HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-04-24, Page 8rn • • .; • ecsalsze J. luntiertANTEE BONDS _IDENT Apo -1310NNE$4,- „aciLARY AND WINDSTORM. eisenting Companies who 11010a( Security, with Service. I41454, AGENTS FOR ONTARIO THRESHMRSLAN'S MUTUAL • FIRE INSURANCE ;. Information gladly given. WATSON & REID Mt A., REID - proprietor gmearance and Real Estate Phone 214 — Seaforth FOR SALE 'Modern .Dwelling 'on Es, Wil - Ilam St. New air (onditio,•.i):g unit. .„-Alglupiediate posses.iion. Frain° Dwelling with all modern •liteweniences. Oil heating, Suit - Ole tar V.L.A. purchase. Modern 2 -Storey Dweiling, with 'garage. Sperling St. possession lizrrangert Modern Brick Dwelling, Goderich Et. East Beautifully located. Early wesseeston. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St., illrith all modern conveniences. Pos- diesslort arranged. ether Properties Also Listed• M. A. REID MEAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI All passengers insured PHONES; 162-J or 162-W 41111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111MMIL eimeldlIneemailetelessillan.etaliene,../ CO.AL BRIQUETTES New American Anthracite Hard Coal Briquettes, for Spring burning. William M. Hart PHONE; OFFICE 784 11111111P0111111111.10•141.1Preggpemempo ------------ r -, I FuneralDesigns Wedding Flowers - Corsages - Pottery Tropical Fish - Greeting Cards • FLOWERS Owned and Operated by ERIC and BARBARA MILNER Phone 393 • Seaforth "Flowers Wired Anywhere" INSURANCE 9 Fire • Auto • -Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res. 222-R MAIN $T. ; SEAFORTH 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111onlini 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 l00000000000 0 10 W. J. CLEARY 10 Eleaforth, Ont. O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 O Night or Day Calls — 335 0 10 00000000000 10 0000000 0 0 0 10 0 '0 J. A. BURKE * O Funeral Director 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN ONT, 0, 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 O Phone 43 r 10 .0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Home * O Goderich St. W,, Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 10 Adjusta,ble hospital beds '0 10 .1 for rent. 10 'FLOWERS FOR EVERY 0 10 OCCASION 0 10 Telephone: Day or Nights 119 0 0 Residence 65 00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 11031 sox Embalmer 0 • ."'"ICAMBULANCE 0 • Praraluideitrett11 attentiOn. - tr' itAl; Bed 311.0 0 tititt4t,L •4.0 ezoirogs Otioiieuf • Rii.1195.W Store 43 .0 4'1•"•* ,10 iirthst bcui et 414/ •4Hissttv, '045 #4451404, Salvation Ariny--3:00 p.m„ Sun- da'y Ochool; 7 p.m., Salvation Meet- ing; 4 pm., Thursday, Hobby Crafts, Young People; 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting. A cordial welcome. —Lieut. Harry Keats, Officer -in - Charge. St. Thomas' Anglican Church.— Will the children please come to the Parish Hall at 10:30 a.m.; 11 a.m.,. Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Eve- ning Prayer. Si, Mary', Dublin - 2:30 p.m., Sunday School; 3 Pm., Evening Fraye:: Dedication of Uii ts.—Rev. W. A. Jones, Rector, First Presbyterian Church, — 10 ,..h , Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "Finding God"; Junior Congregation, Evening ser- vice withdrawn; farewell of Rev. A. Jones of St. Thomas' Angli- •i. n Church.—Rev. D. Glenn Camp - ,e11. Minister. Northside United Church. — 10 n,.. Church School and Bible Class; 11 a.m., Rev. Harold J. Snell, of James St United: Church, Exeter; Junior Congregation and Toddlers' Group. Evening service withdrawn for Rev. W. A. ;Tones' ,Irewell service; 8:30 p.m., Meeting. ----Rev. J. W. A. Stinson, Minister. LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. Scott t McKinley, Edmonton, who/has been attending a business • .e./.• '..ehnference In Tortlato,49esi 11. daft ,witb, Uncle and annt._01r. -444 :10.1rts. Jamee P Theruten .}:14iMcilh;'., visited his mother, Dim W. M. and Mrs. RoY J. Kerr, over the weekend. .Miss Jean McMaster, Reg.N.,, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Dr, and, IVirs. ,E. A. McMaster. Mr. Hugh McKay, London, and Miss Florence McKay, Toronto, were here this week attending the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. James McKay. Mr. and Mrs. 'George Scofield and daughter, Miss Nancy, Detroit, were here this week folloyaing the death of the late J, Arnold Case. Miss Shirley Muir left this week for Brantford to resume her stu- dies after recovering from an ap- pendix operation. Mr. aril Mrs. Donald Scott, Niag- ara Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott ,and family, Bracebridge, spent the weekend with Mrs. H. R. Scott. Miss Elizabeth Smith is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, London, visited relatives in town over the weekend: • Mr. and Mrs. Les. Beattie and family, who spent the past few months in Doncaster, England, re- turned home this week. Mr. Jesepli Laudenbach, Queen's University, Kingston, spent a few days, at his home here •prior to leaving en a trip through the Unit- ed States toYancenver, B.C. Mr. fl id McKinnell was in Ser.' 1 A Complete Line of All Building Materialt — at _ Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Phone 47 Seaforth Phillips' Studio Portraits Passports Baby Pictures Enlargements WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY FRANK PHILLIPS : Seaforth Phone 229 Pictures in 'your home or at the Studio JUNIOR HOCKEY CLUB DANCE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Monday, April 27th - Music by Glenn Williams' Band Everyone is invited to come and enjoy an even ing's fun with your favorite hockey team! You have all seen them on the ice; now -come and " meet them in person. All the Boys will be there! Dancing '9:30 - 12:30 — COUPLES ONLY — Admission: $1.00 per Couple — Extra Lady 50c FARMERS CHECK YOUR HAYING EQUIPMENT NOW! We are agents for famous Beatty line and - can give a complete installation from stock • Carriers - • Forks • Track • • Hangers • Wood and Steel Pulleys , • Rope and Cable We also carry Beatty Waterbowls and Litter Carriers and can give estimates on Stalls, Pens and Ventilating Equipment. SEE VS NOW ! "Quality Goods With Quality Service" eit Plumbing Sill Sons HardWare - Heating' • el4Aliohl.•;•; Araer,.4i•PS; • ,: 4r • A; fie Lane See 0,.: 0 .*. The Mae Bane Evening Auxiliary met /44°114e.Y.A.Venine at the „abome clf Mrs. Olen Pryee. rce-preeident We. Gorden Perrin 'OPened the meeting and tools charge of the M.:airless. • . - Circle One captain, Miss Eleanor Henderson, to* charge of the de- votional part. Pictifies were shown by Mrs. J. W. A. Stinson on a re- view of the study book, ",Along Africa Trails." Mrs, Ross Hamil- ton sang a solo, followed by the Mizpah benediction. nia over the weekendattending the annual conference of the Brother- hood of Anglican Churchmen, as a delegate from St. Thomas' Church Chapter. Miss Erma Broadfoot, Sundridge, spent a few -days with M. and Mrs. Robert Smith, in, town, and with Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Townsend, in Tuckersmith. Mr. Andrew Houston, who has been in the Canadian West for the past few weeks, has returned to his home here, , Mr. Gordon Wilson, Toronto, spent the weekend, with his par- ents, Mr. and ,Mrs. D. H. Wilson. Mr, Ronald Rennie, UniveraitY of Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Visitors with Mrs. A. L. Porteous Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bonnett and, .son, , Gordon, and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cooper, Hollyrood, and Mr, and Mrs. Charles .Souch, Blyth, • • •. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Scott, Detroit, were here this week at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs, James McKay., Mr. and Mrs. Neil Beattie, To- ronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs..Thomas A. Beattie..., Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Ament, Frances and Billies of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Grainger .and three sons visited Saturday with Mrs. William Anent. Mrs. William Skinner, Detroit, was a guest of her mother, Mrs. R. S. Hays, Mr. and Mrs, T'rank Kennedy and family, Bright, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Scott in McKillop. Mrs, Reg Kerslake is spending a few days in Toronto. She was accompanied) by her mother, Mrs. WhAtt9a, Who had been visiting her for some time, Mr, Ross Rennie, TorOtitO, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, and also visited at Grand Bend. Mr. Stanley J. Smith was in Wa- terloo. Saturday attending ,the On- tario Bandmasters' convention. Mrs. J. W. Free, London, spent a few days in town this Mr: and Mrs. 'Sheldon—Rogers, Ian and Bradley, R.C.A.F. Station, Hamilton, were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Dale. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle and Marie visited in Pontiac, Mich, Dr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Melady visited in Detroit and Belle River, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Friend visited in Toronto. Mr.: and Mrs. Edward Tyers, Paalitie and Margaret, Georgetown, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Sgt. and Mrs. Joseph Meagher and_children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stock, Mr, and Mrs. John Maloney, all of London, visited with Mr, and Mrs. John Meagher. Rev, J. A. Feeney, London, visit- ed with his sisters and brothers, Leonard, Rita and Marie White, Kinkora, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Flanagan, EGMONDVILLE Mr, Andrew Houston has return- ed home after spending a few weeks With friends in Saskatche- wan and Manitoba. Accompanying him were his daughter and son-in- law, ,Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Roy and family, who intend malting their home here. Mr. 'Roy expects to take, a course at Clinton Radar School. Mr, Thomas Robinson and. Mrs. Elin.ore Stephenson and family spent a few days last week with Rev' and 'Mrs. Andrew 11. McKen- zie and family at Islington, Mrs. ivy Henderson, who has spent some months in 'Toronto with Mr, Henderson, has. returned, te her home. here. Attending the Huron W.M.S. Presbyterial at Goderich on Tues day ,were: Mrs, A. W. Gardiner; Mrs. A. C. Routledge, Mrs. A. Forbes, Mrs, D. Stephenson. 'Mrs. E. Stephenson and Mrs, 0. Mc- Gonigle. Rev. A. W. Gardiner attended a meeting of the Ministerial Associa- tion. a,t 'Hayfield 'Tuesday. The W.A. of Egmondville Unit- ed Church will sponsor a .concert, to be presented by the Ladies' Choir of Henttall, in the church on Tuesday. May 5- A Smile Or ,Two Meek man (in restaurant): "Par- don me, but are you Mr. Smith?" Tough Man: "No. One side!" Meek Man: "BUt you see, I am, and that's hit overcoat you're Flit- ting - A patient who was coming out ex the ether In the Ward after an op. eraticlu, exelainted audibly: "Thank GOO That's &ex!" "Wet tette" Mire," Said the Man Itt the mitt bed. "They. left *sponge, Iwo% 0101' had be cUt.nie Oen rikain." -411fai;:itton. Miii4libt4ii*- who -44 s trnietilkedr " Asstilit it,uraft„,i,ts LATE W. J. FAULKNER, The death be* place in $t. Marrs Hospital, Kitchener, on Wednesday, #priL, 22, of Nifilliam Joseph Faulkner, of Gait,".aked 44 years. He was a sea -of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faulkner,, of Seaforth. •Serviving are his wife, the, for- mer Mary Finkbeiner; one daugh- ter, Patricia; one sister, Miss Lil- lian Faulkner, Seaforth, and a brother, Mr. Fred Faulkner, De- troit. The funeral will be held Satur- day morning from the residence of his sister, Miss Lillian Faulkner, at 10 a,m., to St. James+ Church for Requiem High Mass. Inter- ment will follow in St. James' cemetery. LATE MISS- M. RINN Miss Margaret May nista, 58, a native of McKillop Township, died at Clinton Sunday, following a short illness. Miss Rinn was born at Leadbury, where she received her education, and was a member of the Walton Anglican Church. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Rinn. Survivors are three brothers: Harry, Beigrave; Elmer and Hugh, Brussels; and two sisters,' Mrs, Frank Storey, Seaforth, and Mrs. Clarence udie, The' body rested at the Whitney Funeral Home, where service was conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday. Burial wtls in lidaitiandbank cenie- tery. Pallbearers were Robert Grieve, Charles McGavin, Harold Iludle, Gordon McKenzie, Ross MeKenzie and, Leslie McKenzie. .01.1.010.sassel.sessiIass.argiMassgoirftwasillfts./10.• 'blue coal' SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT • The •Color Guarantees the Quality DUNDAS Phone 363-1 . Res. 192-M Miller & Wilbee TAXI SERVICE Passengers Insured Phone 362 SEAFORTH Rummage Sale ,Good Clothing in St. Thomas' Parish Hall SEAFORTH- SATURDAY, APRIL 25 2:30to -6 p.m. liPolillM115105111111115m1111111018"11111.11/411 FOR SALE DOUBLE HOUSE on Gode- rich St._ EIGHT -ROOM FRAME on Welsh St. FIVE -'ROOM INSTJL - BRICK in Egmondville. FOR 'PRICES AND TERMS " Call W.C. OKE . Phone 458 .OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL. -1"41111111,010 ;,;114ATITE'•WILXIAM. PUN ' WflhIan DlulTOY, 74, Wile, 440, 4,555d4X th.P, 4914.elf- 4414-; ter, Atkorliarvey,alompeyer, Popov ton Township, was a native of El- lice Tevrnehlp; and had •fatened in. Iaman. fox' muny years, until ran:- ing and coming to Seaforth in 1042. Biz - wife, the "foriner Mabel Green- wood, died nine morgths ago, He United 'Church.'• ' - Surviving besides.. his daughter, was a -member of Egmondville are three sons: Howard and Lloyd, Mitchell; Bedford, Seaforth, and one brother, John Dungey, [Mitchell. Aftei4 resting at the G. A. Whit- ney Funeral Home, service was conducted Thursday at 0- .p.m., by the Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Egmond- ville. Interment was in Maitland - bank cemetery. The pallbearers were Mac McKellar, Roy Dungey, Frank Parrott, Sam Squire) Alvin Alliott and Ed. Wasnian. - Flower - bearers were James Hogg, Norman Steins, Lorne Greenwood. and Gor- don Dick, LATE MRS. J. McKAY The death took 'place at her resi- dence, --166 Wright Ave., Toronto, of Elizabeth Alexander, widow of the late James McKay, former reel- ents of Egmondville, on Diloaday, April 20, following an illness of two months. Mrs. McKay Was born ,in lop, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.' William. Campbell, who were pioneer residents. She was in her 86th year. Married in 1803 to James. McKay, who predeceased her a number of years ago, they lived in Egmond- villa, until Mr. McKay ,passed- away. Later she went to live in Toronto, Where she was active in Erskine United . Church W.MS. and W.A. work. Surviving are one son, Hugh Mc- Kay, London; one daughter, Miss Florence McKay, Toronto;,. three sisters, Mrs. Jean Campbell, •Mc- Killop; Mrs. Agnes Finlayson, Eg- mondville, and Miss Jeanie . Alex- ander,. Seaforth, and one brother, Mr. Hugh Alexander, McKillop. , • Service waS held in Toronto Tue'sday evening and the remains were brought to the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home here Wednesday, Where funeral.service was held at 2 p.m.,' with Rev. 3, W. A .Stinson, of Nortfiside United Church, offici- ating. . Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. The pallbearers were nephews of the deceased: John Campbell, William Smith, Lorne' 'Finlayson, Art Finlayson, Williatn Alexander and Arthur Alexander. LATE J. A. CASE Widespread regret was express- ed in ,Seaforth and vicinity Mon- day, April 20, when the death of S. Arnold, Case became known. Mr. Case suffered a stroke three. years ago, but was able to he about the house and occasionally was on Main. Street calling on old friends And associates, However, he was taken suddenly ilJ,Sunday evening and pasSed away in Scott Memor- ial Hospital. ,. The deceased was a son of the late Francis Ca ie and Mary Ann Paterson, and was born' on the homestead, just east of Seaforth on No."8 Highway. The property is now known as the Seaforth Golf and Country Club. He was in his 76th year. In 1905 he married Florence Por- ter, daughter of the late J. S. Por- ter, Egmondville, who survives hini," with one' daughter, Mrs, George Scofield, and one granddaughter, Miss Nancy Scofield, Detroit. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. 3. E. L. Pangmen. Toronto, and Mrs. B. Kilpatrick, Roxbury. Mr, Case was a man who possess- ed a genial disposition and was never happier than when, he had a group of young children accom- panying him, strolling over some neighboring farms in the vicinity of Seaforth. After attending Seaforth schools he attended Business College in Philadelphia. In later years he was a carpenter by trade, retiring in 1933. . A member of Britannia -lodge, G.R.C., he attended meetings regu- larly, and was also a member of, St. Thomas' Anglican Church. The remains rested at the Box • 4.trio_ NOIW PLAYING . ' TECHNICOLOR • "TIN TALL MEN" -4 BURT LANCASTER • JODY LAWRENCE - A henget of heroes.: and a woman blast tbeir way acrpes the (Desert. It's rough and ready action, filled with suspense! NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, 4#0:NESOAY " RED BALL EXPRESS JEFF CHANDLER ' ALEX NICOL , 'Ther,drove the most dangerous road in the World, through miles 'of borabs,artd bullets. This gives vivid scenes, at, the Aldiee\Puell ;tower& Paris in World War 11. • APRIL 30, MAY 1-2- TECHNICOLOR " KANGAROO" PETER LAWFORD • MAUREEN. O'HARA The first motion picture ever made in. Australia by an American 'Company — The naagniiieent story of bardebitten men ant IoVell • .'fOnien int a rugged era, • *alit :Ebogig. WICLIS' SHOE STORE , "The Little Store With the BIG Values" — • SEAFORTH SIS1VIANS 4 $6A5 - $8.95 a Pair-„. SEE SISIiANS' ARMY BOOTS Top Forr Wear ais3g5 iair, • TIIBEEOTHEROIAKES OF WORK BOOTS - , Ai $615,4 Pair •"The Service -You Will Appreciate" at FRANK'S SERVKE Phone 592 SEAFORTH F.C4jieve,Iessee Souvenir Coronation Plates Now in Stock - Funeral Home until 11 a.m, Wed- re positor, Wont Ade, Bring Results Wed- nesday, then were taken to St, Thomas' 'Church, where a public service . was ,held at 2 p.m., with Rev. W. A. • Jones officiating. The graveside' service was under the auspices of Britannia Lodge, The pallbearers were Gordon Dick, P. 3. Dorsey, Jas. A. Stewart, Dr. J. Gorwill,Am.avin, Les, McClure and Fred eG Weekend Specials AT Stevens' Grocery Clark's Pork & Beans -20 -oz. Tins... •2 for 31c Stokely Cream Corn -15 -oz. Tins 2 for 27c Red Rose Tea Bags -120 Gauze Bags $1.55 Club House Cocktail Olives -12 -oz. jar • • • • 27c York Tomatoes -20 ozs. 2 for 41c One 8" Cake Pan FREE with one Brodies' • White Chocolate or Combination Cake Mix..3'7c P.E.I. Old Potatoes -10 lbs. •33c Cello Carrots 2 for 23c PINEAPPLES -12's • .3 for 85c or $3.25 per case • Phone 443 • Free Delivery Used ' CarS for Sale 1952 OLDS1V1OBILE SEDAN — Hydramatic drive and radio 1952 CHEV. COACH 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1951 FORD CUSTOM COACH 1949 CHEV. COACH 1949 METEOR COACH—Custom built radio • and Sun Visor 1948 PONTIAC TORPEDO COACH with built- in Radio, Hydrathatic Drive, SunVisor 1948 CHEV. COACH , 1947 'CHEV. SEDAN 1947 CHEV.. COACH 4946 -OLDSIVIOBILE-SEDAN—Ctistom, Radio -1946 FORD OACII 1941 PLYMOUTH COACH 1951 THREE-TON,Heavy Duty CHEV. TRUCK . . • Seaforth •S.Ai•;,,fr.es• •t..• Phone ; -•• 41 PRESCRIPTION FOR BETTER HEALTH Sleep Show APRIL 13-25 See the Quality. Mattresses owdisplay at WHIT- , , NEY'S this weekend they ;ire t ttly a prescrip- tion for better rest and better health . . MATTRESSES BY Marshall • Simmons 41 Globe Bedding See them NOW at WHITNEY'S — during the Sleep ShowT You Always Shop With Confidence At Whitney Furniture' FUnrM debtwAyMobridNiattiotet fie;Aero•- • tAftitztes,' • 2 cA •