HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-04-03, Page 3k. it 1t'ataing feAeav4,Qr, , ard147414 opponent, Seafertle rBa1 wiaa pao fig!, b'vP , defeats i3Nk'; games last weed , ►0?A ' the local! „Ambers n3 ; ther•Waterloo Siekins 111 Olfge.3nUlor '•B' piayd'o '. In;. t . :ftret51 pfl'pf.,the. beatrai- eve;4 els ski here" . 75qureday night, the roc is >wete• put 'drown 614+ while;ttie 'Waterloo Saturday night the Site * as i,, Qutt'1 on*Sk .their visitt G-2, { a, In i�hei > �leTil9 t v—vguT "aye 'Seieffietb Wiled iiree at the k0 66 maril;• 'w�pe�„1 i.l uir Aentecte',00 NI at0rlopp,mekth 0 evt& up a, gaiall,, mouth pass from DoneMor„telle.beaat then '•a ,ciente-pawed beoore• 'Tedi °bar[0-tifdl'iii edie'Sechi 5�a" tAoil from Dino Macotto. This account-" = ESS = 31 vER 41) For the first 8 weeks, feed a "fresh mix" - Chick Starter made with NATIONAL CHICK Mix 'CONCENTRATE supplying essential animal pro- . -reins, vitamins and minerals. (2) For the next four months, feed a tasty "fresh -mix" growing mash made with NATIONAL 34%p DEVELOPING' CONCENTRATE. This has a :.growth -promoting meat -meal base .and health -building vitamins and cmineraIs. Remember, bigger birds mean bigger eggs -and bigger profits. So grow your pullets the NATIONAL way! Hee Your NATIONAL Dealer today-'• took for the brigpt Orange and Black Sign Fn +(/CONCENTRATF "A QUALITY FEED -MIX"( FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED • lNGERSOLL, ONTARIO Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONA Well -Cured, Properly -Blended FERTILIZER a811f Tut 8,s<afkttgg! taottdstou�lt Aitett; 'OOP +89ilaa i> rkal'e lead tl a Aga#a u 4t0;e044r t ineteh 0, in the ,,eserenediefteeneee 2fterray oNe a*d *We': ,Rogers a knotted the " Scale with two • cnunn- ttern feel aetRitie eateeesiea near the lealf-weell Brie in: the 'seeon¢:- ISeaferth wag once again' preBS, tug the alttaek whenKen Bukltnan, to C Waterloo 'nets, was .cut over the t eye by a, flying puck. Play wag halted for'almost 10 minutes while Harry Pieteowski took over in the nets. When Play ;resumed, both teams: 'tallied once in the reanaining. ininutes to leave the score knotted 4-4 at that point. Both, teams tallied again in. the early momenta of the third frame, but from the 13:47 mark, Waterloo moved ahead and were never headed as they banged home three quick counters, while holding the Baldwins to a single goal. Thursday Summary 7i ei fl WATERLOO -.'Gloat, Buklman; defence, IMacotto, Rutz; centre, Roger; wings, Noble, Bolliger; alts, Lacey, Heiben, Schnarr, Oberle, Crane, Dorsch, Wright, Eicholz, Piatrowshe (sub -goal). SEAFORTH-Goal, , Baker; de- fence, Aitcheeen, Storeys; centre, Morton; wings, R. Muir, J: Muir; alts., Berger, Pike, Broome, Doig, Shine, Mcilwain, Elliott. Fist Period>• -•Goals.: Seaforth, R. Muir (Morton), 10:55; Waterloo, Lacey (Macotto), 11:25. Penalties -+Oberle, elacotto. Second Period-Seaforth, Broome (Berger), 2:56; Seaforth, Aitche- son (Doig), 4:29; Waterloo, Noble (Heibein, Wright), 8:17; Water- loo, Roger (Heibein), 9:16; Sea - forth, Berger (Broome), 13•:27; Wa- terloo, Rutz, -14:00. Penalties--Bol- tiger, Roger 2, Berger. Thi'd Period -Waterloo, Lacey, 1:25; Seaforth, McIlwain (Shine, Doig), 13:06; Waterloo, Lacey (Wright), 13:47; Waterloo, Schnarr (Heibein, Lacey), 14.06; Waterloo, Crane (Oberle), 14:25; Seaferth, R. Muir (J. Muir, Morton), 15:24. Pen- alty --Berger. Locals Open Scoring The Sislkins Saturday were with- out their regular goalie, Ken Kuhl- man, who suffered a gash over his eye in the first game of the series; De£enceman Doug Thiel and: 'For- ward Jack Miller, but after the first period in which the teams graded goals, the Baldwins were no match • PAINTING • PAPERHANGING Interior and Exterior Decorating WALTER PRATT R.R. 1. Walton Phone 481-M Phone 48 r 9 SEAFORTH BRUSSELS Inieeerefilibeerflialberaelfallassitallifillassor Buchanan Cleaners Mount Forest Successors to TONE 'OLgANEktte We Pick Up and Deliver Monday and Thursday Phone 230 - Seaforth ANDY CALDER AGENT Ladies' and Gents' 2 -piece Suits, $1; Plain Dresses, $1; Plaip Skirts, 50e; Gent's Trousers, 50c. Quality Plus Service is Our Motto S. BIICHANAN - Proprietor 1 FESTIV SPECIAL At Baldwin Hardware Don't Miss This Special Bargain:! HERE'S WHAT YOU GET ! • 1 Quart SP'red Satin • $2.20 • '1 % Pint Ripolin or Japalac .55 • "1 4 -inch Nylon Brush 3.50 A Total Value of , $6.25 ALL THREE FOR ONLY $3 89 CENT SALE dny • st\r a� 6 .y �,�t''�a Fatuous GLIDDEN ROCKSPAR VARNISH Two` Cans (same size) of Tough, Durable ROCKSPAR VARNISH, for Woodwork, Furniture, Etc. . FOR -THE PRICE `OF :ONE; PLUS"• -1' CENT 17.71(14'21:14 1"4[1.1d,, ,,11' 11.7'1d;:*1IH.1:del 1IU11417. addid. uauntr.,v ,� ,, ,,a,. se ra e New proposals of the Department of Lands and Forests in- clude the Information of caordifatIng'committees in Northern On- tario districts to plan Crown Lands use for recreational purpos- es. Thus today's youth will be assueed of tomorrow's hunting ,end fishing lin the moat desirable areas. Hensall News of the Week • Two cars of members of Amber Rebekah Lodge motored to Sea - forth last week arni were enter- tained) by Edelweiss Lodge at its regular meeting. -Mrs. Clarence Reid was winner of a $20 bingo in the .Kin, Keno. sponsored by Wingham Kinsmen Club. Mr, Archie McGregor had the misfortune to fracture his foot in an accident at the trailer factory, where he is employed. Mr. William Petty; is confined.. to his home with illness due to a heart condition'. Hensall stores will be. open ev- ery Saturday evening until 11 p.m., starting April 4. Guy Bedard, R!C.A.F., Drumlin, and Miss Kay Bell, London, were weekend guests with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. W.I'p Annual Meeting In Hensall Legion Rooms Wednesday The annual meeting of the Wo- men's Institute takes place in the Legion rooms Wednesday night, April 8. Mrs. J. McEwan and Mrs. J. Paterson are hostesses. Roll call will be: name a tree and promise to plant it. Rev. J. B. Fox will ad- dress the ladies on this occasion. The reports of standing commit- tees will be presented: Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. J. McAllister; Citizenship and Educa- tion, Mrs. R. H. Middleton; Com- munity Activities and' Public Rela- tions, Mrs. Orr; Historical Re- search and Current Events, Mrs. Cross: Horne Economics and Health, Mrs. C. Forrest. ' Popular Accountant Will Leave Hensall R: S. Thurtell,- popular account- ant at the Bank of Montreal, Hen- sall, for the past three and a half years, has been transferred to the Leamington branch. He reported• for duty on Monday, March 30. Mr. Thurtell came to Hensall from Ingersoll, entering the branch there after serving overseas for four years in Italy and Africa with the R.C.A.F. Radar Division. Mr. Thurtell took an active interest in the welfare of the village. He held for the home club, who were last year's finalists. John Berger opened the scoring early in the game for Seaforth, but Joe Dorscht, of Waterloo, matched this goal and the S•iskins put the game on ice in the second with three straight goals by Ted Lacey, Laverne Schnarr and Roger Crane. Bob Doig got one back for the visitors oh 'a three-way 'Slay with Jack McIlwain and Dalt Shine, but Goalie Harry Piatowski shut out the Baldwins the rest of the dis- stance. Saturday Summary .SE A.FORTH-Goal, Baker; de- fence, Aitcheson, Storey, Elliott; forwards, Morton, J. Muir, R. Muir, Berger, Pike, Broome, Doig, Shine, Mcllwain. WATERLOO- Goal, Piatowski; defence, :Mascotto, Rutz, Wright, Wojcik; forwards, Roga, Noble, Bolliger, Lacey, Schnarr, Iieibein, Dorscht, Crane, Oberle,-., Buhlman (sub -goal).. First Period - Goals: Seaforth, Berger (Broome), 1:38; Waterloo, Dorscht (Crane, Oberle), 2:12. Pen- alties-Roga (boarding) 5:02; Rutz tripping 8:10), Roga (tripping 15:13), Morton (tripping 19:28). Second Period -Waterloo, Lacey (Schnarr) 3:55; Waterloo, Schnarr (Heibein, Laney),. 4:12;. Waterloo; Crane, 15:45; Seaforth, Doig (Mcll- wain, Shine), 18:15, Penalties - Wright (hooking 8:22), Berger (in- ter'fe'rence 11:55), O,berle (board- ing 19:20). ., Third Periods --Waterloo, Oberle (Dorsciht, 'Crane) 8:17; Waterloo, Noble (Foga, Bolliger), 14.56, Pen- 'alttes --- Wojcik (sloshing 5:12), Masedtto (elsbowing 10:19), Roga (miseenduct 3.6:42.), the office as treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce and was for- merly on the executive of the lo- cal branch of the Canadian Legion. Mrs. Thurtell and family will take up residence in Leamington in the near future. Miss Mary Goodwin was hostess at her home last Friday evening for the staff of the Bank of .Mont- real, who gathe ed to honor .Mr. and 'Mrs. Thurtell, The couple was presented with a handsome living room•Mirror. The address was rend by W. W. Jarrett and presentation made by Miss ,Shirley 'Flynn and Miss Mary Goodwin, A social hour was enjoyed and delicious refresh- ments served., Hensall Masons Hold Ladies' Night in Hall Huron Lodge No. 224; -Hensall, held its annual ladies' night in the Town Hall, Hensall, last Friday ev- ening. About 100 Masons' and their wives or lady- friends, sat down 'to a turkey banquet, provid- ed by the--W.A. of Kippen United Church. (Following the supper a sing -song was conducted by V.W. Bro. W. O. Goodwin, assisted by Mrs. J. R. Murdoch. Bro. Charles McQuillan contributed two flute solos. Wor. Bro. Ed. Fink acted as toastmas- ter. Short speeches were given by V,Wor. Bro. Wm, Cann, Exeter, and Wor."Bro. 'Vic Dinnin. Zurich, Progressive euchre followed, with 25 tables playing. The winners were: ladies. first, Mrs. H. McMur- trie; second, Mrs, Ray Paterson; consolation, Mrs, (Dr.) Coxon; gents, first, Milt Deitz; second, Lorne Eller; consolation, John Glenn. The enjoyable evening concluded' with a dance, with music provided by Mrs. J. R. Murdoch and Bro. Dr. McKelvie. Bros. Al. Kerslake, Ross Love and D. E. Kyle were in charge of the program. Hensall United WMS Has Birthday Party The annual birthday party of the Women's Missionary Society of Hensall United Church was held in the church last Friday evening. The church• was attractive in an Easter motiff and Mrs. W. B. Cross, in the chair, extended the welcome. Guests for the evening were the ladies of W.M.S. from Brucefield, Chiselhurst. Exeter •Main St., Car- mel Presbyterian and St, Paul's, Hensall. The devotional was 'conducted• by Mrs. W. J. Maines and Mrs. Allen, Brucefield. A project r and screen purchaseii by the '.IMS., were dedicated in a sery ce conducted by Miss A. Consit and Mrs. E. Geiger. Guest speaker, Mrs. E. Desjar- dine, •Grand Bend, addressed the meeting on the theme, "Builders." We are all building character, she said, in our thinking, in our' acts. We should build carefully, she sug- gested, for It is for eternity, Contributing to the program Miss M. Schieck gave a reading and a piano solo was played by ?Miss Gladys Luker, A" v,ocal solo was sung by Miss Jean Henderson and a vocal duet by Mrs. W. Brown and Mrs. H. Bell. Mrs. R. H. Middietem gave a talk, and an instrumental was played by Mrs. R. Balkwell, Exeter. Decorating committee was Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mrs. G. Arm- strong; reception, Miss M. Ellis, Mrs. W: J. Rogers and Mrs. Arm- strong; program, Mrs. G. Hess and Mrs. T. .Sherritt. • Busy province: About half of all products inatSiufattured in Canada are made in Ontario. In one etc -month period last year over 70,,000 patients received more than 105,000 bottles of whole .blood andiet Meted from the Cantalinit Red Crag's• B1;aod Transfusion Ser - Vied 7:,Ot . ter...'The R� iSnell ojcii latF .list deo)Zb1,er:.thm t Q3LDuiryr a $o1 ert 04 112 ei •txa,dit 4017:0,"14: lyed U z rn .s c tangy 7107:4'0.4,04 y„tt `rean'ne'�uLC�4'424:0 vett.#xu * r age hytbrl4e P'�ore afloar�4engggowa}ri q2 chantilly' " lace gild nyttgn mai+; ,quisette over taffeta The POP gown wap fashioned) on Princes&, lines witch nylon god ts. Aw smnartly cut long- 1eeved bolero wag worn over the strapless 'bodiice..Her head- dress was a chantilly lace bonnet, trammed with seeds pearls from which, was draped a chapel veil with a blusher: She carried, a hand bouquet of red roses. As maid of honor, Misr Maxine Reeder wore a floor -length gown of double orchid nylon marquisette ov- er ver taffeta. A neat bolero was worn, aver the fitted strapless bod- ice. ice. A " large loop an drape ac- cented) the soft fullness of the ny- lon skirt and a matching orchid headderess of taffeta and lily -of -Che; valley completed her outfit. She carried a bouquet of Talisman ros- ra $ii es. :Miss Ruth Anne Me.Garter was flower girl in a. gown, of . daffodil: yellow in period style. Her 'head- dress was a matching Dutch bon- net. Site carried a nosegay of vio- lets, centered with a yellow rose. Gerald Dearing was :best man and usher was Charles McCarter. For the reception at the Central Hotel, Exeter, the brides Mother received in a suit of tweed with luggage tan accesswrles and a cor- sage of yellow pinocho roses. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a suit of dawn blue with navy ac- cessories and a corsage of red roses. Leaving for a wedding trip to the Southern States, the bride wore a navy suit with navy and white accessories and a topcoat of coral rose Harris tweed, A .corsage of sweetheart ros,ebudeu completed her costume. On their return the cou- ple will reside near Exeter. Grand Bend W.I. Hear Talk on Planting, Care Of Flowers Grand Bend Womeafg Institute, at their meeting recently, were ad- dressed by Mr. Lu:scher, Thedford, who spoke on the growing and care bf flowers. "Plant in the full of the moon," the speaker said. Other hints he passed on were: care should be takenin the placing of stones in a rock garden, so it is not just a + 1raR ore>a7 cgie Been e�c the• watts "One heart in t 'wblear;e40�, enteMesebtera,....... PreseAtc: A &ii Jaye, tl Ui WAS, efe , fA�, ter',1; e1; Notice to Farni The Huron County Agriculture ; Commit lie sponsoring a" Public Meeting to "learn if it -.is the wash of the farmers of Huron County to form a „Livestock Protective Association Associations have been formed in Elgin, Middlese. aww La u...wa. Counties and have had a decided effect on reducing cattle rustling and poultry thefts. -• The following speakers ,have been .secured - MR. R. H. GRAHAM Assistant Livestock Commissioner, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa MR. STEWART BROWN, Shedden President Elgin County Association SGT. NEEDHAM Ontario Provincial Police, Huron County The Meeting will be held in the Clinton Town Hall on FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1953 commencing at 1:30 .p.m. Au Farmers in Harron County are invited to attend A. IL ERSKINE," Clerk County of Huron DAVID BROWN (CANADA) LIMITED announce the appointment of ALVIN SHARP • CLINTON as a dealer for The World's Finest TRACTORS David Brown tractors are famous the world over for dependable, low cost operation. Now in Canada they are setting a new high stand- ard of economy coast to coast. Be sure to see the David Brown before you decide' On a new trac- tor. Check its many money -saving advantages. Your David Brown dealer will be pleased to give you all the details and explain the easy -to -get ports and servicing fac- ilities. agilities. Make a date to see o David Brown today. BA 0 Only DAVID BROWN offers al! these features . • . 3 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM • A POWER RANGE FOR EVERY FARM - • A CHOICE OF EITHER DIESEL OR GAS ENGINES • BOTH HYDRAULIC AND PULL TYPE OPERATION • BUILT-IN 2 SPEED PULLEY AND 2 SPEED P.T.O. • 6 SPEEDS FORWARD .. 2 SPEEDS REVERSE You are cordially invited to inspect the DAVID . BROWN TRACTOR a . now on display 41, `rr �1. it i'l 'lel, .,,Ot. k:}•,',„ 4.1 ti