . 11 white streamers and a profusion 4, Mrs. Roy McCullough, Cromar- n of their b a kers, "the boys are Ing boats in charge of Constable Milner an(r Peel; parking and po- H. Fairservice, Clinton; Arthur sion to the grounds is fifty cents, ter part of August to make further . . -of summer flowers. Mrs. C. Parke; ty. ll behaved aud atten- I �r inother of thi groom, assisted In I tot ve !' Zim'inerman continued until 3:00 lice, Lion Scott Cluff; admi%sion, Wilding, Palmerston, and Mrs. Geo. children free, repairs. HULLETT—No. 1, James, Jamie- a.iii., Wh6la the body of McGregor Lions Reid, H. Stewart, H. Hunt Henderson, Brussels (split). The following executive members Charge For Grass Cutt:ng � . I receiving the guests. son, R.R. 1, Londesboro; No. 2, Mrs 1 'Two games have been played, ia was ibrought up by a grappling and J. G. Mullen. of the Federation is the committee . At a table covered with a lace Arthur Colson, R.R. 1, Blyth-, No' Dashwobd and New Hamburg. To J. A. Paterson, treasurer, pre- . 4 cloth and cen,tred with roses and 3. Lloyd Medd, R.R. 1, Clinton; No'' last year's peewee champs, New hook 250 feet off shore at .Oak- Bingo, Lions Leslie, Ross Flam- I in charge of the 1,953 pienic: ebair- sented the half yearly financial re- tail pink tapers in silver candle- 4 Reiland McVittie, R.R. 1, Blyth,* Hamburg, the boys lost 29-1. How- wood. , Ilton, H. Traviss; grounds and con- man, President R. S. McKercher, port. It was compared wit� last r 'i ever, the local lads defeated Dash- Daniel Burns, 23, eon of Mr. and struction, Lion Kling; games and R.R. 1, Dublin; vice-chairman. Wil- . wood 12 Mrs. Daniel Burns, R.R. 1, Staffa, booths, Lion Bill Dal); hot dogs, . fred Shortreed, Walton; luncheon. ing the accounts for grass cutting. I holderx Mrs. W. -Henry and Mrs,- ' - 1. I Coleman Clan Marks year's report; al -so, reported rega,rd- . NO.' 5,, Clark� Ball, R.R. 1, Clinton -7- � . Basif'U'dwards, both Of H'Onsalt, No 6, Stanley, Lyon, R.R. 1, i�- -9. They are coached and Me - 1 supervised by A. H. Ast, William Neil. R.R. 6, Goderich; The cleyk is to colleet or add to I u n; No. 7, Mrs. Wes. Bradnock, Hibbert Township. one large,bootb, Lions C. M. Smith sports committee, Charles Cou-tes, . % poured tea. In the evening Mrs. b r was born on the -family farm in etc., Lions Chesney and- Walden; PiCni Douglas 11 ; . . X. B. Baird, Brucefield, and Mrs. Auburn. Bettger, Steve Gelle and, Ar6hie Ce intenary at c the tax roll the following charges I R. Ckmeron, Clinton, Poured. Tea McKILLOP—No..I. William Ry- i Hubert. I Surviving besides his parents are and Snow; ice cream, bars, tobac- . with committee of four from Coun- for cutting grass: G. MeEwen Es- . . . �" room � assistants in the ,afternoon 1 Comprising 'the peewee roster four brothers, Harry, London; Ken- Co. etc., Lions Plumsteell and Meir. The annual Coleman picnic was ty Junior Farmers; attractions, late, $1.75: D. Sangster, $3.50; Mrs. I .tl - an, R.R. 5, Seaforth; No. 2, Gordon neth, Windsor; Fergu�, Galt. and Bird cage, Lions Keating and held at the Lions Park, S,ilf,rth, Gordon MeGavin, Walton; grounds. Stephan $2.60; Mrs. E. McAllister, I were ,Mrs. Allan Hill, Brucefloid, D. Scott, R.R, 2, Seafortil; NO.' 3, are: Don Albrecht, Gary and Ter- Joseph, at thome; Also two sisters, Don Kohl; over-arld-under, Lions last Saturday, marking -the '100th Russell Bolton. R.R. 1, Dublim $10.50- ' 1. I and Kiss Eleanor Jeff e�ry, Goderfell, Mrs, William Boyd, R.R, 2, Wal� ry Ast, Jack Baker, .Stu Banner- I D. Stewart, $1.00, � Mrs. Jean Ho1zhauer. London, and I I 1% and in-Ahe evening, Mrs. Bruce, ton; No. 4, Hugh Alexander, R.R. man, Bryan Brady, Tom Broome, MeGavin, Ross Scott, W. Crich and anniversary of the arrival of the parking and gates, Gordon Scott, The reeve was authorized to prq- I I Armstrong, Mrs, Jack C—sitt and 4, Walton. I 'Glen Coutts, Larry Dale, Keith Del- Mrs, Rose Morrison. Windsor. Free; cr(Own and anchor, Lions Coleman family In , this Country R.R. 2, Svaforth. and Gordon Rich- claim Civic Holiday August 3, 1953, 1 , 1 - Becliely, Brady and Boswell; ticket arilaon, Brucefield; dance. Gordan I I I Mrs. Morley Storey, all cousins 6f MOIRR-M—No. 1, Mrs. Jas. Phel- I low, Ray Drager, Robert . Elliott, There were 90 in attendance. At' A by�law regulating fees for the in- ­ ' J . 41e bride. an, R.R. 2, Blyth; ,No. 2, Walter Gordon Perris, Brian Flannigan, wheal, Lions Brightrall, J. Beattie the dinner hour t,be'following ex- Papple, R.R. 4, Seafortb; square sPection of plumbing and r,ewer in- ' I, � Miss Mary Beattie, London, dis- Wayne . -, "I Sbortreed, R.R. 3, Walton; No. 3, Jessome, Win Killig, Don and Whitney; bit the nigger, Lions ecutive was elected for 1,953-54. dance and fiddlers* competition, stallations was passed. The reeve � played the linens; Mrs. Mel Gra- Howard Clark, R.R. 4, Bruss McClinchey, Faul McMaster, Bill Stanley Pupils Enjoy Hays. Ed. Smith; rides, Lions La- President, Anson Col6mayy;- Zur- Bert li-win, _Clinton: reception. stated A request from H. Pflle to . I el ; rone and Jim Scott. icb; first President McKercher; publicity anji I remove a tree in front of his, prop- . '. ham, the many gifts, and Miss Ruth No. 4, John Speir, s; . R.R. 4, 'Brussels Pinder, Lloyd Pethick, Bob Reith, Fowl wheel, Lions Duncan, Bald- layson, K vice-president, Arthur Fin financ e',' See retaxy,Fieldm an Gordon . Scott, London, the trousseau. They No. 5, Mrs. Bert Garniss, R,R 4 Doug Roweliffe, Roy Scolus, Jim ippen; secretary, Mrs. El- erty was received. Council grant - 1, . were assisted by Miss Wingliam; No. 6, Harvey Ro�ert' Scott and Craig Willis. There Oe Picnic in Lions Park win and Dundas; groceries and mer Cameron, Seafortb;, treasurer, M. Greig; ,horse races, M_ L. 'Tory' ed this, providing he plant, one in . -1 Zapfe. ,-Others helping included son, R.R. 2. Bluevale. also some smaller boys who work fruit, etc., Lions Clarke. McFadden Mrs. W. H, Coleman, Seaforth; Gregg, Wingham. I its Place. Permission was granted 'Mrs. 0. Armstrong, Mrs. Roy Con- SEAFORTH—No. 1, Mrs. Ernest Lion Modeland; � I , , out with the team and will be play- S.S. No. 7, Stanjey, hold its an- and McKercher; shooting gallery, lunch committee, Mrs, Clarence the PX.C. to remove two trees in , sitt, Mrs. Austin Za.pfe and Mrs. Geddes, Seaforth; No. 2, Elmer ing next year. nual picnic at the Lions Park Sea- weight guessil"g, Coleman, Mrs. Gordon Coleman, front of Mrs. Luker's home. Yeoman Aldwinkle. � According to one of the boys' forth, last week with ' Lion H. Jat-lison" looking After Mrs. Milton Stewart, Mrs. Tholilas . -1 Rivers, Seaforth; No. 3, Allan Reid about 70 In I I Accounts Passed Miss Zapfe was honored earlier Seaforth; No. 4. Clarence Malone: managers, "we feel this work is attendance. After a bountiful sup- Change, Lion Murray; master of Laing: ,qports committee, Mr. and One Local Rink Wins The follOIA-111Z I '. in the week by friends ilmd nelgh- one of the best things that could per. sports were beld. The winners ceremonies, Lion Shorty Munroe; Mrs. Ellwood Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. , aeConnt,.� totalling .. Seaforth; No. 5, Mrs. Edith Datey, $3.732.27, were ordered paid: South 4 1 . bore, when a shower was held In Seaforth; No. Q., Ro Vert, Charteus. happen for the yorunger sot." Oth- were as follows: -- . ' special di - -aw, Lions J, A. Stewart Gordon Johnston, Mr. and Mrs, Em- I Huron Agricialtural Society. grant, - the school room of Brucefield Seaforth. I . . ers must feel this way too, for re- Girls under six, Marjori4'Turter� and Hart, children's games, Lions erson Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie' t .. � - Church. .1 I centlk the Toronto Maple Leaf boys under six, David Turner,- boys Savauge, Southgate, Teal] and Sil. Talbot. Prize in Bowling Fri. $60: Drysdale Hardware. supplies. I . STANLEY—No. 1, Mrs. John A. lery, l Ball $14.40, stieets, $21,1(-: Hensall I t . After a program Of community MacEwen, Brucefield; No. 2, Thos. baseball club donated a dozen basie� under nine, Robert ,turner; girls Sports Enjoyed Qnly one Seaforth entry gninpd a P-V.C.. hydro and watpr, Hal). 4 11 singiag, readings, musical numbers Baird, Brucefield; No. 3. Alex me- ball ba-ts to the newly-f6rmed club u"er 1% Jean Turner; Ooys under Following I,; th4,-,results of ,the � $14 06; Town of Exeter, $]60: Riv- I and contests, Blanch I e was escorted here, and a compirative stranger li,''ho'bert Turner; girls under r 1 3� I place in the prize-tvinning bracket : 1 " I geath, R.R. 3, Kipp6n; No. 4, Day- from the United States is shipping Marion. Turner; boys under 13, Walton District Native .sports * run off under the convener- At Friday night's nifxe(i dou-bles er.side Construction. aspbal*, cold . to a decorated chair and Miss Eva ld Anderson, Varna; No. 5, Milton ship of Albert Coleman, London: mix, $302-22 3: Wbrkmen's Coniperi- . - 7 � Stackhouse read a hunforous and,Tal,bot, Varna; No, 6, John Turn- the boys a cobiplete set of .Uniform%. flaiiplT ,Parsons. ,. Elected Hedd of Civil youngest person Present, Kenneth bowling tournament here. Georgels.ation. assessment, $37,35; E. W. ...11. original address. Small Jo Aun!6r, Bayfield; �No.'7, N&I LaPorte, — iYoung ladies' race, Marion Turn- Gordon ColemAn, son of Mr. And I Hildebrand and Alice Reid placed I Lil fle, painting sign.,, $3; Bell Tote- . er; young men's race. Harold Par- -Servic e! Federation I , Aldwinkle presented the Many i Zurich; No. 8, Spencer Ervine, Day- R.R. 3, Exeter; No. 2, Andrpyv�Eas- Mrs, Gordon Coleman; oldest ;er- fourth. with three wins Plus 2h. 1 pbone. .services, I . beautiful gifts In a gaily decorated sons; girls' three-legged race, Nor- 1 $11,40. ' ' V I wagon, field. . ton, Exeter; No. 3, A. W, Morg", ma. Love and Jean Turner; boys R.G. Shortreed, ,Clinton, a,native son. Mr. George Coleman. Kipl � In first place were Mr, and Mrs. - J. A. Paterson, salary, $183.33; E. 1; STLIPHIDN—No, .J, George Hep- R.R. 1, Hensal-1; No. 4, et�h under 11, three-legged rRk Leroy of Walton district, was elected largest family, Mrs. iFfirold Cole. Frank Ruston. Mitchell. with 1hree R. Davis, sa-la,ry, $96.5�0: Receiver . * ., Mrs. Betty St. Louis, Miss Ruth burn, R.R. 1, Exeter; No. 2, W,ilk- Duncan, R.R. 1, Kirkton;Koloon , , president of tire National Do man; farthest distance. Frank and I win., plus 23, Mr. and Mrs, 14. General, income tax, $3,50; 14. Love, o M Hill assisted ston Shapton, Centralia: . 5, *�kman and John Consitt; boys fence ... . I - ther�brtde. Blaikehe thanked those No, 3, Mrs. Harry Ford,. MR. 1, Wood- OVor, 13, thrOe-legged race, Jack Employees' Association at a con, Beatrice Mallott, Wayne, Mich. Scrinigeour, Goderich. with three, labor, ,qtreets, $9.3,75; I,. Munn, I , - No. 4, Al- ham; No. 6, Alvin Pyre, rul. f. volition held by the Civil Service wins pill% 22. were second, and Mr, . . Leonard Wein, Cre,diton, - Colextan and 'Ivan dMoman; Girls, 8-9. Gail Fin-layson. Nancy labor. street,q, $97,25; C. Reid, I. , Back Federation .of Canada at - Coleman; boys 8-9, Gordon -), trucking, $44,26: 0. Twitobell. gas, I ,pr:e,a.t for, the lovely glfta� 'A vin Fink-beiner, Credflon; No. Sj Centralia; No. 7, Clairbipcq Rputly MCCIY ind Mrs. Gordon VeKay, Whigham, . h . * _ _ race, girls under 11, Marion For- Quebec . u I d social half-hour I followed. Herbert McKeever, 11,R, 3, Dish. R.R. 1, Kirkton. , ,'J'', ie , A, sack race, girls, over 11, Ruth City recently. This is a newly- mont, Donald Coleman; gi"is, 11 with three wins Plus 21, won third etc., $37.84; South Huron District ! I — wood; No. 6, Melvin Stade, R.R. 2, EAST WAWANOS-H, 140. , i'' fortned,r . aasoci on. representing and under. Joan Moflymont, GAH'spot, Fifth were Mr. and iMr%. .1 High School Board, part, levy, -, Frank Marshall, R:R. % .Blyth, No_ parsons, . . National Defence Employees Aftili Finlayson; ,boys, 11 and under, I A. MacDonald, St ratford, with threlv' $612.31; Hensall Public SPL.bool 13d., - Davillwood; No. 7, Stewart Sweitzei .7r I 'Turner; sack race, boy&,' Harold ati I � . .! ,� R.R. 2, Dashwood; No. 9, Mrs, Mai- 2� Simon P. Hallahail ' Girls, Ulck-the-slipper, Marion For- Across Can. Robert Cartwright, Donald Cole .1 current expenses $2,000. or garet Love, RA 8, Parkhill; No. 9, grfi,Ve; No. 3, Whltej"X'��ockj, R;R,- r gv,,�,bbys, .Ads, man; girls, 13 and under, Joan Me- -hiks were skipped by: t � --- Hensall Rec. Direct p,:,]J�U. 1, Hel' . ate Organizations all - wins plus 17, a I ., .e4 , kl(ik,the-slipper, DonAld Other i � Outlines Park Facilities Mat .9,eltzer, R.R. 8, Parkhill; 3, Wingham; No.'4, J'Ah x XCG�e, 'O".'', Clymont. Nancy Coleman; boys. 13 j. Clarke. OttaNva: I,. F - R.C.A.F., , I " 4 t fps , kick -file -slipper. Currently. Mr. Shortreed I% Also an(? under, Robert Cartwright, Jack e P '. N 14A N, , ps, � 40 ;, 10 * the president of the Clinton (R.C. Mitchell; 14, Port rfi ]d mitelltil: Y No. 10. Mrs. Elizabeth R.A. 3. Wingham; NO. ,0, 01�q&,, An� " M! �10inton Bowling Tourney J . BM" ' Ppr'l-A"- boys under 11, � . I Robert Reaburft, newly -appointed Thornton, 225 Algonquin Rd., R.C. derson, Auburn. _ . . I ' �Io 1, A.F.) Association of Civil S Coleman. R, Sanderson, Stratford; Harry I First For Seaforth Trio ,� for Hensall, AM., *Ilejijb ervice recreation director I ,. ari"bW ilibe, Keith Stephen- , Centralia, WEST WAWANO&H. — , ' & d, " to er and Prevailing Rate Employ Boot and shoe. Jack . A � . No'.. 4, IibW� Ifohn ",' nsitt; boys ov oes. an Coleman, Brown, Wingbqm; H. L. Sherbon- Stewart, Dungamigiri, Margaret I , xtated this week ,that 8Wfugs, . TUCK ER SMIT14—No. 1, 11mmes Win. A. � No. It ,"*heeibil,ro�,.,,race, jaelc Cole- organization enibracing the major- Coleman;* young ladies. dy, Winghani; T, Pritebard, P, Bi— I Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. E. 1� I I�,j 41 ) ,teker-totters, a volleyball court, Deveri6aux, R,R. 4. Seaforth; No, 2, 2, John Forain, R.R. 2,41diliffihi No in, � and A;vAu "boleman; necktie ItY Of Civilian employees at R.C.A.F. Shirley Coleman. Gladys Ghapma.n; sott, G. Beechler. Calvin Cult, W, 114. Close and Miss Alice Reid, '11, , .basketball court and horseshoe Sohn F. Flannery, R.R. 3, Seaforth; 1. Ross Murray, MR. t, Lucknow;, ,,, I I ntbn. young men's race, Gordon Cole- Westbrook all(] A. Town,,end, a and �v, , I MR, 5, No. 4. Cairns Albdb6son,� XR. 2, � The election of the Clinton As- innn; balloon race, Bill Caldwell, Godericb. Norman McLean, and Dr. P. L. . . '1� , . courts axe :being Installed at the No..3, Mrs. G. McGregor, taco�r,]Wr. aid -Mrs. -Ralph Turr!er; Stat'on, C"I 11 of Mr. ,and Mrs. Gordon Muir ,shoe scramble, Mrs. Rafph Turner, Gladys Chapman; 1, I , Community, Park. Clinton; No. 4. W. D. Wilson, R.R, Lucknow; No. 6, ArchIp Altibbeson ' - . 80clati6iii. delegate as first preeldent Pass the orange, J. Nediger, R .Murray. 1. Slilder. i Brady ,And Williath Ball were in I . The pro&a,14. .will also IncluWb 1, Brucelield: No. 5, Mrs, Roybell, R. I R. 1, Liaeknow- No 6 V,%'P,' J�i' - . . is con- Irene Coleman'% team; paper bag .'I 4 , A I _ * of'the Na-tional Association C. Draper. all of Clinton: ElginiClinton attending a mixed treble% - . I, -spor �' ,60066�,#,4Aatics and .games. Box 66, 31ensAll, No. 6, lva.n F . .- - R. 2 �4iitrijl' "You're hardly eating ve of the esteem � ': � , " la: rets 1:1, TZ, , I . a thing." slilere& Mdlentl relny, Gladys Cbapman's team, 0'0- Smith. Atwood; George I-birt, At- tournament. Vil*. and Mrs. Close '�� � Mr.,NAORA46 iecently roceiv- sytb,'R,R- 2, Kippen; No. 7 Mom. EO — Noi 1'gl�s. Vera said the girl to her Nsliful gultor held for Mr. Shortreed by fellow , " ,,� e , � , XETER ers): harnmer the nail, Mrs, Mil-1wood; Clias, DAnbrook, Atwood. land Miss Reid won first prive. , L �� , . � I '� ed did Al$f'OnimOnt of principal of Joan 14. Munson, 28 Regina Rd., Rowe, Exeter; No, 2, 1 j ton Stewart, Seaforth; bunny J�� �ttt h4l& Tira- at dilindr." d � Olegates. It also reflects the prom- Other Seaforth rinks were %kip- Wlednes,day, Lorne Dale and ft. I - . 1; " k *1 K� , - �11.- I , lid Z 0 1 *,��'� � 1. I � 14 ; "I ; " 1, I I� '. I I , � I I � ? I , W - - ., �, M . M", a , ­* I I :: INS "" i: ` " -� .. 1� , .�. ��, 1.1,11-S4,0111 I I ;. 1� " . _­ ...... *I.� ... , ::14 lx� . I ; - .:.:'11... M. .1. I ; I.. � I 1. . I . ��% % I �.; . . � �Y.1?6. I . . . . . . 1M.-ttt - , I 1.1" : I e 1, M �:::: X. Z of,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "., ft JReftjalJr`Nb1I6 -School, canie to R.C.A�F., Clinton; No, 8, Mrs. Jean qua.1r, Ex - ell I "I "', . eter; No. 3, Glenn Mlekle 1191tting �ext to you," he blush- lndiliC4 held, by the Clinton (R.C. K Fanson, Monroe: Art F_ ... ty- ped by: B. P1. Cbristle, Gordon Muir F Christie amd Dr. P. L. Brady and ,�: .!, '.;,�� ! � JRofillal-j frojh� dhosley,, where ho Jacob, R.R_ Cliiiton� Exeter; No, 4, Mrs. Harold BeRVW ed 9911shtlY, "is enough t make Ail?.) ,A,ssobf.tion in this v,qst soil, Hippen: pick the spot, Thomas -1vin Dale were in Exeter attond- � 1�i�j�, 11 . `�"l " WRA 9 req�atfbn director there. USUORNP—Nd. 1, A, ,G. Hicks, May P.M � I 0 D , ordboilgation, Lrdng. Cromarty, Ball, Walker Hart and F. L -a -m, Ing a doubles tournament, ',.�N'111 4C �. �,r,;, I I 411Y ul,XP logo W appetite." .1�. �11 i Dr. P. 4 Brady, R. Stevens, �6m: I A I �,,,,, . - � , pnee. , i. ­ ­, - � . . 1. I I . . I � I I , ,.,',�,�-,' . I � . . . . I .i � ", . I . I � I " `k;,��! , . I . I . . J I , . � I I . .0, ­ � ��i�[,V I I . . A� . , I . . . - .1 1. I . 1, . �. 11 �;ikI���;,, :�,, ,,, 1. "I ��l ., � . . � . I I � . � - - ", .- ,� - 4 .#�,. - I - . .1 I ,�� , , , �e . . ­ 11.1 'i''. , I . .� 0 I %­­ ,f,,, � � iel,�;` 11 1, , % � , 1. . . 'L 1. I � 1. "Al - 4 , . � ; � I , �,, ­�­Ili�; I :0", �k � ­,;11,1� "'' _ 1�" �­';� , - � 11 , , , ., ',�,!�,, ,, y . . . � q, �� , , , , �4 , , I . . '' �� ,,� ., I I., I . : , ., ill - u'a, ,,� ., � ,, ,� .... .. ,_�''..4., ­!'),,I,:�-.,��_,,%� , ,�. ,I,��Z­f,'��,�� Ill,', It" I ­�,� I I ""'',"o, , - , ,.:�,�.�, .1 * .,�� , 11 1'�" - . , �, , " , , .. 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