HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-11-21, Page 4,; ossified "Fitted Ads Inserted At Now Low Cash Rates a SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC„ --Per Wor i 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week .-... 5 Cent Minimum charge, each insertion.... 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Qi $O. et Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Oomtna Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 50 cents per word, ' Enelifiles may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 centa extra. Tea cents additional will be charged if ads hs above clam are not paid within 10 days .pf date of final insertion. Bi}•ths,"Marriages and Deathrinaerted tree of charge. Avotlon Sales, Notices to Creditole, Eta—Bates on application. '1st Week Comtug Events • SOU TOO Wi `LL''3 3OY DANCING TO =` your requepty numbers as played by Clarence Petrieand hie Nighthawks at the Popular Crystal Ptilace Ballroom. Itlitchell, every 3'riday-.:night. naming 9:8O to 12:30. . 4428x2 Notices •RAMI.°. REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radioe, at TERRY'S • RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick' • Rouse, ,Seaforth. Phone 847-R. 48634f DAINTING - SPRAY OR BRUSH Papering. Sunworthy wallpapers. Sign Painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Hensel!. Phone 196.•R, Henaall. 4425-tf NOTICE — CLIPPING CATTLE FOR stable for winter, also horses; vial de- horn ohorn chttle_ Hard and softwood slabs for sale. J. R. BURNS. Phone 69H, Sea - forth. 4428x1 ATTENTION, FARMERS I — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS;, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Daring do Co. of Canada Ltd. 4399-t1 NOTIQE—HOG FEEDERS,. GET EXTRA money by shipping by H. Mel'lwain ; get 25c per hog for three hogs or more; 20 equals $5.00. Whys not, get 55.00 at time of pifjk-up• Shipping: Stratford, Tuesday; Kitchener:"' Wednesdays and Thursdays each Week. Please leave word at 112. Seaforth, the day before. HARVEY MCILWAIN, Seaforth. 44218x2 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Assessor Help Wanted W. TED -M DDLEAGED WOMAN 'r0 care for elderly couple. Apply to Box 208. HURON EXIPOS1TOR. 4428x1 WA.N'I1RD — AMBITIOUS WOMAN TO sell cosmetics in own home. Car a convenience brit not a necessity_ Write MRS. D, WHITFIELD, .Goderich. 4428-1 HELP WANTED --AT ONCE, YOUNG men . interested in advancement, some oiilce experience preferred but not neces- sary. Good starting salary, group insur- ance, paid holidays. Apply in own hand- writing to DOMINION. ROAD MACHIN- ERY CO. LTD-, Godericb, or Phone 880 for appointment. 4428-1 For Rent FOR RENT—SMALL APARTMENTS, suitable for one or two people, Modern conveniences. W. R. DOUG�TJ,, Hensall. 4428-1 APARTMEINT TO LET—ATTRACTIVE two large rooms; share bath; heated, electric stove and refrigerator. Possession at once. Call after six J. V, FLYNN, Dublin. Telephone 77. 4428.2 Property For Sale FOR SALE—GOOD HOUSE, S' ROOMS, on No. 8 Highways, 2 mike east Gode- rich; Hydro; barn, poultry houses; 14, acres; 140 -foot frontage. S. LANGFORD, R.R. 1, Goderich. 4428-? HOUSE FOR SALE -8 -ROOM, TWO - storey brick house, Goderich St. East; modern conveniences, stoker furnace; dou• - ble lot, chicken house, garage, garden. For port SALE — AIRWAY SANITIZER: further particulars apply to ROBERT latest model, like new. Must sell; will SMITH, Seaforth. . 4428-2 sacrifice. PHONE 670 r 2, SEAFORTH Mr. , C>lprdon Walker and slater, road Axe, Mich., spent ..Sunday with their cousin$, Mr: and atira. Stan- ley 'Mitchell. Flies From Korea For Funeral Jars, T. Kyle received word • of the death of Tier sinter -in-law, Mrs. Dave Kipfer, who passed away last. Saturday at Albia, Iowa. Her , -n Lawrence, who is stationed, in Korea, Sew home to attend his Mother's funeral, held Wednesday. Mr. Kiipfer is, well k4iown in the Zurich area. , Legion Party Monday Members of •the.,LeiAna held a social in the Legion Hall Monday night, enterts,ining es their. guests Ful' Eisk FOR ' 4T,F,-1 SDF'Agx„ pit SUFFOLK ram. GORD(1N FT f tOT7', Brucefield. Phone 659 r -.1d, Sea'torth. ' 4428-1 volt 'SAM—NEAT APPPARING COAL oil -wood' heater, in good condition. PHONE SEAFORTH, 838 +r• ill. 442441 SPECIAL PRICES ON ROGERS' AND Conm,unity Silver in Chests. Six pat- terns to choose from; 20% discount on sets in stock. DRYSDALE HARDWARE LIMITED, phone 11, Henault, Ont. 44281 JUST ARRIVED, A SHIPMENT OF English cups and saucers in four col- ors; 59e each, or 3 for 91.50, not boxed. DRYSDALE HARDWARE LIMITED, phone. 11, Hens -all, Ont. 4428-1 FULL STOCK OF TOYS, DOLLS, Games and Electric Trains now on dis- play. Make your choice early while selec- tion is good. Use our lay -away plan. DRYSDALE HARDWARE L I M I TE D, phone 11, Heasall, Ont. 4428-1 FOR SALE. 3 HJ', ELECTRIC MOTOR; grain grinder ; electric separator: deo. tric milking machine; 6 electric chicken brooders; electric water pail heater ; wa- ter pails and buttermilk jars for chi^ks; electric poultry clock; range shelters; large electric clothes ironer. FRED SINCLAIR, R.R. 2, Walton, or phone 842 r 14, Sea - forth. 4428x1 VACUUM CLEANER APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED 'PROPERTY FOR SALE—TWO-STOREY, for the position of Assessor of the • three bedrooms, living room, den, 3 - Town of Seaforth, at the Clerk's Office in piece bathroom, oil heated house, including the Town Hall, up to 6th day of Dear three acres of land, edge of town. Approv- ber, 1952. ed for Veterans' Land Act (purchase. Ap- • D. H. WILSON, ,, ply Box 202, HURON EXPOSITOR, or T OST—.THREE MASSEY-HARRIS BIN - Clerk. 4428.4 Phone 41,, Seaforth. 442812 L der cans. Believed taken from Lot 6 Gan. 3, Tnekersinith, on Hallowe'en night. Finder contact 662 r 23, Seaforth. 4428-1 Lost and Found the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. An enjoyable evening was `spent Play- ing cards and singing, directed by Sam Ranuie, with Dr. Il, McKelvie at the piano. lack Tudor was mas- ter axter of cersmoniea. A buffet lunch was eerved4. Hensatl WI Views Films atMeeting A sizeable •representation of members and guests attended the monthly meeting of the Hensel' yeomen's • Institue in the Legion. Hall last week. Mrs. Richardson and 'Mrs- Rennie were hostesses,' .Mrs. Armstrong presided and roll call. was answered by "Naming a place in Canada in alphabetical order." The treasurer's report was heard and Mrs. 'Elgie reported on highlights of the London Area Con- vention. An ,executive meeting of .the South 'Huron District- Institutes was held in the Town Hall November 5. Mrs. Beer, who represented the Hensall Institute at .this gather- ing, read an interesting report. 'Fol- lowing this,, two films were shown, "The Feeling • ofHostility" and a scenic. Rev. Rog�rs operated the projector and between 'pictures Mrs. Goddard playttd a 'piano solo. The secretary read a thank -you note from Mrs, \Letitia Sangsterrfor the pillowcases. Marjorie Ellen Sch'walrh has been given a bank book, it was reported, and a letter was read from Mrs. K. Johns. Sick members were mentioned and in- cluded Mrs. Oxr, Mrs. Dougall and rs. W. Bell. Roll call at the next meeting will be a cash donation to the London War Memorial 'Children's Hospital. It was suggested that Mrs. K. Johns, be asked to speak to the ladies, Mrs. Neri Linton thank -d the hostesses, Rev. Rogers, and all who had taken part. Mrs. Schwalm expressed thanks to the ladies for Marjorie Ellen's bank book. The hostesses and their assistants served dairvty re- freshments at the close. Announce Committees For Local W.I. Euchre COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; rn1LE COURT. OF REVISION FOR THE 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. 0for the Town Assessment' Roll of 1 952 NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, of Seaforth will meet in the Town"' Han: Ont. at 8 p.m., on Friday, November 28_ D. H: WILSON, - Clerk. 4428-1 Wanted CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of Voters' List Town of'Seaforth WANTED—A MEDIUM OR LARGE size- tricycle. PHONE 278-R, Sea - forth, 4428x1 WANTED—OLD HORSES AND DIS- ablcd cattle; feeder chunks at all titres on whateverY ou have to sell. H. MoILWAIN,-Seaforth- 4428x2 WANTED—A SMALL BLOWER CUT - tine box with about 35 feet of pipes. NOTICE IS HEBY GIVEN THAT 1 Apply ROY LAWSON. Phone 669 r 16. have ''osted Office in -the Town Seaforth , 4428x1 of Seaforth, the Voters' List for 1952, and, I hereby call on all' voters to take im- COMFORTABLE ROOMS I N HEN - The list was posted in my Office Nevem- to mw- modate five people at reasonable lra es. Apply ,MRS WM nnwrar.rm v__ mediate ,proceed;n. s to have any errors salt, with care and hoard; ran accom- nr omiss•ons cor e'ted a'cerding ber 21, 1952. y "�"'�"" ` "" 142-' Phone 126- ��4426-4 Last day of appeal, December 5, 1952. • D. H. WILSON, Clerk. 4428-3 ' VOTERS' LIST POSTING Township of Mullett T, GEORGE W: COWAN, CLERK OF THE Municipality of the Township of 'Hul- lett, in the County of Huron, declare that I have posted in my office, in the Village of Londesboro, the Voters' List for the year 1952; and I hereby call on all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law. The list was posted in my office on the 20th day of October, 1952. GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk. 44264 Town of Seaforth NOMINATIONS A, meeting of the Electors of the Town of Seaforth, will be held in Town Hail; Seaforth MONDAY, NOVEMBER' 24, 1952 for the purpose of nominating persons for the offices of Mayor, Reeve and Six Coun- ' eillors, Public School Trustees and Public 'Jltility Commissioner. Nominations will be received from 7:30 o'clock p.m. to 8:40 o'clock pan. If a Poll be nece8sary, the wane will be held at the following places on Wed- nesday, December 10, 1952, from 9 o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clook pan.: Polling Subdivisions, Nos. 1 and ,2-- Teall's Garage: ,Cl arles Barber, Deputy Returning Officer; MS_ H. E.,, Smith, Poll Clerlo.Polling Subdivisions Nos 8 and 4 — +Public Library: H. Trainell, Deputy Re- turning Officer; Helen Bolton, Pell Clerk • Polling Subdivisions Nos: b and 6-134. E.- Clarke's Garage: John Cardno, Deputy Re- turning 'Officer; Mae Watterwortlr, Poll Clerk.' , . DH. WILSON, Returning Officer. Seaforth, No"veedber 18, 1062. 44284 TWP. of TUCKERSMITH CLE K'S _NOTICE"•° Of First Posting Of Voters' 'List VOTERS' LISTS, 1954 , 911JN CIPALiTY OF TOWNSHIP OF • TUCMITH, COUNT(` or tattoo/. •*� , 1/iit IS HkattlY GM*'itI$AT, d•' lel h ve 3ofl lied With, Section o R1 e' Vo ' Lltlthi Aoi dndi' Ctlfwi Y its"vv p oottal ep anjt o}il a At 21t1'Ekerdinith, on the 10th $y+'tit birisSeOt)1 s 11162 the On, all 1:0 m the edict: E1nni' ltulit5Y1 livid' that eh 1fdv xilt+iattn •, thrcrd •tit' 2n ce' n sir i1t8 lid 6' ft te hk retedtr ttw b °x'n$„ ii n� Ilt,� r(tt�� r v �.: 'MY�R'kdYJa .. 't' ii tlyfi�'�tGt'fir�s�io Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET ANN Mr - GEE, Widow of the late James Sproat, of Seaforth, Deceased. ALL. • PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against Estate of above deceased are required to file the same to undersigned for said Estate, on or before the 20th day of November, A.D. 1952, after which date the assets win be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard on- ly to the claims of which notice has been given, DATED Seaforth, November 5, 1952. R. H. SPROAT, Seaforth J. R. SPROAT, North Bay Executors. 4426-2 For Sale FOR SALE — TIIMBERS FOR. SALE. PHONE 133-W, Seaforth. 4428-1 FOR SALE—FULL SIZE BASS VIO. lie, in good condition- PHONE 2494, Seaforth. 4428-1 FOR SAT.8I—B0Y'S BROWN SUIT, 12 - year size, in good condition. PHONE 178, Seaforth. 4428-1 KIDDIES' PYJAMAS, 4-6-6X AT 1.98.; girls' 0--14 Polo Janina at L98. All in cosy flannelette at TUDOR'S in Hen - Ball. 44281 FGR SALE GIRL'S WHITE BOOTS and states, size 3, in good condition. Amply to •MRS. C. 'RITCHIE, Walton. 4428-1 AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR little girls. A, doll carriage cover at 98c, quilted satin, at TUDOR'S in Hen- sall. 4428-1 FOR SALE -,QUEBEC HEATER, MED- fum aim; also quantity of (barrels and a baby tenn. Apply H. BALYEA, Mar- ket St. 4428x1 WOOL -GLOVES AND MITTS BY Grandmere at TUDOR'S in Hensel). All shades and pre-shrunk too, at 1.00 pr. 4428-1 FORS SALE—REFRIGERATOR jN A-1 edhdlfion : tri -light lamp good as new. Applli to Boa 191, HURON EXPOSITOR. II. 4422-0 Hoban DRESSES FOR CHRISTMAS are ideal gifts„ and TUDOR'S in Hen - sail have a grand selection of them in .half Shan too. 4428-1 FiOR SALE -MEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs, to all makes. SiNGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Goderieb. Phone 1185. :4895-tf �SAia—k7 ot. BMW CAR.s sife; i>ndddd�g•''a small Wttgplre��;. kldfr d i 4, 581 %Ors ahoea' sllpp-th,' size 4; high rut , size 5. P8YO20'21t 11 Sextants. • 4i 4428,d FOR $3Ai.--iaLR`L'9 BLU(; KENWA01I' east, eke 14-,,etranahal tweed dant. size 14 biao'Ic SathOtuldcoat. size 14-10; black boucle coat, sine 16; also h6ekey outilt;`, Pen ' 1n28 S �ey toith {cloves, sf 44 14„ J vj ,�nl. •.,, 1R»WQoI S A 06m.1�� { 0S`'1�1 !rte 6 r Cards Of Thanks R- WILLIAM 'HARRISON AND FAM - .U. ily wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and sympathy extended to them during their recent and sad 'bereavement. Special thanks to the Ruston Nursing Home, Mit- chell, and to all those who sent flowers, cards, or helped in any way. 4428x1 In Memoriam BROOMS—ISI LOVING MEMORY' OF son an brother (Bobby), our darling' d ( by , who was accidentally killed four years ago, November 22, 1948, aged 5 years and 7 months. Death leaves a heartache nothing can heal; Love leaves a memory no one can steal; And all through the years may it be many or few, Will be filled, dear Bobby, with memor- ies of you. —Sadly missed by Mother, Daddy, Broth- ers and Sisters. 4428x3 Births CHARPK—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on November 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Stan Charpk, R.R. 1, Seaforth, a son. McLEAN At Scott Memorial Hospital,; on November 19, to Mr, and Mrs_ Ross Mo - Lean. Seaforth, a daughter. 'McLEOD-At Scott ,Memorial Hospital, on (November 20, to Mr. and Mrs... Ray- mond McLeod, a daughter. NIGH—iAt Scott Memorial Hospital, on Noveaber 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nigh, Seaforth, a daughter. Deaths HOLMES—in • Toronto, on Monday, Nov. 17, Samuel Glenn Allan Holmes, second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Holmes,' Seaforth, in bis 64th year. MURRAY—In McKillop, do Sunday, Nov, 16. Mary Catherine Ryan, beloved wife of .Matthew Murray, in her 44th year. SEAFORTH CAB R C. WATTE4.WORTH, Prop. AH Passengers Insured 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE 580-M, Seaforth NOTICE ! Saivage WANTED WE WILL• PICK OP iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rage t •ighest COitib Prfces ,Paid t,OUIS !ILDF.RAND 114414 -to pay for your too'( .q: down payment When you join.... (Committees for the November 28 euchre, Sponsored by the ,Seaforth W.I.,are as follows: lunch, Mrs. E. Cameron, Mrs. W. Coleman; tables and chairs, Mrs. E. Kerr, Mrs. G. Dapple; prizes, Mrs. G. Horner; punchers, Mrs_ H. Hugill, Mrs. R. McLachlan, Mrs. L. Car- ter, Mrs. P. Doig, Miss M \bel Cam- eron. Members are remindedto either bring or send a cake. �. Eighteen Euchre Tables At LO.O.F. Hall Friday Eighteen tables of euchre we e in play at the 1.0.0 F. Hall last F. i• day evening when the ladies of Re bekah Edelweiss Lodge sponsored a party in aid of the C.P. and T. fund. Mrs. ,Ches Henderson was mis- tress of ceremonies and Mr. Arclpi' :Hubert thanked the plagers for their attendance, Prize ,-winners were: ladies, high,. Mrs. 1 McKel- lar; lone land's, Mrs. N7 Sco'ns; consolation, ,Mrs, Alex M>ilil men, high, Robert McClure; ,7tirie `,p'ands, Lorne Webster; consolation, Victor Lee. Lunch Was served at the close of the games. Thrifty Kippenettes Hear Talk on Good Posture, Own Faults The third meeting of the Thrifty Kippenettes was held at the home of Ann Sinclair recently. Roll call was answered by "one.line of cloth- ing suitable Tor me." Each girl told her own experience. Mrs. E1do Jarrott gave a -dem- onstration cin" 'good' posture and discussed the 'girldVitaulte. Mrs. William Bell showed the girls how to make tailored' tacs. Mrs. Elder and Mrs. W. Bell gave a demonstration on how to make buttonholes, and they were' also shown how to increase and .de- crease patterns. Winthrop Young People Have Anniversary The Young People, .under . the Leadership' of their Sunday School ,teacher, Mrs, E. Toll, held their an- niversary service Sunday evening, November .t; in Cavan 011urcb, when the .;new electric organ, was Played for the first time- ,. Lorraine..,Smith,' YAP, organist, `played. The .Y.P. choir . sang an anthem and Were ,assisted by Pets Van,Cliet, Walton, who sang two solos. Rev. W. al:" Thomas, Walton, de- livered the serinon. Mr. G. Smith; Seaforth, played a short organ re- ,cital. ": s The Young People are preparing the play, "Abigail Gbed • HayVvire," which they plan to present in the church in early Decem'ber. W INCHEI..SEA • :Mr. and, ,Mrs. :Nelson Coultlsj spent Sunday vJitlri. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. 'Cline Dobbs and Mt. ant]'' Mrs. +Stevens• and sona spent the weekentl with Mr. and Mr's. Ivan . Brock. .Mr. Gorden De1'brictgg'visited his brother, 'Reg Delbrld'ge, on Sun- day. Mr, Wand OMrs..,.! Re : ;Donna' ' d MarY'a n' ° :;, . `r .d;bira. i>i►lb. i:latteli• -weer"iin Sarna Sun- day visiting 1Vlrx, andd,,,Mi ;; s Darold Den1i m: ' Mrs. Colin Gtlfl11an and!,3ariaarit Ann visited 'Thursday at SnII *Iti With Her aunt; Mrs idi+ W' 4; The Eelpirig Hand Ml&&risiit�T> will meet " this Saturday; 4n; schoolroom of the C rur�..N will be the anneal lig,, let C , full attendance la refine.- i Mr. and Mrs. W N,NtFI' ,, le l Tuesday '80 spend the *Intel' with their sister, 'Mrs. C. Iiley, in Lgndon. Mr. and Mrs. James McClure and elnildrep. spent Sunday, With :Mr. and Mrs: Garnet Taylor,Staffa. Staffa. Mrs. Arthur Alexander visited,. friends.. in Toronto this week. Mr. George A. McClure rand son, Roger, London, visited, his grand- father wn Saturday. The many friends of Mrs. Theron Betties will' be sorry to hear she is in Stratford Hospital. CONSTANCE Mr. and 'Mrs. Emery Troyer, Bins- earth, insearth, Man., visited a few days with Mr. -and Mrs. 'Ephriam Clarke. and, other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Troyer came to Toronto to attend the Royal Winter- Fair: Monday Mr. and ',Mrs. Emery Troyer and Mr. and Mrs. k phriam. Clarkemotored to London and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke and Mrs. Effie BRIT. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawson and Reg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Webster, St. Helens. Mr. . and Mrs. Walter Butter, ;Blyth, were guests Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs Ernest ,Adams. . Mrs, James; Medd has returned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs.- George Layton, Exe- ter. Mrs. Belle McCully is a guest with Mr. and Mrs•- Ep'hriam Clarke.. Kelso Adams, Centralia, spent Wiainesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs_ E. Adams, Clarence Montgomery and ,Verne Dale are having hydro installed. 'LION Mr. and Mrs. George .Moore and family, Staffa, visited with Mr. and Mr's. Lawrence Barker_Sunday. Senator William, H.' Golding, Sea - forth, visited recently with .Mr. J. W. Britton. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross .Gordon and Donna, Mr. H. Gordon and Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Hydeand family vis- ited with Mrs- J. Malcolm and M. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Canning and family, Kitchener, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Roney and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney. Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper and Mrs. J. Balfour and Dalton visited. with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Pepper on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott and daughters, Seaforth, visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr. J. W. l ritton spend Sunday with his daughter, • Mrs_. Kingsley - Salton, arid Mr. Salton., •:. Mr. and Mrs; Noirma,n Stanlake and family, Exeter, and Mrs. H. Workman ;silent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Herb Britton. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn and Ernie Haro:d; visited with• Mr, and e. \,A,lonzo SEarlburn at Thurn'e date:. -. X9bert Laing and 'iCtou IOIII ii have returned frolu a hunting'trlp. Mrs. John Wallace and Mr. Ind re. Donald Scott are spending a mows at the Royal Wpater Fair 4n , Toron#o. 114r and Mrs. Stewart Robertson, iaawel, visited with his mother, Mrs.., R. Robertson, and brother, John. ° .Mr. Murray Balfour has return- ed home after visiting with his mother, Mrs. E. Balfour, in Wind- sor. Mr. and Mrs. George Kerslake, Kintail,, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John hocking Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. \Lawrence Russell, Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle S.teckley, Wellesley, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boweover the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, ac- companied by Lorne Wasman, Sea - forth, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank "Irwin in Putnan. Mr. Thomas Gillespie and daugh- ter, Komoka, and cousin, Marjorie Purdon, Winnipeg, visited with Mr. and . Mrs. Thomas Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and Audrey, Mitchell; and Gordon Houghton, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Roes Houghton Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing, Mrs. Duncan McKellar, Mrs.: M. Hough, ton and Olive Speare visited Sun- day afternoon with Rev. G. Young and Mrs. Young at Forest. Miss Viola Miller, Staffa, spent the weekend with her cousins, Dianne, Billie and Linda Houghton. KIPPEN Mr. Robert Cooper returned home a week ago after visiting his daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, Cairo. Michigan. We are pleased to see Jack Coop- er, Jr., out again after fracturing his arm.. ,Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider and Judy, Stratford, were Sund•av visitors with the latter's, father, Mr. Robert Thomson. Mrs: Winder returned home Sat urday after visiting in London a couple of weeks. Emmerson Kyl , Russell Consitt, Elmore Stevenson, Campbell Eyre, Lloyd McLean, Stanley Jackson, Wilbur ,Scott, William Bell, Her- man Daymlair, Harry Caldwell, Wes Riohardson'and Allan Tremeer re- turned home Sunday evening after a week's hunting trip at Manitou- lin Island. They' report shooting eight deer. :. 'Mr. and Mrs.) Elmore Keyes, Grant and Gerald, near Varna, spent an evening recently with Mrs. Keyes' mother, Mrs. G. E. Thomson. A number from in and around the village have attended the Roy- al Winter Fair in Toronto. Mrs. Watson, Londesboro, and ' Miss Fern Watson, Toronto, visit - ,ed Sunday with the former's. daugh- ter•, and son-in-law, 11fi. and Mrs. John Sinclair. Mr_ and Mrs. Wesley Green and family, Mitchell; Mr. . and 'Mrs. Charles Green and Mr: and Mrs. Bazaar and • NOME BAKING SALE -at- ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH Kippen SATURDAY, NOV. 22 at 2:30 p.m. Booths' Will "Consist of: - FANCY WORK - BABY ARTICLES 'HOME BAKING - VEGETABLES FISH POND - TOUCH and TAKE Tea will be served - 25c &\alley. It4,04o, Ponsmtvilie. vielt ed Mr. Jonah 'Green ,Stlniiay . Mr. and Mrsw Norman Divkert and Merle visited relatives 4u Clif ford on Sunday. +Mrs's. Marion Thomson, Londear #ae,,PflalAin r0 002 T4940.91 i2 Oijr, and Mxs Dlker a d laduiAye nieved°'LSaturdilk tr91n' w,til�'Srtal`1,h1;co ta?Ferup R'etf�,�Flo@a* r, ,lt Ustardrs Jlauae on,' ate;OW baro, spent •tike weekend at the' don Read, When You Thinkof Lur bier. THINK OF Seaforth rims OPEN EVERY DAY — ALL DAY Except Sunday Our Christmas CataIogue. WILL SHORTLY BE MAILED TO ALL OUR FRIENDS IN SEAFORTH - AND DISTRICT 11 Don't fail to see this collection of 'Gift Sugges- tions Gifts for 'Father, 'Mother, Sister, Brother and Friends. It's crammed with ideas to help you solve your Christmas season gift- problems. ift''problems. IIARDWARE Opportunity Days Sale Continues Dres'Ses Same High Standard Styl- ' ln'g' and Quality at 20% REDUCTION' Station. Wagon Coats COATSAT All -Weather Coats with. Zip -in Linin[ 20% OFF FIRST' QUALITY MERCHANDISE IN BLOUSES AND LINGERIE At Greatly. Reduced Prices ONLY FIVE' WEEKS TILL CHRISTMAS Do Your Christmas Shopping Now! Carol Lyn Shop •- - A h. $150.00 IN CASH COMMENCING NOVEMBER 1, 1952, until DECE MER 24, 1952,• Each Buyer of a Car Pur- chased at BRUSSELS MOTORS At a Value of Over $300.00, is Entitled to• Enter the CASH PRIZE DRAW, To Be Made Christmas Eve, 1952! • MUSED, CARS AND. TRU 1,95'2 CHEV. DE LIKE' STYLELINE COACH 1951 CHEV. FL` 1952 OH'EV. STYLELTlN1E SEDAN 1952 PONTIACr STYLELINE SEDAN' 1951 CI#',EV. DE LUXE STYLELINE. • ' Pllbwerglide; $1,995.00' 2-1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS at $1,854.po 1961 C!BJEV. STYLELINE COACH at $1,850.00 2-1951 011( V. 'DE LUXL'1 STYLEMNE SEDANS 1950 C;i•TEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN- :fully 'EDAN- ,fully equipped' :' 1ldat y'•,Older Models' o Choose' `tom • ts1ff. 1" , 8Rtff •i 14x•'; 14 41 1949 ODE+ V. 5.j'ASSEN t COUPE - Fillip equippe 41;4 i.00 • t• 1949 Pti,ymoCJ rH SEMI LUXE . g' - stinAN- .,395.'00 • 1949 ,METTE01i. SEDAN - Completelyrecinfli- tionedl-$1,295.00, - • 1940-PLYM 17T1:I COAOit •----. TRUCKS ^ 1946 MERCURY %-TON �E"ANEL-. $385 • 1948, CHEV _eye, -TON .P,ICKU+P YnjY' Il!'141 N C0W4'tylt pone OST esti) CAI%. Open Every Evening' ',;<a", AltRB" NE 738 '1 ' S f rt 12 ta 4 a, ,37;., a y t,,