The Huron Expositor, 1953-01-30, Page 4Sire. rel ;.cxssifiQd A• lassified Ads Inserted At New Lou ( li•h States: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: let Week 1 Cent and Week le Cent Srd Week '4 Cent Minimum charge. each insertion..-25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cads of Thanks, le Memoriam Notices. Coning Eventa-1 cent per word, Minimum. 50 cents per week. nntruiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents extra. Tat., cents additional 'will be charge,: if ado in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final Insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc...—Rates 031 application Coming Events Property ' or Sale MBE ANNUAL VALENTINE SUPPER 11 of Northside United Church will be held Wednesday, February 11. at 5:30..m-. VOU'LL ENJOY DANCING AT i'Ht ' popular Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mit- chell, every Friday night to that dance- able, lovable music as 'played by Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. Admission 50 cents For Rent APARTMENT PARTMT FQR RENT — NEW heated arartatent with all convenienc- es. Available early in February. DR E. A. MeMASTER. Phone 26. 4438-1 Help Wanted -REr.rAR1.F. GIRL TO TAKE W .charge of children from 8;30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Live in or out. PHONE 229,Sea- forth TOWN OF SEAFORTH Assessor HOUSE FOR SALE—FIVE ROOMS, roll brick siding. sun porch, summer kitchen, full basement. In Village of Welton. Apply CLIFF BROWN. Auburn. 4438x4 APPLIOATIONS WILL RE RECEIVED for the position of Assessor of the Town of Seaforthat the Clerk's • Office m the Town Hall, up to 31st day of Janu- ary, 1953. Salary $600.00. D. H. WILSON, Clerk. Wanted WANTED—USED PL4.NOS. 265, Seaforth, or write Box 299. i R SALE — YEAR OLD ROGERS- 4438-2 FOR radio and nhonoeraph com- bination, in A-1 rendition ; also 1 H.P. f. motor and 2 1;-H.P. motors. C. J. DEN - work by the day. HAROLD COREY. NIS Phone 355-W, Seaforth. e Phone 664 r 22. 4437-- pROPERTY FOR SALE—TWO-STOREY, three bedrooms. living room, den, 3 - piece bathroom, oil heated house. including three acres of land..edee of town. Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ap- ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR. or Phone 41, Seaforth. 4451-tf • The annual congregational meet ing' of Oarmel Presbyterian Church will be -held Friday evening., Janu- ary 30. A pot-luek supper will be served at 7 p.m., meeting to follow afterwards. The inaugural meeting of the proposed Young People's Society of Carmel Church will be held follow- ing the evening service next Sun- day evening, February 1. All young people of the church are welcome to this meeting. Next Sunday evening at Carmel Church a religious film, "Fire Up- on the Earth," will be shown. It is the story of the Christian Church since Pentecost. The United and Presbyterian congregations will combine. Mr. G. W. Elliott is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. HOUSE FOR SALE—TWO-STOREY RED brick house. situated on Main St. East, Hensall; seven , rooms, three-piece bath,. full basement oil furnace, town water, telephone. one -car garage. For further particulars apply to WALTER FAIR- BAIRN, Hensel] RR 2, or Phone 675 r 16, /dermalL 4438-1 For Sale (1OB.CORN FOR SALE - DELIVERED. LEO O'SULLIVAN. Phone 22 r 4. Dublin. 4482x1 pion SALE -USED PIANOS: IN GOOD condition. Write Box 289, or Phone 265, Seaforth. 4438-2 port SALE—ONE COLT RISING THREE years. sorrel general purpose. Apply GEORGE CASE, RR 4, Walton. 4437x1 VOR SALE—CREAM ENAMEL COOK stove, for wend or c -al ; in real goal condition. MERVTN DUNN. Phone 177 r 31, Exeter. 4438x2 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines. electric and treadle. Re- pairs to n11 makes. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Gnderirh. Phone 1135. PHONE 4395 -ti Hensall United Year Seen as One of Best APPLICATIONS Township of Hallett THE COUNCIL OF rile TOWNSHIP of Hallett will receive applications for the position of Warble -Fly Inspector for 1953 in the Township of Hallett." The Council will pay for this position 51.00 per hour and .O5c per mile for mileage on inspection duties. All applications to be in the hands of the Clerk by 2:00 pen_ Monday, February 2, 1953. GEO. W. COWAN. Clerk, Londesboro, Ont. 4487-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS Township of Hullett Sri E COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP of Hullett will receive Sealed Tenders for the Spraying of Cattle in the Tow-nshipj for Warble -Fly. Tenders to be for two sprayers at so mush per bead. Work to be done according to the 'rules set down for the control of the Warble -Fly and to the satisfaction of the Warble -Fly Inspec- to Rev. W. J. Rogers and Mrs. Rogers by Edison Forrest, extend- ing an invitation to ]Rev. Rogers to remain as minister for another year, and granting him an Increase of $200 in salary, Mrs. Walter Spen- cer presented Mrs. Rogers with a bouquet of roses, and Carol Ann and Brenda Margaret Rogers were given gifts of silver. 'Dhe address was read by Mrs. J. Drysdale and presentations made by Mary and Katie Scone. Ross Richardson, Harvey Keys, Dr. J. C. Goddard and Wm. Fair- bairn airbairn were appointed to the Board of Stewards. George Armstrong, Lorne Hay, W. R. Stephenson and Lorne Chapman were •added to the property committee. I R. 3. Drysdale showed films of his trip to Cuba last spring. The pot -luck supper served previous to the meeting was in charge of the Evening Auxiliary. At the annual congregational meeting of Hensai1 United Church Tuesday evening, the treasurer's report, presented by G. M. Drys-' dale, disclosed a total raised by all organizations of $1,000. The year was regarded as one of the best in the church's history. A letter of appreciation was read FOR SALE -1951 NASH SEDAN, ROB - in -egg clue : bed a-csmmodation for travelling; with the leading no -frost win- dow- sir conditionins : mileage slichtly ov- er 12 000: new cond'tion ruaranteed. Al- so Ford t., -ton pieSun, 1951 model. with 15.000 miles. in rood shape. Driven by owner only: selline in favor of 1953 mod- els, Terms: good trade-in considered. J. E. HUGILL. Phone 667 r 13, Seaforth. 4438-1 Personals "QKINNY" GIRLS 1 GET LOVELY " curves! Gain 5 to 10 Ibs.. new pep. Try famous health' "and weight -builder, Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory, "get- a,-nuainted" size ONLY 60c. All drug- gists - HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R CHEER Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed sneetope with price list 6 samples 25c.: 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dent. T-73 NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Auction Sales ' AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, Implements and Feed. at Lot No. 5, Concession 3, Stanley Township, 331..' miles south and 11/4 miles west of Brucefield, or 3't miles north of Hensall. on Wed- nesday, February 4th, at 1 p.m.. the fol- lowing: HORSES—Belgian mare. 7 years old: Percheron mare, 8 years old; set of breeching harness; horse collars. CAT- TLE—Durham cow 5 years old. due time of sale; Durham heifer, recently fresben- ed ; Durham cow b years old. with calf at foot ; Durham cow 5 years old, due April 30: Durham cow 6 years old, milk- ing. bred again : Hereford cow 5 years old with calf at foot: Hereford X Durham cow, 5 years old. recently freshened: Jer- sey cow i years old. due April 15: heifer 2 years old: steer 2 years old: yearling steer: 2 young calves: PIGS -2 York- shire saws doe April 15. IMPLEMENTS— Melt binder, 7 -ft. cut: MAI. 13 -hoe drill: M. -H. Rite Way two -unit milker. equip - Peel with Se H.P. motor and piping; M. -H. dump rake: M. -H. hay loader; M. -H. land packer: M. -H. cultivator: M. -l3_ in -throw disc: 'M_ -H. 2 -row scuther with bean pull- er attachment; .M. -H. cream separator; In- ternational manure spreader; Deering mower, 5 -ft. cut; corn binder: 4 -section drag harrows: farm wagon : gravel box ; rubber tire wagon: 16 -ft flat rack (new); one -row scbdier: root pulper and motor: set of sloop sleighs ; fanning mill; walk- ing plow: riding .plow; 2,000 -Ib. scales; cutter; colony house: electric brooder (new); coal brooder; electric bean cooker; steel pig troughs: other feed troughs: elec- tric fencer; 2 range shelters; 3 cream cans; numerous other articles. Approximately 230 230 bales of mixed hay: approximately 3 tons of loose hay. Terms —Cash. No reserve as the proprietor is in failing health. If weather is unfavor- able. sale will be ander cover. CHARLES S. SWITZER, Proprietor: R.R. 3. Kip - pen : Edward W. Elliott Auctioneer ; K. W. ,Colquhoun, Clerk. tor. All tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by 2:00 p.m., February 2, 1953. Law - est or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk, Londesboro, Ont 4437.2 Notices HURRY TO -ODOR'S IN BENSALL for their Annual January Sale! A store full of bargains. 443x3-1 RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at i'ERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R 4868-tf rpHE BRUt;9:t IELD FIRE DEPART - 11 meet will hold its annual meeting in the LO.O.F. Hall, Brumfield. on Tuesday. February 3, at 8 p.m., when reports will be read and the election of officers will be held. 4438-1 CUSTOM SAWING --CHAIN SAW VrITH 25 -inch cut: 32..75 per hour. Apply FRANK EIOICLIEIER, Concession 6, Lot 30, Logan. Phone 76 r 13, Dublin. .14467.3 PAINTING — SPRAY OR BRUSH Papering. Sunworthy wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE. Hensel]. Phone 196-R, Hensel). 4425-tf • PAINTING • PAPERHANGING Interior and Exterior Decorating WALTER PRATT R.R. 1, Walton PHONE 481-M : SEAFORTH ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. If yon have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent. please call STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 382; local 252. 4436-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 285, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4889-0 ,NOTICE — CYLINDER LOCK RESET - ting, combinations changed. keys cut Don't throw away your old cylinder locks. We can repair them like new. Your se- curity tomorrow is our business today. BALL & MUTCH HARDWARE, Clinton. Ont. 4436-3 FARMERS INTERESTED IN ADDING 31,000 TO their present farm income must place tberr orders with us at once for that new cement silo. Our wane are fully guaran- teed and reinforced to stand any strain put against them. Early booking will save your crop at the right time. JONATHAN H:UGILL & SON, Contractors. Phone 667 r 13, Seaforth.' 4438-1 Cards Of Thanks Bingo ST. COLUMBAN Parish Hall FRIDAY, FEB. 6th' 9 p.m. • Cash Prizes • Special Prizes • Share -the -Wealth ADMISSION 50 CENTS Deaths CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Elsner Colquhoun, Clinton, visited recently with 'Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Mr. L. Hodgson, Centralia, called at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott on Monday. Miss Dorothy Scott, who under- went an operation in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, has re- turned' home. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace visited last Thursday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace at Carling- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norris and family, Ailsa 'Craig, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris. Miss Helen Lamond, London, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Lamond. 'Mr. John Houghton, Mildmay, called Monday at the home of Mrs. M. Houghton and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton. Miss Barbara McNaughton, Lon- don, and Wilma McNaughton, To- ronto, spent a few days with their parents, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne Mc- Naughton. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlin attended the funeral of a cousin, Jane Anderson, of St. Paul. Mrs. Duncanson has returned home from Toronto, where she at- tended the funeral of her sister, Miss Edwards. - Mr. Oswald Walker received word of the arrival of a great- granddaughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Marion (nee Marjor- le Parker), in Windsor. Kippers Man O awes Birthday With Fla Last Friday evening in: Kippen an enjoyable time was spent by friends anti neighborsat .the"home of James Mustard, who celebrated his 80th birthday. Euchre was played' and a delis- sous lunch served to close the eve- ning. His Kippen friends wish him many more happy birthdays. Kippen East W.I. Plan For Euchre and Dance Twenty-five members of the Kip - pen East W.I. met in the Legion rooms last week. A pot -luck din- ner was served and four quilts were completed. Mrs. Alex McGre- gor was sewing convener. Plans were made for a euchre and dance in Hensall Town Hall, Friday, February 13. WAKEFIELD—In Seaforth, on Friday. January 23, Edwin W. Wakefield, dear father of Mrs. David Milison, Hallett: Mrs. Harry Pethick, Seaforth,/ and Charles, ..f London, in his 81st year. M ANY THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO shared their sympathy with us. in the bereavement of a loving sister. Mrs. Mar- garet A. Worl ran. who passed away January 19, 1953, in Leamington. Your sympathy is greatly appreciated. 4438x1 JANET BAKER Try Huron Expositor want Ads. Phone 41, Seaforth. For Sale 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN New Car Condition NEW TIRES - LICENSE RADIO PHONE 277 - Seaforth ►ftHE FAMILY OF lila LATE MRS. ii Jane Stimore wish to express their most sincere thanks to their many rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the kind- ness and sympathy' shown then!• daring' their recent sad bereavement, for the many floral tributes, messages and calls; also special thanks to bearers and those who kindly loaned cars or assisted in any way. 4488x1 ANNUAL MEETING ?THE- ANNUAL MERTING OF 153.0, US - 1 borne & HIBBER.T Mutual Fire Ire- aiiraace Company will be held in Farquhar. Hall. Farquhar, on MONDAY, FEB. 2, 1953, at 2:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directems and Auditors for the past *tat. ger. the election of two Directors for re.•tbree-trear tit, n ol+retioa of Auditors, rad, any otter biisinesS that may be in the i:nterestb of the a Contl/nnr. 1`if ectota *heieh term of office efr- jlittee, orb het'�pi Sinclair and' E. Clayton. V"dll�rlr lititii- of shoot ora eligible for Births PIERCE --At Summerside, PEI., on Jan- uary 23. to Flying Officer and Mrs - Frank N. Pierce (nee Joanne McMillan). a daughter. THOMSON—At Clinton General Hospital. on Thursday, January 22, 1953, be Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomeon (nee Eleanor Storey). a son. DANCE Town Hall, IIENSALL FRIDAY, FEB., 6th SPONSORED BY O.E.S. Steve Dundas AND HtS ORCHESTRA Adniissien 75 Cents For Bet evglent l Urid A 1.1 LADIES Have You Seen the New Melmac Breok-Resistant DINNERWARE Guaranteed Against Normal Breakage In Color Sets of Grey, Wine, Dark and Light Green Also sold in Individual Pieces Staffen Plumbing & Heating Phone 49 Seaforth District Obituaries LATE BYRON WALDRON BRUCEFIEILD — Byron Waldron, 71, who had farmed for many years near Brucefield, died Tuesday in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. When a young man he practised in the West as a civil engineer, but later returned to this area and took up farming. Surviving is one sister, Eliza. The funeral services were held at the family residence, R.R. 1, Brucefield, Thursday afternoons, conducted by the Rev. W. Maines, Brueefield United Church, with in- terment in Clinton cemetery. LATE MRS. HENRY STIMORE apo* Coy 41,14101, elintufiskimr " '1Jaxer E. A, McMstater and Mee. McMaster were in. Cbathaan kat week as Vests of John - Beardalt, owner of Station CFOO. "While there, Mayor McMaster participat- ed articipated in a broadcast over CFCO and was also a guest at a Chatham Rot- ary dinner. During Ms visit he conferred with the Chatham Ikdus-• trial Commission about methods employed in attracting 'industry to that city. WINTHROP The many friends of Mrs. Les. Dolnlage will be pleased to learn she is improving in health. Mr. T. Betties has returned from the hospitaL W.M.Q. To Meet The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan Church will meet in the. school- room Wednesday, February 4. Roll call will he a Bible verse on WALTON—There passed away in Monkton at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Machan, the former Jane Eliza Bell, wife of the late Henry Stimore, Walton, in her 74th year, She was a daughter of the late James Bell, Mitchell.. The deceased was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ (Latter Day Saints), Ros- tock. Surviving are two sons. Nor- val and Alvin, McKillop, and two daughters, Mrs. Earl Machan (Myr- tle), Monkton. and Mrs. Ken Mc- Farlane (Eileen), Grey township; also -two brothers. Solomon, Toron- to; Edward. Mitchell; and two sis- ters, Mrs. George Richardson (Mag- gie), and Mrs. 'Herb Irvine (Mabel). both of Toronto; also three grand- children, Doreen and Meryl McFar- lane, Grey, and Mrs. Glen Corlett, McKillop. Funeral was held Monday from the home of her son, Norval Sti- more, with Rev. Frank Gray, Lon- don, conducting the service. Mrs. Herb Travis, Walton. sang. Pall- bearers were Stanley McFarlane, Leonard Machan, William Roe, Murray Dennis, Lorne Dennis, Jas. Williamson. Fiowerbearers were Mr, and Mrs. Glen Corlett. Doreen and Meryl McFarlane. Interment was in Brussels cemetery. "prayer " ,Mrll°, Ken 'tlismitpsont 21)41;1040d Yasin. Forum., will<i feet MpndaY. Feb. Z at t110111900`0f 14r4..and •Mrs. Ear% Cddl and Mrs. Earl 3Arwaon and Leslie Lawson were in London Monday. Mr. and Urs. K. T. Adams and Gerald, ; Centralia, were Sunday' guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Neilane. Sincere seyunpathy is extended to Winthrop Y.P.U. Group Plans Crokinole Party The Cavan Young People's Union met in the school - room of the church last Sunday. Margaret Boyd read the scripture and Rev. H. E. Livingstone led in prayer. Roll call was answered by 11 members. A crokinole party was planned for February 6. The topic, "Faith and Evangelism," was giv- en %ell by Leslie McSpadden. i Used Cars for Sale 2-1951 DODGES—Fohr-Door; Radio 1-1951 PLYMOUTH—Four-Door 1-1951 CHEVROLET—Four-Door 1-1950 PLYMOUTH—Four-Door with Radio 1-1946 CHEV.—Four-Door 1-1937 PONTIAC SEDAN—Four-Door 1-1937 DODGE SEDAN—Four-Door TRUCKS 1-1951 MERCURY 1/2 -TON EXPRESS 1-1950 MERCURY 1 -TON EXPRESS 1-1948 DODGE 3 -TON SPECIAL with Platfprm a1ld Racks These Cars and Trucks in Excellent Condition MACHINERY 1—L CASE TRACTOR 2-70 COCKSHUTT TRACTORS 2—VA CASE TRACTORS 1 FERTILIZER DRILL — 15 -run Cock- shutt, 2 years old 1 WAGON (Steel Wheel) 1 9 -FOOT 3 -DRUM STEEL LAND ROLLER Row hone Seaforth seeps ese KIPPEN Local Girls Skate At Arena Opening Ten members of the Seaforth Skating Club performed at the opening of Clinton's new $30,000 ice plant in the Lions Arena Wed- nesday night. They were Pamela and 'Mary Anne Stapleton, Ruth Tall, Marilyn Kling, Sheila, Mc- Fadden, o-Fadden, Jo Ann. Sinclair. Ruth Sills, Alice Christie and Beverly and Gloria Lithgow. The local club is ander the trainership of Ross Smith, Classic City Skating Co., Stratford. aim w,k041001 Mot, Frkilif 66Father, aerie's hallOalt on the .front dopa'." "Heavens! Has he l 4illE'" °°No, just an ordinary red f eftale ,Drip: "Can you stand on TOIF ' head?." Drops' 'limpet 'It's too high:* CONSTANCE Annual January Sale Ends Sat., Jan. 31s# See the 1.98 Rack of Blouses and Dresses Real Values at only 1.98 STILL A STORE FULL OF BARGAINS 1 TUDOR'S LADIES' WEAR — DRY GOODS Phone 70 Hensall The W M.S. will hold a social evening in the church school room February 6. The .guest speaker, Mrs. Vic Roy, Clinton, will tell of her trip to Mexico. There will be a short programand refreshments served. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and family were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest :Brigham, Elm- wood, A birthday dinner was giv- en in honor of Mrs. Brown's father, Mr. Thomas Brigham, Who marked his 85th ,birthday. Thirty-Sve guests were present. " Farm Forum Meets The Friendly Farm Forum met Monday at the home of Frank Riley with 24 present. Progressive euchre 'winners were John Jewitt S1r7 and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, London, were Sunday guestsof the former's parents,. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Cud•more. Mr. Jonah Green spent a day last week with his brother, Mr: Silas Green, Grand Bend. who is in i11 health. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson for the gift of a son. (born at Clinton Hospital, Thursday, January 15. • A number from this district at- tended the Hay Township Federa- tio not Agriculture annuai,_banquet and meeting in the Memorial Cen- tre. Zurioh, last week. 'Mr. Norman Dickert, accompan- ied by Mr. Thomas Butt, spent a day in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Jones and sons visited 'Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride, near Zurich. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Keith Westlake and family, Zurich, visited Sunday eve- nin gwith Mr. and Mrs. A. Gack- stetter. Mr. and Mrs. John -H. Cochrane visited in Clinton last week. We are happy to report Mr. Robt. Thomson, who is being cared for by his daughter. Mgrs. Lorne Schneider, Stratford, is slowly im- proving in health. 'Mrs. Jennie Schilbe, Exeter, vis- ited Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. McClyanont. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Agnes Baird. Brucefield, will mark her 93rd birthday Fri- day, January 30, when a family din- ner will be held at the borne of her son, Mr. T. B. Baird. Euchre - Box Social L.O.L. Rooms, Seaforth FRIDAY, FEB_ 6th at 8:30 p.m. No Admission Charge Ladies please bring lunch boxes. Tuckersmith Bridge Now Open For Traffic The Houston bridge at, lot 13, concessions 6 and 7, in the Town- ship of Tuckeramith. has now been completed and the road is open for traffic; One abutment of the old bridgecaved in during the spring of 1952. Plans for the new bridge were prepared by the Ontario Depart- ment of Highways. and work was done by C. Looby Construction, Dublin. Eastern Star Sponsors Euchre Here Last Week Th'e Order of the Eastern Star sponsored 25 tables of euchre here last week in the 1.O.O.F. Hall. An- drew Crozier was. master of cere- Monies. 1 l e winners were: ladies' most gath .4s Miss Ethel Storey; ,one liana,' Mrs. Ales Bethune; conso- lation, Mrs. John Crest -font; men, snd8t games, Cilarle0 Reeves; lone hands, Robert ' Charters; contrite - Wiz 'Robert Sinith. Lunt:h wad served under the di- redtirin o 'MS'$ 71:Witd' MCiaeail. . r. VALENTINE Euchre—Dance in Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, FEB. 13th Euchre starts at 8:30 p.m. Lucky Lunch Prize Ladies Please Bring Lunch OLD & NEW -TIME DANCING To HANK NORRIS°`and HIS RANC4f BOYS Admission 50c Sponsored by Kipper East W.I. Used Car,Truck and Tractor SPECIALS 51 FORD COACH 51 METEOR SEDAN 50 CHEV. COACH 50 FORD SEDAN 49 FORD COACH 47 MERCURY COACH 42 DODGE SEDAN 40 PONTIAC COACH 37 DODGE 1/2 -TON TRUCK 46 COCKSHUTT 30 TRACTOR 47 FORD TRACTORS -2 49 FORD TRACTOR --with half tracks and loader - DALY MOTORS Phone 102 ANNOUNCEMENT PLACE -YOUR ORDER R -ISH -T N -O -W FOR SPRING SHIPMENT FOR CANADIAN CEMENT! Don't wait till next Summer and pay exorbitant prices, or, even worse, be without. Just WRITE, PHONE or DROP IN and let us know your requirements, and we will see that you get your Cement at a fair price. ♦ $ Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Phone 47 Seaforth SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market FOR USED CARS 1952 CHEV. DE LURE COACH—Fully equipped 1941 DODGE COACH 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN 1951 'PONTIAC COACH 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1950--CHEV. DE LUXE COACH --.Radio 1947 PONTIAC COACH 1937 CHEV. ii --TON PICKUP TRUCKS 1953 DODGE >/r -,PON PICKUP 1946 MERCURY *-!ION PICKUP SPECIAL — A variety of '51 Chevrolets, Coaches and Sedans—TO CLEAR AT $1595.08 A written guarantee for 69 days on all late model cars. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BR-USSELS MOTORS BRUSSBt i - ONTARIO PHONE 73-X "The Home of Better Used Cara'! OPEN EVERY EVENING 14 1 } 4 1 •