HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-02-27, Page 5t • :4. This Week At .the 11101 Sth04 Sy 11:14I1 1.41011.111 •11';ielety, .color and excitsimen$ we* the n441ht one of the, beet • 0eM111/190 to Melte Paiday 1400 OnleYed•-• et 614 0.1:0,413.„, Deem*, .&t -Home the school's biggest fees ;tiene were the big eye-catchera of tive occaalon 9f the yeart, Polled :the. nights with thlb men, acetic decorations and :program rateeetla held to a Coronation MOIL . , , eles SPICE ON ICE SKATING CARNIVAL Sealortli Community Centre Friday,,March 6 at 8 pan. THIS IS THE. BIGGEST 'EVENT ON ICE ' TO HIT SEAFORTH IN YEARS! • .Stage •FlOodlights Costumes EIGHTY FIGURE SKATERS FROM - STRATFORD AND SEAFORTH starring-- Lorraine Odbert - Wayne Graham o ADMISSION -.75 Cents and 50 Cents (6. 7s), !:.ir, .• „ .. .. , , • . .4 .'• ,,,• Y,,.„....11',41... ,.,„ r.;. „ • 4 AV ' '„'ir . ;Vie; ,,r 144.4.41:1,,, s.n. , . , , . . ' • :' ',6126414traffilb,411.krigkitill1 '' ' ' ' IISKSIStiffiti,•:".s.„„/„:•;ss.s.,..se,.....s• - • •••,•.s ,S;S,..','.'..•:•:. ': ' ' *1").'''''74ft ''' 1 7:''''''''-'• a:: ic. 441rt'' ' fr- ''.- - ' .•-••• - ' - '.! ,...'...',1 ,.:•••••••!,,...,. ','„', s,,,,,',-,.,....,...;.• ,..„.. ,.. *9;4'.•4ZPRAPPY94#,k 104. 'MO, effect. far fromduIL Tha 441vglgo of the queen-an4 Xrn 0 seem superb, wlifle tili.:CgOW)VtiWit• .400- ft lOPOtliSnt .411,1,0044 perfeet TOTIP.Paltrthip. • Zionob Ittil a7.hlgtb liete. Of favor, With a. large range • of *Rifts, to Make the•internfissiOn. app,reciated, ThIe excellent selection of taste. teasers explained the steady aroma Rowing from the Boole Etc- room the day .before the grand event. With everything going so smooth- ly on the ins4de; the wciathernian did his best to be miserable on the outside. Being pushed and obeyed around in the mud and wet outside didn't help shoes or long dresses. The ladieshad a real battle dodg- ing the small lakes and preventing their dresses from getting shaded with mud and slush. After weeks of hard, ,work and unending effort, the three short hours flew like minutes. It seemed you were no more saying 'MP when the one o'clock departure had come and you were back bucking old man weather. All in all, It was a great night, one that will likely be long remem- bered for some, while it will mean Kin Keno Numbers Feb. 18 - B - 6 Fe'b. 19 - N - 36 Feb. 20 - 0-74 Feb. 21 A- G - 54 Feb. 23 - 1-11 Feb. 24 - B - 11 WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB ;I Banish battery' worry :with a Brand New - Factory -Fresh MOR -PO CANADA'S BEST -BUILT BATTERY Big Allowance for Your Old Battery 18 -MONTH GUARANTEE MOR -POWER "HEAVY-DUTY" REG. LIST $16.95 YOU SAVE $8.05 - Full size, full 80 - 96 amp. capacity. Replace your old "grunt and groan" battery now with an action - pocked Mor -Power, 39 Plates. Fits, most popular cars (except Ford V -B). Fits Ford Products -45 plates, 85-105 Reg. list $20.50. SAVE $10.20. With your old battery . 90 and Your Old Battery amp. capacity. 1O° 2 -YEAR GUARANTEE MOR -POWER "SUPER -SERVICE" 45 PLATES -REG. LIST $20.50 YOU SAVE $8.85 -Full 110 -amp. ca- p a c i t y. Loaded with extra -re- serve power for top Per- formance in any weather. Fits most popular cars (except Ford V-8). Fits Ford Products -51 plates, 120 amp. capacity. Reg. list $23.95. SAVE 12.95 $11.00. With your old battery 3 -YEAR GUARANTEE MOR -POWER HI -WATER "ARMOUR -GLASS" 51 PLATES REG. LIST $30.25 . 65 and Your Old Battery NOTE -Add 50e to above . 15 and Your Old Battery you SAVE $13.10 - Built to outland any battery you have ever used. Three times greater reserve of electrolyte. 1118 amp., capacity for extra power. Ms most popular cars (transept Ford V-$). Mor -Power "Armor -Glass" -Fits Ford Products -- 51 plates, 120 amp. capacity. Lid 14.85 $28.45. With your old battery ... prices for installation or delivery. •, , • (•"•.•‘,'•,"' ••)•' fir • ' Re,",40. ';:*• • . • Plgeli-up,.] gang:1..4,1;0W% !MON** such an indtlaMiOn40914114iPT,„.••• 114(.0; Yes, sir, thoy. ogtiar.9#4.-thfi• playIntraacito".#0 .430/0400, - off the veratvarnt• of TOW. Owe isn't anything1 like 4 deck of efirr(10,• two radios blasting in your ear, and:. aw.-tnol, Caw, cake e and 'ir4134W14-44.1444. can eat. No, this wasn't the efforts played by the Saturday mornng gang, Jut the Wit 20 nilnutes, when the final tonelfifs had to be made. Those who did turn out did a good job. Although some were. on the job at 10 a.m., others: Wan- dered in around noon. But every thing was .back to normal byl • * * Monday afternoon everyone scent- ed quite excited,' .nitittetriog soute- thing about post offices or postage stamps. With a little investigation I was told, "some fellow is coming to show us how to lick a postage stamp." After hearing such . a statement as that, I gave the affair no more thought. Sure muftis, around 3 p.m. an assembly was call- ed and we • were informed about some of the common ailments the postal department. After this, Post office life was illustrated with a Canadian postal department film. * * * Joy at no end: the exams were announced this week for only four weeks away. Everyone% face look- ed as if it had just been washed in a. box of Aerate • * * * Question of the week: Whir was the malt who had the hot, water al- ready for the coffee on Friday night? Marion Ritchie Group / In Cromarty Plans For Fortieth' .Anniveigary The Marion Ritchie Evening Aux- iliary, Cromarty, met last week at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Miller. ` Mrs. Lorne Elliott presided. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Andrew McLachlin, followed with prayer by Mrs. Elliott. The roll call was. answered with a verse on Love and Mrs. Duncanson read 'a chapter The PfibrAi4rY meetiug FiNtVit 41,4 , Orcrop held Ittst wee home ,QtAMis. Lawrence Marks, with 21 'UfaIn attendance The President, MrS-Relliald sok 'nett, opened the Meeting with. a .91111_ i:xxim• A .1n4Yer" Mrs. Bea- n-.ett was followed With the swill - two reading by Mrs. 4obert Kirk- by, Mill. Nelsbn Marlts read a ,P0e)31, "Martha's &mg." Mrp Fern Patterson gave the secretary's re- port and read ' a thank-Y,on note. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Frank Kirkby. During the ibutrintsse period, March 25 was the date set for a bazaar, to be held in the school- rocext of the ehureli. A splendid topic, "Blessed Are the Peacemak- ers," was given by Mrs. Geo. Dun - Mrs. George McArthur conducted several contests. Lunch was serv- edsher the hostess:, assieted by Mi. Percy Holman, Mrs. Fern Patter- son, Mrs: Lloyd Potter and Mrs. Nelson Marks. The next meeting will, be held at the home of Mrs. Noble McCallum March 11. Cromarty and Staffa WMS Groups Combine For PrayerService Members of the Cromarty Wo- men's •Miettionary Society joined with the members of the State So- ciety for the World Day of Prayer service in Staffa 'United. Church last week. Mrs. Marshall Deering, assisted by Mrs. ,Lloyd Sorsdahl, conducted the meeting. Prayers were given by Mrs: Eldon. Allen, Mrs:A. Daynard, Mrs,. Agar, Mrs, 'Calder McKaig, Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. Cecil Bowman. Mrs. R. Duncanson bad charge of the address and gave a paper • on "Walk As Children of Light." Mrs. Leslie Miller sang a solo, and Mrs. Marshall Deering ;closed the meet- ing' with the benedictien. , from the study book. - Alice Sored.ahl gave an interest- ing topic. Members planned for the 40th anniversary of the orgaaiza- tion, to be held in the near -future. At a circus a man walked over to the camels, picked up a straw, placed it squarely on a camel's back and waited. Nothing hap- pened. "Wrong straw," he muttered, and returned to his seat. RECEPTION - for - Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dale SEAFORTH Community Centre TUESDAY, MARCH 3 Everybody Welcome RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs.. Bbb Traquair Hengi-Town Hall FRIDAY, FEB. 27th DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA '• Ladies Please Provide Lunch Everybody Welcome ! stairoweseettlessimmient RECEPTION SEAFORTH Community Centre for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patrick WEDNESDAY, MAR. 4 Harburn's Orchestra - Everybody Welcome * Dependability * Value * Quality * Reliability of ADELUXE ALL METAL irlume VENETIAN BLINDS Sizes 18 x 64 3.98 27 - 36 X.64 4.98 Lengths' of 72 inches are available COLORS -Ivory or White PtitstruitE STORE RES. 596-W day 'pliF'.14:;i1?3;4:114.nia r; sie:77 playoff bope are -ilFlot,ip• over, no 4nanlf tbe ri"ntile37.04.41‘iirer44, 494dirl4t „Tiornirmeilingr,sleartpooitoeurry74;themitottkillveguotsg4349090,440;4: the 10400 at *Me have been aket. ilaelting defeats, the Seaforth team has Yet to prove to local specta- tore :their P4P4Witles. 'Whether it is overconfidence or not, Coach Ralph MOItadden hasn't come up with asarp jtioleasreturntionYet.mToniaghtat'smeitigohl with QA,Ivegltblmeneell°14aet `elTuub'seirdlathxy eight's battle in Sarnia saw SeefOrth play- ing a checking game that its yet to be seen at home. Shorthanded by the absence of Doug Affeheson and Vine Schooley didn't alter the stonewall protection given Gar Baker. From start to at:tisk the Sailors yielded under a hard -driv- ing pressure., that they weren't ex - Reuling to encounter. Thursday's effort with' the Lon- don Lou Balls clouded up what looked..to he a sore .clincher. Per- iodic slumps' proved' costly once more for Seaforth. With less than four minutes of play in the game, they blew 'a two -goal lead in, less than 30 seconds, That experience should give the Baldwin& the hint that they can't fall 'asleep in. play- off competition: Saturday night a bus will leave Seaforth at 7 pan. for the London' game. in that eitY. * * * +Bantam battles came off favor- ably fcir the local youngsters Thursday. By clipping Milverton 4-1, they grabbed the sight to en- ter W.O.A.A. Bantams play-offs. At present they are waiting to heft'. fiorn. the northern semgbrale for another go at play-off action. * * * Lucan juveniles ended Seaforth hopes abruptly, as the former slam- med a 10-3 win over the locals: From start to finish, Lucas initiat- ed the action, With, the only com- petition coming in the first twenty. Constance W.A. Views Slides At Meeting Group 1 of the W.A, of Constance United: Church, with IVIrs. A. Dex- ter as leader, held a social evening receitly in the Sunday school rooms of the church, Dr. E. A. Mc- Master, Seaforth, showed elides of his trip to Mexico. Special music was. furnished by Mrs. Willis Van Egmond, accompanied by Miss Wilt - se, Clinton. A reading was given by Mr. Borden, Brussels. Lunch was served, and the proceeds amounted to $20. LEGION HOCKEY Results of games played Satur- day, February 21: Black Hawks 7, Maroons 2. Goals for Black' Hawks scored by B. Flan- nigan 4, Strong 2, McMichaell. For Marroons, McNairn 2. Rovers 10, Canadiens 3. Goals for Rovers: Powell 1, • Wilson 2, Broome 3. „Carter 1, R. Scoins' 1. For Cana.diens: Ennis 1, McClin- chey 1, Watson 1. Bruins 3, 'Red Wings 2. Goals for Bruins: L. Scott 1, D. Scott 1, A. Strong 1; for Red Wangs, Dupee 2. Pee Wee - Rangers 3, Maple Leafs 2. Goals for Rangers: Hugill 1. G. Horner 1, Reith 1; for Maple Leafs, L. Pethick 1, G. Ast 1. 'Games for Saturday, Feb. 28: 9 a.m.-Canadiens vs. Bruins 10 a.m.-Rovers Ya. Black Hawks 11 a.m.-Red Wings, vs, Maroons 12 noon -Pee Wee. District 'Obituaries 1 HENS'ALL. - Charles George Saundercock, 64-year-oid manager of a Windsor lumber company, died Tuesday in Windsor hospital of injuries received in a motor ae- cident Sunday. Mr. Sa.undereodit, native of Hul- lett township, never regained con- sciousness after the accident. His wife is still in Windsor hospital with critical injuries. The two were injured in a three -car crash at Walker Road and No. 3 Highway. Mr. Saundercock was manager of the Windsor firm for the past 30 years and a member of the Mason- ic Order. Surviving besides his wife are his stepmother, Mrs. An- nie Saundercock, Hensall; a daugh- ter, residing in the United States, and five sisters, °Mrs. Radford (June) Donaldson, Londol3; Mrs. Albert (Edna) Pearson, Toronto; Mrs. Milton (Gladys) 'Willett, Exe- ter; Mrs. Wilfred (Isabel) Free- man, Clinton, and Mrs. William (Vera) 'Smale, Hensall. The fun- eral was held in Hensall Thursday afternoon. LATE MRS. HENRY CLARK WALTON.-Mrs. Henry Clark, the former Mary McCallum, died in Clinton General Hospital Sun- day, where she had been a patient for 10 days. She had been in fail- ing health for some time. Mrs, Clark was born. in McKillop township on January 24, 1876, a daughter of the late .Mr. and Mrs. James McCallum. In February, 1908, she was married to Henry Clark, and they resided in Orey township.' Mr. Clar'k died in Aug- ust, 1948. Mrs. Clark was a mem- ber of Duff's United Church, Wal- ton. Surviving is one son, James W. Clark, lot 1, concession 17, Grey township, with whom she made her home...Two Ibrothers, William Mc- Callum, London, and Noble McCal- lum, WaltOn, And four sistere,- Mrs., Janet Broughton., Monkton; Mrs. Fanny Engler, Galt; Mrs. Elizabeth, McNichol, Waltoti, and Miss Sarah' McCallum, Grey township, also, gut- vive. There Is one grandson, Irlfilet3 Clark. The funeral was held Tuesday at, the home or her son. Reit. 'W. MI Thomas, of Daft% United Church (Maimed. Burial was in .flrust etmetery. offestts,',411,, , s„, • ss•s•-•;:ssse 1 SUITS Choose frern theae smart new crew 110'' sisting Worsted Saito for, Spring. , Fresh new splatter weaves; multi flecks,' stub cords, overchecke an d novelty weave, s that are distinct and entirely different; • , Superbly tailored, fully lined and styled in the new length Jack- ets. You must gee these delightful suitnow! TheY're remarkably low -priced at 29:050 39.50 SPECIAL PURCHASE OF 2.95 QUALITY Authentic WOOL TARTANS 54 -inch wide Pure Wool Scotch Tartan Skirtings, that sell regularly at $2.95 per yard. Choose from this wide range of Tartans, including Logan, black Watch, Lindsay, Hunting, Royal and Dress Stewart, Gor- don, McKindsey, R.C.A.F., King George and McKinnon. Lovely fine quality Tartans, at a big saving to you. VERY SPECIAL AT 1.98 YD. Stewart Bros. For Happy (hicks Check This Equipment! ELECTRIC and INFRA -RED BROODERS HEAT BULBS • WATER FOUNTS THERMOSTATS • THERNIOMET FEED TROUGHS, Crown Hardware Agents for Spramotor Sprayers Merv. Nott Keith Sharp Phone 797 Seaforth TRUCKS and TRACTORS 50 FORD COACH 50 CHEV. COACH 49 FORD COACH 48 MERCURY SEDAN 47 MERCURY COACH 46 FORD COACH 42 DODGE SEDAN 41 FORD COACH 40 PONTIAC COACH . 37 DODGE 1/2 -TON- T -RUCK 46 COCKSHtTTT 80 TRACTOR. 47 FORD TRACTORS -2 50 FORD TRACTOR -with half tracks and loader DALY "tig /26