HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-03-20, Page 811 ho. , , yr, , 'eciaiize in ARANTE „BON Q. • *0010BirtUnTir, ENT AN SICKNESS _ , • T4' AND WINDSTORM .11/4011•003111 Companies who 404'11 814011rity with Service. WAD WPM PM ONTARIO .23001188ERMANS MUTUAL TUE mstatAmo bOtfl1atiOfl gladly given. WATSON*8z REID tli, A. sump - Proprietor Nuance and Real Estate Phone 214 — Seaforth FOR SALE Modern Dwelling on East Wil - • St. New air conditioning unit. Immediate Possession. • !tame Dwelling with all modern Iganveniences. Oil heating. Suit - ▪ 1e for V.L.A. purchase. • Modern 2 -Storey Dwelling with 'garage. Sparling St. Possession e' ' falrrange& Modern Brick Dwelling, Goderich a . St. east Beautifully located. Early l,`J jpossesedon. ...„,i. . tJ, Frame Dvielling on Victoria St., l'• Oda all modern conveniences. Poe- ".• 'Oession arranged. .....'''', other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID 'NEAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI All passengers insured PHONES: 162-J or 162-W FurteralDesigns Wedding Flowers - Corsages Pottery Tropical Fish - Greeting Cards FLOWERS Owned and Oneratrd toy ERIC and BARBARA MILNER eencre 393 Seaforth "Flowers Wired Anywhere” COAL BR UETTES New Amer! n Anthracite Hard Coal ihriquettes, for Spring burning. William M. Hart PHONE: OFFICE 784 INSURANCE • Fire , • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Comptete. Coverage W. E. 'SOUTHGATE Successor to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 . Res. 222-R MAIN 8T.: SEAFORTH 4111111111111111111111111111111141111111111111111111 1010 4> <> <> * <> <> <> • 41* W. J. • CLEARY 0 lc> 8eaf8rth, Ont. 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 40 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 )0 Night or Day Calls.— 335 0 <> 10 <> * <> <> <> <> <> 1000000o0000 0 J. A. I3URKE 0 <> Funeral Director 0 10 and Ambulance .Service 0 0 D1TBLIN ONT. 0 40. Night or Day Calls: 0 0 Phone 43 r 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0000.000000 1°' G. A. • WIIIT1VEY ,0 Funeral Horne0 4> Goderkh St. W., Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 • 40 Adjustable hospital beds 0 • for rent. /0 MOWERS FOR EVERY 0 10 OCCASION 10, Telephone: Day or Nights 119 0 10 Residence 65 100,0.c>0000000 00000<><> •I° . BOX ttlittid evbict #1,t. aox 0 Lwow'•,Ernbattner0 AMEULANOE ,tmt Mid earedig attention. 0 Heettitil Red 0 51131t AIL *6 ONIAArtillS '• &Ore 43 ' *.* 0 it& flOstt IVY Eittenrtti. ; Salvation Army, -2:30 p.m., Sun- day School; 7 p.m., ,Salvation Meet- ing; 4:00 p,m., Thursday, Hobby Crafts, Young PeoPlei--$:00-P-M., Prayer Meeting. A cordial wel- come. — Lieut. Allen,. Officer -in, Charge. Northside United Church. — 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., "Whereby My Brother Stumbleth"; Junior Choir will lead in Service of Praise; 7 lam.: "Brain Weshing," illustrated religious Illm.-Rev. J. W. A. Stin- son. Minister. First Presbyterian Church. — 10 a.m„ Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "The Mares of Life and Death"; Junior Congrega- tion; 7 p.m., "The Way To Cad"; \ :15 p.m., Y.P.S. Fireside.—Bev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. St. Thomas Anglican Church. -1O a.m.. Sunday School; el a.m., Morn - lug Prayer; 7 p.m., Evening Pray- er: Thursd 10 a.m., Holy Com- munion; T, y, 7:30 p.m., Mice eek Lente1n ice. • St. Mary's, Dublin -2:39.p. 7; Sunday Scbool; 3 p.m., Evening Prayer -.—Rev. W. A. Jones, Rector. SEAFORTH WI NOTES Seaforth WI members are re- manded to give a donation for doughnuts for, the March 20 euchre instead of •inaking a cake. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs Francis George Hamlin, of Chapleau, announce the engageanent of their daughter, Frances Eileen, to Donald Hender- son Scott, of Fort Erie, son of Mrs. Scott of Seaforth and the late Mr. Harry Scott. The marriage will take place on. Saturday, April 4, at 2:30".m. in Trinity College Chapel, Toronto. ANNOUNCEMENT The engagement is. announced of Patricia Ann, daughter of Mrs. Salvation Army SEAFORTH CORPS 3 p.m. Sunday School 7 p.m. FAREWELL SERVICE • for Lieut. R. Allen Everyone Welcome eastor Bran,94 Sherinnn **Wire. Sear tOrtiat 944 0.9 late, Mr, Vrokiielr, to 014.ght X411u flarrard444QUArd 004 i Afra'. Nor- man Stet:400W 9f Owen SoUnd, and the late Atkr.. *alert Edward Cart- a:9K The marriage will take. place at 3 o'clock On Saturday, .April 11, in First Presbyterian ,Church, Sea - forth. LATE CHARLES McNAMARA One of the cadet residents of Seaforth passed away Tuesday, March 17, in Clinton in the person of Charles McNamara, in his 96th year. Born and a resident all his life of Seaforth, he was. a stone mason in his early yeare., Predeceased by his wife and two sons, he is survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs. Peran, Royal Oak, Mich., and three sons, Russell, Windsor; Milford, Buffalo, and Frank, St. Marys, 0, • The fuhertil will Ilse held from the Box Funeral Home Friday morning at 9:30 a.m. to St. James Church for Requiem Mass. Interment will be in St. James' cemetery. " WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barrows and Mr. and Mrs. George Love are on a motor trip to Florida. Mrs. Ralph Travis is a patient in Clinton Hospital. Lumley Meleay, Monkton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkby. William Bolton has returned to his home in Rochester, N.Y., after visiting friends here. DUBLIN Miss Mary Lou Dill, Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill. Miss Beatrice Murray, West Montrose, visited -with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Murray. Mr,. and Mrs. John Robinson, of Dundas, visited with Mr. Thomas O'Rourke. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nichdlson, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf, Mies Mary Beale visited in .Strat- ford with Mr. and Mrs. L. Beale, after being a patient in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, •Seaforth for a month. Joseph 'Druae had a successful auction sale on Saturday and will continue to live retired on the farm. Don McRae, Tillsonburg, visited with Mrs. McRae and children. Gerald Burns, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns. Leo Villeneuve, Parry Sound, visited with Mrs. Villeneuve and Paul. t Public Meeting To Discuss "What Is a Credit Union" And Its Operation on a Community Basis ST. JAMES' SCHOOL HALL 'MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 23rd 8 pea. Speaker — C. G. Smith Credit Union National Association EVERYBODY WELCOME! PRESBYTERIAN MEN'S CLUB PRESENTS AdventureThroughThe FarEast A Motion Picture in Technicolor and Sound with Warren and Douglas Wilkins FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Seaforth Wednesday, March 25 Tickets available from any Club Member 115 i;•;.1 'eeee. • osrroi O ,y :James SP(*) , 74E TERRIBLN'IRISR Beiorrah (wbich, I am. told, le a word a real IriehMan paver uses) there was trouble this seventeenth of the Irish.. A fella—and a profes- sor from Toronto, mind le—made a apeech the other day and laid the Irish out for a fele Marcus Long, who hap'pena to be an old friend of mine, went clown to. the St. Pat- rick's Protestant Benevolent Socie- ty and told all the ehameack-wear- ing lads that ,'because of Zte hate- ful memories, Ireland is a had place today," You can bet he didn't -get away with it. Another boy with the fine name of Rooney—and him a mem- ber of the Parliament too—said what Marcus Long said, was "eel- oney". "Ireland," said Big Sim Rooney, "has the ,greatest freedom in the world." Marcus Long had said that censorship was so bad in Ireland that "their greatest works cannot be read by their own peo- ple." Well, this, is one argument you're not going to get me into. It would be presumptuous for a chap with a name like mine to get mixed up in a fight like this. Let the Irish fight it out among themselves, ehat's what I say. And censorship or not, the one thing I am absolutely sure of is that the Irish lads still have the freedom to fight their own battles. iGehich reminds me of the famous Battle of Baltinglass--'a fit subject for this St. Patrick's week. • You never heard of the Battle of Baltinglass? Shame on you! 'It all began when Nellie Cooke's aunt Katie got so old and bedrid- den that she had to. give up the post office she and her father and her grandfather before ber had run at Baltinglass. Naturally, every- body thought Nellie was a dead cinch to get the job, but the gov- ernment had other views, and. in- stead appointed a young upstart of a fellow, name of Michael Farrell. the Morgen littethor •Avetidlnitr, ;04M&41;Or 109c9 Of llelrs, Now ,d10 you think. that the 800 citizens Of Baltinglass were mind- ed to sit back and let the govern- ment go aheadand appoint just anybody the politicians wanted? Not on your life. Marcus Long miay say there's no freedom from, goveamment control in Ireland these days, but the citizens ef Baltinglass had never heard his speech. Without making too much fuse about it, everytime the government men came around with their truck to move the postoffice equipment from Katie Cooke's to Michael Far- rell'e, there would be such a. press of men around the old postoffice that t h -e government fellows couldn't get through. When they strung the telegraph wires, to the. new postoffice, somehow all the poles got cut down. (Theylaia it was "tee little people" that did it.) A group of citizenegot so enrag- ed that they• went right down to Dublin to protest to the parliament itself and they hired an aeroplane to drop pamphlet a over the capital city. As a result, the Dail was in an uproar and the upshot of it was that a certain hem by the name of Patrick Cogan, the local mem- ber, was expelled from the cham- ber of deputies. . Pat Cogan, however,. hadt the last word. It was this: "The powers-that4)e may for a moment overwhelm the people, but they will not trample them down. as long as the spirit of freedom and justice lives in the town." He wee right. Eleven days af- ter he had received his appoint- ment, Michael Farrell had had en- ough and wrote out hie resignation which was accepted. Pat Coogan was allowed back in the Dail and Nellie Cooke is to this day the postmistress of Baltin- glass. I don't think freedom has vanish- ed from the Ould Sod yet. • EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. James Webster. Egmondville, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ,Cliff Webster, London, visited a few days lest week with the former's. daughters, Mrs. Jas. MeNain and Mrs. David McKenzie, both of Amberiey. Miss Laura McMillan, Tormito, spent the week -end with her moth- er, Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Mrs. T. Richardson has returned from the hospital at Londion, where she has been for 'the past week. Mrs. Reg Knightshas returned to her home improved in health, after spending a week at Scott Memorial Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent have moved to Webbwood, north of Sure bury. Mr. and .Mrs. Harry WeilancleTo- route, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland. Mr,' W. D. Hopper has (killed a well for Mr. Vidfor Bisbach, and has 50 feet of water in a 150 -foot well. . Mr. and Mrs, Grant Finnigan have moved into their new home which they 'built last summer. Mrs, R. Dalrymple , and 'Mrs. Coombs visited Mrs. Charles Green in Stratford General Hospital Ibis w e.elc. ZION me. Miss Sharon Stacey spent the weekend with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and, Mrs. George Robinson. Mrs. James Malcolm and Bruce are able to be up again after a re: cent illnees. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park and family, MitChell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney last Sun- diay. We are sorry to report Gloria Ann and Oraut Pepper ill , and hope they will soon be better. ,Mr. and Mrs. Bill Broughton and baby, Atwood, visited Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Fergus Lannin, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Gordon and Donna and Mr. H Gordon visited recently, with Mr. J. Malcolm aid Mr. and Mrs. D. 1VIalcolm, EAST McKILLOP ems Mrs. Fred Hoegy returned home last week after spending several week e in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Steinacher, Stratford, were recent visitors at Too Late To Classify TEE VKILL HOLD A EUCHRE Party in the Lodge Rooms on Mon- day, March 30. 4445-1 49 Monarch Coach 46 Monarch Sedan 50 Ford Coach 49 Ford Coach 46 Ford Coach 41 Fiord Coach • TRIJ 47 Ford 3 -Ton Dump 4). TRAC 46 Ford Tractor. 47 nrd/Tractor. DALY 48 Mercury Sedan 47 Mercury Coach 50 Chev. Coach 42 Dodge Sedan 40 Pontiac Coach C K S • Dodge. Togs • 50 Ford ..Traetor 49 Cockshutt. 30 Seaforth PhO16:114, pogo 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler. Mr, and Mrs. John Aiken and Linda Paterbough, Sebriugvilie, were visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs:. Charles Eggert. We are; sorry to report that Mrs. Henry Wietersen is again confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McKenzie, De- troit, visited the Hoegys over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Manny Bennewies were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Eggert, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert and' Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock were at Morriston, on Saturday to attend 'blue coal' souip FUEL FOR SOLID ' COMFORT The Color Guarantees the Quality WILLIS DUNDAS - Phone 3634 Res. 192-M -FARMS FOR- SALE 115 ACRES—Near .Goderich, on No. 8 Highway, with stock and implements. 50 ACRES—On No. 8 Higle" way. Good buildings. THREE SUMMER COT- TAGES—At Baylleld. Furnish- ed. Call W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Notice Until further notice, there will be NO EVENING OFFICE HOURS. at Seaford) Clinic Food Specials FOR MARCH 19 - 20 - 21 County Kist Whole Kernel Corp - 2 for 29c Tip, Top Tomatoes -28 oz. - 2 for 45c Posts Cornfetti - P-• 2 Packages 26c Shredded Wheat ------2 for 33c Kehler Dundee' Bramble Jelly -12 --oz. jar - 37c Crosse & Blackwell Branston Pickles -9 -oz. jar» - - - 25c Marsh, Potatoes -50.1b. Bag- --- Florida Oranges -250's — Sunkist Orange -288'5 Stevens',:. pit.g, 443 I, — 29e Doz. 3 Doz; 79c Misses Donna and Barhlara, Reck, Pethesda, spent a couple of dayp at the home of their uncle, Mr. Irvin Rock. Mr enil btra. Irvin Rock and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rock In Logan last Sunday. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent Saturday in Sarnia and at- tended the hockey game. Mrs. J. E. 'Rushy, Chatham, spent Sunday with the Lawsons. Miss Donelda Adarase Centralia, teaching staff, spent the weekend with her parents. Mrs, Jack Busby, Ch,atham, spent the weekend with relatives here She accompanied, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson to London. Monday and to her 110101e. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jewitt re- turned from Forest Wednesd,ey and are at present za'the home of their son "and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. :Bill Jewitt. Mercubers from Constance attend- ed a Presbytery meeting in Blyth Wednesday'. A pleasant afternoon was agent at Londestoro parsonage, the home of Rev. Gandier, where the WA and WM& held their Easter‘thank- offering Wednesday with a good at- tendance. Mrs. Annie Henderson a n d daughter, Gladye, and Mr..and Mrs. William Burlingham and family, Mitchell, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adaans. " Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson at- tended the hockey match in Sarnia Saturday. Mr. George Leitca, at present a patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, is not improving as much as his friends would like to see. LOCAL BRIEFS 'Mies Jean Turner, Toronto, spent the weekend at her home here. Miss Isabelle Betties, iPeterboro i8 spending a fele days vvitlz her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Theron Bet- ties, in McKillop. Miss Margaret Grieve, Oakville, spent the weekend with her moth- er, Mrs. Te L. Grieve. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Beattie, To- ronto, sent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Beattie. Mr. andeePers. C. P. Westaway, Hamilton, visited Mr, and Mrs. Montgomery • Patrick in Tucker - smith. Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont, London, spent the weekend in, Walton with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter. O Miss Marian Watson has return- ed from Toronto where she visited Mrs., Earle 'Bell. 0Her niece, Mrs. 13rown, New York, was also a guest of Mrs. Bell. , Mr. Ignatius O'Leary, of the Hur- on Road East, has sold his 100 -acre farm to Mr. Fergus Kelly, Dublin. Ma and Mrs. O'Leary will move to London during Easter week. :Miss Alice Davidson, Toronto, spent the weekend with her moth- er, Mrs. A. Davidson, in the Sea- ford). Apartments., Mr. fine Mrs.. Carmen, Rowcliffe and Mrs, W. G. Wright, town, and Mrs. Hilliard Lawrence, Henstall, have returned from Long Beach, California, where they visited Mr. and, ,Aers: Ernest Rowcliffe, former- ly of Clinton. Mr, George R. Campbell, McKil- lop, is improving after an opera- tion in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don Messrs. Jack and William Cud - more, Toronto, were in town, Sun-' day visiting their father, Mr. Wil liam Cuclmore, who is :in, Scott Memorial 'Hospital. Mrs.' J. B. Fox, Herisall, will be the guest speaker at' the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Pres- byterian Church Tuesday. March 24, at•8 p.m, All the ladies of. the congregation, arae invited to , this meeting. Dr, and Mrs. J. A. Munn .epent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. Frank • Smale is improving after suffering an atteek of pneu- monia. Mrs. Charles Theobald is in Scott Memorial Hospital, where :she un- derwent a major operation. Mr. Walter Murray is confined to his home. Mr. and Mrs. George, PoreTtla Russell, Man., Visited their cous- ins, airs, Brbara L. Thompson, Bruce -field, and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Chesney, Tuckeesmith. • Mrs. Wes Nicholls., Stan and Meg, Lionel Fortune were in Lon' don Friday attending the funeral of Mrs. Elia Thomas; whose death -oc- curred suddenly lase week. Mrs. Thomas was a eister of the late Norman and Wes Nicholls of town. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoggarth of London., spent ae few clays with her fath.er, Mr. W. T. Thomps.on. At the Royal :Conservatory of Music, Toronto, examinations, held in Stratford recentL, Dora Ann Stin- son,. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Stinson, and pupil of Mrs, M. R. Rennie, was successful in passing Grade VIII In piano with honora. Mr. A. P. .Cluff has returned af- ter a ten months' trip to South America and the British West In- dies, WINTHROP Miss Isabelle Betties, Peterboro, spent the weekend with her per- • ente Mr, and Mrs. Theron Betties,. Mr. and Mrs.' Garnet Tfieloi and, Dorotay, Staffa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure. O Mi. -era`Tfl4itii fraitie—tiTifif family visited Mrs, Alex Murray 93 Walton Sunday, • Mrs: Bastin, Stratford, is attend - 1n her mother, Mrs. Hugh Aleut- de4 who fp &R with the flu. Mr. Ray Beattie, son or Mr. and Mrs, ken Beattie, is recovering Pfeil , the fi O Bolton; tita yds eltakid the tlioniat thatnion 'teethe es4 of Winthfom 1 , , xclearA NOW. PLAYIN9 . "ERE CQIWES THE 'NELSONS" ozzik NELSON HARRIET ;KELSON The 1•Telsona are baoli again in this ,Comedy.:•• Rock lio.8sonl crer eanitesoyathilaingtraticituonrealnd upsets the whole houSeh.old. Everyoil.,e wifll NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAV "LOVE IS BETTER THAN EVER " ELIZABETH TAYLOR LARRY PARKS This is bite of M.G.M.'s Gayest Comedy hits. See Liz With the risen who claims that he is allergic to marriage. NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY T EC H N I COI,OR.,, "BRAVE WARRIOR" JON 'HALL I CHRISTINE LARSEN The Redekini are on, the warpath and drive the settlere from their homes, For action and suspense, don't miss this picture with the historical background. Coming — "DECISION BEFORE,DAWN" vommiumpamitat anioneriimami er. ey Buy my • "St<ipalong" or Shoes AT THE LITTLE SHOE TORE And You'll Save Money! WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the BIG Values" — SEAFORTH Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 Play It- Safe . IT PAYS TO SHOP IN EGMONDVILLE! PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL 49c Ib. GED ROSE COFFEE HOLLY BRAND PEAS -20 ounces. CLUBHOUSEPEANUT BUTTER16 ounces KRAFT'S PARKAY MARGARINE 992?0/33199! CARNATION MILK—Tall 1 Ib. 36c 6/89c Special Nylon Hose 51 Gauge, 15 Denier - • $1.19 pr. Clair Haney - Egmondville' PHONE 72 : FREE DELIVERY erawfbromr...............••••••■•■•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...omftwor...ftmor....0". -O.H.A. JUNIOR "B" 'LAYOFF HOCKEY THIS IS IT! . . . Sarnia at Seaforth SATURDAY, MARCH 21: 9:00 p.m. They're tied at two- wins each, and must declare a winner on Saturday Night4 WITHOUT A DOUBT, THE "BIG- GEST SPORTS EVENT" in the his- tory of this Town! ADMISSION: Adults 50c Reserved Seats 75c Children 25c Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 Studios Sofa Beds Space - savers WHITNEY FURNITURE has a style tosnityou — at a price that will please you! —NEW STYLESy. —LATEST COVERINGS . —LOW PRICES Shop and Save At Whit ney. 'Furniture Antbulati4 Service PHONES: bay Or • 419; R. 65 '4EAPORTH ••,•,1: P11.4•,e OF