HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-03-27, Page 4lxfec'` Ads Inserted„sA.t New Low.: Cash Rates FON'01,LE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: lot Week °'1 Cent 2nd Week . Si Cent 8rd Week 3,6 Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Garda of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expoaitor, for 10 cents extra. Zan centsadditional fnal itiliwili be charged if ada in above class are not paid within 10 days of Births, Marriages and Deaths inaerted free of charge. ,Auction Sales. Notices to Gredltora. Eta -Rates on application. • 1j OR8410Er•'-SOY'$ BLUEU GA»ARDE a forth , atm is, PHONE 1334, Sea, eil, Coming Events rteBE L.O.B.A. WILL HOLD A EUCHRE 1 Party in the Lodge Rooms, Seaforth, on Monday, March 30. gTAINER'S, "CRUCIFIXION" BY CHOIR • of First Presbyterian Church, sea - aorta, Easter Sunday. April 5. 7 p.m. 4446-1 WITH SPRING IN THE AIR AND RO- . mance in your heart. join the crowds at the Crystal Palace. Ballroom. Mitchell, every Friday night, and dance to the tune- ful melodies of Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks .(No dance God 44da April 8rd). For Wilt -O . 'RENT --THREE-ROOM APART- ' ment on one floor, Private bath and shower. Phone 112, Seaforth. H. Mea ILWAIN. 4946x1 FOR RENT -.GARAGE, PORTION ' OF Winthrop Hall: gas Pump at present Applicants is installed- PD must have elee- tric h tris •welder •and machine shop equipment: Immediate possession. Apply to ALLAN CA:MPBEI.T. Phone 837 r 11, Seafarth. 44464 Help Wanted £i1lSL ETTsR - PREFERABLY UN - der 40, to take full charge. Live in or ;out- Apply BOX 335, Seaforth. 44461 HELP WANTED GIRLS AND MEN Seaforth Shoes Ltd. FOR sAVE -Y-HARMS 17. 8pr3R9l+otRoth cgltivator; cheap. R. K. MoFARLANR Winthrop. 4446x1 FOR SALE -•-RES] CLOVER AND T1 - othy seed. APPLY STANLEY m LEN. Phone 848 r 2, Seaforth, 4446.8 Livestock Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21. or Seaforth 655 r 2. Agents Wanted • Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -.19.40 FORD COACH. GOOD condition. Owner gone to city. Ap- ply LEWIS KENNEDY, R.R. 4, Seaforth. 1951 CHEVROLET - BLACK: •17,000 miles; whitewall tires, radio, air condition heater: many other extras. Ap- ply GORDON HILDEBRAND, Seaforth. 4446-2 APERMANENT BUSINESS. PART time or full, to limited number of farm men_ No investment. Take orders for America's largest nationally sold LIQUID ,FERTILIZER_ • Steady 350 and up weekly income. Write "NA-CHURS" PLANT FOOD, Box 84, London. Canada. Wanted WANTED - HOUSE OR SELF -CON- " tained apartment, by young couple with small child. PHONE 249-W, Sea - forth. 4446x2 Tenders Wanted FOR O Rf AR.4 A17D. AR 4W5 Phone 851 s it Bt bk FOR AIUTED. ROOPYERS pullets, any " HIM sQN, Phone sus -S, Sei►tmr!:L:, 4446x4 Personals: R 'SALE -2 EZREF'ORD CALVES. Hpaoto D81 WIVES wANir PEP? FRANK REYNOLDS. R.R. 2. Sew Thousands of couples weak, wore -out forth. Phone 669 r 33. 4446x1 because body lacks iron gat vim, vitality taking Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory size ONLY 60a At all druggists.. Township of McKillop TENDERS FOR WEED SPRAYING FOR SALE -QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY seed, Apply to LOUIS HOLTON. Phone 840 r 22. Seaforth. 44454 FOR SALE -THREE CALVES. PART Hereford. Apply W. )3. WILSON. Phone 658 r 33, Seaforth, 4446x1 DAVE YOU SEEN THE NOVELTY Cottons at TUDOR'S in Hensall? Ideal for summer skirts and dresses. The new graduated tones are lovely. FOR SALE -QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY seed. JAMES 0. FLYNN, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone 841 r 16, Seaforth. 4446-1 FOR, SALE -QUANTITY OF CHOICE souare baled hay. Apply to JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, RR. 3, Seaforth. Phone 666 r 16, Seaforth. 4446-3 FCR_ SALE -QUANTITY OF MONT- cahn seed barley. PEARSON CHAR- TERS, R.R. 3. Seaforth. Phone 647 r 4. 44464 FOR SALE -TIMOTHY AND CLOVER seed. Apply to KEN BEATTIE,,, RJt. 4, Walton. Phone 834 r 6, Seaforth. 4446x1 PLAINLY MARKED WILL BE RECEIV- ed by the undersigned until Fridae, April 3, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the sup- plying , of machine to spray one hundred miles of roads in the Township. Town- ship to supply chemical All work under supervision of Road Superintendent - Work to commence June 4, 1953. Spray- ing machine must have modern equip- ment. Marked cheque . of one hundred dollars must accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WM. J. MAFILE'Y, Walton, R.R. •2., Road Superintendent. WANTED TO RENT --6' TO 8 -ROOM house. Will pay up to 366.00 a month. Apply to Box 184, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4439-tf FOR SALE - RED CLOVER SEED. about eight bushels_ Apply HAROLD PRYCE, phone 840 r 2, Seaferth. 4446x1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods). mailed postpaid in Dlain. sealed "envelope with price list.. 6 samples 25c; 'i samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. QPRING CLEANING TIME MEANS new curtains. See the display of Plastic 'Drapes at TUDOR'S in Hensel]. Extra wide, too. Beautiful patterns. 4445-2 SALE OF LAND BY. TENDER FOR SALE -A QUANTITY clover geed. Apply to JACKSON. R.R. 4. Seaforth. ✓ 14. Cards Of Thanks MRS. CHARLES REEVES WISHES TO drank her friends and neighbors far their kind expressions of sympathy ex- tended to her in the loss of her mother_ 4446x1 SINCERE THANKS TO. FRIENDS AND neiehbors who aenl,, cards and treats. called or helped in any way, during my illness. Special thanks to or. Goddard and Rev. W..J_ Maines. W. H. 'pALRYM,PLE, 44461 Brucefield. Auction Sales nl, ly- 'o • H s41di, :. wader epe?attaf, tel, .Windsor, Mid wdll,> main there for a men �Qp ;1por Iltlr., Sinciair's many trie1lde. Wi ' him 'a 'speedy reeeverY. Mr. W. R. Dong(!1l underwent major operation hi Victoria Hosp'I-. tal, London, last Saturday. The malty friends of Mr. Dougall trust that he will soon ,be restored to health. Rev. R. A. Brook, Bluevale, will broadcast over OKNX Tuesday, March 31, and on June 6. Mr. Vernon Spray, Edmonton, Alta., visited recently with Mr. and• Mrs. E. Geiger. Preparatory services will be held Friday, March 27, at 7:15 p.m., ig Carmel Presbyterian Church.. Com- munion will be observed both morning and evening on Sylnday, March 29, Carol Brown, 8, daughter of Mr. ascii Mrs. William Brown, passed her Grade V piano examination. at the Royal Conservatory of •Musie, Toronto, with honors. Kathy McOloy, Toronto, is visit- ing isiting her grandparents, Mr, and 'Mrs. George Hess. ' AUCTION SALE OF HEREFORD AND Holstein Cattle et Lot 18, Concession 8, Stanley Township, 11/4 west and ,}/ mile north of Brucefield, on Wednesday, April 1st, at 1 p.m: 10 Holstein tows, fresh and recently fresh; 2 Holstein cows due to freshen in June: Holstein heifer due in June; 2 Hereford cows, fresh: 14 Hereford young calves; 5 Hereford steers 1 year old; 8 Hereford heifers 1 year old, vac- cinated: 8 Hereford steers rising 2 years old; 7 Hereford heifers 2 years old, • heed and vaccinated. Terms --Cash. -WILLIAM OF RED CALDWELL, Proprietor; Harold Jackson; HAROLD Auctioneer. Phone 661 4446-1 TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR Tlit. sale of the undermentioned marcels of land belonging to the late Thomas Welsh, of Hensall, Ontario. Sealed tenders ac- companied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent of the tender will be received by the firm of Bell & Laughton, Exeter..ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix, up • to and including the 10th day of April, 1953. The lowest or any bid not necessarily ac cepted. Immediate possession to be given on the .closing of the purchase of the said lands. WANTED UNFURNISHED APART -1 went or home in Goderich. Seafortb, Clinton. Bayfield area; stove and refrigera- tor preferred. Steady income. Geed re- ferences. Call CLINTON 383; LOCAL 252. 4445x3 FOR SALE 8ROOM FRAME HOUSE, complete with basement on double lot; garage. Well situated o necessary toclose up estate. HuronSale Apply A. MUIR. Phone 69-3, or B. !MIR, Phone 155-W. 4446x2 Farms For Sale -won SALE -100 -ACRE FARM IN TUCK- iersmith: bank barn , frame house,hy- dro: b - dro: clay loam. Apply to Box 221, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR.. 4446x2 PROPERTY FOR SALE --POULTRY farm, Lot 3. Concession 3, Township of ,Hullett. Reply to VETERANS' LAND ACT, Guelph. 4446x2 'WARM FOR SALE; -50 ACRES. WEST half Lot '8. Concession 11, McKillop; 26 acres plowed. , remainder in grass: spring well; well drained and fenced. Close to school. For further particulars apply to JOHN A. ECKERT, R.R. I, Dub- lin. Phone 87 r 19, Dublin. 4446x2 Property For Sale FOR SALE -CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, 'bgood water supply and drainage. FRANK REYNOLDS, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 669 r 33. 4446x1 'WM SALE., --8-1t0031 FRAME HOUSE, Min:dated. stoker heated, modern bath- room and kitchen. new garage. Lilts of room for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS_ Phone 355-W, Seaforth. 4439-tt BARN FOR SALE -36/ x 56/, 5I ed in Grey Township, Lot 8, Mon 18. Can be moved. Fpr fur ticulars Moldy to GEORGE BLAI'S eels. Phone 42 r 19, Brnssels. AT- ees- par- , Bras - 4446x3 Notices FOR SALE -10 SMALL OHUNKS PIGS; bred and open sows. and some young hogs: W. C. MONTGOMERY, Phone 834 ✓ 4. Seaforth. 4446x1 QEW AND SAVE! . BUY YOUR YARD g6ods at TUDOR'S in Hensall. They have a big assortment of Summer mater- ials. See them before you buy. PARCEL NO. 1: The north half of Lot No. 19, in the 4th Concession north of the Egremont Road. in the Township of Warwick, Coun- ty of Lambton. PARCEL' NO. 2: The east half of Lot 26, and the west hail of Lot 21, Concession 4- Township of Stanley, County of Huron. PARCEL NO. 3: The west half of Lot 35, Concession 3, Township of Usborne, County of Huron. PARCEL NO. 4: Lands in the Village of Hensall south of the Mill property, being comprised of five acres of land more or less. Bell & Laughton EXETER, ONTARIO Solicitors for the' Executrix. 4446-2 • Notices To Creditors Notice to Creditors FOR SALE -FEED TURNIPS, 38 PER ton ; also 400 round bales of second - cut alfalfa 60 cents per bale. WILLIAM COLEMAN, Kippen. 4446-1 'port SALE -1,000 BUSHELS NO. 1 .F, feed turnips at 20 cents a bushel. ROSS DICK. RS: 3, Hensel!. Phone 88 r 2, Zurich. ' 4446-1 FOR SALE -QUANTITY OF SECOND - hand lumber, tongue and grooved; sheathine ; 2x6's and 2x4's. KEITH HIUSSER. Phone 668 r 3, Seeforth., 4448`x2 In the estate of THOMAS SCOTT WELSH, late of Hensall, Ontario, Sawmill Operator. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the 'undersigned Administrator on or before the 30th day of April, A.D. 1953, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received_ THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, London. Ontario, Administrator. by MUR- PHY & DURBIN, Solicitors, 267 Dundee Street, London, Ontario. 4445-2 NOTICE --WILL' CARE FOR CHIL- dren while mother works. Apply to Boit 219, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4446-1 RADIO 'REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R 48684f LAWN MOWER, SERVICE -FOR BEAU- tiful lawns with less work, have your lawn mower sharpened at CROWN HARDWARE. Phone 797, Seaforth. 4446-3 PAINTING - SPRAY OR BRUSH ; � Papering. Sanworthy wallpapers Sign patinting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE. Hensall. Phone 196;.8, Henrail. • 4425-tf R SALE -SMALL QUANTI A UCTION SALE OF HOUSE FURNISH; �'+• ings,. on Main St., Hensall, Saturday. March 28. at '1:30 •p_m_: Walnut bed- room suite, complete, bed, chest drawers, vanity and bench, box springs and mat- tress; birch bedroom suite, 'bed, vanity, bench. springs and spring mattress: oak bedroom suite. complete with box springs and mattress: (all above bedroom furni- ture practically like • new) : Electro Luxe cleaner with an attachments : linen cup- board: clothes hamper; number rockers: walnut occasional chairs: number of small tables: beddings; scatter mats; table lamps and dresser lamps; hall seat and mirror; oakdining room suite, table, buffet and 6 chairs; Acme heavy duty elec- tric stove (like new); white enamel Wingham Classic cook stove (like new) : Sparton 6 -ft. frigidaire; chrome kitchen ;set, table and 4 chairs; number.rveranda chairs and lawn chairs; garden wheel- barrow; heel- barrow; fruit jars: quantity of dishes; kitchen utensils ; lawn mower c garden tools. Terms -Cash. MRS. EMMA J. ISHEPARD,. Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer_ TY OF! • •L' good quality timothy° seed, power cleaned : reasonably •priced. Apply BOB ARCHIBALD. Phone 655 r 16, Seaforth. 4445-3 NEW CURTAIN MA1.-RIALS AT TUDOR'S in Hensall. Rayon Mar- quisette, arquisette, Hemmed Celanese, Orlon, Plas- tics, Cotton Marquisettes. See these at TUDOR'S in Hensall. ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. 'Ig you have ehouse, apartment, furnished or pnfnrniabed, to rent, please eel! S'T'ATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton. 882; local 252. 4486-f1 NOTICE to CREDITORS SEED FOR SALE -, QUANTITY OF alfalfa and red clover seed, • both graded No. 1 send, .t. ARNOLD JAMIE - SON. Phone 616 r 33, Clinton. 4446x1 In the Estate of JOHN LAIDLAW A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John Laidlaw, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 4th day of Febru- ary, 1953. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 11th day of April. 1953, after which date the assets A'ITEN' ION. FARMERS 1 - PROMPT, coptkeaue collection :of all dead and disabled farm animals Call collect, ED. AWOL EWS, 851 r 11. Seaforth. er 285, • ?'Stem', Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. • 4399-tf NOTICE TO FARMERS STJRPLUS' Burrill MILK 'FOR -SALE 20 cents per 100 pounds. Makes es'eeilerttr' feed for hogs and will be 'distributed. having -regard only to claims then received. DAtd:i) at Seafoith this 10th March, 1953. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. Seaforth.. Creamery move 8o - MANAMA 4445t2 day of 4445-3 FOR SALE -LIBRARY TABLE,. QUAR- ter-cut oak, like new: boy's suit, size 10 years, in good copdition_ Apply Box 220. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4446x1 NOTICE to CREDITORS HAVING SLOW MILKING TROUBLES? Call LOVELL McGUIRE, your Surge Dealer, Phone 593-W, Wingham. We ape - The Surgemilks spe- cialize in milking Baal g cows. faster. FOR SALE -7 -FOOT FROST & WOOD stiff -tooth cultivator; 100 -bushel grain box and rubber tired wagon. Apply to R D. ELGIE, R.R. 3, Kippen. Phone 679 r 1• 8 4446 Hensall. x FOR SALE -LARGE COLEMAN OIL heater, used only few months. ae eel - lent condition. Reasonably priced. AYdFl3y JOHN MCNAB, Eg,mondville, behind E¢- mondville United Church. 4446x1 Gr LADIGLA BULBS FOR S ALE - Orange •LE - Orange With red throat brooms: Large 51,00 a 100; Medium, 60c a 100: Small, 35c a •100, B. PURCELL, ?market St., Seaforth.' 4446x1 In the Estate of MINNIE W. GORDON A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Minnie W. Gor- don, late of the Town of Seaferth, in the County of Huron, deceased.. who died or' the 21st day of Jantmry, 1953. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their clairns to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of April, /1958. after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then received_ "Slum 1a't t1ig ccieSipeat of all the - T11t incl inahy flan$ iri�rb' t trite tier , tedat tiq lIe ' i~et 100 pottl ds, than DATED at Seaforth this 18th day of March, 1958. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Barrister &,c.. Seafortb, Ontario.. Solicitor for the Estate. 4446-33 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE, CON- sisting of Choice Durham Cattle. Horses. Poultry, Tractors, High Class Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain and Miscel- laneous Items, on the premises, Lot 22. Concession 3, Hay Township 1 mile west of Hensel] and 1 mile north. -The under- signed Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on Thursday, April 2, 1953, comrenGing at 12;30 p.m. sharp: LIVESTOCK: Horses --Matched team of bay mares, guaranteed true and reliable in every way, CATTLE -2 Red Durham cows, with calf at foot; part Durham and Hereford cow with calf at foot; part. Dur- ham and Ayrshire cow, with calf at foot: red Durham ,heifer, registered, with calf at foot; roan Durham cow, registered, with calf at foot; roan Durham cow, with calf at foot: red Durham heifer, register- ed. with calf at foot; black .dairy cqw due May 3; roan Durham heifer, registered. with calf at foot: roan .heifer with calf at foot; 2 open red Durhaar heifers, vac- cinated : 3 Durham grass Ateers, averaging 850 lbs. each: Durham market . steer, weight 1,250 lbs.; 2 white Durham reg- istered open heifers; •black dairy heifer; registered Shorthorn bull. dark , red in color, "Ranch Acres Monarch," 3 years old. If looking for a real herd sire, see this bull. This is an extra good herd of cattle. POULTRY -70 New Hampshire - Sussex yearling ;hens. TRACTORS--Allis- ui Chalmers :B" 'Tractor,; eU Pped with starter. lights and hydraulic lift and two - row scuffier, used one season t this tractor will be sold under new tractor guaran- tee: Case Standard "S" Tractor, equip- ped with new tires, starter and lights, all in, A-1 condition. FARM IMPLEMENTS - International 3 -furrow tractor plow; sp Fer- guson tractor ' reader never been -used: Innternational Model "R" green crop drop - head hey loader.bought last fall; Inter- national side delivery rake: Fleury -Bissell 30 -plate tractor disc; John Deere 8 -foot stiff tooth cultivator on rubber, new; 11 - hoe disc fertilizer drill; rubber tire wag- on : 16 -foot flat bay rack ; Massey -Harris,, binder, 7 -ft. cut, like new: McCormick - Deering mower, 5 -ft. cut: M. -H. bean scuffier and puller; 3 -drum steel roller; set of sleighs with platform: 2 -wheel trail- er -with stock rack : 2 No. 21 walking Plows : ditching 'plow ; 2 seta 3 -section diamond harrows; 5 -section evener; 2,000 lb, beam scales; 3 grain dividing .cloth'. 1540; 2 pairs horse blankets, new; 2 sets double .harness ; 6 horse collars; coact harness; De Laval electrie cream separa- tor; 24 cotton bags: 75 jute sacks; 2 bay fork ropes :. 2 sets sling ropes : 2 bay forks, cars: new extension ladder; fan- ning mill and bagger'. attachment; bag truck; 30 -ft. single ladder; quantity of lumber and planks; wheelbarrow' 6 oak barrels: 2 sugar kettles: root Aper ; 3 ,}:,.gallon barrels; 3 l0 -gallon cans. spring release, drawbar evener: pig crate; 6 log- ging chains: new electric fencer; jog- ging cart; carpenter tools; single scof- fier ; 2 crosscut saws ; 36 -foot belt; 85 - foot galvanized rain,.. ,.pipe; grindstone horse-drawn out -throw disc ; logging boat 12 steel poets; quantity snow fence;'grav- el box : 3 tarpaulins ; ditching scrapper 12 chicken shelters i shovels, forks, and many articles too numerope ttoq mention HAY and GRAIN -500 bushels••Beaver seed oats; 12 bushels Robust seed beans; 80 tons loose mixed hay, best of quality. This is en extra large sale. Everything in fire class condition. Sale will start sharp on time. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms -Cash. ' SID MCARTHUR. Proprie tor: Leonard Erb and P. L, McNaughton Clerks; Alvin Walper and Ed. Corbett Auctioneers_ 4446 - FOR SALE -RUBBER TIRED WAGON, 6.00x16 tires : 3 -furrow McCormick - Deering plow; Minneapolis -Moline Model "U" tractor, ,3 years old. CHARLES HUTCHINS, Phone 910 r 5, Clinton. 4446x1 are 'opend3ng a few 'e F iti; their aunt and uncle!, lir, pd Mrs. Ehler. Gaekstetter. 'near r Mr and Mlsi, Alvin McBride, Mr: and $rd _. Harold Jones and Mr. and 'Mrs Alex M'cBeath attended the, silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Love, Exeter, at Monetta Menarde Saturday. Mra. Tomlinson, Hensall, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bin: mersom Kyle. Marcia and Cheryl Little, Hen- sall, visited a few days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Long. Iter. ' MAIM BA Regular, Holy Week Services in Cannel And Hensall Churches The 'Carmel Y.P. Society met Monday night in the Sunday vice- le with the P schoolrooms si- dent,'Miss Edith Love, in the chair. Bob Baynham was in charge of the worship service.. Another chapter of the study book was presented. Preparatory service will be held this Friday, March 27, at 7:15 p.m. Communion; will be observed next Sunday, March 29, at both morning and evening services. Arrangements have been made for special services during Holy Week. as follows: Wednesday night, in St. Paul's •Anglican Church, speaker, Rev. C. Langford; Thursday night in Hensall United Church. speaker. Rev. T. J. Pitt, Varna;" Friday night, in Carmel Church, speaker. Rev. W. T. Ful- ton, Brussels. The services \will commence at • 7:30. The public is cordially invited to each ofd these • services. •' Carmel Sunday Services, March 29 -Morning topic,' "Christ or Barabbas?"; solo, "Softly and Tenderly," Miss Alma Bell; eve- ning topic, "The Offence of the Cross." FOR SALE QUANTITY OF MONT- calm' seed barley. Grade No. 1; Me- Cormiok-Deering fertilizer 13 -run diac drill: I H.P. electric motor, like new. ELGIN NOTT, RR 4, Clinton. Phone 847 r 5, Seaforth. • 4446x1 FOR SerJ.E-LARAIN OATS, GRADE No. 1: Clinton Oats. Grade No. 1: also a small lot of Montcahe Barley, Grade No. 1. Apply to WILBUR E. KEYES. Seaforth. Phone 656 r 11. 4446x1 FOR SALE --1946 JOHN DEERE "B" Tractor, on good rubber; M. -H, 11 -run grain fertilizer drill with grans seed at- tachment: both in good condition. ERVIN SILLERY, Brucefield. Phone 623 4446x1r . Clinton.. FOR SATE -,BALED HAY, EXCELLENT quality. mostly timothy. One ,cork mare. aged. but serviceable and reliable. Five steel stalls and stanchions. Louden make. complete. PAUL DOIG. Seaforth. Phone 662 r 3• 4446x1 FOR SALE -ONE CENT. EACH. COUN- ter check books with the late owner's name and address printed on quan- tity. Make good acrateh pads; also man's sturdy bicycle. ART FORSTER, Dublin. NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEXANDER BROAD - FOOT A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS agarf fat-the..Fatate. of _Alexander.. Bread,_ foot, lite of the Township of Tuckersmitb, County 'of. Heron, deceased, who died on the lac day of March, 1958, are hereby notified to send in fun ,particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of April, 1953, after which date the assets will be distributed, ,bdaing, 56- gerd only toamine then eecefved. DATED tit Beafosib deem i'3tli day of Mare$, 1958. ALV Seefo*tb,• OnWS), Solicitor felt: the Meta 4 CROMARTY Mrs. Charles Quehl and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Steckley, - Ge.dshill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Howe. Mrs• Ramsey and family Visited in Georgetown with Mr. and Wire. Bob Footet and Alex Ramsey. Mrs. McIntosh, who has (been visiting in. Acton, returned home with the Ramseya,. Mr. James Hoggarth is under the doctor's care. • Miss Alice Howe has returned to school after having a severe at- tack ttack of flu. Jack 'Robertson and Mrs. Rob- ertson visited with Mrs. Margaret Chittick, St. Marys. (Miss Marguerite Duncanson and Jack Morrison, Toronto, visited with Bev. and Mrs. R. Duncanson. visit- ed, London, Gordon. Houghton, ed, with Mrs. Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Soredahl and Connie visited with Neil Lamont, London. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,Caddick and Sharon Grace and Mrs. George Scott, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Miss Olive Speare, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. E. MacDonald, at Wingham. The Sunday School officials and the Young People's Society have purchased a film projector and screen. Mrs. Grace Scott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Donny Scott. KI'PPEN Mr. and Mrs. William. Bell left last week by plane from Malton Airport for a vacation in Florida. Wedding bells will soolv'be ring- ing in the Kippen district. Mr. Rochus Felber has 'purchas- ed the farm owned by Henry Stasik. He 'takes •possession May 1. , Sympathy is extended to ' the widow and family of the Iate Chas. Switzer, after their recent bereave- ment. Henry Stasik' has purchased' Sid 1dcArthur's farm, a mile and a quarter west of Hensall. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel • Cudmore included: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cudmore and family. Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, London; on Monday, Mrs. Cud- more's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and ,Mrs.'W. H. Styles, Brus- sels. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle spent Sunday with rela- tives at Clifford. Mrs, Dickert re- mained ,for a few days. Dr. James Jarrott, New York, re- turned home' Sunday after visiting his mother. Mrs. -Catherine Jar- rott. Mr. and .Mrs. Reid Torrance, of Porter's Hill, visited. Friday with the latter's father. Mr. Henry Ivi- son, and Miss Jean Ivison. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whiteman, Toronto, enroute to Inverhuron, are spending a few days with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Mabel , White- man.. Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elston, Dowson included: •Mr. Fred Potter and daughter, Mrs. Holland, Clinton: Mr. Clarence Pot- ter, Bayfield, and' Mr. John Potter, Holmesville. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hender- son visited friends in London Sun - • FOR SALE 1-1951 PONTIAC COACH 1-1951 DODGE—Four-Door; Radio 1-1951' PLYMOUTH—Four-Door 1-1950 CHEV. SEDAN—Radio 1-1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN and Radio 1-1949 DODG Fotir=Do 1-1946 CHEV.--Four-Door Rowclifte Motors Phone 267 • Seaforth Win First Prize Mr. Howard Wright and son won first prize' for 10 bushels of barley• (Montcalm) at the Mitchell Seed *Fair the past week. This grain was cleaned and prepared by. the Cromarty miller. The work was done by Arnold Storey. Much credit is given to' Arnold) by Ms. Wright., . STANLEY. Mr, and Mrs. John A. Armstrong who spent the winter months at Wales Late,, Florida, returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon 'Saunders and family, Royal Oak, Mich.: vis - itedwith Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Clinchey.over the weekend. Huron County -Health Unit IMMUNIZATION . • CLINIC - Let HURON FARM FEEDS LTCL EG]VIONDVILLE (1) CLEAN YOUR SEED NOW! We will pickup, clean and deliver it back to you promptly, Phone 664 r 33 for Appointment. (2) MARKET YOUR EGGS and POULTRY. We have an excellent market outlet. Take' advantage of it; it will pay you dividends to -day! Phone 664 r 33. (3 GRIND and MIX YOUR GRAINS WITH PURINA PREMIXES. Phone 664 r 33. (4) EXPLAIN TO YOT.l' HOW PURINA'S COM- PLETE OMPLETE LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FEEDS CAN MAKE MORE MONEY FOR YOU FASTER! PHONE :664 r 33 - SEAFORTH The second in a series of pre- school Immunization Clinics ' for Seaforth and district will be held in the basement of the Library Tuesday; Seaforth. on Building. y4 March 31, from 3:00 -4:00 p.m. Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive initial immuniza- tion or reinforcing inoculations for Diphtheria. Whooping Cough, Tet- anus ants Smallpox. dby. Mr. and Mrs. Jame.- Armstrong. Staffa, visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Meths and Mr. and Mrs. Long. Mr, and Mrs. Gunning, Exeter. visited last wee;; 'end with the family of Mr. and Mrs. William Bell. Bob Love. wdio attends the Uni- versity of. Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love...' ' Mrs. William Homey, Exeter, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack- stetteF on Thursday. Gail and Lynn In Memoriam DUNLOP-IN LOVING MEMORY OF our dear son. Jac!:"Darwood Dunlop, who passed . away two years ago, March 29, 1951: Two years have passed sines that sad "day The one we loved was called away; ,Gods tock him home, it was in. will, But in our hearts h6 liveth still- --.Lovingly remembered by Mr. and Mra. A. W. Dunlop and Fatnily. . 4446,61 Births ' Kin Keno Numbers G1.ANV1iLEr-At•-Scott-- Mearotint-Hospi- tal, on March 22, to Mr. and Mrs. John GIanville, RR 1, Walton, a daughter. KEYES--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 25, to Mr. and Mrs. JohnT Keyes, R,R, 1, Varna, a son. MILLER -At Scott Meinorial Hosp{tal, March 28, te. Mr and Mrs. Clifton IGi3 lex, Staffa, a son. McEWING-At Scott Memorial ,Hosiiitai, oat Marek 18, to Sir:' and Mrs. John *Ewing, R.R. 1, Myth, a dangiater. STOREY -At Scott Memorial'Hoapltab on March 20, to Mr. and Mr& . Orville 3toket, R.R. 1, Seaforth, n ia'aghter. WdGG- t Royer Victoria hospital, B'ar- •.riex o Match 22, to Mr: and Mra. Ab» Anionaliairam a 1stair V. WSW',a Aon. F v YAW 4' . a srtl , •mow, `d , - , 'R. • Wed., March 18, N-43; Thurs., March 19, 0-67; Fri., March20, N-44; Sat., Mareh 21, I.21; Mon., March 23, B-4; Tues., March 24, B-9. The following BINGOES have been completed: Completed March 17, under the B -(B -7) -,Mrs; Chas. Blatch- , ford, Wingham. Completed March 18. under the N=(N-43), • Jack Schumaker, Walkerton. CompletedMarch 21 under the I - (I-21), James. Currie, Wingham. WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB• WEEK -END,, FOOD Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon Challenger Brand -73/4 -oz. Tin 35c Clark's Pork & Beans -2 15 -oz. Tins 25c Hunt's Fruit Cocktail -28 -oz. Tin' 37c Velvet Flour (Special 5c Sale Pkg.) 2 three -pound bags 30c Weston's "Pineapple Jam" Cookies -1 Ib. • 29c Aylmer Baby Food -3 5 -oz. Tins 25c Boneless Picnic Hams ' p 55c lb. CAMPFIRE Breakfast Bacon—% lb. • • • • 29c 1 lb. • • • • 57c FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES Grapefruit -96's 5 for 29c Head Lettuce 2 Heads 25c Celery . •`- 2 Bunches 19c Also Cucumbers, Green Onions, Radish, Etc. CLARE REITH PHONE 8 We Appreciate Phone Orders FREE DELIVERY i , SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB Aflnual Farrners'Night rc27th:Ma � riday, at 7:00 p.m. (Turkey Dinner) SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Speaker: Hon. J. G. Gardiner Federal Minister of Agriculture In addition, an excellent program has been arranged. - TICKETS $2.50 EACH This meeting is open to the public and anyone desiring a ticket my obtain one at any of the following: Scott's Poultry Farm, F. Kling's Store, Turnbull & Bryan's Office, Baldwin Hardware, Homer Hunt at Seaforth Farmers Co-op., G. K. 'Holland, Dublin. SEE, THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS 3=-1952 CHEV, DE LUXE S'HDA+NS 1952 PONTIAC COACH 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN 1957 CHEV. DE LORE COACH -Pully equipped 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH 3-1951 CMV. STYLELINE S'13DANS 1951 PONTIAC COACH 1961 DODGE . SEDAN 1951 01/EV. SPTLEIdlt4E COACH 1949 CHEM. COACH 1948 OHEV. SEDAN - A ' pritteeni guar ii ee 1948 CH'FIV. FLETTLINE COACH 1947 PONTIAC COACH, with Radio 1941 CHEV. COACH• 1941 OHM SPECIAL DE LUXE SEDAN Completely Reconditioned 1938 CTIEV, SEDAN • TRUCKS — 1968 DODGE %-TON PICKUP 1948 MECURY %-`PON PICKUIP 1946 CHEV. 1A -TON PICKUP for 1E days, on all Late Model Cars MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS B ti.SSELS •-•• - ONTARIO • PHONE 73-X --"The Home of Better Used Carr• _ OPEN EVLRV £tr NYNd A b A, -