HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-05-29, Page 1,.::�ql'. , C , I Y 1. , ". , � , "t!, � I�X'11'111�1 :,: ,',�,��[,.,��!,,`.�t�­i J� �, 2,;, 1'.� , I, );j 'i,%AV � It '. " , ,� ; T� �� , ,t 111, , , "' vt�. �,�I.P,�, I I I , � , , � , , , A" ,�;� 611"11"i�1i'Al. 't ����t,',,'��?���l�.'�i:�,�,,"�'i""'�i,'�,����,,��,;����,j!���',,�,�,��,,�,'. " �. '.­,� " "' � - - � , ,I � � , t4l 1?::,,�,��ir��!��; � . . ;..' ,,, ,�';:,, , . �., � I 11 �, I , '. , ., " , ,� , t "' Z"', � � � ,�, � ,, � ;� �, ',t�, ,1.1� ,;7 1 .;. ,,, . � ,,,,,A:� �,,'�":,��,,�� �,),,,,�I�i,,, lj,�:; � " t�, . ;� '! ', "I , ,�', 4�,�,'.,', ,�:',I�t�t, :�i �,A,�44;�,, .,,I- ,%. ,,', , ,� . ., �" I,,,' " ;� - :. ;: ', " , � " " �A ,t , I 4 ,;1 li t�;`� t � , , , , " 1. , . , . 1 , , �,.; , !,�: , 11 ", "t..f." ��j � � , P' . �,� �� ,� i '. �1' �,!, I,, , , ? , ... , , , ;. -, � - ,� I I , I , I , I � �,;, .� (� , .: ; i, .;­,��!,;, " 7- � ", . , � . . -,�J?' . I , , , ­ I . � . 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I..... .1.1---- ..1-1.1.1-11 1.11--.1. -L .111 1- -1. "... I -11.1 .1, I I �­ ''. - X.,�` A� I-, � .­.....,­.­ - ", . 1. ." � ­ I . - . I`77e,��R%A� . .... .... I I I 11 1.7 . ­ . ­:­­ I—. �1:1. 11 '. � z.. ,l r .,..:.. ,:. .1 I , � 'l,'', , �'. . . 1".. . 0 I � �! �11 I e ( . . . I . .1 I q ,� 11 ,, I I 0. , �"` ,� % �,.. - : � �, . . � ,I' e� � . r ­ I . � e� I .1 f, ,�� I I .. I i I � I � I . 1. I � i t ': C "I I I V.1 I .1, I . . ­�, �11'1 � . , , It:: �� :!, 111 ­ IL "I : 1, I' . . I. ,.. - 1, 'le , Case ,�, . , , 11 it "I � ' . " , "'i'AAl"..'" ct %,,.#.L-io . ra . .. s. "' . . ,� ::! �. . � I I I , ", �ka -Hog f" ,. '' �,,: ,�, ­ � ;L:4 ,� ;. :� I � � t I . _ I ,� 4 I, 11 .. ; !� .� (I, 11 . I I . . : ,; 1� 11 � ­ �­ I -,,� � #1 ,,, L, 1 '"' � , , . I I'll' . I " .1 "o, -, I ... . , .. 11 . I !� ti''a I ' *?! . I .1 � ,I . 1 . . �, �: . � 1; il 111�,A Lol� ­.", � � 11 I I . 11 , . I - 11 . .." " ,� , � i 4 ,". . I .. t � 1. ; . I� � :: 11 � , �,,T�. n� t� � I ; �. �, ,� I �� . "I :i ""' '­"'­',;I-�%`� .1 ". I., � !, I 141111�� A Vule to -Contact Infection � " . i ,. I � .1 � ,� I , ?I � " � � �,� , � - TI. , "'. " "I " I 11 I � � . � . I ,� 1�1 . . . . . 1, -, I �� %;�;� �� I �.. I.Ti . I IS �­ , 11 I :1 � - "'L t. , ", ;,".-:�, . . � , 11 .. .... : I ��. . . , ,,, .� I I �� ... q "', ,��,' ;1� . , . ... � . t", ,,��; � In: revealiA County's third, ed by, -birds such as,, starlings. $Par- "I --- .11 . . . ; ­ . . . . . . ." .. . . ­ I 1- Ii 11 I I I 11 ,� , '. J, ,t­'­�..I!,L`� I , -- , .g #Prton, . I I , . � "I'll � I - . I �� , I . . . . I . :t-, , I i, , . � , ,:::: I - 11�' '. I. "'. �- , . I I I .��, '�.­­ --;.., ,,�12�,X ;­ ....... "I 7111, 1 . .- � L , I . tt,�Ir,10� - i ­��,, and p1geoi1sp-which-14ay have I � 1, . � - .�", It'o 0 L. I - I �,'!� , � 'i . I ocase of uncovereQ, TOWS , .."�", , , "! �., �,121�: � .Z -"olera, � 11 , I . I I � ­ . "s - �,�­' �­�,�.'."" 1; '1y fhlo(,�W .infected' pirbqaises . ­�`­.,t:­ I � ! I,., . ,ear . I . "t '"' , " . - I . lit, , ogk at a Soiforth dis- c6me from. an I ; - 1� . I 1, � . . �11�t W -,"M . t,i­ I I ­ I . - ,1­1�, � I . , , ,I * Alft I q I Ih t , i"'�4 I I I - I - � I . -I. 1 -4''J"'."', 11 i - direct to your premises, bridging - . I I I I�*Alli, 71" I tA- I t" ,t 7, tr MacLennan .1 U , . ppoint New Rector to I I W= I I �'. I 1: IN i0t farm, ,Dr.- J. O. In ., I - :1.. � , "IN - � To. Pour Floor * ­ Uke-n- Farm, Vilia*g" , - I ­­, � .. Q� ,.��s . I �,;",:: '­'.'.".1'.IX�T, ,!,'�"!,�j I me&. T e WiEp-ogitor that infile- infection with them. - i. � t ,� R �.� , '. I . I ; , ... t ­ , ... I . I II;,:1 I I." 11� '-Id , , J. - ,infor h . M... .. D 1� St Tifomas' Church . I I �.."��..'�'ll�1;7.�r,!.,�,�,'�',�, .5 , I X01, I ­ o far been . Do not purchase - feeder hogs . ConIIInun4 Ventre .' ;it ""' 17, --­!,� !- . , "Ill, , �. 1 "'P,"'L. I, �ep I " 1-1,11. � ", - " � - ", , ­�., I_— . , '_'�t"I,,­%- Mil--- , - J ti in . - �' ­ , I .!,-Pt �, � ,r or , . : I .L� I, ' . , .1 ",` .­-, "M . 104 I. ,,!�:,��.�'Pl � 11 �� �� , - "'.. . , , W . ,, ,� �,�, 4 I S'L � " i.,�;',TT ; - ­­','.'!� ,,R,��,`,-,�,�- ��,;, '-y preseudy 11� T I 1; �-,t��'�!�"PL"'­g.xj caused "strictly by Col ; I PJ ,.-*i,,, John, H. James, . , !� '@­'�4.11n, , '. �,�, ' . , � � - 11 " 'I er .. I ­� I . Aie � e �.I? I � ! . � I �., � � ­. 0 1. . � so �, '' . . , � 4, , . . homas, ,Church, L V . ­. - '. , - is, c' tain . I If you, have;..your hog* serum 5-0,�� ' - 1b - ,, . eawn -s "O.,ii -, 'i St T . . 1. ... �: r . iv I '17 ,r '80, L i , . ,3 atact" and, 'from any source. , . I fr.. Work Is slated, to comMe&.q , lie added, thjp disease . , I , navoc of .' May ­2 1 1 , . . 11� " ,,, I It"A 1"'t -- --- 1. I -". . ­ ­,"",�,�,,,r . -,�­ 0 ,- �111 I � sp given A , - as been appointed as . .Causing'property damage just ap ,.�4 115, 1 the , Mon%, �J$.Owll# 111��., -� " , " , . , , , . �,.; .�� �,p� ..i�, I, ,e6k '.I �, - , ,� . � � 1i � , , , - - , oteri this w - oil ir$% ,.. .. k9 . .. , �, ­'. 0'­�, , 'i 4. "f. , A I . . �, ,., or I � � , * � -not in tile opldeimlb, stage." I ameld V a- , . .aw I.., . ��' N" - 1­1��­��. . I treated by a GoVer "Se,afort - , . �, '.I .�'­ , "­ 31-, � , , , .o. I �h CoOmunl�y-,',. .-,O . . . I I I . '. "".1, "; . I , `i,J;1� � L, I ,,� ,tj,',� P., "�. m.� I � Dr. M,acLouna#, county vett arlan follow the instruction , Intre, � , DA h - �,, �,�, �� It ,,Ws .-year -R � , " ­ ,� V ­ ,;,--,'� "T - 4,' ni Chailrman of' the iPoV�0j%'0jty � ., -1 �� , k ; � -arlan for the healih of animals to you by the Government Veterin- . I - L . -, I 'do. W �the congregation of St. , , , ,. te�­ t: � T �, 1�;;­. . � ,�.�i � 11 ,�. - 1 %�, �,�;;, ..... ... i, 1. ­'­ ,1 . .�' "­�" 'I I 1 'Q orjUg 1004 Ilk -- -,t�",'�",'� qqntre com! -' " , Club is., b s GRADUATES vicious bnt over an area smaller Earle Terry S I" � I , , . ".. "P.-Iti, A. 1 .,L� qi'e,I`f 13 ,�;",,'��,,"tt­ , ,,,, U !�t. Is - - .L � ,,,.,,,,'r,- , ' - Rev. %,.�',, ',.�, � la k, 11. IN V ,-4R, , 'Lions Uagles , II I -A";1.ae4,d t I , �, 51 ,4, �AMRI%uqoa ;. , I , ,,� . . , iff -I 40'W!Or , 1, '9 it by .11 branch of the federal Department arian, to tbo letter. "414e,94 4,",'�,"),�,7�,'�,�;'K'#M(',�� - I an''Church here', it -ing, said thij c6ntract,01%, oe, than that struck I Of �LAgrlcuftUre, said that 36 k9p ; ,Keep livestock trucks off your ­ . Pik Scotch Dauble� th� --ig'. i�, tro .% ; this- Veek, ,., I ,, ­ ,� At , ,-.4 er of A I I Metallicret -.p the winn4i.s. , �Ooi L � � � irpre found Infected in the latest -farm. If you have stock to ship, . e Floor Com-p!p ':,Vf tornado south of h e, �dn%7 - ­ , �,� � . L � 7, and Lpr�zes for I 'Impadoes. 00. W. A. Jones , 'force whipped across north ii ,,, 4 L, "f�,� ',,­,,,,,,�­:� �, `�?WA Lanshtg, m a ta e abdbt, two . oncQ a W, .Joj�o%-,, -- - Gale - It L""Il . : � L""! . : �L"" , 'y , ,lk � must be played tm"'-�l 'WV , -,�:: -11 The au4441 ,u4j,,�os- 'tII �P#,"., . �' , �L I � t 10840. . . 1 load them .at the end of the lane, !�,-,,�: ­ -* argps In Kitchener 1;1- AN194t .. ... . � -t �, :; I weeks to complete the Huron Monday night to fla#on �11 �1� tor readers or, eliver them your- I I 1p9"rt1"NI,­Tannot be,Played OA��'40:14v,## 8 .. quet was enja;red 'at - Ur it .t- �r­ 1. I " -, I . .'% 'A 'A 'A 'A Of Interest to Expost better OSUI, d j , . , 0i �­Wew Baniburg earlier this r - t and : Ac "I'll t'L . . . . . . . � ,,�r � � ' . , - L 1-1 , - of the, noor. A conciiate'."base t4ere is a local mixe,4 ,ton L , on(14y, nigh by nieniborg, of�', T as disease bearing refuse . '. .; . ,.: barns and collapse hyd o and, tole 1W L � 0 , 1­1.1� ,pvhty raise hogs win be the iollIldw- self,. t ' - .� �,;�.., � It, - . " 1411�: ',�� I A 4- -L - I . - dropped from trucks, might easily -,,'will be poured first, fi)iI4*r,0'- �- The draw will be %A1,de,,- .f�� L .... I . . . . . who moves_.here .. phone cables In Blyth, Cranbr'4o)k, local Lions Club, .t. otT . .'9s: �� I ­ � 4 % Ing IWI; of. precautions rqcou�mond I a gro.0 '4'traprock a ij,' I . ,,, .. .. . Irrr 11 � t Brussels, Ethel, Beigrave andotherL ,4 r Wity - �r � . , f",D. ,& , �,Ika­ ,� �, I hoifties: ,Oe qi�ried to your hogs. . I" u 'w�,cl- . week. Those who . t"'. �,; .�, , , -I -d his three sons . suebts to. tile number of % � I � A- , 11 � . . Z� � � ::f areas and centr Wing. s I 1 �, ed by DepartAlent ant -�--dywrk In color. $ !,�. James an ., , , . .;,r I "", �� I so south (it ' ,4r, I .. aij cover lose by default. If . P'LeV b "' I Kleev In Kq)p dogs out of hog- pens. Keel) -1 . , L . P ", qk'�' �, ol joa , once duties'August LIS. a I .. speaker at t,he - a,pj L 11 WIN ,��*Ut;WL , . bi)g� under . - 0, t 00 �I)utL , V., .. ham. Wit " I �,t­ . , ; " vtea�u Uslifet6ted ,hog p6na, spray- *4,pg under control and tied,,4p � I � names in this list I f t� _4 =or-'MaPlain in the R.C.A.P. ...... ,:..: was, Earle Terry, of 'Lton"­ LLL �`,, - - - - I ­ I - .1. ">a,. 1� �, t,,I,. your I I , ai. � In a wire Tuesd#y night to Ron. � '. , 1, . . , - , �, , . ., anXJ,DUS t0L wit1k I . , I of the Earlb Terry singi�ro, ,,,�� -- 1 464 -with an. aporoved 'disinfectant 41' lits. Keep stray (logs off your , , I .3 bowl, get. in .� r. ��11 1 ttr, Brook Cliiif6n, acting prime mlints- leader � _ ,­�,� . . . . 0 , ' �' 2 ,.,,.- Gord, Muir'. I. I I . ,� . ; -eat in -Western ba'aCftd,� ilq'A"l , �1' approval ) . I I . 11 . . . I . I S" AndriN L Y. McLean, M.P. for and promin . �1,5 I , ,dL % " ­INI -,-,"*I ter, w � it, it I woveriunent . I? I . ' 14 :L E � music circles.. . 11 I - . i ­ineirs.), and the - so .and- leads ,are. 1,917� .-Ile, I 1�111.� flurop�]Rerth, wh6 that afternoon 11 .:ti' 'Poll h ge . The skipff, tlaq%; **" -, � 31", ` shown , ' ','at li�x � 909"t, I ­ ' � -, rant eat " ­� - lows: Jack Beattid j�#,.C.,A�,-4kg-,, I .Special music for the ocoaei*A :�:r�,,','I' .. ,* , ire autions, if taken . 1I;`. -"*1 � , 'W whit4w;it I �'11;00*101'1.'�,��.,�; had I tou . today, will do milch to prevent the T%o . h , � -, 0 "".�, t red the ravaged district, r "" t", - she& T4e above' pr , , ''.. .. G; ,, ifarade Smart '. � . I her; Dr. P. L., Brady,and, J. ljong� � n.- .,. - I . �­IL � .,.. ­,.�� tt::j s provide . 11 " Ali dool�4'ql�ould be closed and ' I 1.11 . ;; , wa , d by Stan-J.,Smith, akli' tl .... in %10-.�',::�Yffi"' -pointed out that the stotin ,'was r. disease , tomorrow, . � ­ , �,, 011111 I spre94 4 this ? Idd - zwl���,'�'�'. Scott and Walker -19-art. !Plro ­�,� . '' sIdAmt :"�, said. ' ' ' "' ' th t;ber,' L "", .11 . " " I -b Frank Kling whs chdl' _ 'i wW4,owa screened to prevent filos, Dr. MacLennan urlwiy staff; E., H. Close and,,', H­L4si'o';4 �il WISM1.1, equal in -intensity to -at which I h 'its' Dr. F. J. Bechely and G;- --Origg*1�11 . ,��,w��K4.���,,��.:�:i:."�:."�.. .struck Lambton, Xiddlosex and rman for ��i ' , . - �'Ibift . - .1's, fri . 4O.R.A. , ;� 4 -i -, Wed,nes. � etc )m entering the -hog pen. The Seaforth fi., . o "'.., " - � 'It" "Hog cholerA being highly cout4- , ­q1d , B. Z Ch , - HaTV� ' :7­,�, - .. .�. I 2101;ilmt L .. . K, rall, ristio and. W. 4,��,o evening. Following the banquet �. I -',A io�uiainqi. with a strong disin- . 27th birthday on Tueaday,'May 19, - " -.­�, ­.-��,,�!,�' .1 ­-, I ­::­ - - �.,k �,�`, -i .� .1 ... , , I � . . and easily spread takes from Al. vin DaleL and Ken Powell; IM ,,I , I'll, -1 1�'. I .1 .dancing was enjoyed. During the I .. jectant, solution .to immerse foot- 91OUB . ,',Aly.-`� ­ ,se �,,f �g!�.��.*i; Wednesday Acting ':I-'Vr,Ime , � . I er in its lodge rooms with-Wlipionibers ap,6rtIX­­JXstrIct High. School R, , I � " I I ­ :,, 6T ., I ig hog pens, seven to 14 da)rs' to develop att '- . I - R�,�.it,',ii��,tll� ,r lady !guests were pibiented 4,i 1� . . . . s, din-, n4 E.�, eq Corps, .. ... . . . . . . . . . ... dinnAl � I . wear in before enter* -9 have become exposed., and a participating in a sump'tu"ah -Dale and R- -Box; W. J. Duncan. and' bad replete with the � .... W­P�1-:,; ­ Minister ,Brooke ,Claxton wir- L� i, , ­ . IL -1 I'll -- , " . .: ". ` 11 il�` : � .... r, , , $. "I'.. .11*g .1 - . ��:,�, , . ,:'� of, serious outbreak ma; ner party and social evening. Mrs. M. McKellar; H. Free -a ,&: :::: fi ' s: with carsage&. . .: .: !; , . -placed at the entrance hog . .- "g I ',!K.i. - ,�,,. g i" 111V,1.1,�% I ed - Mr. I , 1�,I. -1 , � hog pens. Insist on its use. t `,: -, , - � . 1A% shoOld be band, I ,­.rl IN. , McLean as fo ow � par .� �,,:.. ,r� , y be in your Milner; Chad Glew ,and Duncan. schoo" new'Un'fomed . , Xt.."tt, --�. � , Garnet MeClinchey was in charge. aded.7.1martly before some 340 local 1:.11X;1M11,M,'.',' :�, . tit On behalf of the Government I " - I . . community before you realize it, Aikenhead; Gen. 'Hildebrand and' , �.",";"."..��...."",,....,..�..".�/1.111- �, . . �.­;, I 'I . . h,uenre was played with the fol- sp y afternoon ::�-��.:�.��i�:::�',�:"�.,,',��!"', . .91 . .. t. I . , Allow no one to enter pens where ' ebt4tors Wednesda in &�",;;,�,'.i�:,,MINOE :. ,­ 7 I express deep regret at the I", � then it. is too late to take prdcau- . H. Traviss.; J. Hotham and ,- B,-. the Corps, �!::,....111.:::�11;;.., , - tX J , I . , " JbOgS are kept, except the attend- annual inspection -at . - - . . . . . . . . . �� ­ dama o caused in Huron Coun- . ions as, hoj4 may already he in- lowing as prize winners: ladies, ' " .. I .""I I ::� � �. �::: I "I t . �Itt` , - :; :; t"..::Ri.i. -to in your telegram . -ant feeding hogs. Stair away from first, Mrs. Irwin Andrews, Powell; Dr. J. C. MacLennan @Lud -Lions Park. ;�:::; ::��. ,..::;. ..... ty'referred Bands, Color for , , :;�� I , not visit, fected and in the lncu�4tion stage. Clinton; 1. Wade;'G. Muir and W. Ball; Ri " ' I I mcigltborW hog pens. Do I . . . i lone hands, Mrs. Thean, Stratford; , H ding the inspecting party May 26. 1 Assure you that the � I 1 . It any sickness occurs in your g��66na and M. 'Merriam; C. P.- , 6a Miss Madelyn Loretto Dillon � and do not have visitom consolation, Mrs. Harrison, Clin- was Lt. Col. Mahoney,'V.C., accom- same consideration will be giv ,!I,, - ,�, . I i en to this as to other comp "All Cu I rtaft breet opirations with h,D6, notify the Health of Animals ,414�,,,'aQ '14. White; Eric Munroe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L i' ar- � . ton; men, first, Irwin Andrews, partied by Lt. Rankin, C.T.O. Pol- ouls �I� laoithbors, hogs as much. as pos, Department, telephone 372- Sea- andt. Larane;'Frank Sills Jr., and Dillon, R.R. 1, Dublin, was 1 ,I] ,, , Clinton; lone hands, Frank An- W. J. Stuart; A. W. Sillery'and J. lowing the military officials were among those who graduated . able situations." Coronation Day . , 1�11I , sible. forth, or the closest Health of Ani- drews, Clinton; consolation, Kurz*,, .Gadet Major J. E. Zeigler, cadet - - ..­­ � . I I I ", I Keep hogs, away from straw mals, division veterinarian of the Neal, Woodham. A draw *j&rXaiser; Fred Lawrence alid.Geoj 'I I nstruc�?r A. Dobson, ,Cadet Capt. from St. Mary's k`6spital, Kit- Perth centres last week. While ...1. . stacks ae this to a pi�co frequent- Department of Agricultu � re. ..., ­.. ray Hays; Fred Johnston and R. R: M��' I -phener, last week. Miss Dition damage as,sessment was not com- Coronation Day in Seaforth will ", . ,. -1 held for a cornflowef dish, which .M. Laudenbach, Cadlet Capt. G. , be climaxed by a colorful parade ' I ,, �,�,�, � .. I � . was won by Mrs. Mellwain, Clin- Kindsey; IH. E. Smith and II9, Rowland, Principal L. P. Plumsteel received, along with ,her cap plete, preliminary surveys suggest and band tattoo in the kgricultural � . � 111, .. I I Woods; M. 'A. Reid and J. Map- . and diploma, the prize for Pr9- a loss proportionately as great as, 11, .. ton. and ]��, ,and. Mr. G� MoGavin, representing fessional Advancement. the May 21 storm. . Park where 11 bands, led by the ' .."'! I , . Three gifts were presented by . 'the school board. . . 'Mr. McLean asked for assu . R.C.A.F. Concert Band fromHanitil- ,. I �. -'i 1, I ' Races . E. Willis; J. A. Stewart and 4- -!I.� rance Donald; Norman MacLean I Near 1 000. Attend � , visiting lodg,es and 'were won by . � ,Starting the program even,t I s was !ton, will in'arch with Cadets and a - I ie'l , ; . Weatcott; W. M. -Hart and J Mur' '' thateid consideration equal to that '. , . � .. . Mrs. Albert 111arrison, Seaforth; a special performance by the band, . Legion contingent. I -ill' , W . 1-11 Ti ealli- , bton, Middlesex and, � 5 Mrs. John Coward, Woodham, and 'I'n -01ad, in new college-style,uniforl4g, Here a" y Afternoon The rules and draws, are up' , I .. a weary will be given in 'Huron, where the . Spontsored by the Fire Brigade � I'll 51" ray, J. R Keating'and W. fil - of L�Lm , Perth . I . , " . ", � annesa . Mrs. Garnet McClinchey,. Seafort-h... &y proved a feature attraction of ML, Mrs 'J. I %and- Seaforth Highlanders Band, the - �. ., , '.. , -I -I r, .1 � .3 , . . . 1 - - -the clubhouse. Th; games ,start dis- r damage situation Is equally serious. 31 . . . . I � The following Program was pre . the inspection. Cadet training AL .. tattoo will feature musicians fro . ��, . I . . I I the first week in J,tme. I plays followed, involving n^ 0 m 1.11, Seaf6,rt,h,TPurf,C.lub st4ged .a sue- sented. Reading by Mrs., Norma I .1 � .1 �7 � I Brent gun VDaurve-Anniverscuy Damage $100,0co in Grey, . Goderich, Brussels, DashwoDd, St. - q 'I,," .. I �.." . I I . � 1. , I . . Te"fut race,taneet here *Iedfie�day, Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Squires, Mitchell; musical mono- - . TfirinIg, 8�renade squad and rifle I . � .. I ;In ;Morris -township, 4kydro and Marys: ' Tavistock, Exeter, e-Thed- . I 114 . .. 1. � Hodges, Stratford, I dirill., Rhythmical exeTcises -were . 1,3 -1�6o�g `�'�jl:ad tba'4eAther been O'Ua � A � h - logne, Mrs, 7d ' I Mr. hnd -Mrs. James 3, Cleary, telephone poles, ii� well as. treoB,. fotd, Mount Forest,and Lucknow. "'I I � oftek ., - X '' , ry I oxt6r T em short play by Mitchell; readij;�, Babi;rBa 8 presented by over 12-5 girls. The I � 1010re sottle*` t setized I town, marked 25 ybiirs of niarried. were -snapped or, broken, falling'to Clowns and fireworks will add to i 1-1 � It , e crqivd� of nearly' - . ani Hall , y ri hl y i ' enine. I .: � I " I In - St. � J, I . es', M,, Colerlough, Clinton; solo, -Mrs. in e te an �,ch Gia�do IX boys' precision squad, un. ,hlock maiiy concession roads. the gaiety of the ev , I . , . I lt.00*: jj- .lfi�` me�t NyoiAd, -have been , ,: I � �11 , C. Curia - ingliam, SeAforth; ,reading, ,J: I � � I 1� der the leadership of Gord Raw- life last Friday, May 22, when they 'Barns 'in the area were ftattened, Celebration bunting md,de its ap-, � I .,�� larg� , I , , . , ��­­ . I � . ,�. . Some 50 ,t.qf 1 , , - and 'Mrs. Miss . I I � . 1. qme meet, with -a -total Purse of ., �%r, J�mieson, Woodham,;- ,41uet, The ... Sacrament of Baptism wa's land, paraded a smart.drill. re-enacted their vowslu St. Jaifies' f4fices torn' smay and; in one case, pearance on Main Streert4arfy.,W4 , I � , �, " , .0 fivrr,ik ndon, Mrs. Pr;6eman and Mrs. Hbirrison, observed in' First P�esb!T,�eriiq I `,Cl�ging, the twa4hour ceremony .Church *hcre they were married, ; I �"�ii . I . $-106 for five t*b-heat 6Uiises, drew Ignatius -L i&*,'1if Lo , .. a farmer's en I tire orchard was prac- week. Tuesday flag-toppeo',plaqu4i'. , .1 ... . held a presentation in -their h10 bu P. Chur iing b�r.� -'Ret.." *is,ihe awards presentation to the in 1029,� by Rev. E. ,P. Goetz. . � . ,,��11� - about tly!from Aur- nor trinton; - reading, Mrs. nto : ch Sunday man � 11.1 I ti6411Y destroyed by the fierce were wired to lamp posts, on botht .; ,­��'. . 1� . I I �',, 38 entries, mos High Mass of Th4pksgiving was - 1 �;,. last Friday 0 ening in St. James'- geiforth; solo, Rae Mills, *and- p. Olenn Can�pbell. Twel ', b bi, �,Atdiks and the commentary of �11,1`1 .y vei_'i a ea�, !owl . - . , ., an County.. Xjy L . winds. .Barns belonging to Mrs,. 9. sidies of the street, Wihd�Dws of . ,, I I U;� ." . ab � . I . ! . ,pr.. E. A, �XcMaster, 1.1! I 1- 'A . . - be Ouiek - ' " .', .), . . P . .,,, Pchool, Irall. � � a�.gqelveq in1,9 -s for, celebrated at 9 a.m.,� *Ith Father E. ,;;0" " ham; musical monolo#ues ,by. Mrs. werp - � -1 = we I C%u I ... � I ,,e. . �,,(�6V . . ­ Punnningi,k 6th concession, Morris, many downtown merchants. w6rii "� LL " ,�,J�Izl - 4�1, .oney. The a ard . . , � *'r.b 41�& X,$'.'�.l 'Stratford. , ' ThO ` dre� as, ; a Il. ,� ,, ,� I et"Iv-6tit P. Weber officiating. Mrs. Frank if- &65�m-tl-d 1?4 �dne 4, , 54�� ,� . -�, - ;* ,, . _ � %VA&,`th?M'.,.%94,-,T! , , " , R, 6" - 5 - . , 4 'T %-'LO-60 *ai&-dor�i -14Icdge,s--,&tL& Mj ,."Taf ,-.,, �, - '" q 3, Blyth, W. decorated, anor furtlic , ft� 046,1- " ­ S. i . , . .1 b�d� W, Walter Masdn, R.R. ; . . ' its revivaJ mer ioslaonto'b[f TucOrsmitd, ha.v-' - — Claire daughter- of Mr, and, ki��' to i9ce -McFadden ,and Helen r�c- Devereaux, who officiated at the J. Hallahan, R.R. 3, Blyth, Dan are in store to add to the col6r` . '�", . trxek and grounds and . . I . ,' of r�icljjgz he,ke after a lapse of 'some Ing farmed east of Seafarth on ' No. - - . nis R, H.'Mcteod; Bruce'Umes, son I W-aitt.' Th -6. leading officer cadets first wedding, again played the Hallahan, Bert Jackson, R.R. 4, and festive atmosphere of the ,Coro;�` - . � .. . � .1 ,�­; years. Secretary W. C. Oke said 8 Highway. � They recently sold the Edelweiss Lodge Pla of Mr. and M , S-tari J. Smith; were Gord Rowland and Marian wedding music and -accompanied Brussels, Earl Caldwell and Stan- nation. � . *:1 rs . - elubpff4oWp;�v,.Pre .pleased with the farm� and moved,to London. - gills, Jr., when he sang, ley Alexander, Grey, were damaged The plaques, were -designed. an& . I - , I During the evening euchre was Pienic.With . ve Maria" during the Offertory, or de'stroyed. manufactured in Seaforth by G� A. I I Qd4fellows, Bryan Edward, son of Mr. And Mrs. Laudenbach. Inspecting Officer Ma- Frank . � meet, and indicated the club hopes. � : Kenneth Williams; Hugh Gordon, honey told the corps that its cere- "A . . to stage, races aSairt'next yeXr. - played, followed by. lunch and the An invitation to attend a meet- son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dew- monial procedure was "first class." and "Panis Angelicus" at the Com- While t6tals of damage have not Wright. Work of instal -ling the I ; . presentation. Mr. Prank Reynolds ing at Brussels. in the near future ar; Janice 'Anne, daughter of Mr. Cadet officers were: Company in�,taion. . � Results ,a .ihe races. are as fol- been obtainK it is expected that decoratf6ris was undertaken by, P. , �; 1� - . was master of ceremonies. Mr, and 0 12. Zeigler; ' The church w4s, beautifully ar- in Ethel and, Grey township alone U.C. employees: R. B. Holmes, Gus t I lows, , I was accepted at Monday night's and Mrs. Arthur Powell; Lois -Mae, Commander, Mai r J. ' I her- t . Mrs. O'Lea el 9 :1 ;�i . - --1 fHeats . .ry thanked the gat meeting of Ed weiss Rebekah daughter of Mr. and MTs. James Second in Command, ,Capt. G. F. , ranged with lilacs, tulips and spitting dama o will reach $104D,0,00. Boussey, Charles Reeves and Gen. . - 2-.10 Pace -Two ing for their kindness and invited Lodge, over which Miss Mae Smlib: Elliott- Marion Elizabeth, daughter Rowland, Capt, M. Laudenbach; flowers. Breakfast was served to . Rusty Wood Jr., (J. Broome, � them to call'at 'their home when presided.. , I . . . of Mr. . ' and Mrs. Elgin Nott; Wil- First Plattion, Lt. J. McMillan; the immediate family and, friends Despite the intensity of damage Dixon. I �'. I I � . . and, the size of the area affected, - . � . I Seaforth) ..: ............. 7 5, in London. Several songs were Members were informed that the Ham James George, son of Mr. and Secon4,'Platoan, Lt, R. Henderson; and numerous messages of congrat- no injuries have been reportedJol- � Vorval Btrhoko (Dr. Hatize, . sung afterwards. , . " I Mitchell) . 1 ................ 4 8 annual decor-atiotif'-sperrice will be Mrs. Gordon Scott;. lah George and Third klatoon, Lt. R.Muir; Fourth ulations and good wishes ,were re- I - the s-torm. � -winners for the euchre were held on June. 7 at Maitlandbank Norman John McLeod, sons of Mr. PlAtoq I u4,Lt. H. Slavin; Fifth Pla- ceived, including telegrams from owing . .: Valuable Doe (Bud Jerry, -up Crews A . � Prize Clean t Work Meeting Tuesday of ' " as follows: ladies' first, Mrs. J. L. cemetery Preliminary plans for and Mrs. David Sims; Dona RAtb, toon, Lt. B. Hillis; Sixth. Platoon, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton and I . . ­ . Captain Brooks (Scott Kerr, lone hands: Detrott. . Near, Belgrave several barns I ­ Clinton) 1. - ­­ � I 11 M1`81 the joint picnic with the Odd -fel- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lt. S. McFadden; Seventh Platoon, foundations. I . 'i ­ ... ** 1 Stiles; consolation, i�rs. Arthur lows were made. A penny sale will Galivan; Rosalyn Louise, daughter Lt.. N. Spittal; W.O. 2. J. Flanni- Open house was held during the were torn ' from their I - I Pearl Lee - Wourge Peagan, ' 1� B. Kirkman Auxiliary Devereaux, men's -first, M,r. Leo t meeting. of Mr. and Mrs. -Ross Nicholson. gan; B. Scott, C.S.M. afternoon and evening, when Mrs. windows i I be lield foLlowing the nex I Brine Cleary, Mrs. M. Dunn, Miss trees snapped. Further ...... north, .11 ­ . Goderich) ­,..., - .� ........ 3 7 'Mr. J. L. Dev- . 11 The . May mC�eting of the Barbara I 11 Lucky Grattan (Geo. Dixon, ereaux; consolation, Mr. J. L. Dev- ? I Marguerite Dunn and Mrs. p. p. streams and rivers rose rapidly .. 8 4 oreaux. I I . I . " Kirkman Missionary 'Auxiliary of i , I Seaforth) ................. I I - . I White, London, -poured tea, Serv- under the heavy rains before and .1 I I Torry Nrola (Harvey. .Fleet, . � I , i, ng the guests were Mrs. Joseph p. after the gale, First Presbyterian Church was held � I - . t " Tuesday evening. In the absefic 1. I e I �. .. .. . ... 1� London) ...... Ji . i6e . s, . Lon - 6 6 B.A. to Ronald C. Sills . 0 , AT Miller, Detroit; Mrs-. John Michels, . By Wednesday crews of workers 1`1 Single Chips (L. , of the president, Mrs. J. B. Russel � - . , . all- I . 2 2 . I 10"17wif-F."ableth 11 xxrona tatt Mrs.. J. P. Flannery and Mrs. GQr- in the stricken area had made c .� . don) ..................... At London Convocation � I I � I don Reynolds. Mrs. J. L. -Matthews, siderable progreps in clearing trees the chaft, was taken by Mrs. E. A� . , Times -2-25 and 2:29. ".. , � I . . . I I . formerly Mary ,Margaret Cleary, at. and ba.rn debris, using bulldozers. McMaster, who opened the meeting . ­� t . Damage to hydia W1 2:25 Pace -Two Heats Mr­11-6nald C. Sills, son of Post- . . . . I . ith the reading at a poem. . � . . tended the door and was in charge and derricks. I ­­ � Ama Chips (Bud Jerry, Gode. , . P. Sills, � - 11. I .- of the register. and telephone lines was so exteri- Members, decided to hold the I I I . rich) .................... 4 1 has successfully passed his final � b � � Mrs.'Cleary was the former Mar- sive, bowever;� that service in some next meeting June 16, in order to . I Aft McLennan M C. Oke, year at Assumption College, Wind-! . � . .­- :: ) � �� . garet E. Walsh, daughter of the areas will not be restored for sev- accept the invitation of the United ; � I I . I i . Seatorth) ......... ,.7 6 sor, and will receive his B.A. de- � I '.. late Mr. and Mrs.- Patrick Walsh, eral days. Church ladies, for the fourth Tues- ,',, " � I rs'. * V e, r, n, , gree at Convocation, University of I . I :::. I "Ie�tforth. Mr. Cleary is the son a ard day. . . . ... ,-Grattan Chips (M a 3 4 Westein Ontario "London, on Sat- . . . ... W W W - - , I S f Henry Pattison and Rich, charge -of' - . I I ,� Caldwell, Goderich) ...... , : - �, Mrs. Brine,. Cleary, Seaforth, and Proctor, Presidents of the Fed--ra- The program was in . .� � .. -iculture in East Waw- the Ruby Walker group. with Mrs, .. ATgy,le Lee (Dane Campbell, urday. R.�,=,i !,*':�.��..i' `� .!.,:�,� ;�- �It. . . , Iit-�..,.: .: i:,K-:.%. the late ,Mr. Cleary. Many friends tions of Agi I 1 'Ailsa Craig) .............. I 3 I I.I�,.r.�.'��"*.*'...'.,*.*".*!�.-I'll�l.'.,.-�i", ­::j:�:;;X,.- join The Expositor in wishing Mr. anosh and Morris respectively had 14'. Orland Johnston presidifig. Mis's ... , I " � , ­ I � . Walton Lady (K. Kerr, Clint-, I I ...,.0 i�iiii.,,'.�.4,�.,.,.T.."���..'�� ii.iii�i.'& - M. J. Habktrl, read the scripture ,� . .,. , .. and Mrs. Cleary many more years consultations, Wednesday with Mr I ton) ............... .-k11iI.."J­ ­*.`I..,��i�:i::i lesson and Mrs. Reg. Kers-lake gave I i'�,K. . 6 5 �::i�iii;i:-.--- "..'.1,111 ." ti�`.`�t�,';�ii�::i�;,;N of happiness. . McLean as to the manner in, which � "' . .Jerry Lee Harvester. .,iit§�,Mi ijiii*i*:�..','�',:;�j:% .— . their organizations could be.3t as- the prayer. Interesting items in --I I � N.'.:�iiiil�,ii;�i��:i:� .,,, - . sist in the e .Current Events -were read by Mrs. , .1 ,� Walker, Owen Sound) ,... 2 ,Present Judging .�.:;!f�"Ix.;.Z.; iiiiiiiii�i�:�.,',,'�",:;�..",; . . , iii*i*, t . � mergency., They ,nile I I . , �::.�.�.:,-Wir,�,�,.: . ­­ ­ 1 - . - -1 .. I I 11 'if -i, . ..... 4 Reason G.- (Samis, Qodoriob-)-'-5--7 11"-�iii' �. .,.,. joining with their municipal coun- J. E. Daley. I ,,, r Times- -2:26 and 2:28. -, "...*-K ,V,:i:i:;k.Xi-:,::� .,. . I i�ii§""i�.'1111!:*Ii�i ��,�?�.,,�:i;�:sg*i�:��:;�:���;�i;iii.-;."",:: Home, School Assoc, oils and reeves In working out de. , Miss Alice Nixon Sang "It's No ,� X-iiii;-:,,X.:�, i,�%_�`.'.-i:iii:�g, tails of an aid program. Secret,," Accompanied by Mrs., M. I � 1i 2:22 Pace -Two Heats Awards Here- Sat. ­`:�' I .... ... I- ., R. Rennie. The� topic, from the . .. �,'�.',"..�.�,.,..*..:,.,�,.�i�ii�i: N...., ' ' ­ , . . . *i...".�-,ii�;ti: , '. Carlie G. (Jack Campbell, .;:��.",;:.""Ir�:!7t:�:::!:t. . - Area 0-ifects of Tornado � I Champ�ionshlp, awdras for district :�,*'�:::�;i:::i;i;,,,':j�-;:::i:i g;:;:;*:;,-::::::,;! I second, chapter of the study book '.1 L !-Ii�:i;�:���.,:i:!:�!!�:!;,,�;!::; '.1'...;1 . Walton) .................. 6.,,8 ' . ��*::;:::::,i:�.,.* Elects New Officers The tornado which 'vrreaked deva,- Bobby. Lockhart (J. Broome, Junior,, Farmers in livestock judg- ��,,:-".".L,�i��!.�.-��:'!��!-.. , on Africa. was given by Mrs. J. E. . �::,i;i­X-:�,:.:�.2.;.%.­ X-",.�, , .�",.'-.*�,.'I�i�i�7".,i:::.::: M .. I Ing were made here SAturday ;.:.:�:�.�,.?.:s�.iiii!ii'..�i.��i ,t rs. J. C. Crich presided at the station in Sarnia last week ""(I PatteT,son. The offering -was taken �­� , Seaforth) ................ 7 7 night at a banquet in ,'Cardno's i,'iii�ii�;',,?*ffiii�,�`ii��i�� :......, ; I wirled eastward south of Searorth up by Mrs. W. E. Butt and Miss - . (Reg McGee and I 5:i:�:�-,�;:!i".::,��!��!:i:�.,.::.�-�� ....... anpdal meeting of the Seaforth s Bill Dad . - I . Hall following a ft(Il day of jludg- �.�r*,;",�:';i;.'�,i:...i:?i:i:", : :�! Home and School Association last to sp . lit trees and level barns, cau&­ J, Cluff. The offertory. prayer was , ..... I Sons, Goderich) .......... . 121.12 111.11 ­:. i I week. age here but. gheu I ing competition, participated in by iii:'4':.:�f .., .1. i It I I rry, Gowdy, � . . ��:j:; ... ; Z. .. .: 11 etio by Mrs, D. Glenn Campbell. I Lucky Baron (Ha -1 . al -, ,.1. . Wroxeter) ............... 3 3 some 162 young competitors from ...:, I..:.."'."-..,.."...,.-,..: Annual reports. w�ere prepared 13t1some destru n a few miles . I ,. � and read by the following execu- qou�heast of Hensall. � � , , , :. . .. I the area, 1. . I ::* , .. "r . I . Royal Ablie-, (Harvey Fleet, I ... 1, .0 tive,members: recording secretary, In Seaforth driving rain, follow- .�; At the same time awards Were .... Picture of Queen For . : . London) ................. 4 6 . ; .., ..... I s I I nicha�d Gratton (H. Cun- made to Hur,on girls who took part 0 - .. . - Mrs. E. Munitoe; corresponding ed by hail and violent wind gusts, I Hospital . , . , 5 4 ,in the Achi . evement Day at the . -1 secretary, Mrs. D. N. Eastman; broke .from the darkened skies Scott. Memoria i .",A ,ninghiLm, Lucan) ......... . . ... 1, . er, Mrs. J. A. Westcott; fin- while most resident.% were at-, their The. beautiful- picture of Queem Black Raven (1,6rne Mitchell, High School. Nearly 40 atterfiled . " . � � � " ca ....... g I the banquet, served by the Wo- - - ance convener, Mrs. K. S -harp: supper tables. Wind earlier in tbe. Elizabeth 11 on d.isplay in the win- : It Nkfty, Patch (McLean, Fait men's Association of Egniondville ­ . membership convener, Mrs. K. 1, Afternoon had broken a tree near dow here at Sinipson's-Sears order k, I Elgin) .................... 1 5 United Church. . I .. � . McLean. I the Public School, felling A branch office, will find a permanent home . Times -2:24 and 2:21. , Winner of the trophy for 'high- I 11 0 .... 0 . . . . . . " � Officers for 1-953 were tiected as across a. primary wire and inter- � .1 I., 1�­-� ,,t . .. . 111������.. ! ''. follows: president, Mrs. F. Kling; rupti,ng power service for A, ,short in Scott ,Memorial Hospital. This ­,, . -4 2:19 Pace -Two 'Heats est number of points scared was . I r I 11 . I I vice-pre.sidents, Mrs. J. C. Cricb, time. Power here was on and off picture will be presented to the . I Bob Kern, R.R. 1, Granton, who, I ­ � I I I . hospital by MTs. L. Rowland, local Peter Lee Brewer (Bob Kirk- I won 575 points out of,a possible . . . . I I Mrs. K. 1. -McLean, Mr%. J. Pat- spa smod ically,', 1.4ter that evening, , I I: . i ­ .,I, at ord,er office manager of Simpson-, by, Walton) ............. 2 2 700. A former winner of the King's � . I - . . . ., - terson; recording secretary, Mrs. as, the mighty Winds in the t � i; � . . I I . Miss colli� Grattan (George . I I I f I Sears, on June 12. . Feagan, Goderich) ....... 3 4 guineas, Mr. -Hern, although at ,. I E. Munroe; corresponding secre- the tornadi) threw trees into hy,( ro - 1, I I � - Hereford breeder In his own right, b, . ,t�, a %,;� tary, Mrs. R Ellis; treasurer, Mrs. feeder lines in the St. Kirys dis- said the roof of his garage was . 1, ' t h fift.fhrIte - J. A. Westcott; publication% con- trict. split in two, lifted from the frame I Patsy C. Lee (Dunc, Camp- proved himself proficient in judg- ; b :4n ' � Boa Craig), ... 5 3 Junic, tht "Ser ;t,b m h-unbre - . of Seaforth, t" I bell & Son, Al Ing dairy and beef cattle, horses . � 0 ,.,, Oneter . I . vener, Mi,s. K. Chambers; finance A former resident and was thrown back onto the .1 Barbark Ann Grattop (Pol- and sheep at the vorlous, dig HEN the cu�taln­-f'IS -eg. .6"u, the `C6tonatl6ft It symbol standflik",".9bove '�teeds.'atid parties. In A. convener, Mrs. K. Sharp; memberm Dr. John Drover, son of ,Mr. and walls,. . � t lock, Pai trtdt ' v- . ,� -k-hill) ........... 4 5 'C. Camp- MrSL. � " I 41�fttsy ,P. Gratton (H. Me- farms visited by the large group. W will be ajeUrtlin riging"oft a deep rists, of materialistic fik, *hea the WON& lwlthreatenL�d ship convener; Mrs. W. William Drover, town, recei Grant Ryckman also; reported � I . . . � bell; socia.1 convener, Mrs. P. ed injuries as the tornado tore trees uprooted on his farm. east of I : Girls In Judging history. For not the least of the benefits of this by dangers, never ,b4die khb�vn, the BrItIabr-\ Troutbeck; program convener, -Mrs, tbrough the Thorndale area. At- Honaalt. Mrs. Win. Kyle, Kippen 11" florocira (John Fisher, Owen Alvin Cudmore, Henaall, was high ,. "I . � . I in when the . , 11.t I., I ound) ............... - 6 6 man In the special class for uovtlaes ceremony is that life In -the Pr6st'ilit takes On'EL Mobarchy onduree In noble strength. It is, in H. Mason; visual education con- tending cattle at a far found a number of chickens dead , . . . lony I'll, I At livestock 'v- � � .. t:��`, . M2 ler meWuo JA�'tfie larger,oc Jhe around her wInd-iblown co Horriby (DI08-81, Ran- profound . ,ontek, -0i jjm�o egk6nco, etaltaklqji o.frAutiful example as vener, MTs. H. Nicholson. tornado struck, Dr, Drover's arm , Judging, Ith 575 1 1 . ., . � . and shoulder cap werebrokenwh house. Other farmers in the dis- I ,6ver) ..................... 7, 7 points -oub of. a ,possible 700. which Its pagetAtftm �1%64w,i �­ " 147 , I en . 1, I A� �, �. I opposed to the hazards' of ruling. by the mailed . ;S� � 11 -,., " I ' Timea--2­01 and 2:2.1 � . I . :1 4- th.b�flj6fifig� g,tehkn4g#:�6f�',di�tatorshi�p.- � the barn collapsed, strewing debrig, trict reported shingles blown away . ,�, I I , ­ I ' Maurice Rallahan, Belgrave, was :� The -Coronation is an. �ct� of the,ijighest podtfy fist and Overseas Study Award The, house oil this farm was do- and boards loosened. In -Heusall . .1,40 Free-Pdr-0-2 Heats; the champion �in the durty clittle in the CommquW;aalt � d * One virtue InAlieCoronation rites is that they Mroyed. . . tI!,ti I , ,. ­h',d life,-,,iAa446A6 2,,P'n . ,,Is ' , " I Rev. E. G. Clarke . power service was Interrupted un� r$yle f IQ e '* I la �,, .1. . .11 i " ' .. It A. Grattan' (D, Camp- Judging competition, with 191 of a occ W446�tilift 'Miti 0 ,'u e)ft"fqa&L are out of'' 4 a e, aW could the stability and Report Costly Damage I possible .200, and George Turner, asion by , I t til Priday evening. ,� I bell, Ails& Craig) ......... I ' Rev, Ernest George Clarke, son of .e In the Hensall 'The hall which fell In this area, � j� , Miss Corporal GrAttIgn (H. Clinton, was the ,champion beef widow of a KoIng, mother of ,-two Xi find continuity of the national history, be more Tornado damag :'i,'��,J 2 9 cattle judge, with 194 poliifs, of a , � J "', impressively show&-?,� 'Our Queen is crowned with Mr. and Mrs. M. E.Clarke, §eaforth, area, althougk not as serious as on the skirt of the tornado, caused . Cunningham, Clandeboye) . grandmother of the retining Queen. . . . I ; .1111 ' " MW e9t Possible 2-00. Two classes of beef .1 h "' fth'whloh her pred-eces- has been award,ed a,pcholarship to further south, was costly, A house some excitement. Frank Johnston, I , . �,Dir .(Dr, Elliott,, Olin- � ". I � ­' , ' ,In relatioii to the diawn we ate mystics. Our the saine tituallig t at, w � I . I with reasons .- . Que more thansta thou n , I � 1:11 � tou), 4", :-Altyl..? ............ 6",6 cattle were Judgeil, -above uar-by -Divine ,sors. ha-vX-hplelb P " sa ill study languages in Holland. The being d4smantled on the highway MCK1116P, and Mrs. Louis ,Clark, . I . ton), 4, ,,A -966S ­ lor pla I— F is-not-m-p-ergoir-exafted PW-%AQ1.P­­r--.- .-.---.... - ­ ... -: announcement war,,.made this wq -all was levelled. It, wa.s­.�r-, ,.K!pV.,en,.,..rep-orted.-.kW"'t6ligg-,- or an, -P-0-ft cingff eiffflrfeiff-� ' -966W law . .. - ­ - �k near Hens � r�,t V l4'1i§4t'8Y'A , Right, nor a IiersbtCd out own choosing, We years. I by the Royal Society of Canada 5*ned -by' -46rge' 911eil.. Elgin over an illeb. in diameter. In S�a- l� j� ,4 ,.�',, 4. J , . I . ��),�"l , JoIg J I 0 f�'. . 00-� : ! ,`,�: �r I a 8 turner lost ode mark of a possible G- �tiot "i (Itog" 'jjc�(ija' ' ',j 1,00 on. one class, and, five on the have a part in her dignity, but she does not The forms sib ancient, but the spirit sm- which makes the 9� I 4W . )Vernment' over. Roweliffe, one and a half miles forth Mrs. J. W. A,! 8t1ftWb , . , . .� I I .TO' . r TV' ty-eight sooffi of Rensall, reported three served two fiAll �# ,�A,6�1','i .�41 sois", 4��a,h,) .......... 5 4 othot, . . bodied In thelit ftqV6r,,,Ji6'we1 old. That spirit Is sea -9 ,study awa, ds. r�n ston,64 In, her.. I ­, . :,)"I . f - a.ebleve that dignity at our will. oss] frigerator. They mea0fed, bet,W6ft ­�:� R; . � 3 ',X6�"y (Diesel, Hin- "" . . scholarships aud� Mllawshlps were troaft uprooted and thrown acrt " 1,111, :�,, ,1,,*.4 I �4`�V. �,� 1. . ,,,W:!,w I -the 162 livestock Judging com-, , I The Que4tt Ig tbo.uniftl)oachable ftgure of all the 8016m,ft r600gnItion-of the wered character . awardled. for IM -54, aftdiemle and his drIV6*11y. JIM, Vishialer, two lone and a. quattor and one 00 'r.1, i,���;,;� 11.01,r4o 6,%;,;...; .............. 4 5 petitots In6luded hAlf-d-dotet'glEs � I & I - 4� ; t, I , "',"Y"I I'll I I � � I tinned ' -��-, , I 1 I 1. � lf� %&��,a and mil . (Con , ;) .k creative art ft�'dk Ti"'Vilbrope. Mid 16 ,haf miles. mt. of Herisall� , ,4 ,, I ,, � 1. . thaf 16. 06a In goirerum6nt, her crown is a, allke of kMlty allid,161, t ., I half lntbet�. � '01% PA96 6 . . � ,011, ,� . - I . - ,,j�q� ,,',t;�,,���,'& , �, I I . . . . . . , � I I �, -­ - . 4. 1 , I., � , 4' � �N, " , �, ": , �5 ,1�, 4 . .,I - 1, . ".� V. I , 'AR, . I , - 1 - . ­ . I . , , I . I'* :,��:,� I .. .4. � -1 .. , . � I .� . ,I- . 1. , . I I F ­ nt�,::: I I . . � ­ ,. " �t 1 , .1 ��'! � I 1, 1. : I ',,�: I . I . ­ . . I I . . ". t I I . I I 1. . I I I I . , . - I .. I , �:11 "..: �L ,; "'), ,��;�'i � � 4 " �,, � .1 ":", , , 1. �;tt � " , ;1 , I`.,:. " :�. I It, I � 1. . I I � . � ,,, , ,., . . , .� � ,� � , . I . ,.I, , ,,,,;� .I":" "I', . I ,.­.­,� ,­, , I I . ., � I � I 1, " . �11.1 � , e,: ��:;! il I C 11, ".1" , .�.*­ -, � .,�� i 'J �, ; . I . , ., I I- . I . .. ­- 4 ��, I �: � �, '1:11. , , �, , " � I , : , , , � " " 1. .­�i , '. t, �.", . 'I, . ' ""A:', - i , , ,., , ,,�� " , , 1- -I 1 11�41�. , I I . 1:, I .,,�,�� ': �� , , �'', ­.. 4 tl-�;%,'­I�.,,I�,': ,,;, ��� L. , ;;!, ­!;� 1, . , . , 1 , , ! I IF�l 11..�­ , , - ­ � " -, �,t`�:,��'�ttU ;; l� , 1;.�'�A��:"�,;�"",� 'J�4';`� �1 � "' "f " " J- I. j"44 '�, ­� , 111�11��,N;­ . 1 ,�', �� ��,,�J � ,��,,�:'�, ,��;';,I'tj,�,,� 4� ­' �,'� ; -,�.� " 1.7 ;� " ,,, �, ,4�,,,,,,Lll ,; tj�. ,11 � I.."", -Jr IIII,�k - . , ;;. ,,, ... 11�1 I 11 ,,, ,% W, �M,I,,?,. , , ,, I j,jm-,4� g;��,-��Ix,,­, I : 11'�I; -1 "' ,t I t � a � , P, 6�qVi',�,,�"t,��, i I , ,,�',�I, 't�',,� ,I 1­11i­� �­11­ " � �1,1�6, J"I IM, � I I, 1,1�'�,� ,,,,,,,, , 11X 11 , .- I I �� ­ I. F'1111- 11��-' I "It, k,- , ,­ .1 , "!W,r��!Q,'.L� ,,,�i,�,,�,'F,r,�,!,�;;�;,��ll,�. ,��i ,a'�� "filal, �A ..... , �,� YMM, ,`,'.?�,i i'42"'Us"t, 111,12"iMis"I'M111 I � "i'll" it�,`f`v* .I . �, " W­:tI, ;i�,',ii.�l,,"�!"�r�?i'�,4,�;�,�L""144 -�,,,,,� .".;,,,,,���A�,��,�..",����f���,,,,,."",��,�..i�li,�,,�.,,�,,,,����l,,�� , �R2��,/N��,�1,C�p,,��,R,,,,r"��.e�����t , 'k�iL4-�,��,����,�,�',!,".L�,i�)��VF;,Il�'.-.,,'Il,�l,� I'll.." '­, 11 .1 , . It, ." , ,,, ,,�61` iA , , , , , 'A , " ?, ,,�'�.�i,!,;��"",��,,,,,,�l��",�� Ji�&�,,'14t�,,�114� , "'i � ,� , , -.;� �i " �, , : ,,, `%�il'��;,, KA"I r ,� I . k 'L I - - N � lt`�5U,,,�W'Y �.�, .f, 'Z?, Q , 111,11 , � I ,�,�,,,, 0 ;,'�.,��4�� " , .,��""�.,,c,,.,����;e,�,,,,,I',���,�,,e��4� � '1116111N, , 1 ,� 'R .�.,,�M �,'qt 16d "W"t'RO,�;I, , 4�,'j� 1,51" i I , �, ,,� V ,(, , 1,1111166101 �11 AT , d , "laii L ,f, ,, , ` , ,,� 11 - "IM 1, L� � g !� ,,,��,,� A -,vi"'k.i, .� I'D,,