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The Huron Expositor, 1953-02-13, Page 7
I v. :• k, - I,. ,,.. >, ;,, .i rr .rt�I.. , .. r„•' and slotiid r,:. ltd '. s au' l 1.'e , , •hl .lel i;� }y. �!�' .!4'K•a , . t• qn• .. k d 1h ....+ ., , �7 g g[ y�.{'r �, :.�. .,. �^1, y:�-.0 .a',1 a .., �t.�3 •'_n ....., ...�•'d'.Im.,, ...,_.'�. .r �'' ,.... ,. a:..o- 4w '• •e•” ,n, T.`, v�%.r�'�G r' �- { a i , , •, , pc t; l t ii p' , w ID . e abs ..g err . 5 ^" , &4',, $ . , �, # . . ! ,. tt KIM n.. ' eT Vi, .' 1.,. id Oi'r-•+7•-•�. '"�'';a z AS,R . ew. a Very € ', hal$ 8 heli Lubi/ed, Hf�#off �t+t r: �/ (�Y_ fr4tRAN", It +sib „•t�e tleadqual tern • � •.:.. � • • "They weg@�>` 9.0 ATMAFE t0 PUhITe its, �atie 'y,�, .a a7,.■� i, . +'-I .. ,.....: ti:, R•':"k..: ,� `, ^_;:. 1,.: .t,, rn,.�,. Tic i. ,�,rty.:t be,, A,.m,..,. >a •c, r p Y ills lri&.Y4 ,H P.1;, a,. .',' . ^�x:yr.,.,rr.. ,r.tt a1AQpl{ g VY t. 1[It '.°(vai1.`t3Y:';6, ° .1,.:./�, R ,l l i T•.... a. ,' ..•�.... t.th9,..$.i.Q _ ,.O&,i &,�a -1 .. QN:TAR.IQ; ;fir, y ,r,: iy#: :":p, <. Vie, YQ�, ballcffi :..... "j } .. y xreepstalke$. It has been mid ghat WAFFLES S: egg : lips 8?x14 Fc►aip,',?Y lttetitlu to, 1 i : That'is r� Uv 'LOW:MN-S. AS�QC1►TiQ�f:, mare gees in prizes than to given thiu4 o , iHf, w....lwax �prat'ing ; ��: , , hello, 73ameariakers! 3hlt4pe 1 cup sour milk. � �tlatlon ii r t „t to the hosRital&', but I 'know noth. Sift hour, salt spas and sugar• of lis' egcl}�aiacn a.ncootry 'a,4d ex f,� aiv?aYs, wad a g Slntp , cq Ing- of that. 'One Ching I did not Tuesday, the pay before Ash TiG"ed t k ,pectins to iialre his. place ;at , the . 111'.t 4. nesday, ushers in the enten sea Seat egg and add milk: Sir Mi} �Q,Fe, liod; realize ,though was that the liveli t, l? cid' of 'Bram ton, , e son. It was socalled from, 'the cud god egg into Sour mixture ilio^ h@ad ° We Hda t ro dyer Untie r:. What," he said^ !sofas p}dl a xhau ltioy Silsoe^ of Finch, Ont., t visit by Daug R p.. hoods of thousands of people w re could ffor4 to ... property, ..y, resident of Ontario PTow Ont, champion tractor 'plowman,F wrap ed up in this .gigantic enter• tam of confessing '.or receivirr', ou,8hly. Bake on a slot iron 'or he painted marvellous pictures im: a�'ttatxg.�, It was ao jike t%te, real" :m�en'g 'Association, accompan- Algia Wallace, of North Gower, prise. In one vast room to the shrift on that day. Among tnawy aluminum Pan. Turn to brown. which I figured as the Lady of the think as to he uncanny: ' 13ut dlqu t. led Douglas, S. Reid of Braine (champion horse Plowman, and their buodern office building that houses nationalities there is a special vc- Serves six. , I.et me interrupt your story "` Manor.' „ ton, Out., and A1gie Wallace of team 'manager, Roy shaver, of cation for rejoicing—Italian` lout Note: Map add 1/3 cup chopped well, I spoke, to -\several of the the sweepstakes we- saw 2,000 "You were hurt when all these North Gower, Out., Canada's- ` Finch, out., was rather overs'ha- clerks busily sorting and checking may have a Carnival, the French a chocolate chips to, this mix. (helpers. They were too 'bus}i. ti): • promises turned out to •be, empty champion plowmen, on their doomed by this 'party. The American counterfoils, names and addresses. Mardi Gras and to the English, a flay, a great deal of attentioy to tri, to the British • Isles, Eire group was the reason for our sew family eating ones?" p ;Doug immediately bought six • Y g Pancakes is typical. Miss C. .�.. asks: Wary do pan- "hurt? That isn't the half of it. ,me. But I had, to hand abotit long- and France. This is the fourth found' fame,—it such it can be call- Since the modern trend is to use cakes burn at the edges? er than I thought waiting fox' ,she tickets, one for each member of his All I wanted was to get my, angers the waffle Iron and prepared mixes Answer: The pan must be too place to clear. Margaret might ap of a series of five weekly art- ed immediate family, including his two round Margaret's throat a n d icles he has written. as 'team we shall remind you of do's' and hot since it should' not be at a • pear at any moment, which would Young Dubliners seemed to hang young children He boug3rt them squeeze it until Cheri wasn't a have been awkward. Near lunchn. suanager about theirs experiene- dont's in the preparation of crisp temperature when a drop..af water aronnpl the hotel all day to catch even after Mr. S•heenon, the man- scrap ofe breath lift in her body. time the .pest of, the party haat es and impressions. waffles at your table. Nowadays will roil in the pan ... never amok: glimpses of the glamourous Mise agar, told us that each ticket has It frightened me, the Intensity of mother should a enjoying her Ing hot. Then, too, the batter must gone, Promising to come back as Hutton, and one day as we corers- one chance in ten million of being ,my hate. So I went right away. ll'No a touched n fleetingly tate ed onto the street in our tall; white drawn from the huge barrel in .serving after the first batch is made be a bit too thicb For months I wouldn't touch his soon u possible to put the finish - In November when we were stay- Western hats we heard a shrill which the counterfolls are placed. since a waffle iron will not mark money. Eventually I remembered Ing touches to the stella. That was: r Mrs. B. D. asks for a not Brea a the opportunity I wanted. ,Picking ing at the Gresham. Hotel in Dub- cry: "Oh, look! There's Miss Hut- Doug refused to be' squashed by the finish of the table. So make that it would; be some punishment, tin and for a brief minute or so them at the table. By the way, we recipe that will be moist. tons cowboys!" Though their legs these odds, and as he placed his for he was intent on building up t$ looked as if Canada's champion make the first number of servings Answer: amen and their team manager were not bowed in the traditional counterfoils in the drum, he grin- that fortune so he could retire and Lone Star State manner, Doug and, nod and said, "Here comes number and place them individually on the Nut Bread set himself up as an English coon- E' n t be called to anoCher shelf in a low temperature oven 2 eggs k t d ev opera poi g o ,rand more glamorous career. A4gie Carried off ,their new rolls ten million!! I ,hope hes fight. �� a fine air of nonchalance. He seemed so sure, of his chant- before mealtime, 1 cup'grauulated sugar try gentleman. o accep � e cry penny of his money and only Registered with us at the Gres- iltam was—as• tile' placards around � Ho ever, Cpough° we sat at the ea that I began to wonder whether next table in the dining room, we he and Algie had picked' up some Take a Ti p 1. ,If the waffle iron has not been 1 cup milk 2 tbeas. shortening, melted teaspoon wished I could screw more out of him " 'NOT, ' iDrrblin cried- "the incendiary Amu- received no bids from Miss Hutton special information straight from salt " I see. But you kept yourself in- ,, eriean blonde;' Betty Hutton, and a so recrossed the Atlantic as the horses' mouths. Earlier that bsed for several mouths it is to the 1 cup chopped walnuts formed of your, er, husband's at - t iter party. I must confess that the-- her dairy farmers instead of cowpunch- day, we bad visited the National wise repeat seasoning th d T d this heat the 3 cups sifted .pastry flour`' 1 3 b ki ? fairs." „• its. Stud of Ireland and watched some me o o o 72 tsps, a ng powder. "As well as I could. When Mar- TOWN OF SEAFQ4TH soon ,after our return to Canada of the finest horse fiesh in the iron for two. minutes, then pour garet left America I soon knew on hot unsalted fat or vegetable Beat eggs and sugar until light, THE VOICE OF someone asked Doug.which part of world put •through its pues. One then beat is milk and shortening. about it.,, TEMPERANCE oil and close the grids for about Add nuts. Stir in the flour which "And followed her to England?" ,u,2 the trip he would choose if he. were horse, Royal Charger, was valued two minutia. At bake position PARKING allowed just one section of it over by the Stud at over $120,000, which has been sifted twice with 'baking She looked at him slyly. "I said " A young minister came up from again Without hesitatign he said, as Algia remarked', is "a mighty A9ur on batter, then as soon as powder and salt. 'Pour into a grass- I hadn't been there for five or six the steam stops coming from ed rectangular casserole and allow BY ORDER OF POLICE the Maritimes and settled in Huron "The trip to Ireland.', Algia en- lot of horse." We saw many other years." � County. He soon heard "Out the thusiasticaliy concurred. Their famous horses, the names of which sides remove waffle and discard to stand 20 minutes before baking. "Which wasn't true;' he replied. s it. Bake in a pre -heated oven at 375 ? bootlegging that was gotng. on in choice had, nothing to do with 'Miss I am ashamed to sax;, I have for- 2. TY there are any crumbs on the "Do I lie so badly?" $is villsge• -He also heard' about Hutton. It was because, as Doug gotten; but then I am not a racing degrees for about 50 minutes. "You almost deceived' me, but not To facilitate snout removal, NO Parking # iron, brush with a hard brush. �+ She Canada Temperance Act. The said, "The Irish really did us man. 3. If waffles stick to the mould, quite." - on the Streets of thus Municipality will illagrant bootleg -ging made him scop- mroud:' Touring in the British Isles and "Ah, I recollect. It was the per- r 4: the iron may not be hot enough, be allowed between the hours of 2 a.M, tical about the Act. He has lav�. That is not meant to decry or Eire is like stepping back into the flame. You connected it with some batter may be too thin or eon- Anne Allan invites you to write , in that village for three years. He belittle our reception elsewhere in pages of history. I know we have fain too much sugar, to her c/o the Huron Expositor. thing," 4 and 8 a.m. r etas seen more than one bootlegger the British Isles, liar from it. our own llistbry, °but apart from Send in our suggestions) on home- "There is nothing stronger than 4. Always close waffle iron between Y g dealt with by the law. Now he Wherever we went we were we]- Montreal and Quebec it has always making problems and watch this th� association of ideas with od- �{ th•e baking of waffles. Leaving frankly confesses that his early coined with open army. I can on:y seemed to' me that we have, never it open cools the top grid so column for replies., ors," 'hi pointed out. "We'll come This order will be strictly enforced in;r scepticism was unwarranted. ,Now say. that the -general enrhusiasm paid much attention to preserving to that later. what about your that ,• the next waffle does not earlier trip to London?" accordance with the Highway Traffic ' )rte agrees that the Act that forbids with which wo were received speaks historical sites and places. Doug cook evenly. the sale of liquor in Huron County, volumes for the teams of Canadian made a similar observation the day 5, Length of baking time depends QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ "That was before she -married Act, Section 43, Subsection 9. ;'R liquor make a nuisance of itself. vious yours Th the clergyman. I felt the urge to nd. No matter what the Act, •plowmen who made the trip in pre- we visited a castle in Ulster where of is sou a teams that went once, William of Orange had lived. batter,on Atefr. it batter,ncy and for ex 1. Queen Elizabeth was the first kill so strong that I could not keep Huron County is fortunate is that' before us left wonderful impres- We felt much the same the night woman to. ascend the British away, When it came to the aces NOTICE is hereb vin that the said It has been spared the greater men -1 cions of Canada and Canadian plow- .we attended. a play in that famous ample, bakes, more quickly than y a plain waffle. Usually an 800 throne in how many years? 1 was too much of a coward and y : Municipality will not be responsible for aze, of liquor outlets. In the mean-; men ^ old playhouse, the Abbey Theatre. watt iron requires four minutes 2. Ship -to -shore radio telephone ran away. Not long ago I distov- time the officers of the law are so I don't think it was because In fact one gets so imbued with ered that Martin had followed Mar- all damages caused to parked vehicles to +heat to 'bake and four min- was first introduced where and y g p 1 on the trail of the bootlegger.- the Irish did anything more to this idea of living in the past that ? garet. Her parson didn't matter as the result of snow removal operations. l utes to cook the waffles. Nev- when. make us feel at home than anyone it is often quite a shock to come er lift the lid until reasonably to either of them." across modern hydro electric 3. Ila. the first 10. omonths of 1952 '.`So you went again to England?" r sure that the waffle is done or it we exported almost half a billion plants. will stick or separate. dollars worth of wheat. n the "Yes. This time .filled with an lltI,i unquenchable determination, My In all we spent six days in north Fr 6.:For variation'add a dash of your same period we exported almost S E A F O R T H MONUMENT -WORKS and south Ireland, and we were "favorite spice to the waffle bat- vengeance was . 'fall at last. I ;' •; .three quarters o£ a billion, dol - sorry when the time came for us hada good plan. You've seen howl ter. .Better still, orange or hem- Lars worth of what products? OPEN DAILY — PHONE 3884 to board' the packet boat for Liver- on rind. much alike we were That' gave pool. However, -England soon pro- 7 Accompany waffles or pancakes 4, Of: their total populations, which me the idea. Having watch ) Ma 2 duoits compensations for sero- provinces have the highest and garet without .her knowing I w with. fried sausages, bacon or; T. PRYDE & SON Ing the friendly .Irish, and one of lowest percentage of native- anywhere near, I copied her style ham ' as' a main course. ? ALL TYPES OF OEMETIDRY MEMORIALS the first was a visit to the. Shake- born. of dressing as well as T could. A fi ._- 8. As a dessert course or in place speare country at Stratford-on-Av- 5. Doe; Ottawa currently collect faked telephone message took her of toast and jam, serve waffles Enquiries are invited on. We browsed around the cot- more or less taxes than the pro away from the hall where the with warmed jelly, lemon sauce, tage of Ann Hathaway and leaned vincial and, municipal govern- bazaar was being held, Everybody a drained fruit such as pineapple. 1, out of the casement window in Of course everyone favors rich mints9 was thrilled because Martin Roth- .+' •r a /�'• Clinton much the manner that Fair Ann Exeter arson, the famous film star, was to maple syrup having dotted the Phone 41.1 Phone 109 was supposed to have done When waffles with butter. , attend.' she was courted by William Shake- "You impersonated' Mrs. s,peare, The Question Box ANSWERS: 5. Ottawa collects Thorne?" about s mu ten times as, e Q ,From the Bard's country we h athe "That was nothing. I knew ev- >' _ �� .� � . slipped by car through Warwick- 'Mrs. T. H. asks for a Pancake municipalities, about four times as p recipe using sour milk' ' much as the provinces. 3.. Pulp and, ,• a 'till • ; . . shire and had tea in an old Abbey Your Business Directory standing in the shadow, of Warwick Answer: paper, our leading export, 1, 114 Recently a teacher was handed S Castle. we would liked to have years. 4. Newfoundland has H per the following note by a pupil who _ had time to have looked over this Sour Milk Pancakes cent native born, British Columbia had' been absent: I Iry y f _ LEGAL - MEDICAL beautiful 700- ear -old structure, but 1Il4 cups sifted flour Chas the lowest proportions at 71 "Please excuse Mary from school _ unfortunately our schedule would 1/4 tap, salt per cent. 2. In early 1920 by Cana- as she .had to go to the doctor's as 1 !) = ;Z-1 k not let us. That night we had sup- %tsp, baking soda also Marconi on the West coast of. her neck was --till open and info^ Canada. oration was coming out." DR, M. W. STAPLETON 2 tbsps, sugarA. W. SILLERY per with the John Camerons. Mrs. 0 0 Seaforth Physician and Surgeon-Can- Barrister, b Barrister, Seltcitor, Etc. Cameron's father had lived in Can — - F�bones Office 173, Residence 781 Phone 9� .oda for many years, and went ov-- aEAFQRTH ONTARIOJOHN C. GADDAR'D M.D.rseas with the Princess Pat's in Physician and Surgeon. the (First World War. The Camer- McCONNELL fit HAYS Phone no Hensall ons live in a 400 -year-old house ( ) \ meters Solicitor Etc, with the delightful name of Tink- PATRICK D. McCONNELL JOHN A. GORW'ILL, B.A., M.D. er's hatch. They had just had H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C. Physician and Surgeon some restoration and redecoration County Crown Attorney phones- Office 6-W; Res. 5-J carried out and the ancient �eoak \ beams gleamed warmly in the ales P I N I N G SklAFORTH, ONT. Seaforth Teiephoiie 174 frit light. And I might add it was 1 SEAFORTH CLINIC one the few warm things about - - - the house, use, for it was exceptionally ACCOUNTING E: A. MCMA$TER, B.A., M.D. difficult to heat. However, to an, ;d Internist Englishman that is nothing, notF. RONALD G. McCANN P. L. BRADY, M.D. having been bred on central heat Public Accountant Surgeon Ing. •Penhaps our more modern IS Our Business. (iLMoN : ONTARIO Office Hours: 1 P.M. to 5 p.m., buildings have some compensa- _ Office: Phones: daily, except Wednesday and' Sun tions. ♦ ♦ ♦ Royal Bank Office 661, Res, 455 day. Just outside Cambridge we met What's Your very beneficialit A. M. HARPER �'S: Tuesday, Thursday Mr. E. J. Shropshire, an 'elderly Chartered Accountant and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m farmer, who 50 years ago had J� cs n !L, ]'K South rt. Telephone Appointments made in advance homesteaded at Carman, 'Manitoba. BUSIl28SS rtourfirm" 848 are desirable. Even yet he talks nostalgically of�• Goderich the prairie country, though today Licensed ,Municipal Auditor. he has. a very successful farm, on ' CHIROPRACTIC which he raises fat cattle and large Recently the owners of a new business OPTOMETRIST white hogs, while visiting him we D. H. McINNES saw our first flint stone house, for wrote their bank about the way the JOHN E.' LONGSTAFF Chiropractic - Foot Correction that was what Mr. Shropshire's We're not being snoopy, just wond'ering if y 'Optometrist farmhouse was built. of, some 400 - our business, whatever it is, 'needs some- local branch had helped: Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. COMMERCIAL HOTEL years ago. y Phone 791 Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 P• n' History again and a visit to the thing from our.business—which is Print- "Having completed our first year in MAIN ST. SEAFOR.TH ruins of the old abbey at Bury St. Office Hours: Week days, 9 a.m.jiL`i VETERINARY Edmunds where the English bar- ing, , as we said before. Now maybe business, and one which we feel has been to 5:30 'p•'n►•; Saturdays, 9 a,ma. to ons gathered in 1214 to draft the you re not a merchant Or manufac- most successful, we would like to advise p.m Closed Wednesday all day. Magna Charts, and thea on to New fi. You o the S lendid co -o eration we leave Thursday evenings by appointment D. J. MCKELVIE, D.V.M. market race. track, the oldest regturer, maybe you are; in any, event, y f P �P y .,, Veterinary Surgeon istnred race .course in Britain, received from the officials of your branck HENS'ALL, ONT. — PHONE 99 where hundreds of thoroughbreds when you need printing Of any AUC'T'IONEERS are trained and)Charles I wagered mind, you've no 'business' go- We have consulted your local manager BULL & BRYANS ,his realm away. many times, not only regarding financial HAROLD JACKSON Veterinary Clinic If there is ever a competition for ing to a place where you Hcan't get satisfaction and $peciat A L Farm and House the strangest farm on earth, Davis problems b4#t business problems in general, O. Turnbull, D•V.M. Alston, who lived nearby, could Uld 88140.` ' W. R. Bryan's, D.V.M. legitimately expect to place within quality work. That's and his advice has been very beneficial Sdcensed in Huron and Perth phone Jos S•eaforth the first ten, for he shares his grain t0 Our firm ". Covmrtlem Prices reasonable; sates farm with a disused airdrome. Or-. Why we tell you Our ," e i"itetion guaranteed. iginally he had 7-800 acres, but dyrt Such service is art Of the Ob of eV \ ivzr iziRorx4niloa, ate., write or THE MCKILLOP ing the war the, American airforce ' business, because P (p>blone ,1dAR•OLD JACKSON, 661 r �IjjJ'1`UAL FIRE took over his farm and bullt an air- you CAN get sat- manager of Canada's 3700 branch banks. RIs. sat- Seaforth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. drome. Across 250 acres, of his ° JOSEPH L RYAN INSURANCE CO'Y. land still stretch the concrete run; " isfaction a n d He must know the problems of the r ;r OSpe"Isin farm stook and �►' ways the Ame cane laid down, and �+ HEAD OFFICE-=SEAFORTH, Ont. several other acres' are taken up' quality work people he serves= -whether business men �Itennen�d' and household efteots. by hangars, one of which he usesor primary producers, wage earners or a ea tgaotlon guaranteed Licensed OpFICERB: as a store house and granary. The 'done at t Hatron and Perth Counties: salaried Workers. He welcomes every For .particular$ and, open .datee�, Paesldent ' S. •M. XCUVa , Seaforth government won't release the land, opportunity to make his bank useful llrltp of phone J0 EP8 L. RYAN, Yice-Pres. - J. M. 1VIeFvi"1ng, Blyth to Mr. Alston is still farming ife- 1, Dublin. Phone it- M�'ger aid Sec: Tress. - 'M. A tween the runways, to them --and to you. IL IL, lin 4217z52 Reid, SeafortIL op DiimaMRS: ii" c ti EDWARD W. ELLIOTT It wars the usual Christmas Eve \ Lloensed Auctioneer 10• J• Trswartha, C11n'ton; J. L. lastVmninute rush. Clerks over -work -Ti Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whit .T: ` 1 Huron Expositor aen'espoademeo DI answer- Ghris. Leonhardt, ed, nerves upset, everything topsy This advertisement, based F more, Seatorth; tp, Imtmediatb ariran8'emonis Can Bornholm; Robert ,//Archibald, Sea- tu,o a oR the girls, writing but a Seaforth s on aa -actual letter, is rft Aw saddle for sale dates by phoning forth; John Ii MOMFtng, Blyth; sales slips hoped flits was the last r(rONEi �1 presented here by *fttM. Charges moderate ink Newegor, Clinton Wm. s• transaction, and she ' could .gest ' ty g#laranteed. ,A,leat+a"e'rr'f7p•,�toa, i#arvey Faller, home to rest her tired feet. The THE BANKS SERVING v tw t� f Il�r customer ave .her nam$ -arid ads r� pig old G WRIGHT +(�edcdt. • AGiE2NTJ3:1.. S+' W. ©•scud ; Ipneer • Cromarty R. F. d'res-9. The clerk, pushing back.a „ r YCl 8 ft C OM M H N 1 TY /�{ , Baltoedeld; straying hair, remarked apalogei� •;` w w ^ r, y nd Fsrm Sates J ;�4 �bft', ♦ laity �I[ EW- O erg Wen. Lelp , tally, '`It's a nnadhouse, isa►'t ft4"'t ,'o call the yr"; %AAAeaWro; J. �'. Pruetdr, 1114o," replied thh customer, "it's , _. lYR w tMl l' agletlan pal r , ldWya Baker, Br119• • at 'iloII'l6 r' " -. _ .., .. _....4400 oiiw! .... . _. �1 gtuusfiloneer. Phone Hear prly e . to ,iNll :•. '.: ...,._ _. ..,6__ t 4 u 41 1 ... i ... r ;. .: c. , .t + r.., .. ., .. • .. .. ,. f ,,,i, ,r , .t V,. t ,.. r u.. ,� :... t. f :. ., ,.. t, .., ..,. ...t. ... :.. ,. .., ,, «: ,. l,. ,a ,.•., :.., ...:., k., ,.. .1,1 I 1. P,, .,1 _ _ 1., .. x . ,+ ,. 1.:. r,. ,,, r,,, 1, :r,, , , , t. ,..�, • E" J. ,.,r, , }