HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-04-10, Page 8NOyY Fli,Ali s "IROQUOIS TRAM"' GEORGE MONTGOMERY BRENDA MARSHALL. The terror of the tomahawk is let loose as the Iroquois, the•most dreaded' of alt savages, go on the warpath! There is thundering' thrills along 4001 miles of Frontier Fury. MONDAY, TUESDAY,. WEDNESDAY -el TECHNICOLOR "DISTANT DRUMS" GARY COOPER MARi ALOON Gary, .Cooper plays the role cY Captain of the' savva�gge swamp light- ers during the War of 1540 in Florida. ,For advdnture, silspense and drama, you must see "Distant Drums." NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " THE LONE STAR CLARK GABLE') AVA GARDINER Here is Clark Gable at his all-time best in the I.1usty Brawling Saga of the Lone Star State, This is a. historical Western, full of action. . ,Coming — "DEADLINE U,.S.A.". 1 NOW! COME IN AND FIND OUT WHY It Always Pays to Buy E� Your Footwear at the WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store. With the BIG Values" -- SEAFORTH 1 Vi. xi it .Si :rr .C' u", 'ta ge in ''ONiaBILE, C,:ABLIALTV, ;f ANTEE BONDS DENT AND SICKNESS . 'HY AND WINDSTORM )iffeaenting Companies who We likleUritY with Service. 4,1430 ANTS FOR ONTARIO ILIIIRESIABBATAPS Mt'=TVA', FIRE INSURANCE ,. Information gladly given. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Insurance and Real Estate Phone 2i4 -- Seaforth FOR SALE `.l*odern Dwelling on V. s' Win gala St. New air rondit:o:•.irg unit. Immediate possession. Frame Dwelling with all modern conveniences. Oil hearing. Suit- able for • purchase. Modern 2 -Storey I?we lino, with tgarage. Sparling St. Poo: ession arranged,. Modern Brick Dwelling, Gode ich St. East. 'Beautitu:ly located. Early possession, ' Frame Dwelling' on Victoria St., with all modern conveniences. Pos- tresadon: arranged. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID J3EAL ESTATE - PHONE 214 musimmosessiumnawaininur f LEMON'S TAXI All passengers insured PHONES: 162-J or 162-W e FuneralDesigns Wedding Flowers - Corsages - Pottery Tropical Fish - Greeting Cards Owned and Operated by ERIC and BARBARA MILN.ER Phone 393 : Seaforth "Flowers Wired Anywhere" fereeillitreedinamegmerweigneeeee COAL BRIQUETTES New American Anthrac'dte Hard Coal Briquettes, for Spring burning. William M. Hart PHONE: OFFICE 784 .�: INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to R C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res, 222-R MAIN ST.: SEAFORTH elini1U111111O1ill iD1111111fU111t1N1tt1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 W. J. CLEARY 4> 10 Seaforth, Ont. 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 And FUNERAL DIRECTOR JO night or Day Calls — 335 0oOOo00 'TG5000Q0o X> J. A. BURKE O Funeral, -Director 0 and Ambulance Service lb DUBAN - ONT. 0 Night or Day Calls: 'O Phone 43 r 10 O O . O 00 0,0'000 0 0 0 0 0>000OU00'000 0 G. A. WHITNEY 0 'm Funeral Home C Goderich St. W., Seaforth 0 0'' AMB) LANCE SERVICE 0 10 Adjustable hospital beds 0 Ke for rent. 0 10 FLOWERS FOR EVERY 0 10 ' OCCASION 0 10 Telephone: Day or Nights 119 0 O Residence 65 0 0 liC ±4► 00'000'0000 t"yi`lCi0*00000 • 0 ttOZ O tnerat tt its L.tc.f ea Erhbalmer. 0 AN18ANcE aYld 11ao l attention, O d'apetl. Ax:Iq. Salvation Army. -3;06 p.m, um day School; 7 ,pro., Selv.atien, Meet Mg; 4 pm., Thursday, Hobby Crafts, Young People; 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting. A cordial welcome, —Lieut. Harry Keats, Officer -in - Charge. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. - 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. St. Mary's, Dublin --Sun- day. School, 2:30 p.m.; Evening Prayer, 3 p.m.—Rev. W. A. Jones, Rector. First Presbyterian Church. — 10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 arm., -•A Greater Right- eousness"; Junior congregation; 7 ir.ni., "In a Time of Fear."—Rev, D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. Northside United Church. — 10 Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., Holy Com- munion and reception of new members; junior congregation and toddlers' group; 7 p.m„ "Beyond Our Own," an outstanding religious film—Rev. J. W. A. Stinson, Min- ister. 11 s t li ell Ill 1111IIIMI1tlj1111111111111Ht * Weddings * lilUI*l 11IHhtltitlRltllUtt111t11111111111t11 SCOTT - HAMLIN Rev. James Puxley heard the marriage vows' of. Frances Eileen Hamlin, Welland; daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Francis G. Hamlin, Chap- leau, and Donald Henderson Scott, son of Mrs. •Scott, Seaforth, and the late Harry R. Scott. The cerey nanny took place in Trinity College SPECIAL MEETING OF HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO SCOTT MEM'ORiAL HOSPiTAL OA. WoreQ Qr odor A4i?rll Cecoratea. wittt spring; 0 4rl e was,,given in marriage 11y dr,; at er. (ler gown of Chen: pill$ 1a1✓,O and net Teetered a por- trlit, neckline outlined with lace and seed .pearls, long sleeves and the sloop skirt of lace over pleat- ed net fell to a slight train. A Mary Queen of Scots headdress of lace, studded with seed pearls, held her fingertip veil. She carried a cas- cade of gardenias lily of the val- ley and, stephanotis. Miss Mary Powell was maid of honor. ,Mrs. Jahn Stevenson was the bride's ether senior attendant. Their gowns were of waltz -length aquamarine lace and net, with matching coronets of aquamarine and yellow daisies, and they car- ried bouquets of yellow spring ,flowers. Flower -girl Katie Scott, Seaforth, wore a frock of yellow taffeta with matching headdress and bouquet. ...a .e•• At the beginning of the ceremony Mr. Philip Dyke sang "0 Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer" during the signing of the register. James R. Scott, Seaforth, was groomsman. Ushers were Harry Scott, Ross Hamlin, David Brooks and Donald 'Hillhouse. At Falconer Hall the bride's mother received the guests, wear- ing midnight blue sheer with pink accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The groom's mother assisted, wearing navy blue crepe with navy blue and pink accessor- ies, and a white gardenia corsage. The couple left for a wedding trip to Quebec, the bride travelling in an aquamarine suit with brown accessories and a corsage of yel- low gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Scott will make their home in Niagara Falls, Ont. Seaforth W.I. To Hold Annual Meeting Here The annual meeting of the Sea - forth W.I. will be held Tuesday, will be held in April 14, at 2 p,m., at the home of Pariah Hall of St. Thomas' .Mrs. Mac Scott, The roll call will Anglican Church be answered by "a fault of our In- stitute and a way to correct it," TUESDAY, APRIL 14th also payment of fees. Standing committee conveners will be asked to present their re- ports. Members are asked to bring' their potholders. Those wishing tickets for the A.C.W.W, conven- business meeting of the Auxiliary tion, please bring $2 for payment, will be held at 7:30., The lunch committee is; sandwich: EVERYONE IS WELCOME es, (Mrs. C. Simpson, Mrs. J. Mc- Gregor; cookies, -Mrs. Doug Wal- lace, ,Mrs. R. Miller." 0 A at 8 p.m. tiIRS. H. G. •H'ORNING, President t Ontario Hospital Auxiliaries, will be guest speaker. Canadian Floor Service Everything For Your Floor' • SANDING • POLISHING • CLEANING (Free Estimates) MACHINES FOR SALE AND RENT Harry N. McLeod Agent Phone 660 r 21, Seaforth — R.R. 3, Seaforth FARMERS! Let HURON FARM FEEDS LTD. EGMONDVILLE (1) CLEAN YOUR SEED NOW! We will pick up, clean and deliver it back to you promptly. Phone 664 r 33' for Appointment (2) HOG FEEDERS We are in a position to feed your hogs for you on the PURINA HOG FEED FINANCE PLAN. Contracts written every Monday. For further information: PHONE 664 r 33 — SEAFORTH ,� 1, hrn,aurol eel At ROAM ge Haugh 4t the necoi6til xnseetigig of gin4th-Etter e,t tf}elliOnie of the„�f�ad- er .r W $augh, Ttj cl1ersmjth, melgbere: 'paned by slanging "The •More We Get Together.” Rell call .was answered by "one thing we woitlsd like most to see in a west room," "Orn. Magill gave pointers on setting a table and demonstrat- ed how to pack a `suitcase. .A chick en dinner was nerved by Mrs. Haugh and her daughter, Anne, IN AND O ''Orli) VISIWBS Mr. and ,(Mrs. Eli* ,Seot;t. , Lo don; Mr. and Mrs.'I ny Harrison Beverley and Gary, Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ;Scott spent Easter ;Sunday with Mr. Wilmer Scott. ` Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Case and daughter, Charlene, •Streetsville, spent Easter with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs, Kneeshaw, London, were Easter cleats of ,Mr, and Mrs. Foster Bennett. .Mr. and 'Mrs. Keith Lamont and family, Royal Oak, Mich., were Easter guests -of of Ms brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamont. - . Mr. and Mrs. .bred Watts and family, Frankford, Ont., were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rey- nolds. Dr. E. A. McMaster has returned home from Toronto General Hospi- tal, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Curtis, Lind- say, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Kling. Mr. and Mrs. Gladson Campbell, Toronto, visited the latter's, father, Mr. Ed. Hunt, and also visited ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. McMillan, McKillop. Mrs. Alex Kerr. Toronto, spent Easter weekend with her sister) Mrs. R. B. Holmes, and Mr. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs Frank Cudimore and Miss Nancy, Wjallaceburg, were Easter guests of Miss Hazel Reid and Mr. D. L. Reid. Maloney,Mr. Louis Detroit, and Mr. Dennis Maloney, Toronto, spent Easter with their mother, Mrs. M. Maloney Mr. Basil Duncan, Toronto, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dunean. ' Mr. George Earle, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Earle, Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs, John McNab and son, Toronto, were weekend visi- tors of the former.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab, Mr.. and Mrs. Harry Scott and family. Gravenhurst, spent the ,holiday with his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott, Miss Ethel MacKay, Toronto, spent the Easter holiday with her "sister, 'Mrs. J. E. Daley. Mr. and Mrs. R. ,S. McDonald and son, Bob, were In Trenton over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Ferguson, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn. Miss Gladys Thompson, Niagara Falls, .spent Easter with her moth- er, Mrs. J. B. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. George :Scofield, Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. }..Case over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Hunter, .Mr. and Mrs. -.M. Fermanti and Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Jones, Toronto; were Easter guests of Mrs. J. L. Smith and Mr. Glenn Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin .•Redd and son, Hamilton, and Miss Evange- line Reid, London, were Easter.visi- tors with Mr. M. A. Reid, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Goveulock, Mrs. Blayuey and Susan, Water- ford; Mrs. M. H. McKenzie, Osh- awa, and Mr, Jack Dorrance, St. Catharines, were guest of Mrs. Mae Doi -ranee for Easter. Miss Mary- Ryan, Preston; Mr. Allan Ryan, Toronto, and 1VIrs. Camilla Ryan, Aylmer, were Easter guests of Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. Mrs. Hugh Halliday and Miss Mary Halliday, Toronto, spent Eas- er with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Les - ie, ,Miss Karen Michael, of Gorrie, slpent the Easter vacation with her ulne1e and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, 11. R. Smith, Mrs. Rita Orr. Goderich, spent Easter wirh Mrs, Susan McEwing, eatorth Apartments. Mr, and Mrs, Ray St, Germain nd three sons. Montreal, were the aster guests of Mrs. M. Morrow nd Mrs. Ross .2. Sproat, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin and' iss Catherine Paterson, Rodney, pent the Easter weekend with ev. and Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell. Mr, Ken Keating, Toronto, spent aster with his parents, Mr. and rs, J. E. Keating. Miss Florence Laidlaw, Toronto, pen -'aster with her sisters, Mise - s Olive and Maud Laidlaw. Mr, and Mrs. 'Howard Kerr, To - 'onto. were Easter guests of his other, Mrs. James Kerr. ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry .and iss Elizabeth Anne, Toronto, spent the holiday with Miss M. E. urnbull, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Grant and tending the funeral of the former's family were In London Friday -at- unit. Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Edmunds and family, • Hamilton, were holiday nests of Mr. and rnMrs. W. 3, Fin - igen Egondville, and Mr. and re. °T'rank Kling, n • Mrs. Edythe Wallace - and Mitre , Christine' Patterson, Toronto, were. guests, of Mrs. Alex Wallace, Tuck- eramith. Miss Margaret Grieve,, Oakville, spent the holiday week with her • mother, Mrs'. J. I. Grieve. Mr. and !Mrs., Ross Rennie, Ron- ald Rennie and Miss Alice Dougall,. Tpronto, were Easter guests, of Mr. and Mrs. M, R. Rennie. ' Miss Gertrude Crich, Toronto, spent Easter with her brother, Mr, J. C. Crich, and"Mrs, Crich; Mr, Oban MacTavish, London, was an Easter visitor with his mother, Mrs. John MacTavish, Mr. Bill Munn, University of To- ronto, spent Easter with 'his -par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. J; A. Munn, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth and family, Wallaceburg, were the Easter guests of ,NFr. and :Mrs. R. E. McMillan, McKillop.. Mrs. Florence Sterling, Goderich, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn, Miss Ruth Joynt, Toronto, spent the Easter week with her parents, M. and Mrs. Robert Joynt, Attending the Scott -Hamlin wed- ding in Toronto Saturday were: Mrs. 1•I. R. Scott, Miss Belle Smith, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mr. Stuart Wigg, Mrs. Frank Dunn, Mr. James, R. Scott and, Miss Katie Scott. Guests at the home of Mrs, M. White for Easter were: Mr. and Mrs, William Murdie, Lueknow; Mrs. A. W. Armitage and Eliza- beth Anne, Arthur; Miss E. White, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Gib- son White and family, London. Mr. Fred Pauluhn, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth, Tuckersmith, Mrs, Margaret White was in London last week visiting her sis- ter, Miss Elizabeth Murdie, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital. Miss Thelma Elgie had the mis- fortune Friday to fall and 'break her arm. .She is now in Scott Memorial Hospital, Guests at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKindsey over the Easter weekend were: Mr. and Mrs. Jared Brown, New York; Miss Betty Brown, Toronto; AC.1 James McKindsey, Toronto, and Gordon McKindsey, University of Western Ontario, London. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick, Baden, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Trapnell. .Miss Laura McMillan, Toronto, is spending the Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Miss Marjorie Bickell, Toronto, spent Easter with her aunt, Miss Elizabeth Freeman. Mrs. J. J. Pollard is spending a. week in Stratford at the home of her son and. daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard. Mrs. William Skinx eg, Detroit, spent Easter at the home of her mother, Mrs, R S. Hays. Miss Gertrude Crich, Toronto. and Miss Judy. Crich, town, spent a few days in :Chatham with Mr. and .Mrs, Joseph Cartieinter, Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron and Miss Carol, Sarnia, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wilbee, town,,, and, Mr, and Mrs. James Coutts, McKillop, Miss Carol remained for a week's vacation, Miss Nancy Garnier, Windsor, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bous- sey, a • Used Cars for Sale 1952 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN — Hydramatic drive and radio 1952 CHEV. COACH 1951 FORD CUSTOM COACH 1950 CHEV. SPECIAL. SEDAN 1949 METEOR COACH—Custom built radio and Sun Visor X948 PONTIAC TORPEDO COACH with built- in Radia, Hydramatic Drive, Sun Visor 1948 CHEV. COACH 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 1947 CHEV. COACH 194.6 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN—Custom built-in Radio ' _- -- 1946 FORD COACH 1941 PLYMOUTH COACH. 1951 TB.REE-TON he ; r Duty CINE+ V. PUCK 'blue coal' SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT The Color Guarantees the Quality WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res, 192-M Final EUCHRE PARTY in -the- Loy -al --f irange--Mil SEAFORTH WEDNESDAY, APR. 15 Commencing at 9:30 wen, " t Everyone Welcome! Messrs. Robert Ruston, Donald Taylor .and Clayton Hogg left re- cently for Port Weller, from where they will sail the Great Lakes on the S..S. Starbuck. Mr. and. :Mrs. Cecil L. Moore, Francis and Earl, Prescott, former- ly of New. Brunswick, were Easter guests of Mrs, Herald Lawrence, Mrs. T. J. Crawford, Toronto, is visiting her son and daughter -in - la,ments.w;F/O. Thomas S. and Mrs. Crawford, in the Young Apart - Miss Marry Hagan,E ssex, is sipending the Easter hoe days at the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles. Hagan. . (Miss Lillian Faulkner .pent the Easter weekend with Mr. nil Mrs, W. J. Faulkner in Galt, Mr. and .Mrs; Ross McK y, Hills- Iburg;-'virere guests of Miss argaret McKay, in Tuckersmith, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Grieve have returned after siren ing the winter in Chatham. They were ac- companied by Misses ss, and Margaret Grieve, who are pending the Easter holidays here. - Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lamnt, Paul and Mrs, Lamont, Sr., oron'to, were guests ;Friilay of .Mrs . Herald Lawrence. Mr. and" 1VIrs. Jerome ronto, and Mrs. Catherin Kimkora, visited with Mr. Leo Hagan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bouss Easter in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Bar family, Burlington, were guests of -Mr: -and: Mrs. hart. (Miss Shirley ,Muir', $ who was spending her here, underwent an. Opera appendicitis in ,Scott••Memo pital Tuesday afternoon Mr. DonaDonaldM OK•in dsley ing in Tgronte this, week. Miss Lillian Southgate s Easter weekend. in Brampt Mrs, H. J. ' 'Clandjr, Detr Fried. 'Stewart, . Windsor, and Mr. Donald Stewart, Toronto there this week attending eral of the late Mrs. C. St Mr. and Mrs Wm. We 3 thaver, Clemeutep'ort N,.S:,, were • t[d -Mrs: %ia reld- They, were etmroute, hone Meer 'Spendlnt :tire Witter in'. St. burg„ ii leri'da, add *ere aecom'pan fedi 4B 2r daughter, Mrs 1 YYkar, 'toroiuto. • s a a M M d Be s 0 T • Dwyer, To- e Dwyer and Mrs ey spent reit and Easter Louis Eber rantford holidays tion for rise Hos- is visit - pent the on. oitl Dr. were the fungi 'wart, guests of Jakson, Petgns- . David telaphett `service gt't'r'oceived from au elderly, lady with ati al r to e t a•My 'tel Berle tuft CI Wo �t1 ydit ib there 15'411 ii A Admissitln 40c a 6et1 r punt onnsoi ed hg'r th itis 3Llt' 4r Presbyterian. Group • Enjoy Social Time In Seaforth Home The Fireside Fellowship Group of First Presbyterian Church held' a social evening Tuesday at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stuart, with 25 present. Mrs. E, A. McMaster' presided over the meeting and Mrs. Stanley J. Smith read the scrip- ture lesson. Mrs, ' W. J. Stuart gave a reading and' led in prayer. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Thompson in McKillop, Miss Janti.t Muff and Scott ICluff will have• charge of the program. A tea will be held in the manse May 22. Other items of :business were discussed prior to a social period. Members brought treat boxes, which were drawn for and enjoy- ed. Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell thank- ed Mr, and Mrs. Stuart for their hospitality and kindness in loan- ing their home. LATE MRS. C. STEWART The passing of Elizabeth Friel, widow of the late Charles Stewart, in, St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Sunday, April 5„ was learned with regret by a large circle of friends. Mrs. Stewart was ill only two weeks. Married Married to Mr. Stewart in Sea - forth, she lived her entire life in 'this town, where she was .highly re- spected. Mr. Stewart passed away April 7, 1939. Left to mourn a loving mother are (Jean) •Mrs. P. 10. ,McConnell,Seaforth; 'Dr. Friel Stewart, -Wind- sor, and. Donald Stewart, attending Osgoode Hall, Toronto. She is al- so survived by one sister, Mrs. H. J. Clancy, Detroit, and one brother, Joseph' F. Brown, New York. Mrs, Stewart was a devout mem- ber of St. James' Catholic Church, from where the funeral took place Wednesday morning' wi•tbr:• Rev. E. P. Weber and 'Rev. Morris. singing Requiem High Mass. During the service Mrs. Henry Enzensberger sang a solo, "What 'Could My Jesus Do More." Mr. Frank Sills, Jr., and Mrs. Enzensberger sang a duet, "Veni Jean" accompanied by Mrs. Frank 'Devereaux, Toronto. Interment was in .St. James' cem- etery, the pallbearers being J, A. Stewart, (David R. Stewart, J. M. McMillan, Dr. 3, A.. Munn, C.. P. Sills and William Devereaux. LATE SOLOMON WILLIAMS A well-known and respected citi- zen, Solomon Williams, passed away inSt. Mary's Hospital, Kit- chener, on Monday, April 6, fol- lowing a serious illness of one month. He had .been in •failing health for two years. Born in Colborne township, be was in his 75th year. In 1901 he was married to Bertha Ducharme, who survives him, together with a family of four daughters and three sons: Mrs. Edward Allen, Port Huron; Mrs, Carl Dietrich and Mrs. W. L. Haugh, .Kitchener; Mrs. G. Campbell, Seaforthl; George, Wa- terloo; William J., Kitchener; Jack, Waterloo;, also one sister, Mrs, G. Johnson, Auburn, and one brother, Fetham, Parkhill. There are also 26 grandchildren and 11 great- grandchildren. , Mr. Williams lived in Seaforth for 35 years, Withthe establish- ment of the Seaforth Lions Park in 1928, be was appointed caretaker, a position he continued to fill un- til his retirement in 1946. The im- provements and changes effected at the park during those years, were to a considerable measure further- ed by Mr. Williams' interest and conscientious service. Ile was a familiar; figgre to thousands from the district who made use each Year of the park facilities. Mr. Williams was a member of St. James' Church and also of the, .Holy Name Society, The funeral was held Thursday morning from St. James?Church, with Rev. E. P. weber singing Requiem Mass. The pallbearers were Jaynes Allen, Aub- rey Williams, Joe 'Dietrich, James -EVillia.ms,, )Dan Williams and Alvin Smale. 'interment was made ins St. a Jmes' 'Cemetery. FIDELITY LODGE NO, 55, 1.O.O:F, REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th Visit of District Deputy Grand Master James McMillan, of Gode- rich. VICTOR LEE - Noble Grand H. McLROD - Recording Sec. FOR SALE DOUBLE HOUSE on Gbde- rich St. EIGHT-R0'OM FRAME on J I'i -• v1 ''oM (?Stix. - RitICK Rgmendville FOR, PRICES AND TERM Ceti W Ce OKE Ariotie' 45$ topic Ifi1 Tli,li~ `dial'( ewe HO Et,'. "The Service You Will Appreciate" FRANK'S at SERVICE Phone 592 SEAFORTH F. C. Grieve, Lessee Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41, - Implernent Sale DEARBORN IMPLEMENTS FOR FORD TRACTORS BUY NOW and SAVE FIELD CULTIVATOR .... $210 DISC HARROW $225 REAR -END LOADER' $165 DRAG HARROW $130. DISC PLOW ... $250 ONE-WAY PLOW $320 SOIL PULVERIZER $260 CORN 'LANTER $370 NOW $175 NOW 5150 NOW $155'0 NOW NOW '$10'0 $200 NOW '$275 NOW $2100 NOW $300 DALY MOTORS FORD - MONARCH Phone 102 Seaforth Chrome Sets FOR TIIE MODERN KITCHEN 'COMPLETE SETS -- Table and 4 Chairs .. $69.00 up TABLES IN LARGE and MEDIUM SIZES Chairs to Match Come in and see these Kitchen Sets Today! You Always Shop With Confidence at WHITNEYS • liertrtAilnlance` $8rsii' Hdi11i' Day orbuNI(ihttier: itrer.: 6* SEA106r rw� 01/