HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-05-15, Page 4191 1. . . Inserted At New _low, Cash Rates ),NANTECi, LOST AND FOUND,ETC.(—Per WoO: :Mit % Cyst 1at Week tit % Cent Sdinimun charge, ch 15 'Cents rs.ch figure. initial and abbreviation went, as one word. tOtThanks, In MemorMm Notices. Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. rMekte Per week. may bo directed to. Box No., c/o The Huron Eamedtor. ior 10 cents extra. cents %/Maona will be charged if ads in allege clam are not tali within 10 dogs 0,6 'date of final insertion. 4iftila. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. 43/ttion Sales. Notices to Creditore, Etc.--Ratee on mmlication. • .0 OFFICE Girl for general chive JOHN BOSHART di, SONS Seaforth •Coming Events WESTERN ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIP . Fiddlers' Contest, Friday, June 5, at Henson, 8 p.m. Come to thb big event. Admission 75c and 25c. 4453-1 Livestock Wanted TN TUE MERRY MONTH OF MAY, swing and sway in the old tyme way, to the tunefial melodies of Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks, every Friday night, at the Crystal Palace BaRrootia, Mitchell. 'Ont. 4451-5 Help Wanted TilirANTED—YOUNG GIRL FOR FULL " time housework; good wages: three children. Apply to Box 231, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4458-1 WANTED --GIRL OR MIDDLEA ED " woman to take full charge of home: two children; good waged'. Year round employment. Modern home. Apply to Box 232, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4453x2 HELP WANTED TO LOOK Al 1..t...11 LIONS PARK BOOTH and other duties during the Summer. Apply to: A. W. SILLERY, Chairman, Park Committee. 4452-2 For Rent nEAD. DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed fee of charge. For prompt and efficient service. phone "STONES' collect, Ingersoll IL or Seaforth 655 r 2. Personals "(ILD AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN! YOU'RE Crazy] Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lack- ing iron. For rundown feeling many men, women call "old". New "get ac- quainted" size ONLY 60c. All druggists. r_TYGLENIC SUPPhES (R UBBER " Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list.. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. Poultry FOR SALE -2,000 STARTED RED ROCK Pullets, ready for range. BILL HEN- DERSON. Phone 6834, Seaforth. • 4451-3 For Sale pot?... SALE -20 PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS old. Phone 650 r Seaforth. AR- THUR H. VARLEY. 4453-1 F" RENT—HEATED APARTMENT. FOR SALE—CEDAR POSTS, APPLY , Apply to DR. E. A. McMASTER. JAMES McCLURE, Waltbn. Phone 4455-1 846 r 11, Seaforth. 44633x1 Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED A MBITIOUS AND INDUSTRIOUS. TO 4' sell our 225 guaranteed and well-known products such as: Toiletries, Culinaries, Medicines, Domestic :Necessities, Tea, Cof- fee etc. Good. discount. Specials each month with FREE PRODUCTS. 518 need- ed. Exclusive territory. • Particulars: JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, MOIltral 4450-4 Wanted OR SALE -- HOLSTEIN, 'MILKING well. Apply BRUCE WALTERS, Sea- ' forth. . 4453x1 poR SA I :F -1 -CORAL CREPE DRESS, ▪ size 40: never worn Apply to Box . , 250. HU R,ON EXPOSITOR. 4452-tf I R. AND IVIRS, STEWART BF5f rf, Lost and Found TSE PARENTS 010 THE MILD " who book -the wrong coat Phlegm is - turn the coat to Miss Margaret Willis at the Kindergarten room. 4453x1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -4941 DODGE COUPE; RUN -" 12,000 ;tiles. In good condition. Phone JACK BURLEIGH, 6854, Seaforth. 4451x8 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED VOR CONSTRUCTION OF CHANCEL and organ chambers in auditorium of Northside United Church, Seaforth. Plans and specifications may be obtain- ed from Mr. James A. Stewart, Seaforth. Tenders to be received by the Secretary - Treasurer of the Building Committee be- fore noon, Saturday, May 23, 1953. ROSS SAVAUGE, Secretary -Treasurer. Cards Of Thanks 4453-1 MR. GRANT DENNIS WISHES 'TO thank those who sent carda, treata and made visits while he Irma a patient in Scott' Memorial Hospital ; also to thank Dr. P. L. Brady and the nursing staff for their kindness. 4453x1 MRS. STEWART BELL WISHES TO thank her nanny friends and neigh- bors for aards, treats and flowers sent her while she was a patient in Scott Memor- ial Hospital: also to thank Drs. Brady and McMaster and the nursing staff for their kindness. • 4453-1 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. Charles Wolfe desire to express their deepest thanks to the neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness find sympathy extended to them during their recent sad bereavement; special thank to Di'. J. A. Gorwill, and staff of Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, Rev, C. L. Lang- ford, Bontbron Funeral Home, those who loaned cars and for the beautiful floral tributes, • 4453-1 Tho,,Ft SALE—STRAWBERRY PLANTS; ' also raspberry canes. Phone J. S. BARRY,/ 668 r 15, Seaforth. 4452x3 VORA SALE—GIRL'S BICYCLE: BABY pram. Apply to C. J. DENNIS, Sea - forth. 4452x2 and Mr. and WS. Harold Henderson wish to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement in the passing of their mother, Mrs. Gertrude Keen; for the floral tributes, cards and letters of sympathy. Special thanks to the nursing staff of Scott Memorial Hospital PE READY. FOR THE 'HOLIDAY. SEE and Drs. Brady and McMaster. ▪ the new Summer cotton dresses at TUDOR'S in Henson. Smartly styled and inexpensive. too. See them at TUDOR'S. WANTED—CATTLE TO GRASS: LOTS 'OR SALE—LARGE ICE SOX, 50 lbs. of water, A. TLM.3iERMA14S, R.R. capacity. PHONE 4904 before nice 3, Kippen. Phone 657 r 13, Seaforth. in mornings or after six in evenings. 4453-1 4453x1 wAisrran TO RENT—GOOD, arable land. suitable for beans. near Hensall. Apply GEIGER, Hensall, Ont. CLEANMOR SALE—COOK STOVE, OIL BURN - growing 1 er : also one coal heater, Apply MRS. to IRA 'JOHN TAYLOR, North Main St., Sea - 4413 -1 forth. •9453x1 WANTED TO RENT — 6 TO 8 -ROOM QUMMER DRESSES AT TUDOR'S IN house. Will pay up to $65.00 a month.. v..) Hensall. Bemberg sheers at 5.95; Apply to Box 184, HURON EXPOSITOR.' blisters at 4.95: spuns at 4.95. All com- .443940 pietely washable. . . - • • R SALE—FRAME DRIVING SHED, Property For Sale 1X56 good steel roof. Apply GEO. R. CAMPBELL. Phone 849 r 3, Sea- • forth. 4453x1 von SALE --COTTAGE ON RAILWAY • •""•St.: six rooms, furnace, town water, , TIOR SALE -2 SMALL SIZED DRESS - heavy wiring; garage attached; garden. ers: both have good bevelled mirrors; P ossession June 1 or earlier. Terms ar- 55,00 each. Apply to JOHN HO'PHAM. ranged. PHONE 4.81-M, Seaforth. Sr., Wilson St. 4455x1 4453-1 , ThIOR SALE — COCA-COLA COOLER, poR SALE--8-ROOM FRAME .HOUSE, gad as new. Priced reasonably. Can • Miulated, stoker heated, modern bath -i be seen at A. W. DUNLOP'S residence. room and kitchen, new garage. Lots of ' 4453x1 room for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS.• Phone 355-W, Seaforth. 4439-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE --TWO-STOREY three bedrooms, living room, den, 3 - piece bathroom, oil heated house, including three acres of land, edge of town. Approv- ed for Veterans"' Land Act purchase. Ap- ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, or Phone 41, Seaforth. ° 4431-tf 7URICH — STORY AND ONE-HALF " frame house. White asbestos siding, new roof. Corner location. Immediate Possession. Reasonably priced. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 Broker Henson, Ontario. • 4453-2 UW139 SALL--BEAUTIFITL SOLID BRICK " home for the discriminating buyer. Best corner residential location. All con- veniences and facilities. Five bedrooms. Ideally located for professional residence,. Many extras. Must be seen to be appreci- ated. Reasonable terms. • GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 Broker Hensall, Ontario. 4453-2 HENSALL -- POST OFFICE BLOCK. Ideally located for store or office. Ad- joining seven -room house and three-room apartment included_ Exceptional oppor- tunity for commercial property or as an investment Reasonable terms. Immedi- ate possession. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY • OF CANADA. R. B. Paterson, Phone 51 Broker Hensall, Ontario. 4458-2 Notices N OTICE — CRUSHED GRAVEL FOR " local delivery. EVE'RITT SMITH & SONS. Phone 663 r 4, Seaforth. 4453x3 '10ADIO REPAIRS --FOR ALL KINDS "" of tidies, at TERRY'S RADIO, RE- PAIR; opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 341-R. 4363-0 MOWERS SHARPENED — WILL "'" sharpen al] makes of lawn mowers, Will call for and deliver. JOHN Mac - LEAN, Egmondville, Phone 649 r 3, Sea- • 0 orth. 4448-8 PAINTING SPRAY OR BRUSH ; Papering, Sunworthy wallpaper& Sign Painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Hensel]. Phone I96 -R, Bengali. • 44254f BECOME A BOOKKEEPER, STENOG- rapher, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For •particulars, write CANADIAN CORRESPONDENCOE COURS- ES, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. • 4453-2 ATTENTION, EADMER$1 — PROMPT, "°•• courteous collection of all dead and disabled tarm atimals. Call tolled, ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11, Seafortb. or 233, •'1ST. ASseelated reiX19 Darling & Co. of Cat Ltd. 4899-0 10RAorrniciAL INSEMINATION AT •its best foi all breeds, call the Water - leo Cattle Breeding Association between ins0. and to:oo ELM. on week daps and • 7430,,and 9;30 min. on Sundays. Phone • Ob012316DAYIRON Itgerfnage Yell Po m aversonuel shitioned at MIS - If yeti have .99: bald; apartment, fernkhed or unfurnished, to rent, please fkrATION HOUSING CEPICE Clintos, 882: local 252. 446-tf • IS SMART THIS YEAR. SEE it at TUDOR'S in Henson, in dresses, pedal pushers, skirts, blouses, jackets, shorts and jeans. Sanforized shrunk too. FOR sAL.P.—a KITCHEN CHAIRS; 2 exTension tables; 1 dresseri 1 single mattress: 1 clock 3 small tables. MILS. EMMA JONES. Goderich St East.. • 4453x1 F T' OR SALE—PRACICALLY NEW VA Case tractor, with 2 -furrow plow and 7 -foot power mower. Has used less than 50 gallons of gasoline . Will exchange on cattle. BERT JOHNSTON. Phone Brussels 28 r 4. 4452x2 "WIVE BIG FEATURES OF THE SURGE Filter Cooler—Filters and cools in one -operation: will handle up to 40 gallons of milk'an hour: needs only to be attached to pressure systent; is all stainless steel construction, and no milk is exposed. Call collect, .LOVELL McGUIRE, Surge Ser- , vice Dealer. Phone 593, Wingham. ICE . , Anyone wanting ice for the Summer Months. PHONE 477, SEAFORTH. Wilkins Ice Co. 44.52,2 Auction Sales THE 13th SEMI-ANNUAL GREY -BRUCE and Huron Aberdeen Anglia Sale is being held at Walkerton on THURSDAY, MAY 21st Judging starts at 12:30. All bulls offered will qualify for 20% premium. Catalogues on request. MEL. MARSHALL, President. T. STEWART COOPER, Secretary, • Markdale, Ontario. 4452-2 91155. 15th SEMI-ANNUAL GREY -BRUCE AL Hereford Breeders' Sale is being held at Markdale WEDNESDAY, MAY -27th • All bulls offered will qualify for 20% neemitun. Catalogues 033 request. JACK COULTER, President T. STEWART COOPER, SecretarYV Markdale, Ontario, 4453-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of LESLIE BEUERMANN ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS •`-` against the Estate of Leslie Bener- mann, late of the Township of McKillog, in the County of Huron, Farmer, ea,..004. ed, who died (m or about the ist day- of April, 1953, are hereby notified to send full particulars of their claims to the un- dersigned en or before the 30th -day 01 May, 1954(,"after which date the assets will be distribeted, having regard only to claims then received. DATED et Seaforth this 4th day of May, 1953. ALVIN W. sruzilt, Seaforth, °nue" Solicitor for the Estate. 4452.8 4453-1 In Memoriam IRENNETT—IN LOVING MEMORY OF Viola Long. wife of Roy Bennett, Who died May 14, 1952. "Gone' but not forgotten." —'Always remembered by her Husband, Son and Daughter. 4453x1 Births BOWMAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on May 12, to Mx. and Mrs. Leonard Bowman, R.R. 2, Clinton, a son. DONALD—Mr. and Mrs. II. 3. Donald (nee Hazel Jamieson), State' College, Pa.. are'happy to announce the arrival of their son at Bell Font Hospital, on May 12, 1953. A brother for Robbie. HILLMAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, bn May 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hill- man, RR. 4,.!Seaforth, a daughter, KOHL—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 12, to Mr:' and Mrs. Donald (Kohl, Seaforth, a daughter. WOOD—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 10, to and Mrs. John Wood, R.R. 3, Kippen, a son—John Gordon. Deaths HILL—In Seaforth, on Friday, May 8, James Hill, in his 80th year. I,,YNCH—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Monday, May 11, Matthew Joseph Lynch, • i, his 78th year. WOOD—In Seaforth, on May 10, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, R.R. 3, Kippen. "Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY fOR Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management, and Advisory Service 4% Guaranteed - Investments 2% on savings— deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention call RAYE B. PATERSON • Trust Officer Reagan, Ontario, Phone 51 or ant office of GUARANTY • TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA 1 , , TORONTO • MOMMIAL Orr ali# a • Immo* L NIAGARA FALLS • 811111.1110RY SAULTSTE.. km* \ CALGARY • vArmorryiat \ . CarMei Mee • Me, • fl�Q em -i* fenf3E14. hqn,e: noon for the May mtbigot_f*P 1-n4iee',,Afttgef Cai� chmfa. Bettr1W10., 154191's VOIMI,IIMI*Icharge';of the teeetindud.t-tsbe 14#01. Mrak,1.ufll read the,iscriptare lesson, tmd,-Mrs, .IVISeldan, offered a prayer -Ned reada Paella. Mrs. Clarence Reid ue:ad an aceount of the meeting at James Street ut,n- ed Church, Exeter, where Mrs. .G A. Wh..eable, London,Suflat_ _a9ea er, spoke on the IJ,N. and Canada. Mrs. W. Bell, mars. n. y,,,MeLaren ad ,Mrs. R, Cemerow, reported onthe Covering for1.4,9• church en- trance, to be `cmakletad'this week. MP- R. Madge 519nated a lovely quilt. Mrs. Camerod closed with prayer. , AflU• .• vatted volgtiyi 1,W •Iyfr; rnio4clyJne„i ilookU Green.' • Z.... Mss : at,Olmt,vgAnii„Pre ad eDiLciir9tb14 Mother's aywtheLr parent Mr. and Mrs Samuel OudMOre. Mr. and Mrs. Robert EigievMited friends in Detroit recentlY; Mr. Charlie Thorpe and 4440- res' liley"GteeLand°11d fend); MI''Y,'.443litiMbl°11.8 e11, end Mr. and Mra. Charlie Green, Egmondville, visited with Mr. Jon- ah Green on Sunday. Mother's Day Visitors at the home of Mr. Robert Thomson In-' eluded; M. and Mrs. ,Jack 'Corn- ish, Guelph; Mr,. and Mrs. Samuel Storey, Seaforth; Mr. nd •Mrs. BAYFIELD • PAVILION TWO NIGHTS TO REMEMBER: EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT FRANK TRAHER'S ORCHESTRA $ SPECIAL HOLIDAY DANCE Monday, May 18th • "THE SYNCOPATERS" ModeT and Olde Tyrie — 10:00 - 1:00 Announcement As ORVAL COOPER has purchased my Grocery business, I wish to thank the •people of Seaforth and district for the •pleasant business relations I have had with them during the past year. I trust my successor .may enjoy the same priv- • ileges. Clare Reith Seaforth See Our Dollar Day Specials ON DISPLAY -1N OUR SHOWROOM • purchases on May 14, 15 and 16 eligible for Lucky Customer Tickets • DALY MOTORS ,Ford - Monarch Dealer , Phone 102 : Seaforth 0 Announcement cHANclg OF OWNERSHIP ! I have purchased the Ifeating, Plumbing and TinsmithOg business formerly owned by P. Dorgy, on Goderich S,treet. - •Your continued patronage is respectfully sOlicited. Don Wood 2-1951 Dodge Four. Door 1-1950 Dodge Two Door 1-1948 Dodge Four Door—Low mile- age, one owner 1948 Dodge Two Door • 1947 Dodge Two Door 1947 Ford Four Door • 41939 P9ntiac 1938 Ford • New y2 -Ton Truck—Dodge 1952 Studebaker 1/24oTrick; • Low mileage with Overdrive Mensaill Allotar-Stirie Phone 31 • , • : Hensall- •-• l••••°i • e,.°"'••••1•e0,P.9i4141•V4,•i,....',:.."'",•.'","••" " • 1 • •l. r-4 ens MS Gr4up ,cresalpresided ter. the •-',M`404'0•00 Warnlle'e ,M113” 4#41 .:;..APtit sellool room 10-•'4O116,1,r,, V#0.0.0 .ObLivett Neelt.14Ifs, p;_cm,atc"4 444 mrs. 14: )Ver presented;its delegates, re - Orta of the w.m.s...13uron•rre0y, uriaj in Godepch. • —Mrs. W. Henry gave temperance notes; 'Miss M. Ellis, the study book, and Mrs. T. J. Sherritt played a piano solo., Invitations were ac- cepted from the Evening Auxiliary for May 11, Ohiselburst, May 12, and 'Clinton,. May le. A bale for overseas relief will be packed early in Jtine. Priestap, Mitchell; Mr. • and -Mrs. Stokes and Lacrry, London; Mr. and Mrs. Cornish and family, Goderich. Mr. and Mre. Stewart Beattie and family, 'Wingham, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Robert McBride. Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Horney, Exeter, on Mother's Day. Gail Anne returned home af- ter holidaying. a week with her grandparents. Dr. James Jerrott, New York, is visiting a few days with his moth- er, Mrs. Catharine iTarrott. Or. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, Strat- ford, visited Sunday • with. Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Whiteman.' A number of relatives and friends from the community attended the funeral of the late Mrs. M. Schilbe in the LutheranChurch, Zurich, on Sunday.- Miss Marion Thomson, Londes- hero, spe,nt the weekend at the home of ther parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thomson, Mrs, Jennie Schilbe, Exeter; -Mrs. Alice Cook, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville McClinChey, Varna, visited on Mother's Day with their mother, Mrs. McClymont, Mrs. Ducker, Toronto, is visiting a few days this week with Mr.. and Mrs. N. Long. Sunday, May 17, is Young Peo- ple's anniversary in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, with ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. Jas. Pitt, Varna, will be guest preacher in the evening, and sPe- alai rnusic will be presented at both services, CROMARTY 'Celebrating Family Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mc- Lachlin were: Mr, and Mrs, •Orin Francis, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allen,' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott, Russeldale; Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake,gnd two daughters. , Sunday morning a telephone mes- sage was 'received „ by Mit, T. Laing from her daughter, Mrs. Howard (Hazel) Eves, who report- ed four inches of snow and still snowing. Mr, and Mrs, Ken McKellar spent Sukday evening at Mitchell with M. and Mrs. Wm. Binning. Gordon Houghton and Shirley Gale, London; Mr. and "Mrs. Re Stab., ,Rusaeldale, and Mr. an Mrs. -Jack Kemp and Audrey visit- ed Sunda/ with Mrs. M. Hough- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnston and son, Allan, and Mr, and Mrs. William Johnston and two sons, Ronald and John, London, were visitors with Rev. and Mits. Dun- canson at the manse Sunday. • Mrs. Thomas Laing attended the Women's Institute Conference at • Guelph., Family Day Sunday The service on Sunday at the ChurChWas observed as Family Day. The choir was assisted by a junior 'ohoir who sang an anthem. The eJ.Asses, with their teachers, occupied' the front- seats, in the anditorifatt Mrs. T. L. Scott sang a solo, '"God Give Us Homes," Rev. R. Duncanson -delivered a fine ser- mon in keeping with the occasiqn. Happy Hostesses Plan For Picnic in July The seventh meeting of Seaforth Happy Hostessea was held May 8 at the home of Mrs. John Hille- brecht. Seven members answered the roll: one duty of a pleasing guest. Following the singing of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," col- lection, amounting to- 98 cents, was taken. Members discussed plans for a picnic in July. The eighth, meet- ing will be held May 18 at the home of Joyce 'Wilson. Mothers are in- vited. Lunch and tea will be served. A tol " 4Opiete' t1+3;•,. • • . 14,7;ICA, ' Oli — at Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Seaforth Phone 47 SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTICE! REGISTRATION FOR KINDERGARTEN CLASS To commence September 1, 1953, will take place on Wednesday, May 20, and Tuesday, May 26, in Basement of First Presbyterian Church Pupils.to be registered must be five years of age on January 1, 1954. $$ - Dollar Day Specials - $$ CHECK THESE SPECIALS AND SEE WHAT A DOLLAR WILL BUY! SUNBRIT MARGARINE r lbs. $1.00 2 Tins Canipbell's Tomato Soup 2 Tins Carnpbell's Vegetable Soup 1 Tin Campbell's Chicken and Rice 1 Pound Soda Biscuits ALL FOR $1100 2 Pork & Beans, 15 oz.; 1 Alymer Wax Beans,'20 oz.; , 1 00 2 Pegs, Holy Brand, 20 oz.; 2 Cream Corn, 15 oz... ALL FOR CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE -1 -lb. Tins, reg. or fine grind..1.00 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE-1,lb. Bag 1.00 2 Tins Gold Seal Sockeye, 1 Tin Fancy Pink Salmon....3 for $1.00 OLD TOWN SWEET MIXED PICKLES -16 -oz. Jars; 4 for1.00 STOKLEY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE -20 -oz. Tins... . 8 for 1.00 JELLO JELLY POWDERS -7 Delicious Flavor.. r.11Pkgs. 1.00 1 Jar RASPBERRY JAM; 1 Jar STRAWBERRY JAN; inn 1 TUMBLER PEANUT BUTTER ALL FOR !MU Wright'sssERSvEuperior d'Food Market Phone '77 LOW PRICES We Deliver 7, 7 r a Hlf TESY° Main Street QUALITY MEATS BLUEBRAND BEEF BLADE ROASTS SHORT SIBS ' " ''' 52c Ib POT ROAST , 49c. Ib. FRESH GROUND HAMBURG 46c ib. ' 55c lb. "DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS" 1 lb. Weiners, 1 lb. Sausage - ' 1 lb. Bologna All for ROLLED VEAL ROASTS 59c Ib. CUT UP CHICKEN 89c Ib. COOKED MEATS- MACARONI and CHEESE LOAF -45c Ib, DUTCH LOAF'53c lb. 53o Ib. PICK,LE and PIMENTO 45c Ib. HEADCHEESE BOLOGNA 45c lb.) • '35c Ib. PHONE 96 \ MAIN ST CHICKEN LOAF SEAFORTH SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market. 'USED'or CARS 1952 011EV. STYLELINE SEDAN SPECIAL 2—lo52 CREVAiE LUXE 'SnDANS 1952 PONTIAC COAOH 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN 2-4952 CHEW. DE LUAI: STYJI101LtN SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE cOkaa STYJKLINE SEDAN 19 PONTIAC OOACH 195r-Do0GB BEDAINT - 1951 ;CHEV. STYLELINE COACH 1948 DODGE .00A1C81 3-1948 'CHEM STYLEhlASTER COACHES 2-1948 mum SEDANS 1948 OHEV. FILEMILIES COACH 1947 PONTIAC COACH, With Radio 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN TRUCKS 1948 MECURY ifi-TON PICKUP' ritten guarantee for 60 days on, -all -Late ModelH.Cars OAANY OTHER MODELS , TO`ONOOSE FROM SELS MOTORS ugsErs ONTARIO ' • • Better Used Care OEN EVIERIOBVS,NINR • • , . .,9914.4;.!?.2....'43'33,,r,'.:36, 3 .444',65,4 4 3.3a336,3636 -4,33,33d 46. • . 55 0 , r "Se,