HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-03-06, Page 4via J,( d it it iii Cc r, f. ,hottiSiAed Ads Inserted At New Law Cash ..Rotes:; . RR SALE. WARTED, LOST ANO FOUND. 3TC.-1rPer Word: lit Week pet, Zrd Week M*0Imum charge. each htaaetion..,, 85 Ciott4r Rada figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. f)a$s .of Thanks. In Memorism Notices. Coming 'Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 50 cuts per Beak, k11tiniries may be directed to a Bo* 2.o.; c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 Dents extra. ,T®,1 Mute additional will be charged U ads in above doss are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion Birds. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Anetioll Solas. Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events MINCERS AND DANCE IN VARNA Township Hall, Friday. March 6th, Fhtcl►re at 8:80 p.m. Murdoch's orchestra. Lunch counter. Auspices Brumfield 1.0, q.F Admission 50 Dents 4448-1 PATRICK'S DANCE, TUESDAY. March 17, eponeored by Canadian Leg- ion No, 156, Community Centre, Seaforth. Music by Paul Croes and Orchestra. Ad - Mission; $1.50 per couple; single, $1.00. 4441-4 ' 'EUCHRE AND DANCE ]N HENSALL ." Town Hall on Friday. March 6. Euchre at 8130 sharp. Lucky lunch Prize. Ladies, please bring sandwiches. Hank Norris Ranch Boys in attendance Spon- sored by Kippen East W.L Admission 50e. 4449-1 Wanted WANTED—.PLAY PZN, IN GOOD CON- " dition. Phone MRS. JOHN PATTER - SON, 1644, Seaforth- 443.4 WANTED TO nsTrr -- 6 TO 8 -ROOM house. war pay up to $65.00 a month. Apply to Box 184. HURON EXPOSITOR 4439-tf WANTED — UNFURNISHED APART- !• went or house in Goderich, Seaforth. Clinton. Bayfield area. Stove and refrig- erator preferred. Steady income; sped references. CALL CLINTON 382; LOCAL 252. 4442-E Agents Wanted DEALERS Be Independent! SELL FROM DOOR TO DOOR 226 well -known and guaranteed lit* Pro- ducts. Year round business. $1'8 will buy traversing 'kit and assortment. Splendid vacant territories. One month trial with absolutely no risk. Particulars: JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. 4440-4 Help Wanted NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES AND ONE certified nursing assistant required for St. Mary's Memorial Hospital, St. Marys. Apply— SUPERINTENDENT 4442-2 $18 AN EVENING VOR YOUR SPARE TIME. JUST 8 .i easy free trial sales amazing Patented Automatic Refrigerator Defrosters can pay you that. Hundreds of bot prospects com- mission. Rush 'name, address for guaran- teed profit offer. D -Frost -O -Matic Co., Dept. 30, NEWMARKET`, oNT. 4442-4 WANTED Cook - Housekeeper E ITHER PERMANENTLY OW FOR three months. Modern house with all conveniences. Immediately near transpor- tation Own room and bath- Generous free e. Other help comes in one day weekly. Heavy laundry sent out. Three adults. wages. Apply, giving age, experien references and address (phone number if . possible), so interview can be arranged, to 27 RIVERVIEW DRIVE, TORONTO. 44$3-1 Notices RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847.R. 4368-tf P AINTING — SPRAY OR BRUSH ; Papering. Snnworthy wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Bengali. Phone 196-R, Heiman. 4425-tf S1rFEL ROOFING --I Ali SOLILTTING orders for the-Westeel Products Ltd., Toronto, suppliers of steel and aluminum roofing: will alio do general repair work on buildings. JOHN TREMEER. Phone 258 W, Seaforth. 4448x2 Livestock Wanted DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR COWS removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service, phone 'STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21, or Seaforth 655 r 2. For Rent APARTMENT FOR RENT -4 ROOMS, bath; private entrance. Available March 1. PHONE 386, Seaforth. 4443,tf APARTMENT TO RENT—FURNISHED, heated, self-contained, one bedroom. Complete with refrigerator and stove. PHONE 31, Seaforth, 4443 -td' Property For Sale von. SALE--S-ROOM FRAME HOUSE. • insulatedstoker heated. modern bath- room and kitchen. new garage. Lots of room for garden. CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone ,855-W, Seaforth. 4439-tf FUR SALE -8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE, complete with basement on double lot;. garage. Well situated on Huron St. Sale necessary to close up estate. Apply A. MUIR, Phone 694, or B. MUIR, Phone 155-W. 4443x2 ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force persdnnel stationed. at Clin- ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent, please. call• STATION HOUSING OFFICE at FOR SALE — THREE PURE BRED Shorthorn bulls from 14 to 18 months old: dark red in color. These are good low -set ,bnns, priced to sell. Apply to GEORGE L. RED), Varna, Ont. 4443-2 DOROPERTY FOR SALE—TWO-STOREY three bedrooms, living room. den. 8- oiece bathroom. oil heated house. including three acres of land, edge of town. Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ap- aly Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, or Phone 41. Seaforth. 4431-tf FI OR SALE '— SOLID RED BRICK house insulated, hot water beating, 10 roams. Suitable for professional man or nursing home. Would consider a suitable exchanee in or the vicinity of London. Lot, including barn and two poultry hous- es. behind town hall property. Also 8 Mother Nature brooders and 2 pig troughs. EDMUND GEIGER, Hensall 4442-2 Personals HriG1ENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with T' \e rt. 6 samples 257; 24 samples $1. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER 0., Box 91, Hatnilton, Ont. Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -0952 METEOR, TWO -DOOR Sedan; excellent condition; low mile- age; also small Coleman space beater. KEITH J. PARKER. Phone 682.4, Sea - forth. 4443x8 For Sale Fj OR SALE—TWO_ GOOD RELIABLF horses. Apply GORDON D. SCOTT. Phone 836 r 33, Seaforth. 4443-1 COB CORN FOR SALE — DELIVERED. ILEO' O'SULLIVAN. Phone 22 r 4, Dublin. 4443x1 port SALE—ONE BUGGY AND .TWO r/4 H.P. motors. C. J. DENNIS. Phone 355-W. Seaforth. 4439-tf FOR SALE—GIRL'S BLUE SPRING coat. size 10. Apply to MRS. EARL PAPPLE. 4443x1 mon SALE—REMINGTON RAND PORT - able typewriter. large size, used only two years; also 45 r.p.m. R.C.A. record player and quantity 7 -inch records. Apply JAMES WALLACE. Phone 32-W. FOR SALE — McGORMICK - Db..astING milking machine. rood as new; used only two seasons. ZACK RYAN. Phone 46 r 5, Dublin. 4443-1 WOOD FOR SALE — GREEN HARD maple. $6.00 per mrd at bush. Apply CLARENCE REGELE. Phone 64 r 9, Dublin Central. 4442x3 FOR SALE—QUANTITY OF CHOICE baled hay. Apply 'to JAMES LANDS - BOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. 4442x3 THIS WEEK ONLY! SHORI'l.b COATS, long Coats, suits. at TUDOR'S in Hen- sall. Saturday is the last day. It's an early showing of the latest for Spring. 4443-1 WHY DID USERS OF 36 LONG TUBE milkers change to Surge in this dis- trict last year? Send inquiries to LOV- ELL McGUI•RE, phone 593-W, Wingbam, Your Surge . Dealer. QEE THE COATS AND SUITS AT • TUDOR'S in Hensel!. One week only. A preview of new Spring fashions inall the latest materials. Saturday is the last day. 4443-1 FOR SALE — WINGHAM CLIPPER white enamelled cook stove, large size, with deep firebox ; very good condition. Reasonable. PHONE 663 r 21, Seaforth. 4443-1 Clinton, 882; local 252. 4436-tf A'MENTION, FARMERS! — PROMPT, +4k courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 285, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf ATTENTION • TRUCKERS YOUR ATTENTION I8 DIRECTED TO RAO., 1950, Chapter 167, Section 86, Subsection 44, 5 and 6, re Load Limits during months of March and April; these SOS:Me Will strictly enforced on all Count, Road PETER D. PATTERSON, County Engineer. , ; 4442.2, Tenders Wanted TENDERS *Attu TE'NDEIts WILL ;RE RECEIV- M ljgi• ;the and t8Igricrl for e'er ng and. i 0 t+itbla rde, tKdt'e el fr,66 ss. �9i�>Ibr file 7Nalwktbliil► of,dra'9- Criishatr "poed with %Xi -inert screen *co. d64' 4,100 aatust n mrderai:tl4lie,4"P by 2 pan, Il Olt,:or say tender not FOR SALE -i1951 FORD TRACTOR, plow and 'stiff -tooth cultivator; 11 -disc Cockehutt fertilizer drill: also a good a- piece chesterfield mite and electric refrig- erator. I. O'LEARY. Phone 661 r 22. Seaforth. 4443x1 SEW AND SAVE! BE SURE TO 'SEE the fine display of yard goods at TUDOR'S in Hensall. Denims. American Novelty Cottons, Percales, Basket Weave Cottons. 4449-1 It i ''N OF 'oma MACHIN, oys,so, c,opoesO , Towashhknt tiyL°mue 'vast Ill" ' I4ie 1 ' •q ilii arreh 20: of 1 Dona �n kr,WM 214'. 12404 co:pbipe: NW .slot+ land twine .tie hal . er, 'ad a od ; John DA.is ctor n rubher,two years yid: 3linpe4l+olls Moline R roiv-erop tractor, 2 yearn old; Jobn Deere $ trot- ter op rirbber Withkurdraulic'Setae John Deere 8404 power take -off binder (like new) ; John Deere $Yy-ft. stiff tooth-bulti- vateor oq rabbeir l International new disc, 8 toot, with 18 -inch. plates; International 15 - run double disc drill, power lift; 1940 %-ton. Fold truck;'Harvey"Bale and Grain elevator. 82 -ft,.: John Deere aide delivery rake on rubber; Jobn Deere 12 -ft. lever barrows; John Deere 74t. power mower; John Deere H manure spreader; Masse" - Harris 6 -foot one-way disc ; tractor -mount- ed buzz saw; Cement mixer; root pulper; rubber tired wagon; ,grain box and rack; Waterloo garden tractor with lawn mower, sickle bar, cultivator. and spray paint at- tacbmenta; Graham chisel Plow; Interna- tional 8 -furrow plow; 'Massey -Harris 2 - furrow plow; weed sprayer with 15 -foot boom; water tank; feeders; numerous oth- er articles. Terms—Cash. No reserve; farm is sold. JARROW BROS., Proprie- tors; roprie.tors; Harold' Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE DC3 CASE TRACTOR (Row CROP) 1 year old. perfect condition. Reasonable price for quick sale. Also one 2 -row culti- vator, hydraulic, for this tractor. Con- tact ROBERT BELL INDUSTRIES 'LIM- TTED, Seaford'. 4448-1 Cards Of Thanks AUCTION SAL F OF FARM STOCK AND Machinery at North Half of Lot 22. Concesaion 9, Morris Township, 1% miles north of Walton and 2 miles west, on !'hureday, March 19, at 1:39 p.m. HORSES —Team Clyde geldings, age 11 and 12 Years, weighing 8400 The. CATTLE—Cow rising 7 years, due July 21; steer rising 2 years; heifer rising 1 year. POULTRY - 37 two-year-old White Leghorn hens. IM- PLEMEINTS-7400t Massey-Harr3a binder with truck and tongue; 1 'Deering 6 -foot mower; 10 -foot damp rake: International• hay loader: 15 -foot hay rack; 16 -foot roll- ing hay rack ; Massey -Harris 10 -foot steel roller; ; Massey -Harris truck wagon: 3 horse cultivators; Massey -Harris need drill with grass seeder; wagon box and stock rack; gravel box ; grass seeder; 12 -foot seed box; pea harvester for 5 -foot mower: walking plow; turnip seed drill; turnip pulper; gang plov0 ; 2 sets harrows: • don- ble-draw wire Stretchers; barb wire stretch- ers: Clinton fanning mill and seives; Oliver riding plow in good shape: 28 -foot extension ladder; 16 -foot ladder; 2 cross- cut saws; 18 rafters for 14 -foot building ; lumber; coal oil heater; single harness; double harness; horse collars Pig crate: 25 grain bags; Bissell disc; scufiler; sugar kettle: hay knife; chains; forks, etc; 4 beds; 8 dressers; sealers; 40 bags Pota- toes, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. No reserve; farm is sold. FRANKA. KELLY, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, - Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. MR. AND MRS. J. W. STACKHOUSE, Bruchfield, would like to thank friends and relatives for gifts, cards and personal calls on their $ttieth wedding an- nivergary. 4443-1 ANDREW HOUSTON AND FAM- ily sincerely tltarik ell the neighbors arid Mends for the 'beantiful flowers and so many other kind and thoughtful expres- sions of nysnpathy which they received in their recent b'ereavem'ent 'Your kindntg fit deeply appreciated 4442ar1 Last year .the -Red' Create blood traliffifsfen service' collected " 318;• 341' tittles Of blood which ivas d tip ti+'ibtiited alikoltitiety free tri .561 Can- ' 4,442,11 atiiazi hospital,?. ("LEAFING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Machinery, at Lot 19, Con- cession 11, M,oKillop Township, 1;'4 nines north of Winthrop, lie miles east, on Wednesday, March 18, at 1 p.m.: HORSES —Team Clyde mares, 7 and 8 years old. CATTLE -5 young cows due May, June and July ; 1 Hereford cow. bred Jan. 12: 6 Hereford and Durham heifers, rising 2 years old, fat and bred about November 1: 2 part Holstein heifers. rising 2 years; 1 Hereford heifer, rising 2 years old; 5 calves, rising 1 year old: 1 Hereford calf 3 months old; 1 good Hereford bull ris- ing 2 years old. IMPLEMENTS -1950 Ford tractor and plow ; 6 -foot Massey -Har- ris binder; 5 -foot Deering mower; 11 -hoe seed drill; cultivator; 3 -section harrows; walking plow; acufller ; Massey -Harris hay loader ; rubber tired wagon; hay rack and shift; steel tire wagon and gravel box; set bench sleighs and flat rack ; four- wheel trailer with stock rack; large pig crate and weighing crate; set of scales; fanning mill; root pulper: 3 chicken shel- ters; Renfrew cream separator; water trough: cattle clippers: wheelbarrow; manure boat; Cutter; 5 tons mixed hay; 400 bushels mixed grain; 100 bushels oats; 40 bushels wheat; 2 dozen grain bags; 75 sacks; 3 barrels; sugar kettle;. sap pan; sap buckets and spiles ; lumber; cedar Posts; 3 cedar post 20 feet long ; double harness; collars; forks; shovels; chains; whifAetrees, and numerous other articles. No reserve: farm is sold. Terms—Cash, I.ORNE HULLEY, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements and Household Ef- fects. at Lot 12, Concession 7. Tucker - smith Township. 3% miles south of Sea - forth and i,, mile west, on Thursday, March 12th, at 1 p.m: HORSES -1 geld- ing, 8 years old: 1 gelding, 11 years old; set breeching harness and horse collars. CATTLE—Hereford heifer, first calf, doe April 27; Holstein cow, 4 years old,. due April 9; Hohitein< cow, 6 years old, due March 26; Durham cow, 5 years old, doe March -10; Durham cow, 7 years Old, due March 12; Durham cow, 4 years old, with calf at foot; Durham cow, 7 years old, due March 11: Durham' cow, 7 years old; due? March 17; Hereford cow, 7 years old, due March 21; Durham cow, 4 years old. due March 1; Durham cow, 9 years old, due April 13; 14 months old steer calf; 9 last spring calves, weighing 500 lbs.. PIGS -6 chunks, over 100 lbs. POUL- TRY -200 last year pullets. IMPLE- 1ENTS—Model D Case tractor with live power takeoff, new July, 1952; McCor- mick -Deering stiff tooth cultivator, 81 ft. (like new) ; fertilizer sower, 6 ft. (like new); rake bar hay loader; 6 -ft. Massey - Harris mower: 3 -furrow tractor plow; wagon and rack ; set bobaleigha ; horse scorner; stoneboat; 100 feet snow fence: 15 rod chicken wire; 20 iron poste; barb wire; 12 -foot wire gate: gravel box; car and bay fork rope; hay fork; Massey - Harris bean puller; wheelbarrow; 2 scoop shovels; horse blanket; fire extinguisher; logging chain; bag truck; 100.feed Baas; single furrow riding plow; 36ett. exten- sion ladder; Viking cream separator; col- ony house, 10 x 12; 3 shelters; hen troughs; chicken feeders and fountains; 2 colony house stoves; fattening crate; 2 steel barrels. GRAIN -450 bushels mixed grain, suitable for seed; com on cob. HAY -12 tons baled hay.; 3 tons second - cut alfalfa; clover seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Dresser, bed and springs, mat- tress; at-tress; 2 easy chairs; 1 tapestry rug; 4 - blamer white enamel electric stove (heat wave) ; rocking chair; dropleaf table; 6 chairs; lamps; dishes : gas stove. 3 -burner with oven ; couch; 1 long table; i HSP. motor: other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. No reserve; farm is sold. JOHN .McLACRLAN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. ('+LEAKING AUCTION SALE AT LOT 9, Concession 19, Grey Township, 2. miles east of Walton, on Wednesday, March 11, at 12:80 p.m.. consisting of .farm stock. machinery and household effects: CATTLE —Black cow, 9 years olds bred in July; 1 black cow, 8 years old, bred in Jul ; 1' bladk cow, 6, years old, bred in June; 1 red cow, 6 years old; bred in June: 1 red cow, 6 years old, bred in Jul3'n2 Hol- stein cows, 5 years old, pe5ture bred; 1 black registered cow, 6 years old, :bred; 1 • .black registered, cow, 4 years old; bred; 1 blue cow, 3 years old, bred fn July; 1 red •heifer, 2 years old, pasture bred; 2 black heifers, 2 years old, to freshen in April ; 4 steers, rising one year old; 4 heifers, rising one year old. POULTRY= 7e. White Rock hens, MACHINERY -70' Cockehutt Standard tractor on rubber; 36-52 Mildmay grain separator; S -plate Cockehutt one-way disc; Universal milker, 2 single units: 'Massey021-ris hay- loader: 7 -foot Deering binder; rubber tired wag- on ; hay rack ; 10 -inch Bissell grinder; 15 - hoe disc Cockehutt grain drill; 2 -furrow tractor plow; lift. International- power mower; Massey -Harris side rake: 5 -ft. Mc- Cormick e-Cormick cultivator; •Clinton fanning mini motor pulley; 125 feet 6 -inch 4 -ply, drive belt; set harrows; buggy; cutter; 7 -inch electric bench saw: Heavy Duty lee 1LP. motor; bench emery: 75 feet 6 -inch 4 -ply drive belt; • 12 -ft-`` cabin trailer (like new), travels four. GRAIN and HAY --Quantity cut mixed tray ; 150 bushels mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.--17ogors li4aiestic refrigerator, 71,6 cubic foot 'Enke new): Maxwell electric •'hasher (good) ; Moffat •combination- • range ;--Quebiet--beater,-eight piece oak dining room suite; studio couch and mating chair: kitchen table' buffet and' 6 chairs occasional chairs and small talSlea' 'ttilSght lamp; electric Iambs; Ai- laFlin lamp.; i50Q ypatt'Sunsbtne hot plate; m Singer sawing ane: Dboilograph' 8- piece maple bedr000eui"suite; 2 bedrooms suites,' complete,' iron' single bed, spritesand mattress; hall -rack; drapes; kitchen utensna; antique china dishes; 2 rugs; nu. hooked Mate; eie'ctric kitchen ciock;. other aetfcles. T'erini Cash: Pima is sold. CIl'AII2E3 WILLIAMSON', Pro- rtat4ir; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; F Pd Chanter, 'dietk. mrd:; Remain :Lodge, I,o;O,P, 203, Sx►1R-' Carmel Congre 'a,Ui1� trlbuted $76 to the Overseas Floald Relief Fund. $50 to Heron . County 1 Fihn in United' C Flood Relief Fond, and $26 to the Flood Relief •Fuad of the Central 'IP. and T. Committee.' Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Drysdale,are At the morning service id Ostmel Presbyterian Church, Henaall,ISuiE- day, Rev. J. B. Rox chose for .rbcs enjoying a ' month's vacation; in theme, "The Faith That Wins Qth- Florida for Mr. Drysdale's,ihealth. ers." A duet, "Great is the Faith - They report a wonderful vacation fulness," was sung by Mrs, A. W. and rest, amidst beautiful scenery Kerslake and Mrs. C. Kennedy. In and (lowers and the temperature the evening the congregation at; "round 85 degrees. I tended service in the United Mrs. Annie Saundercoclt and Mrs. William Sxnale, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wiliert, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Freeman, Clin- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Radford Donald- son, London, and Mrs.. Al Pearson, Toronto, were in Windsor last week attending the funeral of the late Charles George Saundercock, who died, from injuries received in '1 traffic accident. Mrs. Saunder- eock suffered ' concussion and shock. The Hensall Women's Institute will hold a social gathering in. the Legion, rooms March 11, at 8:15 p.m. Men will be special guests. Mrs. Beer and Mrs. Inez McEwen are hostesses. Roll call will be an Irish joke. Honor Hensall Couple In Seaforth Arena Last Friday evening . Mr. and Mrs. Don 'McKenzie, Hensall, new- lyweds, were honored at Seaforth Community Centre, when their many friends presented them with a sofa bed. Arthur Varley read the address and Wilfred Coleman and Robert McLachlan made the pres- entation. Murdoch's orchestra fur- nished the music for dancing. Lunch was served. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick in Lon- don Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brock and fam- ily amily and Mr. and Mrs. Clousher and family, Zurich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Davis, Bel- ton, visited with .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen attend- ed the banquet of the Hog Produc- ers' Association at Milverton Tues- day. The sympathy of the community is extended to the 'bereaved wife and family of the late Lorne Mc- Kellar, who passed away Monday morning. Births DUFFY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duffy. R_R. 1, Dublin, a son. HARRY—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on March 3, to Cpl. and Mrs. Robert Har- ry. 42 Edmonton Rd., R.C.A-F. Station, Clinton, a daughter. LITTLE—At Sdott Memerial Hospital, on February 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Little, R.R. 1, Seaforth, a daughter. Deaths BOLTON—In Clinton; on Monday, March 2. Leonard F. Bolton. Seaforth, in his 63rd year. BROADFOOT--,in Seaforth, on Sunday. March 1, Alexander Broadfoot, in his 79th year- HOUSTON—In Egmondville, oh Saturday. February 28, Myrtle A. Bell, beloved .wife of Andrew Houston, in her 57th year. Help Wanted! Girls or Men Seaforth Shoes LTD: DELUXE ALL METAL rlume VENETIAN BUNDS Sizes 18x64 3.98 27-36x64 . 4.98 Lengths of 72 incites are available COLORS --Ivory or White FURNiTURE STORE PH'ONE 43 •, Res. 595•VIW Church, where a special flim was shown. Cromarty Young -People Hear Mrs. C. McKaig The Cromarty Young, People's Society held its meeting Sunday evening in the basement of the church, with Carolilie. Walker pre- siding. Kenneth Walker read the scripture lesson; Rev. R. Duncan- son led in prayer; Ethel Mae Nor- ris read a poem. Mrs. Calder McKaig was .the guest speaker. Her topic was "The gratitude of Grace." Caroline Walker and Ethel Norris sang a duet, "In the Garden?' KIPPEN We are sorry Co learn that Mrs. Wilbur Dilling bas been confined to her bed. tier many .friends wish her better health. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor and Miss Thelma Edards, Stratford, vis- ited Sunday with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Mabel Whiteman. Monday visitors included: Walter Dinsdale, M.P., Brandon; Mrs; Dinsdale and their two sons. Dr. James Jarrott, New York, is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Cath- arine Jarrott. Mrs. McClymont spent Saturday evening with her daughter and son- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme, Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, returned home Sunday af- ter visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Jar- rott. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith visited Sunday with friends in London and St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and family. London, were Sunday visitors, of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmdre. Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander, Hensall, spent an evening last week with their soil and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gacksetter included'r "'•Ed ward and John Gackstetter, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer • Gackstetter and family, near Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Harry- Gackstetter, near Hen- sall; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Horney, Exeter. -Hiss Merle Dickert and friend, Murray Tyndall, were in London Monday evening. Mrs. William Martin was in Lon- don Monday visiting Mrs. B. Sim- mons in Victoria Hospital. Miss Jean, 'Ivison attended the funeral of a cousin, the late Dr. Lew Little. of Guelph. Mrs. William Horney, Exeter;'Te' turned home Thursday after visit- ing the past week with 'her niece a.nd nephew. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gack- stetter. We regret reporting Charles Switzer not in good health and ,a patient in .Clinton Hospital. Mr. Jonah Green attended• the funeral last Friday of his brother, the late S. Green, of Grand Bend. We are sorry .to report Mr. Robt. McGregor is confined to his bed with a serious attack of flu. Several friends and relatives call- ed Tuesday evening last week to wish Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fair- bairn many more years of health and happiness,. on the occasion of their 60th anniversary. �- WINCHELSEA Mr. Fred Walters has. purchased a Shetland pony: "Jelly Bean," for his little girl. The rest of the 'vil- lage children also get a great thrill riding the pony. Mrs. Wib• Batten visited a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Armstrong, Hensall. • Miss Joy Whitlock, St. Thomas, spent the Week -end with her sister, Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn' visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, S•t..Paul. While Emerson Penhale was re- moving turnips from a pit on his farm Saturday afternoon, he Was caught in a cave-in. His right arm was broken above the wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johns, Exeter; spent Sunda evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Batten. Jerryy"Gf ubbe spent the week -end with his parents in Greenock town- ship. Iwo B r getting . igrtll + the t oe he 1404.. nay ' t Oyu P R 4 R{ t o o s. on • i - N ti- lis h Uldi ild2a 0, .. 1'g' ti Qd j I lisi�te t ls, egimb9ned•- meeting of six StaSa diistrict farm forums in the Townshitt ;Sail, Staffs, last' {geek. Andrew Y. McLean. federal member for lAuron-Perth and a CanadOn delegate to the UN, was the 0ea1' speaker. - Prier .to Mr. • McLean's addres3, Mary Carmichael, Ilderton, a Jun- ior Farmer who was -on an • ex- change xchange trip to Great Britain last Year,' showed pictures she had' tak- en in England and :Scotland. Mar- garet and- Donald Coleman sang a duet and Mrs. Cecil Bowman gave a reading. R. E: White, agricultural repre- sentative for Perth County, ad- dressed the gathering on soil test- ing. Lorne Sell was master of ceremonies for the meeting, which drew nearly 100 Staffa and district people. ELIMVTL• LE Euchre Club Meetings The Euchre Club meetings'. fog' February were held Friday niighte in the hall with,10 to 11 tables in play, Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns, Mr. Harry Sperling and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns. Ladies high winners were Mrs. C. Stephen, Mrs, G. Penhale, Mrs. Frank 'Skinner and Verde Kellett; men's high, Alvin Cooper, Delmar Skinner, P. Murch and John Rid- ley; consolations: Mrs. Roy Johns, Hubert Hunter, John Miners and Audrey Rielly. Mrs. Gordon Penhale spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Don Munn, Hensall, last week. Brian Middleton, R.C.M.P., and Donna Murch, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Bell. Mission Band was held at the home of Margaret John last Satur- day.. Brian Hern had charge of the meeting. Grace Johns played a piano solo, and Betty Anne Steph- en gave a reading. W. 1. Family Night The Family Night of Elimville W. I. was held in the church here. Mrs. Grace Hunter -had charge of _business. Mrs. A. Cooper, Mrs. John 'Miners and Mrs. C. Stephen were a committee for the mental health program. Ken Hera was chairman for .the program, consist- ing of a piano solo by Beth Taylor; reading by !Kathryn Hunter; duet by'_•Grace Routly and Mary Skin - Der; solo by Audrey Rielly; mono- logue by 4.nna Routly and a play, "Sarah Perkins.' Last 'Stop," by Wm, Raptly; C. Stephen, Ken Johns, Helen Bell, Beatrice Ford, Marion S'kihner;; Audrey Rielly and ,Ruth Skinner. • • W.M.S. Family Night The W.M.S. Family Night was held in. the church. Mrs. Jack Cow- ard had charge of the program. Mrs. A. Pym read the striatum and Mrs. Howard Johns" led in prayer. Mrs. $$ob Rielly sang a solo and Mrs. Gilbert Johns gave a reading. Pictures were shown on Quebec and Africa. Marilyn Moore played a piano solo. The following cousins attended the funeral of Mrs. Andrew Hous- ton, who died suddenly at her .home in Egmondville: Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Stephen, Harold Bell, Mrs. F'. Murch, Mrs. A. Pym and Mrs. Thomas Bel), Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. N. Valentine have moved into the home of 'Mrs. W. Horn. Kippen Pastor Lauds Members For Work on Chnfth Renovations At ,the reopening services in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, last Sunday, Rev. Norman McLeod Praised. those who had done so much towards the renovating of the church. Beautiful baskets of -sparing flowers adorned the altar, in elem., ory of the late Mr. and •Mrs. Sohn Bell, the late Mrs. Robert Cooper, the late Robert McBride, and the late Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Sinclair, Donald Bell sang' a solo at' the morning service, -.-A ..male- guar -tet, -accompanied -.b.. Mrs. Roy licCUllough, ' Rays! Cpureh, desisted the choir at the morning service. A' male octet from Zurich, accompanied by Mrs. Milton Oesch, sang several num- bers umhers during he evening service. ,Rig;8oise: In 19$9 Canada itnilar4 ea 2$-154 worth of brass .band kt' stt'tWi lite. The third largest telescope in the world is in use at Toronto's Dunlap Observatory. IMP Euchre & Dance HENSALL Town Hall FRIDAY, MARC 6th CARDS AT 8: Sponsored byt Kippen East W.I. Hank Norris and his Ranch Boys • Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches GOOD PRIZES +,&nr< ie " Recalling the early 'history of Bruce/field • United ,church, Qemmell, well-ki* wn Tuckeslmiih resident, Who is. spending the win- ter inter in .Seaforth, told The Expositor that the drat iihureh was built in 1871. and was known as the Unioi i Church, 'Blucetield. After 37 yeare of service the building was found to be too mall for the congregation. A meeting was called to consider a. new build- ing.and appointed a building com- mittee which included: Alex Mc - Beath, James McDernaid, William Scott, Dlxnean Aikenhead, J. D. Gemmell and D. Fotheringham. Tenders were asked for and a con- tract was let to Sam Cooper, Clin- ton, for $10,000. The present church was built in 1908. The first minister was" the Rev. Thompson. He was followed by Rev. Mure, Rev. Simpson, Rev. Sawers, Rev. W. D. McIntosh, Rev. W. A. Bremner, Rev. E. R. Stan- way and Rev. W. J. Maines. During the life of the congrega- Von three young men. of Brucefield entered the service of the church Comedy Play Enjoyed By Kippen Audience Monday evening a three -act come- dy play, "Look Out, Lizzie," was presented by the L.O.L., Woodham, at Kippen. Between acts Mrs. Nor- man McLeod played a piano instru- mental. Gerta and Hank Benin - dyke sang a duet, accompanied by Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. The play was presented to a fairly large at- tendance. Huron County Health Unit immunization Clinic The first in a series of pre-school Immunization Clinics for Sea - forth and District will be held in the Basement of the Public Library, Seaforth TUESDAY,nMARCH 10 from 3 to 4 p.m. Children four months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive initial immunization or reinforcing in- oculation for diphtheria, whoop- ing cough, tetanus and smallpox in• dividually designed SPENCER _SUPPORTS /A Spencer designed just for you will improve YOUR posture — give YOU new energy — a lovelier figure! Enjoy comfort beyond com- pare—all these benefits at a saving — for your Spencer will be guaran- teed Dever to lose shape. MRS. PEARL BAYNHAM Hensall Phone 171=W � tfrl' as sters-.- u "I late. ter Rev. Rev. Bayy' �r' e' etlien R ev tar , C. Mels ;d n , Kin- KenC Numbers ' Wed., Feb. 25 --- 0-70 Thur., Feb. 26 — B-8 Fri., Feb, 27 -• G-46 - Sat., Feb. 28 --- I-20 Mon., Mar. 2 — G-50 'Tues., Mar. 3 — G-57 WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB "Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY FOif Estate Planning and Wills Investment Management and Advisory Service 33/4% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed Far prompt attention arra RAYS B. PATERSON Trust Officer Rensail, Omtasig, Phone EL or any office et GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA sOEONIO • NOIIIIBAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR NIAGARA FAILS • 90nSORI CALCAR • VANCOUVER THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL .Perth County Seed Show • - The Crystal Palace, MITCHELL WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MARCH 18 & 19 1953, • GRAiN • SEEDS • CORN • POTATOES • HAY Admission Free — PROGRAMME — WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18-9 - 11 aan., Receiving Seed; 1:00 p.m., Judging Exhibits; 7:30 p.m., Exhibits Open to Public; 8:30 p.m., A full evening program with speakers, musical numbers and motion pictures of Fall Fairs, including, the 1952 Mitchell Fair. THURSDAY, MARCH 19-9:30 a.m., Boys' Seed Judging Com- petition; 10:30 a,m., Exhibits Open to 'Public; 12 Noon, Banquet in United Church; speaker, Dr. J. D. MacLachlan, President O.A.C; 2 p.m., Official Greetings, presentation of special awards; Panel Discussion en "Methods of Handling Hay"; panel includes Robert Capbert, ,OKNX; Douglas Hart, Woodstock; Prof. C. G. E. Down- ing, O.A.C.; Harold Patterson, Munro; Earl Hooper, St. Marys;, 3:30 p.m., Auction Sale 'of Seed. L. M. GREENWOOD, President For Prize Lists, apply to R. E. WHITE, Secretary SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron Couiitys Finest Market FOR USED CARS 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLEZINE SEDAN 196E CHEV. DID LUXE COAOH—Fully equipped 1952 PONTIAC STYIMLINE coital 3-1951 CIIflV. STYLELINE SEDANS 1951. PONTIAC COACH 1951..t4trn SEDAN 1951. ► : t o ' . STYLELINE COACH 1949 'CHDV. COACH 1948 CIIMV. SEDAN ,e. :r.. 1948 MDV. FiI.EE'rLINE COACH 1947 CHEM COACH—Low mileage 1941 CHEV. COACH 1941 OHEV. SPECIAL DE LUXE SEDAN Completely Reconditioned e• 1939 PONTIAC COACH—Good condition TRUCKS --- 1953 DODGE 5 -TON PICKUP 1948 MECURY iirTON PICKUP. A written gnarantea for 60 days on all late model RELTif MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE PJlou BRUS$ELS BRt1 EIS0 PHONE 73-X "Thy •Home oi•.. 44er'` Illicit Oar" • MOTORS ONTARIO E EVIERiP 66E104 I 'i4; A 1 ,r 4 ) 'l