HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-04-10, Page 1I il.. i � 4, 1, Y", ,I llw'�4,16- �,.�.­.'%;, &1'­�Qf,,%t`tQ1t`, ��Q­ ;�g ... 1� I,.A.-, � a .%� , tl�., 11 I 1'� __ , , �,.! ,q " , ;�p , 4"�­­g -PN -Ag- - -g­� '41 $ V-11 4FMtq , -y ., 'R "' I i � .. - - 1 " ._ �_ - , ,, , _,"' . "4 i4l'YONY k , V *,,�� � 11 " �i,, ,� , ! , , I '. 0 . , '. , .� I '111 . 'I .1i, , , , ;1: I 0 , , N , ". ­ A.Al f " , � ;3 , " � , . I � I V,�i...�.4T.;,J 1�',�' ,.: ,IV,"" 'I, ,,� -,�',�,X%'Ip.", fe"All"'! "" �, I I , ,. , . " ow,go" "'J" , , ,� , - ", " . r- P I 411. Z . �: , �":­'1.1.111. �. �7 -,� -4i,41V� it - .1 0 Il. " , ��. � I , ,�,c , i " N4� � � " t",.�:, I il� � I . ": ,,J.,�, �1' ` .,�' 1,��,, - �, -- , � 1;� ;­�, ,i I I i. I _� . _ W , - t ... - - ... k 4 io 1�,,.;�,,,I .1 I � 4 , ;�i R g np, - 1�' - I. �,, , , ..",�,"'!"'. ,rill I �'. I .111, I'll %C j I I 11, �'g �,,y ,,?�-.,i . ? I ;� , .. , �� . _ r. ",j,� "', ­ : �11.4� - i , 1. 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I'll .1 -4 , .� �j'v',,- I , . , I . L �1111��­O��­ . I , I I , - ��'; , 1� . I -1 . . " .. LL ­_ ­11� 11A,...., �l .,�% . � . �: - "I Al, 4 �: f . ii".. -11 ­_­­­­­­­ I—', "M . I ­- L.... - .- - 11 -,�o i.�!��iii.*10� ii, 'i #­'.., 4o - , ­ i L - ­­­ """',-, ""', - "" ­­ _-­­,_­ " I I I . � . J, I . . ... L" - tio�. , _ , _--1-.._.1 ­­ - .... ­­ ��� 11 . 111---.. �611 q � �� 0'i` 4.' i A . . . . . . . . I . . ...... _._ ..... L I - I .1 I I .11 11. "'' - ­­­­ ­ . ­ M�iAoto* �:, . � .1.--,", 0 ..­_ - o i - otf V 11 .1-4, , �, �� L 'L . , , I I �L"I, ", ,.""' F, Z"!- il " , - - I �� - - ­­. ,I - � -.-t . , ­��r,­­-­-­ , vgp, I � L I � .M11 , :: �� a. LL. 1 �1�i 1, :1 � ,, 1 � �-�!,, . , . 4��, Xj,�,o't�. I:,- �6. %,�,�, " , , , MEN 1, ' . I 4 ., . . . . C . ,� , . . Al , .1 . 'ti .. � . .... ... I ,� :; ,':�!, I "' '011,91 1, "' �, V ,:. . I I - . �, , , `--­ ... , " . L � � . - _� ,I ' t' ' L :7 " �,, . 1. . 1: � I I ", . ,; ,� , ,�� ;,�`,,','.`, ` I - " r 4446 . I . I I � 1� .. . " ­'Wiv� -,�, -,i . - I - % I . %, ,� ", i I '' . I I.-, .'.,, : , " " I . '-1 IM, ?I', ­&C�,,", . ". ". , , -. - , I i I �Lr�k" . � � I ..� �. - ��� . I I � .1 -1 I i e :.L ... '' . I- . 'I- . r., �, , I , . , it .1.. I I - I , ­ ... 41"�`.,_ ., . . - I I I ­­ .1 � " , .... "I'MR "' � " I" ,� ,� ­ I I 1: :� � ,. 11 " "',"r I _. . 11, �;.:.. � �l "' ­..",! 0 .2 _�1�17 q ,th Year . . �'. . , " . 1, !i . . . Mi . � I 11 g 1, I , , . , . "' - I . , _' .,;, - - '. .: I " , #', ,.�.,�;g,.,l* I . .1, " , ,:,� - ,'t . ., . . , ��J %!,, I CC, - -a . . � ,,_�,.,., -, MI � - , . - 111111. �,,"- - I �"' , I � , R, ,..,� � 1 " Im", �w ,11, . . . ,,'I ; .11, I . , "I . , � T�, �, . � .1, . In L __; "I . . 1;., �, ­� � t 4":f'�A -1 I J'L . I ­­._ I, , I . . . ...... I..�,�-.�.11�'..,.."...,-���,-L.� ....... � ...... ... .. � .. ..... _­­­­­­­­ . .. ..... ­. I , - ­ . . . _. I p I I I 1-1 , . '90 '2�= Z H * , ­­­* .00.ii.�,m i !I.. � m, � i_ -i ­�fi­­­­J - I 111�1r,,�rl_-­.., .�� 1 -1 � ='- - .L., ' , ­­ , - I I ... �, ., .;�',' ­', V , .;. .Iii�§.ii�..i­­­­ 04R�iiiT*010*ooi-1�0-; I... 1,i 1 1 N I , �F� . I ,�ill� ." �� L , . . I . .�.� . . , - w �.NV'Ii� .1 �­­ L' jy-, 1"�O V,*,,W.-..W , I - , . I I 'V.�iamy ­ww 5", 1�1�7:1_­izt. .,� I - I - I _; I , . , , IN I , I .1 .. . . . , � '*:� . , , 6 . I- . -,.'�� " - . . ' , , L 11" � . . ., 5.� " 7L " i�" i"�"'?11. . �, �, . q L L M. �-L"` "I" L ,V,:,.t * - V I_ I -4: 15. - ,� ... ,-,,­�,,�, ! � . 1. ,, . ,§� L - un L � �. , , 1. M, I . I I .., . 1, . , T-11, I I "".)L' . 1�1 11 , i , . I . �, I L .I I � � ,-V- . 91, 0 . I -.110L "'.. '""" "'t' "ror to: �0­,, � I ' ' I I 'bs TO -furia'' N "' 11 , " . 0 e- D,strict GIrls", C1,i ./ I .Cobnty Flood F d ,N.- �ifii � i� - �''!Vivt-1 T., , 4 - M ,-f-.�,,�i�.O.-,L..!,�c,",�,,.,,, "'a . ,.,v "L I I I .1 .1 , I L i "" , 'I, .,: I . I �� �. .. . I IF I . I L * . .1 " 1. 1. I I . . - . . �L L '. I . , I . . � , . ....... * � !Uit , I � I . . , . - , , . , , * ,� 1 , I . . . . . . 1,19 �,. �� L . ". 4, , "" I , 4 � � . I . - t 9 I I , .1 ! ! � V . I � . 0 , �"] 2 r, i n I . " , I'll, � ! , , , , ,, " . . . , � � � � � � � "lo,tal,,Ij,uver.$10,,OOO,Me'etTuesd;.%.,.,uatS.,,D-�H.S. .0',ve'rto,:Bdpd T ff., . 0 ... , ., ., �... L I Irm. -0 ,.'I. .;,.C141VL � *� . - I .. . I I -0 � . Mem,ber's. of *f�48@1)4� '", 11 I I . wasi reporte# ''. . ly i � . .1: 1. . � , 1 6� U 1. I . ­ .., _.-A , , I , " - `F1 ­ I . , '� 1, �: 11,1;1 I AM, i I o, _. - B .X 1�6`tal of' ,;4,219.71 L .q. I . J , er - .. ions v_ ere in, r, .' �10 Near 109 girls', 001OU-0119 to Rqhool .Board, werp,k,.. inxo�F,pup, A,.�, ,.. ,.� , � '4,'e,,� . ', ' .- 1*0 weele by Jalth, G.'Beriy,'"s ' nine dis.tr!4 C*lp, .OMQl.ete4 their their' regular mg'gyug' . �X�qesq y� ,��,-, q ­�F' � ��, - � . 1. L . I I . ,� ­ ; .0 . . . - I. L !, � " � '' h���,..�h��k� 4 , L , . - , ­ �j-` L"l�'4� ties I- . . i" I L . 1 1 101 4'!L.7 'R.X'.�DL� - �'A L: " ' . I I . I , , '100�n ,q,fl'�.e�­p .�' -a�4%liiteet. ' L . 'i , .!. " . L q'I a I . 1-1 I- I . . . ­. . . . . . ? I I . . " � ; I � . I., 11 .. I - Sins � oggg.". I I 1. ". .. " �%, .-, �Ii � '. pyoj.�, !.*,�,>�.- .. , ,:',.�,�,. - - im� �?, �*, "g�,m,g Z17�11n*N` - , . ' U L gehleve%OAV *day- ,*_L ., . . � , , . F, P, " , � � , tho �.Ogt,#'. 41i - .I. � , I � ' ' 'Huron Coun- IE � I ". '01 I .1 ij.4,� . , �� , " � Uu-­t�easurer of .thil ecre- I aithl_�v'siastk­ G rdu P nig th-at'the new.'%,0�4 �rac­': . 11.1, I " . . ' , ,rV1 It 1� . 0 ty Pvi�rsea I , spring p -Co s May 46 *� HENSALL EASTF it - To I .1 ,roject, ,11 . ttog . go Flood-Itellef Fund, as I .�-, ,L ,,,W BUNNIES GRIN FOR THE CAME A . , _111 1, � I .Ton. hqVae collecti4d and received at the lGlade-. L: making A . '0ea- . . I .J.*4y, 1 1. �Rl 1: . , - . V L.c=.�rac;qr k . I . "'am A N g i t* ' I � 1. �N4,�:' Z1.1 . ". ,�, Mi I I0 " ..., , .0, . � . . ;� 1, . . " " , ­ 11 1�.O I � .., . . th , . . , date to turii:tihG, 96hb I . �; , .- ,I '. oa4 I ' 1" I " 111 .'ir,." , , P114 . I _' 1. . .."'. '$ . 1'� , �.` , rlo��f. �y -1 - . I ---" th _­ .­ _'n �T ;t , , . . . "' '_ ­_­ "'�"" e �Board. . 1 '_ a ; V this, list is 1, * " inty : . - I , , , I VV%at the Oe-lo,*th Travett. T " -iii � _1 � BE A d gy ,notes U- 9""le I , M ___1- I . � - . . r'� Bir . � ' O&eeak Follow%g this. iniojpa,.tfO4,114��T` I.' , � 'm i .1, . , . e, � , I , -I i4e - also adds -that, Je 0 ma7 lack In' juumb�rs­ Home ,. On6mlst'L, haa I , " t 14V ,,'*,�,t,,,:f,L",ZM I � 46.1'.� stil. ,omiRete and L , beisAlsOussed s6me,probtiems, c 1. I I .1-11'10:1'. P'l)JI"Ing A , . . ._�w 'If , , . C.114ton, was in charge of the, ga. 'a? 5 - -1 ` n.-%�;P��,,:;z� Inglud-trig donations: at t.50 eae _ r I . - frOIR." ,., - I . " -_ - , , i 4�_ 1.2 .to. 15 ,devotees, of , this . th , p 7. L it e .ede4'*Ith 'tIX4 M ving -1 � frotv the Se4forth , and Gqdte�flch LVSual ga'310 held* r6gulareession _ �4,,�',f 2�, dustrial Cull.-TELep: 10 _�, - '. r11 1% old 'school to �40'.new Gu�uu=g;�' _. . ;6til 1. ­ . 'IV IA66 _'jI,.fun4 throu.gh the wintee-.,they ig A i -,girls w4ri' avVardig- 9'ounty COUnpil ,ag& �j'� ,I ,'#Vlubp� oent to, a..q�4t . ake Up 11 11 � m.. I tml" �, : 'hugasm, according '%P. the _,,ro-, � . , . i : . rai 'of I thE , , , _r, hqiiqr§�, ,4avi.n,g oomp. ij� t �NRL� � . I.., -I I _.-"-,�' . -iund im eht . t9d.t I '40 ,J"p for ,tAjo , I ft Tbkb3#`d; "the HurQ1r IQ 'CommeT a, . 0; 11 11 I 01 e , I; ift�od� � � '. #_ . , H k Kwn'�eq. ad . I toi4f'r.e4ao � I .."Ri '119wipleat. 11 . ,wer � - M -a -w— ,14-14A �w,Vll. - aidbretar7, V. J. L.4wrgio L. = - LL I 11 .. I t . , I �� liere a Awl 1.44, � ON local L�ce. P. _. .". . MeMbert alsot V, bu.p.d , , .$10,000. , . ,.l.ij; , _ �. �J;ig ,"', ,?. �'-.T,�� �r D . , :,W,�:;,M � . AbcoMpan*fug -Mr. Bierry's let�teit 111mvitie, in case you're among fk1k4 �Set4 Tarlor, ivu�nvule;_J�a` � 11 �': "! ­ I oskiit to ,- alir!1,1 ., MqUilm:ihey slad Lau* 4e Lem- C -P t Is$ X ­'. 1IM:15M,�,0 .1i:!�,.�;,��i,��,.�,',N,R��,.', __7 , gqg VQ. , ,,,,,%' "�' vid n"L, 11, 119 , .. � % thil unfamiliar, lip .a game P147ed :51,�111 Is a list of all indi ej land* Aubur X '111 ., ,---- -W1 I I L ­ ­ 11`41 � % . . ' L *1_�,O'v " � I—' 11111.01. -1 w ,-�, L 7. t V , dolkqtio�.as *.receiired to 04te.- ��bfj On A irettaaVo -board *ith, 24 ._11, r , , j*�', '� � �L 71" , .1 I - — - W�; , i:, ,�.�kg 11 � 4 i P , 4. !#�'� �� L list, will, be ,publIshed week - I` Alsc�, la wh#e al�d 12 black.- .A. and, Alice Aa� RX9.4t. - Feai�rtc-, ft � af, 0. . pA ; Z"_."g,'�i"gr'. �� .. ruklir',J ne:Ft well "" .4 '�V�0.1� I �i I qvh�, , I I - Aue �s used t0 propel, the disc, OR Mary Broadfoot, XXVveii; Sylvia The tender, AV , 11 ".g. i fil th �, t' u Ex Th�, to, �, . . . Vany, Toronto, '*P , tt�� ,rho I-Ruro , positor. �Anderson I , .. .. er' 6 - ,�C!�. Ang .paragraphs are taken from Mr,' rubbor-covered, pegs placed S�thlg0l­ and XMOA11-11 . , 4,1450 fdk- the InAallatid'a," I f, stage � - 1, " R ;$...��, 'co I , - "' ,i"", _ . I`bou� Dungaultoli. I ­ I I I . P ... 1, ­ e I the board. "The beat way to de-. 'P� I'll, 1 2 '! ,? .9 I 11. . . ­ jt­�_,T­ I , Berry!& letter: . I .. _ , and auditorium, drapes. in the. pe I. , . 'di i e _0 , 'A""'11", te , 0:KeCi ti),* r, ,, � ­% , explainjed Mr.� Award,, 44 CqrtM sichool. Members also reviewed a�, L �, , . 1. hl t'that Q6 scrlibfi the game," ".1 3 , � , ro I'll , , I , "' .., . I ­.�. Sewing- 0 .L, County of Huron has taken care FortyL-foui girls, were avarded tender for the erection of a few �;,i`�, r�`,, !. ,,�ij ��", I A _ ., Lawrence, "Is to say it's like crok- . I I am-i'm and. �.. � �;, _ ' -administratioll charge * !F . .. ........":,11.1�1ro .110 I'!, __ '!, �. """';L`.`I . '��'.�;,i�Ulif., i R" ..... . 1. P\ . 1. Wl the'L. Ole' played with a cue." certificatpo, having ,c6MPIetdd , two on the north boundary of the, up . . . . . . . "s, Tells,, �of .MW I ­y�",L t-,�',"'J�S -'.". ' . , ��.c - I"' ' � "v-.�;,, . . i'm -� . . - 'R '. 1 mi � ,� . If -'jr ,,a in .. III, Letter . L :, � .1 - T. .. ., . . . . 'A' � ' "' �'L'l � ;'?4, capectio0witli'dis dViye an There are several travette boards projects6 They were"Joamie Hodg- school.property; however, no ac- -10 , �­..*', �,���,�p.",L�,,���'I'li::""",� M ...r, I ­N�:.,�. , " "" .; , t the reque-si, 6 �r 'j:, 77- . , �.:�' ,,, . A , - � monVr received will be forwarded- in town ad%led Mr. Lawrence, * I "..'a �,'.`�.:#% , .0�t' I:: ,.J� � , in , I . - -,�� , . , � , . .. . .11 " X. 11 and ins, E4een Nesibitt, Leota, Sbuch tion was' t4k6u. -- . m , tp��'. 1 "N' D15R.,t'1.,N ? � a representativ� ov &�;%: Tro"- -, I �"` - �? ,. ... ., ,J to'tl�e proper authbritil -f I I I 'r, , ". �', � J�" .O., B": � I � I I ,� * .1. � r — , "..','L , ­ . 1. ­ ­­'. � . he game is regaining some of rqe, ancl, ffi­ ­-­­ . , "' ' , _ ,.T �.­�,"�':- 1 ' '� ' '�L'f,,.'. .I- , �. , ,�, ':. "'��:�.,'.�.. WIN: -r -,, - � ��� , . Greta' Selrt-�Omia, of Blyth; I.."; .. . L:, ��I� 'Company, M - W_ R. , Damia, �yp I. es.. . . . 17 , 'r' - L � �� .. I, � : We would, ask that arly lists of popularity it used to enjoy. While Elaine Hem and Donna -Gilfillan, " ' ' 'j��' ,;S,;�"'�'; ' L�L '� � .. t�,�,,.'_ .�,.:,�:.:;��:::: . ' 1� is popular in the Cana i ' I * - .:�K�;,v. ` ... I I . ,prepared a short outJine, ��r��J,fie L. ' . f.�, dofiors, as yet not forwarded., should the gaml Mary' :Skinh r, Ann!L ., *..�� '­��'­:�t­ �1 - , I .:.I:. �411 .. .:,: - Woodhain; .N., - , , fto,:L .. I (, . I :: , ­�_ .: � . !:,��:!;7 i: comparY's histork, ,; . Outlay, Elizabeth� 11unter, Rath. .: ;�: ��!:�'! . � :, .i�.�,�, I i explaining .... � , � - '� �� comoted, it R 11...,A:��, "i"".11 " I—' , I. -ill Local Chu � - ­!�:.:;":�,;�.�J.1.111 � type o�' operation dbne, its 4Q"'� - � I " be.' sent in at once. Anyone not d1an West, Mr. Lawren F C4103, ..,7tl,� .,;eI,.;�*;,t,, ": * ;-:'I....,,. 1% regeiving an official receipt very was Originated In Lucknow. over 50 ryu Hunter, Hazel Sparling, Beth ' .. .. ,. �.:'�:i��.�':'I�::���f�i����.�,:'�����::� _ ..". ". I ­.. . _�i�,� ... . . ; . L "� ........ .., :.. and' inditating reaeons w ' I.". "' ,U:'2Z_ i.. -'.O., :,;: ., - ;: $!:�!�,:, :: .. , " SeaI­ ,,�,,R � � : ��-.�.. 01 1 , il., §�!� .1. , L hy , . ' "OrtlY and Who desires one, should Yews ago by a Mr. Travette, A4y Taylor afflUxeter; Patsy Kerslake, �%.NRNIS",k",�,,Zv.. 1:::�-�.. : : ,��! ". . .�,.::.�..:::, an establish- I �,,, ,,- advise ,the Secretary-Treaffarer. number can play.travettes. Centralia; Claire Taylor, Walton; For East�r bervi.ces . , , :i,:,���'.�,�::."",.�,.",!������...�i "' !, ;. 1, forth, was chosen.asi . .1 �".'%.'i '. -. g I.: � '"rhe Huron County Overseas ,,In local league tournament this Jean Glousher, Rena MoCItnehey, I -L 1��,; .. ment site in the Compan)eovexpa�:, : - , I ­ '?"4?,�" I.IX ,�051.1 .. . " I - .N - . � ;1 - L�, , Alt"�.­_.N 'O..- ..., . sion The � following par�,agrapbs. , -, �.,� - -record litigh score, since Lila Daer, Laura Mae Leatherland, Last .Sunday. the Christian ::`��-,,,-`ti.`�:�I;, tg,��..��.-*g :1 nll�. ' � , nil ­ _m . . . .- I .ru k ,�,� ' " ­ " '�.'.�.'",.�l�.�.;�L'�;��i������ N. %"�.';,�.;­��j;��;: - :... i. i� X I�'�I. ��j�:��.: Z., 1, " I ..k � ,,�&'��'.��­­� �e;j;, _. I �j!jQ ­'.. Flood Relief Fund Committee wish year a - in Le June Leatherland, Mau Church throughout the "' orld ob- - :' �..".. ta eu from Mr 'Davis' znemop, , .� ..:. , ", .�. L 't: I I .g -L , . 1?;. I andum: . to talop this opportunity of 'thaAk- records were first kept, was ad . feen 1:1-allen, w __�­�.;` '­ .: "A., . .QM., ,Mr- L. .Graves, Goderich . St. Ruth Daer, Carol Beadle, . served, one of Its most - I � ­::i� ;.,,�. _� .. ".1101 " . ­ �;- 1 . .1, , sabred cele . j­­:'�;;.';:.;I' t, :.:M-* � I ....." ,,, Ing one and all for iheir generos- ay . 111. ��, . . . . . 1,.,;R1111`1� I... . :i . �:Mff-":::,�,�gwk: .:1 o . , I , "I ,,,..�. -"Ontario Textiles Limited (,QxL- .. � , � 11 'Kii . �. . �. . �.. . �.. ..... . brations, the Re.suriectlon of ;�:��.:','�IL:.":,�,"'* :�*21­1.'., , 1N.. 1k,11: I . 0 'w" paign." ... , 11 '' IN , _&gx�i�py .. West, while playing a game of s -in- Nivins, Marlene Eason of Auburn; at. ., .. I �g . , 'tex) was formed, In Toa 'by 3r"'.L �., ., " Ity in this cam ri �;. I , ""V.,"I'� 93�.O.Y,* . Ch Here In ,Seafor�h Easter . : .. .... X ,N,k��,�Q.'�Icp,..Y%i — S . :.A.: I . M ,.',�,,v,i gles. -imilar to the- golfer's hole- Betty Gouffle, Olive Bannernian, .. ,__.`I�:: I ��111111.111M ". ., �.;­ � ,:.,..!!",",�t-,,;..�'...i"L.� r" M .1* Ison and a Mr. Weinberg; whot'; ' �., - 1A, ... 1,11,111" Wi . . M �, ... F, I . servlceo'w6re held at lodal c4urch- :' Il,z-:��i�ili,;ffi,�!::;�� �,,,, , , ,::. '' . ' ': ., -a _ :�;�i�i�i**::!:,­:: . N! �,'�� L.,:. in ne, ,Mr. Graves, scored 170 Joyce Wilson, Alice Nixon, Marion es, well attended -by members an . . .�� "��j �:, , .j!*.��':�i�.,�­'i : bad shortly before that date I*- 1.1M .,?�:L�".�,." $,k �. .L. points with a single stroke of the Hunt, Mary Margaret Malone Sea- I "I .... " .�, 'J .: � ,n;::�i$,:,�; . . ' ­r�", ' vi �M,r,&­-. :.p- iU ; , ' ,��:-�� 'I migrated to this country from 1161-_J, I . : - "'�� I, , , �.Z'X;: ,It,&,41'­�;':�­I' :�":;­'�, . I cue. According to Mi. Lawrence, forth;. Roma Johnston and Cath- sitars. I , pli, 1. , �: 1: " , , , �:� . . ,_�",L;.��..�� , I.".. E - , 'A -Anniversary Marked . . St. Thomas' Anglican Chureli :, I'.. . I.. I " land. The. gi�nrtleoien ! .466j': �, , , . . I ' Ii� "....."M had , �..;� I . . I � the previous high score of 120 arine 'Campbell, 'Dublin; -Mary held Cobamunion service a,t., 8:86' � �,.,.;i�!; R....''., �i�:;. I 5;�.. I the owners, of large textile"manu., i,, p9inta w held by a gentleman Broadfoot, Brucefield; Marie Jar- . .,��, ,: �V. =V:.,:t::k,7i�.i . I � ;',V,�� i,.;;��i_ 1, . . I. I ,.�;,k­';,L.:' I " as - -vice ilt'l � I facturing plants in - rmany .., .. a.m. and a children's ser N I , and ' I -P-1 from Re . I . . ... ws� � Ge -jib - ', I B ` Cromarty Couple gina. rett, Hensall; Yvonne Kyle, Anne q M "-L' :1 . ' - y Next fall, Mr. 'Lawrence said, a Sinclair, Lois McLellan, Phyllis , . At 11 a.m. the ur �� : ; ;L , .,..: : . Holland, concerned- fiiainly%�'w ,V','!, ,.._�� . ,�r ,. ...... : I ; I the manufacture of white w��4t . �­t , , ,�,�,:,I,p fflw, I I Alled for Communion a ir . ��;�,X . �; I " I" " � . Mr. and1Xr&. Stanley Dowp Crom- reorganizadop Of the club will take Lostell and Elaine Bell, Ki-ppen;' rvic a i ...'....., ,4. . 1. '! .... nurses' uniforms., 'hospital, waft-'. �` 1, - - ' - ............. L. ­.!,.�.. . "" . " :.?11., I.. . . ; , , , , , , , ,".. ,, N111 . I I � e;,", arty, celebrated their 85th wedding .plate. � Sylvia Stingel, Dungannon, War- when the'rector, Rev. . .. pne's,'.. I-. 1151 . � Ilyn Anderson, 'Goderi6h; Shirley took his-. 'sermon from the text " , resses', butchers' aprons, ett;. . I I ��',': , .. ... -1 . . . . . . I anniversar7 at their home last Fri- "But when the mor#Ing was c�me lil.. -, . 1%hortly after commencing oper-: ,� ,-'I', I � - ::M � . I . . a I . � 11,0- . I I Finnigan an[d 'Barbara Wilson An- . .... t���W.;���.. I � ,� �­ i 1. . 1. . ,. : �;'.'L, , day.. Mr. Dow is 'the son 6f the I John 21. 'The ,,cholr sang an an- ; �­ . : .1 �. :; ­ tions in Canada, they.-,ponsultw.� :;l v) , �, � " its Were more than appropri te for * '.: . . ... burn; Lois Fell, Londesboro. with 'Miss I , .11ing ra b wi- I '"n , . ; , .. I late Mr. and Mrs. William, Dow, . them, "King of mings", at , the 11 eter Rabbit" operetta, one of the iu with various, mail oider housei.-anar . ­.�; Hibbert. Mrs. Dow, the former An-� Kippen United WMS . increase of 167 Girls NancySpittal taking, the solo-pait, hil '.. ,.0 be presented by pupils of Hensall Public School at their fkrinual concert in the Town chain store organizaii7ansand .were 1. 1 1� . . . . . L .... zV I ' . � L . .1 I . i I., . I I..... ,.� We Christie, is the daughter of the . ComiAents. on hall exhibits'Were . At the inorning, service in North- �, , - -Mr� McGregor, and Mary i advised that since lbeglunin-g L,' "',"' ,�L. ­ ' . I " ee . Left'to right, front row are. Billy McKirinon,'as kane the . �r .i � 210 '6 leaf.L _ , I U .1 Ito* L ': _4 late Mr. anii Mrs., David- Christie,. aIr made -by Eileen Nesbitt, Blyth; side. Unitedt Chuhlithe junior choir a ,a In the rear row are the rabbits, left to right, Jean Hlenderson, Carol Brown, Ken- .of World WAr. 11 there had, , . � I L. "',� LL ... I I , i ' . , , . I .,.� I . : I Kippen; ,,Kathryn sang an anthem, "This Joyous- Ras- L I I - I , . "', also.; of Hibbert. . Hold -la `W ,Meeting Lois ,McLellan n: , -, ioha son, Peggy Goddard and Wayne Forrest. . . I no dhildreh's embroidery itp, - 1, 'L . , ist , , I�A �4959 , � . . I *'�� " -4, . ,�­ � . _. L ' '. d serw Wr and Mrs. Dow were, married Huutdr, Elimviue; Lois P6111 Lou- ter 'Time!l The senior choir ,Also: . I. � . � . I . � I . ing sets imported into Canaft: .. . .... �, . . . . - - . . The WiM.S. of St. AndTewls L' -.*. .."wa'__­'.1..1.. .., ,._ .. �,!111 "Who Mail ..�L�'; at the Presiliktarian manse at Crom- United Church, Kippen, met last desboro; Bylvia Stingel, Dungan- sang an anthem, Roll .1 . . . . L I - - lievdng that there, was 's �AeMijjd, ." �I ­ , � 1. aTty by the late R".,' David,, Rit- week It the home of Ur. and Mrs non; Betty Campbell, MaKillop, and A -way_ the Stone?" Rev. J. W, I �., . for this,' type of Item,-they...,started, . � L ' . . '­ , ,k.. �1 -t I:�. .-. A I . . - ... ." I I .. I � . . ;, � . , .. I : , -., : �� , . M .T,6yCe, Wilson', Seaforth. Skit's , he 11 � 2h El ', a- ,.,. ,J; , cible.. They, have; & (=fly, of three A. McMurtrip vyft Mrs, R. _ . . Were Stinson% sermon subject wap,.c,T_ I . *. I flay into the toy business, VAtblii­ " i , i . L I fters: , r - ; s.tgW_l,W clig ., h9oslu "ectiolgi.; I . .1 'T ­ . %OVA L L"444 - 11 , nonn and. 'four dau..0 ,V-,eok as,.c6ho4tess`VhlrtyAone mem�- . t.� HP&ey Hopes Revive,.... few ,Years, .their ,exb,e .41eiiaer *, 1,:.,�._ I 17.- " I . _ . , -1 - .1 I. , ­�� , oiwl-h, " mZt'iy; " ( #1 "'bers'aflikf -f . ., 1; 1:1�? . .. .V ­` ` _,�;, .. . 1, � . - - 1;�;..;. . ,-or, --,V I ��--._ .. ­ . � . . �. " - - I - - ,� � "V'.�fii"JA . .- .5 guests *ife-, preknt­ ,a -'Patt' ' - - . : I . . 1:6 I ' 4 VV I . - ­ ...... � .m,.oved-sia-suepes%hirl4tbal�l', ., "�W_!"'--'�'_ .' . Ea.' , ­ " Tle, president in . - . �.,C_ . - . . ; �; "; -­ecI�np�-raft�-&­ ; "�, . liars'. oup e - ade; Dlingannonj Review of Club lKlm . LInS - I 6 ,"�Giop---d , ' L ow a a W "' .L�afg",­' k-"`_ 0% I __ L"; -% ".0v e1%; 161b6rnei,-VEa';n,er Fal AN f I ,-r , , �qim .. 2 th6: 13IM . . - _ ,4 ,., , )��. q . Power of Realki - �' � i , .11 . I .; � , , I I 1. .1, . , `& e,. Sclenc ' . I . I ,:: : 114'i. ." e iglous Drama. � I vrwartiw 71, t "T., e ., I L . ma) Mrs. Larne . - 11 HUI; '(Glady . 9), Eldon Allenj clair n The evening service took the I 8 ti, .. L . . ,. opened the meeting with, a Dresses; Auburn, Around the clock ,form of a religiou� drama, **1 . 11 � board, boxed tays and games, n- L .. O.. . . . . �. - cluding ' jig-SaW PUZZIG13� IbIngOL, I ,,;, CrOInarty; (Wilma) Mrs. -Jack -But- prayer and poem. Mrs. Bert Faber cottons may be smart; Seaforth, Shouted,, Crucify," directed by Mrs. Hensall Town'Hall was filled for Sea'forth Baldwins took fire in games, sewing and embroidery . 4 . .. �t.;m, son, Staffi; '(Margaret) Mrs. e of the worship period HOW cottons ,can be smart. A W. J . . � - Sims, Tlose taking part the -annual. :,,spring concert last . I �.� ,I, �,,` . � I I I ; %�, 1 1,11- -,i."%,,.+ -�.' :­�l >.:;:.:�, %�.1�11 ": .. , I ... `* "': , % i-�-.- ". , "'i, , , , ., , , , "' �_` % , %t -, .� ... . &1:;!' " ,I., - ,.i�*,;,L .0� '.1 ::i . . . 1 1 lao 'Et , ... I I I : I I: . . . . . . " ., ... I . L- 1". .:� seIL'MilIer, Staffa, and Roger, at and rea,d the scripture. Mrs. It. demonstration on "The Story ,of were Mrs. Sims, Frank Litt, 'Chas. ' the third, -period of Tuesday night's Plan Local Credit games- of all . . . . %i week, priisent4A : by students of O.H.A, Junior 'B' playoff game in kinds. . . . �. �,, bome. They also have seven, grand- M. Peck gave, an Easter poem. Cotton," was given by thG­Kippen Pinder, Mrs. Gordon Perris, Linda Hensall, Public '6�hool.'­The` can- I , Union Organization �,:, &hfidten. I . � .... Waterloo, scored four unanswered New 1tems Added, .. \. �,-.-, 1, . An Invitation was read and ac- group and on, "Pattern Alteration" Sims and, Kenneth Thompson. The cert was well ' : , The event was marked with I ted to attend, the W.M.S. I by the McKilloP �group. . I u r4celvGKI and �the,pro, ,goals, and emerged the victors, on Meeting April '20 ' ' i)�w , . dinner Friday evening, with 30 cep n the senior choir also sang, "Were Yo gram was, Jud#9d as one of the a 9-6 score. The win was the first . The PartnIrs opened negotiations I :,... James Street United Church, Exe- Misst Steckle complimented There When They Crucifted MY besit in, years.' Dne hundred and for t1i Am organizational meetin wIth Walt Disney Inc., Los An- . I'll sneks, present. The table and ter, on April 15. Mrs. Emerson girls 'on the Coronation theme us, Lord?" with, Wiss Ruth Cluff -as . entyetlive dollars was, received a I t p local puckaters in,the best- 9 to geles, California, creators of I the' . . . . tw -Yl� rooms were decorated, with spring Kyle reported for the visiting cam- ed by many in belts, accessories I of -seven series with Waterloo. The form a.ca,mmunity credit union at famed Walt Disney chgLracters, and ' - - " �� L iftowers andl the,table was, ' . soloist, and "Christ Is Risen." the door. ' ". centred and colors used. She commended I . Siskins lead the series three games -Seaforth is, slated for Monday, obia-ined their license as sale man- .% .1 I mittee, having -called on Mrs G. The services, in First Presbyter- -Highlighting the program were .. *Ith a three-tier cake, decorated v, the girls on styles and fabrics us- , to oile, with one tie. .2 on . I I I . ., �.: .Lwomson, hirs. ,Susie Worhanan, ian Church Sunday were well at- two operettas, "Three Little Pigs,". -I?r , W C L e LOILOWIng as a ufacturers of cardboard. toys and - I .1� i 2W Mrs, Mervin Dow. ,Mr. and Mrs. ed. showing careful choosing with Sixth' game war, played here nominating committee: Frank Sills, games, .us -Ing Walt Disney charac- I I , e�, � . I ;rs. Stephenson, Mrs,. -C. Switzer tended anil"enjoyed by many visi- by' Gra:des. one and- two; �'Poter Thursday night. . To win, the ser- Jr., Frank Reynolds, James Dev- ters, . I 1�11 i Dow were the recipients of many Mrs. Tomlinson and Mrs. McCly-, a Wide variety and, color range. tors. In the morning at 7 a.m. a Rabbit,"* in Canada. . . I % i � by, the intermedlate fes Seaforth, following Tuesday's ereaux,,,Maurice Etue, Mrs. L. Row- "In 1947 Mr. E. Weinberg passed 11 � cards, flowers and gifts. Mont. They also called on Mrs. G. W. Montgomery, agricultural Sunrise service was conducted by grades; group numbers by the kill- . Monday evening ,the neighbors ' 4'�, - Elmer Turner, who has a new representative for Huron, congratu, win, must take three straight vic- 'I'and and Mrs. Mike Williams. away and his part of the, business ,�,` �� i the Young -People of Egniondville, der;9arted; the play, "Beg Your tories. Another tie game would � \ gathered, at the home to offer their -aders . At a meeting held, here recently, ,wastaken over by Mr. F. E. Beek- I � , I baby. Mrs. Robert Elgie and Mrs. lated Miss Steckle. club le St, Thomas, Northside and First Pardon," by the senlors, and "Alice give the Siskins the round, chain- Donald Smith, Hamilton, fieldman er. In 119J,8 Mr. F. Wilson passed : ,�� , I -congratulations. The evening was J. W. WbLean are the visiting cam- I'd members for the attractive hall Presbyterian Churches. Those tak- Blue Gown Drill', by the senior. Vionship. i ' spent playing cards, and lunch was displays and, stated, that 167 more �.,� J I . mittee to?' April. Ing part Were Miss .Sheila McFad- girls. . ' for the Credit Union National As- away, his portion of the business 1, , . 1. .served. girls were active in. club work In den Kenneth .Moore, Miss Jean Seatorth was the aggressor sociationt, explained what credit being I 1. . [� I � . . Mrs, William Kyle and Mrs, .Jno. the county this year than last. ' The following students partici- Tu , esday- night. As the gaine pro- taken over by ,Mr. W., R.' s -1, Henderson sang two duets, accom- . Snell, Miss Nancy S-pittal union Is and bow It is operated-. -Davis. I I:, �, ' - � and Hugh patqq ,in -the main program events: grassed the Siskins, defence s-tead- The Rev. J. L. O'Rourke, Clin- "The new part I � '11. -Misses Margaret Hember- Alice Wile Gown Drill: Margaret . , panled by Mrs. .Ross Broadfoot., Gorwj ners, have added . . .,..,*. , �I �. , . Te e, I. . fly gave Way to. the Baldwin Of- ton, diocesan ' director of credit numerous new items W the lin,e Of ,1� �, Afternoon a Held The guest speaker was Mrs. Moor . ger and Marilyn -McPhee sang "The Moir, Mary Ann,Rannie, Jane Hor- fense. A change of goalies in the , I I or -Elect Thames Road, who apoke on, "Who Unattended Boqfire. Old Rugged ,Cross." Breakfast ,was unions and W. V. Roy. Clinton, card -board toys and games and .� 3 e F Local Bride . ton, M a r,y,' � Anne Vanhorne, Beth final frame proved a disastrous trea6u,r,er-manager of the Clinton . 11 . Shall Roll Away Started Grais Fire served. after the service. Go� " " have a working arrangement with - . " � . the Stane?"'Mrs. 11 rd, Jeh Noakes, Gwerr Spen- move for the Siskins. Replacing Community Credit Union, also ad- one of the largest American toy ,-j;t . " � I . Mrs.. F. S. Brugger entertained E. Kyle ma;dg a vote of thanks' At the 11 o'clock service Rev. D. cer, Lrargaret ,Smillie, Joyce Pet- Ken Bulilmall, Hhrry Platowski dressed the meeting, mAnufacturers, to produce their it- . ��� ... ... I I at a trousseau tea Monday for to�, the speaker. Mrs. Harry -Cald- A grass fire Tuesday morn- Glenn Campbell took for his sub- ers - "Three Little Pigs and Bad Missed the first tWG shots fired at I "r� ' I iber #faughter, Miss Patricia Brag- well and Mm J. Sinclair extenided Ing behind-, the residence of ject, '�Death's 'Broken Dominion." W,Oif," Donn -le Ferguson. Robert him and was scored, on, four times ..�. ems under license in Caiiado. In I . -4 . addition, they have, expanded, the "'; f . Ser, bride -elect of this w:eek. About thanks to the hostess and those Mrs. J. Flannigan at the west Music included., a duet by Mrs, F Middleton, Jack Chjpchase, Eric in, nine tries. , �i I .90 .#U"ts were served by Misses taking part. Lunch was served by end of Market -St.. was quickly, Kling and James T. Scott, ,"It Was .Mousseau; play, "Beg Your Par- textile -portion of the'dompany from `�11 , � . - 1. K. Kidd, Marilyn Hillis, Mrs. Bar- Circle No. 3. extinguished, by -the Seaforth For Me." In the evening the choir don," Billy 'Kerslake, Donald Me- Th e Good News Hensall Council Sets a straight line of ladies' cotton : . I - �%. I bars, 'Crawf9rd, Mrs. Wait. Brugger I Fire Brigade. According 'to presented Stainer's "Crucifixion" to Laren, Gladys Baker, Joan Koeh- WATERLOO - Goal, Buhlman; print aprons. That line now In- � � . I . � and. Mrs, ,K. I.- -McLean. Tea was "Mr. DunigArd, what.1s, a twip?" Chief John Scott, the blaze -a capaciti, congregation. Soloists ler; "Peter Rabblt�" ,'Mary ..:$,cane, defence, Mascotta, Rutz; centre, eludes men's novelty aprons, tex- .� . � ; , poured by Mrs, W. T. Teall, Mrs. "A twip, air, is a wide on a sta rted from, an, unattende� #ban- were James T. Scott,'D. R. Stew- j Oberle; wings. Crane, Dorsch; alts.., tile no'Velties of all kind%,. organdy ; I � I Gan .H�nderson, -Carol Brown Daylight Saving Time i � I J. C. Crich and Mrs. R. J. )�proat. train.tl . fire burning nearby. I art and Dalton L. Reid. Peggy Goddatd, Billy McKinnon: Bolliger, Noble, Durst, Sohnarr, and glazed chintz aprons. . . 1: I .' . . i . . ein, Lacey, ff-'right, Miller. "The company was later ap- - i I i _____ " — Kenneth Riabard'son, and Wayne HeibL Daylight saving time in, Hensall I'll, . � I Forrest. SEkFORTH�� )al.. Baker; de- will become effective April 26 at Pointed' sole agents. In Canada for . .; � , ' ' ,; i I h ALICE HAD NINE BLUE GOWNS AT The program was in charge of fence, Elliott, %. rey; centre, Ber- 12:01 a.m., and will end September the English toy company, Rosediale . . � !� I I . . I . , "�.....",,-y' -Blackwell, Brbome, Pike; alta., 27 at 12-:01 a.m., It was. decided by Associated Manufacturers Limited. . 4 yx,w­,�t*w, .­­'­*�.' I. `.' 1, � I . I . � 11: -., .;�,.: Principal John F. and gel'; wings, %V . 4 . . I., . . �... , ,.,,,.�;.�:: *f�.:..-.::��."%::�?,::,..��:..:��l;.�.,,:�-��.:�:.:�,,�, .4, ,�. _ ,", :,:Q11 - Wffi)�i - Q X;.;.1I;�,W', .;'.;:­.:.;0,�. �::i:..Q1,x1,:-:.i;�!,: ...... �", ., � , . � . � ....... lar TIT I .. X ,.;.: �.:t:4,�. . . � . � . . .,:.��, ", � 1 ,� I ! - �� . 1'. ; , , , ;� i �::� *�*111�:%::i .... I ....... �­ ,, � . .:':*;��t' &;I,��:j� teachers, Miss W. Gray, Miss R. Morton, Jack Muir, Ron Muir, Doig, the village council at its regu , t9`1! -iiY is one of the largest . ,�:,,�-W,�"..",k.;.,:,:�;".:":!:r..�.:.. �. �., !. : �.i:.111!�.,: . I �, ""'..... ­......... .... ...... .; : . ".. .:., � _,; _ , , ,� . . �': "', H. Shine, Mollwain, Altelieson. meeting Monday night, plastic toy companies, in England. � . NN, , �, M?� - ��'.: * - �,- -, - �: 1; 1,�2. :., , , � .., if,:t.�� �:.�. I - 11 - ;::�,::::,I.,� AVery, Miss M.-Schieck,-Mrs. .11 .r :, ";'�'.: .. ... ... I . , . . .. . �� :,:,:,�. Referees - Hal Daird and Pat Following council instructions to Ontario Textiles are bbeir exclusive � � I ., , I � I . , � . : : - _X ... - 11t; " ���i�! .�� ��: A­� I ". , � , :�;,, � 11, , . -1. Costumea were made by �:?'�.'�.��,':�:�,,.;,.,. "... . . � .1 . I 1: I ". ..i " � ::I.�Ii;�:�i�:;:��'il.'. Scane. ,dner. Stratford, 'distributors in Cana . T. 'a r- . .. ,!�!. :��,.'�. V -I. � ;:: -t`: ,�i Kla In x6e . I . li:.Nl: I ,,,.,!::�:�!�:::�:;i��i the teachers, assisted by mothers Gal E. R. Davis to secure needed, grav- 11 V ��. � :­, . . , I I.11 '.1 �','� I. 1 1 , -lod-Goals: Seaforth, el, Clerk J. A. Paterson reported % is distributed, from stocks ' I . : _ , , - I , _ .1 .1 lk%:��i�! I . I . ... 1. , . I � ��� the stu6iits. First Pei chandis :. . I'll !� of �� . , :, ­ I � .I�'­.., .:. :, ­ 1 . 401 -ii . I . I .. 1 ... " I 1�;�:i.111'1,11� -, Pike (Berger), :12; Waterloo, 19,52. tax arrears at $45SAS and pre- carried in Canada. The toys, and �1 .. ". ffl!�ij�i . . .� . . ; . . :: .. ,� ii, . . .1� -r (Hetbehi), 2:56; ,Seatorth, payment I . ,. . � ,�M.i� I , ,�. Y'.. . manufactured, by Ontarto . �..i .;:.,; � I . . r �i .4 Schnai of 1953 taxes at $3,035. games' � .:,::.::.,. �, ,­­ .-:­�� . I - . I %" 1, I . . , ­ * i " r I - R. Muir (J. muir), 3:16; Waterloo, The tax collector was tilstructed to Textiles Limited carry the trade . ,. . f., ��* . � . ;.X,::� � �/. � . I , 1, . I , 11 I �,�. �;:j! ; . � .._�, I .. , I I . : '. .? .:; 11 . I renidthing 1ti-n-paid taxes name "Ontex,11 by which name this - � " I - . I .., � ­ .. . �tIllf' , . Dorsch (Craiie), 13:42; Waterloo, collect al . .­(� I 1:I.. '' r__.i. ."� . .11 �4::":Xvl. 1: 'I;'. ,BoAing Club Plans -le (Heibet,n). 17:01. Penaltiee and return the tax roll at the next .1 �i I , .., ... !��'. :�" � I , . ,,_, I......, ....., , - i Company Is oPten relerred to. . i�1. ,F:? . ,. , i � . i _1 - " .,_W",: .. .. . ... I '. 1. ..'­. _ I , � �:::: � �;, Rutz (tripping), 5:45; Lacey meeting. The auditors* report was Uiked Seaf�rth People . ;,� �.*�� " ;�,.�� .1 - ; 11?1!�!�.41 i �.i , - ::, ,,4 .1 , . �,,r�t;,A,?,,�,;&_.; . ­,; - - - .. . , - � . , 1. � � . , "" " . � -, �; - and, expenses Were order- - "Due to the tremendous expan- . " . e, i*,", %P.`� ", . I �i'i�"::;.:,�l'i,,,,:��:'i;!:;:ii�.,�:��i:�i�l;l�"�E.�� 1� �t � , , . � " 11 . . , ?..: -,�.'?,. -11 I—- e e (tripping). 8:11; Berger (tripping), accepted 18:58; Storey (tripping). 16:0. ed paid. As a share of Ithe audit- ,. 11 , ,��]., - :.�qj � 1 ... "'10 .... - . .; 11 i TournamentSch' dul I `17? - `­:i",��,,, 11 4� *:. , I,N.:�:. ��::��O::��.":::,.% ,�:Il ,��OZ:1�,�­ 11 13111: ,., ...'. W .. .�::11C*A - 3 1,111 11 11 � I llp .. , . . ....... � � , ,�,1.1,11, :.: sion of this, Company, we have � " . �1 ) ... i�::,t;.",,';i.�'�,�� , : . j:, ,f,"��,.::;.: :P .1 ! Second Period -Goals: Waterloo, Ing expenses, countell charged- the been forced, to seek in ell larger , �11�. I , � " � ':.x,_ ':?& .The executive of the Seaforth ;­',-��. �; IT ,.I ?'.. il�, :.':.' i;&., '' .: .." I . .. . )4 .t,.. - ,�,.,�i R � -A "", � '. I ifl` Crane (Dorsch, Miller), 3:47; Wa, PjU,C. $40, the school $25, the quarters, Because at many factors W, , �?,.�_��;.:,-�,! ,';I.,�. , N., Lawn Bowling Club (,Men's) met in " , �:.:::� � . A— ! I ,� I A ",", _.!!.� " �.". II . N' I � . � office of A. W. Sillery Mon ay lerloo, Noble (Rutz). 8:46; Sea- park board $15 and the T,tbrary Involved. the company decided to . .�: f, :: ��,`�: .� the . 1,11" 0 . :'t I forth, R. Muir (Morton, J. Muir), board $5. locate those quarters outside of the �p ... Lt . �� .��:i�i i�!:, i,�.�" el`.; I 1 �.,A.x . ,. , , evening. The following committees V I ..�::, �`�5'17VT ,. ,. '. . i.6 ��� ,,�� ��, 111 `4- I.: !�;� ; iii 112',1" 10:1.7; S-eafortb, 1. Muir (Morton, Hear Tax Complaint Toronto area. � I . .��,: were appointed: grounds, Christie �i " . R. M,uir), 10:45; Seafocth. Shine ' I -*!1V_ ­_ �J.131. F2 - - and McLennan; membership, Dun- For fire brigade service at the "We have hafl� Many different �,� - - � � (Dofg, Mellwain), 12:02; Waterloo, . . i 11 ��...';� -!,fl ; .�', can, McLean and Stevens; local prvublsen U G. sites offered to, us. but were diefin- Z ,�i � .1, C'"'�.t.,;�­`1..R, ­ t V., `1`01111 liit� ..� 1 . A - ��`i Schnarr (1,a(ley), 12:46. Penalties u rgg;" I � f W. Caldwell and rd T ----1 -h rat, "I Y%,; Tt ,� t*,_;�­ I.W­:":�­,., ... iii 0 ; � � "�!'., I' �'.,.�,'­ N't" .. tournament, Merriam, .0. Muir, Brundei t h e Tuckersmith Rely in favor of the Seaforth site. � " ­ �L� ­­­­ -,.1..-- -1 ...... I -Oberle (boarding), 6:53. I !§ , , -:�i-,':;`.�11 : One of .the main factors In each "I " T.i� ,10. . k t X.... " 0: ,.; I QN0, . Christie and F. C. J. Sills: prizes, 11, township council was charged $75 - , "I 11 . . , ,:t� .. ', � '! �� �� J. A. Ste -wart, Duncan, Keating and 19111 . . �17,1�1',J�:; 11 ,:: I ;:*-.�, I , ".".. I h - . T, , ,.:� : g ird Peridd-Goills: Seaforth, and $50 respectively. Mr. C. Me- Ing this decision Was the el , I, "i".. .5t, ,- , "' ­;,� P. i!: Berger (Pike), 1: 53: Seaturuh - 1_� I . I - I Barber; decorating and house, Me- Llowell appeared regarding the re- ReSS and pleasant appearande of . -�..,,�� - - ­ " ,� �,�,,,J, . �', - "i I— , r,�.' ?i � , 1:9 Storey (J. Muir), 5:0-3; Seaforth, h - .." i I I ��:!.::-�,;,:i':� Lennau and, Merriam. surfacing of the sidewalks and the community, togethei wit re I I I ".?,� , -.� P*11.113 iY­1111.. ... .. R. Muir (J. Muir), 11:1R: SearortH, : WE 1-1�i : 11:?,�� XWII.�k%., I , "IP, . , Meb�bers!rl§Vet thIt this year quoted a tantative price of $1.70 ports received- ft-hich were, borne ,, I . ". ' - I'M IN' ?A.-,- ., . 0 1 . . f � iR ::�V . tile Bowling 'Club Will not roll X. Muir (R. Muir, Morton. '1'"T' per square yard. later by personal contact with . .g� - . �f .L.,, . Penalties: Dorsch (boarding) A4.0L. � I _ .,., � , �'.-�­,J_R.,.­ I lawns,, due to excessive costs and ,The clerk was Instructed, to not- ,Seafortb citizens, who were ex- . ,... ... - . ' I 1. . -iffil 1,' M . -1 the conditl�n of the roller. How- . ify W. Allan to remove the pile of ,ceedingly pleasant and most co- . - 0 , , ,,111 X1�1,,, ..�:�,,� ,,, ,,� ,, I ._ I I � ., , I I L ... I , 1. ". ., ever, arrangem,ents thave been Six Sons Present For gravel placed on the street to the operative in every way. . i ., ,., I ..:::::i. *K*`1XR1,I Made with George Evans, Brus-sels, ea%t of his property and to keep "The future of the Canadian toy ' N", I : �,i.,ffl,? � I I . __pi� . "L�­!.' el ,�r J ��.:: to roll locat,lawiui� He Is expected Ei%ghty-flifth Birthday ,b1% tnicks off the roadway. Coun- Industry, and particularly, of this . I .. �1. i * ` , . .� ., '� 1, to be.0n, town within the next oil heard a. complaint OM MJaA COMPany. is unliffilted, 0; QIM:Z - . ". .., . . . . . 4 '.. ..........�._ , �,T:,.,-�'�'.: 0 � * .�Lpl�'111. , Of Seaforth Woman fr icipal With the . ;, I ". gg, -etive co-operation -of the citizens '; . . . . . . . .... I ­­ _W_GPk-___­:__ _. .1 - C. Mitchell rogarding her mun ja RRIWVII�l .­­rEr, ",.,� . .. 1-4 - J6Wb:,_ L , ­_­ . ... ­­ ­........ ".... __� , � �".­­g*,, I � ., Th followlnj__f6ur�ini '�-t a6h,6- '-M,,F,. , -ra-x­E§§e­§M,b'b1 -of -ftafoftk--arA- -t-he---,vit-inity�--�-w-e---.-, t- . I , ,'21` Margaret 10:13ney I � � 11 11 liii,�;.!Iiil�:`� I U ': e e " dule virab drawn up-_ Julie 17, Mer. celebrated ,her 85th birthday April The following' accounts, totalling can expect the com'pamy twgrav, to . li�,�i�ii` ;, % IMI i �kl I "`^ ,$��i': ,�,­&,tlti " .1 .-IM, I., 11 . I I � ,'I - I 1. I ... $,..­.�N -��i '' I . ", �It&m ." * -i ", ... I watches, with her six sons, Louis P., Detroit; ,sail tP.U.C., HydTo, Hall, $13.65; .. . , , .1, I I .1. ..�,.­ *& . I chtoats,,And Vah'ptacturers; Aug. 2. She enjoyed a family reunion, $2,1534.04, were ordered ,paid- Hen-' many -times Its- present alike.. - I - � I , I ,*�, r". I �'� , . I ... 1, .� �- .11!� �,.� ... 1'11."*'��,�` . 19, , "'I! Wlitch* �, f out . .. ­ . . � �.�f,r,:.­:". � 4 . . . I �` 0� .11:1., '1-11111._ -.11 oaUrteay,V%,Uqn Watch Co. and Sav- Dennis, Toronto: Peter and 'Wil-' Monteith & Monteith, auditing 11 0,-�11 � :, �­,;,�­ � �4,­ ;1 ,, 1,'�, ., , ) ,;! , ",:t�,i _­­ , � , Id .. , - 'vgm t�-,-@. . '' g"'�g�, ai�$e'a, -1Seabrth;. 90>it. 9. 31p Top. gred, McKillop towlmllitl, and Han $110.10; L. S. Vler, coal, iNall, JV ttreWell Pany, iffe, : " . I ; . . . . . . � h'.. I . I UBM" , ', . �.�',!,, .W' L.�,.' .W' :;: -0, � All. thd . PV,6d4edIV9,1404T-n'Im ents are olki and Frank, town. present f6t $108.09; T. thvender, repain, tr"- Sed , "? �.')'11' I W .1 i .. I .... . 00 .. Fof T "- loft'" �%&Oft ' . vttVs,,d6Vbl",, - �'.,;, - - the oceasift. t0r*'$6, F.D., 440.30- Huron County,, , " I.. 11, ;� 1.1�,;�, 1�..,_�, �,­. I N .; I . be L Mra, ,� �,,�, W . M* hd�§LjtAlj , ''5j�,;;i'4�3,,Z � 'N MI �1� , : . h,a,KII#*J`, '*�Wkether will Maloney was remismbetd zsub,n, $50 ; .Munte1w A &I -Swell l)'". ty was, hola LL . �J 1. 1 , ,� �:",: M., '� ... "I . . , L, Jk6VOPI 40 .1. . , I I , .� SWCMGn h0rid,atAlt6' � b6tig Wiedliesday ove- by mIn,y friefids with A44 ,III w6rld 'sqiofilles, $26.81; E. It.' .bav- hOMe of,Mr&, . T � t''VJA'1,b&yL, !4j.* "I 'I I _*X�", . ",, �'..� " ;_ , '' . oa�j L,t6_r hft,�� " �,V' __ _ '.;,��,�',,,'�..t ":� .,,L.,,- �,., . 11 �� � I . III &.111 I ,Ljof�i4A� . I 'i 'the �. I *L L .."h" -'L , I _ _ ' , 8 In. G ux1affied'dut Alhi t6'L -suf ' rton in, IL I , - -born In MeMilop to*usbip, -w4eire kecGivor4ohiwal Ina6w6 tAX: "I �i- J - u% a I , t-thb ,numbero the Rannie and JAnb H6 , di" ebw felt to I tre , "ft f lro d, to join In bowl oigo; . ) day - � Idlig T-Md6, 1TW,,ITh6, executive Ift- birthday card,s and- gifts. She ,,w4k Is,, lbatancia i6f. April salary, . #0 hft, V.I R11, � #,I - -11111-V . , ,_� � 11 , I W , ­ , . 4601V lirl ,VgInh6rh6,� L,; I - � 'd -4. 1: - 0111116? .1 �� &e� flr�jgfjt& th�,',Ij,A�1(66'L alub � . ill, fin . Ahn6 , oth Coddard, ­Jdah-- Nooks '16 Zgr are re�sonablei she lived until rettremaht t16 I ell T611§06 �� %'VdLL A I ­ 1 '� '11'0 � .doli6d" gorgaret 6mifili"a grai � f 6 �h' lf,#. Ahhodf , JAL tww�mlladt,timh­ hall' last . I od JoytO kttew�,, "Me oed m was coh'aldiste I '' 11