The Huron Expositor, 1952-12-19, Page 4I' ➢ ;;i;� 1 Il �j 777, If jya 1 Classified Ads Inserted. At Neiv Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND4 ETC. -Per Weill: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week . Cent 3rd Week is Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cent* Each figure, initial end abbreviation Counts se one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Notices, Coaling Events -4 cent per word. 50 cents per word. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expoeitor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged it ads in ahoy class are not said. within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of &argue Auction Sales, Notices .to Creditors, Etc . -pates on application. • Minimus., Coming Events CHRISTMAS _CONCERT, S.S. NO. 8, McKillop, Friday, December 19, 1952, at 8:16 p.m. Admission. 16c and 26c. 4482x1 EET YOUR FRIENDS AND NEW friends dancing at the popular Crys- tal Palace, Ballroom. Mitcbell, every Fri- day night, to the music of Clarence Petrie and bis Night Hawks. Admission 60 cents. 4432x2 rpEE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE AND Entertainment of Egmondville United Church will be held on Monday evening, December 22, at 8:16 p.m. There will be a variety Program. Admission 36c. 4432-1 BIG NEW YEAR'S;EVE DANCE AT the Popular Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. Hata. Horne, Balloons, laughter and fun galore. Dancing to that etimulat- '' ing music of Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. Dancing 10 to 7 Admission 31.00. 4432x2 Help Wanted TEACHER WANTED --FOR S.S. N. 8, Logan. State qualifications and sal- ary. Duties to commence January 5, 1958. Apply to WILFRED McKENZTE, R.R. 3, Mitchell. 4432x1 SITUATION WANTED - A CATHOLIC Organization in -Montreal caring for orphaned. neglected and under -privileged teen-ageboys, requires the services of two male caseworkers. Salary 32,000 and UP. Apply: CATHOLIC BOYS' SERVICES, 1501 St, Mark St., Montreal. fr 4432-2 JANITOR REQUIRED For Seaforth District High School Property For Sale HOUSE FOR . SALE -GOOD 6 -ROOM L- house with bathroom; close to town. Large garden, good barn. Vacant January 1st. Reasonable buy, Contact JAMES E1.IJOTT, Chalk St., Seaforth, 4432-1 CODERICH, 2 MILES -2 -STOREY, 8- T roomed house, Highway 8: barn, new poultry houses: Hydro; lis acres; 140 -foot frontage; low taxes; good mortgage. Im. mediate possession. S. LANGFORD, R.R. 1, Goderie5. 4431x2 PROPERTY FOR SAL, -TWO-STOREY, three bedrooms, living room, den, 3 - piece bathroom, oil heated house, including three acres of land, edge of town. Approv. ed for Veterans' Land Act purchase. Ape ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, or Phone 41, Seaforth. 4481-tf For Sale FOR SALE -GIRLS BICYCLE. JUST like new. PHONE 588-W, or apply Box 70, Seaforth. 4432-1 FOR SALE --CHRISTMAS TREES, DE- livered- Apply CECIL LONEY. Phone 332-R, Seaforth. 4482x1 FOR SALE -PAIR SKATES, SIZE 101/2, and boots, size 7; in perfect condi- tion. PHONE 14, Seaforth, 4432x1 R SALE -PAIR OF GIRL'S WHITE skates, size 1L PHONE 366, Sea -1 .forth. 4432-11 Mr. and Mrs, Donald Rigby and Donna, Blenheim, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Traquair and Ruth Anne, of Hensall, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. LAC. Donald Redden, of the R.C. A.F. Station, Whitehoree, Yukon, who is home on a leave, spent a few days last week with his grand - Lost and Found LOST -LADY'S GREEN WOOL GLOVE, with white trim. Lost between the Theatre and Keating's Drug Store. Box 218, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4432-1 For Rent FOR RENT - FOUR -ROOM APART- ment; share bath. PHONE 111, Sea - forth. 44312x1 FOR RENT -FIVE -ROOM APARTMENT with private bath, on North Main St. Immediate possession. Apply to 13. Me- ILWAIN. Pbone 112. Seaforth, 4432x1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED FOR CARETAK- rng and Secretary -Treasurer for S.S. No: 12. MdKillop. Tenders to be in hands of School Board before December 80, 1952. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted.. (Signed) OSCAR CUTHILL. Chairman, R.R. 4, Walton. 4482x1 Cards Of Thanks ALLAN BUTTERS WISERS TO THANK his many friends for their cards, treats and Ieteers which he received while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital; also to thank Dr. Ingrain, Dr. Scratch and Dr. M. W. Stapleton. 4432-1 In Memoriam rj OR SALE -CHRISTMAS TREES, $1.25, MALQOLM-4N LOVING MEMORY OF a dear husband and father, who delivered on or before December 20,1passed away one year ago, December 25, PHONE 838 r 3, Seaforth, 4431-2 1951. pent ' SALE --GOOD KITCHEN CAB- in'et, white, witbnatural grain doors; also 3 good storm doors. Apply JAMES ELLIOTT, Chalk St. 1432-1 FOR SALE-CROSSLEY ELECTRIC RE - cord player. Apply to CLARENCE DUTIES TO COMMENCE JANUARY 1, DEWAR Phone 489-M Seaforth. 1953. 4432-1 For further rarticulars apply to Secre- FOR SALE -ROOT PULPER, NEARLY tary, or PRINCIPAL L. P. PLUMSTEEL. new. used one year. ALBERT W. Applications to be in the hands of the SHIRRAY. Phone 683 r 11, Hensall. Secretary on or before 12 o'clock noon. 44324 Saturday, December 20, stating age and ` salary. FOR SALE -A MAN'S FUR LINED M. A. REID, overcoat: size about 44. In good Sea-Treae., Seaforth. condition. Can be se.n at .COINS 4431-2 CLEANERS. 4431-tf ]Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R LIBBER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain: sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO:, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Notices NOTICE -ALL BOOKS MUST BE .RE - turned to the Seaforth Public Library on or beforea, December 23. G. VOR ,SALE -REGISTERED PURE BRED THOMPSON, Librarian. 4431-2 r Herefords, one bell 14 months old; RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS 2 heifers due to calve in .January. These of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO an.. animals are from an accredited herd. ART PAIR, opposite ' Dick House, Seaforth. FINLAYSON, R.R. 3, Kippen. Phone Phone 347-R. 4263-12 651 r 3, Seaforth. 4432x1 FOR SALE -MAN'S DARK BROWN overcoat like new; also fawn covert cloth topcoat, like new, in size 38. Priced reasonable. May be Been at SCOINS' DRY CLEANERS. 4432-1 FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Goderich. Pbone 1135. 4395-t2 TURKEYS - FRESH KILLED, OVEN dressed turkeys for Christmas. Al! weights. Will be delivered in Seaforth December 22 or 29. BERT SPENCE. Phone 190-M, Mitchell. 4431-2 NOTICE-HOGGART & DALTON WILL be shinning pigs on December 22 and 29. Phase call Sunday nights, PHONE 850 r 31 or 850 r 21, Seaforth. 4432x2 PAINTING - SPRAY OR BRUSH ; Papering, Sunworthy wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Hensall. Phone 196-R, Hensall. 4425-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! - PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm snimals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 439e-tf TD SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT RATE- Davers.-d will not permit any goods - or articles sold my son, . Clarence Reeves, to be placed on my property on Side St. Nor will I permit any persons to leave such goods or articles on my premises. FRED BEEVES, Seaforth. 4422x1 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith TO FACILITATE SNOWPLOWING OP- eratione in the Township of Tucker - smith, ratepayer and others are renurst.d not to park vehicles on roadsides -during the winter months. Farms For Sale 160 ACRES HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO •••arch"se a real homestead NEAR PALMERSTON, offered for health reasons, 145 acres workatble, medium clay loam ; balance hard and soft bush. EXCELLENT BANK BARN, 42/ x 641, 26 cement stables, four pig -pens, two horse stalls, milking machine and Litter carrier. includ- ed. Large implement shed 24' x 30/, drill- ed well with water piped to barn and shed. Large insulated atone house, eight rooms hardwood floors, nicely decorated. new furnace. PRICE ONLY $15.000. Half cash. An outstandl4g value. Everything in first class condition. Phone or write FRANK WHITE, 2-2641, evenings 7-3806. BERT WEIR & SONS, Realtors. 237 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. 4432-1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CLARA MORRE' (also The Township will not be responsible' A L L w PERSONS A.ara Moore) CLAIMS for any damages to such vehicles as a ta- against the Estate of Clara Moore fal. result of snowplowing operations. apo known as Clara A. Moore), late of the Town of Seaforth, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of November, 1952, are hereby notified to send in to the un- dersigned Januaryy,, 1953, on 0r full fore particularsthof day he r claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then havenotice, to the exclusion of all others, TENDENT FOR THE TOWNSHIP and person of whose will l claim the hbe dersign OF TUOKERSMITH APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR the position of Road Snperintendcnt for the Township of Tuokeramith. Application to state elnalifloatione and be in the hands of the Clerk by 2 Tern., December 27, 1952, E. P, CHESNEY, Clerk-Treas., Township of Tuckersmith, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk-Treas., Township of Tuckersmith. TWP. of TUCKERSMITH APPLICATIONS WANTED FOR .POSITION OF ROAD S•UPERIN- NOMINATION MEETING Township of McKillop A MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF the To*mshlp of MoKillop will be held at Winthrop Hull, on 'Monday, December 29, 1.955, for the purpose of nominating for a 'Reeve and four Councillors. Nomina- tions Will be received from the hour of the o'clock to two o'clotik in the after - 00o0. In the event of more .being no'giinated than are re:Mired to 1121 the maidens., an election :will be held on Monday, January 5, 1953. Polls yvlll• ..be ifeni f25m 0 nen. to 5' Pen., et the fel/Rant/in plasm: No. 1 -.James Cas'l n'e house Lot 10, Con. S: James Nolan, DAM; William Maloney; P.C. No, 2e -Wilmer Scott's house, Lot 25, Cone 44' Attlee R, Hogg, 5.R,O.; Alex keree P shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or anypart thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 9th day of December, 1952. ALVIN W. BILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate 44214 The dearest father the world could hold. The cheeriest smile, a heart of gold; And those who knew him, all will know How much we lost one year ago. Always a senile instead of a frown, Always a hand when a friend was down, Always so jolly, thoughtful and kind: What a wonderful memory be left be- hind. Ever remembered by Wife and Fam- ily. 4432x1 Births DURST -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec, 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Durst, RR. 4, Seaforth, a daughter. MOREY-At Scott Memorial Hospital, 1. 11 Dec. 14, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Morey, Seaforth. a son. SCOTT -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, McKillop, a eon. Deaths JACKSON -In Scott Memorial Hospital on Wednesday. Dee. 17, lse:bells Jackson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry R, Jackson, Egmondville. RIERL-In Seaforth, on Wednesday, Dec. 17. John C. Riehl, in his 77th year. SHARP -In Victoria, B.C., on Decembsr 10, 1952, Barbara McIver, beloved wife of Harry R. Sharp, formerly of Clin- ton, aged 60 years. Funeral was held. at Victoria December 13. Bigger, single SMOOTH head shaves closer and faster than any other method, wet or dry. It's America's most popular electric shaver. SAVAUGE' s Jewellery - Gifts - Fine China SEAFORTH lliother, Mrs. 0. M. Redden, 'and Herb. Miss Minnie Reid left, last Fri- day to spend the winter months in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen left last week for St. Petersburg, Florida, where they will spend the winter months. The Hensall ladies' ehoir, under the direction of J. L. Nichol, A.C. C.O., will present a choral service in the Town Hall Sunday evening, Dec. 21, at 8:30 p.m. A silver col- lection will be taken. Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mr. and Mrs, James McAllister "spent the weekend in Chicago visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Kimball and family and attending the Winter Stock Show. Brownie Party Field The Brownies' Christmas party was held last Saturday in the Guide rooms at the Arena. Peggy God- dard and Carol -Brown were en- rolled and are now full-fledged Brownies. Brown Owl Mrs. J. F. Blackwell was present for the ev- ent. Hensall Children's Party The annual Christmas party for the children of Hensall and com- munity will be held Saturday, Dec: 20, at -2 p.m. Children will receive gifts and be treated to -a picture show in the Town Hall. The party is sponsored by the Chanpber of Commerce and Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion, A carol service will be observed, in St- Paul's Anglican Church Sun-' day morning, 'Dec. 21, at 10:16 a.m. Dies in England Mrs. E. R. Davis received word. of the death of her grandmother, Mrs. Maria Fowler, -in .Devon, Eng- land, who was in her 104th year. On her 102nd'- birthday she broad- cast on the BBC the story of ber life. Her late husband was a game- keeper to one of the Lords of Eng- land. Mrs. Fowler was alert and active until the last, and had been very active in church work. Guest .Speak .r At ,Bene! Mrs Normal}- ] vLebd, .wa speaker tt the Christxpds pa the Women's Mission&Jy: S,gpiet„ of Hensall United Churcls last .,week She spoke on mission work in .Cnn ads and of the Lamont Hospital in Alberta, where she and her hes band, the Rev. N. iticLeod, were stationed at one time. Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane vie, ited friends in Clinton last week. Mrs. Kyle, Clinton, visited/ 'Satur- day with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Edgar . Smith, Guelph, visited' over the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. -and Mrs. John Jarrott. We are happy to report that Mr. into ungreased 8 x 12 pan and bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Cbo1 crust, spread with IA cup red cur- rant jelly and spread with mer- ingue of two beaten egg whites in- to which 1,lt' cup sugar, 1 cup minc- ed 'filberts and 14 teaspot i cinna- mon are folded. Return; pan -to oven of 350 degrees : for 25 mill- utes. Cool and cut into bars. Makes three dozen. Cherry Chiffon Cake , (For Mrs. C. E.) 2% cups sifted Sour ' 24/4 cues sifted sugar 3 tsps. baking powder 1 tsp. salt % cap Cooking Oil 5 egg yolks '4 cap maraschino juice % cup, cold water ' 1 cup egg whites (7 or 8) ii tsp. cream. .of tartar % eup chopped walnuts lr , . cup drained; cut marasch- inos. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar in large bowl until stiff. Sift flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into a smaller mixing bowl.. Make a well and add oil, egg yolks, juice, water and vanilla. Beat 3 minutes ,on mixer. Pour first mix gradually over whites, folding with a rubber spatula until blended. 'Fold in cherries and. nuts. Pour into ungreased 10 -inch tithe pan. Bake in oven of 325 degrees for 55 minutes, then set at 350 for 10 minutes, or until. cake does not dent upon touch. Hang to cool over inverted funnel. Note: May frost with thin but- ter utter icing and dot with red. candles. Ike alinual White .Gift service was`9hSorted in the United C1),urch' StindaY 4evening with a large con- grepation present and the church beautifully t3,ecerated for the occa- shin. Three 'hundred . and ,three dollars in Gash and clothing was reeeived Por Korean relief. Taking Part in the dandle -lighting exercis- es were J. F. Blackwell, Jean. Mc- Allister, Hannah Pepper, Marlene Richardson, Ruth Alexander, Cecil Pepper, Ken Tuckey, Ron Rowcliffe and the Junior Choir. During the presentation, Jean and Ruth Soidan, Lois Henderson and Shirley Flynn sang a quartet, and Mrs, R. Brederick a solo. Bile readings were given by Ted Nozin- inton and Charles Mickle. The junior choir, under direction of S. G. Rennie and Miss Greta Laramie, sang several selections. Margaret and Carol Smillie brought in the git receptacle. Rev. W. J. Rogers presided. J. F: Blackwell pronounced the -benediction, Andrew Bell, who underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is gradually improving. We hope he will soon be able to be out and around. Mrs. Alice Cook, London, visited her mother, Mrs. McOlymont, last week. Mr. Robert Thomson is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. We hope for a speedy recovery. The Sunday School of St. An- drew's United Church will hold their regular Christmas concert on the evening^of Monday, Dec. 22. The many friends of Mrs. John Alexander will be pleased. to learn she returned home last week from Clinton Hospital. Mr. and . Mrs. Emmerson Dickert and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jacques, Clifford, spent Tuesday with the Dickert family. A somewhat supercilious bachelor was invited to dinner by a lady of hie acquaintance, but did not ac- cept. A few days later, seeing her at a party, he strolled over. -"I be- lieve you asked me to dine with you last week," he said in his best manner. The lady looked at him thought- fully. "Why, yes, I believe I did,' she answered brig¢tly. "And did you come?" gyp. - WITH EVERY -DAY Y.401 P 'P1UC] Libby's MINCEMEAT:. 243 . Tin 43e SOCKEYE SALIV.ON ...Tin.. , ....... , ,., 37e Clark's FORK & BEANS -2'20 -oz. Tins 31e ORANGE JUICE--48-oz; Tin Mc CRANBERRIES -lb. 39e ORANGES -220's, Dozen 48c GRAPES -Red Emperor; 2 lbs. - . 33e - Diamond Budded WALNUTS --lb. .51c MIXED NUTS -lb. 39c Candy, Windsor Creams & Jellies -lb.. - 29c J. J. CLEARY PHONE 117 SEAFORTH Just in Time ! 1 1 • GRAND'MERE SMOOTHIE SWEATERS: Just in -time for Christmas giving! We have a few Cardigans and Pullovers. • CHENILLE HOUSECOATS Lovely, Soft Baby Chenille at the low, Iow price of 5.95. Assorted shades. Up to size' 48. fi TOWELS ''See our grand selection of CALDW ELL TOWELS for Christmas. Smart sets,.; too! PHONE 70 TUDOR' S HENSALL LADIES' WEAR DRY GOODS CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS' Hello Homemakers! • The bells will ring throughout the world on Christmas Day. In a few European centres there are people who be- lieve that the bells of a emolished hurch will ring every Christmas Eve. One such place is in Holland where a whole city,, famous• for tits beauty, also its wickedness,`' ilas swallowed up by the sea. From the depth the ghostly bells 'peal only once a year. Another legend con- cerns the bells of Raleigh, a ghost town, which echo in a country valley in England. Do you know- that a set .of bells, usually not more than 15 in .num ber, turned to ,the intervals of tke major scale, is called•a 'chime, ,r A larger set with chromatic, hnte6kkls is Balled a carillon. And the largest ever made in England; are'_installed in Riverside Church, New York However, we shall hear'many caril- lon chimes and bells throughout the season, especially over the ra- dio . Bells seem to say re- peatedly, "Peace on earth, .good- will toward men." Almond Shortbreads (For Mrs. J. T.) 1 cup butter 1,61 cup white sugar 1 egg yolk V4 tsp. almond .flavoring 3 cups sifted. flour 1/4 cup milk. Cream butter, sugar, egg yolk and flavoring together. Sift in flour and add milk. Blend quick- ly, using finger tips. Roll out 1/y - inch thick and -cut in strips. Twist into bow knots or cut wreath shape. 'brush top • with egg white. Sprinkle with a mixture of one cup slivered almonds and two table- spoons sugar. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet in oven of 350 de- grees for about 30 minutes. Makes five dozen. , Meringue Filbert Bars (For Miss J. .M.) '4 cup butter 3$ cup shortening 3A cup icing sugar 1 cup •sifted flour - 1/i top. salt. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Press ANNOUNCEMENT CHRISTMAS JOY ! Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Now Offers You BUILDING MATERIALS As Well as Coal WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT and 12 Months to Pay JUST DROP IN OR PHONE SEAPORTH 47. i.. Lumber Ltd. 20.YEARs.,,A0o .. . WE STARTED IN BUSINESS IN SEAFORTH ! Xr Since then it has been our Pleasure in Serving Satisfied` Customers from Seaforth and District - To Make Many Friends and Warm Relation- ships. At the time of Our 20th Anniversary We Wish You All' . . MERRY, CHRISTMAS - - HAPPY NEW YEAR CHRISTIE!S MEAT MARKET Seaforth • Phone 58 WEEK -END FOOD ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES 16 -ounce Jars TREAT CHOICE PEACHES 2 20 -ounce Tins NABOB COFFEE 1 -pound Bag STOKELEY'S GOLDEN CORN Honey .Kernel -2 15 -ounce Tins LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED BEANS 2 '20 -ounce" This 33c 43c 95c - 29c GOLDEN MIXED 3'9C CHRISTMAS NUTS -1 Ib..... alai 2 Pounds 37c 75c CHRISTMAS CANDY -A Good Assortment GRAPES -Fancy Quality Emperor . 29c 2•Pounds' NAVEL SEEDLESS ORANGES --All Sizes At Prices That -'Are Right. , THESE PRICES IN EFFECT TILL DECEMBER 27 We wish All Our Friends the Sincerest Compliments of the Season CLARE REITH PHONE- 8 We Appreciate Phone Orders - ' FREE DELIVERY 'IN $150.00 IN CASH ! COMMENCING NOVEMBER 1, 1952, until DECEMBER 24, 1952, Each Buyer of a Car Pur- chased` at BRUSSELS MOTORS At a Value of Over $300.00, is Entitled to Enter the CASH PRIZE DRAW, To Be Made Christmas Eve, 1952! USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1952 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH 1952 CHEV. STYLELFNTE SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC STY"LELINE SEDAN 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE F LEETLINE SEDAN 2-1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN'S at $1,850.00 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH at $1,850.00 2-1951 CHEV. DIE LUXE STYLELINE SEDANS 1951 CHEV. FLDETLINE SEDAN 1950 CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN - fully equipped '1949 OHEV. 6 -PASSENGER COUPE - Fully equipped -$1 495.004: 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DET LUXE( SEDAN -41,396.00 1948 CHEV. SEDAN 1947 PONTIAC COACH 1938 OHEV, SEDAN TRUCKS 1963 DODGE %-TON PICKUP 1948 OHEV. sl -TGN PICKUP 1948 INTERNA.TIONAL,s6'1<ON PI0J U'P 1946 MERCURY 'h -TON PANEL -$395 "• ' *any iy Older Models To Choose From R tUSSELS, -! 'H'Ug0N COUN-rv''S FOREMOST USED CAR,DEALERS Opera Eve}.'jr, Evening fONNx734 9 1 1 1 S ' es L 4([