HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-05-29, Page 8•,.,.• Fr.47 ,i a 41 1r 111 HURQN • ler, 41 N4,e! f, • e 4•4P 4,4'" ".4it ' s a. •, . , . • . ,,,t,.4(),;44,4•"4":".,4;',4"4...A,":".4:4"."4.,,44'''..,•411,4'.f.,,•"..,4,"`..• 44,4. • Ao- • - ......"........,=,.,... Irrx4% 4' ' .1 ,, , . • ;11:20WI. evelegemigemAN,e, , • '; ' ,„v -.';i4 64 , • • +' ' '1 la tze in LTY , BILE, CASUA 0 , el,NTEE BONDS NiT, AND SICKNESS y AND WINDSTORM , .., :19Mg• Companies who eweeweee with Service. ' AGENTS FOE eDNTARIO eiuTuAL, • MBE INSURANCE Information gladly given- WAVSON & REID . - Church , e A ' ( , -, Salvation Army. -3:00 p.m., SwF day School. 7 p m Salvation Meet- ' • ‘' ing 4 pen., Thursday, Hobby Crafts, Young People; 8 pm., Prayer Meeting. A cordial welcome. -Lieut. Harry Keats, Officer -in- Charge. First Presbyterian Church. - 10 a.m., Bible Class and Church School; 11 am., Pre -Coronation Atom tilde, wliddli wag: centre vitit a till."41•P4- "Ite' verlar deeearations ueed were aPring ;0W- ers and streamers. Masa Maridrie Rem and Mee Dorothy Fischer as, slated in serving. • • For -a trip to eastern wedding ceetres, the bride changed to a powder blue suit with red acces- sories and a corsage d of red roses. On their return they will reside in Seaforth. Guests Were present trona Collingwood, Sebringville, Mitchell, St. Cellunban, Clinton and Geaforth. LATE :KNE.01.31.firel•;1.174.11, Andrew Little. U, Well'IgnoWn:iresi- dent Of Seatortia, died Wedneeday, lidei 20, at the honee of hi,' son William H. Little, Hydro Rek, Blunt-. fwd. Township, in his 93rd year. He wee born at •Conetailee, near seam:pi, on pnbruary ale 1861. At this time the Huron Tract was in the pioneer stage, and he could re- member the 'splitting of rails for fencing and the clearing of the for _ eet. While lie was still a boy the family moved to Owen Sound. When a young man he went OA 3% It EdBlundkCat0 GO:t,trelldrt alitl'grb.,'EturveY Mrietteeenteluttne Mina' Jean CUirrati. and adra, Aletc Yule, Ferantlord. Coeientkitgiale Gyeesdetate's ' ' • • ' • - - - ., Established in Jeba Seadorth Dintricf Higle SelmalP students, graduates of special corn- mOrcial have obtained the follow - . , , . . ing positions: Jean Brown, Cana- diem Bank of Coinmerce, Seaforth; Leona Johnston, secrtary, Agreicuul- tural Representative's office, ne ton; Anne letows.ki, secretary to accountant, Dire , ct Winters Trans - P ort, Toronto; Margaret McArthur, secretary to office manager, Super- test Oil Co., London; Jean Siemon ' Great Northern; Life Insurance Co., Toronto; Margaret Smith, secre, tary, Simpson -Sears, Toronto; Mar- gery 'Walden, Dominion Bank, Sea- forth. ...x."..". e, ' ,,,, . t"' ' ...ed.' .e re, , , :sipArou-TH . • • LOCAL BRrEFs • . NOW PLAYING ,"BIG JIM 1V1acLAIN'L JOHN WAYNENANCY OLSON. Thi s , ie a high-tension story filmed in the Hawaiian Islands. Lots of action and suspense as, they track dome a Communist treasurer • , • - Mrs- Se W. Malanle-Y, St. Vital, Man., demr rbsrostehoefrt, and Mr. Jainiaesalog.11Secosttt of atuTth4rnmtoanirgliltraellt. 'i Wilson, Reg.N., London, was n town Saturday at- ittlethe ftineral of the late An- drevi, L. , • Me, and Mrs. Warren Ament, Miss Frances Ament and, Mr. Wil- Ham Anient, Detroit, visited the former's Mother, Mrs. Wm. Ament, on SaturdaY: ' • Mr. and ears. George A..thLomve, Ci)derich' spent Sunday wi r. . and MrsJames F. scott, Miss Alvira Churchill and Dr. and Mrs. Massey, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thcon'ae Flynn. NEXT M'O.NDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, "DREAMBOAT" . , ' CLIFTON WEBB GINGERRDGERS - Clifton Webb, the College Professor, is shown as the matinee_ idol ' of silent Pictures by TV, This °Palette, is filled with, fun and laugher from beginning to end! , • 311, A. REID - Proprietor Estate Service; Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., Special Service attended by the High School Cadets an,d Bugle -.. , - . V eee .4 de.a.:"' -le -' ', e e. ,erra '17111111.111rMill withtending his brothers to" the West, journey- ing by United States Railways be- , fore' Insurance and Real Band.. - Rev. D. Glenn Cempbell, :; the CP.R. was built. , Phone 214 - Seaforth Minister. Northside United Church. - 10 - . LATE MRS. A. BROADFOOT After a time he returned to Sea.: After where he worked in the pro-, NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY - TECHNICOLOR O "LUREF THE WILDERNESS" JEAN PETERS JEFFREY HUNTER 'They lived and loved hidd,en in Georgia's danger -infested 00vramp- larld. Don't miss this adventure -packed story! ' FOR SALE , ddodern Dwelling on East Wil , ailam st. New air conditioning unit. Immediate Possession- a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., Cieronation Service, "We Are One in Christ"; 7 p.m. "The Coronation," inustrat- ed. -Rev. J. W. Stinson, Minister. There passed away in Toronto, on Monday, May 25, Clementine Davidson, widow of the late Alex- ander Broadfoot, formerly of Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs. Broadfoot is survived by one duce business of the late D. ' D. Wilson. Following •this he became the manager of the first concrete' business established in Seaforth by the late Frank Gutteridge. He moulded the sills and lettering for the Comniercial Hotel. District Pupils Win At Mitchell Music Festival Pupils of Stanley J. Smith who won prizes in the Mitchell Music .3a, "same Dwelling with all modern Scillvenlendee- 1----5-eing• Suit- Able f. .A. purchase. NEWS OF THE TOWN daughter, Mrs. Margaret Shoeereft, Toronto, and a sister, Mee Edith Davidson, Seaforth. In 1899 he moved with his family to MacGregor, Man., where he farm.; Mr. and Mrs. Ross McEwen, of - • • Winnipeg, spent severaldays last week with Mrs.. Reid and Miss Gal- braith, Goderich St. Miss Mabel Turnbull left Thurs- day morning for Dorval, Que„ from where she will take a B4O.A.C. Plane for London, England. She will attend the Coronation and al- so visit her brother, Mr. Arnold Turnbull and his wife and family. • ' • ' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little and son, Brantford, were here last week attending the funeral of the for- , 's father, Mr. Andrew Little. Dr. P. el'. Bechely and son Mich- ael, who have been in Florida for the past few weeks, returned home Sunday evening. , Mrs. P. Devereaux and Mr. Ed. Devereaux, Toronto, were weekend guests of relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Watson and Mr. and; Mrs. Bert Sand.erson, Gode- ric•h• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Willis . . , , Detroit, and Mr. Robert 0. Willis, Akron, oliio were heretlast week • attending the funeral of their father, the late W. G. Willis. Mrs. Frank Novak has moved in-'' to the Mee/faster Apartments on Market St. Mr. and Mrs. James 'Cameron and .Carol, Sarnia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Illiam Wilbee over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs:. C. H. Buttery, San . Francisco, and Mr& John Fisher, Hensall were the guests of Mr. • ' and Mrs. R. H. Sproat and Mr. and eh s Hugh So oat, this week. /dm B - Sroat J. . Russell left Tuesday to attend the W.M.S. Council of the • Presbyterian Church in Canada, be ing held in London in New St. James' Church. . Mrs. F. Cudmore and daughter, Wallaceburgare guests of , , . alltiMssrs14. HzaerirRyeCidharters, who spent. the past five weeks in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, has returned borne atid is. much improved in health. Dr. ,J. 4. Edmunds and Mr...Ed. Lairrason, Brantford, attended the fnneral. of ,the late Andrew. Little last week, . and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling. Mrs. ,Th4enas. Flynn and Mrs. *rivet Dale, were in Preston. re- cently. . ,,,,, nen ..D.,elbert Smith 1,s spending sonar! time with his parents, Mr. and aim... Q. ad. Smith, before going to , Hamilton General Hospital,. v, -here be will interne during the next YeAF. ' , , Dr. and Mrs.. Friel Stewart, and fhrnily, Windsor; Mr, Donald Stew- art,. Osgoode Hall, Toronto, aud Mrs: H. 3. 'Clancy, Detroit, and son Ilobert Clancy, who has just re: . turned from Korea, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. MeKercher spent the weekend in Hamilton and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel .Williams, Florida, visited friends and rela- tives 'here this week, Mr. and Mrs. Wna. Mackie, Brant- ford, visited' this week with Mrs. Reid and, Miss Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. J. le. Slattery and Mr, and Mrs. C. P, Sills and daugh- ter, Mary Lou, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- don M. Hays, Detroit, Dr. J. H. McFaul, of Toronto, was a guest of his sister, Mrs. 2. G. .MuiLea and Mr. Mullen on Wed- nesday, the visit marking his 9let birthday which . he celebrated that day. He was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Stuart Crouch. and 1Vire, VesterhOlrq, of Toronto. Illise Isabel 'Cummings, Ottawa, • . spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs John 'Cummings. . ,eie.............i.omm.g.mmeipe' ' COMING---...0,THE-DEVIL, MAKES riiinEW! , FeSTivaillifWeelt arefollows: Joan Bord, S.S. .5, 1VIcKillop; Fay Ross, S.S. 4, Hibbert; Barry Dietz S.S. 6, Logan; Gorami Dunn, S.S. 3, Tuckersmith; Gary Josling, S.S. 8, Logan; Gerald Priestap, BS. 6, Logan; Jean Millen, S.S.' 6, McKil- lop; Joan and Noreen Dalton, St, Columban. S.S.,'3 Tuckersmith, won second in the unison chorus grouping and se Columban'won third in the same group. Hibbert school area 1 took second in the two-part chor- us, and ,St. Columban won third in the same ele". , .... 2 -Storey Dvvelling, with Sperling St. Possession Arranged . 'Modern New Dwelling, very cen- aridly located; oil heating. An convenlences. Prams Dwelling on Victoria Ste With iall modern conveniences. POD- Session arraaiSed. Frame, Double House on John St. iirosseseaon arranged. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REM MEAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Frank Reaume, Comber, Ont., tannounce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Marilyn Frances, to Mr. Neil Lloyd Hodgert, son of •Mrs. Thomas Hod- gert, Seaforth, the marriage to take place early in June. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Sid Dolmage, Sea- forth, wish. to announce the engage-mor ment of their daughter, Thelma DorothY, to John S. Burleigh, son of Mrs. J. Murray, London the wedding' to .take place early in June. • The remains rested, ,at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home until Thurdsy afternoon, when a private funeral was, held, with Dev, D. G. Campbell of First Presbyterian Church, Conducting the service. In- terment was, in Maitlandhank ceme- tery. The pallbearers were James A. Stewart, David R. Stewart, Dr. Friel Stewart, Donald Stewart, Alister Broadfoot and James Black. LATE MRS. T. BOLTON ,. Following selengthy illness, Flor- ence Mabel. Pollard, widow of the late Thomas Bolton, passed away at her home, Seaforth, Sunday, ed for over 20 yeers, returning to Seafoi'th in 192Q. For many years he held the position of market clerk, retiring about 12 years ago. Since then he has spent the winters with his son at Brantford, return- ing to Seaforth each summer. Mr. Little was one of the Oldest members of Court Flower of the Forest, C.O.F., Seaforth, and was a Presbyterian in religion. lie is sur- vived by his son William• three ' - • grandchildren, and an elder broth- er, Walter, in Winnipeg. His wife, the former •Helen Brown, of Her purhey, predeceased him 25 years ago, and a son, Roy, 40 years ago. A funeral service was held at the , • ',' ' ' ' • - . , , e , r . • - e, - - ,-, - , . ' No Cltiesfion About It . ,• . You GettheBest Values in FOOT.WEAR . .• . ., • .,. .. -7- at - • WILLIS' IS' SHOE STORE . , "The Little Store With the BIG Values" - SEAFORTH Presbyterian Fireside FellowShip Group . Fi sift porld: Coronation Tea byterian Church manse was the setting , for a Coronation tea, sponsored by the Fireside Fel- lowship Group of the church, last Friday. Mrs. E.A A. . McMaster, president, of the group, and Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell received the guests, while Mrs. W. S. Stuart and Mrs...Frank Kling were din- ing room and living room hostesses. A coronation. table cloth,. which aillill11111111111111M1111111111111111111111111 h d •been received by Mrs. W. J. Stuart frem her mother in Scot- land, was on display. . Tea was poured, by Mrs. E. Geddes, adrs. W. Wright, Mrs. Harry Stewart and Mrs. H. R. ,Scott. The dining room table Was appointed in silver can - dlebra with red, white and blue candles and runner of patriotic paper and streamers. P iano selections were contribut- edby Mrs. J. E. Keating and Miss Karen Kidd during the tea hours. :Tea was served 'by members. of the group. Miss • Alice Reid; was in charge ef 'the refreshments. The proceeds totalled over 240. . ANNOUNCEMENT on May 24. home of his son at 2 pen..on Fri- f - ,z, LEMON'S TAXI PHONES: ere All passengers insured 162-J or 162-W Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dunlop, Ripley, wish to announce the en- gagement of their d.aughter, Donna Louise, to Thomas Francis, son' of Mrs. Theresa Maloney, Seaforth, and the late Thomas Maloney, the wedding to take place in SL Peter's Mrs. Bolton was born in MeKil- lop and was; in her 74th year. She was married in 1899 at Walton and lived In McKillop until 1943, when she. and her husband came to Sea- . . forth to live. Surviving are two daughters, day, from where the remains were conveyed to the Whitney Funeral Home, Seaforth.: Service was con, ducted by the Rev. D. Glenn Caine' bell of 'First Presbyterien Church at 2 p.m, Saturday. ,• ' ' "--' Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. The pallbearers were J. Roman 'Catholic Church, Goderich, Miss Elizabeth Bolton, at home, H. Scott, Mac McKellar, Andeew . on June 20. and Mrs. Lorne Hulley, McKillop. Deceased was a member of the Houston, Senator W. H. Golding, John Hotham, Sr., illiskawIlltairfillasomilflaramallfir • . • .FuneralDesigns , Wedding Flowers - Corsages - Pottery TropicaFish - Greeting Cards• l c.-. ,,.. iiii1111111111111111111111111111B11111111M111 * Weddings * , DUNGEY - H2OGG First Presbyterian Church here was the setting for a wedding cere- mons at noon last Saturday, when Rev. D. Glenn Campbell united in marriage Lois Eileen Hogg', Sea- United Church. • The funeral took place Wednes- day afternoon from the Box Fun- eral Home with Rev. J. W. A. Stin- son, of Nbrthoicle United" Church, officiating. The pallbearers. were Samuel Bolton, Earl Bolton, Rus- sell T. Bolton, Lewis Bolton Robe W. Campbell and Bert Glidd,on, Clinton. Interment was in Maitland- bank cemetery. and Willis Dun, das. The floral tributes were ilu•m- erous. Relatives and friends from a dis- tance were: Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, 'Paris; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark, St. Thomas; Mrs. S. ,Cham- bers, Toronto; ali. Frank Phillips, Londesboro; Mr. and MTS. Richard Robinson, Zerich; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toms, Mr. and -Mrs. Russe ! Heard, Bay -field; Mr. Ed,. Lawreson, . „ • - ;are:nee:3 AOC .' acovir?r0t• • Ae•:'2,.. ,e, fe. . ea., '-..1'4+: 1 e 7.- - ' ----- -7 ;.-4.1.1k elt ' • ' '' ' 0.!eee-0 '''''. • • -." "' r`ti' ,' • •, 0...''/,' ,., Jr' .....e ..e-o-eeeee,;-*•eeetee....ed . . di'dee.e4='!e*„dererela ' . "', • e ' -'4,,,,i'll.:.0. . , ' . iffitja • . A/ ., iffif fa; , • , • : • , . , 1, ,. „ - BA ' SERVICE FLOWERr! 4,_ Owned and Onerntrd IV ERIC and BARBARA MILNER Phone 393 • . Seaforth ' . "Flowers Wired Anywhere" forth, only datighter of Mr. and Mrs.. James Hogg, Collingwoed, formerly of Seaforth, and Mr . Bed- ford Bennett Dungey, "Seaforth, son of the late- Mr. and: Mrs. William Dungey, . The brid,e, given in by marriage her father, ware ,a lloorlength white • •Nancy ectric - tin •,. .. E I 1 . • ,. ..., . SUMMER IS HERE! Now is the tune • ' r• gown fashioned with a bodice of Cha•ntilly lace with sweetheart to think that new Electri. c- Range. ' fteeeeeereeerreere..................ree- INSURANCE a neckline and a fon. skirt of ice- white -nylon net over satin •with lace insets. Her lace -edged finger- tip veil of nylon net was held 'by a .of .• .... . ' See us for quotations on , . •• e• ' ...de' Wiring Jobs I •JLIl EGMONDVILLE . . . . ' Mr. and Mrs." Lawrence Onm- adage and son, Jim, Lucknow, spent the weekend 'With Mrs. Ruby ruin- das and faailly.. r. an Md Albf ert ,Clark Muirkirk, visited Mrs. Sund,aY with , othe latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson. Mr, and Mrs. Don McKenzie, 'Cranbrook, spent 'the weekend with the formees mother, Mrs. Hugh McLachlan, and Mr. McLachlan. • Fire , • Auto . • Liability • Accident Etc. Complete Coverage ... W. E. SOUTHGATE ' • SUCCeSSOT t.0 headdress encrusted with pearls. She- wore a, rhinestone necklace, a gift of the bridegroom, and carried red roees. Mrs. Edward Fischer, Seafortb, as bridesmaid, wore a floor-lengt) gown of yellow nylon net over ta feta with accordion -pleated front and( inserts of Chantilly lace. A halo of yellow roses held her shoul der -length veil of net, and she car- ried a nosegay of spring -flowers. REPAIRS . Phone 0••■••••••••••••••••••••••00 . your TO ALL • 19 . MAKES. ' • Opposite .. • • , OF • . APPLIANCES the .FRANK'S , • Post Office ' - ' . . . • Op entng Huron . II Intetmediate • • Sir othroy - , at 6:30 ' • . , ed. Note • Lions Pir ADMISSION • All.-Publie and ,High Admitted FREE for. Opening Game , . - Perth . • Base vs. p.rn. ' II June . ' k 5 - Adults School ,e . . ., Game. , . .• . _ all League • Seofoith . • . . , . , , .3rd .. Seaforth ., • , 35c Students . • . **lb B. C. CHAMBERLAIN Lloyd Dungey, .ft""'..'"'"*"."''''.4."..."'"."..rft."...".°.......ft"n"mftn...'""".1 ' Phone 334 Res. 222-R MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH MIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 linumimEnliqininillillilliii,"111111 ... ....,.... , Mitchell, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Following the ceremony a recap tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Toll, myth, Uncle and aunt of the bride. A hand- .... i • Coronation Specials . ,i DUBLIN 0 Announcement The engagement is announced of Louise Bridget, daughter of Mrs. Catherine Feeney, Dublin, and the late Frank Feeney, to Mr. Francis Stephen Maloney, second son of Mr. and ,Mrs. Peter E. Maloney, McKillop Township. The marriage will take place in. St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, Saturday morning, June 13, at 9:30 o'clock. A•nnouticements Mr. and Mrs. George A. White., R.R. 2, Gadshill, announce the en- gagement of their youngest dangle ter, .IVIarie Catherine -to Mr. John Benedict Meagher, eon of Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher, R.R. 1, Dublin. The marriage will take place on Saturday morning, June 13, at 920 in St. Patrick's Chnrcn, Kinkora. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haggarty, R.R. 2, Monkton, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Margaret Ann, to Mr. John Francis O'Reilly, only son .of Mr. Louis O'Reilly, R.11. 2, Dublin, and the late Mrs. O'Reilly, the . _ take plaae in St. Brig id's Church, Logan, on June 6, at 9:30 a.m. . ' e. crocheted tablecloth covered the AT .' . • ... . , 1 -MILLER & WILBEE TA xi Service Passengers Insured Phone 362 - SEAFORTH , ...wift.......k.................... C 0 A L Top Quality Today - Comfort Next Winter! "We screen it" • ' - William M. Hart PHONE 784 : SEAFORTH Stevens G , CORONATION COOKIES By SCRIBBANS-KEMP IN SOUVENIR TINS CORONATION ASSORTED ' ROYAL EDINBURGH SH•ORTBR,EAD WARWICK A-S,SORTED. CHOCOLATE TABLE FINGERS . " KEILLER'S BARLEY SUGAR DROPS • • , in Souvenir Tea Caddy ' . OF $1.49 $1.19. e $1.39 • . f • . 59c . . .: ENeLAND,. Per Tin per Tin per Tin per Tin $1.15 , .. , . , , •••::' ' Boosi Baseball . e• • m Seaforth , ' ' .4"....**°°•"*."/"."."""mlw.""a..."'''''''''''"""'"°ft'''''"*"•""'''''''''''''''''ee"'weee.....,........1. 1 Package of 15 Tenderleaf Tea Bags.FREE•with 1 package 7nt , : "1,i'l * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o'clock . II> W. J. CLEARY to 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 10 LICENSED EM Be LW E R 0 0 andfUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0, Night or Day Calls - 335 0 0 000 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • Used Cars.. , • • and Trucks . of 60 Tenderleaf Tee Bags, at REG'ULAR PRICE SHREDDED WHEAT , 2 for 33c , Chase &. Sanborn INSTANT COFFEE -R. 73c, for 63c , . . PHONE 443 • ;,., • . FREE DELIVERY ----*-------------------"------------ Shower for Local Girl At WinthropHome A. miscellaneous shower was held4t the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Pethick, Winthrop, in hon- or of Miss Lois Hogg, "Seaforth. The evening was spent in games and contests,. conducted by Mrs, Robert Dodds. A reading, "Pop- ping Corn,' was given by Mrs. Roy Williemson. An appropriate ad- dress was. read by Miss Marjorie R. A decorated' basket, loaded with gift, wee brought in by Diane and Betty Dolmage and er daMargaret Alex- ander. AftisPlying . the gifts, Lois thanked the group and lunch was served. . Expositor Want Ads Bring Results 4- Phone 41. 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-'49 Dodge Sedans . 0 0 0 4? J. A. BURKE 0 o Funeral Director 0 0and Ambulance Service 0 OD DUB,LIN ONT. 0 0 Nigkt or Day Calls: ,ee 0 Phone 43 r 10 • 0 0 . 0 ,.' 0 .0 .0 0 4 0 0 .,0 4, o• 0 1-2SO Plymouth Sedan - 1-'51 P1mouthSedan 1-'49 Meteor Club Coupe 1-'46 Chev. Sedan .. . . . . . . DRIVING THIS 81.1IVIMER? • ' . • . See These • . . • • e . Holiday Specials NO111111111111111.111111111.11111.1.mmL, .,, > 4 ; '''''"*"."°*".....ere,,,eree.„,........,„.... 'blue coal, , SOLID FUEL FOR, SOLID COMFORT' • The Color Guarantees the uall Q 0 Spring and Summer priges WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 283-.1 Res. 192.M fiereenweerseeeeeeeeeme„reee,,eeeseee, • ., i' .' Ir ,:..*-,.. e..., ."'`la . 'Me eeeeed/ ! Aluminum • • All with REASONABLE • , Remember , , Whitney Funeral & Ambulance , , J'' 1\'" -2 . Metal Wooden Top GAY ! . • • Summer .• ; For Lawn Folding Quality, You • tiervice Home Folding Chairs Duck PRICES NEW always - at • ' ..F •EAro•-mi , or .Summer Lawn Chairs Seats:and COLORS TOP shop -- ur . , with i, n .,. ' • L awn UIS Cottage , Chairs Backs QUALITY confidence ,. . , rture _ OHONE8: .. ,. ... . , . 4:› 0 ‚0.0 '0.0 0 0 0 0 0 °' G. A. WHITNEY o 10 Funeral Home 0 0 GoderIch St. W., Seaforth 0 (0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 K> Adjustable hospital beds 0 1-'37 Chev. Sedan, 1-'37 Dodge Sedan 1-'50 Dodge One -Ton Express.. ...... rN USED CAR VALUES , 1950 METEOR SEDAN , 1949 FORD COACH , 1948 MERCURY SEDAN ' 11.111.111•11.11111111111•••11111bmillialoadd I.,00k at This One 100 ACRES IN TUCKERSMITH -,44) acres in Spring Crop; 30 acres in beans. First-class barn. . ,Along with a full line of •farm tin- phiments, including Massey -Harris tractor. . „Very modern Ranch House with till rooms, of inbdern filenitlire, . Will sell complete or eeparate. PRICED POR 041:711CR SALTO ' .1 , FOR PRICES AND 'TERMS Call • Phone 458 °F$`1" IN litHE O. "8.1", 'OM . . Britannia Lodge Members Attend Service in Detroit , Britannia Lodge members motor- ed to Detroit over the weekend and attended divine worship with Lin - coln Lodge in that city. Thera, were 31 attending as fol- lows: M. E. Clarke, D. H. Wilson, W. •.A. 'Wright, Orville Oke, George MeClinchey, Keith Pickard, Keil -Car- ter; J. W.. Modeland, Gordon Me- klavinr-loteph--Tr-ling14,--.George iit7.0t,, bit.? .:, tp7iste, ek, Absuit,d: . Ancepho- Upshall, Wellington Virib36,1k SZONorkeilIWY%lletilxnale7ttArrtti ' • • • ,. A ...!' ' xi r Alexander, 4,-Adrew L,roaler, Ken- Mar' 8eritt; Nan Versytt,' Iliibert' Wilkiiit'Od1)01,d, McLean, .- X> for rent. 0 o FLOWERS FOR EVERY 0 of, OCCASION - 0 /0 Telephone: Day or Nights 119 0 0 Residence 65 0 * .f> ica 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 M I achinery We have on • hand for im- . 1947 MERCURY COACH 1946 FORD COACH 1941 FORD COACH - ' ' 1939 FORD SEDAN • 1942 DODGE SEDAN. ID. Cr 0 * * * * * o. * <> o BOX * r71111-tra libt bitt mediate delivery, NEW MOWERS a n d S I D E RAKES. , 1941 PONTIAC 'SEDAN , . . -1939 DODGE SEDAN ' . . .. . , , --0:-BeltDX- • 1947 FARGO PICKUP - 1937 DODGE Pylvvrt) • • . . , tleented tenbalmer 0 AmouLAkce * .. AftEroorotill attention, * ,,riD0' .1,,L , rt ALL • 0 4'0 ' • Affile0Nit' • * *Melt * • - 11.00 OWellite . . . ' Motors. EON .267 ' . • . DALY . . , - ,• , . 4. 1 . FORD - 1140NARCIP 'Phorie 102- # , . - - •-• ' ..,.:. • ,,,, , . , ,,stait) „ '' -; ' Seaforth , ...„...., , • '' - - '''- • ler, 41 N4,e! f, • e 4•4P 4,4'" ".4it ' s a. •, . , . • . ,,,t,.4(),;44,4•"4":".,4;',4"4...A,":".4:4"."4.,,44'''..,•411,4'.f.,,•"..,4,"`..• 44,4. • Ao- • -