The Huron Expositor, 1953-02-06, Page 5�0, This Week At the Seaforth Mgh $91 . k"I By EMN LAROM 'Mgb School students were givea the group, and expressed her hope -the opportunity of joining the Na. that an active ii#etest would be Aiougl Junior Red Cross this week. taken in the Red.�Cross by Sea - On Wednesday Mies 0. Wilkirisox6 forth siudoixts. , an organizer from' the Red Cross, , Bill Broch was the cause of the held an Informal, discussion with Immediate Interest In the Red the Students' Council -before ex, Cross. here. Last Friday, Bill was -pressing her ideas to the students Informed that he was,ono whose In asser ably. name was up for mention to repre- In her talk with the Students' sent the Ontario Junior Red Cross ,,Council, Miss Wilkinson informed at the convention. Bill was an in - Us student members of the main dustrious worker at his last school 'working Idieas of the organization. before coming to the Seaforth area. :She emphasized how the Red, He dida -good Job at last summers Xross stressed good healthful liv- Red Cross camp, and possibilities Ing, along with aiding the needy. are strong for Bill going to Britain 'Red Cross organization literature as thi3pick of Ontario. Before Bill ,Was posted Up illustrating how ac- can be accepted he -must belong to -dive a Junior Red Crose, in hiih an active Red Cross movement. 4*h6�1a'could be -.carried out if pro- . For Bill's sake alone, the -students .1perly organized. Miss Wilkinson believe they should, get right to 3eft material for the formation of work. After hearing Miss Wil -kin - son's talk, they axe more Inspired than ever. It Is hoped that Bill will go from Seaforth with the hon- or of representing our Province. 'Euchre - Party In the basketball limelight, Sea - St. James"School Hall forth is struggling along. :Last Ph - day Seaforth was able to come ap FRIDAY, FEB. 13th ith one win out of three games. Cards at 8:.30 p.m. This accounted for Seaforth's see- ond win In nine starts. Both boys' games ended in Gode- Under the auspices of rich- wins. The senior game was the C.W.L. the -best of the triple -header. + Throughout the game both teams ran nip -and -tuck all the way. Both LUNCH teams had their chances at holding + a lead. but not by much or for ADMISSION 40 CENTS long. When the final whistle went it was a shaving, 44-45 win for Goderleb. In the girls, game the scoring ........... wasn't so often, but It was the (-hall enging Seaforth team that 1,11d the lead In, play. At times 'Valentine Dance their margin was cut short when Goderich Put on the power; thts FRIDAY, FEB. 13th was bucked by Seaforth, and in the last half ourside chalked a 19-12 victory. SEAFORTH The junior boys' game wai the Community Centre most onesided of the three. It was in Goderich hands all the way, while Seaforth struggled along get- ting about one basket for every Desjardine Orchestra three to Godericb. Final score was a 15-39 swamp against Seaforth. Admission 50 Cents Question of the week: What, or maybe it should be said, who is,the -Auspices of Seaforth W.I. cause of Wayne's head floail�g around lip on a cloud all by itself? HOSPITAL AUXILIARY CRRD PfIRTY (Miked) Bridge = =�.M,,Euchre in Newly Decorated Nurses' Residence MONDAY, FEBRUARY . 9th 8:30 P.M. EVERYBODY WELCOM'K FOR, FURTHER INFORMAT[Oft,, CALL 212 Town. of Seaforth. TAX PRE -PAYMENT RECEIPTS FOR 1953 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4% per annum, up to August 31, 1953, on all Prepaid Taies. Certificates and full particulars may be obtained at, the. Town Clerk's Office in -the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer Used Cars for Sale' I' 2-1951 DODGES—Four-Door; Radio 1-1951 PLYMOUTH—Four-Door 1-1951 CHEVROLET—Four-Door 1-1950 PLYMOUTH—Four-Door -with Radio 1-1946 CHEV.—Four-Door 1-1937 DODGE SEDAN—Four-Door TRUCKS 1-1951 MERCUR Y 1/_, -TON EXPRESS 1-1950 MERCURY 1 -TON EXPRESS 1-1948 DODGE 3 -TON SPECIAL with Platform and Racks These Cars and Trucks in Excellent Condition —MACHINERY 1—L CA�E TRACTOR 2-70 COCKSHUTT TRACTORS 2—VA CASE TRACTORS I FERTILIZER DRILL 15 -run Cock - Shutt, 2 years old 1.WAGON (Steel Wheel) .1 9 -FOOT 3 -DRUM STEEL LAND ROLLER Rowdiffe Motors Phone 267 Seaforth N Tii[0144146' Aid, plee'tIA9, of F#st P Mu A . gepbyte�lap, rph: wo Iield: Tuesday after I noO4 with, Mrs. H. Pp. SmItb, 14 the f*ajr. Mrs. Rot Xeral;�ks opened thb meeting with a POem., The gccro- 11 tqAyls report wu read and the treasurer r4grted $253.68 in the bank., Plans were made for the. �bazaar on the first Saturday in November. Other items of business were laid ever to the nezt meet - lug. Grade IX girls from Seaforth bis- trict High School sang a chorus with Stanley J. Smith directini., Mr., Smith also gave a talk on musid� Lunch was served with Miss Jean Scott convening. LEGION HOCKEY Results, of games played Satur- day, Januaxy 31, Were: Rovers 6, Canadiens 2. Goals for Rovers were scored -by Wilson 2, Carter4; for Canadians. McCiln- chey 1, iBrugger 1. Black Hawks 0, Rbd'Wings 0. - Brains 4, Maroons 2. Goals for Bruins scored by D. Scott 2, Butt 1, Elliott 1; for Maroon% McNaim. 1, Johnston 1. Pee Wee—Leafs 5 Rangers 0. Games for SatQa�, Februrary 4: 9 am­­116vers vs. Brains. 10 a.m.---(Red Wings vs. Maroone 11 a-m.—Black Hawks vs Canadiens 12 Noon—­Pde Wee. -.0- — JUNIOR "B" O.H.A. W L T P Standing Wednesday, Feb. 4 London ............. 16 4 0 26 Sarnia .............. 9 7 1 19 x-Seaforth .......... 7 7 0 18 W. -C. -Combines ..... 2 13 1 5 x—Includes, 4�point game. Games This Week Thursday—Sarnia at Seaforth Saturday—Seaforth at London Elimvi)Ie WMS, WA Hear Minister Speak About Newfoundland The Elimville W.M.S. -and W.A. held a recent meeting at the -home of Mrs. (Rev.) 'Moores. Mrs, Gilbert :yw"I'va wepr% 01C �q , rev ;!k sing Tide of gq�fot —JIY, we think torlup of guns, t" IPA , 4op and boats manned , by #41 40d', mop, Ily But, If this flag could gpeg . , _U, I sure we would bear W04y other Reiv. W. A, Jonea stories of heroiam,. i4trigup, coug. Ulu ter-iAWgue, and even rom'gnce, it would, tell us''q thoi.e''who joined hands against tyranny and h14 Al. Vill . . . Iled, airmen in garrets and cellars, seUrrying them frora one hiding Ono of the Ten Commandment$ Place to another, until finally they forbids 'our coveting anything L that reached Is not ours. -1 must confess that Old Blighty. It would tell atories of railway bridges blown broke this commandment shortly up, am -bushed trains hit-and-run after my arrival In Seaforth. . ',ralds on German store's and troops. The object which claimed. My It would relate the Nazis, futile at - covetous glances was. a small flog tempts to stamp out the.Rosistance over the entrance Of the 1109ky, Movement. Flax 'Mill. Tattered and faded, this Mass executions, torture ebam'. gallant little flag alw&Ys IOQXed -hers and deportations failed 'to lonesome and forlorn to me whon- stem the rising tide of resistance. ever I. passed tobe mJ11. Not so They merely added fuel to the fire. many years ago it was the proud The Nazis' occupation might have -symbol of a fighting force which been easier If they had kidnapped was formed in Europe during the a grim, unyielding Englishman by last war. the name of Winston Churchill. His After nearly two years of gaz- stubborn, tenacious Jaws clamped ing from a distance I mustered.in- on a ponderous cigar and a clench- ough courage to ask the watchman ed fist raised in the victory salute, at the mill if I could have this Inspired many ar Continental to de - derelict. A few days ago he fy Hitler. brought it to the Rectory. 6' Spirit of Love and Freedom Symbol of Underground The Germans were able to face The flag, a drab, grey color, is guns successfully but they were un - about 16 inches wide and 30 Inches able to combat the guerilla's mind. long. A large yell'ow r, encircled The Nazis were never, capable of by leaves, Is fastened on the mid- fathoming the conquered man's dle qf it. Just to the right of the thoughts and convictions. They leaves there is a small grey shield moved in an atmosphere which with'a bluo' border. Inside, this reeked of mock respect and under - border there is another 'V' and lying ridicule. Cold, derisive con - three vertical strokes. The pre- tempt, which was not discernible, dominant symbol is the 'V'. Even but felt none the less, enraged and the end of the flag is cut back to- frustrated the conqueror beyond all wards the middle in this shape. measure. It -seems strange that the open- The three dote and long dash ing bars, of a symphony written beamed into the homes of the GP - many years ago by 0, sensitive mus- pressed, the W, and, three dashes ician formed the symbol of a re- scrawled on walls and streets, and lentless, savage underground move- victory flags unfurled, under the ment in World War IT. 'The 'V' and very noses of the Nazis, all helped three dashes embodied the.bopes tip the scales in our favor. for freedom --of European men and The symbol of a symphony com- wovaen held in bond -age by the posed by Beethoven was a more Germans. Relayed to all parts of potent weapon than the fear and Euro ' pe by radio, the three dots cruelty of a dictator. It will be and a dash rallied these captivelever thus: the spirit of love and people and filled them with cour-1freedom, will ultimately win. Johns had charge of the meeting. Mrs. 0. Gilfillan read the scrip - tare and several ladie� read veraosWarble Fly Tender Let of prayers, Thank -you notes were read , Roll call was answered with theAt Hullett Council Meeting Paying of fees by 30 members. The president of the W.M.S., Mrs. Wm. At the regular -meeting of Hal - Johns, and of the W.A., Mrs. Ross lett township council, held Monday der, about 20 minutes. Cream but - Skinner, had charge of business. in LondeDboro, Jack Little, Clinton, ter and sugar; add eggs. Add cher- Mrs. William Routly gave a read- 7as awarded the warble fly spray- ries, nuts and date,%., Stir in sift� ing and Rev. Moores delivered an ing tender at a.cbntract price of 12 ed dry ingredients. Bake in 8 -Inch interesting talk on his birthipla-ce— cents per head of cattle. Other square�pan at 325 degrees F. f& Newfoundland. tenders were V.' A. Hargrave, 30 minutes. When cool cut in Brucefield; Louis Blake, -Brussels, squares or fingers. and R. England, Milverton. KIPPEN Later in the meeting Council ap- The Question Box Pointed George Pollard, Blyth, Mrs. C, C. asks for Biked Liver Church services,will be held as wArlyle fly inspector for 1953. Six Roll Recipe. usual in St. Andrew's United other applications were reviewed Answer: Cburch next Sunday. The manag- before decision was made. They ers and, ladies are this week reftn- were from Charles Riley, Kinburn; Baked Liver Rolls ishing the floors of the church audi- William Hoggart, Clinton; Newman 11/2 cups cooked liver torium in preparation for the new Garrett, Clinton; FredPowler, Lon- 3, small onion carpet. . I I des-boro; Leonard Archambault, Au- 2 tbsps. lemon juice IMiss -Donna McBride and Miss burn, and George Leitcb, Clinton. I tbsp. dry parsley Merle Dickert spent a day in Un- -Council granted $200 to the Clin- tap. salt don last week. ' ton Legion, after members from Milk. Mr. BobLove, Toronto, spent the that branch appeared as a delega- 2 cups -biscuit dough. weekend with his parents, Mr. and tion seeking a grant toward the Put liver and -onion through food Mrs. Ross Love. construction of 9. new hall in Clin- chopper. Add lemon jule parsley, 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and ton. Council also donated , shield,.salt, pepper and enough milk to son.s and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert to be awardied the school making . make mixture moist, enough to Jones visited Sunday with Mr. and the most points in the Hullett Mus- spread. Make a plain �tea biscuit Mrs. Arthur Jones, and family, St. ic Festival. dough of 2 cups flour, 4 taps. bak- Thomas. ing powder, % tap. salt, 5 tbsps. Many local residents were in Reduce Assessments fat and 3/4 cup milk. Roll out big - Exeter Thursday and Friday for As a court of revision, Council, cult dough, spread on meat and the opening of the new hospital. agreed to reduce the assessment on I roll up as jelly roll. Cut into 1% Mrs. Bert Thomson and son, Rob- the property of James T. Scott, lot inch slices. Place on greased -pan ert John, returned home last 1 , concession 4, by $1200. A reduc- an I d bake in preheated oven of 400 ThuTsday. from Clinton Hospital. tion of $150 was also granted Gus degrees. Little Judy Gridzak is staying Bisback on his property at lot 42, ' with her grandparents, Mr' and concession 14, Mrs. B. A. would like a casserole Mrs. Cliff Watson, Centralia, and Council authorized the road sup- dish of Chinese sty -le without bean attending school there. erintendent to receive tenders for sprouts. .40. Answer: the crushing of 1,000 yards� of grav- . to be delivered and spread on Pork and Parsnip Dish township roads, Tenders close Logan Councillors 'el"arch 2. 1, lb. fresh pork, 1 -inch cubes ore regular accounts were or- I onion, minced dered paid, members agreed to a]- 3 cups potato water A u*thorize DrainWorklo',T'125 expenses toward individual 1/s tsp. pepper attendance at the Good Roads iCon- I tap. salt -Road accounts amounting to vention of the Rural Municipalities 3 cups diced cooked parsnips $623.04, and general accounts QUAssociation. I % t-bsps. flour $970.45 were ordered paid when The following accounts were 2 taps. celery leaves Logan Township, council met in passed for payment: Supplies, I can dry noodles. Bornholm .Monday. All members $2.40; salaries, $12.5; street lights. Brown pork in skillet, add on - were present, the reeve presiding. $172.50; administration, $25; grants ions and cook two minutes. Stir A drainage petition was received, $172.50; administration, $2.5; grants in water, seasoning, parsnips. and asking that the Bushfield Award $200; fox bounty, $6; roads, $219.68, continue cooking 15 minutes. Thick - be a - municipal drain, and the clerk. K. J. Reaney, was 4nstructed en the liquid. Serve OR platter and to notify James A. Howes, Listowel, -- -I Jill N sprinkle with noodles. Serves six. to examine it and report to coun- Mrs. 1, C. would like a recipe for cil. The councillors endorsed a Banana. Cake like mother used to resolution of the sugar beet grow- maike, ers in regards, to importing refined Answer: sugar. There being no appeals, the court Banana Cake of revision on 'the Weir drain was 08V I cup gifted flour dispensed with, and the clerk in- 1/2 tap. baking powder structed to apply to the Ontario tap. salt Municipal Board for permission to issue debentures. The Hunt Drain ROM.IE VC01,10MI!" Grated rind, I lemon and Hinz Drain, by-laws were given Juice of 2/z lemon third and Anal readings and the 6 eggs clerk instructed to apply for gov . Braised Spareribs I cup sugar. ernment aid on both drains. I set back ribs Separate eggs and be -at yolks W. G. McGeorge, O.L.S.,, CE., the I medium turnip, diced iintil fhick. Gradually beat in sugar engineer on the North-West Drain, 6 potatoes, cooked i until fluffy. Stir in lemon juice. is to be given notice to have the 6 tbspa. canned peas. Take half of egg whites (that have report in by February 28, council Brown spareribs In, hot fry-ing been beaten stiff but not dry) and decided. pan, then, place In a deep sauce- fold lightly into sugar mixture. pail. Covqr with boiling water and Next, fold in the sifted flour, simmer 40 minutes. Add cubed baking powder and salt (that have turnip, salt and cook 25 minutes or been sTfted twice together). Add until tender. Meantime, cook POta- remaining beaten whites alternate - toes and mash. Serve spareribs, on ly with flour. DO not beat. Pour plahter surrounded with the vege- b'atter into two ungreased eight - DANCE tables arranged attractively as Peas inch cake -pane and bake In oven. In meat mounds of potatoes and of 325 degrees for 50 minutes. Al- WALTON turnips at ends of platOr. low to cool in pans before turning Cherry Date Squares out. Community Han 1112 cups dates Filling: Scald 1% cups milk ov- I cup water er boiling water. Sift 1/3 cup 9ug- 3/4 cup flour ar, 3 tbaps. flour, 1/9 tap. salt togeth- % tsp. soda er and stir In the hot milk gradual - FRIDAY, FEB. 13th % tap. baking powder ly. Add a little of the b . ot mix - I tbsp., butter ture to one beaten egg and then George Smith,., I egg, combine egg hito the sauce, stir- '/_. cup chopped cherries ring quickly. Cook over boiling Orchestra .1h. cup chopped walnuts water for 15 minutes, then cool. % cup brown sugar. Add Wo 01feed bananas and one "mown" Cook dates With water until ten. tablespwti lemon Jules. Coverone a''k, V PW D"o "i's-sle New Hats WITH A FEELING OF SPRING! For your happy new season selection, we have a complete array Of clisP new candy Gtraws, felts and fab. r ics you just canlik,xe- *i6L See the new advance Spring Millinery now. 5.50 5.95 6.95 65c VALUE MILL -ENDS OF QUALITY Flahnelettirc 'Keaw quality, deep Reece white, pink and blue flannelette in as- sorted mill -end lengths that we picked up at a big bargain. Help your- self to a few yards at this low bargain price. TO CLEAR 39c Yard INFLATABLE BRAS sell at $7.00, STEWART BROSE your problem of fitting That special dress A7 or suit�thus r eliminating costly alter - cake with the; filling; cover with second cake and top with whipped cream. Mrs. K. Mc. asks: How long do you fry crullers, and how much lard is required? Answer: Put in frying kettle enough oil or lard to be three or four inches deep. You should not cook more than five or six at a time, allowing one minute on one gide and then turn and cook one or two minutes longer. A Smile. Or Two The old farmer, driving a city man, placed a bearskin robe over their knees, pelt outward. "You ought to turn the hair inside," said the city man. , "It's, much warmer to have the hair next to your body." . "Huh " chuckled the faxmer, "im.- agine tLtyoordumb- bear living all his life without knowing a simple thing like tbat." After a few words, mostly spoken by the young wife, her husband sprang to his feet. "You've gone too far!" be ex- claimed angrily. "This is our last quarrel. . I'm going right out of your life," "Oh, Henry darling, where are you going?" she cried. "Where I'll never trouble you again,', he replied, as be started to open the door. "I'll find a place where wild adventure will, wipe out the memories of this moinent—per- haps, in the jungle — or on the stormy sea& . . ." As he spoke he opened tbe'door, then closed it again, and turned, sternly to his wife. "It's lucky for you it's rairiing!" be said. Valert.6ne D 0 inner Northside United Church Wed, Feb. 11th from 5 to 7 p.m._ Admission ....... $1.00 Children .......... 40e N W ­ Advertisers Like To B`e Told! Many of our advertisers write to tell us how pleased they arewhen customers say, "I came in because I saw your ad in The Huron Expositor." In this way they have definite proof that their Expositor advertising brings. them good will and profitable 'business, and that, therefore, their money has been wiell invested. February Sale — of - SED. DURING FEBRUARY WE WILL 11 R, 161,,,'�qq`��'�V'R,' Gay; Print% new my - OFPER ON ANY OF OUR l9ne, a m a,r t , Nylow Tris 6 "ibgt'giVeR d Acetaft mataials and ever x4a4�1 YOU ever popular C4-tpc% In the deoir.C4 !),as; 1.4gg the firvt showing of ') C what's new for SprIgg. 'Nis r­�,� No HEAVY Ruairsuraos�,-,", ..'MV I�R ClewrlY 6tyl0d In the just a snW aruolMj best 1953 New Vor* air in adjustable remb.T.'ame early Spring favoritte. cups THE I&EAL 9 0 D:V A wide choloe of shades and patterns BALANCEL - await'you here, In sizes You don't need a try -08 1.1 to 24y,. just buy one. 113iek the Spring, f"Il. Ing now. Choose these This bra is the solution to at New Hats WITH A FEELING OF SPRING! For your happy new season selection, we have a complete array Of clisP new candy Gtraws, felts and fab. r ics you just canlik,xe- *i6L See the new advance Spring Millinery now. 5.50 5.95 6.95 65c VALUE MILL -ENDS OF QUALITY Flahnelettirc 'Keaw quality, deep Reece white, pink and blue flannelette in as- sorted mill -end lengths that we picked up at a big bargain. Help your- self to a few yards at this low bargain price. TO CLEAR 39c Yard INFLATABLE BRAS sell at $7.00, STEWART BROSE your problem of fitting That special dress A7 or suit�thus r eliminating costly alter - cake with the; filling; cover with second cake and top with whipped cream. Mrs. K. Mc. asks: How long do you fry crullers, and how much lard is required? Answer: Put in frying kettle enough oil or lard to be three or four inches deep. You should not cook more than five or six at a time, allowing one minute on one gide and then turn and cook one or two minutes longer. A Smile. Or Two The old farmer, driving a city man, placed a bearskin robe over their knees, pelt outward. "You ought to turn the hair inside," said the city man. , "It's, much warmer to have the hair next to your body." . "Huh " chuckled the faxmer, "im.- agine tLtyoordumb- bear living all his life without knowing a simple thing like tbat." After a few words, mostly spoken by the young wife, her husband sprang to his feet. "You've gone too far!" be ex- claimed angrily. "This is our last quarrel. . I'm going right out of your life," "Oh, Henry darling, where are you going?" she cried. "Where I'll never trouble you again,', he replied, as be started to open the door. "I'll find a place where wild adventure will, wipe out the memories of this moinent—per- haps, in the jungle — or on the stormy sea& . . ." As he spoke he opened tbe'door, then closed it again, and turned, sternly to his wife. "It's lucky for you it's rairiing!" be said. Valert.6ne D 0 inner Northside United Church Wed, Feb. 11th from 5 to 7 p.m._ Admission ....... $1.00 Children .......... 40e N W ­ Advertisers Like To B`e Told! Many of our advertisers write to tell us how pleased they arewhen customers say, "I came in because I saw your ad in The Huron Expositor." In this way they have definite proof that their Expositor advertising brings. them good will and profitable 'business, and that, therefore, their money has been wiell invested. February Sale — of - SED. DURING FEBRUARY WE WILL ACCEPT A N Y REASONABLE OFPER ON ANY OF OUR LARGE STOCK OF USED CARS ..4 SAVE MONEY! BUY NOW! at Scaforth Motors. fteft 141 �7 Wwl o� . .... .... .