HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-06-05, Page 8it is II 5'. 'E9S1cOR r , X91 ec alinn in Bili ARANTE EEBON DSALTIP, ,ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS 11tURRR(LdARY AND WINDSTORM ' Denting Companies who ,LTM Security with Service. MAO AGENTS FOR ONT BIO THRESB iMAN'S MU FIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON & REID 31, A. REID - Proprietor Insurance and Real Estate Phone 214 — Seaforth FOR SALE Modern Dwelling on. 'East Wil- 3.um St. New air conditioning unit. immediate possession. Fralue Dwelling with all modern €onveozljences. 011 heating. Suit- able for V.L.A. purchase. Modern 2 -Storey Dwelling, with Runge. S'parling St. Possession Salvation Army. -8:00 p.m., Sun- day unday School; 7 p.m., Salvation Meet- ing; 4 p.m., Thursday, Hobby Crafts, Young People; 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting. A cordial welcome. —Lieut. Harry Keats, Officer -in - Charge. First Presbyterian Church. — 10 a.m., Bible Class and Church School; 11 a.m., The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper: Junior Congre- gation; 7 p.m., Song Service. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. Northside United Church. — 10 a ni Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., Rev, W. S. Moores of Thames Road Church, Chairman of Presbytery; Junior Congregation and Toddlers' Group; 7 p.m„ Mr. Brock Vodden, of Blyth, Huron Presbytery candidate for the ministry.—Rev. J. W. A. Stin- son, Minister. arranged - Modern New Dwelling, very cen- trally located; oil heating. All ,conveniences. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St., with all modern conveniences. Pos- session arranged. Frame Double House on John St. e?ossession arranged. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI All passengers insured PHONES: 162-J or 162-W FuneralDesigns Wedding Flowers Corsages - Pottery Tropical Fish - Greeting Cards FLOWERS Owned and Operated by ERIC and BARBARA MILNER Phone 393 : Seaforth "Flowers Wired Anywhere" INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHFGATE Successor to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 834 Res. 222-R MAIN ST.: SEAFORTH SII 11n11U 1 til it UO mutt Ill liiiiiinu to Nr. Stuart ltf• Finnigan, Sarnia, stn of Mr. 00 Mrs. W. a. k'iilnt gan, Egmondville. Rev. Hubert Gehl perforrect the rites. The wedding +-muel0Was played by. Mr. Raymond Maseel, and Mrs. Roy Smith sang. The ,bride was attended by her three sisters: Miss Ursua -Montag, Mrs. Thomas Kuntz, both of Water- loo, and Miss Geraldine Montag, Montreal. The best man was Mr. W. H. Fin- nigan, London, Ont., brother of the bridegroom. The ushers were Mr. Wilbert Montag, brother of the bride, and Mr. Arthur Edmunds, Hamilton. A reception was held at the Kress Hotel, Prestou. Mr. and Mrs. Finnigan will live in Sarnia. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close, Sea - forth, announce the engagement of Diane Lola Mowat, to Teck. -Sgt. James Gordon Tamen, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan, the wedding to take place the latter part of June. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George R. Camp- bell, Seaforth, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Katherine Mabel, to Harry William Nesbitt, Bayfield, son of Mr. and Mrs, Blake Nesbitt, Listowel, the marriage to take place late in June. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Helmar Snell, Seaforth, announce the en- gagement of their daughter,. Mar- garet June, to Norman Francis er net with mauve tinted daisies. Dickinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. The groomsman was Donald King and the ushers were Gordon Cassidy, London, and Alan Pretty, Egmondville. BARRY - KING A pretty wedding took place in St. James' Church .Saturday, May 30, at 1.0 a.m., when Rev. Father E. P. Weber united in marriage. Ruth Dorothy, daughter of Mrs. Sheila King, Egmondville, and the late William King, and Stanley Barry, son of Mi'. and Mrs. James Barry, also of Egmondville.' Mr. Stanley .J. Smith played the wed- ding music and' accompanied Miss Julia Flannigan when she sang a solo. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr.. John King, and chose for ,her ensemble white net over satin with rhinestone studded bodice, lace bolero, white illusion veil set with pearls, and carried red roses. Her attendants were two bridesmaids, Mrs, Gordon Cassidy, London, and Miss Mary Lou Rus- ton, Egmondville, both of whom wore dusty • rote net over taffeta with headdresses of net, and car- ried blue -tinted mums. The maid of honor, Miss Carmetia Keats, .St. Catharines, wore yellow taffeta ov- Norman R. Dickinson, Toronto, the marriage to take place on Satur- day, July 11, in • Exeter. -ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Shannon wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Mar- garet, to William Glen Andrew, son of Mr.' William Andrew and the late; Mrs. Andrew, Kitchener. The •wedding will take place quietly i early in June. IIIIIIIiI111111111111HIIIIlllililllllllllilll) MiLLER & WILBEE TAXI Service Passengers Insured Phone 362 SEAFORTH IO O O O O O O O o O 0 a W. J. CLEARY 0 10 _Beaforth, Ont. O IO -LICENSED EMBALMER 0 10 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 10 Night or Day Calls — 335 O Ip O 10 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 10 O J.. A. BURKE 0 0 Funeral Director O O and Ambulance Service 0 10 DUBLIN - GNT. 0 0 Night or Day''dalls: O O Phone 43:r 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 00 00..0 O O * Weddings * uuiuuununlllmWlnllimnmml1111! CRAIN - HOLMES On Saturday, May 23, at 3 p.m., Miss Carolyn E. Holmes, Tbronto. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes, Seaforth, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Wallace C. Crain; of Muskogee, Oklahoma. Rev. J. J. Farrington officiated. FINNIGAN - MONTAG St. Zonis R.C. Church was the setting for the marriage Saturday, May 30, ; of Dolores E. Montag, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Montag, 230 Mary St., Waterloo, COAL COAL WiLL ADVANCE I`N'PRICE 50c July 1 50c August 1 50c September 1 Buy Screened Coal—more value for your money! William M. Hart PHONE 784 SEAFORTH ,Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride with 45 guests in attendance. They were present from Hanover, Woodstock, Kitchener and London. On their retgrn-from a trip , to Nla.gara Falls they will reside in Egmondville. The bride travelled in a navy' blue suit and white ac- cessories. McINTOSH - HUNTER• Lucknow United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Sat- urday, May 30, at 3 p.m., when . Rev. Mr. Dickenson united in mar- riage Lois Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William 0. Hunter, R.R. 3, Lucknow, and Robert J. McIn- tosh, son' of the late Mr. and ,Mr•S. John McIntosh, also of R.R. 3, Lucknow. Decd May 29 Qf Bluron ilio itar The Expositor will pay five cents for .copies, returned of the 'issue of May 29. !Heavier demand for issues of this date and a shorter run have left, few coples''for file and reference. -if local ordIstrict •readers have read last week's issue and it is still in relatively goodcondi- tion, The Expositor will ap- preciate receiving copies at the office; and will pay five cents for every good copy. LATE MRS. HARRY JEFFERY Following a week's- ihness in Scott Memorial Hospital, there passed away on Saturday, May 30, Davina Barton, widow of the late Harry Jeffery, in her 82nd year. Mrs. Jeffery was .born at Galt but came as a young girl to Seaforth, where she spent most of her life, with theexception of a few years in Wingham. Mrs. Jeffery was known for her kind hospitality and was a- favorite among both old and young: In her earlier years she was a popular hostess at many so- cial events. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church, the Lad- ies' Aid and W.M:S., and active in all these organizations until a few years ago. Mrs. Jeffery was married in 1&97. Mr. Jeffery passed away nine years ago. Surviving are one daughter, Miss Norma Jeffery, at home, and one sister, Mrs: F. C. Anderson, town. The remains rested at the G. A. Whitney Faneral Home until Mon- day, ;wheA a largely attended. ser- vice,was held, with Rev. D.Glenn Campbell officiating. During the service Mr. James A. Stewart sang "Safe in the Arms of Jesus," ac- companied by 'Mrs. Stewart. The pallbearers were John C. Stevens, Ross Murdie, Melvin E. Clarke, Lorne Dale, James A. Stew- art and David H. Wilson. Flower - :bears were John Cummings, Clare Reith, M. A. Reid, J. G. Mullen, Harry Stewart, C. A. Barber, Allan Ryan, James R. Scott, John Beat- tie and M. R. Savauge. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. uln • ears a .On Vooations- Elliott and Miss Mabel Cameron Were in Stratford on Wednesday' attending the graduation exercises at Stratford General Hospital when Phyllis Boyes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Boyes was a graduate. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong, Cor- rie, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Close. • Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jarman, Cal- gary, Alta., were weekend. guests of Mr. and Mrs, James Henderson, North Main St. Miss Pearl Thamer, Reg.N., of Chatham, was a guest Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn. The bride was given in marriage by her father and was attended by Miss Donalda Nicholson; Seaforth, and Jean McKinnon, Tiverton. Mrs. William Button, Lucknow, twin sis- ter of the bride, was matron of honor. Robert C. McKenzie, Lucknow, was groomsman. The .ushers were Charles Webster, .Lucknow, and Robert Sloan, Sarnia. Mr. Elmer I'mbach was the organist and Jas. T. Scott, Seaforth, was the soloist. A reception was held at the Com- munity Centre where Mrs. Hunter received the guests, assisted by Mrs. Jean Hetherington, aunt of the groom, and Mrs. H. Goodhand, aunt of the groom. Following a wedding trip to the Southern States, Mr. and 'Mrs. Mc- Intosh will live at R.R. 3, Luck - now. The ,bride travelled in a pale green suit, brown accessories and shortie coat. Her flowers were Tal- isman roses. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 G. A. WHITNEY ID Funeral Home 0 K7 Goderloh St. W., Seaforth O 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital beds 0 10 for rent. 0 l0 F'LO(WERia FOR EVERY 0 l0 OCCASION O 10 Telephone: Day or Nig'hte 119 0 Residence 95 0 I*0000000.000 cro00c>00000 O BOX 0 utterat eperbtit IL S. I3COK Licesneed Embalmer 0 A$fULAH6E 0 eu d e bf'lil attention �Y AtOold*Red O e IlEi y�t m*4 P,�Ot��•t�y'AL.I1•CILC! l If!it +� eii• •,� More 43 0 I�f Electric Wiring SUMMER IS HERE! Now is the time to think of that new Electric Range. See us for quotations on your Wiring Jobs - REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF APPLIANCES FRANK KLING Phone 19 • • Opposite. the Post Office Used Cars & Trucks 1951 Plymouth Sedan 1950 Plymouth Sedan, with Radio 1950 Dodge One -Ton Express 1949 Meteor Club Coupe, w'th Radio 2-1949 Dodge Sedans 1946 Chev. Sedan 1937 Dodge Sedan Machinery We have,on hand for immediate delivery, NEW: MOWE1tS, Also SIDE RAKES Also N.C.M. BALER with automatic ties, in good condition. Rowciiffe Motors PhOtte 267 b Seaforth LOCAL BRIEFS Flight Sergeant Joe Morgan and family a Whitepor•se, .Alaska, who has been posted to 'Clinton Radar School, has, recently moved, into the W. J., Thontpeon Apartment,,,, Sea- for.th Dr.. and ,Mrs. A. R. Campbell and Rev. W. A...Young, Guelph, called on .friends in town .Friday euroute to Hensall tp attend the ,Spring Fair being held there, Mr, A. E„ 'Muff, North .Tonawan- da, was renewing acquaintances in town on Saturday. Mr- .and Mrs. Gordon. M. 'days, Detroit,: were guests of . Mrs. R. S. Hays and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills over the Decoration Day holiday. . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh .Reid, .De- troit, were weekend guests of Mr. and, Mrs. W. J. Stuart. Miss Mary Jg Walker and Mrs. Margaret .We>;►ber, Ottawa, spent a few 'days, at Miss Walker's home here. Miss Helen McKercher, Ottawa, spent the weekend rat the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .11. F. McKercher, McKillop. Mr. and Mrs: Norman Melntyre, and t*Z sons, Owen Sound, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. '"Harry Stewart. Mr. and. Mrs, A. R. G. Ament and 'faintly, Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. W. Ament, last week. Mrs. Alex Lowery is in Galt vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Little, and Mr. Little. Miss Mary Ryan, Preston, was a weekend guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. Mrs. D. Molyneaux, Chicago, is also vis- iting her sister, Mrs. O'Loughlin. Messrs. 'Olean MacTavish, Bruce Hastings and John McCullough, all of Lgndon, were Sunday guests of Mrs. John MacTavish. Mrs. J. M. McMillan, rs, Peter Dunlop Mand Mrs. Frank Kling were in Hengail on Friday serving as judges of the baby show being held in connection with the Spring Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Hamilton and daughter, of Whitby, attended the Murray -McQuaid wedding on Saturday and were guests of Mrs. Joseph McQuaid, Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reid, of Hamilton, called on friends in town Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. !Ferguson, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas 3. Flynn. . Mrs. George Cameron. Mrs. J. H, Teck, Sgt. J. G. Taman, Selfridge Air Base, Mich., spent a few days at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. E. H. Close. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Colbert and son, Brad, Burlington, were here this week attending the funeral of Mrs. Harry Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating were in Windsor this week. They were accompanied home by their daugh- ter, Mrs, D. L. Hoover, and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Parker, Kit- chener, were guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hutchison. Miss F. Snyder and Miss M. Vabasalu, of Abelene, Kansas, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Aitcheson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland, Toronto, were guests of his par- iiiimnts, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland er ,the weekend. r. and Mrs. Alex Boyes, Mrs. J. W. Modeland, Mrs: David Mc- Lean, Mrs. • K, McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lee, Miss' Norma Leem- ing, Miss Bee Finnigan, Mrs. John Platt and Mrs. Harry Pretty at- tended the graduation 'exercises at Stratford General Hospital this week. 'blue coal' SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT The .Color Guarantees the Quality Spring and Summer prices WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 868-J Res. 192-M Look at This One The Parent-Teacher Association of 'St. Patrick's Separate School, Dublin, held its regular meeting last week in the parish hall with. the president, Mr. Geo. Ducharme, presiding. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes. Dur- ing the first part of the evening a musical program was staged by the pupils of the Separate School, including the numbers which they sang at the recent music festival in Mitchell. Teachers and pupils are to be congratulated on the ex- ceptional talent displayed, and on 'winning the shield for their unison chorus. Guest speaker of the evening was Father A, Durand, St. Peter's Seminary, London, who addressed the parents on preparing their boys and girls for a vocation in life, stressing marriage. T h e speaker said that it is the duty of both father 'and . mother to pre- pare their children for their sta- tion in life. Parents must first prepare the mind of the child,, he said. Father Durand pointed out that "if marriage is your vocation, somewhere in this world there is a husband or wife for you." The greatest influence in helping boys and girls to find a right partner is found in the home, first by family prayer, which is •most powerful; secondly by good example; and, thirdly, by actual conversation with the children, he said. Parents should show an interest in the friends of their, children, and encourage bey and girl relation- ships, he said. He also said it was necessary for boys to be taught to be good managers and girls to be good housekeepers. After delivering a few remarks about religious vocations, Father Durand concluded his interesting and instructive talk by saying that, "if we ask Him for help, God won't let us down." Election of officers resulted as follows: ,Spiritual director, Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes; president, George Ducharme; vice-president, Dr. T. Mei,ady; secretary,' Mother Irmina; treasurer, Mrs. Pat Flanagan; councillors, Mother M. Alma, Moth- er Sheila, ''Mrs. Frank Bowman, John Moylan. Tickets were sold on a ,Corona- tion prize and was won by •Frank Flannery. Seaforth WI to Hold June Meeting Tuesday 100 ACRES IN TUCKE'RSMITH —40 acres in. Spring Crop; 30 acres in beans..: First-class' barn. Along with a full line of farm pietnents, Including Massey -Harris tractor,,, 'Veit Modern Ranee Hnifee wlt11 six rbotas, of modern furniture. Will sell comlplete or separate. PRICED IiOR QUICK SALE ,. FOR PRICES AND TERMS /Can '� Wt. Cr' OKE OFFICE IN THE 1011gEti;'$ HOTEL; The regular meeting of the Sea - forth W.I. will be held Tuesday, June 9, at 2 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Eldin Kerr. Roll _call will be, "Name one of Canada's foodiules." The motto will be taken by Mrs. Henry. Enzensberger on "Health i$ wealth, let no one be a spend- thrift." Mrs. Robert McKetcher will have the topic. Members who have not already done so are reminded to order tickets for the A:C.W.W. Conven- tion. Lunch committee for the June meeting is: sandwiches, 'Miss Mab- el, Cameron, Mrs. W. Coleman; cake, Mrs. Paul Doig and Mrs. 3. McLachlin., , EGMVMONDVILLE .Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Gardiner are attendir-,the ali.nual.conference.at Woodstock his week. , Miss` Mar ene Fisher; Ayton, was a•..,Miss-.Marlene guest at themtome of, Mr. Andrew Houston over the weekend. Mrs. Bruce McClinchey and fam- ily visited with her sister, Mrs. El- more Stephenson, on Tuesday. Mrs. Davrd Stephenson, accom- panied by her daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lee ,McConnell and Mr. and Mrs. Perce Johnston, Varna, visit- ed recently with the former's neph- ew, Mr: Orval Stephenson and fam- ily of Marlette, Michigan. DUBLIN Mr. Bill Evans, who has -recently joined the Provincial Police Force, has, been stationed at Merritton, Ont. Constable Evane is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, Dub- lin. Mr. and Mrs. Al Young and daughters, St. Catharines, visited with Mrs. Mary O'Rourke. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton and clhildren, Galt, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hallinan and son, Detroit, visited with Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Flanagan, Toronto, visited with Mrs. Cather- ine Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Harry ,Dingeman and Paul, Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. David McConnell. Miss Dorothy Kistner, Reg.N., Kitchener, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Kistner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrne, Mar- garet, Anne and Bobby, Hamilton, visited with Miss Monica Byrne and 'Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Melady and Mr, and Mrs. Edward Melady at- tended the ordination of Rev. Thos Melady and his first solemn high mass in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. "Jerome Nicholson, 4London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf. Frank Rowland, Toronto, visited with Mrs. W pnifred Rowland. Leading Seaman William F. Cos- tello and Mrs. Costello, Dartmouth, N.S., visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Stationed at Dartmouth, N.S., for the past three years, he has' been posted to the naval base at Toronto for two years. ��qq Mr. and Mrs..Bert Gliddon ancll. daughters, Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E'ergns Kelly. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolff, De- troit, visited with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jeffrey, Gall and Gary, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry •Schellenberger and Er- ic,. Clinton, vildted •IVith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott. Miss Marion Meagher, Markdale, 'Visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher, Miss Audrey Elliott, daughter of Mr. and, Mr®; Lloyd Elliott, is a patient in- Scott Memorial Hosp1- tat, Seaforth.. Daniel Williams and Mr, and iVlztt„ Jdspnli' W41liairts and daugh= i vietted• r t Meh araia 11+1 n tori M With , b _porta Wf111.4 nl_9,„ : . i Ville B'battlob Mu y, West 11 crit 08.1 Kl ted with Mr. and E7rs. �r�trr'� RED CROSS NOTES The Red Cross work rooms will be open on Friday, June 5, to give out sewing and knitting. The ex- ecutive will meet at 3 p.m. New,TelephongBooks Issued in Town, Area Two heads are better than one, according to an old „saw, but one telephone directory is usually bet- ter than two, says C. B. Symonds, Bell Telephone Company manager in this region. Mr. .Symonds explains that many Seaforth subscribers, who are re- ceiving the new directory by mail this week, will be tempted to re- tain the old one as an a"extra." But, with 5,783 new" and changed listings in the new telephone book, keeping the old one can Iead to plenty of embarrassment, annoy ance and lost time caused' by call- ing wrong ninubers. His advice is to throw away the old book as soon as the new directory arrives and to check private telephone numbers fists against the new directory and bring them up to date. New Buff Cover This year's directory has a buff cover to distinguish it from last year's green -bound edition. Be- sides. Seaforth,. it lists subscribers in Stratford, Atwood, Clinton, God- erioh, Listowel, Mitchell, St. Marys, and surrounding territory. An indication of the expansion in this area is seen in the increase in number of directories to he deliv- ered. The initial moiling is 17,887 copies, as compared with 17,375 last year. This tip for speeding up long- distance calls is offered: "When telephoning long-distance, the sub- scriber should call by number so that the local operator does not have to ask 'Information' at the distant point for the number of the person called." get S lovely new D _ � Op n. W.ITIR A 45 PIECE SERVICE FOR elaI' Prlee tarl�o"r AVAILABLE IN ALL issrx' COMMUNI'tY PATTERNS SAV AUGE' S 1*v} NAVY P1,A'1GING TECHIGICi#L:OFi "LURE OF THE WILDERNESS'S. JEAN PETERSJEFFREY HINTER The lived -and loved hidden in Georgic's danger -infested swamp- lands. Don't miss this adventure -packed story! NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "THE DEVIL MAKES THREE" GENE KE�IyI.Y HER ANGELI t The Army Certain returns to Germany to find the girl who saved his life. This drama is filled with intrigue excitement and re+ mance! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — TECHNICOLOR'' "MUTINY" PATRIC KNOWLES ANGELA LANSBURY 'In the rugged roaring days when our country was young, men fought, loved and died for honor. With the War of 1812. as, back- ground, it's higha,dveriture. Coming "BECAUSE YOU'RE MINE" • Listen Mister! When you, want to', invest in a Pair of Shoes, drop in and lookat the BEST BUYS in this neck of the woods! WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The LIttle Store With the BIG Values" — SEAFORTH- "The Service You Will Appreciate" FRANK'S Phone 592 at SERYL Seaforthl F. C. GRIEVE' - Lessee ". :Jewellery » Qtfte • ;Fine China. BErAFOtTW —FARMERS— It's FARMERS It's Spray Time! FOR LOW COST WEED CONTROt, Use ' Spramotor NOW ON DISPLAY Models from $178 up Manufactured in London SOLD and SERVICED by Crown Hardware AUTHORIZED SPRAYMOTOR DEALER Phone 797 Seaforth. Whitney Furniture Ju n eBride Sp. eca is • KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD SUITES --Standard & Sectional • MODERN BEDROOM SUITES • DINING ROCK SUITES All At Special June Prices! Whether you're a new bride or not, you'll be welcome to choose the furniture of your choice during the month of June at WHIT- NEY FURNITURE -- where you always strop with confidence. Wh a itney Furniture: PHONES: 9, ,Res. . Eel , ' e .... Funeral d1 Arnbutance Service Day Or N'toht SEAFORTH • • r;