The Huron Expositor, 1953-01-02, Page 34 I I t 4 'lent? WRq1,MW4_41'4!9 :74%ird, 'g, ,Ao4Aq1I,Unlj*d, Vk0_rq,4AI.Op R %&rg.� Q orge Smate. Is 0011d]49 A ,roP,9*1r after, a -month, at thw home oj bet brOthet' BA40 pi. , y�dl, g , W f#_ib%. A,� 9 W 41 on.t", from � tw—uminmg, T. iT ...... . . . . . -and sister -In-law, 'Rev, and -Mrs, A-4 troai.ts to the, children, and, the:W at' with,:, 4 ;re And � f4willy 444 krs;' "Atell 11 B, Boa,. of Londofi., before enter ag Young Neswatei. -w,04 th"'bls� and -AL pl Robert Roldi: 4 1,0V the llosoitoel, -Following 1,%, the_text of thgi� Miss Betty Mickle, auroe-Itt-tritin- 0 tristmas, guests with Mr. and &oas,, -Dear Miss EIIIS ou 7 gg, Xro. Cl1kreacp Roi Jerry an At vIctorip, Hospital. ,I friends, And :ptlpljis,�I sire g# here 404t P, weak With -her parents, Mr. Jan, - here, tOnjght:,Jo,7o�Kpresg to,,,,yqu Our work�� 7. and Mrs. Laird Xickle, a4d fiW Mr. and, Mrs. R. Y. ;McLaren -bAvQ I t t14, 0hi4ima'a'' hpildlays with Jly. oredl,,Sunday�aftpr.Sunday 1 or so -Mr, Eyano.igrid1am, Mr. 4nd Mrs. J. E. MeVwan werA thfOr -�',4.9,49149r Ap. , .p . Aw, _J01LteACh US. dChri§ las -guests with. Srt. Stirling n 1. Ila whqJ F, ,,tn xceptionalify Vol I I I . C ,:Eth ':af , INTO.,. Etherlugtou ano Aly. at KitOhoney qnd Waterloo. bit'vo been in your,ol R406 190911t ,-family at,,R.C.A.F., Centralia. their parents,. will a t Mr- an . d Mrs. T. J. Mitchell quiet- Thq� Wl�-kloly Pam rum me., ily celebrat6d'their filat, wedding, An- Njr;, .1 Mrs. J. Mitchell ber -you for your loadershi-jr, your at the h9me or Mr. aillo 4V�LJL P"'a interested, counsel aud your en- Thompson last Week with a good, ,niversary ou.Tuesday, Dee. 23, Of Hensall Celebrate thusiastic and wise, Planning.. Fv- attendance. The group listened to Mrs. Earl Treffroy, Chiselhurst, , an when unable to be prosent. at As a patient at Stratford General Sixty -First Anniversary the review broadcast, and later ex-, :Hospital, suffering a fractured, pel- , 1 meetings due to illness, you hav4 changed gifts. -Vis in, a fall at her home. 'Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mitcheil, contributed,to them In many ways Progressive' etichre was played, air was, much. eiijoied. I Hensall, quietly celebrated their and wp, know Mat Your influence e folldwing 48 p Slat w�ddlng anuiversaty�,o*er the will 1049,bO felt among us, . . . . . . . . . . ners: ladies, most games, Mxa. fts, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer, To- 'holidays, Membem of Please accept these gifts 'the Christmas a Ip; consolation Mrs, W.' R. Jew :Tonto, spent Christmas, with din- token of appreciation for you, irk rerne'vale.; W. parl itt; men, most games, A -former's mother, Mri& T. . heir family enjoyed a I family in. the past. May they- convey our K Uo4" consolation, Reg Tawson. thdii marriage they, best twishes -for your success and Th . e joy of a soldier's return frdm'war Is depleted in this family Mr. and Mrs. bord , 041,loviing en Brown in - Mrs. Heim 4nd, fiiially, TiVer- happlOess, in, the,.. years to come. nton; Mr and Mr , a . . Jas. Harkness farmed in Tuckersmith, taking up May they hTing to.you, Pleasant_ picture taken at Windsor Statibn, Montreal, when Cpl. Loanel Le- vited the, gr.oup, to� their home for Mrs. . Wes. residence in, Hensall: 25 years ago.. Slane of verdun, P.Q., kissed his -two-year-old son, Michael, after the next Meeting. -and family, Mr. and Tilley recall their 'wedding day 61 memories of-, our past - lnterc�oursti- he anil other Montreal and Maritime members of tils. First Battalion �S.S. Holds Christmas Party years ago, when driving -to Dublin Be 40811�Pd that yow will -always of the Princess Pat& -stepped off a C.P.R. trans -continental train on �The annual Christmas, party of to take the train to Toronto and rematu,in the. hearts. of each and their return. from fighting with United Nations forces in Korea. BIY& Home P"ty I r wed -ding trip, every one of u.& -'The Wohelo Class rOther members-�of the family greeting the soldier on his return dhe Sunday School of the United.M—treal -for thei and the Sunday School Executive Attended by Thirteen ]as a mild day, the -farmers were from a year and, one month?s service/ In Korea Include his fathery all out plowing the land. of Hensall United, Church. Ralph LeBlanc, and his.wife. District Fainifies NOTICE! The family consists of one son, A house party was held at the Stanley, and three daughters, Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. George Was - M. Traquair, Mrs. J. Horton and Mrs.,Q. Stoneman. The couple en- District son, -Blyth, on Christmaa Eve when joys -fairly good health. Dublin Couple Observe the following families were pres- Salvage J I i. - %.JDituaries ent: WANTED_ Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd WE WILL PICK'lJ1P Large Crowd At Dance 48th Wedding Anniversarystorey, Stratford; Mr. and X1114 Elwood Storey, Delhf; Mr. and dron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags In Hensall Last Friday LATE MISS B. CUDMORE 9____ - On Saturday, December 37, eight I Mrs. Wilmer Cuth-111, Walton; Mr. Highest Cash Prices Paid A large crowd a I ttended the dance HENSALJ,.—Word was received, children -and their famAlies Paid Mrs. Howard Fletcher, Lambeth; and Mrs, Daniel Storey, Stratford; LOUIS HILDEBRAND in Hensall Town Hall last Fridai, in Hensall on Tuesday, December tribute to their beloved parents and I Ada, Mrs. Henry Schellenberger, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Storey, Crom- 'Clinton; Ethel, Mrs. Homer Jef- arty; Mr. and Mrs. John Storey, tinder the auspices of the Kippen 23, of the sudden death of Miss grandparents; the� honored gaists, & st W. I. BeatriceoCudmoret who died in TO- being Mr. and Mrs. frunk Elliott, ferY, Detroit; Earl, Dublin, and Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. E mer Dale, Winners In the spot dancea ronto on Monday, December 22. and the occasion, their 58th wed Lorne, Staffs. There are 19 grand- Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles children and three great-grandebil- St?rey, Brussels; MT. -and Mrs. WC Mr.Cecil Murray and Mrs. W. 'Mar- the late Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cud- dren. John Storey, Walton; Mr. and ,1OU_CAN DEPEND ON were Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Reid, Born in HenBall, the . daughter of ding anniversary. When kidneys Eail to good wife, remove excemacia e, she went to Toronto some ', Mr. Elliottds 81, his The bride of 59:y6avis was the Mrs. Orrille Storey, Seal rth; Mr. .und =1�1-ck J sliall and Mr. and Mrs. Harold mor '1 0 i here she held ihe poqi- 78,, and both are enjoying good I former Ellen Agax, if`�U#htgr of the and Mrs. A. Guest, Riucefield; Mr. ie Years ago, w .j I]acky chair prize went, to. ache, Aice. 6 of thek, late Mr. and Mrs. Joi&,�Agar, and and Mrs. Verne Storey, Seatorth, ,disturbed- rest ofted- R. Flood. Music was supplied by tion of head bookkeeper at F'ord health and the comfort _1 't"Am me. in the village of Dublin, -follow Dodd's Motors at�the time of her death. hO -O'her groom was, the son ot4,1_ Murdoch's orchestra. — and which thopy retired seven years ago �e late and, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Storey, Kidne; h& 5tisaw. 'Surviving are four sisters Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, 41; of Winthrop. tisto kidneys to edem. Jino duty. You three brothers. Fluneral services after farming for fifty years , at MitchelL They lived for a short Dancing and cards were enjoyed 4ee better -sleep One Wife: "How do You get were held Wednesday, Dec. 24. Staffa. time in Mitchell before going'10 after a delicious Christmas dinner. bet work bet money out of your husband?" Born to gladden the,years fol- StaffAI where Mr. Eliott's earlier' 'Santa Claus arrived and gifts were C. Dodd's at a dr storo. on LATE THOMAS HEDDEN lowing their marria,90 at Mitchell, years were a -pent in Carpentry. exchanged. Another Wibe: ."Oh, I say I on so going back to mother and he Im- HENSALL.—Mrs. C. M. Holden were Uoyd of Staffia, Durwood of Both are active members of St. mediately hands me the, fare.". I received word of the death of her Hamilton; Norva, Staffa; Clara, Mary's Anglican Church, Dublin. brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas Hedden, BRUCEFTE)LD who died in Brantford on Tuesday, awwm� I December 23. He, was a. native of Miss Janet Wiatson, Alymer, is Crediton. holidaying at her home here. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Surviving are four son -s' - Cari,Presentation Made at n, Is Miss Lou Allen, HaWlItO OPEN DAILY PHONE 36" Victor, William and Roy, Brant- spendiAg the holidays 'with her ford; four daughters, Mrs. Edna brother, Mr. Ed. Allen, amd family. Pace, London; Mrs. Mervyn He McKillop I Farm Forum Children and teachers in the com- T. PRYDE & SON den, Mrs. R. Lane and olive, Brant- , % 0 munity . e eiijoying the long ,N L,L TY PES- OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS ford; three brothers, Russell Hed- The "Four Square" Farm Forum next meeting will be held January Cbristmas holiday. den, Exeter; Sam, CTumlin, Alonza, meeting was held at -the home. of Several attended the funeral Of Enquiries are invited, Lucan; Willia-m of the West, and Mr. and Mrs. John E, Henderson 5 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. El- the late Hugh. McKenzie on Tues - one sister, Mr�- Milton Bissett, last week, with 40 in attendance. don Kerr. day. Exeter Clinton Brantford. A lively discussion was hel , d on 'the -Following is the text of the ad- Mrs. W. Henry, Hensall, visited Funeral services were, held in topic, "World Peace." I dress: . Doear Mrs. Dorrance and Monday with her sister, Mrs. H. Phone 41-J iPhone 103 Brantford on Friday, December 26. After the discussion progress:ve Stanley: Again we have, met In AiRtinhead. - - ------ 10__ euchre was played with winuers:_this house which -has opened its On Tuesday even�ng.of last week Christmas Services, ladies, high, Mrs. Gordon papple; doors in kind hospitality on so the children and teachers of S -S I high,, Gordon Papple; conso- majiy occasions since the. earliest No. 3, Tuckersmith, presentedtheiT Attended At Hensall mens i program, which was lation prizes, Mrs. Ila Dorrance and days of Ws community. This time Christmas Stanley Dorrance. we have come to honor you, Mrs. well attended and exceptionally Ser,l,.s I. the H.nsall United Mrs. Ila Dorrance and Mr. Stan- Dorrance, wh 0 has been the gra- will given. Yo, ur Busine'ss Directory 4*1 Church on Sunday last were large- ley Dorrance were called forward CiOus hostess here for many years, Friday afternoon, Dec. 19, pupils ly attended. Lovely Christmas and Mrs. Gordon Mckenzie read a and you, Stanley, who has recen�ly and teacher of S.S.. No. 10, present - decorations adorned the, church In presentation address. Mrs. Dor- assumed the position of host in an ed a short program when they en - LEGAL MEDICAL keeping with the Christma's season. rance received a trilight lamp and able manner. tertailled the parents. Teachersat Rev. W. J. Rogers delivered two Stanley, a pen and pencil set, The It is, perhaps, in a rural com- I these schools are Miss Stevens and A. W. SILLERY DR. M. W. STAPLETON appropriate messages, and the munity more than in any other that I Mrs. Webster. Barrister,..,liciliqltor, Etc. Physician and Surgeon choir sang anthfims. Soloists were. appreciated, and you have ever Monday evening, Dec. 22, an ex - Phone 90 SeaEorth Mrs. Haun and Sirs. Earl Passmere. 'been such. In times of sickness Whones: Office 173, Residence 781 Mrs, Douglas Cook and Mrs. Robt. carried a bouquet of red roses. collent program was presented in SEAFIORTH 'ONTARIO JOHN C, GADDARD, M.D. I Mrs. Eric Mueller, Goderich, ma- "d sorrow you have always 'min- the Sunday School room of Bruce- Phyalclan. and Surgeon Cook formed -the decorating coin- tron of honor, wore blue I -ace and ;stered unto us" in your own kind- ileld United �Cburch at the annual Phone 110 Hensai, mittee. carried a colonial bouquet of roses. ly, way. You have shared, too, in concert. The program consisted, of -McCONNELL & HAYS : The Christmas seryice was large -1 Miss Karen Mueller, as flower girl, our times of joy. choruses by the school; welcome Barristers, Solicitors? Etc. JOHN A. GORWILL, S.A., M.D. ly attended in Chiselhurst Church wore a pink silk frock and carried In the busy life on the farm you and closing words by. Douglas Mc - PATRICK 0. McCONNELL Physician and Surgeon, last Sunday. Rev, Rogers present- osegay of flowers. Page boy have made room for church and so- Beath and Bobby McClung, and Phones: Office 5-W; Res. 5-J ed an inspiring message. Mr. Ben a n cial., activities. You have given un - H. GIE�N,N HAYS, Q.C. was. Rudy Jacklicek. Eric Mueller piano solo by Ross- McBeath. County CrANn Attorney Seaforth Stoneman acceptably sang the solo, was �hest man. stintingly of. your time and talents A play by the juniors, "The Boy "The First Noel." 1. A reception followed the ce I re- in church and community organiza- who Didn't Believe in Ch istmas," SHAPORTH, ONT. Next Sunday afternoon the 'ser- Lions, Y I at 3. 00 mony at the home of the bride's was well given. Bob Potheringham Telephone 174 SEAFORTH CLINIC vice will be held as usua It was with regret we learned 'played the role of Johnny, the boy; -ric Mueller, Goderich. E. A. McMASTER, S.A., M.D. o'clock, with ' Rev. Mr. Rogers in aunt, Mrs. L that circumstances had made it They will reside in Grand Rapids. -Mary Broadfoot was the mother. A lnte�nlst charge. Sunday School precedes at necessary for you to leave our com- Rose drill by seven girls waa very ACCOUNTING P. L. BRADY,M. 2:00 o'clock. munity. However, as we will not beautiful. Surgeon be separated by many miles, we Members of the Y.P.U. present - RONALD G. McCANN office Hours,- 'i P.M. to 5 P.M., Tuckersmith Christmas u will frequently return to ed a play, "With the Help of the Z Family," under the direction of Public Accountant y.wt.. d neighborhood. CLINTON ONTARIO daily, except Wednesday and Sun- -Concert Presented To la As a symbol, of our grateful ap- Margie Zapfe. Taking part were day. preciafion of all you have meant Verna Eyre, Thelma Baird, Leola Office: Phones: EVENINGS: Tuesday, Tiliursday Packed School Receilitly to us who are' happy to call YOU Taylor, Robert Mustard, -Bob Allen §Royal'Bank Office 561, Res. 465 and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made In advance The annual Christmas concert of neighbors or friends, we ask you to and Bov, Broadfoot. A teddy beai A. M. HARPER are desirable. S. S. 1, Tuckersmith, was held (Continued from Page 2) accept these gifts. With these tok- song was sung by -Bob McClung Chartered Accountant Thursday afternoon, December 18, elis. of our esteem and affection 90 Billy Gray and Tommy Richardson; to a packed school. Mr. William pens was identical except for the out- sincere wishes for your -bapPi- song, "Little Christmas Tree," Je�r 156 South St. Telephone Dennis acted in the role of chair- replacement of the 76 pounds Of ness in the years ahead. We knorw Goderich 843 OPTOMETRIST man. wheat with,a mixture of 38 pounds that new frierridships will be form- Willie: "Paw, what does flatter3 Licensed Municipal Auditor. LONGSTAFF'* The following program, arranged wheat, 19 pounds oats, and 19 ed. but trust that these gifts will mean?" JOHN E. by tile teacher, Miss Hanna.h Pep- pounds barley. The hens receiving ever remind you of "old thoughts, ' Paw: "Flattery. is when some Mat optometrist per, was much enjoyed: "Jingle the all -wheat mash were offered old times, and old friends."—SIgn- tells you the nice things you hav( CHIROPRACTIC Eyes Examined. Glasses F'tted. Bells"; recitations, Stanley Glan- wheat alone as scratch grain, while ed on behalf of your neighbors and always thought about yourself, m] Phone 791 ville, Murray and Graham Neable� the birds receiving the mixture of many friends. son." D. H. McINNES MAIN ST. : , SEAFORTH Geraldine Dennis, Phyllis McNich- cereal grains were fed a mixture iChlropractic, "- Foot Correction Hours-: 9-6 ol; plays, "Mysterious Package," of one-half wheat, one-quarter oats COMM39RCIAL HOIML Wed. 942:30; Bat. 9 a.m,.'to 9 P.m. "Making a Cake" and "The Three and on m.uarter barley as scratch, Bears."; dance, Grand Old Duke of grain. Monday, Thursday — I to 8 P.BL York-, Dutch dance, Shirley Neable T -lie results of this experime VETERINARY and Shirley Bosman; "Away in a reports W. M. MacNaughton, intli 'Rubber Stamps AUCTIONEERS Mangqr," Geraldine Dennis and cate that wheat as the only cerea TURNBULL & BRYANS Phyllis McNichol; song, Geraldine grain in the laying ration is equaA HAROLD JACKSON Dennis and Murray Neable, "The In feeding value to a mixture of Three Sons." 'Carols and songs wheat, oats and barley, provided and Stencils ,specialist' In MUM and HouW �bold Sales. J. 0. Turnbull, DV�M- were followed by the arrival of each source of cereal grain forms Santa Claus, who distributed gifts. a. part of a balanced ration. Body: Uce . nsed in Huron and Perth W. R. Bryans, D.V.M. weights were well maintained. egg, MARKING es, Prices reasonable; satle- Phone 105 Seatorth production was equal, Find mortal- oun ity was observed to be at a low DEVICES fution guaranteed. Information, etCi, Write Or IeVel in the hens offered each ra- pho e HAROLD JACKSOM, 661 THE-MCKILLOP Holiday visitors wi - th friends, are;. tion. The birds receiving wbeati Of All Types J�, Sesforth; R.R. 4, SeAfortli. IVIVTUAL FIRE Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Keys and al,011&required slightly less feed to laughter, Joan, Windsor, with the produce a dozen eggs than the JOSEPH L. RYAN INSURANCE COW. former's mother, Mrs. Nelson Keys. hens fed a mixture of cereal grains. Specialist In farm stock and Im- From these results., there ap- Rubber Shimps -ptements And household effects. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont pears -to be, no basis for the as,' i4tisfactlon guaranteed- Licensed sumptitin that wheat is unsati8fac- are essential to any and Perth Counties. OMCERS: District--. tory as the only cereal grain in a well-run business! rticulars and open dittos. President X. L. Malone, Seaforth balanced laying ration. Since the .�111rP11tour-1P'1'n11pfione JO8fEPH L. RYA -Ni Vice-pres. J. H. MeEwIng, Blyth MOS economical ration is the one They save you time and Weddings 1- R4 R 1. Dublifi. Phone 40 '.r.'s, Manager and See.-troas, - M. A desired, prevailing market prices money 'for wheat and the coarse grains 1�*bltn. 4217x5% Reld,"'Senforth. ZWINGELBEIRG - HOFFMAN ' will determine, whether au all- , 11 ELLIOTT DIRECTORS: ZURICH.—The Rev. Heimerich wheat ration or one containing a ICK'S . "9t09PP"'*S"" Three Day Service EOW M. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. uni0d, in marriage at Zurich Luth- mixture of cereal grains would be :Wii; _IE ItAtIlE ioti:' On Rush Orrders sLicensed Auctioneer Correspondence Promptly answer. MA16ne, Senforth; S. H. Whit- ei4riChurch, Jutta Hoffman, daugh- the more satisfactory. .40; Tramedinto arrangements 04111L.more, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roff- ntamp.Pads, Daters 66 made fo,r,sale dateh by phonin Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Boa- man, Hedwig, Germany, o6nd Ewald & various supplies .446-3. Clinton, Ohm oderat forth,;, John H. MeEWing, Blyth; ZwIngelborg, son of Mr. and Mrs. A society lady who had few du- A�d satisfaction . 'rgo' 'd �#jdfik4M66tegor, ClInt0n,�Wn'. S. Herman twingelberg, -Grand, Rap- ties to perform visited a specialist on; Harvey Puller, Ids, Minn. to complain of her insomnia. "So Odsgiud6r�� Wfi,lt ;ERCY C. WRIGHt The bride was gownpil In white y6 n . net, fashioned with EL full skirt!toi dutifully queried.. AGENTS: u can't sleep at night?" the doe- Exposito'r ALicensed Auctioneer - CrOmirty Th o LIvestock And Flinn SAISW J a Popper-, Brucefield; R, F showing floral embroidered motifa. ."I 'didn't say. that!" the lady re- �!:A P. �Th The Rao a1w NOW th6r bablft Wm. 1*lpor, The fitted bodice W."L w6rA_ivIth a 'torted haughtily, "I can sleep hone 41 96dorth 'dgh the night -very fileely, but lon Agile, call, tM Jrr, Eoud`�iibdtili- 'i Vj 'PrU(iter, brief black velvet jacket. ' Her'thto M i -length volt was arrang6d. along about 10"dlcloft'lu, the morn- W, &siiii;v- s611*6h oak4r llpug# shoulder iofti 1 Oil wow 7� ffdj�[ 'kIV6100'. 1� vlh-b' ing'V 01`11 7,;- N r 41� V q'l Its AVA�i ide tbo%Oapowt worw for. M %attboWo. '.1'0 CF' THEr �KR T. W, d Lad Isabel McCowan an I W Paylor; - 100��,tm;ks BrIAn, I r dustard, Gerald Baird., Glon� ZaTte lei or�. W t vad "'I - Saw MUM07 San- C131MU11A. claus", enp, ap A In T 4kidi d daddV aliii" -010A Z 0.rrIn,Bair&�,% Apte. W Birth&i -was brave ;*#,�verX��A "A 0_0�4,41 y of! the, 904,9" fa "ore )resentpd With junior. Imembers to WO. -h ape an r #e dughig the o4rols, Shjrloy� *t0nes, War4s., ziien. ie ;ko�t 'h , be; eaA the Al,6r*-a1jd, jhe.'-se.ni6r,,,glr1a rqee� when,'Jhe� Liustrated-,with. shaidow. PiCtur`o&. -would not -touch the oft.. 140A aid, It-, A play, *'Got aud Give,"'Was gi- an I I �1. _v more. bT Carol Anderson,'Barbara and sense th an Fanet Heigiderson, Suane, Haugh an�) We who' apB �arolyn Ross. Accompauist;B,were people, shall notber­v.14 Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Henderson those w6o would".priA." ind Margaret MeQueen,� 'Therffi was lutoxi6ation, S16� 0�� ji a very large audiettep. .10pring &e.; tlie seasouta evenin �who, g diplow".. and seals, were law in 9, difficult at presented to many Sunday- School are tr7ying to m8*tajJk members for attendance and. MeUL- #Y Of the - law 'Alky;ti Dry weik.' A,'g6bd-nIgbtf'1§8ng'cIOs­ would discredit it or, ed the Program. NOTICE - TOWN OF, SEAFORTH PARKING BY ORDER OF POLICE To facilitate snow removal, No Parking. on the Streets of this Municipality - will be allowed betiveen the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 am. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act,'Section 43,. Subsection 9. NOTICE is hereby friven that the said Municipality will nct be respunsible for -any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations. 4www 0 V_A and 'stal produce as many Grade A Eggs... by feeding a "Fresh -Mix Laying Mash" made from National Egbilder Concentra,te —rich in, animal proteins, vitamins and minerals. More eggs. and bigger eggs mean more profit for you. Ask your NATIONAL dealer for "Fresh -Mix Laying Mash" made from NATIONAL Egbilder Concentrate. Look for the brighi Orange and Mick sipt WILLIAM'STONE SONS AIAZTI�10L, LIMIT0 INGERSOLL ONTARIO