HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-03-13, Page 8t v,4 41114 1 ` yy/1 Cecil I.. Mao e, #lu 3am$"Qf t f former lI axing T�awrsnce, d'au , ter ole Mrs. H.1Law•renne audethe late Of, Jaewreuce of Seai'grt 1, who has been named. Main -ten ante engineer at the geµr RCA Victor electronics .plant $n Pres- cott, Ont. Plant engineer. at Ganong Bros. Ltd., St. Stephen; N.B., since 1946, Mr.' Moore served during World 'War 11 is the RCAF for 4ye. years. At St. Stephen he -eras a member of the curling club' and Junior Cham- ber hamber of Commerce. Mrs. Moore formerly worked in the Bank of Commerce here. They have two children, Frances Maxine and Cecil Earle, and are presently residing with Mr. Moore's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Moore, 411 Dibble St., Prescott. • CASUAt,TYt lli4NTEg BONDS ENT AND SICKNESS AY ANO WINDSTORM gating Companies who , # , ecurlty with Service. ,01440,40ENTS FOR ONTARIO BARMAN'S MUTUAL :VIRE INSURANCE IldOnhation gladly given. WATSON & REID ?, 'RVID - Proprietor ;iamance and Real Estate Phan° 214 -- Seaforth FOR SALE *ate St. New air conditionin.; unit. Simmeditate possession. Frame Dwelling with ea modern llnavenienem Oil heatieg. Suit - :Able for Y.L.A. purchase. Modern 2 -Storey Dwelling. with garage. Sperling Sr. l'os,esion Modern Brick Dwelling, Goderioh Et. east. Beautifully located. Early Irrame Dwelling on Victoria St., !With all modern conveniences. Pos- session arranged. ether PrOpertlea Also Listed NEAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI A.11 passengers insured °gSalvation Army. 2:3.4 p.ioa,,, k - /lay School; 7 p.m., Salvation Meet- ing; 4:00 p.m., . Thursday, Robby Crafts, Young People; 8:00 p.m., Prayer Meeting. A cordial wel- come, — Lieut. Alien, Officer-In- Charge..- St. fficer1n- Charge..•St. Thomas Anglican Church, -10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morn- ing Prayer; 7 p.m.,. Evening Pray- er; Thursday, 10 a.m., Holy Com- munion; Thursday. 7:00 p.m., Mid- week Lenten Service. St. Mary's, Dublin -2:30 p.ni., Sunday School; p.m., Holy Conununion.—Rev. W. A. Jones, Rector. Northside United Church. — 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult U[bl� Class; 11 a.m., sermon theme, Roadblucks To Peace" Junior .'..unra•„atiou and Toddlers' Group; p m.. sermon theme, ,"Hymns "red inspire."—Rev. J. W,IA Stin- ,0"1. yiinister. . First Presbyterian Church. — 10 a.m.. Bible Class and Sunday i'nnl: 11 a.m.. "Jesus is Lord"; t.:r.i ,r Congregation; 7 p.m., "Sav- Oee's Lite." -- Rev. D. Glenn a,_:pbell, Minister. FuneralDesigns Tropical Fish - Greeting Cards HOME AND SCHOOL NOTES The Seaforth Home and School As.sociation will hold ita regular meeting in SeafortIn rubric School on Tuesday, March 17, at 8:15 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Caldwell, Tuckersraith, announce the en- gagement of their eldee daughter, Mona Ellen, to Vernon Lloyd AI- derdice, son of Mr., and Mrs.- Hugh Alderdice, Redwing, Oat- The mar- riage will take place April. 4. * Weddings * BARTHOLOMEW - BEST Grace Church -on -the -Rill, Toron- to, was the scene of a wedding Friday, March 6, when Barbara Adelyn Best, daughter of Mrs. Best and the late John Best, fer- g1eFl� ,4 t, aeatorth, was ignited a* '11:44 ,>1$ ;.tti Ben t+'ra,Mle Barttl910- e4S1 of Mr• and Mrs..p'ran- Cis J.' Bartholomew, Vaneonver, B. `C, Dr. 'G Swanson performed the CereMony and the choral service was sung by the boys' choir, , The br'icie, given in marriage by her uncle, R. W. Best, Bfacebridge, ;was gowned in Chantilly lace, Nan- cy Boyd attended the 'bride as maid of honor and Margaret Palmer, Vancouver, B.C., was bridesmaid. Roy Bartholomew, Vancouver was groomsman for his brother. Nor- man Barnard, 'Glen •Chestnut, Mont- real, ontreal, and Michael Fitzpatrick, Uing- ston, were ushers. Following the reception at Prince Arthur House, Mr. and Mrs. Bare thalonlew lift by motor for Sun Valley, Idaho. They will make their home in Vancouver, B.C. LATE CECIL LEMON (Infant) Following ap. illness of only six days, Cecil James Lemon, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lemon, North Main St,, passed away Mon- day, March 9. The child, born ha Seaforth. was seven months, and 11 Surviving are the parents and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Lemon and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chesney, Tuckeraiiiith; also a great-grandmother, Mrs. H. Ches- ney, Seaforth, and one . brother, Jackie Lemon. A private service was held Wed- ney Funeral Home, with Rev. J. W. A. Stinson. of ,; Northside United Church; officiating. Interment was LATE MRS. HARRY ZAPFE The death occurred in Scott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, March 10, of Dianah Lehnaan, widow of the late Harry Za,pfe, Brucefield, following a short ill- ness. She yeas in her 77th year. Born in Heyelownship, she was married in ZUriali in. 1893 to Mr. Zapfe, who predeceased her several years ago. The deceased was a member of Brucefield United Church and was active in the WA 'cf ii oblie jei FLOWERS Owned and Operated by ERIC and BARBARA MILNER "Flowers Wired Anywhere" ammlIMIlmosIMMimennemellMlbsmelll C.QAL * Briquettes * Pocahontas SCREENED • William M. Hart PHONE: OFFICE 7E4 IT PAYS TO SHOP IN EGMONDVILLE! FRESH PICNIC HAMS—Pound Former Local Man Pictured in Issue • Of Detroit Times In the Detroit Times of February 26, there appeared a picture of Louis P. Maloney, son of Mrs. Mar- garet Maloney, Seaeorth. He is shown in the ' picture receiving forms at the income tax office i the Federal Building, Detroit. Mr. .Maloney was born in Mc- Killop and after graduating from Seaforth Collegiate entered the banking bnsiness. He also eerved with the armed forces in World War I, and in. '1919 went to De- troit, where he has since resided. .LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Pullman have returned fram Florida, Where they epent the past six. week's. Mr. W. Warren Ament, Detroit; Mr, Kenneth' Ament, (Kitchener; Mr. Karl Ament, Mimico, and Mrs. Stan F. Grainger, London, spent of that church. She also took, a keen interest in making quilts and other neediev,,ork. Surviving are four daughters: Mra. George Armstrong, Tuclter- Mrs. R. McKenzie and ,Mrs. Ben Kaiser, Detroit, end two sons, Ab- raham Zapfe, 'Brucefield, and Aus- The funeral takes place on Frit clay afternoon from Brucefield Unit- ed Church with Rev. W. J. Maines conducting the' service. Mr. Jas. T. Scott will sing, "Beyond the Sunset," accompanied by Mrs. J. R. Murdoch. , Interment will the in Baird's cemetery. 39c GRANULATED SUGAR—Cwt. WEIS GRANULATED SUGAR -10 Pounds 98c LiBBY'S' PORK & BEANS -20 oz. 2 Tins 38C CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 2 for 25c 42 -GAUGE NYLON HOSE—Pair 99c TE'LEPHONE YOUR ORDER EARLY! Clair Haney - Egmondville PHONE 72 : FREE DELIVERY INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage • W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to M. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 834 Res. 222-R MAIN ST- : SEAFORTI-i 11111111111111110M111111111111111111111111111 1 10 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER ,0 X> and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Wight or Day Calls — 335 0 10 0 0 Funeral Director 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 G. A. WII1TN:EY 0 Funeral 'Home o Goderlch St. W., Seaforth 10 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 0 Adjustable hospital beds 0 EIGOWERS FOR EVERY 0. OCCASION Teleallone: Day or Nights 119 10 " Residende 65 1106ateit Bed ALL PRESBYTERIAN MEN'S CLUB PRESENTS DUBLIN 'blue coal' SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT The Color Guarantees the Quality WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 3634 Rea. 192-M FARMS FOR SALE 115 ACRES—Near Goderich, on No. 8 Highway, with stock and implements. "-50 ACRES—On No. 8 High- way. Good buildings. You can save up to 520.00 by bny- ing your Dinner Set at SaVaug,e's March Dinnerware Sale in Sea- forth.—(Advt.). Dr. and Mrs. Dan Sturgis, Osh- awa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bill Evana, London, spent the weekend with. his parents, Mr. and ;Mrs. 'Frank Evans. Patrick Maurice, Toronto, ',visit- ed with Mr. aidd Mrs.• Alex Maur - Frank and Edward Rowland, To- ronto, visited with Mrs. Winnifred Rowland. Edward Holland visited with Mr. and Mrs. George E: Holland. Bill Stewart, Aye, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, THREE SUMMER COT - ed. Call W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL AdventureThroughTheFarEast • A Motion Picture in Technicolor and Sound with Warren and Douglas Wilkins FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Seaforth Wedneidary, March 25 Tickets available from any Club Member WINTHROP You can save up to 820.00 by buy- ieg your Dinner Set at Savauge's March DinnerWare Sale in Sea - Alia. Wilson Little hai returned home fearn hospital with her little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Little, St. Catli- arines, spent the week -end wale Mr. and Mrs. L. Bolton and other The many friends of Mrs. Chas. Dolmage will be sorry to know she is in Scott Memorial Hospital suf- fering from flu. Circle No. 7 had a very succees- ful quilting at the home of Mrs. William Dadds recentrY. 'When 12 ladies were present and quilted one quilt. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by the hostess, Tupperware Demonstration. • by Mrs. Rayinond Nott (Firm Representative) in connection with the Games Festival held by Hospital Aux - Mary to Scett Memorial Hos- pital in Nurses's Residence THURSDAY, MARCH 19 EVERYONE IS INVITED Auxiliary Members are asked to bring a guest -Lunch will be served Spring Flowers ' For Sale ' DAFFODILS 1.00 Dozen 1952 CHEV. COACH 1951 FORD CUSTOM COACH 1950 CHEV. SPECIAL SEDAN 1949 METEOR COACH—Custom built radio and Sun Vigor 1948 CHEV. COACH 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 1947 CHEV. COACH 1946 OLDSMOBILg SEDAN—Custom built:Th Radio 1946T FORD COACH - 1941. FORD COACH , eafort ' otors h WINCHELSEA Ydu can Save up to $20.00 by buy.- ing your Dinner Set at SavaugePs March Dinnerwve Sale in Sea - Mr. and Mrs. William AValters and Danny spent Wednesday 'eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Wib Glan- ville, Staffa.. Miss June Walters. of London, spent the weekend with her Par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters. Harold Willard and Bill and Lide of London. spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mra. Wib Batten. Mr. John Johns is quite ill at time of writing. EGMONDVILLE — Also — 411 Hyacinths • Sweet Peas • Carnations BAKER'S GREENHOUSE SEAFORTH t e ¥rs eekAendnent wit11 their mother, W, }1Tis Muriel I%nnedy, London, 4Ae#lt` ' ewe k- $ 'i'0 t@fi, ' Mtn. �; S • '," 'PAW aid Mr. Mrs J, B, 'ituesell itaa recur gd from Ottawa, where ,she:'spenyt., the ,past 0160.4, Mrs '`• , tl. Wilson' spent last 'w k ilu I?etr.oit. She was acro- panied h xnei by 'her .parentq, Mr. ands Mrs. G, !R.11encersoz}. " Huddleston, Belleville, vie- . another; Mrs. Thomas Hab- Zkirk. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard (Purdy and daRghter, Toronto, spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. Mr. R. A. Robinson, a former resident of McKillop and now of Regina, visited friends and rela- tives here Thurscyty and left later to go to1'Toronto, where his wife is visiting. He will go to Ottawa from there, thrn return to Seaforth for another visit. Miss Rebecca Sa inen spent a few days in Buffalo last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Cudanore, Wallaceburg, spent a few days'here this week.. Many friends will regret to learn that Dr. E. A. McMaster is con- fined to a Boston Hospital where he is receiving treatment for a heavy cold. Mr. Prank Sills, Jr., was in, To- ronto last week attending a reun- ion of the first course ife radar mechanics, University of Toronto. Mr. 'Sills' was appointed a direc- tor. Miss 'Shirley 'Norris, Brantford Collegiate staff, spent the- week- end with Mr. and Mrs. M. McKel- lar, Mr. Thomas J. Flynn is confined to 'bed with the flu this week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor, Chatham, were guests Wednesda"y of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Cummings. Mrs. Taylor is the former Marian Sclater, of town. Brucefield WMS Donate Factory! Cton Rolls For (lio an Needy The .Wonian'e Missionary Society of Brucefleld United Church met Tuesday with Mrs. N. Walker pre - ,Siding for the worship service. The president, Mrs. .R. Alian, took the chair for the business per- iod. Seventeen members answered. the roll call, each by presenting factory cotton in three or six-yard lengths. About 75 yards were re- alized after some associate mem- bers. donated. The cloth will be sent to Korea. An invitation from Hensall Unit- ed Church WMS be 4present theft -birthday party March 27, was read and accepted. Members de- cided to ask Miss S. Courtice to speak at the Easter thankoffering. The literature zecretary read two articles on children's needs in Kor- ea. The program on "Unmet Needs in Africa," was taken by Mrs. tie. Brussels Farmer Painfully Injured George Hart, 52 -year-old farmer R.R. 2, Brussels, was treated at the Wingham General Hospital Mon. day for broken 'toes. Mr. Hart's in- juries resulted when! a log rolled on his foot at his farm, He was treated and released the same day. --,Wingham Advance -Times. Recreation is Good Medicine As an aid to mental and physical health everyone, from childhood to old age, needs recreation of some kind. The school athlete benefits from • his sports, while the less strenuous hobbies of the older per- son are usually mere sedentary spaeetime occupations. Whatever form of recreation is chosen, it should differ from the daily job as much as possible in order to provide interest and relaxation. Thoee whose, daily . work keeps them indoors should, if possible, cheese an outdoor hobby; garden- ing, an ancient favorite, provides exercise, interest and fresh air and is usually beneficial from childhood to old age. Handicrafts, a more restful form of relaxation, cover a wide range of interests. The pule lie library can usually supply many hooks on this subject. • Ali action, adventure and a thousand thrill?", don't miss seeing, this! NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — TECHNICOLOR; DAN DAILEY , JOANNE DRU, A deleghtful Romantic Comedy about Big*League Baseball, Bee Dan Dailey in his funniest role as Dizzy Dean. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAy " HERE COMES THE NELSONS OZZIE NELSON HARRIET NELSON The Nelsons are back again in, this comedy! Rock Hudson cre- ates a sensation and upsets the whole household. Everyone will enjoy this picture. Coming — "LOVE IS BETTER THAN EVER" YESTERDAY TO -MORROW LWAYS-- The Best Buys at the WILLIS' SHOE -STORE "The,_Little Store With the BIG Values,* — SEAFORTH PLAYOFF HOCKEY—Monday, March 16: Seaforth vs. Sarnia Expositor Want Ads Brilig Results — Phone 41 Munro's Meat Market Now is the Time To Duly a Quarter of Beef While it is Cheap! 1 ONE WEEK ONLY! FRONT QUARTERS HIND QUARTERS 35c a lb. We cut and process at Shop PHONE 446-W Market St. Seaforth LAYOFF HOCKEY (First Game — Best Three -in -Five Series) TO -NIGHT (TFIURSDAY, MARCH 12) 8:30 p.m. (Third Game) MONDAY, MARCH 16 8:30 p.m. Sarnia at Seaforth 0.1111016, 110 1 You can save up to 820.00 by buy- ing your Dinner Set at Savauge's March Einnerware Sale in Sea - Mise JeSsle rinlayson, Lorne Park, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. James Pinlayson. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hay and the former's pa.re,nts, Mr. Red Mrs. James Hay. Mrs. Lionel Roy, Saskatchewa,n, Who came home by plane to at - late Mrs. Andrew Houston, is stay-• father, Mr. ,4Av rgouston, and her atint, Miss Pranees Houston, Mrs, Hamilton, Auburn, Is spend-' ing a few days with her statism here. Mr. autl, Mrs. Alf. Westlake, Bay; field, Visited with Mr. al* mra. S. WattiOn. Ederard MeLeed and) Pandit Clinton, hate-nioved to Egnion.4,' Po the present , nee Hiring With Mie‘ M'eLeotrik.e.lothMi. M114; 100iidtkuit, MEW DELUXE AU. METAL irlume VENETIAN SUNDS Sizes 18 x 64 3.98 Lengths of 72 inches Are available COLORSIvory or White PHOE 4$ taw Meetings Last Week Of Cromarty Groups Mrs. Frank Allen was hostess to the members of the Cromarty Wo- rnen's • Missionary 'Society at her home last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ken McKellar presided and opened the Meeting with' medita- tion, followed. by ecripture reading and prayer. The roll ' call . was answered, bY facts on Africa. Mrs. Lloyd Sera- dahl conducted the business part of the meeting. Mrs. Thomas Scott, the supply seeretary, read a card which she had received from Mrs. Galbraith regarding a bale of clothing. Life membership certificates. have been presented to Mei. William Harper ahd Mrs. Thomas. Laing. Mrs. R. Duncanson read a pray- er; Mrs, William Miller read a chapter from the study book; a pa- per was read by Mrs, Thos. Scott relating Incidents in the life of ents were discussed by all mem- bers.: The cloeing'Prayer was tak- en by Mre. McKellar. conducted by Mrs, Houghton. The roll call was answered. In' the ab- sence of Mrs, John Wallace, 'seem' tary, the minutes were read by Sorsdahl. The treasurer'S re- port •tyas read by Mrs. Laniroond, the Ettrepettii ;Flood) Tiellet Fund. The redecorating Of the baseln0,,t of the alma Wes discussed, iils& .other iterilS of blisinees. Adults, 50 Cents Children, 25 Cents Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 Studio Couches Sofa Beds If it's time for a change —WHITNEY FURNI- TURE have Studio Couches and Sofa Beds in a variety of quality covers ° And at a price to fit your pocketbook! CALL IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY hitney, Furr rture • Day Night ii1); Res. lIS SEAFORTH •