HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-04-24, Page 4R s At NewLow .Cash FOR. 14:4141g,i;WANITEOr •LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word•: 1 Cent and Week % Cent 3rd Week Cent ° MiniAltart charge, each insertion25 Cents •Each Szere. initial and abbreviation come as one word. Cards of Thaelee In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 40 Ceuta per week.. • Eitquirelea may be directed to. a Box No., 0/0 The Huron E:spositor, for 10 cents extra. 'Jr coma additional will be charged if ada in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. lairtini, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. "ficA9USIII Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc. -Rates on application. tiat Coming Events WITH SPRING IN THE AIR AND 110- I'! mance in your heart, join the crowds at, the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. every Friday night, and dance to the tune- • All melodies of Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. Livestock Wanted DD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. ,For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21. or .Seaforth 655 r 2. Personals • CIDANDMA AND_ JIM HOGGARTH-I NA am sorry that I mid' what I did and will take it back. GLADYS HOWARTH. • 4450x1 T_TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U BBER 'AA Goods), mailed postpaid in Plain, sealed envelope with price -Bat. 6 samples 25e. 24 (famines $L00. Mail -Order Dept. T41, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box DI, Hamilton, Oat. Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED AMBITIOUS AND INDUSTRIOUS, TO A sell our 225 guaranteed and well-known products such as: Toiletries, Culinaries, Medicines, Domestic Necessities, Tea, Cof- fee. etc. Good discount. Specials each month with FREE PRODUCTS. $18 need. ed. Exclusive territory, Particulars: JITO; 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal 4460-4 Wanted pOARDERS WANTED - PHONE 53-J, ".• Seaforth. 4-450x1 "WANTED -WILL DO LIGHT HOUSE - • work two days a Week. Apply Box 228, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4450-1 WANTED TO RENT - 6 TO 8 -ROOM house. Will pay up to $65.00 a month. Apply tO Box 184, HURON. EXPOSITOR. 4439-tf Help Wanted 11, T.TOUSEICEEPER REQUIRED -LIVE IN or out. Light duties one child in the home. PHONE 692, Seaforth. 4450-2 WANTED - LOCAL MEN TO. FILL vacancies on volunteer fire brigade. Apply in person,. to F. SILLS, Secretary, Seaforth Fire Brigade. 44504 MACHINISTS --EXPERIENCED, FIRST - 43.1. class men required by Western On- tario manufacturer. Good wages, exciel- lent working conditions. Apply to MR. GRACE, Plant Superintendent, The Domin- ion Road Machinery Co. Limited, Goder- rich, Ontario. • 4450-2 GIRLS WANTED Seaforth Shoes, Ltd. SEAFORTH, ONT. 4449-2 For Rent FOR RENT -SMALL APARTMENT. Ay- ' Ply at FRANK,KLING'S, Seaforth. 4450-1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -"45" G.M.C. 8 -TON TRUCK with gravel box, new motor, good tires and two -speed rear axle. Priced cheap. Apply to LYLE MONTGOMERY, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone 841 r 81, Sea - forth. 4448-8 Property For Sale FOR SALE--'8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. PHONE 390-J, Seaforth. 4450-2 FOR SALE -S -ROOM FRAME HOUSE, iniulated, stoker heated, modern bath- room and 'kitchen. new garage. Lots of room for garden. CLAXTON 1:4ENNis- Phone 856-W. Seaforth. 44394f FOR SALE -,LOT, INCLUDING BARN and two poultry -houses, behind To -Nen Hall; also 3 Mother Nature brooders and 2 pisr.troughs. EDMUND GEIGER. Hen - sail. 4448-3 FOR RENT THREE-ROOM APART- ' merit in OKE APARTMENTS. Avail -- able May 1. 4450-1 FOR RENT -FIVE. ROOMS, HEATED .apartment: refrigerator, telephone, separate bath. Apply JOHN TREMEER, on premises. 4450x1 1-00R RENT -NEW, HEA SM!) APART- ' meet, with all conveniences. Avail- able at once. Apply DR. E. A. MeMAS- TER, Seaforth. 4450-1 5 -Room APARTMENT to RENT Apply Alvit"W. SPriery Solicitor, &c., Seaforth, Ontario. Notices PROPERTY FOR SALE -TWO-STOREY ." three bedrooms, liGing room, den, 3 - piece bathrodia, oil heated house, including three acres of land, edge of Mini, Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ap- ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR. or Phone 41, Seaforth: • . 44)1141 n ' FOR SALE - SOLID RED 'BRICK " house, insulated ; hot water heating, ten rooms. Suitable for professional man or nursing home. Large brick garage. Would consider suitable exchange in Lon- don or' vicinity. EDMUND GEIGER, Heiman. 4448-3 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS .or 'Sale OFOPMen4OP fLaleV. roIrket SI PCS SALE -- RHO CLOVER SEED. JOHN THOMPSON. Phone ase r 81. telgiAtb. 4449-8 In the Estate of ELLEN DORSEY A LL PERSONS HAVING C L A I M S " against the Estate of Ellen Dorsey, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Married Woman, deceas- ed, who died on the 8th day of February. 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 8th day of May, 1953, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims, then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 16th day of April, 1953. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 4449-3 Tenders Wanted Township of Stanley " TENDERS for GRAVEL rrENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR " the crashing and hauling of 5,000 cubic yards of gravel from the township pits. Gravel to be crushed %-inch size and delivered on the 'township roads, un- der the supervision of the Road Superin- tendent. The contract to be completed not later than October .15, 1953. A marked cheque for $200 must accom- pany each tender.l. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders to be in the bands of the Clerk before 12 noon, May 2, 1953. FRED S. WATSON, Clerk, Stanley Township, R. R. 3, Hayfield. 4449-2 FOR SALE--OHOICE TOP SOIL. DE - livered; also some rough fill. IL Mo- ILWAIN. Phone 112, Seaforth. 4460-1 TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings -Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and ' endorsed "TENDER FOR COAL", will he received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1953, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. 4449-3 Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, De- partment of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. lijAVING SLOW miLsisp TROUBLES?, •••••• Call LOVELL MeGUIRE, your Surge Dealer, Phone 59S -W. Wingham. We spe- cialize in milking cows. The Surge milks faster: ANYONE WISHING A GARDEN TO Tenders Should be made on the forms work for season, phone 366. HAROLD supplied by the Department and in accord - FREE. Seaforth 4450x1 ance with departmental specifications and conditions attached: thereto. CUSTOM TRACTOR' WORK, PLOW- ing, refuse collection. PHONE 648 r 32, Seaforth. 4450-2 ,e,TTENTION, FARMERS I -OLD FENCE "." wire rem:A-ed. Call ED. McGRATH, Dublin, 46 r 23,, collect. 4449x3 NOTICE - CRUSHED. GRAVEL FOR .4" local delivery. EVERATT R. SMITH & SONS. Phone 663 r 4, Seaforth. 44494 rIARDEN-ANYONE WANTING A GAR- `.-" den can have same by cleaning it and using .for the season. MRS. VELMA KELLAND, East William St., Seaforth, 4450x1. SEWAGE DISPOSAL, PUMPING " 'septic Tanks, wells and cisterns in the sanitary way; also repairs to septic tanks. IRVIN COXON, Milverton. ,Ont. Phone 75 r 4, Milverton. 4449x4 1VrOWERS SHARPENED - WILL ."T"., sharpen all makes of lawn mowers. Will call for and deliver, JOHN Mac - LEAN, Egmondrille. Phone 649 r 3,' Sea - forth. 4448-8 P ADIO REPAIRS -'FOR ALL KINDS " of redios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. , 43634f PAINTING - SPRAY OR BRUSH ; A Papering, Sunworthy wallpapers.. Sign painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Hensel]. Phone 196-R, Hensall. 4425-tf ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, •;furnished or unfurnished, to rent, please ,-, call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 382; local 252. . 4489 -if A ITEN'lloN, FARMERS i -L• PROMPT, A A courteous' collection of all dead and .disabled farm animals:, Call collect, ED: --ANPRE1, 84 reel._ Sea -forth, or 285,R SALE,-COA,TE'S IVLANURE LOAD - Ca . Exeter. .' iodated 'with Unffir-&-M7-ii--er.;---attechinentl)- for -Farmell-M4-,--also •, nada 4899-11 a nurnber of chicken shelters. Priced to .„..., sell. W. J. F. BELL, R.R. 2, Kippen. 4 110M-VILL PICK UP ASHES AND Phone 691 r 12, Hensall 4450x1 ...eellitieettnd WIll take wee a baee ' e_...0e*Mirle beelike ,ebe will „kir ltort•t ardegi. POR SALEI-19444 s...PAsstN tn. Mg' v tt 200 MUM FatfelliDeetaje feditif ••• dood condition throughout; 1 110 -volt , . Hat „ ,„ seem Hfreer; 25 Shoice stlekers, pail heater, brand new; 1 ols 4 (1 * ',..e*I.I•nitinshatt. votsited6•6ft wood. eaves; 4 hounds, Beagle aild'eFint, es -he. t, 9-14.442eio- Apple, Box 227, ifffitON EXPOSITon. ' Bi 4460:11 The Department reserves the right to de- mand from any successful tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of, a certified cheque on, a char- tered 'bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Cana- dian National Railway Company and its constituent companies unconditionally guar- anteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforemention- ed bonds and a ceififiVd. cheque if required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. ROBERT FORTIER, ACting Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 15, 1953. POTATOES FOR SALE - SABAGOES, suitable for seed. Apply JOE GIB - SON, 2 miles east of Seaforth on No, 8 Highway. Phone Clinton 616 r 8. 4450-2 pOTATOES. FOR SALE -SO BAGS OF Irish Cobblers. Good cookers and ex- tra early for planting for seed. Call at house or Phone JAMES ELLIOTT even- ings, 249-W, Seaforth, 4450-1 For Sale ' FOR SALE -2 DRESSERS; 6 CHAIRS; pair of coil springs: single bed; kit- chen stove; a couple of pumps; kitchen table; 4 21 -inch ear tires; couple of lawn mowers: window glass. CLARENCE REEVES, Seaforth. 4450x1 I_T AVE YOU LOOKED OVER, THE " Mellows at 'TUDOR'S in Hensel You will be surprised at the stock they have. Nylons as low as 2.98.. BELL "IMPERIAL" THRESHERS GET MAXIMUM OUTPUT Enjoy low upkeep with the high quality "Imperial" Thresher, preferred by farmers who know machinery. Buy from the firm that specializes in manufacturing a better product for this one phase of farming. Machines Available For Immediate Delivery 'We have a few bargains in good used threshers. FOR SALE -SPRAY GUN. IN GOOD condition ; also 2 -burner electric range. Apply to Box 226, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4450x1 port SALE-.C.C.M. BICYCLE, DOUBLE frame, in good condition also used washing machine with new motor and rolls; •wickless 3 -burner coal oil stove, nearly new. Apply MAX CARTER, Er- mondville. Phone 561-W. 445'0x2 Robert Bell Industries MrrnD seA.FarlACH, ONTARIO Phones 268 - 269 4450-1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE FURNISH- ings in Town of Seaforth. West St., on Friday. April 24, at 1:30 p.m.: Kit- chen cabinet; oak dining room table and oak 'dining chairs with leather seats; couch; ball seat with mirror; matched wicker occasional chairs (like new); num- ber of rockers and odd chairs; small tables; drophead Raymond sewing ma- chine: Mason & Risch upright piano and bench; rugs and other floor coverings; 2 furnished bedrooms, springs and mattress- es, toilet sets: washing machine; quantity of garden tools: sealers; crocks; quantity of dishes and kitchen utensils; house plants: rubber tired lawn mower (new); roll-top desks. Terms -Cash. MRS. CAROLINE PORTEOUS, Proprietress ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4449-2 qifonirra COATS tSHOP= co Al's I 'TUDOR'S in Fiensall offer shortie coats at 14.95. A special purchase brings this coat to you at 14.95. A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD HF - Sects in 'Town of ,Seaforth, on Satur- day. May 2, at 1 p.m., at Robert Smith's home on Goderich St. East:, Eight -piece dining room suite; piano; davenport: Fin- lay coal and wood cook stove with reser- voir; 'window blinds; iron bed, springs, Simmons mattress (new) ; large galvanized wash tub: porcelain kitchen sink; crocks; Massey -Harris hand cutting box; large feed box; ash sifter box; tool boxes; steel bar; post hale augur ; post hole spoon; force cistern pump; circular saw, mandrill and pulley; tree trimmer ; inside chemical toilet with pipes; quantity walnut lumber; pick ; hand cultivator ; set climbing spurs; 2 one-third H.P. motors (new); kitchen table and chairs; kitchen cupboard; bed- room suite, springs, mattress (like new); painted bed springs and mattress; sin- gle bed, springs and mattress ; desk : pil- loyvs ; range stove; odd dishes and uten- sils; vise; 2 pulleys; hay knife; number 'carpenter tools; brave clippers: robe, 14 - foot logging chain'; sling ropes: wire stretchers; block and tackle; tool box and wrenches; 1 6 -ft. crosscut saw; root pub. per: 2 ditching spades; cream separator; la4nr mower; entibeee other articles' too numerous to mention. Terms - Cash. ROBERT SMITH (Estate of late N. R. Dorrance): E. P. Chesney, Clerk ;.Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. In Memoriam T.t NIGHT -IN LOVING MEMORY OF " our dear Mother, who passed away two years ago, April 22. Two years have passed since that sad day, When one we loved was called away; God took her home, it was' His will, Within our hearts she liveth still. -Sadly missed by Alvin, Alipe and Ethelmae, Hamilton. 4450x1 Cards Of Thanks ma, AND MRS. MARTIN • WISH TO AV.' thank those who sent fruit and to the W.A. of Chiselhurst Church for the lovely flowers at Easter. Special thanks to the ones who helped with the chores while we were sick. 4450-1 T WISH TO THANK MY MANY friends who Visited me 'and sent, catds and treats while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital: also to thank Dr. J. A. Gorwill, the Superintendent and Nurs- ing Staff of the hospital for their kind- ness. 4450-1 JOSEPH ATKINSON T WISH TO THANK MY NEIGHBORS, friends and all organizations for their kindness and assistance to my family and myself, while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Serforth, and Victoria Hospital, London. Thanks to the nurses and staffs of the hospitals; to Drs. Gorwill, Me.Mas. ter and Brady, Seaforth, Kennedy, Camer- on and Aitkens, of London, and to epecial nurses, Miss Dunn, Miss Downey, Mrs. Pearson, Seaforth: to 'Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. McNeil and Miss MeCemus, of London. JOHN TAYLOR, 4450x1 Seaforth. Births rrn- The ?United .4111d rtmeb7terien Church sorv4ee0eill beon. Saving Time Suildey, April 26. Mr. and -Mrs. W. E. 'Redden. of Hamilton; Mrs. MIURA Wilson, Lloyd Redden and Joyce Redden, Alex Shorthouee, Mr. and' Mrsellits- sell •Hedden, all of St.'Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Harold lee,dden, Dres- den; Lee Redden, London; Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Redden, Lucane Mr. and • Mrs. Russell Redden, Exeter, attended the funeral of the late Harold Whitney Carter, Clinton, held from the Ball and Mutch Fun- eral Home in Clinton, Thursday, April 16. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid. ,Ter- ry and Allan, spent Sunday ill Teeswater with IMr. ands Mrs. Robt. Reid, who returned home with them to Hensall and will spend a few days. The Hensall Community Ladies' Choir presented a concert in Pruce field United Church Wednesday ev- ening. Proceedswill go towards redecorating the manse of that church. Weekend guests et . the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Blackwell were Mr. and Mrs. H. Mufford, Mrs, Althea Plowe and Mrs. F. T. Maerington, 1V1iinet, B.C. Mrs. N.A. Stevens, mother'of Mrs. J. Blickwellewhe is a patient in South Huron District HoiMital, is improving in health. ' -Mrs. Florence Joynt returned home by plane last friday from Calgary, Alta., after a six months' visit with her, aunt, Mrs. A. Mc- Leod, in that City. 'Mrs. Jaya re- turned home much , improve d .,i4 health, her many friends will be pleased to learn. • A reception and dahbe for Mr. and Mrs. Vern Alderdice',(nee Mona Caldwell), will be. held in Hensall Town Hall, Friday, April 24, with Norris orchestra in attendance. Ladies please 'provide lunch,' District Obituaries Ote NT" -M40.0seor4,' 43.4 , Daslinefed.!:. e. • , eeeee,•;`,e4 mr. 934 'M ?.J , sou, Clifford, visited tbe:•-piene on -Monday. Ur. and Mrs. •NoeSte,letekert were Sunday 'visitors with rela- tives in Listowel. e r. and Mrs. William Romney, Exeter, visited Sunday at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackl• stetter. Mr. and Mrs. Stoke e and son, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider and July, Stratford, vis- ited 'Mr. Robert Thomson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake, near Hayfield, Sunday. A number of ladies attended a brush demonstration Tuesday eve- ning at the home of Mrs. Elam Shantz. Miss Alice Pfaff, Etreter, spent last weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elgie LATE MRS. GERTRUDE KE94 HENSALL.-Mrs, Gertrude Keen, Hensall, passed away in Scott MefaOrial 'Hospital, Sealoeth, on Wednesday, April 22. She had been a patient there for the past two weeks. Born 'in Tuck.ersmith in 1885, a daughter ofeCharlotte , Leatherford and John Murray, she resided in' Seaforth except for a, few years in Buffalo. For the past few years she had lived with' her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Stew- art Bell, Hensall. She was married in November, 1906, to George Henderson, who passed away in 1918. James Keen, her second husband, died a year ago in Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, where he had been' lentfor eleven years. Mrs. Keen was a 'member of EdelveeisseiRe- bekah. Lodge, Seaforth, and a member of 'Egmoirdeille United Church. Surviving are one son, Harold Henderson, Buffalo, N.Y., and one daughter, (Edith) Mrs. Stewart Bell, Hensall; one grandson, George' Henderson, Buffalo; two granddaughters, Kay and. Pauline Bell;, one sister, Mrs. Elliott Wal- ters, ."McKill, and two brothers, Rial, Seattle, Wash., and Walter, •Dryden,.,Ont. , • After, resting at the ,Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, funeral service will be held Friday, April 24, at 2 p.m. Rev. J. Hen" sail, will officiate. Interment will be in Maitiaedbank cemetery, , BROWN -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 16, to 'Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, Egmondville, a son. DING -In Perth, Scotland, on March 27, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenneth Doig, a daugh- ter -Gail Hamilton. LOWRIE--At Victoria Hospital, London, on April 20, to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lowrie (nee Onalee Moore), a daugh- ter, MuIEGGE-At Scott 'Memorial Hospital, on April 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Muegge, Seaforth, a daughter. NOTT-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Pott, nit 4, Clinton, a dalghter--Marian Elizabeth. PEPPER -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pep- per, R.R. 4, Walton. a son.' SIM -,At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 18, to Mr. and Mrs. David Sim, R.R. 4, Seaforth, -a son. STAPLES -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Staples, Blyth, a laughter. How To Be Well Dressed Without Up- setting Your Budget If you're a different size this sea- son,. or if for some other reason yet* still -good clothes from last Felt have lost theireappeal, Hur- on Expositor Articles For Sale ad salvages quick ciothesobuying dol- lars from them. It finds 'the very person who Wants to buy what you have to offer. To be well dressed without going beyond- your budget -telephone 41, Seaforth. SPAFFA Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie' and family, Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' Elliott. Mr. Donald O'Brien, Flint, Mich., visited 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Brli,---Chat- ham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Norris. BRUCEFIELD Nursery and junior congreg6,tions will be held. during the morning service' at Brucefleld United Church, April 26. Mrs. A. Rohner has' left hospital and is at present with her sister, Mrs. Smith, Hay. Mrs. Rodgers, St. Catharines, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Dunn and family. KIPPEN Mr. Robert Cooper returned home Friday after spending the winter months In Florida. Mrs'. Orville Workman spent a day in London last week. Sunday visitors of (Mrs. McCly- mont were: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spitzer, Detroit; Miss Joan Duch - Deaths CASE -In Seaforth, on Monday, April 20, James Arnold Case, in his -76th year. DUNGEY-In Fullerton Township, Tues- day, April 21, William Dungey, of Sea - forth, dear father of Gladys, Mrs. Har- vey Hoffineyer, Fullerton ; Howard, 'Mit- chell; Lloyd, Fullerton ; Bedford, Sea - forth, in ,his 74th year. FAULKNER-In St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, on Wednesday, April 22, Wil- liam Joseph Faulkner, of Galt, beloved husband of Mary Finkbeiner: dear father of Patricia and, dear brother of Lillian Faulkner, Seaforth, and Fred Faulkner, ,Detreit, aset1,44 years. The funeral will be held from the home of Miss Lillian Faulkner, George St., Sea - forth, likeurdayea 10 a.m., to St. Jellies' Church. *WAY In, Toronto, -on Monday,- April 20, Elizabeth Alexander, widow of the late .Tames McKay; dear mother of Miss ;Florence McKay, Toronto, and Hugh Mc- Kay, London, in her 86th year. RINN.--en Clinton; on Sunday, Aprit 19, Margaret ,May Elan, dear sister of Mrs. Frank Stoiet Seaforth; Airs, Clardsee 'Radio, McKillop; Morn', Selgravoi RI - meg and Ruth. Brussels. In her 69411 r., •TUCKERSMITH / • Jr#04.4.04ro, •aiyup tiie Kti5Tipp`slie muffiA ran? 1191.01 end Meat.pap • cagmvoie,a,nd ri,xlaine; 2g4s.W. dt-criips 10Y- roil 410,14, 2 Se IdaTialWealte rack, min, Desiralelee Another baking aboet, Ica pan,. silnare pan and cake rack, timbale molds, tube pan (spring tbottom), 3 fruit pans, layer pans, 8 x 10 baking pan, oven -proof plat- ter and meat thermometer. E ----Storage Set of refrigerator dighee with covers, set of oven glass dishes, set of canisters, bread box, two thermos, plastie covers. Deeireable; Individual molds, ring mold, picnic kit, vegetable bag or container, juice container. Club OirlS and \the.,Garden Club will, hold a joint 'meeting in -the auditorium of .Seitforth District High. School on Monday, April 27, at 8 p.m. The guest speaker will be 'Eric Mimer, Seaferth, who will demonstrate flower arrangements.. The eerie' mothers are invited to attend this meeting. Please bring "Fun With, Flowers" pamphlet, pencil, ;paper and sandwiches or cookies. The. Garden Club roll call will be a plant exchange. CROMARTY Mrs. Margaret Puffin visited Sun- day. with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wal- ker, . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing were with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gillespie, at Kornoka: on Saturday. Mr. and Sirs. Heber Shute, Kirk - ton, visited' with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gardiner on Sunday. Mrs. T. L. Scott is attending the Presbyterian WM.& Synod 'meet- ing at Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Lon- don, accompanied by Mrs. Ethel Currie, spent the weekend in To- ronto with Dr. and Mrs. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rus- sell on :Sunday. Mrs. M., Houghton, Mrs. E. Mac- Donald and Mrs. Lin 'McKellar vie ited recently with friends in Mit- chell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diechert and Ronnie, Zurich; ..visitedeewitle Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing. . . . We are sorry to reportlirs. Wm. Hamilton is under the doetor'S care. Mr. and Mrs. William Harper vie ited with 'Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Val- lantyne, Thames. Road. Mr. Alex Ramsey, Georgetown, visited with. his family here. 'Mrs. Christina McKellar, Mit- chell, visited with Mrs: jessie.Ham- ilton and 'Mrs. Roh.ert Reggarth and Jim. The church :basenMet" is' being redecorated. The walls are being painted a pale yellow and the woodwork a light grey. The choir room and minister's room are done in rose, with light grey .walls, A powder room and coal bin have been added. ' • • ' HYDRO HOME ECJ3NOM1S1 K ITCH EN WARE Bello Homemakers -to -be! You, the summer bride of '53, will be day -dreaming about keeping house. Your mind's eye may see your new kitchen with such photographic clearness' .that you have mentally wrung out the dish cloth, put the pretty dishes back on the shelf 'and settled back to enjoy it. But face to face with your first actual shop- ping trip for utensils you won't know where to begin! 'Soon, some- one (planning a shower), will be quizzing you as to What you want in kitchenware. The kitchen section of your hard- ware is a fascinating place. Look around and decide on your prefer- ence in material and color, then you may dream "out loud" to those' who may enquire about what you would like to have. Suggested List of KitChenware A -Cutlery .Bread. knife, carving knife, util- ity knife, 2 vegetable knives, meat fork, pair 'shears Ian stainless steel),, egg lifter, can ,opener, hot' tie opener,, knife sharpener, set of cookie cutters, set' of measuring spoons, wooden spoon, cutlery box, and- a set of stainless steel knives, forks. avid spoons. Desirable 'Clitiery: Pastry blen- der, krimper, Z. funnels, egg slicer, set sketVer„-cdoltie press, vege table Peeler, tongs, onion chopper, nut mincer, skimmer, ladel, apple corer, spatula, biscuit cutters, pan, cake turner, extra set measuring spoons. B---raliiing Utensils' , Nest of mixing bowls, f cup and 1 pint nieasnres,‘„ rotary egg beater• potato masher, pater set,, wire strainet, reamer, bread; biaardorello ing-pin, food „chopper, flair Sifter; rubber scrape?. Destrable,mbring utensils: Set of Meatliring cups, pastry Cloth and cover, S 'pitchers, 2 Bono% -port- able miller, 'potato' rIderi puree; hfitcseholtrirettitic-ITHVIY1-4614ffitker; C -Ton -of -Range Utensils Three elinkApanid (1' cl4; 2 qt., 3 qt. 'size) with inset lids, double iboiler, frying pan or chicken fryer; coffee pot,, pressure saucepan, steamer, kettle, tea 'pot. Desirable baila: 1 piddle, wet ,044 tau/ ,'•-`." • • Annual Meeting Of Dublin CM., Wel. John Meagher was relelect- ed president of the Dublin branch of the Catholic Women's League at its annual meeting in the con- tinuation sehoel in 'Dublin. The nominating committee included Mrs. Louie LoOhy, Mrs. Maurice Ryan and. 'Miss Margaret Flanagan. Other officers elected were: first vice-president, Mrs. Stella *urtin; second vice-president, (Mrs. Patrick Ryan; • third vice-president, Miss Mary O'Connell; treasurer, Mrs. Louis Looby.» The secretary is' to be appointed at the May meeting. Mrs. Meagher moved a vote of thanks to the nominating commit- tee. Bev. Dr. 'Ffolkes • commended the branch on the work accomplish- ed during its first year and stress- ed the» importance lef 'good leader- ship. Activities during the year included card parties, bingoes and a ham sapper. There are 115 members and 'eight honorary mem- bers. 'Mrs. John. Meagher and,fMrs. W. J. Stapleton represented the League at the diocesan convention in Londert. Mrs. Martin Knuth:tinnier, pre: seated a financial report showing a ,successful year. The retiring members of the executive commit- tee are Mrs. Louis Bruxer, Mrs. W.' J. Stapleton, Mrs. M. Klink - hammer and 'Mrs. Earl Healy. It is estimated that rheumatic diseases cause 30,000 Canadians to be Off work ,every day. RECEPTION -AND DANCE Mr., Mrs. Vern Alderdice (Nee'.Moa Caldwell) HENSALL Town Hall' FRIDAY, APRIL Norris' Orchestra,. Everybody Welcome Ladies Please Provide inrush ge* MO `chlifg Sunday' Seeviees 1 Carmel thurci1, Wilt ...1f4114 Were larZelY attended last' RUnditY. , 'Rev. B. FOX delivered two IMPfessive sermons. For his morning theme he spoke on 'Thor =meters or Thermostats." The choir sang an anthem: For his evening eulyject, Mr. Fox spoke on "The Vanishing Angel." Canada has 5,002 hotels. Musical Concert Was by Hensall Ladies' Choir The musical concert in Hensel' Town Hall last week, under the direction of J. L. Nichol, A.C.C.O., was not .presentitd by the choir of IOW" a OfWee, 11114 0,00 welAtiwrile'904,ae91 1b6 Munity. ' Kin Keno Numbers Wed., April 1§th.... Thurs., April 16th... Fri., April 17th .... 0-64 Sat, April 18th .... N-81. Mon., April 20th 0-73 Tues., April, 21st q-47 WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB ;- ases••••••••••••••000aftswOreasaennesarOiaala $50 for Your Old Washer On a New DOMINION STREAMLINER All Dominion Washers Available With 12 -Year Guarantee • Automatic Tinier - • Automatic Wringer • Pump Optional Come in Today For Complete Details Crown Hardware W14, Nat Or.e#101U4li : Phone 797 Seaforth elSormovosseoe'Welosamearelawessoesoelonalleri. il!LAM;ATION,: MOWN OF SEAFORTH DAYLIGHT iA 'The Council of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me to declare Daylight Sav- ing Time, adopted for the Town of Seaforth, during the period of MONDAY, APRIL 27th, at 2:00 a.m. to SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, at 2 a.m., and respectfully request the citizens to observe the same. DR. E. A. McMASTER, • Mayor— "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" Discontinuing, the Line — Westinghouse Appliances. 25 0 Discount Definitelya Bargain Discount on NAME BRAND Appliances 411•1010. • 2 — OnlY — 2 hjv WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS and RANGES Left at 25% Discount PfERANi.9KILIN SEAFORTH -AEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron Couniy's Finest Market ° for USED. CARS 1952 MEV. STYLELINE SEDAN SPECIAL 2-1952 errErv. DE LUXE SEDAN'S • 1962 PONTIAC COACH 1952 P(NTIAI) STYLPT4INE SEDAN 1952 „ICBM, DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN rIn2"(111111V: DE LUXE COACH—Puny equipped' ':--f98tSPONTIA0 STYLELINE COACH ,2+1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS 1961 PONTIAC COACH log noon SEDAN ‘t 1951' 'CHEV, STYLEIANE coAari 2-1950 CHEV. Ft 'NE SEIDANS--4"tilly equipped. • '• 1948 CREV. SEDAN 1942 MEV. 111.2TETLJNIII 'COACH 1947 PONTIAC COACH. with Radio 1927 ,CHEV. COACH TRUCKS 1948 MEOURY 31, -TON PICKUP .., A written guarantee for 60 days, on all 'Late Model Cars MANY, OTHER MODELS -TO CHOOSE FROM .-• eel .0.eee., BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 78-X— "The Homer Ostler Used Carts OPEN 'EVERY EVENINCI„, 1/2 • ( 4 4 4 4 • a 4. 4 • • 1r , e , p • S • •