HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-05-22, Page 41 iR',Aa- l",SRNstge aL rov o -s tg r �1 Inserted At N# 'I:ow Cash Rates , WANTED, 'LOST AND FOUND, ETC, --Per Word: oat Werk 1 Cent 2nd Week Cent 8r4 Weep -r cis dent 3iln�um charge each insertion— 25 Cana , Each S iridal and counts as one Wad. 4f Thanks Is Memoriam Notices. Coming Events --1 teat � Minis___ 04;ott per' week. mar& be directed to a Box Nov % The Thi Expo,ltolt, for 10 cents extra. '$'tri Cents additkaRal will be chimed if ate is above dna the sot molds 10 clava or date of anal fnaati4t Bede. kfarxfsll;es rad Deaths lase ted free of doge, Auction Sala, Notices to Creditors, Etc—Rut o4 arpli�ffion. • Coming Events TN THE MERRY MONTH OF MAY, awing and sway in the old trine way. til atbei tuneful melodies of N arece Petrie and Night Hawks, every Friday night, at the Crynl,.J Palace Baallroom, Mitchell, Ont. • 4451-5 Help Wanted VANTED- GESL OR MIDDLEAGED VY womesn to take full charge of home: two children; good wages- Year roved etaployterea . '. Modera..home. Apply to Boa 232. HURON £XPOOSSTTOB- 4453x2 Wanted ANTED TO BUY -2 CALVES, SUIT - able fair vesting, WILLIAM COLE, MEAN, Khmers. Phone 674 r 22, Hensall. 'WA 8TED—A GOOD D'r"TERNATTON.&L team. senfer. Apply LLOYD HANEY. Phone 662 r 11, Seaforth. 4454-1 WANTED TO RENT -=- 6 TO 'B-'�4,0o19t house. Will pay up to $65.00 a month. Apply to Box 184, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4459 if Property For Sale VSIOR SALE -8-R001,1 FRAME sE &OUSE, insulated- stoker h.'1 -.I 'modern bath- room and kitchen. new garage- Lots of ' room for gardeo- CLAYTON DENNIS. 1 Boone 355-W, Seaforth. 4439-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE—TWO-STOREY 1 three bedrooms, living room, dead 3-, WOOD FOR SALE—READY-CUT LIMB piece acresbathroom. oil heated house, including WOOD and kindlingwood. FRED three acres of land, edge of toav- Approv- edREEVES, for Veterans' Land Act purchase- Ap- ! For Rent FOB RENT—I-HOOSi APARTMENT, IN home: hydro and orates.; garden. AP - ply Box 233. HURON EXPOSITOR.. 4453x1 Poultry FOB SALE --2,000 STARTED RED ROCK pnllela, ready for range. BILL HLN- DERSON. Phone 6837, Seaforth. 44614 PULLET SALE n,3 Y OLD' AND STARTED, WHILE they last at these special prices. Im- mediate 40150M -day old Standard Qual- ity, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, White Rock Light Sumer. white Wyandotte, Light Susses X New Damp. Light Sussex. X Red at 518-95 per hundred; New Hamp- shire, Rhode Island Red X Barred Reck, New Hemp X Barred Bock. New Hapshire X Light Sussex '116.95 per htmdted : Black Minorca X White Leghorn, White Leghorn X rn 528.95 per hundred Assorted Breeds White o (our choice) 515-95 per hundred, for money meeker quality add 51.00 per 100; for Extra Pro- fit add $2-00 per 100; for Special Mating add 13.00 per 100. Started Pullets — 2 week old add $11.00.; 3 week old add 517.00 per 100. Day old Bronze toms (very spe- cial price), 39e each. C.O.D. anywhere. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHciRIES LLMiTED Fergus, Ontario 4454-2 For Sale Ply Box 202. HURON EXPOSITOR, or Phone 41, Seaforth- 4431-tf 7.URICH — STORY AND ONE-HALF frame house. White asbestos siding; new roof. Corner location. Immediate posy sion. Reasonably priced. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson. Phone • 51 Hensall, Ontario. HENSALL—BEAJ'rIFUL SOLID BRICK home for the discriminating buyer. -Best corner residential location. All cone veniences and facilities. Five bedrooms. =Ideally located for professional residence Many extras. Must be seen to be appreci- ated. Reasonable terms. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 Hensall, Qntario. 4453-2 }JENSALL — POST OFFICE BLOCK. Ideally located for. store or office. Ad- joining seven -room house and three-room apartment included. Exceptional oppor- tunity for commercial property or as an indestment. Reasonable terms, Immedi- ate possession. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Broker R. B. Paterson Phone 51 Hensall, Ontario. 4453-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED R SALE—CORAL CREPE DRESS. size 40; never worn. Apply to Box 230. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4452-tf FOR SALE -13 -PIGS.. NINE WEEKS old. Phone JOSEPH O'REILLY, 41 r 13, Dublin. 4454xt OR SALE—ACOUSTICAN HEARING aid, almost new. PHONE 655 r 25, Seaforth: 4454x1 BARRY, 668 r 15, Seaforth. 4452x34453-2 �j'OR SALE --STRAWBERRY PLANTS ; , also raspberry caner. Phone 7 0 VORSALE—PURE BRED YORKSHIRE hog, 6t_, months. W. C. MONTGOS3- ERY.- Phone 834 r 4, Walton. 4454-1 TOR: SALE— BITALIRE ICE BOX. white enamel- Apply to CHARLES CUNNINGHAM, James St., in evenings. 4454x1 pea SA LF. -2 -SEED BEANS. QU_4NTITY of Michelite beans fit for seed. Phone 665 r 41, Seaforth. RUSSELL COLE- MAN. • 4454-1 poR SALE — 4 FRESH HOLSTEIN cows, three registered. All good milk- ers, Phone 839 r T,,--, Seaforth. HENRY ENZENSBERGHR, R.R. 5, Seaforth, • 4454-1 FOR SALE -2?._ H.P. OUTBOARD MOT - or. It works: it's cheap; it's got to go! Phone 238-W, Seaforth, or write "OUTBOARD MOTOR," Box 276, Sea - forth, 4454x1 VOA SALE—LARGE TENT; SLEEPING bag: Victor radio and record player, equipped with jack. Apply MRS. NOVAK at James T. Scott's, Seaforth• 4454-1 FOR SALE—TOMATOES, SWEET P'EP- TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR Pers and dowers in containers; cab - the installation of a pressure system bage, cauliflower, celery and also toma- in S.S. No. 7, McKillop, tenders to be in toes loose. MRS. GORDON H. SCHWALM, the..&ands of. the Secretary -Treasurer by BoxI1, HensalL 4454-1 noon May 25 Work. to be leted soon as posa101e. come as ALEX DENNIS, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 2, Walton, 4454-1 Notices R SALE—PERENNIALS,•INCLUD- ing Niagara Falls, Shasta Daisy, Dianthas, Canterbury Bells, Cornflower and M.nnwm Mums 4 for 25c. THOS. ALDINGTON, near Salvation Army Cita- del.' Seaforth. 4454x1 FOR SALE -2 BEDROOM SUITES; chesterfield suite dining room suite; sewing machine: day bed ; ice box ; tables; chairs ; 'drapes ; pibtures ; lamps, etc, A. W. GARDINER, Egmondvflle ROOM ANI) BOARD FOR ELDERLY Manse. - 4454x3 Person. ApplY MRS. JOSEPH THORN - TON, R.R. 2, Walton- 4.154x1 werei.P TI52E IS IMPORTANT— " Surge milkers lead the field. Safe TO_LOAN—ABOUT TWO THOUSAND operation, faster milking, easily„ cleaned dollars. on mortgage, at 5V,ga interest equipment makes profits for the farmer. Yes—keep things moving. JOHN ELDER, Surge service is tops. LOVELL Mc- densalL n 4454-1,' MERE. Phone 593 collect, Wingham, has the proof. NOTICE — CRUSHED GRAVEL FOR local delivery. EVERITT SMITH & Foe SALE—FOUR SHALLOW -WELL SONS. Phone 664 r 4, Seaforth- pumps (3 Duro. I McDougall), com- 4463x3 p!ete'with pressure tanks, ,ganger and fit- tinga, 60 cycle. These units slightly used 'A'DIO REPAIRS—FOR " ALL KINDS at lake resort and replaced by deep -well of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE-1system, Save from 250/ to 50%,, See at PAIR -...apposite-•Dielk- Hnnae, Seaforth. i RADER'S . HARDWARE. Zurich. Phone 347-R �� r 44.5-4-1 CUSTOM WORK — CHAIN SAWLNG,! FOR SALE—LIMITED QUANTITY OF weed spraying: also Seliagoa seed organic plant food for garden use, Potatoes for sale- JOE GIBSON, R.R. 2, from new Pilot Disposal Digester,• Any Seaforth. Phone 616 r 3, Clinton, quantity, Brine your own bags. Over 4454x2 one cubic yard delivered anywhere in Sea - forth Apply MR, FRASER. Bell Indns- MOWERS SHARPENED — WILL tries. 4454-? sharpen ail makes of lawn mowers. Will 'call for and deliver. JOHN Mac - LEAN, Egmondville. Phone 649 r 3, Sea. forth. 4448-5 PAINTING — SPRAY OR BRUSH Papering, Sunworthy wallpapers, Sign painting a specialty. ED, (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Hensall. Phone 196-n, Heiman. 4425-tf BEDOME ,T A BOOKKEEPER, STENOG- rapher, or typist in your spare' time. Lessons 50c. For particulars, write CANADIAN CARRESPONDOII4 1 COURS- ES, 4290 Bay Street, Toronto, 4953-2 ATTENTION, FARMERS l — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and ANDREWS,, 853 r 1. Seaforth; obled farm animals. Call ar 285, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd- 4399-tf A CCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton- If you --have a house, apartment, Tarnished or unfurnished, to rent, please call 'STATION HOUSING. • OFFICE at Clinton, 882; loeal 252. 4436-tf von ARS'U»fCIAL INSEMINATION AT its best for' all breeds, call the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association between 7,00• and 10:00 a.m, an week days and 7:30 tied 9:30 amt. on Sundays. Phone collect,' CLINTON 242. ` NOTICE Po Wnship of Tuckersmith MtiETING WILL B3` /MLn IN•.&S, 14o S Egmondville, off Tot�day, May 26, 1993 a 0 area to dib'ettsa the, %victor! •SMIlATYON with the ratepayers in Esp. OnlivlU ,5ll tta. - a into th =sure to fit to Aland. , E. P. �1i,. f glei'kc 1 CZ r., Auction Sales THE 15th SEMI-ANNUAL GREY -BRUCE Herefor Breeders' Sale is being held at Mar WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th All balls offered will qualify for 2092 premium, Catalogues on request JACK COULTER, President T. STaWART COOPER, Secretary, Markdale, Ontario. 4453-2 Administrator's AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF FARM,. FARM Stock and Hotisehold Effects 'at Lot 20, Condessfon 17, Grey Township, 4 miles ( east of Walton, on Saturday, May 30, at I •30 p.m.: Farm Stock and Household Effects. At the same time and itlace the farm will be offered; 100 -acre farm, frame house, barn 40x60, 70 acres in hay and pastute, 10 acres of bushland. TEIEWS---Property, 10% down, balance in 30 days, with immediate . possession, Offered subject to reserve bid. Chattels: Cash. JAMES CARMICHAEL, Administrator Estate of tate John Carmichael, Hamid Jackson, Auctioneer, - Re thrifty! Phone 41 Sea- = fort3:' .C1a ad...ads. are Fe- suit-gettfilg. The Huron Eilpos- • itor. rl 1; f Livestock Wanted Moo ree;:wed hew "of enema kW name eo• ,'C mate* l sicced �1; tis r Notices. To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS la the R•4.te •i LES1!,dE ALL PERSONS HAVING GL AI MS against the Estate of Leslie Better. mann, late of the Township of MyEilfop, in the Coxmty of Huraq. Eames, deeeas.,# ed, who died on or about the 1st day. -08 April, 1953, are hereby notified to send in fun particulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 30th day of May, 41953, after which date the assets will claims thenreceived having regard only to DATED at Seaforth this 4th day of May, 1953. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate. 44524 Cards Of Thanks ROBERT WATSON WISHES TO thank her many friends for the Girds, treats and flowers sent her while she was a patient in Scott Merporial Hospital; also to thank Dr. J. A. Gorwill and the nurs- ing staff for their kindness, 4454x1 I WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUN.- ity to thank the doctors, the staff at Scott Memorial Hospital, and all those who sent me books. cards, treate,.flowers and in any way helped to make my stay at the hospital very pleasant, 4454x1 E. B. GOODIE MISS CATHERINE LYNCH AND MRS. Sarah McIver Wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and`sympathy shown them during the illness and death of their brpther, Mr, M. J. Lynch; also for the spiritual and floral offerings. Special thanks to Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, Rev. Father Frank Moylan, also fhe Nursing - Staff of Scott Miemofial Hospital and Dr. Al, W. Stapleton. • • x MRS. JAMES HILL AND SON, D. Ivan Hill and family, Simcoe, wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown them during their sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr, J. A. Gorwill for his tender care •of our dear one: also Rev, D. Glenn Campbell and Rev. Duncanson of Crom- arty. and for the many floral tributes, cards. letters and telegrams, and those who loaned cars or helped in any way. 4404x1 THE BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF the late Thomas Reid wish to ex- press their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion for the kindness and sympathy shown them.- by their many friends and neigh- bors and for the cards and floral tributes, Special thanks 'to Rev. Anne Graham, Rev. Goth, Rev. Pitt, also the special nurs- es, doctors, superintendent and staff of St." Joseph's Hospital, London, 4454x1 The Huron Expositor classi- fied columns are best! - Try them, Phone 41, Seaforth, 4eY W,, Vei'<+a t 7 'IWWCfe a1614 and d8tighten140, faintly, and Mrs.: Weir, Sir, B neap- xe an Mrs- dI Me tory were weekend guests, with Mrs. the 'Week -end. !1y tir. and eePa, Mr, Trot XIV- 1 . ' q rrratfl;: Ritchie Traquair, Exe4elr- • Mrs. glazier, 'Croton, he 'a guest at the home of Mr, ,and Mrs. Robb, Dayman. They spent last Sunday with Kippea. friends. • • Amber ,Rebekah: Lodge sponsored a successful bonne 'baking sale and tea in the lodge rooms last Satur- day, realizing some $55. Conveners for the affair were Mre. E, tihip- chase, Mrs. A. Mefeath and Mrs. R. Richardson. Hensall Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion will entertain Brussels and Seaforth Auxiliaries to a social evening in, the Legion Hall, Hensall,' Monday, May 26. At the C3liselhurst service last Sunday, Mies Marilyn Eyre con- tributed a pleasing solo: "Be Thou Nigh." Rev. W. J. Rogers presid- ed for worship in the Hensall IInit-. ed Chureh. ' The choir rendered the anthem, "Oh For a Thousand Tongues-; to Sing." The evening service was withdrawn, Mr. Harry Smith, who is' a pat- ient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, on don, is improving nicely. Mrs. Aida Simmons, who spent the past six months vacationing with her sisters, Mrs, Ila Wood and Mrs. Callis, Santa • Barbara, Cat, has returned home. , Mr. and Mrs. Spittall, Hamilton, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell are moving this week into' the resi- dence of Mrs. F. Farquhar. Receive Diplomas Sixty-five young womep, in starch- ed white uniforms at the Beal Tech. nical School auditorium, London, will receive diplomas at the annual graduating exercises of Victoria Hospital Sohool of Nursing, Tues- day evening, May 26 Included in the list of graduates are Eleanor J. Cook, Velma D. Ferguson and Patricia A. Mitchell, all of Hensel]. Jenies W.Bentltron: . Mrs.all. J sren, and soon. Robert, apent°tie Twee dead, .i t Mad*: sor. They were a eeonwai4ed Poi* by Mrs, Steri. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Paterson spent 'last week in Montreal Miss Lois Henderson silent the weekend in St Maris and' Niagara Miss Betty Miekie, Mir. train" ing, Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week end at her home. Dr. and Mrs. -H, Joynt and Judith Ana Toronto, - Widee: we0kend' visi- tors with Mr's. Alice Joynt. Mr. and ,.Mrs. Lorae,,.Elder and family, Hamilton, spent the week- end eek end with relatives. here. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet ethane. Guelph, were weekend visi- tors with Miss M. ElliS. Mr. and Mrs, A. Orr and Jim spent the weekend with • relatives at Elmwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Walker were. weekend visitors in Toronto. Mr. and Mrd Lloyd Hedden, Lin- da and Sam, and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Hedden and •Karen, St. Cathar- ines, spent the weekend with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and Herb. Mrs. Grant Love, Cairo, Mich., spent the weekend witli relatives in Kippen and Hensall. Mr. and Mrs, A. Teaquair, Wood- stock, visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, E. Norminton- and Ted. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie In Memoriam J EATTIE--IN LOVING MEMORY OF our dear. son, Sgt. John Elmer Beat- tie, R,C.A.'„ who passed away May 20, 1945. Keep him, Jesus, in .Thy keeping, . Till we reach that shining shore; Then, Oh Master, let us have him, And love him as we did before- -Ever remembered by his Father and Mother, and Margaret and Neil 445451 Births HORNE—To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Horne, 420 Loveridge St...London, at St. Jos- eph's Hospital, on May 19, 1953, a daugh- ter—Donna Marie. KAI-E—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kale, Si, Columban, a son, , KROOPMAN•S—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on May 20. to Mr, and ,Mrs. Ruurd Koopmans, R.R. 2, Auburn, a son. Deaths WILLIS—In Seaforth, -on Monday, May 18, Walter G. Willis, in his 83rd year, LITTLE—In Brantford, on Wednesday, May 20, Andrew Little, husband . of the late Helen' .Brown and dear father of William H, Little, Brantford? in his 92rd year. * , TOWN of SEAFORTH WARNING Dogs running at large 'in the Town of Seaforth will be impounded, and if not claimed within 48 hours by. the .owii r or harbourer will be. destroyed, by Order of the Town Council. , DR. E. A. MelVIA.STER, Mayor. FREE CHECK OF COOLING SYSTEM rr` �� CHECK FAN BELT • RUST AND -CORROSION INCLUDES RADIATOR AND HOSE THERMOSTAT • WATER PUMP a'r INSIST ON ZPYC� iWPFY THEY'RE GUARANTEED CHRYCO k a Trademark of the Chrskter Coiporearsn. of Canada, Limited CHRYC"•O PARTS -AND ACCESSORIES ARE SOLD 9Y ... • Rowclif'e Motors P1iife 267geaforth „ Jy. 'Windsor, spent e * ndwith. Hensall Rec. Council Organizes Softball Teams Ata meeting of Hensall Recrea- tional Council this week, four boys' softball. teams were organized, in: eluding ages from 8 to 14. The boys are from Hensall and immedi- ate district. ,Coaches appointed are Rev. J. B. Fox, Jim Clarke Jack Tudor, Jerry Ronnie. It is t e..in-. tension of the Council this week to form four other teams for girls in the 8 to 14 age group. Hensall Arnold Circle Meets at Home of Mrs. W. Brown' Tuesday Mrs. W. Brown was hostess for the. May meeting of the Arnold Cir- cle of Carmel Murcia Tuesday eve- ning, Mrs. H. Hoy, president, was in .charge of•the meeting and open- ed with a poem. Mrs, J. B. -Fox gave interesting highlights of the Synodical -at Wingham. An article from the Glad Tidings was contribute(} by Mrs, Roches Faber. Worship period was con- ducted by Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Harold Bell gave a.reading, "Living By the Day." Carol Brown played a piano duet. A visiting committee was appointed for May and picnic plans were discussed, BRUCEFIELD Mr, and Mrs, Don, Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard visited in Detroit over the weekend„ Messrs. .Frank . and Thornton Mustard spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Mustard, Mr. and Mrs. T. Anderson and Ina and, Mrs. J. Paterson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Paterson. . ' Mr; ands Mrs. M. Squire 'visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan. Mr. and Mrs, Abe Zapfe and Glen visited bis sisters and' families in Detroit over- the 'holiday. Mr, and Mrs. William Brock and family, London, 13pent the weekend with .Mrs, Fred Walters, Miss Diana Johns, of Elimville, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. John Batten. Messrs, William and Fred Wal- ters spent the weekend at Chesley• Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Camm and Mrs. Albert Cemee, Fort Erie, call- ed on Mr. and,Mrs. Wib. Batten on' Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William . Beer, of Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs, Maurice, Quance, Exeter; Mrs. Blanche Pat- terson and Marion, DetroitO Mr: and Mrs. Roy CIarke and fainily and Mrs, Maud Clarke, :Farquhar, spent Sundd)+ with Mrs.' William Walters, Mrs- Clarke marked her birthday, - Mrs. Donald McKinnolp and fam- ily, Cromarty, visited .Sunday eve- ning with Colin Gilfillan, CROMART I.. Mr. and Mrs(. Couiten and Mr.' and Mrs. William Binning and chil- dren, Mitchell, via$ited,with Mr. -and' Mrs. Ken McKellar on Monday, Mrs., Alex Ramsay and Patsy spent the Weekend with Mr. Ram- say at Georgetown, Miss Marguerite Duneaniloii spent the holiday weekend at the Manse. Mr, John Ballantyne and Lilly Ballantyne ntyne visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Haimtilton on 'rhurs- day, Mr_ -end Mrs- R8'ss•$v'ug 1ton-and- faufly visited Sunda* with Mr. and Mrd ten Naughton at Wbiglian , Mrs: A. Roberti ii and' Jahn' Rah- • S Ileo " R' n %ffrea. 6 . And SO444. VIA' Mige g r visited. Ya VOW4� a other me ds.irs. ° ME and Mrs. Nelson Hankin, of Belmere, visited with • Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton' on Monday. STAFF'A Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rose, R -R. 5, Stratford, announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter,•-11or- lene Grace, to Mr. James Douglas Norris, sone!' Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Norris, -Steffe- The wedding- will take place• early in June. Mr. and Mrs- James McKellar and Billy, London, Mr, and. Mrs. Peter Pigeon and family, Galt, visited with Mrs. John Drake: Mr. and Mra Darrell Parker vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs, Francis Marion, Windeolt., Miss Audrey Elliott, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Tindall and family, of London, visited with Mr- and •Mrs. Lloyd Elliott. Mr, Kenneth McKellar, London, visited with his mother, Mrs.' L. McKellar. Mr, and Mrs, W. Riley and fam- ily, Zurich, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Glanville, KIPPEN Mrs. Gibson, Wroxeter, visited a few days last week with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis- Mr, and Mrs. Beverley Beaton,, Goderich, spent Sunday with the litter's father, Mt Jonah Green, " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mansbridge, Toronto, visited over the weekend with Mr and Mrs N Long, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Stasik and George have moved to their new home west of Hensall. The neigh- bors and friends wish them the best of luck. Mr, and. Mrs, Wesley Green and family, Mitchell, were, Sunday visi- tors of Mr, Jonah Green, Mr. and . Mrs. Robert Daymah, Hensall, visited Sunday with Mr'. and Mrs. J. W. \'IcLean, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Alexander and Ruth, Hensall, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John: Alexander, Mr. and Mrs, A. •Collingwood and twin daughters, June and Joan, of Hamilton. visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- stetter. Mrs. Brownlee, Oregon, is visit- ing her brother, Messrs. William and Henry Ivason, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Horney, Exe- ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Enos Herd- man,' Centralia, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. A. Gackstetter, Mr9. Watson, Londesboro, and Miss Fern Watson, Toronto, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John- Sinclair: Mrs. Sehilbe. Exeter, was a week end. visitor with her mother, Mrs. McGlylipnt, , • Mr, and Mrs. Jim Lawrence, of Melbourne, visited the Dickert fam- ily over ,the weekend. Mr. and Mis, 'A. Gackstetter, Gail Ann and Lynn visited Mrs. Lottie Colwell, Cargill, on Sneday. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Alberta Simmons in 'Hensall on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mero and son, Wil- liam, visited Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs, Elston Dowson anal Mrs. Winder, • Mr, and Mrs, Charles- Bos5en berry, 'Kitchener, were Sunday eve- ning guests' of Mrs. McClynlont, Mrs. Bootle, Seaforth, visited -at the home of Mr, and . Mrs-. Samuel Cudmore Sunday afternoon.. Recital By the Dancing Class of Mrs. Ruth Becker IN TAP, BALLET and - ACROBATiC DANCING Hensafl Town' Hall FRIDAY, MAY 22 at 8:15 p.m. Sponsored by Hensall Women's --t]nstitutea and- South- Huron -. Agricultural Society ADMISSION -tea a0c and 25c •F kl Rd r �y Ir 1 1 ": - • • 0 1. , -or r SUMMER IS kIEREf,, tow is: the a to thunk of that no* ' Tec Range. See us for quotations on your Wiring Jobs . . REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OPP APPLIANCES FRANK KLINc-' Phone 19 : Opposite the l Eaist Office. essumse 1 Musical Recital By the Pupils of Tuckersmith School Area No. 1 Ratepayers and Parents are invited to attend 'a Musical Recital to be given by the Pupils of the Taekersmith School Area No. 1, on WEDNESDAY, 3rd JUNE, at 8 p.m. , in the..•Egmondville United Church Under the direction of Airs_ G. Wltndort Area Music Supervisor. WILFRED M. COLEMAN, Chairman of the Board ae Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 1 5. i A0120 c et gag 7 SEWAGE DISPOSAL OR DRAINA6'E SYSTEMS1 Let FIE put it in. Talk over s Faint Improvement Loan with your nearest am% BAN I lr B of M manager as soon as you can. • ��11���� fl BANK OF MONTREAL.-. woAdng with Canadians in ebreryslwalk of::fe alas Mit ro..rum, aszoar Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager - Brueefield (Sub -Agency) : Open Tuesday and Friday WESTERN ONTARIO Championship Fiddleis' Conest HENS -ALL ARENA Friday, June 5th, '8:00.p.m. • Coronation Year Special! CFPL, London, will make a recording of the Grand; Champion Fiddler that night. This recording' will be sent' ,to Queen Elizabeth II, in honor of her Coronation, with the compliments of Ontario Fiddlers. Came, see and hear ;this unique event. SIX CLASSES FOR FIDDLERS 21 to 35; 36 to 50; 51 to 75; 76 to 100; Ladies' Ope• n - Over $250.00 in Cash Prizes :PRIZES—$12, $10, $8, $5, $3 for Classes 51 to 75; 36 to 50 ' 76' to 100—$12, '$8, $4. Age 21 to .35-$12, .$8, $5. JUNIORS --d8, $5, $3. • LADIES—$12, $8, $4. STEPDA+NICERS' PRIZES for Men and Women':-- $8, 5, $3, $2. - -- SQUARE DANCE $30, $15. Entries received by Wednesday, June 3..-$1,0o cash paid contestant ENTRIES ALSO TAKEN NIGHT OF CONTEST Follow the Fiddler,ss to Hensall Friday, June ! • AND BRING YOUR NEIGHBORS! Admission — 75 and 25c HHjNSALL CI'3.AMBEIt,-CIF COMMERCE SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron. County's Finest -Market for USED CARS 1953 CHEV: DE LUXE SEDAN 1953 CHEV, STANDARD SEDAN, 1952 RONTIA. --Two-tone; fully 'equipped 1952 (HEV. STYLELJNEi SEDAN SPECIAL 2--1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDANS 1952 PONTIC, exaas 1952 PON PIAO. STYI F7d.NE SEDAN 2--4952 'C1ThJ .1)E LUXE STY•i• rumor MOANS 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH :.W 1951 CHEV. STYLE/LINE SEDAIN 1951' PONTIAC 00AOH - r 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1951 CHE'r, STYLELINE COACH 1948 DODGE COACH - . • • 3--1948 'CFEEV, STYLMASTER COACHES 1949 CHEW. -SEDAN' 1948 OH3V, Crit 1947 PONTIAC COA1t18, ivith Radii• • 1944 'PONTIAC aFIt)Ai1r TRUCKS 1948 MECURY ea TON PICK Up A written ,guarantee for 60 days on all Late Moder Cars MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOtORS BR1tJS ELS o TARI(I _ .—�_ — iPHONE 73�3F--- vralid aFTorii`diof BetEl4h^ Uleed. Cafk�l" • • ;.' OPEN EVERY EVENIP101- 'st f`X ak�pA�y�fjrlZ ;y i , ytt f 0 r r 1 • f 4 • 4 8 e s 4 F )