HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-03-13, Page 3St; iS • 4 r' .4 • .4 F.: SeefOtlt B.altiwins enjO,ed one, win wird e'gffered one low tact wpPk xn 04.4-4< Jnn'ior 'B' round rabid 'P.layoff 02404; SW*MIA( .t• and 'I.on irn, Here Thprelay ,ir,ight, °the Ideals thumped I.ondori I.Pu , • Balis 6-1, but lost 6-3 to the Jun- "' for Sailors after a trip to Sarnia' • 4 ,Saturday ,.night. • The split games tied Seaforth and Sarnia, with eight points each in the series at the -end of the week. -4 Muir Sinks Three Ron Muir was in rare form 'Thursday :night as ha bagged three goals to lead for the locals before a full house of 1,600 fans. ' Backed by the strong #tet -chore of Gar Baker, the Baldwins romp- ed into their early advantage. London 1lorward Tommy Wilson was lost early in the second period when 'he broke a blood., vessel' in his knee. Penalties, especially in the mid- dle session,. haiapered the play of" the visitors as seven minors and a 3najor were dished out to the Lot} Ball squad. . The main .penalty was a pair of ,• NOTICE •! Savage WANTE'D WE WILL PICK UP Aron and All kinds of Metal, Rap Highest Cash Prices 1Pald LOUIS •'HI'LDEBRAND ,, 1q, ;to, Pr, i ea ee oi' LO don, and (PO tertison EpA ,(fi8`tti lk IVO ay' urntrrat Lt .011 t oalx Wilson•; de, .Aches, !,(?7tgn#1aeon, D Wilspn; cert -tra An4er , 4.;, wings,Bourne Beat -1 tie; alte -nates,• T. Wilson, R. Lam - ,port, Thomas, Churcth, T. 'Lamport, Quirie, Quantrill. SEAFORTH—Goal, Baker; •de- fence, ;Elliott, Storey; centre, 1% pr - ton; wings, J. Muir, R. Muir; alter- nates. Berger Page, Broome Doig, Shine„ MCIIwahn, Aitchison. • .First Period—Seaforth; J. Muir (R. Muir, Morten), .46; Seaforth; Aitchison, 5:05; Seaforth, R. 'Muir (Morton)" -12:56 Seaforth R. Muir,' 13:05; Seaforth, J. Muir (Morton, Aitchison), 19:35. Penalties—Stor- ey, Quantrill, J..Mufr. SecondPeriod—Seaforth, R. Muir (Storey, Morton), 9:23. Penalties —Beattie 2, Thomas, •Church 2, Thompson (major and minor), Broome, D. Wilson, Aitchison (ma- jor), Pike, • , 'Third Period—London, B .' Lam- port (Beattie, Thomas), 15:24. Pen- alties — Thomps'on, Aitchison, Shine, Pike. Seaforth Took Lead 'Officials were free with penalties in the hotlycontested encounter Saturday. Sailor Ken hainorie had to be removed, from the game at the 14 -minute mark of the first per- iod as he sulfated'a shoulder Injury when. checked hard by Doug. Aitchi- son.' The Baldwin sextet got off to an early lead in the first frame as Doug Aitchison blinked the light on a screen: shot from the blue line that caught the upper right hand Graham Chisel Plows will be shown in a MOTION PICTURE FILM 'in L' Varna Township Hall on MONDAY, MARCH 23rd, at 8 p.m. Also see the new GOODRICH SILO CAP that prevents spoilage in grass'and corn silage. Sponsoredby your local Graham Plow and Gehl Equipment dealer R. M. PECK • Kippen ADMISSION, FREE Forsee- Pianos -Foy Sale NEW ,SHERLOCK-MANNING PIANOS Apartment Size — All Models USED A 'Choice Selection of second-hand practice Pianos a ,t very reasonable prices. $50.00 and up 'If you wish to sell your old piano (or 'any instrument) Stan J. Smith for Wm. J. Smith PHONE WRITE Seaforth •265 Box 299, Seaforth ,t the feglllar *Veto* of Muir .. lett}4toivlislxip j oni ell Oast *cert to ro*Oisboroeq, . iadford;. l yt'x, was: award..e�i the ItendQr for. t c el 1,11'.1ldg aad hauling of P'rar e , amounting to some 1Q,0.p:0, yards et G7 . cents Pel' yard, Council agreed to pay a share of $35 for new helmets- for the Sea forth and, area fire brigade. Coale cil'moved, to strike $16.60 for Hay , Brothers and $14.30 for spraying from , the tax roll as uneolleotable Grants of $50 were 'made to (ton Central Spring Fair,. Seaforth and B1ydh fall fairs. Before ad- journment the following accounts for February were ordered paid: Fox bounty, $16; salaries, $125; administration, $100; grants, $200; supplies, $4.52; charity, 121,55; ad- vertising, $20.16; Auburn street lights, $333.50; poultry killed, $16; roads and bridges, $433.38. corner of the Sarnia net at 4:04. But Sarnia maintainedan edge in territorial play and were out' in front 3-1 by the end of the period. Seaforth came back strong in the sandwich session outscoring the Tars 2-1, Ken Green worked into the corner to pull the trigger on a backhander fired by Butch Lennan for Sarnia's lone effort. Ron Broome caught the corner 'of the Sailor net on a fast shot set up by Ev Pike, who returned to. blast a long shot. for 'pay -dirt on an .assist, from Aitch;son. Saturday' Summary SEAFORTH—Goal, Baker; de- fence, -Storey, Elliott, Aitcheson; forwards, Morton, J. 'Muir, R. 'Muir, Berger, Pike, Broome, Doig, Mc- Ilwain, Shine. SARNIA—Goal, Ogden; defence, La.ur, Marks, Moffitt, Ward; for- wards, Lamorie, Lennan, Green, Moffatt, James, McGrath, Randall, Beauchamp, Dunham. Officials — Fred Peardon a n d Frank tinier:, Chatham. First Period — Goals; Seaforth, Aitcheson, 4:04; Sarnia, Moffatt (Lamorie), 10:20; Sarnia., Lamorie (Green), 13:20; Sarnia. James (Moffatt); 16:5.5. Penalties—Aitch- eson, 4:28; Morton. Ward, 8:46; Berger, 12:34; Green, 14: (14 ; El- liott, McGrath 17:15; Lerman (ma- jor), 17:20. Second Period—Sarnia, Lennan (Green), 6:50; Seaforth, Broome' Aitcheson), 13 : 15. Penalties — Broome, 1:07, 11:07; Green, 2:35, 14:07; Beauchamp, 7:54; J. Muir, 8:16; Ward, 10:15; Dunham, 11:07. Third Period—Sarnia, Lennan, 1:23;' Sarnia, Moffatt (Lennan), 2:55. Penalties — Storey, 2:50, 13:35; Laur, 9:28; Ward, 11:15; Berger, 12:07; Moffitt, 12:07. 17:07; Randal], 19:20. Hensall Girl Guides Sponsor Succ\essful Craft. Demonstration The Hensall -.Girl Guides ..craft dispplay in the Town Hall last Sat- urday was a splendid success. Ruth Solder). Brownie pack leader, and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, badge secre- tary, explained how the work shown illustrated the program in Guiding. Merit badges rlemon- strated included goldea bar and golden hand for Brownies, and sec- ond-class cook, laundress. hostess, child nurse, pioneer, needlewoxnan, 'handy woman,' knitter, leather - craft and homemaker for the Guides. W.I. members responded gener- ously to the request for donations to the bake sale, in charge of Mrs. W. Spencer and Miss W. Gray. Mrs. R. H. Middleton made tea, served by the Guides and Golden Hand Brownies, under the supervi- sion of Mrs. E. R. Shaddick. 100 Tractors --- Over 600 Other Pieces A11 Makes All Types — All Sizes — Used — New at WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST FARM MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE IMPORTANT!!! This gigantic Farm Machinery Consignment Auction Sale offers farmers outstanding buying opportunities(for the best in used and new equipment. A choice from the widest range ever presented in Western Ontario. If you miss this, sale, you will miss the biggest and best deal ever offered in the implement business. Every facility for your convenience has been arranged. Fast „Sales -� Fast Aftii'onx;— Three Auctioneers '100 TRACTORS — USED AND NEW Ms, Hs, BNs, •Cubs., John Deeres, 'Gs, As, Bs, Ms, Cases, Cockshutts, Fords, Fergusons, Masseys, Allia•.•Chalmers,, Olivers, and many other makes. • - DRI LLS—DISCSti--PLOWS—SPREADERS A wide selection of these implements. Moat every Make, size and age. Used and new. BALERS — COMBINES — PICKERS •, (New and Used) — New Holland, Int., J. D. Balers; Allis, Int., etc. Combines; Corn Pick- ers, all, kinds. THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. A selection of 20's,•22'13, 28's and 36's, all used, Forage Harvesters—Used and New—a selection, at various values, OTHER OFFERS (Used and New,) Hay Rakes, Mowers,• Loaders, El'evaters, ,Cultivators, Potato .Planters, Harrows, Binders, and all kinds of horse and tractor drawn n]achinery. COME EARLY . Permission gladly granted to test all motor -run machinery before sale time. TERMS CASH or through Pre -Arranged Farm Lmprove'4nent Loans Plenty of parking space — A11 day food serelee. Trucking Service available,, for immediate delivery, if desired THURSDAY, -MA t9th; RID4E RACEWAY TRACK (Rain or '84+t te) (BetWeei Ridgetowil and Bl'snheim) Seale' Conducted and ,Supervised •by JACK INGRAM AND 'ASSOCIATES PHONt= RIDGETOWN 2145 R;R.'2, RIDGETOWN • OLDSMOBILE FOR 195$;s completely new in frontal appearance, has a host•o£styling changes inside and out and features many mechanical advances including a more powerful "Rocket” engine. Two series, the Classic 098" and Super "88", offer a total of seven body styles in a wide array .of new solid and two-tone color combinations Frigidaire car conditioning, that cools the car interior in the warmest weather; and a safety -padded instrument panel, are options at extra cost on the "98" series. Directional signals are standard equipment on all models. Both series offer, as extra options, "Pedal Ease" power brakes, for faster; safer stops; Power steering; the Autronic Eye, an automatic headlight dimmer; and Hydra -Matic Super Drive. Shown here is the Oldsmobile Super "88" four -door sedan. List. Prize, Award Winners At Huron Seed Fair Friday Following is the list of judging results Friday at the annual Huron Seed Fair in Clinton: Jones - MacNaughton perpetual shield for most points in grass and clover classes, James E. McEwen, Hensall. Cann Mills special, $10, for 10 -bushel entry, Elder Bros., Hensall. • Royal Bank special for new exhibitor with most points, in gram and small seed classes, Stewart Keyes, Seaforth. Bank of Montreal special for feed grain championship, $10, R. S. McKer- cber, R.R. 1, Dublin. Canadian Bank. of Commerce special for bay championship, silver-plated tray, Robert. Allen, Brucefield: R. NI Alexander special, one-half bushel ;di,'night; Bab Allen, Brupef(eld, Hybrid corn, Kenneth Stewart, Brucefield; Robert Campbell, 'Dub- lin; Robert Allen, Brucefield; Al- len Hill, Brucefield. Turnips, Robert Allen, James 'E. McEwen, Stewart Keyes, Grant Webster, Varna. Ten -bushel lot, of oats, Elder Bros., A. Turnbull, Brussels; Stew- art,Keyes, Seaforth; Bruce Tuckey, Exeter. Ten -bushel lots of barley, Stew- art Keyes, R. N. Alexander, Elgin Nott. Any other seeds. Gordon Miller, Walton (wheat) ; Reg. Glen, Gode- rich (wheat); Howard Johns. Sea - forth (white sweet slover); Lorne Oke, Exeter (peas). of alfalfa seed, for best bushel of Feed grain, R. S. McKercher, wheat, Allan Wainer, Parkhill. Dublin; koberr Allen, Brucefield; Lorne Brown special for best bush- Gordon Knight, Brussels; Stewart el of barley, Allan Walper. Can- Keyes. ada Packers special for best bush- first -cut hay. James E. McEwen. el' of turnips. Robert Allan, Bruce- Stewart. Keyes. W. J. Clark, R.R. 5, field. Goderich Township Federa- Goderich; Elder Bros., Hensall. tion of Agriculture special, .$5• to Second -cut hay, Robert Allan, new exhibitor from Goderich town- Brucefield; Richard Procter. Brus- sels; John Grigg. R.R. 3, •Clinton;, Elder Bros. ship with most ',points. John Grigg, Reg. Glenn., .equal, $2,50 each. Special Exhibit Awards Hensall District Co(Operative special, $5 to youngest exhibitor with 10 or more points, Tom Has - tie, R.R. 1, Gorrie, aged 15. Robt. • 'Field - chopped bay, Gordon Knight, •S•tew-art Keyes, James Knight. Brussels; R, S. McKercher, Dublin. Special malting barley class, Al -Simpson special, exhibitor with lan Walper, James McEwen. (En- tries go forward to champion cem- most points, silver Cream 'and sug- ar umar set, Stewart Keyes, Read Bros.Petition at Ottawa Valley Seed special, exhibitor with second high- Fair). est number of points, five bags of fertilizer, James McEwen. Hensall. T. Eaton special, best bushel of oats, 12 -inch round Sheffield wait- er, Elder Bros. Ontario Bean Growers Marketing 'Boar'd, $10 for best bushel of white field beans, Allan Waiper. Jones-MacNaughton specials, $5 each for timothy, red clover and alfalfa champions, Alton Bros., R. R, 7, Lucknow, Donald Buchanan, Londesboro, R. N. Alexander. Lon- desboro, Alvin Pym special, best exhibit of corn, one bushel of hy- brid seed corn, Kenneth Stewart, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Clinton News - Record special, for youngest ex- hibitor ,having two or more entries at seed fair,' $5, Stewart Keyes, Hullett Federation of Agriculture special, $5 for Hullett exhibitor with most points in seed ,grain, R N. Alexander; most points in small seeds,' Don Buchanan and Norman Alexander. $2.50 each. , i Grain, Club Awards Fall wheat, Allan Wainer, Park- hill; Stewart Keyes, Seaforth. Early oats. Stewart Keyes, James I E. McEwen, Hensall ; Gordon Knight, Brussels; James Knight, Brussels. . Late oats. ElderBros., Hensel]; Stewart Keyes; H. H. G. Strang, Hensall; R. N. Alexander. Londes- born. Malting barley, Allan Waiper, James E. M'cEw+en, Stewart Keyes, Elgin Nott, Clinton. Barley, Stewart Keyes, Seaforth. Flax, John McCowan, Seaforth; Stewart Keyes. Howiek Junior 4-H Grain Club, Ivan • 'Campbell, Gorrie; Bill Strong, Gorrie; Tom Hastie, Gor- 'rie; Bob .Hastie, Gerrie: Exeter 4-H Grain Club, Tom Hern, Woodham; Arthur Mitchell, Exeter; Edward Hern, Woodham; Jim Etherington, Hensall. McKillop 4-H Grain Club, Mac Bolton, Dublin; John McGavin, Walton; Neil McGavin, Walton; Robert Betties, Seaforth. Grand champion in 4-1-1 grain classes, Tom Hern, Woodham; Iv- an Campbell, 2nd; Mac Bolton, 3rd. Buckwheat, Alton -Bros., Luck now. Field beans, Allan Walper; South District High School, Exeter; Jas. E. McEwen, Hensall ; Stewart Keyes. • ' Sojrbeans; Elder Bros.; Alton Bros,, Lucknow; James E. Mc'EW- ep; Stewart Keyes. Timothy, Alton Bros., Lucknow; • Richard 'Pr"octer, Brussels; James E. McEwen, Grant Webster, Varna. Red clover, Donald Buchanan, Londesboro; JanWs E. McEwen; James Knight; AtiOn 'Bros. Alsike Clover, James E. McEwen; 'Stewart.,Keyes-. . . Alfalfa, R. N. Alexander, Arnold Jamieson, Clinton; Walter Scott, B4lgrave; James .E. McEwen.: 1 Early pptatoes, Mrs. John Gibson, Clinton; Robert Allen, Brucefield; R E. 'Dooley, Fhteter; Gorden 'aught.. Late potatoes, Mrs. John Oib'tlon, , Joseph Gibson, Seaforth; Oo ,lion A desk* at D.D. 8, Dublin. Root Crop Awards • HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Davis and family expect to move shortly •into the house they -rented from Mrs. J. McBea th. . Mrs. E. R. Sha.ddick spent 'the first part of this week with rela- tives in Toronto. Mr..arid Mrs. Harold Scruton and family, Port Dover. were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shaddick. Extensive Activity Planned by Hensall Legion Auxiliary The Ladies' Auxiliary to Hensall Legion Branch held its monthly meeting in the Legion Hall last week: The president, Mrs. S. Ran- nie, was in the chair. The members voted to donate tea towels. and lunch cloths at the next meeting. Plans were made for a bake sale and tea to be held in the near future. Ten dollars was voted to be sent to the Legion Scholarship Fund. The sick committee presented its report, and cards and thanks were received from Rik) following: Mrs. D, Perdue, Mrs. J. Claris, Mrs. F. Beer, Mrs. G. Munn and Mrs. W. Brown. An invitation to the Aux- iliary Zone Commander. :Mrs. Hall, to attend the April meeting, was extended. Mrs. Garnet Arlan was the winner of the mystery prize. Bingo was played and the winners were Mi -s. Bertha. Moir, Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. IK. Buchanan and Mrs. Inez McEwan. District Weddings RON.BY - MILLER STAFFA.—Margaret Anne Mil- ler, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Worden Miller., Staffa, and Franklin Alexander Roney, -son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney,. Dublin, exchanged marriage vows at the United,Church manse, Staffa, re- cently, 'before "the Rev. A. H. Day - nazi. The bride was attractivelly at- tired in a powder blue suiit with navy accessories with a corsage of pink roses. She was attended by Miss Hazel Roney, Stratford, sis- ter of the bridegroom, who wore a beige suit with powder blue acces- sories, Her corsage was of red Mr. Alex Miller, Staffa, brother of the bride, was best pian, The Wedding dinner was held at his home; where pink and white streamers made a pretty setting. Fbr their wedding trip to the '[i'nited States, the beide changed tb' a navy dress with grey coat and ,ldlrm9nizing accessories. Mr, and. 111caes rive taki3n' up 'rbst- i! F:6 District Obituaries . LATE JOSEPH GIN/LIN. LONDON.—JoseIPh Givlin, •retir- ed 73 -year-old Dublin area farmer, died last Saturday at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, after a short ill- ness. Mr. Givlin, who lived at the House of Providence, London, for the last three years, was born at Dublin and farmed for many years there. He was a member Of St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church. Dublin, the Holy Name Society, and the `League of the Sacred Heart. His wife, the former Hannah Dillon, died in 1938. Two sons, Joseph Givlin. Jr.. of London., and Paul .in Windsor, survive, with one daughter (Mary), '.Mrs. Dan Manley, Long Branch; two brothers, Louis and Ambrose Givlin. Mc'KiIlop; three sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Stewart, 'Stratford; Mrs. Margaret Williams, Windsor, and Miss Mary Givlin, London, and eight grandchildren. The body rested at the E. C. Kil- lingsworth funeral home, London, until Tuesday, when Requiem High Mass was sung at 9:30 a.m. in St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. Burial was in St. Patrick's cemetery. Last year over 18.000 persons in 500 communities borrowed sick room equipment from the Red Cross Loan Cupboards. ,,BERT 5i FAsT PICKUP 7 a mr,7,7,n„ $7947 'Fere', 0#144Rip, Qr(/ol M sty'' • OA1 vI l}aving reee v, d' a y et i' tltonr1eigli?ed b r':over tv z-tl lrils lie catt'l'e owner$ in' t1,a" toWnXistX passed a 7iy law enforcin a x trot of warble try. 1 U 11 11 pyo appointed inspector and augeotoy of fees from the aovners wko spray, and in charge of: the sale of,pon der for those who brush, ,4.11 "s att}e are to be inspected. / The clerk' was r et ted to .;ad vertise for tenders i~6x spraying tenders to be opened March. 23, at 2 p.m. The clerk was also instruct- ed to call for tenders on '12„003 yards of kravel for the township roads and three bridges, tenders to be opened March 43. The report of Ames- A. Hobbes, O.L:S'., on the Wolfe Drain, was read and adopted. The clerk is to prepare a by-law with five-year de- bentures at 4% per cent. Court of revision will be held March 23 at 5 p.m. Tenders are to be called on the following drains: Hunt, Hinz, Weir and Wolfe (Wolfe drain subject to Court of revisionry). Fred Kistner received the balance of his con- tract on the Hobbs Drain and an additional $200, on recommendation of Engineer S. W. Archibald. The Mitchell fire protection plan was discussed, and the reeve .was in- structed to meet the Mitchell coun- cil to try to reach an agreement. The tax collector was instructed to collect .the remaining 1952 uncol- lected taxes. With 1,027,898 members in the schools of 10 Canadian provinces, the Junior Red Cross Society is the largest youth organization in the country. Contract Barley I am signing contracts for Barley for George Thomp- son, of Hensall. Wrn. M. Sproat R.R. 4, SEAFORTH ' Phone" 655'r 2 - Seaforth frattverafallataallaboaraffallareENTAtame Buchanan Cleaners Mount Forest. Successors to TONE 'CLEANERS We Pick Up and Deliver Monday and Thursday J ` Phone 230 - Seaforth ANDY CALDER AGENT Ladies' and Gents' 2 -piece Suits, 31; Plain Dresses, $1; Plain Skirts,,50c; Gent's Trousers, 50c. Quality Plus Service is Our Motto S. BUCHANAN - Proprietor iM1 it �l? •dncut"1 �Y ��'v� (��t+$�a2�� Y,tk�;ivrwi ���•: Ilat B Oentage 43oqartJt nndaal' � fords r�ouro k u pglif lw d the u w��,, }y> qt 8rt a f r fo ii „a>rri4u ur, rnerea$e ,or 1,48244 tga82T9 89deli14.ke• 4. 90( •per• cent 2,. duets iiidastry. 44( i ;e iib i tite • s erii� to - .:... IN YOUR ...`LOCALITY FOR .. Estate Planning and Wins Investment Management and Advisory Service 3-3/4% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings, deposits may be mailed For prompt attention coil RAPE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 Or any office of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • minim OTTAWA • WINISOI NIAGARA VAia •'SUDBUUT CALGARY • VANCOUVER .. IIMMMEN Your Line to Quick Results . . . That's The Expositor's Classified Ad Section, just as far from you as your phone, Whether you're selling, buying, renting or locating, you can't beat this medium. for speed, economy and coverage. Try the Classifieds the next time you need a line to Quick Results. CALL 41