HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1953-02-27, Page 4} issfiedAds Inserted At New Low Cash .Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: let Week 1 Cent 225 Week , x 9i Cent 8rd Week yg bis Cent Minimum charge. each tnsertlon25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation county as one word. • C111131 of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Com:ng Events -1 cent per word. 60 tent* per week. ]3yglrlea may he directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Tees cents additional will be charged if add In above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Saks, Notices to Creditors. Etc --Rates on application. • ld aims, Coming Events Sir. PATRICK'S DANCE, TUESDAY. March 17, sponsored by Canadian Leg- ion No. 156, Community Centre, Seaforth. Music by Paul Cross and Orchestra. Ad- mission: 41.50 per couple; single, $1.00. 444 For Rent APART TENT FOR RENT — THREE rooms, upstairs, share bath; suitable for couple. Available March 1. Apply Box 216, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4442-1 FOR SALE 011 RENT—HOUSE WITH bath, bot and cold water; barn and hen house. 2 to 5 acres of land, in Sea - forth. Good location on North Road. Im- mediate possession. Phone 112. .HARVEY MCILWAIN, Seaforth. 4442x1 Wanted WANTED --BALE HAY. PHONE 90, Seaforth 4442.1 WANTED TO RENT — 6 TO 8 -ROOM house. Will' pay up to 465.00 a month. Apply to Box 184, HURON EXPOSITOR. 448941 WANTED — UNFURNISHED APART- ment or house in Godericb. Seaforth. Clinton, Bayfield area Stove and refrig- erator preferred. Steady income; ,Rood references- CALL CLINTON 382; LOCAL . 252. 44424 Agents Wanted DEALERS Be Independent! SELL FROM DOOR TO BOOR 225 well-known and guaranteed Jito Pro- ducts. Year round business. 818 will buy travelling kit and assortment. Splendid vacant territories. One month trial with absolutely no risk- Particulars: JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. 4440-4 Motor Cars For Sale FORSALE -1951 METEOR TWO -DOOR VOR Sedan ; excellent condition; low mile- age; also small Coleman space heater. PHONE 682-J, Seaforth. 444251 Personals "SX.INNY" GIRLS! GET LOVELY curves! Gain 5 to 10 lbs„ new pen. Try famous health and weight -builder, Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory, "get - acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All drug- gists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U BBE R Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified Ad. Phone 41. Help Wanted 'ANTED—CAPABLE GIRL FOR KIT- chen help. A,,gp4y.,TASTY GRILL. 4442x1 HELP WANTED—GIRL OR LADY To do general housework and help care for small child. All modern conveniences PHONE 646 r 2, Seaforth. 4442-1 WAN' — FOR HURON COUNTY, young married man, 21-28, who wish- es to better his present position. Must have car, be alert, clean-cut and aggres- sive. For personal interview, write Box 214, HURON EXPOSITOR. All replies strictly confidential. 4442x1 NURSES WANTED Property For Sale FOR SALE,4410014, FB.ABE HOUSE. Inankated stoner heated, modern bath. "00 and kitchgn. new garage. Lots of rpoan for garden, CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 855-W, Seaforth, 448041 REGISTERED NURSES AND ONE certified nursing assistant required for St. Mary's Memorial' Hospital. St. Marys. Apply SUPERINTENDENT 4942-2 :$18 AN EVENING FOR YOUR SPARE TIME. JUST 8 easy free trial sales amazing Patented Automatic Refrigerator Defrosters can pay you that. Hundreds of hot prospects com- mission. Rush name, address for guaran- teed profit offer. D -Frost -O -Matic Co., Dept, 30, • NEWMARKET, ONT. - 4442-4 Notices MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM MORT- gage. FRANK BEAN, Hensall. 4442x1 PROPERTY FOR SALE—TWO-STOREY, threebedrooms. ljving room, den, 8 - piece bathroom. oil heated house, including three acre@ of band, edge of town. Approv- ,d for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ay - air Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR. or Phone 41. Seaforth. 4481-tf RADIO REP.y1RS-FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-8. - 4368-tf PAINTING — SPRAY OR BRUSH ; Papering, Sunworthy wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE. Hensall- Phone 196-R, Hensall. 4425-16 HAVING SLOW MILKING TROUBLES? Call LOVELL MCGUIRE, your Surge Dealer, Phone 593-W, Wingham- We spe- cialize in milking cows. The Surge milks faster. FOR SALE.—.8-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, complete with basement, on double lot; garage. Well actuated on High St. Sale nec<ssary to close up estate. Apply A. MUIR, Phone 69-J, or B. MUIR, Phone 155.W. 4442x1 ACCOMMODATION REQTIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- tdn. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished. to rent, please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 382; local 252. 4436.46 FOR SALE — SOLID RED BRICK house insulated, hot water heating, 10 rooms. Suitable for professional man or nursing home. Would consider a suitable exchange in or the vicinity of London. Lot including barn and two 'poultry hous- es, behind* town hall property. Also 8 Mother Nature brooders and 2 pig troughs. EDMUND GEIGER, Hensall- 4942-2 Al -I eNTION, FARMERS! — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and iisabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. 4NDREWS, 851 r 11. Seaforth, or 235, Exeter, Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 43994f ATTENTION TRUCKERS VOL`TIC ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO R.S.O. 1950. Chapter 167, Section 36, Subsection 4, .i and 6. re Load Limits during months of March and April; these sections will be strictly enforced on all County Roads. PE1'e,R D. PATTER.SON, County Engineer. 4442-2 HELP WANTED Boy or Girl, to work in pleasant sur- roundings, with good opportunity for advancement. Apply to The Canadian Bank of Commerce Seaforth, Ont. Tenders Wanted TENDERS TENDERS FOR SPRAYING CATTLE by the head for Warble Fly Control in the Township of McKillop, the same to be in Clerk's Office February 28. 1958. A marked cheque of 6100.00 to accompany tender. SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB Annual Farmers' Night Friday, March 27#h AT 7:00 P.M. (Turkey Dinner) SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Speaker: Hon. J. G. Gardiner FEDERAL MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE In addition, an excellent program has been arranged. TICKETS $2.50 EACH. This meeting is open to the_publio and anyone desiring a ticket my obtain one at any of the fr llotringr " Scott's Poultry Ann, P. Kling' Turnbull & Bryan's Ofli y'``'4f8ald Horll+'ir Raft at Seaforth Fanners t i Dublin. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, J. M. ECKERT, Seaforth, u...E. 1, Clerk McKillop Township. 4441-2 TENDERS QEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV- ed by the undersigned for crushing and hauling 15,000 cubic yards or more of gravel for the Township of Grey. Crusher to be equipped with 94' -inch screen. A cer- tified cheque for 4300 must accompany each tender. Tenders to be in by 2 pan., March 7th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EDYTHE M, CARDIFF, Clerk, Ethel, Ont. Auction Salles' CLING' /lrY70'I;QII '4A 'v1 V.40011 Stock, Implements and 1 ouaebold Ef- feets, at Lot 12, Concessfen 7, Tooker. smith Township. 8% ' miles south of Sea. forth and y mile we4}, on' T$nraday, March 12th, at 1 ram.* HQRSES-1 geld- ing, 8 years old: 1 gelding, 11' years old.; set. breeching harness and horse. collars. CAPLE—Hereford heifer, .first calf, due April 27; Holstein cow, 9 'years old, due April 9; Holstein cow, 5 years old, due March 26; Durham cow,5 years -Old, due March 10; Durham cow, -.7 areara old, due March 12; Durhant cow. -4' years old. with calf at foot; Durham cow, 7 years old, due March 11; Durham cow, 7 years old, due March 17 ; Hereford cow, '( years- old, due March 21; Durham cow, 4., years old. due March 1; Durham cow, 9 years 'old. due April 13; 14' months old steer calf ; 9. last spring calves, weighing 500 lbs.. PIGS -6 chunks. over 100 ibe, POUL- TRY -200 last year pullets. IMPLE- MENTS --Model D Case tractor with live power takeoff, new July. 1962; McCor. mirk -Deering stiff tooth cultivator, 8% ft. (like new) ; fertilizer Bower, 6 ft. (like new); rake bar bay loader; 6 -ft. Massey - Harris mower; 8 -furrow tractor plow; wagon and rack; set bobsleighs: horse surfer; stoneboat; 100 feet snow fence; 15 rod chicken wire; 20 iron posts; barb wire; 12 -foot wire gate; gravel box; car and hay fork rope; hay fork; Maasey- Harris bean puller; wheelbarrow ; 2 scoop shovels; horse blanket; fire extinguisher; logging chain; bag truck; 100 feed Backe; single furrow riding plow; 86 -ft, exten- sion ladder; Viking cream separator; col- ony house, 10 x 12; 3 shelters: hen troughs; chicken feeders and fountains; 2 colony house stoves- fattening &rate: 2 steel barrels. GRAIN -450 bushels mixed grain, suitable for seed; corn on cob, HAY -12 tons haled hays 3 tone second - cut alfalfa; clover- seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --Dresser, bed and springs, mat- tress; 2 easy chairs: 1 tapestry rug; 4 - burner white enamel electric stove (heat wavl`?; rocking chair; dropleaf table; 6 chairs; lenses; dishes; gas stove, 8 -burner 'with oven ; couch; 1 long H.P. motor; other articles too nufneroua to' mention. Terms --Cash. No reserve; farm is sold. JOHN .McLACI[LAN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk: CLEARING AUCTION SALE AT LOT 9, Concession 19, Grey Tbwnbhip, 2 miles east of Walton, on Wednesday, March. 11, at 12:30 p.m., consisting of farm stock, machinery and household effects: CATTLE —Black eow, 9 years old, bred in July; 1 black eow, 8 years old, bred in July; 1 black cow, 6 years old, bred in June; 1 red cow, 6 years old, bred in June; 1 red cow, 6 years old, bred in July; 2 Hol- stein cows, 5 yeara old, pasture bred; 1 black registered cow, 5 years old. bred; 1 black registered cow, 4 years old. bred: 1 blue cow, 3 years old; bred in July; 1 red heifer, 2 years old, pasture bred; 2 4442-2 black heifers, 2 years old, tb freshen in April; 4 steers, rising one year old; 4 heifers, rising one year old: POULTRY-- For Sale 70 White Rock hens. MACHINERY -70' Cockshutt Standard tractor on rubber; X36 52 Mildmay grain separator; 8 -plate Cockshutt one-way disc; Universal milker, 2 single units; Massey -Harris hay loader; 7 -foot Deering binder; rubber tired wag- on : hay rack ; 10 -inch Bissell grinder; 15 - hoe disc Cockshutt grain drill; 2 -furrow FOR ' SALE—ONE BUGGY AND TWO tractor plow ; 7 -ft. International power >/4 H.P. motors. C. J. DENNIS. mower; Massey -Harris side rake: 5 -ft. Mc- Phone o-Phone 355-W, Seaforth. 4439-tf Cormick cultivator; Clinton fanning mill; motor pulley; 125 feet 6 -inch 4 -ply drive FOR SALE—A GIRL'S NAVY BLUE. belt; set harrows; buggy; cutter; 7 -inch spring coat, sire 40. Apply MRSelectric bench saw; Heavy Duty 1a H.P. motor: bench emery: 75 feet 6 -inch 4 -ply EARL PAPPLE. 4442x1 drive belt; 12 -ft. cabin trailer (like new), FOR SALE—BROWN GENERAL PUB- travels four. GRAIN and HAY—Quantity pose horse, 8 years old, good worker- cut mixed bsy: 150 bushels mixed grain. RUSSET. MIT -T.FR, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Rogers-Majestic 4442-1 refrigerator, 71c cubic foot (like new) ; 662 r 23. Maxwell electric washer (good) ; Moffat TUDOR'S IN HENSALr ARE SHOWING ' Cotton Ombre blouses at 2.98. Stripes and plains in several different shades. 4442-1 FOR SALE -77 ACRES, GOOD CHOICE Combination range: Quebec heater; eight- ' 3Sa miles west of Mitchell 'ori piece oak dining room suite; studio couch and mating chair; kitchen table; buffet Na. 8 Highway; briok' house, bank barn, and 6 chairs: occasional chairs and small Call 345-M, Mitchell, or Box 402. Mitchell. tables; triligbt lamp; electric lamps; Al - ,"a 4440x8 ladin lamp; 1500 -watt Sunshine hot plate; WOOD FOR SALE —. GREEN HARD Singer sewing machine; phonograph; 3- maple, $6.00 per cord at bush, Apply pica's .mle bedroom ; e2 bedro suites, completeap; iron single bed, springsom CLARENCE REGELE. Phone 64 r 9. and mattress; hall rack ; drapes; kitchen Dublin Central. 4442x5 ' utensils; antique china dishes; 2 rugs; number hooked mats; electric kitchen clock; other articles. Terms --Cash. Farm is sold. CHARLES WILLIAMSON, Pro- prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney. Clerk- .{ Celebrating her birthdae la> t Set; urday, Mies Maio, #toobel, +rnter tallied as Weekend guests "-Mia' Marilyn Byres, Kiuuen, sate 'Mies Sheila McFadden and Miss Marie Pullman; Seaforth. Mrs. Gertrude Keen is visiting this week with her granddaughter, Miss Kay Bell, London. F/C. George Mirehouse, Centralia, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Jerry McClinchey spent .last Sat- urday with friends in Exeter..' Mrs. Stewart Bell and Pauline visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Walters, McKillop. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse, Brucefield, who . obeerved their gol- den wedding anniversary February 25. Mrs. John Bolton is leaving this weekend to reside with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas, London. Mrs. Clemas is the former Doris Bol- ton, niece of Mrs,,„ Bolton. A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Traquair will be held in the Town Hall, Friday, February 27. FOR SALE --YORK CHUNKS. APPLY to GORDON PAPPLE, R.R. 3, Sea - forth. Phone 539 r 13, Seaforth. 4442-1 QEE THE NEW SPRING AND SUMMER dresses at TUDOR'Sn. tI psall. Wash Crepes and Miratords, at• nd 55.95. Up to size 52, too! 4442-1 FOR SALE --GIRL'S NAVY SPRING coat, size 7. in good condition. Apply to Box 189, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4442-1 FOR, SALE—QUANTITY OF CHOIOE baled hay, Apply to JAMES LANDS - BOROUGH. Phone 663 r 16, Seaforth. 4442x3 VOIR SALE DURHAM HEIFER, DUE in one month, weight about 950; also sow with 13 pigs. three weeks old- LOUIS O'REILLY. McKillop. Phone 46 r 3, Dub- lin. 444251 SEW AND SAVE. SEE 5115, GRAND selection of yard goods at TUDORS in Hensall. Percales, Sport Denini,Dot- ted Swiss. Novelty Cottons. See them at TUDOR'S. .4442-1 FOR ,SALE --1951 FORD TRACTOR, plow and stiff -tooth cultivator; 11 -disc Cockshutt fertilizer drill; also a good 3 - piece chesterfield suite and electric refrig- erator. I. O'LEARY. Phone 661 r 22, Seaforth. 444251 In Memoriam WELSH—IN DEEP AND LOVING memory of Thomas Welsh. who passed away one year ago, February 29, 1952. Dear Grandpa; Your face I loved i9now laid low, Your loving voice is still; Your hand I so often clasped in mine, Lies now in death's cold chill. We often sit and think of you, When Wayne and I are all alone: For your loving memory is the only thing That my son and I can call our own. —Always remembered by Wayne and Hazel. 4442-1 WELSH —IN LOVING MEMORY OF onr dear parents, Annie !Bell) Welsh,.. who passed away February 26, 1937- and Thomas Welsh, who passed away February 29, 1952. - Dear parents, you are not forgotten, Thoughon earth you are no more; Still in memory you are with us, As you always. were before. —Lovingly remembered by their daugh- ters, Florence and Dorothy. 4442.1 Cards Of Thanks MR. ROBERT THOMSON TAKES THIS opportunity in thanking his many friends and neighbors for.their kindness in sending him so many lovely cards and treats during his illness. 4442x1 MR. RUSSEL DALLAS WISHES TO thank Rev. Maines and the Women's Association of Brucefield United Church and all others who so kindly called on him during his recent illness. 4442x1 MRS. ANNIE SAUNDERCOCK WISHES to thank all her neighbors and friends for flowers, treats and cards sent her during her long illness. They were much appreciated. 4442-1 T WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE appreciation for the kindness and care shown me- during my stay in Scott Mem oriel Hospital- by the nurses and staff, and especially Dr. Stapleton, and all those who sent me boxes and cards. 4-142-1 MRS. D. NETZKE rlaRIS IS TO EXTEND SINCERE AP - 1 preciation for to -butes expressed at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. on Thursday last „week, by all taking part in the service; also the many young and old friends at- tending, to show their respects for my sister, Mrs. H. Bragg, who recently an- swered the call, "Come unto Me and rest-" Thanks, everyone. THOMAS ALDINGTON, 4442x1 Seaforth. Births FELKAR—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on February 20, to lir. and Mrs. Everett Felker, Seaforth. a daughter. RYAN—In Weston Idetoorial Hospital on February 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ryan, Malton, a son, Bobby Joseph. 8 lbs., 2 oz. SPEIRAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on ,l:'ebruary 19, to F/0. and Mrs. Vernon Speiran, Grand Bend, a son. TYNDALL--In Sudbury Hospital on Feb. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Tyndall, Sud- bury, a son. Carmel Presbyterian Young People Install Officers, Conveners The Young People's Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church met in the church schoolroom Monday night. The following conveners were elected: worship, Gerald Bell; missions, Al Hoggarth; fellowship, Neil Taylor; program, Mary Camp- bell. These officers, along with the president, comprise the program committee for the year. Following the election of the con- veners, all newly -elected officers and conveners were installed by the Rev. 3. B. Fox. The society agreed to meet twice monthly, on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings. The new study book, "We Believe," was introduced, and "one chapter discussed. The 'meeting concluded with a game and refresh- ments. Mother had guests for tea, when the little girl next door called Over the garden wall to her daughter to come out and play. "I can't!" shoutedthe daughter of the house, "I've got to stay in and show off!" rA':9.;d1 f4 FLOOR COVERINGS NOW IS THE TIME TO THINK OF THAT NEW FLOOR COVERING! OR, PERHAPS A NEW RUG FOR YOUR. LIVING ROOM ' Range of Quality Our wwrklnanship is guaranteed -.;COMPARE PRII'CES. .. Box Furniture Store Phone.4g PITNI'IAL SERVICE aa '5, 'Res. 595-W 7•il�- TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Nor- ris Sillery Wednesday, March 4. The roll call will be the name of an Irish sung. CROMARTY RRUCELI)' ss .3alaet,Watsoa, llaaer, Vent the weekelad 4 the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Wat Boll. Mr. Thornton Mestere, Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mustard. - Misses Ruth Scott and Leona An- derson and Mr. Hugh Zapfe, Lon- don, ondon, spent the weekend at their respective hometg. Mr. anal Mrs. Harvey Stewart and fanipy, London, and Mrs. Fred Smith, Noranda, visited Mrs. F. Stewart and Ken last week. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen and little son, Bruce, accompanied by Mrs. R. Mandson, Stratford; visited with Mr. Land Mrs. Frank Allen Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Binning and little son, Richard, Mitchell; visited with Mr, and Mrs. K. McKellar. Visitors Sunday with Mr. and :Ars. Howard Wright were: Mr. and ldrs. Ross Pepper, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robinson, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Boyd, Harold and Margaret. St. Marys. 'Shirley Gale and Gordon Hough- ton, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and Mrs. W. Houghton. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Cag'I McClinchey and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstet- ter visited Sunday with Mrs. Al- berta Simmons in Victoria Hospi- tal,, London. A nueiber from here attended the John Deere Show in Exeter Friday evening. Mr. and Mm Arnold Gackstetter visited the fornuer's anut and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. N. Foster, in Egmond- ville Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Foster celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott, Mrs. Smith . remained for a week. Several from niers attended the auction sale of Robert Parsons in Hensall Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson visited Thursday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Dickert and .the latter's mother, of Clifford, were` visitors of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert on Thursday. Mr. Nelse Hood was confined a few days with a touch of lumbago. Mr, and Mrs. Orville McClinchey spent Thursday eveningvieiting the former's mother, Mrs. MeClymont. Miss Alice Pfaff, Exeter, visited over the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and -Mrs. R. Elgie. Mrs. Ducharme and daughter, of Dashwood, visited Sunday with her mother, 'Mrs. MeClymont- Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinchey and Donna, Varna, and Mr. and Mrs- Egbert Heideman, Zurich, were Thursday evening visitors of Mrs. MeClymont. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Cooper and their sons, David and Robert, spent a few days recently with relatives in Royal Oak, Michigan. We are pleased to see Mr. Robt. Thomson back in the village, much improved in health. Mr, and Mrs. Haddy and Bon, Paul, London, were weekend.,guests of Mr. and Mrs. John. Cooper, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Goderich, visited Monday evening with Miss Swan, who resides with Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore. , Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrett are this week moving into Harold Bon- thron's apartment in Hensall, Mrs. Catherine Jarrett and Miss Vera Culbert are moving into the house purchased from the late T, Forsyth. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Weeks are having a month.'s v 1s'otion in the U.S.A. Mrs. N. Diekert spent Monday in London, Special Features For Reopening Of Kippen Church Next Sunday Special services will be held in St. Andrew's United Church, Kip - pen, next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., to mark the reopening following extensive decorating and laying of a new carpet. Rev. N. McLeod will speak at both servic- es. Special music will be sung by the choir, assisted—in the morning by Cromarty male quartet. In the eve- ning a male chorus from Zurich, will sing. Monday evening a play, "Look Out, Lizzie," will be pre- sented in the church by the Wood- ham Young People. Hensall Loses In Exeter 9 to 6 Foo pecia sy;:, FOR FEBRUARY 26 - 27 28 CAM!P1s1 LL's VEGETABLE and TOMATO SOUPS 2 Tin$.25c Mowhay's TOMATO JUICE - 2 20 -oz Tang 25c'_ GLEN VALLEY PORK & BEANS -15 -oz. Tins - 3 for 25c SHERIFF'S1 LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS - ,'3 for 29c Wethey's PLUM JAM - - • '33c Jar KELLOGG'S CORNFLAKES -12 -oz. pkgs. - 2 for 49 KADANA COFFEE - - - 89c tb: Stevens' Groceiy Phone 443 Free Delivery Exeter defeated Hensall 9-6 Tues• dae night to narrow Hensall's lead in the best -of -seven series . 2-1 in the. W.O.AA., Intermediate 'B' play- offs. HENSALL—Goal, Woodcock; de- fence, Wade, Cameron; centre, Munroe; wings, O'Shea,. Knight; subs., Dale, Campbell, Mousseau, Hildebrand, Doig, Cowan, Nichol- son. EXETER — Goal, McFalls; de- fence, Tuckey, Smith; centre, Mus- ser; wings, Waghorn, Lawson; subs., Coates, Wells, Farrow, Par • 4QDS, Haugh, Shaw. Referees—Van Horne and Rob- ertson, London. " First Period — Goals: Exeter, Waghern (Lawson) 5:27; Exeter, Waghorti '(Slnilh)fi 9:59; Hensall, O'Shea(4V'aithl; 11:30; Hensall, Munroe (O'Shea), 12:25; Hensall, Wade (Knight, Munroe), 15:53. Penalties — Nicholson, Waghorn, Cameron,Musser, Tuckey. # Second .Period — Goals: Exeter, Smith (W'elis), :52; Exeter, Law- son ,1Farrovs,, Waghorn), 4:20; ,Exe- ter, Farrow, 10:52'; Exeter, Shaw, 11:47; Hensall, O'Shea (Knight), 12:35' Hensall, Hildebrand (Cow- an), 15:30; Exeter, Shaw, 18:53. Penalties: Knight 2, Lawson, Camp - belt Thirds Period — Goals: Exeter, haw.- -MAW, _ ....51544 Henan.: Knight (Munroe)„ 13:25; Exeter, Waghorn (Musser, Shaw), 19:32, Penalties: Cameron, Wade, Law - eon, Knight Tramp:" Is your husband at heeler lifteeeetife (resourcefully): "Well tfi he's finished his revolver. Mee- tice, -he{t hh&' in 'the garden play - frig With the 1MHdog. Do +golf Want fet Salesman Wanted for SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT Age 25 to 40 years If you are dissatisfied with your present position, write Box 188 HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth giving full details. All information strictly confidential. Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone p„ • JUNIOR "B" PLAYOFFS TO -NIGHT — THURSDAY, FEB. 26-8:30 p.nt4 SARNIA at SEAFORTH THURSDAY, MARCH 5 — 8:30 p.m. LONDON at Lou Balls — — SEAFORTH Baldwins Adults 50c Children 25c RESERVED SEATS - 75e PLAN AT KEATING'S DRUG STORE, BALDWIN HARDWARE AND ARENA Without a doubt, the "BEST HOCKEY" in this • neck of the woods! "NUF SED" aeseneeenar Used Cars for Sale 1-1951 DODGE—Four-Door; Radio 1-1951 PLYMOUTH—Four-Door 1-1949 DODGE—Four-Door 1-1946 CHEV.—Four-Door 1-1937 DODGE SEDAN—Four-Door 1-1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN -Four -Door 1-1,941 DE SOTO SEDAN TRUCKS - 1-1950 MERCURY 1 -TON EXPRESS 1-1948 DODGE .3 -TON SPECIAL with Platform and Racks 1-1942 FARGO 1-TON—Platform These Cars and Trucks in Excellent Condition MACHINERY 1L --"'D" CASE TRACTOR 1—L CASE TRACTOR ' 2-70 COCKSHUTT TRACTORS 1—VA CASE TRACTOR 1—USED 13-TOOTH'CULTIVATOTR 1 WAGON (Steel Wheel) 1 9 -FOOT 3 -DRUM STEEL LAND ROLLER 1-1951 VAC TRACTOR (New) at reduced price A few 9' and 10' Packers Available 2 SETS USED SPRING TOOTH HARROWS Rowcliffe Motors Phone 267 Seaforth 5, SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market FOR USED CARS 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLE. NE SEDAN 1952.1CH E] V. STYLELINE SEDAN 1962 CHEW. DE LUXE OOAOH—Pully equipped 1952 PONPIAC STYLELINE COACH 3-1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS 1951 CHET. DE LUXE FLEETLINE 'COACH 1l6L PONT(AO COACH 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1951 CHIIIV. STYLELElNE COACH 1949 (JWdV. COACH s 1948 CHEV. SEDAN 1948 CIIEV. FLE9 I1IANE COACH 1947 CHEV. COACH—Low mileage 1941 CHIN. COACH 1941 CHEV. SPECIAL DE LUXE SEMIS Completely Reconditioned i, S 1939 PONTILC COACH—Good candido TRUCKS; !ff."' 1953 DODGE 34 -TON PICKUP ; r rl 1948 MEOUKY le -TON PICKUP written guarantee for 50 days on all late mode care. MANY OTHER MODELS., TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS — ONTARIO.. OPEN EVERY EVERRIO PHONE 7 .X "The Rthlie. ofs+lttettwr lifted CAW n