HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-05-29, Page 3,... ,, aibii tural Elodety :We' Oiebilictia',;. 'the snot...1E44d 7,111e fatii v.it'be zrecord brealdiig Ileiisall Spin e the biggeet aiid 'VOIR 4Wer. .11 .:, ,., Fah' OP St007. "DiCk Etheriagfea, seeretarytreas r• .o . „. ... 3-,..,,,,1,0.)..i,..pk3,•3.'.,...,;,,,,,,,1;,0,,!„i.:,,,„4,.,ts*:47•4,smaN,,,,',Nsalontfii.".1 Atli,,a0,44,i1.1,04,.g:s,oss.,a,,,,,44•akit.,Nsia'sitsor.ao'laiaao,s,?.?ts-0,s,;•,1tv 'w-fais't,,' .,• !- 7, ,•• r . ak. mu. ...,,..rourranurrirrr,rxra-...rrorstratec.,...martartirrarrrir.t.... 3 •I A. • 'araaait.ta.",• f1,1:3.,3,133i'l Ir • tr. ' . • • ditlii.*':the sOtsitAxmiitt,r4g4, , Moro %lora-ilk irr (It oi 1 4 4 s 11 4 '54 Muskat Recita1 By the Pupils of iiiiikirstnith School Area No. Ratepayers and Parents are taikted to attend a Musical Recital to be given by the Pupils of the Tuckersmith. School Area No. 1, on WEDNESDAY, 3rd JUliE, at 6 P.m. in the EgniiiMAIre United Church Under the direction of Mrs. G. Wended, Area 'Music Supervisor. WILFRED H. COLEMAN, Chairman of the. Board NOW! Goodyear Marathon Tire only $111-95 less Double Trade-in! 90% of tire trouble occurs in the last 10% of a tire's life. Now is the time to avoid future trouble—and here's why: FOR A LIMITED TIME, WE'LL PAY UP TO- TWICE OUR REGULAR TRADE,IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD, WORN TIRES. MARATHON • 49#41. by Goopk EAR SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEVROLET — PLDSMOBILE ' SALES & SERVICE .7t CROO TIRES OW, the, Paz' PA10447:„ 9PeilL *VI) 314.W.-00W.I*0,1VVE01.1104,'L':' tt•trs?„"ii.41, •• S"•••• omaraarama‘arara. 3,3 *Cor 1.4'4 ' ,1‘;•.:4 jii9V-914 • MAO • •••••'''"''''. - Oielob;, IVO lel*, xe-gol 4404 tiiiiiIer., . Preib**kiiin ' **Water * ' . ',...5.14,1ZAA,.0)44,-0,eal 0,Afir*PVa #.9.4.44'.. ' •• . .• '. , • • • i Ottill.„0.0.,.0 *01/4,.T114P •Ortft7-AP 1*'.00,tr NIB ali%;,,*toro.'804,9,1-wc40.4110Tit '00,5 ,P,P;, „,„11,14nOw' ill •tile 41440.1.. nIffht. *a6010:1#4A*M4*:...*':#.14 u2i749- .4X9,* Ok'Peatit4 10',IAi the, 2. 1147011;1,4;..."Rlef 134.X.P, it ,14,44#, ..: *It** 41444 of 4041.1a'4101.AO , UltroA,cOikk aala?Uer W....,Faalaa , .,f • • • '. prnight.• .410: the Otatriet the • evening ape'rfairms • Tbompoon,:,04ntOO,, easad'op Utgliea.t. *Ore' May 28, M .the 'arena Will would.beb-01.. 'Vie coroner stated featore tbe best horses in thia•part ide* tbat .4Oath was ,to •of the proviace, with -$1,000 offered straagaliati-4 .bY OtheIa 4,,Pe1., *Tr in prize. Winners. of last year's of the maitia's clothing, or a part of C,N.E. and Western Fair will per- the fra.O0r. form in various daises. Mr. ChM was found, 1:0 his Wife. Who went to .100ate him about 2 Largest Calf Club p.m., when he #40 to eorne,hOMe One of the highlights of the fair to lima. It is 'believed the rulaltaP Friday, alay 20, will be the Feed - occurred about noon. ers' Calf Club AclaieVement Day and Mr. Chin was' Vern CM the farIP auction. This is the largest calf on which the fatal accident occur - club in Ontario. Seventy-six young red, and her farmed there all his farmers from the South 'Huron Dis- life. He was a son of late Mr. trict will :bring calvesto the fair and Mrs. Robert Cluff, and was a to compete for over $250 in: ariter: member of St. James' Anglican All 76 steer calves will be sold at Chareb, 'Iliddletqa„ apdpr t13 Bay, a monster auction at 3 p.m. in the field Lions Club. • ' . afternotea Chairman, of the club Surviving besides his wife, . the is Jack Kitieman. Neil Campbell is former Helen Sootchmer, of Bay - secretary' -treasurer. field, are one son, Robert, 14; and The fair will also feature a large three daughters, Jacqeeline, 16; midway, baby show and other at,.. Vicki, 13; and Judy, 11, and three tractions. Hensall public school sisters, airs. Alfred •Scotchmer, and other schools in the district Hayfield; Mrs.. William Barber, St. willparticipate in the parade at Thomas, and Mrs. Hareld Simpson, Lon.don. 1 p.m,. The ,South Huron Agricultural The body rested at the Ball and Society has been sponsoring a top- Mutch Funeral Rome, Clinton, un - notch fair for this district 'for 65 til Monday when removal was made . to Middleton Church for a funeral years. Since ,1387 the society has service at 2:30 p.m„ with Rev. E. given the area its biggest annual eelebration. The show was origin- Carew-J(41es of Hayfield conduct- ing. Bill:lel was in Hayfield ceme- ally held in Brucefield, but 35 years age was moved. to Hensall. F.or a tery. long time the fair was staged on! the main street and in the railway 1 yard of the village, District Violinist Wins Honors At Stratford William ,Collins, of No. 8 High- way west of town, who is a violinist of note, won first prize at the "Kingganam" Fiddlers' contest last week in Stratford. Mr. Collins has played the violin since he was a young boy, and furnishes music for many of the dances in this vicinity. Hensall Rebekah Lodge Members Plan Project • Members of Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall, met in the lodge rooms last week for their meeting with Mrs, Leona Parke, N.G., in the chair. Plans were discussed . for a bazaar and tea in the fall. Members are asked to bring in small articles at each meeting to contribute to this project. In conjunction with the I.O.O.F., a picnic will he held .at Bayfield, July 8. A birthday, box was intro- duced to themai:I. The proceeds of this new project will be used towards any member who is ill. A social evening is planned for the next meeting, June 3, in the lodge rooms. Each member is asked to bring lunch. STAFFA Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, of Staffa, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Audrey Joyce, to Mr. William Harold Fischer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fischer of Carlingford. The wed- ding will take place in June. . ,,AND..146011 artasysnat 'Enjoy all the comforts of a modern 'farm . . . with a. DT.TRO.PUMPINd 'SYSTE M. ...Have fresh running • water at the turn of a tap in the ',kitchen . . . bathroom . . laundry stables—and BESIDES 'you have IRE PIVRTECTION Save Tail' P. nave LOOUR , . . enjoy healthier living. 1,KITCHEN • SEED BEANS We have the following. varieties' of Seed Beans For Sale:. MICHELITE ROBUST YELLOW EYE NAVY CLIPPER BLUE POD. COOK BROS. MILLING CO. Phone 24 : Hensall TRUCK GARDENERS Eliminate old "pump and carry" — fresh running WA.I.hat ON ' TAP save§ TIME and 'kitchen drudgery. Depend on. a DURO WATER SYSTEM . . . be assured of plenty of moisture when • needed. Why carry water?, Clean running, water at the turn of a tap saved WORK and TIME . . : Increases PROFITS, too! Visit ns today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fittings and Fixtures. BARN , MD Dias:man FOR SALE -BY FRANK kLi EMPIRE BRASS MPG. CO. ilMITED, rtottheii • HAMILTON • ST, CATHARINES • KITCHENER • TORONTO SLUMMY • v7004,11)EG • .EANCOUVER, ECal$ Only FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE is trademarked with Red Spots Thai fine hard coal costs no more, so why be satisfied with less. Phone us for. Red Trademarked FamousReading Anthracite, from the fainotis Pennsylvania anthracite mines. It's trademarked with Red Spots to pro -1 toepttttarten— inntatioris. READING rauskopf Bros. Phone 36 r 13. DUBLIN 'HARD ODAL $26.00 TON MEDIIJM BLACKCO AL --- $25 ton District Obituaries LATE JOHN DICK HENSALL—There passed away in Orillia, May 4, John Dick, in his 88th year. He was born in'Hay Township, near Hensall, a "son of the late Mr. and Mrs. ThoinaS Dick, Hensel" He was an outstanding athlete in this youth. He established the Dick Bros, Shoe Store in Orillia some 3t. years ago, and continued to oper- ate it until a few years ago when his health failed. He married Car- rie Chapman, Hensall, who passed away many years ago, leaving two sons, Ivan and Clifford, , both of Orillia. Later he Married Clara Moulton, Oakville, who survives. The funeral was held from his late residence, with interment at Oakville. Surviving, are two sis- ters, Mrs. Bertha Bell, Hensall, and Mrs. S. Tait, ,Mimico. LATE 'HENRY J. KESTLE EXETER—Services for Henry J. Kestle, 74, who died at his home. Exeter, were conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. by the 'Rev. Andrew Boa, London, and the Rev. A. E. Holley, Exeter, in the Hopper -Hockey Fun- eral Home, and interment made in Exeter cemetery. His early life was spent farming on Concession 2, Stephen Township and later for many years he was a well-known thresher. He retired 18 years ago. He attended Main St. United Church. Surviving besides his wife, for- merly Emily Hall, are three sons: Harry, London; Melvin, Stratford; David, Exeter; five daughters, Mrs. Claite Cook, Detroit; Mrs. Harold Gibbs, Mrs. Herbert Robillard, Mrs. John Stephenson and Mrs. Albert Sharron, all of Windsor; and one sister, Mrs. Harley Sanders, Wind- sor. LATE MRS. C. RINKER DAS•HWOOD. — Mrs. Charles Rinker, 72, lifelong resident of Dashwood, died 'Friday in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London. She and her husband had operat- ed a mat weaving business here for many years. She was an ac- tive member of Zion Lutheran Church. Surviving besides her husband, are one son, Harry, and one daugh- ter, Verda, both at home; three sisters, Mrs. 1Mlliam Hilger, Port Huron; Mrs. W. Saundercott, Lon- don.; Mrs. Anna, Westlake, Wyom- ing, and eight brothers, Jacob, Charles, Joseph, Valentine aird Gossman, all—of Port Huron; Ber- nard; Detroit; John, London; George and William, Dashwood. Resting at the Hoffman Funeral Home until Sunday, a brief service took place at 3 followed by a service in Zion Lutheran Church, the 'Rev:NL. Higenell officiating. In- terment was in the Lutheran Bronson Line Cemetery. WINCIIELSEA Messrs. Colin Gilfillan and Wil- bert Batten spent ,a,few days the first of the week with, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denham in Sarnia. Mrs. Harry Armstrbng and Jan- ice, Hensall, spent Wednesday with Mr. ad Mrs. Wilbert B.atten. Mrs. fatten returned with them for a few days. The W.M.S. and,W.A. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. William Walters last week. Mrs. .Colin Gilfillan and Mrs. Iv an Brock attended a demonstration at the home Of Mrs. Wm. Routly, Ellimville, on Thursday evening of last week. • A number from the community atteridetli the Variety concert in Elimville United Church on Fri- day evening. ,Although the community - hail storm, no serious dainage was 'reported in last Thursday's storm. Some of the girls from the die, trict attended the Achievement Day- In Seaforth on Saturday. Mr. Albert Dobbs, StratfOrd, spent the weekend with air, and Mrs. Newton• Clarke. • • Mr. and Mrs. Wib, Staffa, spent Sunday with Mr. Ond. Mr& "William Walters. forth 441 alt club 160s, gketi thlicers 1240*st wetineet EhigOrt* Rgb7, Beet Calf 010 04141.441 .42e 'club was held, weClg aht INUT4lufra 4.rm; The •Th,ruaf boll cattle herd DIM w44/1. teaffP1 and the mil,. Paige wet* peinaid out by 0, W, lItontegOnierh agricultural rePros.ent400. class ot Shorthorn eows was Jaded and reason!' were taken, from eome of the aellaloe ancribers* �z Montgomery placed the class, gating his reasons. TwentY-three Members are enrolled is the calf club. Officers elected for ,the club were: president, laaverhe Godkin; vice-presidient, Douglas Keyes; (tee- retary, Catherine Campbell. rne,4A - - 40,4414$0'14t lOrkbrOttiorttll904.4900.,IPPVMP) Treamitaticiii4ing e.made. by Mae Anne Balla". 440#41AgAlA,O, gra* .wareV,,44 welsou • new; Nkri Mrs. Jgseph Rya, 10. aaftliW. 0. Bak - * 8. gaOkwell, ition, Rowland and Mr. and Mrs, Stleak, WOOdutock. ' ads - For 'the benetat of individuals who imagine signs are for Oilier people, the whirasleal owner of a large lawn posted, this notice:. "Please keep off the gram,. Vaio, me? Yes, you!" .. ensall Spring Show;,.... FRIDAY, MAY 29th 1 p.m. Henson Community Park Opened by Livestock ComMissioner • of Ontario MR; W. T. 'WATSON • SCHOOL PARADE • BABY SHOW • CATTLE SHOW • FEEDER SHOW and • AUCTION SALE OF -76 CALVES • MIDWAY • Admission: Children (12, and under), FREE Adults 50c 4). r:$3.3a3. 3ka*-4:11t40 't.afbaiulaPelicitle're/i a a ,:aal•-• a "4 0 • " 4141t R•1641 le *Me Cation 1 hdedlag Federal linos )Plekdepesit taper bottle Authorized bonier of Coca.CcI seder waked whb Cow -Cola likb ESBECO LIMITED 658 ERIE STREET, STRATFORD, ONT. — PHONE 78 "Coke" is a registered trademark babyi sure bui -Px- comfit+ I if aal NEW DRWERIZED CABS BUILT FOR DRIVER COMFORT—Most comfortable cabs ever built into a truck! 19% increase in all-round visibility . . 5 -foot wide adjustable seat with shock snubbers ... safety -positioned con- trols, new insulation and ventilation , 15 —IF fE.,. BY TRUCKERS! • IMPROVED SELF -ENERGIZING BRAKES FOR EASIER, SAFER STOPPING—Self-Ener- gizing Single Anchor, Fixed Double Anchor or Double Cylinder -type brakes (depending on model) give smoother, surer stops with less pedal pressure! COMFORT -ZONE RIDE CONTROL MEANS, LESS DRIVER-STRAIN—There's greater' stability and less road shock for driver because cab is positioned doser to longer, smoother -riding front springs, farther away from load -aiming rear springs! A87 POWER • • .1011 SMOOTH, LIVELY PERFORMANCE Driver -proved Ford V-8 engines deliver smooth, dependable power, high sustained torque for tough hauls. Lively V-8 power means fewer driver.tiring gear changes! ALL-NEW SMOOTH -HANDLING EASE IN THE GREATEST TRUCK LINE ' IN FORD HISTORY! 1953 Ford Economy Trucks are a driver's dream— because they embody dozens of ne'vv, vitally important features, designed to make them easier to handle, more comfortable to drive, safer and more efficient to operate... all summed up in "Driverized Design"— the most revolutionary advance in truck -building ever made! See them—inspect the new Driverized Cabs, with every inch planned for comfort and con- venientel Drive them—feel the new ride control, easier steering, smoother shifting, safer braking! Prove it to your own satisfaction that Ford Economy Trucks are the smoothest handling trucks on the road! TURNING CIRCLE UP TO 12 FEET SHORTER Shorter vvheelbases and wide front treads make Ford Trucks easier to handle than ever before. Shorter turning radius means more front-end stability, greater steering ease, more all-round manoeuvrability and more efficient hauling on busy schedules! . . ........ . • • • •••• • GREATEST TRANSMISSION CHOICE IN FORD TRUCK HISTORY—Synchro-Silent shifting on all models means much less effort for the driver, smoother operation in traffic —no more tiresome double -clutching. Automatic Transmission* and Over- drive* available in all 2-100 Series. Steering -column gearshift standard in F-100, 1-250 and 1-350 Series. (*at extra cost) COTTiplekfy. NEW .FOROcononT Carry more arid tarry if farther_ 1revery 4rticking dollar SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE 1,1atRUCKS MAY IS SAFETY MONTH CKS monqacy DALY MOTORS Phone 102 Ise Seaforth Ont • TT A • • •"'"••''.•',4".',ii.1 LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A USED TRUCK— SEE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER zid 3,13..33-1•Ntl' "."