HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-12-26, Page 4al Adsj. lassifled ds Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR BMX, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. --Per Word: let 'week 1 Cent 27;0 Week % Cent 8rd Week % Cent Minimumcharge, each insertion..., 26 Ceuta Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Dards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices Coming Events -1 cent per word. 60 cents per word. Enquiries may be directed to is Box No.. c/o The Buren Expositor, for 10 'cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged 11 ads in above class are not paid witbin 10 days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of %barge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Minimum. Coming Events • Notice MEET YOUR FRIENDS AND NEW friends dancing at the popular Crys- tal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Fri- day night, to the music of Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. Admission 5Q yenta. 4432x2 BI>G NEW _YEAR'S EVE DANCE AT the Popular Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. Hats, Horns, Balloons. laughter and fun galore. Dancing to that stimulate. ing music of Clarence Petrie and his°Night (Hawks. Dancing 10 to 7 Admission $1.00. 4432x2 Notices ADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seafortb. Phone 847-11,. 436341 Ni1TICE—HOGGART & DALTON WILL be shipping Piga on December 22 and 29. Please call Sunday nights. PHONE 8.50 r 31 or 850 r 21, Seaforth. 4492x2 PAINTING — SPRAY OR BRUSH ; Papering, Sunworthy wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Hensali. Phone 196-11. Hensali. 4425-tf A TTENTION, FARMERS! -- PROMPT, • •.courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect. ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 285, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 439941 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith ITO FACILITATE SNOWPLOWING OP- • erations in the Township of Tucker - smith. ratepayers and others are renuest,d not to park vehicles on roadsides during the winter months The Township will not be responsible for any damages to such vehicles as a result of snowplowing operations. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk-Treas., Township of Tuckersmith. 1432-tf TWP. of TUCKERSMITH Notice of Nomination Meeting TWP. of TUCKERSMITH APPLICATIONS WANTED FOR POSITION OF ROAD SUPERIN- TENDENT FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF TUOKERSMI'H APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR the position of Road Superintendent for the Township of Tuckersmith. Application to state qualifications kind be in the hands of the Clerk by 2 p.m., December 27, 1952. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk-Treas.. - Township of Tuckersmith. 4432-2 NOMINATION MEETING Township of McKillop A MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF the Township of McKillop will be held at Winthrop Hall, on Monday, December 29, 1952, for the purpose of nominating for a Reeve and four Councillors. Nomina- tions will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the after- noon. In the event of more being nominated than are required to fill the positions, an election will be held on Monday, January 5, 1953. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. at the following places: No, 1—James Carlin's house Lot 10, Con. 5: James Nolan, D.R.O.; William Maloney, P.C. No. 2—Wilmer Scott's house, Lot 25, Con. 4: James R. Hogg, D.R.O.; Alex Kerr, P.C. N. 3—Joseph Smith's house. Lot 11, S l8th Concession: Elmer Dennis, D.R.O.: Stephen Murray, P.C. No. 4—School No. 7. Lot 26, Con. 12: J. Campbell, D.R.O.: Roes Driscoll, P.C. J. M. ECKERT. Returning Officer. 4432-2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; A MEETING OF TEE ELECTORS OF 124 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. the Township of Tuckersmith will be' NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton, held. in Watson's ;Hall, Mallen, on Mon- Ont. day, December 29, 1952, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for 1953 and School Trustees (three to be elected) for the years 1953-54. Ads. Phone 41, Seaforth. Nominations will be received from the hour of one, o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon. Try Huron Expositor want In the event of more being nominated than are required to fill the positions, an election will be held on Monday, January 5, 1953. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. at the following places: P.SjD. No. 1 --Mrs. Sheila King's House; Eemondville D.R.O., Harry Chesney; P. C., Norman'MsgLean. P.S.D. No. 2—S.S, No. 8: D.R.O., Roy McGeoch; P.C., Edward Brown, P.S.D. No. 3—S.S.No: 4.: D.R.O., W. P. Roberts; P.C., Bert Garrett. P.S.D. No. 4—S.S. No. 3: D.R.O., Nor- ris Sillery; P.C., John Broadfoot. P.S.D.• No. 5—S.S. No. 1: D.R.O., Mel- 'ville'Traquair; P.C., Glenn Bell. P.S.D. No. 6—S.S. No. 9: D.R.O., W. S. Broadfoot; P.C., Ivan Forsyth, E. P. CHESNEY, Returning .Officer. DANCE Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, DEC. 26th Sponsored by Kippen mast W,I. Murdoch's Orchestra NOVELTY PRIZE Admission 50c Ladies, please bring Sandwiches ALL th Ria.) SPECIALS TURKEY BINGO ST. COLUMBAN PARISH H MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 First Class Turkeys (15 to 18 • 15 GAMES • 3 SPEC Admission $1.00 People outside the Parish will be given a Free Card "What's today, my fine fellow?" said Scrooge. "To- day!" replied:the boy, "why,. CHRISTMAS DAV!" "I' don't' know what to do!" cried Scrooge, laughing an'dycryiny in the same breath. "I am ae light as an angel, I alit as merry'-as'a schoolboy, 1 am as giddy a*.a drunken than, A Merry Christmas to everybody! A`!Happy,;New Year to all the World! Hallo there.' giMogpf:;;Hallit" Dickens -"Christmas Carol" DOORS Lost . and,round Ol$T-1A VNO WQO r� 14.- oven Reward, flLHN Wig, Sea. 4498x1 For Rent ROOMS TO RENT TWO FURNISHED zooms, very suitable for married con- ple, or one lady, Preferably no children. PHONE 803-W, Seaforth. 4433-1 Help Wanted HELP WANTED -SAID, FOR FAMILY of two adults, three small children. All conveniences. Six-day week. 'Apply Box 179, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4433xtf SITUATION WANTED — A CATHOLIC Organization in Montreal- caring for orphaned. neglected and under -privileged teen-age boys, requires the services of ,two male caseworkers. Salary $2,000 and ap. Apply: CATIIOLIC BOYS' SERVICES, 1501 St. Mark St., MontreaL 4482-2 Property For Sale PROPERTY FOR SALE—TWO,STOREY. three bedrooms, living room, den, 3 - piece bathroom, oil heated house, including three acres of land, edge of town. Approv- ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ap- ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, or Phone 41, Seaforth. 4431-tf Agents Wanted WE WANT AN AGENT IN THIS D1S- trict, to ;sell- Hillside Chicks. Cana- dian App.,oved Chicks; day old and. start- ed. They, carry a livability guarantee. We have been in business 35 years and our Hatchery is well and favorably known. Your neighbors may become customers. Make extra money this winter. Local ad- vertising with your own' name. Good com- mission. HITT SIDE POULTRY FARM, New Dundee, Ont. (2) For Sale "tj OR SALE — TUDHOPE RANGETTE. built-in oven ; oak dining room table, aquareryodd dining room chairs; couch. PHONE 785, Seaforth. 4433x1 POR SALE — TWO USED 220 -VOLT heavy duty rangettes, good condition. At bargain prices. See them at 'b'RANK KLING'S, Seaforth.- 4433-1 T'WR SALE—A MAN'S 'FUR LINED overcoat: size about 44. In good condition. Can be seen at SCOINS CLEANERS. 4431-tf FOR SALE — PRINCESS PAT "A" coal -wood 'range. Apply to SAM STOREY, R.R.'e41, Seaforth. Phone 844 r 41- a 4433-1 ITOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Goderich. Phone 1135. 4895-tf In Memoriam WAY -TN LOVING MEMORY OF A dearmother who passed away Decem- ber 22, 2946, and dear dad, January 7, 1947, and a dear brother, Casey, December 25, 1947. Somewhere beyond the sunset, Where skies are always blue, God has a special garden for mothers, fathers, brothers, such an you. And there amid the roses, our Father said, "Well donel" The Heavenly gates were opened wide, He whispered softly, "Come." Now in God's lovely garden, all pain and sorrow past, Somewhere beyond the sunset, You sleep in peace at last. —Lovingly remembered by daughter, sister, Evelyn, Harold and Warren. 443.37.1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CLARA MOORE (also known as Clara A. Moore) A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Clara Moore (al- so known as Clara A. Moore), late of the Town of Seaforth, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of November. 1952, are hereby notified to send in to the un- dersigned on or before the 7th day of January, 1953, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets .of • the 'said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have n"o'tice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 9th day of December, 1952. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4481-9 Births HOEGY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy, 13rodhagen, a son. McGRATH—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 23, to Mr. and Mrs Michael McGrath, Seaforth, a daughter. MoCLURE—•At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc- Clure, R.R. 3, Seaforth, a daughter. NIGH—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nigh, Seaforth„ ,r son. WALLACE--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 10. to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wallace. R.R. 4. Seaforth, n daughter. Special Christmas Service and Music in Kippen's St. Andrew's Special Christmas service was conducted before a large congrega- tion by the minister, Rev. Norman McLeod, Sunday morning in St An- drew's Church, Kippen. Music was under the direction of Miss Jean Ivison. A solo, "Dear Little Stranger," was sung by Jack Bell. The sermon was "The Day Spring From On High." On one aide of the service program, Rev. and Mrs' Mc- Leod and Bud extended Christmas greetings to all members of the church. Ad Correction Note on Last Week's Expositor The Expositor regrets any con- fusion which may have been caused Wright's Superior Food Market and their customers last week when two mistakes occurred in a page five advertisement, "Big Christmas Food Sale." Price of a one•pound bag of Nabob coffee should have read 95 cents, not 33 cents. The iast,..lirte item should have read: "Stokedey's tomato juice, 48 -ounce tin, 31 cents." e Jiite$t• grades of paler are ag pmts raga in'ade t�Te $i Cie s,1rd . washed, En One anb All irony the knBa11, • 'i' trchants Santa's back with a filler pack of Christmas cheer. All good things to you and yours! DRYSDALE'S HARDWARE Phone 11 - 'Residence 60' Hensel! , May your home be 'filled with the Christmas spirit ; may your hearts be filled with good cheer and may your every, dream come true this happy holiday. H. BONTHRON Furniture — Funeral Director Phone 15 Residence 156 Hensall Bright as the stars and sweet as the. sugar cane on your. Christmas Tree are our wishes for you this holiday season. W. O. GOODWIN GENERAL MERCHANT. Phone 16 Hensall Mr. Snowman joins us in wish- ing one and all the Merriest Christmas ever, and a Happy New Year! W. G. PARKE Cockshutt Farm Implements Phone 147-W Hensall May Happiness, gaiety and the spirit of good will—all that's symbolic of Christmas — be yours this holiday season. SHOE REPAIRING SKATES SHARPENED R. A. ORR, Hensall One way and another --from baby bonuses to various types of pen- sions—two Canadians in every nine are on the Federal government's payroll. ti IPPEN Mr. nd Mrs. Orval Medlinehey and daughter visited Thursday with the fornier's mother','Mrs. Mc- Clymont. Mr. and Mrs Nelse Hood and Joyce were in London Friday. - Several children from in and around the village ditove to see Santa Claus Friday at Seaforth, Saturday at Henson, and !Monday at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. 'Stewart pudmore and Lorne, London, were 'Sunday visitors of Mr. and ,Mrs, Samuel Cudmore, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Neil Campbell and family were in Stratford Friday. Mr. and Mrs Eldonr Cerr,., C:conl- panied bjr Mrs Jean rAndirsen and children, all o W1i;, r'c opy• ited Satnrdal"with Mrs,' ilii'', l a!;'ts, lidit...58(1 Mrs,,, 1 . t)oikc tti' �c l Mr. and Ildrs i �0alteti Lon den, visited reeditt! �'. Z{ Mr. and M : " 1dlY ore yil ytirJ, . . tLendiiig' �pjjelifx-. j • Much joy and happiness is our wish to all this glorious Yule- tide season. JOYNT'S MEN'S WEAR King St. T. C. JOYNT & SON - Props. Phone 62 Hensali Good old St. Nick is bringing you our message of•unbounded joy this glorious Christmas, SCHOLL'S MEAT MARKET Choice Quality Meats & Groceries Phone 17 Henson The bells ring out their mel- odious greetings for all far and near. 'PROS. WELSH &:SON Mfgs.. of Hardwood Lumber Phone 109 Hensel' The bell rings out our bright and happy wishes to one and all this glorious Yuletide. PASSMORE'S ELECTRIC SHOP JOHN PAS&MORE - Pro. Phone 124 Residence 47 Hensel] May the Yuletide lantern glim- ' mer with rays of unbounded joy and contentment on Christ- mas and during the New Year.' LEE'S LUNCH C. LEE - Prop. Phone 154 ' . Hensall Into every chimney of every home —' we're dropping, a Christmas package of beat yuletide wishes, for, everyone, RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 65. Henson lug the Christmas holid'a'ys Witil his Parents, 14Ir and Mxs.':Ttoss•' Love. Miss Mttilyn Ditett5fiee, , 5eaforfh,. was a wvee'k• tlrl guest of tole, Me= I.ollan. .Anumber Croln this viclntty att tended .bile C llriatima •eiii8`l �,:t_atri. meat 'Mbnda'y a enitlg g �e sc'ho0T, 'Weft f atadrdt' tio'el 14a11on- gf)11 L $o"',�il.. been„ri a "6:gati Season's Greetings! To all our friends go our wish - ea for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. BOB COOK MOTOR SALES & SERVICE Mercury -Lincoln -Meteor Dealer USED CARS AND TRUCKS No Better _Place To buy Wellington : Hensall Bob Cook Prop. Phone 178 As you hear again4be message Of that first glad Christmas Day, God grant His peace to bless you And His Star to light your way. MIDDLETON'S DRUG STORE Phone 20 Henson With each beautiful note of the organ as it peals forth Christmas music, goes our beet for a Happy, Happy YuIe- tide. JIM'S MACHINE SHOP Repairing a Specialty Acetylene and Electric Welding Phone 9-W Hensall Season merriments cling to every hearth and to this jov- iality we add our personas wishes for ail -tinge Christmas happiness and a Happy New Year. HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. Fertilizer - Feed Coal - Shingles - -Twine - Etc. 'Phone 115 •Hensaiq GEORGE RiCHARDSON, Mgr. Christmas joys and sincere wishes for a healthy, happy New Year are what we extend to you! GEO. T. MICKLE & SON BUYERS BEANS, GRAIN, ETC. Phone 103 Evenings 133 Hensall To one and all, we wish you the Merriest Christmas ever, with a . Happy New Year to come! FINK'S TIN SHOP Tinsmithing, Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work, Electric Wiring ED. FINK - - Prop. 'Phone 36 Hensel' Good .-old St. Nick i¢ bringing you our message oi't`ilnbounded joy this glorious Christmas. HENSALL MOTOR SALES Dodge & DeSoto Sales & Service General Repairs - Towing T. COATES - R. CAMPBELL 1,0i4011. t Rd, -..PhCrne 31•, }Ulundi (i0 Our greeting to you is short, simple, but sincere: jerry Christmas — Happy New Year, TUDOR'S DRY GOODS, King St. J. TUDOR - Prop. Phone 70 Hensall We extend to you and yours the joys and good wishes of the season! KOSY KORNER, RESTAURANT W, 3. LEE - Prop, Phone 111 Hensali %OM?: We extend to you and ,yours the joys and good wishes of the season! KENNEDY'S BAKERY C. KENNEDY - Prop. Phone 35• Hensall We extend to you and yours. the joys and good wishes of the season! HYDE BROTHERS.. ALLISCHALMERS DEALERS Phone 128-W Hemea 1 Our greeting to you is short. simple, but sincere: Merry Christmas — Happy New Year. BROWN'S HARDWARE; Phone 113 Hensalt We, extend to you every good wish for a joyous •ChristmYas: and a Very Happy New Year. RUDY'S PRODUCE RUDY PETZKE Phone 190 • Hensall A yd®'1C US. NIRISTNIOs>6 Wo extend to your and yours the joys and good wishes of the season! 'HURONDALE DAIRY R, MOCK - .Prop, s°' u,TInrvl)fibi,M613 .s?:C'?M,"?), 1 q ' . t F 4 , 6 -4 ♦ 5