HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-04-03, Page 4�lv rl 4,1, $ inserted At New Low Cash Rates E, WANTED: LOST AND FOUND, ETC,.., -Per Word; 2nd Week 44 CCent 3rd Week ee Cent Minimum charge, each insertion.., 25 Cents Each fisure, initial and abbreviation comas as one word Cf Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events—.1 cast per word. Minimum, "`,+cite per week. may be directed to a Box No.. 0/0 The Huron. Fhptositor, for 10 cents extra. engr additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 dare , date •of final lnaerlbon- h i. Marriages and Death* inserted free of charge. gspton Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. • Agents Wanted PERMANENT BUSINESS, PART Hine or foil, to limited number of farm Melo. No investment. Take orders for .America's" largest nationally sold LIQUID FERTILIZER. Steady 560 and up weekly income. Write "NA -CHUBS" PLANT FOOD, Box 84, London, Canada, For Rent FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED FOUR - room apartment; not heated; share (bathroom. POIONE 111, Seaforth 4447-1 von RENT -40 AORES,.•READY FOR ' crop; fall plowed. MRS. JESSS+E I. OU'PHSLL, R.R. 4, Walton. Phone 846 r 32, Seaforth. 4447x1 1i -WR RENT—GARAGE, PORTION_ OF Winthrop Hall; gas pump at present ie installed. Applicants must have elec- tric welder and machine shop equipment. I'marediate possession. Apply to ALLAN ° CAMPBELL. Phone 837 r 11, Seaforth. 4446x2 Motor Cars For Sale Livestock Wanted ` DEAD. DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 655 r 2. Poultry i OR SALE --STARTED ROOSTERS AND pullets, any age. BILL HENDER- SON, Phone 6834, Seaforth, 4446x4 Personals RYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R Goode), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 aamples 26e; 24 samples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. For Sale TT'S TUDOR'S IN HENSALL FOR CUR - 1 tains and Marquisettes by the yard. Also hemmed Celanese and Orlon. CARFOR SALE -1962 CHEVROLET Coach ; driven less than 6.000 miles. Can be seen at A. W. DUNLOP'S resi- dence, East William St., Seaforth. 444Tx1 1951 CHEVROLET — BLACK, 17,000 miles; whitewall tires, radio, air condition heater; many other extras. Ap- ply GORDON HILDEBRAND, Seaforth. 4447x4 Wanted ANTED TO RENT — 6 TO 8 -ROOM house. Will pay up to 565.00 a month. Apply to Box 184, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4439.tf WANTED—TWO LIGHT,,. HO USEKEEP- ing rooms, furnished: Phone MRS. MARY A. BARRY, at Queen's Hotel. Phone 45. 4447x1 'WANT1r7) -- HOUSE OR SELF-CON- tained apartment, in or near Sea - forth, by young couple with small child. PHONE 249-W, Seaforth. 4446x9 ANTED — UNFURNISHED APART- "ment or home in Goderich,. Seaforth, Clinton, Bayfield area; stoveand refrigera- tor preferred. Steady income. Good re- ferences. Call CLINTON 888; LOCAL 252. 4445x3 FOR SALE 6 ROOM 'FRAME HOUSE, complete with basement, on double lot; garage. Well situated' on Huron St. Sale necessary to close up estate. Apply A. MUIR, Phone 694, or B. MUIR,Phone 155-W. 4446x2 Help Wanted TEACHER WANTED 'WOE GRADES 3 AND 4, BRUSSELS ,Public School, for term commencing September 1, 1953. Applications to .be in by April 10. State salary expected, ex- perience and inspector. R. J, BOWMAN, Secretary, Brussels Public School. 4447-2 Farms For Sale pint SALE -100 -ACRE FARM IN TUCK ersmith; bank barn, frame house, hy- dro; clay loam. Apply to Box 221, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4446,c2 PROPERTY FOR SALE — POULTRY farm, Lot. 3, Concession 3, Township of Buliett. Reply to VETERANS' LAND ACT, Guelph. 4446x2 ,'ARM FOR SALF, -20 ACRES, WEST half Lot 8, Concession 11, McKillop: 26..acres plowed, remainder in grass; spring well; well drained and fenced. Close to school. For further particulars apply to JOHN A. ECKERT, R.R. I, Du.b- Iin, Phone 37 r 19. Dublin. 4446x2 Property For Sale VOR SALE -8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE, 11 inauiated, stoker heated, modern bath- room and kitchen, new garage. Lots of zoom for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 355-W, Seaforth. 4439-tf BARN FOR SALE --361 x 56', SITUAT- ed in Grey Township, Lot 8, Conces- sion 13. Can be moved. For further par- IFI OR SALE—QUANTITY OF SECOND- ticulars apply to GEORGE BLAKE, Bras- eels- Phone 42 r 19, Brussels, 11' hand lumber, tongue and grooved; - sheathing: 2x6's and 2x4'e. KEITH 4446x2 MUSSER. Phone 668 r 3, Seaforth. 4446x2 TOR SALE—AN INVALID CHAIR, rubber tired: adjustable- PHONE 2764, Seaforth. , 4447x1' pj OR SALE—PEED TURNIPS AND balyd has. Phone 677 r 8, Hensel). DAVID TRIEBNER. 4147x2 FOR SALE' -QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY seed. Apply to LOUIS BOLTON. Phone 840 r 22, Seaforth. t 4447x2 pOR SALE -30 WEANED PIGS. AP- PIy to Box 228, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. • 4447x1 FOR SALE—TIMOTHY SEED. APPLY GORDON ELLIOTT. Phone 828 r 21, R.R. 5, Seaforth. 44474. FOR SALE --CEDAR POSTS. APPLY to JAMES McCLUIW, R,R. 4, Walton. Phone 846 r 11, Seaforth. 4447-1 1 AVE YOU SEEN 1`1-r, NEW GLACIER Plastic at TUDOR'S in Hensall? 54 - inch width in grey, green, red, yellow, blue. Heavy weight, too. FOR SALE—A QUANTITY OF RED Clover seed. HARVEY TAYLOR, R. R. 1, Londesboro. Phone 850 r 22, Sea - forth. 4447-2 , OR SALE — 4 BUSHELS POWER- 'eleaned Alfalfa seed. ROBERT WAL- LACE, R,R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 655 r 11. Seafortb, 4447-1 ril0'R SALE—PORCELAIN SINE, 18/" x 28"", in good condition; also outdoor toilet. Apply to Box 2822, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4447x1 FOR SALE—QUANTITY OF CHOICE square baled hay. Apply to JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Photte 665 r 16, Seaforth. 4446-3 'FOR SALE --SHORTHORN BULL, 11 months old. Apply to WILLIAM ALEXANDER, R.R. 2, Walton. Phone 848 r 15, Seaforth. 4447-1 L1Jj VERYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT the new plastic drapes in TUDOR'S window in Hensall. Be sure to see them; 27 and 36 -inch width FOR SALE—QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY seed and clover seed. Apply to ERLIN WHITI80SLE. Phone 665' r 23, Seaforth. 4447x1 FOR SALE—ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULL 12 months old. accredited herd. Ap- ply to THOMAS ELLIS, R.R. 5, Brussels. Phone 54 r 9, Brussels. 4447x1 VOU SAW IT IN WEEKEND PICTURE Magazines; now see it at TUDOR'S in Hensall. Gothic Crescent bras in Nylon and Cotton. Fj OR SAL . -LARAIN OATS. GRADE No. 1; Clinton Oats, Grade No. 1: Apply to WILBUR E. KEYES, Seaforth, Phone 656 r 11. 4447x1 F{ OR SALE --BELGIAN HORSE, RISING four years old; 4 Hereford springer heifers. Phone 40 r 21, Dublin. CLE'M KRAUSKOPF. 4447x1 ASK TO SEE THE NEW RIPPLES light weight all -nylon girdle at TUDOR'S in HensalL The sensation for Spring and Summer. HONEY FOR SALE—OFFERING BAL- once of 1952 crop of white clover honey in 8 -pound pails, Only 3150. WAL- LACE ROSS APIARIES, Phone 135-J. Seaforth. 4447-1 PROPERTY FOR SALE.—TWO-STOREY three bedrooms, living room, den, 3 - piece bathroom. oil heated house, including three acres of land, edge of town_ Approv- ed for eterans' Land Act purchase, Ap- ply Boil 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, or ;'?hone 41, Seaforth, 4431-tt 4t:: Notices ASHES, CANS AND GARBAGE RE - moved. GALL RUSTON BROS., 664 z 5, Seaforth, 4447x8 HOUSE TO REN')' -1.% STOREY 7- room frame, in Dublin ; • lots of gar- den. Apply MRS- JOHN A. DARLING, Dublin. 4447x2 RADIO REPAIRS ---FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE. PAIR, oppoalte Dick Hesse, Seaforth. Phone 847-R. 486E-tf LAWN MOWER SERVICE—FOR BEAU- tiful lawns with less work, have your lawn mower sharpened at CROWN HARDWARE. Phone '797, Seaforth, 4446-8 TICS—WILL TAKE AWAY GARB- . age once a week, on a yearly basis; and will work gardens. Also have for sale 200 bags of Katadin potatoes. J. 11. BURNS, Phone 69-R, Seaforth: - 4447-1 1lTN ATING --SPRAY OR BRUSH ; Papering, Sunworthy wallpapers, Sign ltaintinrq a specialty. ED, (BUCK} LIT- ' Hensall. Phone 190-R, Hensall. 4425-tf AOCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR hir_Fcireo_1i0Ysonnel stationed at,Clln- to,n', If YOU have,, a -keine, apartment fora1sat4 or nrlfttfnlshedl to rent, please dell :STATION' HOUSING OFFICE at tBntere. 39 loch' 252. 4486-tf FARi Era41 .-- PROMPT, reilectfon of, all dead and anknale. Call collect Et). i r 11. Seaforth, or 235, Mated wlt. Darling & Co of 4599-tf cecina glece of Cord igi1 a furan Coit 7'11$ A R t2rouo 4L FOR SALE—SMALL QUANTITY OF good quality timothy seed, power cleaned : reasonably priced. Apply BOB ARCHIBALD. Phone 655 r 16, Seaforth. 44454 WHY DID USERS OF 36 LONG TUBE milkers change to Surge in this dis- trict last year? Send inquiries to LAV - ELL M.cGUIRE, phone 593-W, Wingham, Your Surge Dealer. Tenders Wanted SALE OF LAND BY TENDER TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR stir, sale of the undermentioned parcels of land belonging to the late Thomas Welsh, of Hensall: Ontario. Sealed tenders ac- companied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent of the tender will be received by the firm of Bell & Laughton, Exeter, Ontnrlo. Solicitors for the Executrix, up to and including the 10th day of April, 1953. The lowest or any bid not necessarily ac- cepted. Immediate possession to be given on the closing of the purchase of the said lands. PARCEL NO. 1: The north half of Lot No. 19: in the 4th Concession north of the Egremont Road, in the Township of Warwick, Coun- ty of Lnmbton. PARCEL NO. 2: The east half al Lot 26, and the west half of I,ot 27, Concession 4, Township of ,Stanley._County of_ituron,. PARCEL kO. 3: The west half of Lot 85, Concession 8, Township of Itaborne, County of Huron, PARCEL NO. 4: Lands in the Village of Hensall south of the Mill property, being comprised of five acre of Land more or less, Bell & Laughton EXE, O'NTA'litO Solicitors for the exec -del*. 4448.E Auction Salus. ' i1d li "Dge at tae i 4r the lame' ll�ifi¢, Lapte ileilye£leld, 07l Satar)1ayP April IR, it' 1 t30 :p,m„ consfating of: Three-plecee ebesterileld auite: end.table: h' Meng arch; small table; carpet "rug: 3 btrla, strings aid mattresses; 2 dressers and w+wk stands; 2 cheats of drawees; dining 'r'oom suite, consisting of round table. cbrina pionet, buffet and chairs: White sewing 1taehine; Rogers -Majestic radio; wing chair . (*MO: 2 rocking chair's; 2 porch chair*: 2 lawn, chairs: commode chair: 6 kitchen chairs;' dropleaf table; earner cupboard; fernery: pedestal-, flower stand; wall brackets; picture enad easel; 2 floor larva; ; 3 table lamps; 2 bed lemma; heater and pipes; cook stove and pines; coal oil stove (nearly new) ; small oven; footstool; electric iron; elec- tric grill; electric toaster ; clock; chest of silver; set of dishes, "Blue Bird"; other dishes; cutlery, pots. pans, sealers, boil. er, tube: extension ladder; step ladder: 14, ton coal; 1 cord wood; lawn mower: hose; ebovele ; rakes; scythe, and numer- ous other articles. Terms --Cash. MR. AUSTIN ZAP FE, Executor, Bracefleld, Ont-; MRS. GEORGE ARMSTRONG, Ex- ecutrix, R.R. 8, Seaforth, Ont,; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4447-2, Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN LAIDLAW A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John Laidlaw, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 9th 'day of Febru- ary, 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or bore the 11th day of April, .1958, after whloh date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DAflSD at Seaforth this 10th day of March, 1953. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate, 4445-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MINNIE W. GORDON A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Minnie W. Gor- don, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 21st day of January. 1953, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of April, 1953, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth this 18th day of March, 1953. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Barrister &c., Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4445 - NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEXANDER BROAD - FOOT A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Alexander Broad - foot, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 1st day of March, 1953, are hereby notified to send in full .particulars of their claims to the\undersigned on or before the 7th day of April, 1953, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth this 18th day of March, 1958. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Barrister- &c., Seaforth, Ontario, - Solicitor for the Estate, 44454 Cards Of Thanks QINCERF. THANKS TO FRIENDS AND neighbors who sent cards or fruit or helped in any way during my illness Special thanks to Dr. McMaster and Dr. Brady and the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, and Rev. W. J. Maines. 4447x1 C. D. STh8PSON MR AND MES. WALTER MdBEATH and Douglas wish to express their sincere thanks to their many neighbors and friends for the beautiful floral tri- butes, the cards of sympathy and the ants of .kindness and thanking Rev. W. Moines, in their recent bereavement. 4447-1 T WISH TO EXPRESS _ MY SINCERE appreciation for the kindness and care shown me during m5' illness in Scott Mem- orial Hospital by the nurses and ,staff. Special thanks to Dr. Gorwilh; those who sent me flowers, cards, boxes of. fruit and other treats; also to those who kindly vis- ited me. 4447-1 MRS. CHARLES DOLMAGE During the first half of 1952 Can- adian fishermen, landed more than 600,000,000 pounds of sea fish. Va- lue: More than $27,000,000. ai i'Se Utt) NO WONDER!' Now what do FOR :Wt 4 ;iq!° e, fel' rays who asks to Po Clark , to. Jail because be doesn't litthe sand he was;; born in—namely Cyata,?- Yes, I knout tll'el'e vva5 qe time When all .the young chaps (loner/el In Memoriam WHITMORE—IN LOVriro, IllE2'OR.Y of Mrs. Sam Whitmore, who entered into rest April 1, 3849. "Until the day breaks and ,shadows flee away." Ever remembered by .Husband and Family. 4447x1 LONG—Iii LOVING MEM'ORY.' OF A dear mother, IMrs. Violet Long, who passed away ten years ago, March 81, 1943. , Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps her near. —Sadly missed and fondly remembered by her daughters and sons -In-law, Mar- guerite and Alvin, Jean and Ed, 4447-1 Births EVANS—Ronald and Marguerite Evans (nee Weatcott), announce the arrival of Pamela, a sister for Craig, at Toronto Wellesley Hospital, .March 80, 1953. SOUTHGATE—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on March P7, to LAC. and Mra. James Southgate, Seaforth, a son, `Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY FOR, - Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 4 % Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed For prompt attention call. RAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 5I or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TOROA1O • IYONSnE.hi. OTTAWA • . weenson NIAGARA W&LLS • SUDBURY CALGARY • VANCOUVER FARMERS Look At These! Real Values in Used TRACTORS 1 "D" CASE—Completely overhauled and new motor, with P.T.O. Guaranteed. 1. "L" CASE --Completely overhauled 1 "VA" CASE—Completely overhauled, with P.T.O. 1 "70" COCKSHUTT 1 "60" COCKSHUTT—Rowcrop 1 "VAC" (1951) CASE—Demonstrator Used Machinery 1 2 -Section Cackshutt Spring Tooth Harrows 1 Case Tractor Spreader, on rubber 1 Wagon on Steel 1 Grain Drill with fertilizer attachment 1 13 -Tooth Cultivator 1 Tractor -Drawn Spreader .olwciilfe Motors Phone 267 Seaforth 11 wait to get. across the' border to the rich USA. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence and be those days it real- ly was greener in the States than, 4t • is here. • Hut those eines have passed. To- day, a dollar of our money is worth more on the open market than theirs. One, of our dollars will buy more butter and eggs, more clothes, more necessities of life than theirs. Today Canada is on the march and tht rest .of the world is looking at us enviously, wishing they were here. Of course, some of cure young and brilliant chaps still are lured away by deg promises and the like of that, ands _they still do all right, but the days of the mass emigra- tion seem to be over. There's lots of work 'here. The unhappy fellow who would rather go to jail than stay here— by the way, his name, curiously en- ough, is Joy—is not a young sprout at all, " He's sixty-three years old and maybe 'he's just living in the past. Nevert+helese, there's one thing I can't get over. 'This fellow, Thomas H. Joy, was born in '.Clinton. • You know where Clanton is? Sure! It's right up the Huron Road, nine miles from here; right in Huron County. Why I've even heard some of the natives of Clin- ton claim that it's just as good a town—or even better—than 'Sea - forth. Well, you and I know better than that, but when it comes right down to it; I think we'd agree tshat' while Clinton is certainly a lot less at- tractive • than our own town, it's still head and shoulders over most of the places you could find to live on this planet. After all, it's in Huron County too. Remember what we used' to write in our readers for our address? Seaforth, County of Huron, On- tario, Canada, North America, Western Hemisphere, The Worlds When I was a boy that was -the order of importance of these places to me. As a matter of ,fact, it still is. So naturally I'm awing to be somewhat upset when some character from Clinton says he would rather be in the U.S.A. What's the matter with him? How could he stand there at the border and say right out, "I can't stand Canada!" That's what he said, He, said that just the other day`. In the• month of March. Has he forgotten the taste of fresh maple syrup as it comes from Huron County trees'? Has he forgotten what it feels like when the last snow disappears and the 'spring sun comes out and the rich Huron County. soil springs alive with life and promise of a bountiful harvest and plenty for all? Has he forgot- ten all about making a wish on the first robin you see returned to its Huron County summer 'home? I'm afraid. he_ has. You see, poor Thomas H. Joy hasn't had much of a chance to refresh his memory for a long, long time. For the last fourteen years he hasn't had a chance to know what has been hap- pening in his native land. In fact, be hasn't had' a chance to know much about what has 'been hap- pening anywhere. He said, himself, "I'm bewildered, After fourteen years you find the world has chang- ed terrifically. Everything is so different than it used; to be." Thomas Joy bas been in jail since 1938. Just the same I think if he had come back here to Huron County instead of moping around Windsor looking wistfully across the river he would have found that quite a few of the good ,things he used to know and enjoy are still here. We have come a long way In the march of progress, but here at least most of the old values and the old de- lights have been preserved. Thomas Joy should have come home, • CROMARTY 'Mr. Howard Wright left Satur- day, on a 'business trip to Illinios, U.S.A. Mrs. Wright accompanied him as, far as Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen and son, Bruce, visited with ;.lir. and Mrs. Frank Allan:. Pictures on "The Challenge of Africa" will be shown Friday eve- ning in the church, under the aus- pices of the W.M.S. This, is ,the Easiter meeting. Mr, Alex Gardiner has returned home from Kansas City. Mr. and 'Mrs. Otto Walker visited +Sunday, with (Mr. and IMrs. Alvin Cornish in Exeter. - drfr. and Mrs. Ray Davie and family, Thorndale, visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Norris. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Cole, Russel - dale, and Mrs. Katie, Harper, Sci- ence Hill, visited with Mr. and :Mrs, G. Wallace. KIPPEN Mr. and +Mrs. Harold Jones and sons visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Keyes, near Bayfield'., iMr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wickwee, Lis- towel, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman Dickert, Mr, Ed, Daley, Seaforth, is spending a, few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore. Mr, and Mrs. Keay and Michael, Exeter, Visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Miss'M'erle._Dlckert spenie leriday in London.. Meg Casey Dougall ('s' spending the Easter weekend in Toronto. Did you know that one out Of every two students in 'Canadian elementary and secondary schools is a'member of the Junior Red Cross 2 4 . 14 4111111100. Aird, Jasueu• A. 'Paterson retuned bome Monday.'after a de- ligibtful • three weekie 'dation qn Floridan, They visitedfriend at Bt: Petersburg, Hollywood, Florida and other places pf linitereet. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson reported lovely sunshine, and did not see a single accident during their trip. , IMr. Milton Love, who has been a patient at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, for 'th'e, past 4ew weeks, is improving satisfactorily.:. Attention, members Of Legion Ladies' Auxiliary: 'Your Zone Com- mander, 'Mrs. Luella Hall, Blyth, will be present 'at the regular meet- ing Tuesday, April 7, at 8:15 p.ra. sharp, in the 'Legion Hall. It is the duty of every member to at- tend. Mr. and IMrs. James Bengough, Billy, and Miss Cassie Dougall will leave Friday morning by motor for Toronto, where they will • .be Eas- ter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paterson. Ship 150 Tons of Onions One hundred and 'fifty tons of onions have been -shipped by rail and truck to date to..the Maritimes and Newfoundland, by Steele Briggs Seed Co., Hensall, Art Kil- ner, Kilner, head representative of Toron- to stated Wednesday. There are 15 employees here. Cochrane - McLean On ;Saturday, March 28, at 4 +p:m. at 101 Chaplin Crescent, Toronto, by the Rev. RayMcCleary, Helen 'Marjorie McLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jaizes Lowther, was unit- ed in marriage to James W. Coch- rane, ,Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, Hills- green, illsgreen, Ont. Varna WMS Has Birthday Meeting The Varna W.M.S. held its birth- day and green tea at the church recently with 16 members present. Guests were former members and friends. Mrs. Pitt opened the meeting, in the absence of the president, with words of welcome to all, Mrs. Lee McConnell's group had charge of the programa. Mrs. P. Johnson led in prayer, and a duet was sung by Miss Rachel Johnson and Mrs. Ernie McClinchey. An instrumen- tal number was played -by ;Mrs. Clare McBride, Qs1rs. William Tay- lor and Mrs. Bruce Keyes, of Goshen. Mrs. Pitt'took charge of the busi- ness and the minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read and adopted. The 'text word for April is "Cross," There were 16 calls to shut-ins. • Guest speaker for the afternoon was Miss Stirling, Bayfield, who spoke on `Birthdays." The ladies from Goshen played anotherinstru- mental. Mrs. Epps, Clinton, recit- ed a poem and Mrs. Fred Reid, Clinton, gave a reading. At ' the close of the meeting ,Mrs, Lee Mc- Connell expressed thanks to al) those taking part. W.M.S. April Meeting The April meeting of the Varna W.M.S. was .held at the home of Mrs. Robert Taylor. The meeting opened with Mrs. Taylor reading the, Call to Worship and the invo- cation. Mrs•. Wan. :McAsh read the scripture. Prayer was offered by Mrs. R. Taylor. Mrs. George Reid took charge of the business. Minutes of the previous meeting were' seconded by Miss Rachel Johnson. The text word for May will be "Spring." Seventeen calls to shut-ins' were Kin Keno Numbers Wed., March 25, 0-61; - Thurs., March '26, 0-66; Friday, March 2.7, N•.35; Sat., March 28, N-42; Mon., March 30, G-48; Tues., March 31, N-32. The following Bingoes have Beek declared: O --completed March 25 (0-61): Mrs, 'Clarence Reid, Hensall, {.1 ---completed March 30 (0.48): Mrs. Lloyd Hingston, Winghalm; Mrs. John Kiley, Bluevale; 'Miss Beatrice Potter, Corrie; Mr. Wil- liam Austin, iSeaforth. WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB 'made. A discussion on the bale. was Lleldt and delegates ' for the Presbyterial were 'appointed: Parts of the studs' book were read. by Mrs. Williams McA,sh, Mrs. Pitt and Mrs. Moyer. Fourteen ocean-going tankers of 1,000 or more gross tons fly .the Canadian Sag. - + SING .l,J;.xl'Gil\ The ` Perfect Gift far Also Cages, Stands, Feeds, Etc. SEAFORTH AVIARY Ted Savauge PHONE 120 SCAPA: y M THE GRIPPING SHORT THAT MOM THE WORLDS 40 months of earthly 14 akacvlously worded de par e of TNI. AMAZING STORY OF. •. <;�' i.. MMC:•` . Powerfully Documented in 16 MM, SOUND -COLOR Presented by SCN001 OF RESINS —Jfit1RIPACNicCOtilri - MBi ed /y CREA1 COVIAS9gN SUE sponsored by Clinton Area 'Youth for Christ in the CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL SATURDAY, APRIL 4 — 8:00 p.m. NOTICE to all Utility -Owned Flat Rate Water -Heater Consumers This is to advise that as of the date of March 31, 1953, the Commission is dis- continuing the ownership of these heaters and are turning this ownership over to you Thus you become liable for the repairs and servicing of the said heaters from the above-named date, and the service charge of Eleven Cents (11c) per month will be discontinued and other charges will remain the same. Seaforth Public Utility Commission R. B. Holmes, Manager Here They Are! New Machines on -Sale WHILE THEY LAST • 1O% off Retail Prices 1 No. 40 Standard Tractor 1 No. 30 Standard Tractor 1 No. 4 Spreader on Rubber 1 No. 33 Tiller -8 -blade 1 No. 1032 Scuffler for 'Cockshutt Tractor 2 No. 1095 Scufiiers for No. 60 and 70 Oliver Tractors 1 No. 5 Power Siderake 1 No. 3 Hay Loader 2 No. 8 6 -foot Mowers Wm. PARKE Cockshutt Dealer Phone 147-W Hensall SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market USED CARS 3-1952 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDANS 1952 PONTIAC COACH 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLEId'NE SEDAN 1953 CHEW. Dm LUXE COAOH—Puny equipped 1952 PONTIAC STYLFI.INE COACH. 2--1951 CHEV. STYLDLIPtE SEDANS 1951 PONTIAC COACH 1951 DODGE SEDAN 2•-1951 CHEV. ,STYLELINE COACHES 1950 +C1fEV, COACH—Excellent condition 1949 CfWi1V. COACH 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1948 OH'EV, 1LFIETLINE SACH 1947 PONTIAC COACH, with Radio - 1941 CHEV, COACH ' 1941 CHEV, SPECIAL DE LUXE RERAN Completely Reconditioned 1938 CHEV, SEDAN 193+8 NASII SEDAN TRUCKS 1958 DODGE %-"rON PICKUP 1948 MECUM( ,%-TON PICKUP 1945 CIIEV., %-TON PICKUP A written guarantee_ for 80 days on all Late Model Cars MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRU$SELSMOTORS: BIIIYSS +SLS "-- ONTARIO PHONE 73-X ""the Home of Better Used COO OPEN EVERY EVENtNA ti C f