HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-11-28, Page 1'47,717,7114
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AnnetY -Third ),.ear
Whole Numeer 4439
1Cippen Bazaar, Sale
Realizes Om $260
The bazaar sponsored by the W.
.11t. of St. Andrew's Church, Kfppen,
Unt Saturday, was a succese, with
seyer $2.60 realized. The hostess
ewes Mrs. Norman McLeod.
Thos e in charge of bootee were:
Sauey woek—alrs. Carl eacelinchey,
Mile Alex-, IldeMurerie, Mrs. Robert
lalgie, Mrs. J.W. McLean; . Pro-
duce—Mee John, Anderson, Mrs.
Wm. Bell; home baking--1Virs. Hat-
eld Jpnes, Mrs. Bert Faber, Mrs.
Wm. Kyle, Mrs: _Russell Conant,
Mrs. Emmerson Andereon; baby
artielete-lirs. Robert • MeGregoe
Mrs. Joseph' McLellan; touch- and
tate, Mrs. Morley Cooper, Mrs.
John Cooper, Jr., Mrs. Win. Cake
-well; eautly,—,Mona Caldwell, Lois
McLellan, Anne Sinclair, Elaine
Bell; fish peed—Mrs. John Cooper..
Sr., Mrs. Retell' Turner. _
Those in charge of tea room
were: Mrs. Allen Johnson, Mrs.
Archie Parscms, Mrs. Eldon • Jar-
rett, Mrs. Harvie Turner, Mrs. Win-
ston Workman, Mrs. Ross Broad -
foot, Mrs. Robert McAllister, Mrs.
Beeendyk, Mrs. Roy Consitt, Mrs.
Jelin Sinclair. Serving were: Bon-
ny Kyle, Carol McMurtrie, Dorothy
and Irene Turner. Mrs. Harry
Caldwell was in charge, of Christ-
mas cards and gift wrapping.
Canvass Inaugurated
Hensall Sunday
By Carmel Church
Carmel Presbyterian Church,,
Mansell, officially launched its Ev-
ery Person Canvass at the morning
service last Sunday. The day was
*observed as "Loyalty Sunday." Can-
• vassers taking part in this cam -
Reign were commissioned for their
undertaking at this service.
Twenty-five canvassers will be
•visiting all the homes of the con-
gregation -during the week. 'Phe
campaign will officially come to a
!lose Sunday, December 30, -when
alt declaration of intention cards re-
turned will .be dedicate& •
The local carnpaign is part of a
stational drive in the Presbyterian
Church to promote the Every Per-
son Canvas, a plan designed to
stimulate stewardship and to in-
crease general and budget revenue
in all congregaticmg.
Spinster (on phone) "Held! A.
man's trying to break into my up-
stairs apartment."
Voice: "This is the fire depart-
ment. You need the police."
Spinster: "No, he needs a long-
er ladder."
Lions Cluistmas, Tree
To Sparke in Park
Instead Of Main St.
E. P. Cbeeney an C. M. Smith
were co-chairmen for the regular
meeting of Seaforth Lions Club,
held in St. Thomas' Parish Hall
Monday night. J. E. Keating in-
troduced the Rev. Mr. Fulton, Brus-
sels; guest speaker. C. A. Barber
expressed thanks.
The club's annual 'Christmas tree
for children of the town and dis-
trict will be held ,this year in Vic-
toria Park, instead of Alain Street.
Date is not yet announced.
London -Defeated -3 -2 -
hi Exhibition Hockey
Cashing in a rugged Junior
hockey exhibition Seaforth edged
Loadon Lou Balls' 3-2 here Satur-
day night.
During the first peridd of fast,
hard -checking - hockey, both, teams
gashed the red light once, Seaforth
lied forst at 1:45, when Broome
took a .paso trona Pike and blazed
a shot past 'Wilson from about 15
feet out. It ween't long untieLon-
don's Thompson tied the score,
when he got a breakaway from the
Centre stripe, sinking the rubber
behind Baker at 2:40.
The penalty -ridden second period
(darted off rough, with Doug Aitchi-
son and London's Pelist tangled
with fists. Referees MacLean and
Boussey had' their hands full break-
ing up this tussle when other fights
threatened. When tempers were
brought under control on the ice,
the penalty box became a lint spot
'The third period started differ-
ently, with clean bard hockey be-
ing Played the remainder of, the
game. Seaforth broke the tis at
6.56, with Broome getting his sec-
ond goal of the night. Just past
the ,halfway mark Pike put Sea -
forth up two, let 16:05 Lamport
tallied Lou Ball's second goal, and
from there on to the finish kept
Seaforth's goalie, Ger Baker,' hop -
Ping, _
- •
Tuckersmith Ladies'
Club Meets Wednesday
The' Tuckersmith Ladies' Club
will hold their regular meeting, at
the home, of Mrs., William Rope -
son Wednesday, DeceMber 3. Roll
call will be, "My happiest memory
of Christmas time." Group three
will be in charge of the Program
and lunch. Members are asked to
remember Christmas •gifts, also
anything/ that may be packed for
the Salvation Army -box and to
bring their fees for 1953.
Edelweiss Lodge to
Pack Christmas Box
Miss Mae Smith, noble grand,
Presided over the Millar Meeting
of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge Mon-
day evening.
The C.P. and T. committee re-
ported that it plans to sponsor sev-
eral more euchre parties in aid o°
that fund. Each member is asked
to donate a gift toward -the vet-
eran's Christmas box. A donation
was' voted "-towered the Christmas
Tree Fund for tbe Horne at Barrie.
A members' Christmas party is
planned to follow the,next regular
meeting; DeeeMber_ii, and instead
of the usual exchange bf
members are asked to donate
household linens to be sent to the
Barrie Home as a Christmas gift.
The noble grand, Mise Smith, and
vice -grand, Mrs. Helen McClure,
were appointed in charge of the
prograin for the Christmas, party.
Mrs. Evelyn Willis was installed
into the office of right supporter of
the vice -grand, with Miss Jean
Scott, P.D.D.P., as installing officer
and Mrs. Ethel Boyes, p.D.D.P., as
deputy marshal
Royal Orange Lodge
Held Annual Meeting
The annual meeting, for election
Sled installation of officers of Royal
Orange Lodge No. 793, was held
Monday night, with R W. Bro. Wm.
Murray as election and installation'
officer. A large number of mem-
bers attended.
The election resulted as follows:
I.P.IVI., Ed. Boyce; W.M., Garnet.
MeClinchey; D.M„ Melvin Dale;
chaplain, Max Carter; recording
Secretary, John Oldfield; financial
secretary and treasurer, William
Murray; marshal, A. W. Dunlop;
first lecturer, Art Woodcock; sec-
ond lecturer, Russell Miller; first
committeeman, Everet Smith, with
Ken Smith, James R.acho, David
McLean _and William Oldfield, the
assitypiate committeemen.
Lunch was served at the close
of the meeting.
Cavan WA, WMS Meet
Next Week in Church
The W.A. and W.M.S.,. Winthrop.
will hold their regular meeting
Wednesday, December 3, at 2 p.m.
in the schoolroom of Cavell Church.
Roll call will be a Christmas
thought. All reports will be giv-
en at this meeting.
Stanley Fecleration
Hears Local Mayor
The,apnual meeting and lie
of the Stanley TownshipReeeratien
of Agriculture was held• in the -g4
Township Community' Centre., ele,
ich, recently -with 2/0 meraberikallie
guests present. The Wee.: of Vare
na United Church catered.
Dr. E. A. McMaster, Mayor
Seaforth, as guest speaker, deliver-
ed a vivid account of his eeceeterip
to Mexico, illustrating his talk,
with pictures, taken while there
Other speakers fot'the egig--
wereere Thomas L. Prede, M.P,PaGer:..f
don Grigg, fieldman for the. Federa-
tion. Willie Bell, singer and corn:. ';'•
edian, entertained the gathering -
Alvin Rau, president of the. 'Stan-
ley Federation, was master of tyre
Robert MeKercher, .presideetepe
the Huron County Federation, gave
a very forceful address. explaining
what the federation is doing and
what it ought to do.
The following officers were elect-
ed: president, Alvin Rau; vice-pres-
ident, Anson McKinley; directors,
Len Bedard, Jack Scetchmer, Ken
Scotehmer, Harvey Hayter, Elmer
Hayter, Vie Taylor, J'ack Taylor,
Alex McBeath, Bert McBride, Gor-
don Johnston, Elgin Porter and
Clarence Parke.
Season's Fira Euchre
Enjoyed by Guests
Of L.O.B.A. Lodge
An enjoyable evening was spent
in the L.O.L. Lodge rooms last Fri-
day when the ladies of the L.O.B.A.
Lodge entertained at their first
euchre party of the season.
. Mrs. Scott Habkirk was mistress
of ceremonies, in the absence of
the Worthy Mistress, Mrs. Garnet
MeClinchey. Miss Dorothy Parke
thanked everyone for their attend-
ance. *
Prizes went to: ladies, first, Miss
Nellie .Pryce: lone hands, Mrs.
Robert McCluee; consolation, Mrs.
Devid Papple; men's first, Arthur
Routledge; lone hands, Percy Lit-
tle; consolation, David Papple.
During the evening a draw was
made for a cake donated by Mrs.
Milton Stewart, Alex Muir held the
lucky ticket. Lunch was served by
the lunch convener, Mrs. M. Stew-
art, and her assistants.
4 ,
Huron Townships Nominate for Councils
At mid -week nine of Huron Coun-
ty's townships reported nomination
'results, and, in some cases, election
results where nominees, gained
township posts . by acclamation or,
through failure of opposition to
zualify. The following compilation
shows the township council picture
eta to Wednesday as received by
The leepositor. Since this list was
• received and publisted, some come -
ells may have been returned
Ibrotigh nominees' withdrawal or
failure to qualify.
Colborne Township
acclaimed. Reeve E. Stan-
ley eider. Council: John Ker-
. nighan, Clarence Hunter, James
Horton, Anthony Vrooman. Board
of• Education: Milford Thirst, Ben
Straughan, Clifford Melee&
• Ashfield Township
Reeve: Reeve Elmer Graham,
Andrew Ritchie, Kenneth McKen-
zie (withdrew), John Bradley
(withdrew). Council (four to be
,elected): Cecil Blake, John Brad-
ley. Kenneth McKenzie, Andrew
Ritchie, Joh]; Kelly, Reuben Wil-
son. Board of Education (two to
ba elected): Walter Tigert, Marvin
Durnin, Witmer Robb, Clifford
-Crozier, Earl Swan, Ralph Foster
Grey Township
Reeve: Cliff rd Rowland (quail -
Med), John llaq ab. Deputy Reeve:
Neigh Smith ( Vied, acct.). Coun-
cillors (three t&be elected): Clif-
Sord Dunbar (qUal.), William Bish
op (qeal.), Kenneth :,icFarlane,
Howard MeNatight (qual.). Town-
s.hip School Area Trustees (three
to be elected): Walter IYIeFarlane
(qual.), John Conley (qual.), Wat-
son Brown (qual.), Lloyd Wheeler.
Hullett Township
Reeve: Reeve Wattage J. Dale
(acel.). Council (four to be elect-
ed): George C. Brown, William
R. Jewitt, Thomas Leiper, Archie
Young,. John Rapson; Henry
Turnberry Township '
Reeve: Reeite John D. Fischer
(qual.), Thomas Abraham, Isaac J.
Wright (both failed to qualify).
Council (Our to be elected): A. D.
Smith, Harry Pimm, Jack Willits,
Herbert Foxton, James Elliott,
Harry' Mulvel. Board of Educatien
(three acclaimed): Bert Holmes,
Elgin Kirton, Edward Powell. ,
Hay Township
Reeve: Reeve EarlCampbell
facet.) Council (four aeclainied):
August' 'Roche, Ervin Wilbert, V.
L. Becker, L. 11. Rader. 'Board of,
Education (three to be elected to
the .board of five): Elmer Roe,
Leonard Erb, Blake Horner, Lloyd-
Hen'drick. ,„
Goderich TOWnship
Reeve: Reeve Gordon Orr, G. W.
Nott, J. W. Deeves, Ed -ward Grigg.
Council (four to be elected): R.
G. Smith, Kenneth Merner, Wil-
mer Harrison, Clayton Laithwaite,
J. W. Deeves, Arnold Rathwell,
Reeve, John Fischer
fleeVo'Haeold Gaunt
Edward Grigg. Board of Educa-
tion (two acclaimed): George Pot-
ter, Everett McIlwain,
West Wawanosh Township
All acclaimed. Reeve: Reeve
Harold Gaunt. Council: Harvey Cul-
bert, Cordon .Struthers, John Dur -
mu, Benson Johnston. Board of
Education: William Webster, Wal-
lace Miller.
'East Wawanosh Township
All acclaimed. Reeve: Reeve
Orval Taylor, Orval McGowan
(withdrew), J. D. Beecroft (with-
drew). Council: Orval McGowan,
John Buchanan, Aldin Purdon,
Clark W. Ilanna. Board of Educa-
tion: Jami? R. Coultes, Clarence
Chamney, Roy Pattison.
Reeve Earl Campbell
Reeve William Dale
Reeve Orval raper -
• Reeve, Elmer Graham
ery to
Second Nomination Next Mc/Ida
Candidates for One Council Seat
ReeVe Frank Sills,' veteran
Seaforth councillor, who an-
nounced his retirement from
municipal activities at Monday
night's nomination meeting
here. Reeve Sills was on the
local council for a total of 17
Years, seven of'those as Reeve.
He was also a member of the
Fire Brigade for 33 years, a
tetal of 50 years in municipal
Egmondville and
The crowd cramming the Com-
munity Centre Monday night saw
their Industrial League hockey
from .a better vantage paint—only
a few hung from the afters. The
first contest gave Merchants a 11-5
wire over St. Columban, while in
the second clash, Egmondville nos-
ed Winthrop 1-0,
With league leadership at stake,
the first game was a free -scoring
affair. Although, the 'contest was
speeily and rugged, no penalties
were called. The nrst period was
the closest of the -game, with the
Merchants coining up on top, 3-2.
Breaking wide-open early in the
second, the Merchants really set
sail. With St. Columbia napping,
they pushed it six straight tallies
before the period ended. In the
final,, period St. ' Columban, fought
back but couldn't cut the leferch-
ants' lead.
Merchants' scorers were: Smith
(2), Woods (2), Hutchinson (2),
Patterson (2), Larone (3). For St.
COlumban: Butters, Maloney (a),
Tangling in one of the best
games of the this season,
Egmondville slid past Winthrop
1-0. Racing from one post to an-
other, both goalies were called to
make brilliant saves.
Tins hero of the duel was Grant
Chesney, who sank 'Egmondville's
lone counter early in the second
period. Although there were a
number of penalties, none were
capitalized on.—Ken Larone.
Baibara Kirkman
Auxiliary Meets
Tbe November meeting of the
Barbara iKrkman Auxiliary of First
Presbyterian Church was held
Tuesday evening. The president,
Mrs. J. B. R-ussell, opened the
meeting mid presided during the
necessary business. Members de-
cided to change the next meeting
to December 16. Mrs. Scott Hab-
kirk occupied the chair during the
program. Mrs. L. Hemberger read
the Scripture lesson and Mrs. R.
Kerslake gave the prayer. Miss
Harriet Murray's solo, "Eveiiing
Prayer," was much enjoyed.
Mrs. D. Ritchie, the guest speak-
er, gave an instructive talk on "The
Ideal Woman," as depicted in the
last chapter of Proverns,
Mrs. H. Whyte and tars. H. Dale
took',up the offering. • One feature
or the evening program was when
Mrs. J. F. Scott, on •behalf of the
ainaliary, presented life member-
ship certificates to Mrs. E. Andrews
and Mrs. K. Sharp. Mrs, Scott
spoke of the zeal and enthusiasm
they had shown in the meetings.
The talent table netted $5.06. Meet-
ing closed with a hymn and prayer
by Mrs. S. Habkirk.
Home ,and' School Group
4. Holds Euchre Party
A. succesaful card party Was held
at the home of Mrs. Harvey Mason
Thursday night when the members
of the local Home and School As-
eoeitation in the northWest section
of town gathered. Proceeds are to
be used toward the purchase of a
new piano. for the public school.
Other eeetions of the Association
plan to hold similar ;events in the
. Before a nomination meeting crowd of about 65 men Monday, 'niglaa• , ,
Mayor E. A. McMaster announced he will run for re-eleation December
10. A few moments la •untillor Alvin. W. Sillery withdrew his
nominations for the p ta of ree' :. •nn councillor and said he would
accept the mayoralty nomination I ?
,h the withdrawal of Councillor
B. 1'. Christie from the reeve's candid, y to stand again for commit, no
names were left to contest the reeveeiip; a second nomination ;emoting
will be necessary to provide candide
As well, candidates; will be re -1 .
quired to fill one seat on the come was in debtbeyondthat. The wa-
ell. When .nomlnee M. A. Reid ter ratea here are as high as in any
failed to qualify, D'Orlean Sills was town, he said, but he believed the
aeclaimed as Public Utilities Com- service is appreciated. Mention-
Missioner. No . candidates were
ingthe Eingmeoinosdivnig11,e mwratesrins.yet
,proposed for ' the local Public
•School Board,automatically return-
the department didn't know -
ing Dr. P. L. Brady, 'Clifford Broad- 'how much water is purepe,d or can
be pumped. He concluded. that "no
foot and John C. Stevens, who .,an -
rash statement should -be•-made as
neuriced last week'they would
tand again for office. to hether water can or cannot be
There were sevennames, in all, supPlied "
submitted for council membership.
After Councillor Sillery withdrew ,000 Spent on Roads'
in favor of the mayoralty nomina-
Street committee chairman T. E.
Daly brought attention to the in -
tion, the following, who will be in-
crease in the use of local roads
eluded in the '1953 council, an -
and increase in road costs. "Al-
nounced they would b,old office:
though $4,000 was spent ,en roads
Harvey Leslie, James T. Scott, A.
this year," he said, "the commit -
K. Sharp, .1. C.'aCrich and • B. F.
Christie. The last three are mem-. tee was counseled by engineers to
spend even more as- preventative
'bore of the current council. Reba -
maintenance." After a general out-
ing members are Reeve Frank Sills,
line of the year's road program, in -
Councillor E. H. Close and Coun-
eluding work done at the Commun-
ity Centre and on Market Street,
Mr. Daly pointed to the 'economic
value of the snowplow attachment
on the town grader. He said the
cost to Seaforth of resurfacing
Main Street, after it was taken
over as a county road, was lese
than $560. ,
Three new drains were put in
through the year, Mr. Daly con-
tinued, "but the most important
step made in drainage was the
town survey." After outlining the
drainage features of the survey, he
pointed to the value it carries to-
ward sewage treatment prepara-
tion. Mr. Daly discounted talk that
sewage treatment here wofad cost
es for this office.
cillor T. E. Daly.
No Tax Appeals
be next ;Monday evening, Decem-
ber 1.
.Secoad nomination meeting will
After the appointment of Clerk
D. H. Wilson as- meeting chairman,
Mayor McMaster addressed the
gathering, remarking he was dis-
appointed at the size of the crowd.
Generally, he said, the town is "in
fairly good -shape." Since there
were no tax app,als at the court
of revision, the speaker said, 'the
'ratepayers must be satisfied with
the mill rate which, he added, was
down two mills over last year.
After outlining the municipal
road work and property repairs, three-quarters to a million dollars.
the Mayor pointed out that a hill I m not campaigning for sewer
50eracent of taxes paid by rate-
at this point," Mr. Daly corrected,
payer i was not controllable by the but I know that towns of coiaapar-
municipal ody. This included
able .size have sewage treatment
estimates in the region of a200,000."
sehool costs aand the county levy.
Moving to the police department
SeeZelk,8,o2v0e0r e6116u4srtereeftese,t weafs new
here, Mayor McMaster said,
"I sidthink we -have a good police sys-
through the year, the committee
stem," and he continued, the two
&pent $14,09(1.
get of $15,000 the committee had
chairman concluded, and on a bud-
ris and I. D. (Whitey) Wade, are
"doing a real good job for Sea -
forth." The Mayor concluded with
menden of the efficiency of the
1952 council and an appreciation of
member -co-operation through the
Veteran' Council Member
"I have finished my tenure of
imunicipal activities," was the in-
itial remark of Reeve Frank Sills,
who spoke following the mayor. A
member of the council for 17 years
and on the fire brigade 33 years,
the veteran councillor said he be-
lieved 50 years in municipal activi-
ties was enough. He went on to
outline his position, as town reeve,
on the county council, and paid
tribute to the "fine group of men"
now on the county body.
In recent years, Reeve Sills said,
the county council "has got away
from many penna-pinehing and sei-
ne -1i ideas." Now, he contended,
more recognition is being afforded
urban municipalities. He illustrat-
ed this in the recent agrietrient
and arrangements with the coun-
ty, in resurfacing Main Street here
as -a county road. As he sat down
Reeve Sills was accorded a loud
Councillor Sillery first paid tri-
bute to retiring Reeve Sills.. He
mentioned the disagreement and
argument which often arose be-
tween himself and Reeve Sills, but
added that "if there were no dis-
agreement or argument, there
would 'be no point in 'electing a
council. .Seaforth," Mr, Sinery
said, "owes a debt of gratitude. to
Frank Sills."
iprovincial constables, Gordon Fer-
Most Arrears Recoverable
Turning to the local tax picture,
finance committee chairman Sil-
lery said that the greater propor- .the manner in which monthly pay -
tion of the approximate $10,000 in rnents are nnade to the school con -
tax arrears are recoverable "The tractor.
'Back Street' ratepayers," the said, School Board chairman of the
"owe less than $3,000 on the total," supply committee, Dr. P. L. Brady,
and indicated that the cbuncil was spoke briefly, telling of the course
pleased with the rate of payments the board is required to follow in
being made on these arrears. supply purchasing to retain gov-
Speaking of the public school de-, ernment grants for this eurpose. ,
benture debt, Mr. Sillery said the I John 'C. Crich, chairman of the
town was fortunate in getting a fire and water committee, said he
five per cent interest rate on these believed rural fire protection was
debentures when many municipali- well organized by this year. "There
ties have to accept sale at rates of is ' soxpe unfinished business
six and six and a half per cent. !though, regarding the tire alarm
D'Orlean Sills, public utilities -boxes in town," he cotainued. Whe-
aomrnissioner, in his,. opening re- ther the town will be able to re-
marks, touched on the local head-ialize full compensationfor damage
ache caused by frequency sten- to the alarm system is not known,
dardization there, but added that he said, "but ,in the meantime we
preparedness had minimized diffia have ordered nine new boxes at a
culties in Seaforth. He spoke of cost of $145 each." The boxes
the impending 15 per cent rise in damaged cost $235 each, when new,
power rates, "Seaforth," he said, he noted.
"pays $30,000 yearly for hydro elen- Councillor Crich had words of
tric power and the comeniselon re- commendation for the efficiehey of
tails this for about $50,000." A the local brigade, and pointed out
current profit of $5,000 has shown that the regional fire sehool held
in the hydro department here, he here that spring was of consider -
said. II able benefit, not. only to the local
The waterworks department department. Although no other
owes the town $10,000, Mr. Sills majteequipMent had been put,-
adibitted, but up to {WO years ago: chased, by the brigade this year.,
Property, parks Reports
B. F. Christie, chairman of the
property committee, reported to the
ratepayers that two local bridges
had been repaired, the. road to the
dump improved and repairs made
to the waterworks house. Mention-
ing other routine property work
through the year, he said the re-
painting of the Town Hall had cost
more than originally bargained tor
due to unforseen work on tower
window's, in closing, he signified
his intention to stand for next
year's council.
Speaking for CouncillorE. H.
Close, who was unable to be" pre-
sent, Councillor Keith Sharp told
of the routine work completed by
the parks committee, of which
Councillor Close is chairman. The
steps on the cenotaph at Victoria
Park were recapped, he said, as
well as repairs made to the foun-
dation. Working on a budget of
$500, the parks committee bad
spent $227,94, he reported. Coun-
cillor Sharp said he intended ,to
stand for next year's eouncil.
'Called to speak for the Public
School Board, Chairman Fred E.
Willis said he was pleased there
were no other nominations for
sohool board, allowing the three re-
tiring members to complete the
board for 1953 and so remain a
unit from the inception to the com-
pletion of the new schoo.1 •
School Ready January 31
Regarding the new school, the
chairman told the ratepayers pre -
'sent, on advice from the architect
and contractor, that work is pro-
ceeding satisfactorily but that com-
pletion date was necessarily ex-
tended to January 31. In rounding
out his report, Mr. Willis outlined
total Lodge 4111'
Honor C. Aber
Tit London 11,04a,
Two carloads of members from,
the local Britannia Ledge 170; Jeur,e
neyed to London Tuesday eveitenge
when Rt. Wor. Bro. Charles Abeee,
hart was presented with a 60 -Ya
veteran jubilee jewel. , • Rt. Waar.,.
Bros. Ross McGregor read the adt-',
dress and Wor. Master C. Reith Pin-
ned on the jewel.
Other members, at the eereznany
were Andrew Petrie, W. A. Wright,
G. C. Brightrall, Rose Scott, Scott
Cluff, Malcolm McKellar and J. W.
Reeve Alvin W. Kerslake,
Hensel!, who was returned to
office in that village last Fri-
day by acclamation for his
seventh consecutive term.
Reeve A. W.Kerslake
Acclaimed in Henan
Hensel! village council was re-
turned unaltered for 1953 after, the
reeve, four councillors; three school
trustees and a Public Utilities Com-
missioner were eleaed by acclama-
tion at the nomination meeting In
the Town Hall last Friday night.
F'or Reeve Alvin W. Kerslake,
1953 will 'be the seventh consecu-
tive year he has taken tile office
without opposition. He w•as nomin-
ated by -D. Sangster and L. Luker. • ,
The four returned councillors,
with their nominators, are: Lorne
Luker, by W. R. Dougall and T.
W. Butt; Harry 'Hoy, 1iy J. Tudor
and D. Sangster; 'fi.N. Jones, by T.
Butt and H. Hoy; W. Parke, by W.
Spencer and W. M. Brown.
The three school trustees, elect-
ed for a two-year term, are: H.
Scene, by W. Brown and T. liar -
burn; W. Brown, by p. Sangster
and A. W. Kerslake; J. Tudor, by
W. Spencer and N. Jones.
By nominationof 'J. Tudor and D.
W. Sangster, W. C. Spencer was
returned to the Paii:C. office for a
two-year term.
an inhalator had been bought, he
Disagrees With Commissioner
Nominated for the post of public
utilities commissioner, M. A. Reid
said he thought the P.U.C. of late
had been "getting over their
heads." He mentioned the out-
standing $10,000 debt of the water-
works department to the town. Mr.
Reid had praise for the choice of
R. A. Holmes as P.U.C, manager,
but added that he did not think
Seaforth was large enough to re-
quire a general manager in this
department. He disagreed with the.
reference Commissioner Sills made
about the part played by the two
commission employees in the hydro
conversiou here, (This was later
refuted by Mr. Sills, who said he
did not intend to imply that the
two employees played the part Mr.
Reid disagreed about. Mr. Sills al-
so denied that he wanted an "ee-
petrsive man" on the comnaiseion
as manager). •
Closing, Mr. Reid said he was
sorry to see Reece Frank Sills -
leaving the council. He was fol-
lowed on the speaker's &Wont by
Harvey Leslie, councillor nominee,
who said "this was semething
new." Ate the moment he indient-
ed. 'he *alf not sere he'd Seaild.
James T. Scott, second new' nem-
inee, said he intended to stand ,and
"do the hest I can," Mr Bente .
served on MCKillop township cotlii
ail several yeare ago.
At the close of the meetini, Die
BradyeinqUired Omit talk Of :WIC
ening Goderich Street. Can:in1I1:1r a -
Daly replied that this was
suggsgtion heard the Deinalitifient- 0111,
Erighways, and sine tlhis tegidkillWa
didn't Want the Strbtk
there agetild 1e 1tb1{