The Huron Expositor, 1953-01-16, Page 3iL 77-��7777�77 777777-717 .... .... ... N '18 4' 4" 7� I I . : SJ 101 LO Toliff OPP', 0 �To qplft p, 7F ."Pi wa- BE, 0, F,'%, W" Not FeAw"Al IWO." 'ih r ino . pi ,p pgr 0 %; T -SmAle *nAlMilsoA010474. ;W T#W`P' J Rev W J. Roger AIFY I §, W � P, M-TrI Iker were., mid� 4, report, W0 Ch*p) fQ officers: honorary Jl6ving pre 4A�,' Pro cdtpt Wrs, A '�tr�4s6r_" hpard th 4,gr. Aufte*,, P- P.011, W.49 WIP lo Mrs, .0 IaA.ty4ft; 0, was e4jOye4jsud#e e,,CbrStma"Qx "`4t p4i9A 144ent , 901 ),"ta and Z liowe f9,110wing a, M .. W. B. Cross, now _140A4 040, tile adopo , #,Iy . . d ,vet0._an:,,J tf p WaW er Ar�lnners were'Mrs. F. Beer,"' dent rs p. repor a were read, agd.4pproV, Mrs. heart Attack. He was 4 AW 7,44, 4cw,"X6 yearsf vice-presiftuto rs. --- and Mrs. 94"Arr minster Hospital.. The ' mYsteirY daughter.. Mrs B.. K le, N ed _rg. .I, , gegs I ere 7eAr§ ago. Letters of thanjo for prize -was wqwby'Urs- A, joynt-$Impiojo,'Mrs, W. sabgs . I G. Armstrong, Mrs, W. J, card 4 ter, Mrs� a auditors� prp0n glf�ji f.rol *r_j8",' - imaie, Mt.js,71�.. Th ted thelr�report, Clark 4nd,. Mr U Mrs.. B. Oeiger, Miss, M.f E1.118,; R. 'p. � S ble, �#, I , stated the,;1390118 were, 1007fect, KI 4, trustee SOW% �trs. R. Mock, Mrs. IM, and' ObVr*' I , war,',? MJiss K. Scott;l"'recording and At 11mall An �Inht4tioli from RgX. tAbp 0W 6s'p4nding . seebetaryi ,Mvo. T.5'S J, B, anl*., vldpr� a Ap, J 01 foimwriy on r theiiLO.4,ard of,iWapa co W nt Mrs. GiGleAA;;. Fox'to`attbud-',0arme1 -Presbyterian 'Huron,.Sheriff Nam.041 Ista A , "4" ia � PURA 491F. %Or, 4k 0,11=440; as$ "'A S service J r7 bppn�qt"&Oe aeoreltdry ,011ur -at, evening anua j NOTICE 1, "6 �jccslpl Members are to President of 0 servell.0, -was, Uri � bi4740arlille; boiA 40- vogm muiti* 0 th�J bw.�091wdl 19. 10, arid1weat ;,0 NWondohip tMrii.10sr�_ Of 1,49 loom'"n- 40,60-W 001V*A7 a SherM' 6 '40 7;, OCI W4# d qjo _Ir _OU C, Steph,Ouson; 9 b rdt er%* of r,�L.*FiAirft I - -R. D6u"ll, Uri, W,,jF OnA IM, elected, preisiftgtl of in' 0.0 il Assoclati 4r,%. W, p. pr. . T4r siltvlal;e. ',the ontai'�'� Of the workir Avp�r tAg'Pectidia A11#4 th officer ,9n at toro.%&Dr J1. ti"O"Verw -Mrs4 A. Alexituder; ,s for 190.f. prpsiftAt, 31 its annual meeting in Toronto last tive. M19614ammlispi6- 'D�. 4 � " , apoe, -Mrs. W. Henry; Missionary W &l,,hT*rF,1W rd-ldent'WrA . -of S. G.. Rannie. f4 1.4, 4� -week. A son of the late, vlge, C. Mr& Auftow, sided at the organ c6insole. ecoud pre�iden tw planvu, 194, WE WILL, PIC19 UP -McFawkin ; trea Wmek; , Mrs. Other officers elepted: Vicb-pte* Xnd'-Mar34,Bk*,4 r, ie0lde to Sherritt-.,Assopil Hqlp- During too _jIdgy 4,u _ ftlWO Mrs. N. E Cook, $h0r. Chiiseliburst, Churchi *1`l-lNcU11,,,Rgi95 'Brown.- geprewyl , M F. 'Beer; r Re , 'gcgiri S dron and dent, R. H. Beattie, Middlesex; on. No, sion at thq W J.Wjs� rggpr Highest Cash Prices Pald iitanidairdbearer, Mrs.. H Horton- secretary-trqasurer, 1q. B. Titus, To- he t q4"A ttv­.? a, Mrs. G. Heas-, -Baby .49 ron-to; honoraxy_ seloretary, R. j. this district. Thrisb sisterw, an#, 1 4 - . .1japan of eXipteAdents. M;§_, 0. on Today." 'executive foipr brbithers predeceased Mrs, Kyle, *Mrs. Maclennan,. Top) 0 him. WWS 111-LDEBM—A" Ha0oiop 1 4, Mrs. "J. 94unions, Mrff� 4t Sm e, Mrs. -R, laroder'4; SarilOeis will be .,held LaS Usual mepuberg, W., B. 3411lott, Muskoka; -Mourning his lom are his, wife"P9 Mrs. 0, AM-4ro4g, �-v The -evening servieQ s's: pl� A..C. Cal Wegbwort4; J. D. the former 'IBAPOW E. Coopqr� Its, Xm Rogers, Mrs. Qplg`�X- featured the, presestation of olm% Conover - 10. C'. Rial -son, -w '-)n. I 'Shown by Rev.: Roger York, iard hoin he mgfried P03� 040 qo_ 0' kippen, one,da* Nor$,'4uipberlaxLd-pwb4Li�m,.&�4 William. J. Colliver, Prince . Edrward. ter. (400 Mrs. stacl*oxfo, FER T...IU Z-.,-E,,,R, Wilton Grove. Ont.; Ave &ggdahil- London Brift-Elect Aren � amd � one, sister, Mrs. Ijaiiwron Order.yofii Fertilizer NOW, and-, we will store Richardson, Riplien. �Showered By Friends WIJ I . SZZ 47 Honorary pallbearers were mem- In Hensall Friday it for you until seeding time, or tAe advant- To, the Edffito'r bers of the 0hurch Session:. Tom AnupAl sew'mg bee of the Kippen age of early'delivery discount. Hay, Herb Jones, John Coaftane, Mrs. F. iPeters was hostess at East WOmen!� Institute' will 'be Eldon Jarrett, Emerson Kyle, and her home last FYiday evening for held in the Logion R60m, Hensall, Further reduction� of $1.00 per ton will be 105 Mailes Ave., Ross Love. Active bearers were a Presentation to Miss Betty Smale, Wednesday, January 21, when a allowed if paid when delivered. Ottawa 3, Ont., John Sinclair, Morley Cooper, Bob London, whose marriage to Frank�pot­luck supper will be served. January 7, 1953. McGregor, Joe McLellan, Ross For- Clifford Cousins, London, takes. rest and liduls Clark, Jr. Flower- place in that city Saturday, Janu- Editor, The Huron. Expositor:-�' bearers were Andrew Bell,. Dunean ary 17. WINCHELSEA Dear Sir: I am wondering if Cooper, Rugs Jones, Jim Brown, Entertainment for the eN SEAFORTH CO-OPERATIVE there are any groups or an indi- Bob Upshall, Bob Elgle, Edison Me- was arranged by Mrs. George Hess-. Mrs. Harold Clarke and son, vidual among. your readers who Lean, W. I R. Cooper, Howard Pink- Mrp. Leonard Noakes played har- William Robelt, arrived home from Phone 9 Seaforth would like to make a quilt for the beiner and. Floyd Weeks. monica selections, and contests St. Joseph'& Hospital, London, Save the Children Fund. The art Rev. N. McLeod conducted the were enjoyed. The bride -elect re- Tuesday. 0 of quilting seems to be dying out funeral service. Interment was in ceived many gifts, including an Miss Jean,Gilfillan is visiting Badr&s Cemeiery, Brucefteld. electric iron, lamps, china, electric with Mr. and Mrs. P. Chappel, in the city. I have enough flan- clock's and linens. Mrs. G�L Hess Cromiarty. nelette scraps to mUke a large quilt the gift, were Mr. and Mr . W 11 W It rs or two crib quilts, and will be t read the addres , - g, g ill am a 6 pleased to mail them to anyone presented in a bashet, decorated in and Danny spent Sunday with Mrs. kind enough to convert them to AnnuaUtatemens color schemes of pink land white, Maud Clarke, Farquhar. by Mrs, Petrs. arid Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fletcher �Liid something useful., Please. write to me at the above address. 01 a Relatives and friends at- family visited Sunday, wjth Mrs. tended The Canadian Save the C-hildr.n Of Township Scho s sm 'e- from Hensall, London, Ex,-_ Lily Blair, Exeter. Fund work.-, lor orphaned and desti- ter, Seaforth, Yurich and Staffa. Mr.,.and Mrs. Don Penhale and arranged by Mrs. tute children in Austria, Italy, Following is the annual report of The affair was , family, Exeter, spent Saturday eve 4 McKil, Maude Hpddpn and )Jr.,. Howard ning with Mr, and Mrs. Wib Bat - Greece and Lebanon. They can U.S.5.S. Nos. 1, 2, 3 and Smale. jen. aho use linitted afghans, and they lop and Hibbert Townships, releas- will welcome six-inch Icnitted ed by Auguste Ducharme, secre� square& sen -y-treasurer: Provincial and municipal net ex- -base metal mines are a 115 t to 490,Jarvis To- tai I ally to penditures in 1950 in Canada c- ronto x.- more than $25,000,000 arinu 6eeded $1,500,000,000. Quebec's mineral income. Receipts -C w 1 7 Yours sincerely, Balance, January I ....... $3,659.33 WINNIFRED TANNER Provincial grants ........ 8,536.97 5 (Mrs. R. W. Tanner) Sale of land to highway ... 50.00 Ryan Drain refund ...... .20 Tempora loans ........ 4,00.00 WHERE IS SPORT HEADED FOR? Total Receipts .... ... $24,240SO Hensall, Jan. 13, 195.3. Editor, The Huron *]Ex Expenditure positor: 'Cost of instruction ....... $9,407.68 Dear Sir: One evening last week Cost Of instructional sup:, a crowd of people turned out for 'Plies .................. 2,127.18 fun and relaxation at a All 548.10 rl,r�� N bockey Cost of administration .... Cost of plant operation.... 2,607188 rink, game in a new community � 'each to cheer his home team to Cost of plaint maintenance 1,270.38 victor? or to accept defeat good, Cost of auxiliary serviees 299.23 naturedly, and go home feeling the Ir M 4�1 - nt - eratw­ t16 96,11 Ar better for his outing. This pleasure was denied them, and most of the folks went home in disgust with Tuition fees, S.S. No. 3, anger'burning in their so uls, some Logan ................. $ 28.80 Capital outlays .......... 1,067.23 of the fairer sex in tears, All this 4vas caused-' by the Mil i k supplied to pupils, ... 41.72 actions of one player, who in the Temporary -loans ........ 4,074-85 dying, moments of the game, took Balance on hand, Dec. 31.. 2,767.75 an angered look at his, opponent, wielded hi8 stick In a deliberate Tot�l .... ... $24,240.80 manner "with two hands," straight for the head and face of his OP - posing player. The force with which the sticki struck, could be fieard above the yelling of tbeThank Hens,all, WMS azcrowd, most of whomilwere watch- ing the play at a different paxt of the rink. The struck player fell For � Bale to Korea 'like a cattle beast would when struck with an axe. Blood was The"Women's Missionary Society TheCanadian...Ba'nk "touring irbin t'he . wound. In a f , e* of the United Church held their -ipoments he began to struggle in January meeting in the church W, N i Wig: 1#7 ft ,,4 .,a T�,',Sk tt, 1%94,0 roft" I Zxa6k, 171" NOT "Ic -TO" OF SEAFORTH PA.nX %7 BY ORDER OF POLICE To facilitate snow removal, 11jo Parldug, on the Streets. of this Municipality will, be allow ,pd between the hours of 2 am. and 8 amL This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the 14ighway Traffic Act, Section 43, Subsection 9. NOTICE is hereby given that the said Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vel-ficles as the result of snow removal operations. Power-Piv6t Pedal ' s, suspended' from above, work easier aj;a climi- Plate floor holesi—prov ide -ore 00" soace for the driver! ot (,ommerce an insensil3le -manner on the ice. The player was carried to the dressing room. Thi§ crowd wa.s.left stunned and saddened by the sul den outrage of the attacker. What was the ca use of this iln- pardonable attack? Was it that schoolroom last week with the president, Mrs. W.,B. Cross, in the chair. Mrs. Eva Carlile was in charge of the devotional and Miss,,, M. Ellis offered prayer. A letter wasi read from Dr. Mooney, Toronto, expressing thanks . . . . . . . . his team were. losingand be would for $1�8 to pay- charges on a bale Phone 41 stop at nothing to avoid defeat? sent by this society f6r Korea. Dr. ....................... smile. Was it that the player be attacked L had aggravated him or checked him -YOF �7-z� look i,llegaly? Was he spurred on by his coach and management to perform Things We Print GI E 1, � E I c,' WIN.* 4700d A6r9FJ7d.new.Jonyerr lower.. wider anything to stem the tide of de- I pace -setting, style- k)ilitv that reolN Icts YOU See . . . a car JI's here the new, feat? If be,attributed it to any of these causes, no rash action of this Store Sale Bills making '53 Ford— presenting for the first that handles w;tb effortle,-, steering, type was justified under any cir- Business Cards X.: time—the sensational new Miracle RidP-1 braking and parking . . . with proved cumstances. Window Cards Now, feel the difference in the '53 Ford— V-8 power and brilliant performance. have followed sport for ov-P r 30 Laundry Lists Visiting Cards with the entire suspension System com- See it ... check it ... you'll find the 1953 years, have participaited a little bit Bread -Tickets plerely-balanced for a safer, smoother, Ford gives you somany things you nee& in some of the roughantough such as rugby and lacrosqu. in all Letter Heads —that gives a brand-new A quieter ride -Drive Fora—youll know and want. Test 4. these years I have never Witnessed Meal Tickets Mling Cards Concept of comfort on all kinds of to ad. Again, Ford steps ahead with all the why, more than ever before, the swing a -deliberate action of this tyrpe, either in watching a game or play- Programmes Halli-Tight Bodies, for dust- features you want . . . Full -Circle Visi- is to FOrd! ing it. Score 40ards Debentures free, draft -free comfort, am built to stay "young". *Forda-atic Nive, Over&jve and v4ae sidewall.tires ciptimoall at extra cost - Are the management of our Note Heads pporting teams urging -their play - Bill -Heads era on to rash actions? Are they Invitations defending players' attacks on op- pl If they are, they become Hand Bills Pamphlets ------- accomplices to Pe act, Every ex- Circu-lars, cuse they offer, every Word they speak, every action they take in .-'Booklets ][)Odgers -- ----- defence of attacks of this type, they Badges N would make one think con doned These mar sport! Drafts *0 such act&. Books Dio the men. at the head of these Tags teams realize the good -part they can play in woUldiing the lives of these young men? They are look. Bills Bonds V-8 I to. -Hp. Engine Fordons9fli DrIVO iS th0lineft Now 1111hucle aw that takes aill. on bit a r of ride, engineers timm in cqmprelisi r' .......... ill�$� , ­... . up to by their players for guid- Labels automai ic 416,00, Aavan� ad design V.&5� combination swin 60- c0wfl-04' is fo �: ad anet and advice. - Let us hope these Blotters cheques, manee. With #orA �.,i�caa choo" _ build a ride that"s truly a revelation. 9 backeftlexntriencem Fordomatic*, Overdrive*- Or . . . . . . . men are big enough for their jobs Placards MfWth"�altqther , -4 . � , sji'xhro�silent Shift. fee &Aqoteowltum awaq,dftTft0 and w1,11 take action in this case to show the public that,they will not -stand for. sdch,,,unpardonable -4 Vouchers prize Lists C;atalogues 14. , I A AV -F ft I'll he new .53 a s .v me ,, 1 .1 Price Lists AMM SEEYOUR r%JKLP 1l LCK..-- not. The public. 4re, anxiously Poit Cards --------------- awaiting the outcome of this out- statements - - - - - - - When you need help in a hurry, YOU reach rageous.,action, -, Let us Jiope for a better show of sportmanship, by 393611k Notes for your telephone ... Think of the differencs milk Tickets players. and all connected with the game In the future. To show you Legal Forma it makes —just knowing your telephone is that many more than I realize the Memo Heads game Is gettifig out of control, I D.ALY there, ready to serve you in any Order Blanks am,asking.the sports editor to re- 6hipping Tagg e ergency. 1��,Prjde cift fAeasurd, itS Uldft� orint, or 4-tiote columri from ftneral Cards Seaforth. On, t. m 1he dibbe gild ­.Wall of Saturday, Sh"Printing Phone 102 January 10. - Greeting Cards Let ul6 take stock of Ourselves, Menu 116oklets THE BELL TREPHONE COMPANY. 01,10ANADA and our dofn and, oe, sports- Pirst, Last and Always! You, al. AiRoili Cardle i"'. � I ways,win if you can lose with a Phone 41 1 jIIIIIIIII 2,401aff T1111,11711, 141A.U4 12131FA30 "WRANOM M1lJW1iW smile. L 4 ­S,:,V J 3 4.