HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-03-27, Page 5ng� 'W v A 2 V �17 r MAE'S . .. .. . v DR I WT'�,X.`, iX W A, il WW at. whita 1 04 P4404 In. 01P l3putbi ound of... wpl"_ 0900'r Orindl ram )erry! mI I 01i the A 'S0,vq.T,4vqlA .1 Struggle!, W that, !IN e4u trAqQr4r J;vpqrt that, rch, is, S2 Fail tqqi�!@4p, W L 1110. Se _p "i R& Fail toqabud) ftlw rAgl W11 These are a! tralulu W*J�el Ok,',A — , 4,9 a 0411 �Q_WOW _'A ep,0007 ropqypq. 10h=4 _edAJ*L 11 A6L Aftk n9i spriip& W at Ins ppen, spe rs esgeo an wd pl t$aturday AftarnqoA 10: N1 kd our way throllgh those Inurb the cod, 0444tilloe, dlaUr W_he*' Mr. 404,,. Mrs. Howara Pulp ..so f,�r Pao pfr,'.. gbter 4t M ant Th", Fvw* Ittt)[6 wor as tAipt I) at t r.,'4na PLO Gary ri Ast WeeLt 7A10 L10m. INQ.W late s, J"k he pro� 6veg 4' HArOtil' Btratf%.d, for- ing, with Mr. 4nd Mrs. Wan. 'g, I q r -teas�erW went UP4er the head- grt�- that I -p! am At merly Drop in T-9-daytg See our W rIg Heassil, 'W -A*, unijeo , ig BOA on our do g of Easter Exams, 1953. orstep. If we U.Xp a marriage to James, William W14.4te, What a mass of work to have good look.. we find the pro.gra)p �o' iott'of Mr. and Mr&, Wide Assortment of Carl W. W111111, throwu at you in one week. If the bb "The R6,06 of the D4n0.h.0/':ThI8 $cIence Hill. t -mid -night, oil rau,out, it was only is the name of the o�40_tta,,ev Re zillUCHRE ND SPRINGS A MATTRESSES v. Karl J. Knauff officiate g to make room for the 'Lucky Old one is working so fiar'd at to'�nake Mrs. H. U was, the orgawt- L.O.L. Hall Sun., a success, By meg#s of dbutinual. AT g and accompanied the soloist, If you think this is stretchin practice for the next few 'weeks, W"01101m. I Yoifll be amazed at the value and e�OnOMY com- -the point, them just ask one of it Is hoped this, operetta *ill hiI;, MONDAY, MARCH,, 30 bination we have to offer in th SeasolfS Showing the studious group and they will an all-time high, for'Seaforth High - Given in marriageby 'her fattier, verify every, word of it. It was. a School.- The prodlueer, Stan Snoth., 'the bride wore a strapless gown Cards at 8;30 pm. A 00 n, have ' w -te satin, with a. trWe net _ ng a- )mechanical process of Tunning to along with Archie Dob96 6.95 R0, of S'pn* nd,Mattress sets. , I Of -hi school for two short hGurs, regurg- been doing their share of labor by skirt in ballerina length, fastiiq47 114UNCH, ADMISSION 4ft itating what you learned in the l4pt putting In the necessary touches of ad with d lace bodice With pi 3te(t % "There will be a Draw for SAW,, TO Come in early and. take advantage Inserts, and a . sweetheart neckline. WK N seven months, then racing -back correction for an enjoyablb'79how. a Q of a wider selection! home to twist your way thrbugh.an- Definitely everyone I&, anxious to. A satin Jacket with stand-up colb�r,, other pile of memory work. see what is I Ind those feather headdress slid net mitIti, xidden 4eh There Js the other picture. If scen:eg 'bf action. completed the ensemble. Her (bri- a Zo . . ��%. * f your grades were good enough and dal bouqiiet. was white roses. -37*J RoovivFmarnm1foorl'o. 4-96ni'a the'studies are, not neglected' In - Question. of the week: In the The maid of honor Miss Mar- Phnfn9l, fnr the ne*t, two months, your worries opening paragraph was mentioned gery Baumbach, wore U gow]l sinu- o are over. This applies. to a very the pupils, grievances. � How do lar to that of- the bride in blue FUNERAL SERVICE small - lot. Don't got discouraged, you think the teacher reading your §atin, trimmed- with small white Easter but keep plugging, some'ft Phone 43 Res. 595-W y you paper,. along with a few hundred flowers and rhinestonesi with, plain will realize it has Paid off. I Ike it, feels about thewho[�R busi- . net jacket. She carried, a bouquet 0 Portraits mesa? 'of Yellow, carnatfohe' and, roses. 1t Is a sure sign of Spring when, Miss Arlene Haneen, Bdist�r of the * Baby Pictures Ing the.­Iove�blr& go around holdi bride, was in a strapless blue hands, holdlimig on -for dear life, SPORT SHORTS taffetbL gown- with double net skirt 0 Enlargements while the birdq try to. r�un compe­ (By K. Larone) gad,taffeta jacket: -She wore blue Expositor Want Ads Bring Results Phone, 41 titio. with thehappy,whi I stler and, eather��& head&ss Monday at mitts, blue APPOINTMENT& — this kardener jeffs out to clean lip w the be t ind rried to Friday at,Nights Seaforth sport Tans.,aa a ca: a bouquet of yellow the winter mess. But, according to hockey game p,layed on SeafOrth, carnations " and) roses. Saturd�yi the military�miude&, when Serge- ice last Saturday �-Igbi�. it was a. ; David White, Oshawa, was ))est' ktnt ',Eager' gets out with his, cadet Picture of. Junior. 1137 playoffs at -k White and James Hey- FRANK PHILLIPS .,man. Jac troop,. the time% has come. That's their best. I ushered. right, gang, we're tit -for that year- Although the local team came'se Phone 229. 1y'. procedure of- learning -how to through with a 4-3 decision, � the The mothers, of the bri'dal. cou� p-Teqeived the gues Both Wore AT YOUR HOME OR MY ROME walk. Alt least that Is what will 9wme could' 44ve just av- -easily FARMERS to some In, the next cou- Tal -len In favotr'6f the invading Sar� navy dri 1'wAh white be taught STUDIO ple of weeks, those who are do. Ms. Sailom With tbJ&,g;Lme, the and navy accessories, and, wore red Look At These! termined they, have two left- feet. rubber of the best -of -five, -series, the. rose coreages. And all leading up to inspection. record crowd was not sure of the A. turkey dinner was served f<w To still 'ratei as the best, cadet� Bald�wln win until the'linal whis- members of the immediate, fa:milies corps in the province will mean tie blew. Up to Saturday's game and grandparents at Fuller's, Grove, Real Vaiues,in Used lots of hard 'work. Of coturse, any-, the series was at a 2-2 game d�ad6. Sebrin,9ville. A reception for, 75 Old Time body with S.D.H.s. spirit'will not lock. guests was held, at the home of the The reason for the all-important bride's pa:rents.., fifth game . being, played in Sea- Mr. and Mrs. Wliite left on a DANCE. forth was due to Seaforth's one- trip to Montreal. For travelling JOHNNIE ISISKA And 'TRACTORS. FIDELITY LODGE NO, 55, I.O.O.F. point edge over the Sailor�, in the the bride chose a coral dress with REGULAR MEETING semi-final, round-robin series. It WAS a blue topcoat and black patent HIS WESTERNAIRES 1 "D" CASE----:Complet6ly Overhauled and new, thip. "onepoint', which seemied to accessories. They'u ill *live at R -R' TUESDAY, MARCH 31 motor, with P.T.O. Guaranteed. MONDAY, MARCH 30 separate,the Junior Tars 'and the 1, Science Hill. 9:30 - 12:30 Baldwins throughout the whole The groom served for a year in Candidlat6si to receive Third De- schedule and in) playoff comp I 75c. 1 "L" CASE—. Completely overhauled . gree at Romeo Lodge No. 164, tion. at'- Korea. The bridle is a grand - Since Seuiorth hit their high d'a . ughter of Mrs, Violet Schwalm, I "VA" CASE—Completely overhauled,, with . Stratford; Degree to be conferred mark near the end,of the league Heusall. MELODY MILL by Germania Lodge No. 184, Water- schedule, they've proventhey are P.T.O. loo. just that "one poinV better' than Stratford' 1 "70" COCKSHUTT Regular Meeting, April 1 the rest. Opemted by Lucky Lott Now the locals enter- keener 'Too Late To Classify 1 "60" COCKS-HUTT—RoNVerop VICTOR LEE "Noble Grand competition. The?re matched with $. 1 H, McLDOD Recording the Waterloo Sis4ins in 'the OHA FOR, SALE —' DEXRBORN DOUBLE Thi6 Sat. Night Modern Dancing -1 "VAC" (1951) CASR--DAmonstrator See. Junior 113' quarter -finals. How at disc: for ForA traetcL -Can be seen Glen Williams orchestra, 9-12 §ea- W. G. Sjmxnons, Egmondville. G. T. forth will inatcli up, is mot known FLFWITT.. Phone 614 r 11, Clinton. -until tollight (Thursday), when 4446xl they come up against Waterloo Used Machinery here. What haa. been. echoed up this way from the Kitchener area -Section'C-ase Spring Tooth Harrows is that the, Siskins are big boys I Set 4 DANCE who know what they're doing. But as. fast as the Butch' I 2-8ection Cockshutt Spring Tooth Harrows whether they are I CARDNO'S- HALL Seaforth clan, 'our. information er .1 Case Tractor Spreader, on rubber pocket could not reveal. One, thing ff Seaforth Whyte S. sh is apparent: *the best -of -seven ser- op I Wagon on Steel 1, 111 be a tuseae. all the way. Get out tber-v and- fight, fellows" 1 Grain Prill w*ith fertilizer attachment, Easter Mo�day 'You can do It!' MJiIX"STREET I 13 -Tooth Cultivator APRIL 6th Hats, off to he Seaforth -Nle,rch- ants for coming up with their see- ondi straight Industrial Hockey Night Hawks League championship. A word of Couples and Extra Ladies Only praise goes to fellows on 9.11 r6ams Is —0 ClarencePetrie and his -,We k En Specia. who tried their beft to'make this arents e �Row, diffe. Motor S, Specially invited yqar's league one -of the best. To k I f110 Egmondville Terrors: you put CON and DOZEN EGGS Phone 267 Seaforth 'Sponsored by a dose playoff -round. Better, luck (1). �lb. OF, BA aforth Junior Farmers next season! (2) SMOKED PICNIC'S - - - 43C lb. EGMONDVILLE (3). BOLOGNA'- 21JC lb. SLICED - 31C lb. Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Clark, High- 4) Fresh Cut -Up CHICKEN and Eviscerated gate, visited recently with the lat- ter's parents, Mr, and ..rs. J, S. Broilerg and Fowl available Thursday, Fri - Watson. Mr. and. -Mrs. Paul Jahn, Flint, day and Saturday of Each Week Mich., spent the weekendi with W. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson. 'Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wylie, Mar- Iette, Mich,, visited over the week. 4-nd'-with Mrs. David Stephenson,, WHYTE'S BUTCHER SHOP also with,Mr. and, Mrs. David Jahn - son and Ralph Stephenson, Sea- Phone 96 WE DELIVER Every Day PECIALS forth. Mr. 4ndxew Houston, accompan- ied by his daughter, (ls�kbel) Mrs. Lionel Roy, left last week for her "'Advertisers Like To' Be Told! Many of our advertisers write to tell us how pleased they are wfien custoiA'ers say,- "I came in because I saw yo�r A& ­in The Huron Expositor." In this way ' they have definite proof that their Expositor S r adverti ing'brings them good will and profitable business, and that, therefore, the'ir money.has been well invested. home at Gle , utwortb, Sask. Me. At 11aldw"in Harc ware Houston Intends to spend, a few weeks there and, with other friends in the West. Donyt Miss This $pedlal Bargepin HERE"S WHAT YOU GET! YOURMERCURY LINCOLN - METEOR DEALER Satin 0. 1 Quart Spred �2.20 HENSALL, ONTARIO 0 11/4 Pint Ripolin or Japalac .55 e 1 4 -inch Nylon Brush ..... 3.50- 1W OFFERS THE FOLLOWING A Total Value of ......... $6.25 LY dot d (ars and Trucks I AL . L THREEFOR ON Recon i ione '600 miles '50 STUDEBAKER COACH—Extras 152 CHEV. SEDAN -13, 189 CHRYSLER SEDAN—Exceptionally good $3,89' 159 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '49 M-EPCVRY SEDAN 139 FOR6 TUOQR—Inrn.c,uI.te oon�litlon DELUXE ALL -METAL 151 H0DSON -SEDA'N—Loaded with Extras 1149 FORD SEDAN '38 DODGE SEDAN t irlume 51 DOME SPECIAL DE LUXE SEPAN— (2) 148DODGE COACH and SEDAN '138 FORD COAC-H-:-Exceptional shape VENETiAii N' BLINDS. Extras '48 PONTIAC BIG 161 COACH (2) 136 DODGE POU,MDOORS 151 fHEV. DE LUXE COACH 147 PONTIAC COACH 18, Famous'GLIDDEN ROCKSPAR VARNfSH Size's I&K 64 - 3.98 151 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN­Ove,drive 147 DODGE COACH TRUCKS Two Cans (sarae size) of, Touglx, Durabl� BE- LUX.E_4.D6OR-SSDAU_ .146. PONTIAC W_-96 '51 MERCURY Y2_TON CEN - ----- . ..... r X "$7 H.U.I)SON wo ...... 198 '40 STUDEBAKER 66AC14 'so FORD TUD" Furniture�,,Etc- Lengths, of 72 Itches are available, 150 MONARCH StDAN--Overdrive 140 HUDSON COAC44 147.DO.DGE 1 -TON SALE'FOR THE PRICE OF ONE, PLUS I CENT COLORS—Ivo White u ry 'BOX BOB "(OOK -,MOTOR, SA� I& FU_104TURP, STORE .S. �9&w TriansportationCan P"bNEAS lip 1.78o HENSALU ONT. 11 7 77. 77 �t­ V, W ...... .... !'25�" �i .1 W� "ILo �a V, �111111i' L N dee our smart new rAn9a,._of Coath, �for Easter, and Oick up yours atjtli,"L very 16-W prices. 'checks They're featured in cliaw and plain'shades in� z� wide choice of, Spri r ng "Sir colors detailed With big pock�ts and stylish wide cuffs. A FEA.TU:RE AT STEWARTS for 1 6995 johr High4r; Skled Ea.s. e r �s suits. Choose from' these smart new "UnisW materials that are spot proof, water repellant and crease resistant. New novel- weaves Ai, and patterns In a wride choice of new Spring shades. Highly styled for you at 29 TO 35-00'. Stewart Bros# "'Advertisers Like To' Be Told! Many of our advertisers write to tell us how pleased they are wfien custoiA'ers say,- "I came in because I saw yo�r A& ­in The Huron Expositor." In this way ' they have definite proof that their Expositor S r adverti ing'brings them good will and profitable business, and that, therefore, the'ir money.has been well invested. home at Gle , utwortb, Sask. Me. At 11aldw"in Harc ware Houston Intends to spend, a few weeks there and, with other friends in the West. Donyt Miss This $pedlal Bargepin HERE"S WHAT YOU GET! YOURMERCURY LINCOLN - METEOR DEALER Satin 0. 1 Quart Spred �2.20 HENSALL, ONTARIO 0 11/4 Pint Ripolin or Japalac .55 e 1 4 -inch Nylon Brush ..... 3.50- 1W OFFERS THE FOLLOWING A Total Value of ......... $6.25 LY dot d (ars and Trucks I AL . L THREEFOR ON Recon i ione '600 miles '50 STUDEBAKER COACH—Extras 152 CHEV. SEDAN -13, 189 CHRYSLER SEDAN—Exceptionally good $3,89' 159 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '49 M-EPCVRY SEDAN 139 FOR6 TUOQR—Inrn.c,uI.te oon�litlon DELUXE ALL -METAL 151 H0DSON -SEDA'N—Loaded with Extras 1149 FORD SEDAN '38 DODGE SEDAN t irlume 51 DOME SPECIAL DE LUXE SEPAN— (2) 148DODGE COACH and SEDAN '138 FORD COAC-H-:-Exceptional shape VENETiAii N' BLINDS. Extras '48 PONTIAC BIG 161 COACH (2) 136 DODGE POU,MDOORS 151 fHEV. DE LUXE COACH 147 PONTIAC COACH 18, Famous'GLIDDEN ROCKSPAR VARNfSH Size's I&K 64 - 3.98 151 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN­Ove,drive 147 DODGE COACH TRUCKS Two Cans (sarae size) of, Touglx, Durabl� BE- LUX.E_4.D6OR-SSDAU_ .146. PONTIAC W_-96 '51 MERCURY Y2_TON CEN - ----- . ..... r X "$7 H.U.I)SON wo ...... 198 '40 STUDEBAKER 66AC14 'so FORD TUD" Furniture�,,Etc- Lengths, of 72 Itches are available, 150 MONARCH StDAN--Overdrive 140 HUDSON COAC44 147.DO.DGE 1 -TON SALE'FOR THE PRICE OF ONE, PLUS I CENT COLORS—Ivo White u ry 'BOX BOB "(OOK -,MOTOR, SA� I& FU_104TURP, STORE .S. �9&w TriansportationCan P"bNEAS lip 1.78o HENSALU ONT. 11 7 77. 77 �t­ V, W ...... .... !'25�" �i .1 W� "ILo �a V, �111111i' L