HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-10-24, Page 8THE HURON EXPOSITOR Specialize en ,VIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS • ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS 3 BURGLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Companies who • Stye Security with Service. ALSO AGENT FOR ONTARIO THRESHERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE •Inforination gladly given. WATSON & REID It A. REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate PHONE 214 : SEAFORTH FOR SALE modern Dwelling on East Wil- liam St. New air condaioning unit. mediate possession. Two -Storey Dwelling on Centre &t. All modern conveniences. Well &mated. Early possession. Modern 2 -Storey Dw oiling, with Enrage. Sparling St, Possession arranged. ' In Egmoudville, 1% storey three- bedroom dwelling; doilble lot, and st.able; small fruits. Possession within a Month - Brick Dwelling, Goderich St. Im- mediate possession, Comfortable 6 -room Dwelling in Winthrop; 1/3 acre of land, with mafl fruits. Early possession. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St., With all modern conveniences. Pos- session arranged. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID REAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 ems11111111menallimaellillainewallineemill COAL Our Coal comes from the best region in North America. Fresh - mined with modern equipment; double -washed and double -screened. The Best on the Market! William M. Hart Phone: Office 784 I1824 or 162-W LEMON'S TAXI All Passengers Insured PHONES: INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res. 222-R MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH • 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111b. 111111111111114111111111111111111111111111111111 FuneralDesigns • Wedding Flowers - Corsages - Pottery - Tropical Fish - Greeting Cards FLOWERS Owned and Operated by ERIC and BARBARA MILNER Phone 393 Seaforth "Flowers Wired Anywhere" 0 0 0 4 0 0 <> 00 0 0 0 00 1.1> W. J. CLEARY 0 O Seaforth, Ont.10. LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O ANOFUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Niat or Day Calls — 335 .0 0 0 0'0 00' 0 00000000000 o J. A. BURKE o 0 Funeral Director • .0 0 and Ambulance See -vier 0 0 DUBLIN ONT. • 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 0 Phone 43 r 10 00000000000 O 0000000000 o , 0 0' G. A. WHITNEY <> 0 Funeral Home 0 O Goderlch St. W., Seaforth 0 0 AMBOL,/1NCE sratvien 0 /0 Adjustable hospital beds 0 0 for rent. o 0 mlOWERS FOR EVERY 4 0 OCCASION 0 0 Telephone: Day or Niggitalli) 4 0 Rosiderthe 65 0 0 0 IP 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/ 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 ••0 .to ' 0 to BOX 0 :mural ilitrbitt 0 ,. ,e „. R. tie Box It!• .- itiottiotutimmiter .0 .,. 40A111,ILANDE ' " intearetitattettlintt. 4 ' ''' .Argpwssti:110* AcT. * ' ••'•',.it,' .,446-14S: ;,. khan*: 11/M0' .tore 4s 0 0 0, 0 0-0 41:i. '0*0 • • ':' ,„ , )# ,' e :Oltinalited '''' NEWS OF THE YOWN ANNOUNCEME'NT The engagement is annodnced of -Elizabeth Anne Main, daughter of Mrs. Bain, Hamilton and the late W. W. Main, and James Gordon Harrison, son of Dar.. and Mrs. Ar- thur George Harrison, Mimico, the marriage to take place in Centen- attar United Church., Hamilton, October 31. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carter wish to announce the engagemeof their only daughter, Margaret Beth, to Harold Edbrook Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knight, Toron- to. The wedding will take place in November. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bennevries, R.R. 1, Bornholm, announce the en- lagement of their daughter, Jean Irene, to Mr. Wilfred Drager, son of Mr, and 'Ml -s. Ernest Drager, Sea - forth. The wedding will take place 'arty in November. Northside United Church. — 10 am„ Sunday School and Adult Bible Class; services at 11 a.m. and 7 Tem.; preacher, Rev. Clifford Brit- ton, B.A., Forest.—Rev. J. W. A. Stinson, Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church.— 10 a.m., Sunday 'School; 11 , Morning Prayer; Laymen's Ser- vicee 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. St. Mary's Church, Dublin -2 p.m., Sun- day School; 3 p.m., Evening Pray- en—Rev. W. A. Jones, Rector, First Presbyterian Church. — 10 am„ Sunday School and Bible Class; 11 a.m., 'Morning Worship; Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., Eve, ning Worship; Rev. T. E. Kennedy, Rodney, guest speaker. --Rey. D. G. Campbell, Minister. 1:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 * Weddings * McNAUGHTON --FRAISER The marriage of Jean Sylvia, daughter of 'Mrs. Jeanette Praiser, and the late Grant Praiser, Sea - forth, to John Earl McNaughton, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. John McNaugh- ton, Tuckersmith, was solemnized at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, (Seaforth. The Rev. W. A. Jones • officiated, Miss Marjory Rae and - Lyle Racho were their only attend- ants. The bride wore a navy blue gab- ardine suit with grey accessories. The bridal couple left on a motor trip to Toronto and points east, On their return they will live on the groom's farm in Tackersnaith. CLARK - WATSON Last iSaturday afternoon, at two o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wat- son, Seaforth, the Rev, A. W. Gard- iner officiated at a lovely ceremony which united in marriage Mayme Strickland Watson, and Albert Wil- liam Clark, Highgate, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Clark, Highgate. Mrs. Warden Haney and 'Miss Alice Watson, Seaforth, sisters of the bride, were the accompanist and soloist, respectively. The home was decorated with chrysanthemums and autumn leaves. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown fashioned of cloud pink embossed nylon mar- quisette over white taffeta and her hand -embroidered elbow -length veil of French illusion was gathered to a matching tiara. She carried a cascade bouquet of Starlight white and pink Briarcliffe rosebuds lean Watson, Toronte, as her sister's only attendant, chose evening green nylon marquisette over faille taffeta. Rho wore a matehbag Pleated haltantt, trimmed wi pale green brash featheis, and ca ed a. cascade bouquet of bronze and yellow baby mums. 'Calvin •Clark, Thamesville, bro- ther of the groom, was best man. Usher was Warden Haney, Sea - forth. At a reception, held at tale home of Mr. and Mrs. William Sinclair, Clinton, Mrs. Watson received in an afternoon dress of triple sheer navy, with matching accessories, and a -corsage of pink carnations. She was assisted by the. groom's mother, who chose an afternoon dress of 'black crepe, with match- ing accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. For a wedding trip to northeast- ern points, the bride wore a grey gabardine suit, navy gabardine top- coat,' navy accessories and a cor- sage of white baby mime. On their return they -will reside at Muir - kirk. The bride is a graduate of the Stratford General Hospital and Children's Memorial Hospital, Mon- treal. . HILL - GRAHAM Calvary United Church, London, was the scene Saturday for the wedding of Donna Marie Graham; daughter of Mr, and ears. T. Soma- uel H. Graham, London, and David William Hill, Sinacoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ivan Hill, and grand- son of Mr.., and &Mrs. James Hill, Seaforth. The Rev. E. G. Turnbull SEAVORTH CAB R. C. WATraltWORTH, Prop. All Passengers Insured 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE 580-M, Seaforth Euchre ST. COLUIVIBAN Monday, Oct. 21,7 ' Cards at 9 p.m. LUNCH SERVED AdmisSion - 50c Bazaar • AFTERNOON TEA HOME COOKINd SALE First Presbyterian Church Saturday, Nov. 1 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Aprons - Candy Knitted Goods and other articles for sale! . Everybody Welcome! • Women's Auxiliary To Scott Memorial Hospital Rummage Sale Seaforth Public Library SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th 2 TO 6 P.M. Donations of Good Used Clothing, Produce and Articles for Novelty Booth will be appreciated. • A house-to-house collection will be made on Wednesday, October 22, after 2 p.m. If your bundle was overlooked, please phone DOROTHY PARKE, at 319, or MRS. RAYMOND NOTT, at 662 r 2. • FIRST CHURCH MEN'S CLUB , Presents the Earle Terry Singers FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Seaforth OIL THURSDAY,8:10CTOBER 30 Ilidte internationally known choir has won fame in Carnegie Hall, New York, as well alo Cleveland, De- troit, Toronto, Montreal, St. John. Featured by the CDC each season in a ,series of coast-to-coast broadcaSts, the *holt is also tilie of the first Canadian groups,invited to perform over the NBC. ADMISSION $L00 •Chik*en With Adults 50c •.. • .• .• • .. '• • officiated; organist was' IVIartin RoundY, and the soloist, Mrs. Ger- ald Lahn. Baskets of fall-toned- ehryeanthemums and ferns banked the chancel. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of mist white Chantilly lace and 'French net over taffeta. The moulded basque featured a portrait neckline and the net yoke was outlined by ap- pliques of lace extending down the front of the bodice. The full skirt of multiple layer net was enhanc- ed by vertical panels of lace. Her full-length veil of imported tulle il- lusion was caught to a raohair-edg- ed lace cap trimmed with pearls. She carried a hand cascade of SR- versheen roses and stephanotis. The three attendants, Miss Ellen Graham, as maid of honor, and Mrs. Carl McArthur, bridesmaid, sisters of the bride, and Miss Bar- bara Hill, bridesmaid, sister o' the groom, were gowned identically in orchid lace and French net, They carried baskets of roses in tones of orchid and cream. Elmore Hill, brother of the groom, was •groomsman, and ushers were Carl McArthur and Reginald Ward. For the reception at Braemar Lodge the 'bride's mother wore au- tumn rust crepe with rhinestone trim, black accessories and a cor- sage of Talisman roses. The groom's mother was attired in cop- per -toned iridescent taffeta with black accessories and corsage of Briarcliffe roses. For a motopatrip to Eastern On- tario and Quebec, the bride wore a blue wool suit with navy accessor- ies and an orchid corsage. The bride is a graduate of the Univers- ity of Western Ontario and the groom graduated from the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. They will live in Simcoe. 4e,r,,eivelat- LATE PETER A READMAN The death occurred here Sunday morning at 8 o'clock, after 'five weeks' illness, of Peter A. Read - man, in his 81st year. He was born in Seaforth, but farmed in Morris. Township for several years before returning here 32 years ago. The only surviving member of the family is' a• sister, Miss Emma Readman, ISeaforth, with whom he lived. The late Mr. Readman was a member of St. James' -Roman Catholic Church. The body rested at the home of his sister until Tuesday morning, at 9:30 a.m., when it was •conveyed to St. James' Church, where Re- quiem High Mass was sung by Rev, E. P. Weber. Interment was in St. James' cemetery. The pallbear- ers were C. Malone, H. Maloney, Robert McGonigle, Roy McGonigle, J. Walsh and P. J. Dorsey. District Weddings DELANEY - JORDAN DUBLIN.--Chrysanthenaums and asters in varied shades decorated the altar of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, Saturday morning for the marriage of Dorothy Agnes, daugh- ter of Mrs. Loretta Jordan and the late John Jordan, to •Mr. Jame% John Delaney-. son of Mr. James Delaney and tbe•late Mrs. Delaney. Rev, Dr. Ffoulkes, P,P., perform- ed the ceremony and sang the nup- tial mass. Mrs. Lane presided at the organ. At the Offertory, Mr. James Gallagher, 'Toronto, a cou. sin of the bridegroom, played a violin solo, "Ave Maria," and at the signing of the reg,ster.,"Panis An- gelicus." • Given in marriage by her broth- er, Mr. John Jordan, of Kitchener, the bride ware a floor -length gown of ice -blue point d'esprit lace over net and satin, with matching head- dress and finger-tip veil, and car- ried a bouquet of White roses. Mrs. John Costello, West Monk - ton, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, wearing a ballerina -length dress of coral taffeta and lace with coral feather headdress, and car- rying yellow and blue chrsyanthe- mums. The groomsman was Mr. Joseph Delaney, brother of the bridegroom, and the ushers were Mr. Frank Bruxer, Dublin, and Mr. Grattan Dwyer, Leamington: Following the ceremony, a dinner was served at "Fairview," Seaforth, attended by 40 'guests. Afterwards a reception and buffet luneheon were held at the bridegroom's home. The bride's mother received the guests wearing a black sheer dress with black accessories and a corsage of yellow chrysanthemums. She was assisted by the bride- groom's sister, Mrs. Louis )3ruxer, wearing a gray dress with black accessories and a corsage of white chrysanthemums. Mr, and Mrs. 'Delaney left later on a trip to Montreal and Quebec. For travelling the bride wore a gray- wool dress and yellow coat with brown accessories and a cor- sage of yellow and brown chrysan- themums. On their return .Mr. and 'Mrs. Delaney will reside on the 'bride- groom's farm in McKillop. October Meeting Held Of Elimville WA, WMS The Elimvine W.M..S. and W.A. held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Horace Delbridge with 30 ladies present. Mrs. H. ,Vord and Mr. W. Rout- ly had charge of the meeting fol- lowing theagissionary Monthly pro- ject. Mrs. Ivan Brock read the Scripture and readings were given by Mrs. Lynn and. Mrs. A, Cooper, Ruth Skinner led in prayer. Mrs, Delmar Skinner was ap- pointed delegate to the Sectional meeting at Chiselhurst. Plans were made for Schtielder's Night. The ladies are to assist with serving at the At -Home tea at Rev. Ideore's on Friday. The W.A. held a penny sale -and Group A served Ilinch. Ilee. "What ever became Of the old-fashioned girls who fainted 'when a man kissed them?" She: "Vilhaft ever became 01the otd-fashioned men whose kisaed Made Mean faint?" IN AND OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS .i.;••••1, 4ti:4001g4111011it .M1441"144,712— fl- Vet'. 4..ve 144 4111',11% Mir. and Mrs. Bay Bonssey and for Windsor after being on the staff sons spent lest week in Windsor. of the post office for a year. Miss Mies A. Downey and WS. J. O. Teresa McIver is' taking her place Crich spent Thanksgiving weekend until an appointment is wade. in New York City. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thorn and Mr. and 'Mrs; Gladson Campbell, fantily, Mrs. Thorn, Sr., and Mr. Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. Stevenson, all of London, were the and Mrs. T. W. McMillan. guests of Mr. Joe Heffernan and 'Mr. and ,Mrs. Thomas B. Baird, Miss Teresa Heffernan on Sunday. Brueefield, were Sunday guests of Mrs.. Myrtle -Carnochan has- re - Mr. and. Mrs. Duncan Aikenhead, turned to Wayne County General Mr. and :Mrs. Alex McGavia, Hospital, Eloise, Mich., after spend- Stratfor4 were guests of Mr. and, ing the past week with her brother Mrs. George afeClav-in on Sunday. and aister-inelaw, Mr. and Mrs. Rue - Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hudson and sell •Coleman, Tuckersmith, and fa.mily, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- brother -hs, -law and sister, 'Mr. and fred Cameron and family, Tucker- Mrs. Ephriam Clarke, Hullett. smith; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Deigel Mr. and IVIrs. T. J. *Flynn at - and family, of Borholm, spent tended the •Massey -Kilpatrick wed- Thanksgieing with their parents, ding in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson. Mr. and' Mrs. /Morley Weight, Mr. and Mae Oliver 'Elliott, Strat- Hamilton, spent the weekend with ford, spent Sunday in town and his mother, 'Mrs. Alex Wright. attended anniversau services in Mrs, E, C. Case has returned Northside United' 'Church. from Roxbury, N.Y., where she vis - Rev. and Ernest Clarke, Thorn- ited, her daughter and son-in-law, hill, were weekend guests of his Mr. and Mrs. llarrien,C. Morse. parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Clarke. Mrs. Alex ,MoGregor and family Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keiterborn, and Mrs. William Wilbee and Ted - Milverton, spent Sunday with Mr. dy have returned from Sault 'Ste. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. Marie, where they spent, the week - Mr. Frqd Weedanark, Toronto, end with Mr. and Mrs. James Ed - was the guest of Mr. William Munn wards. Mrs. Edwards returned over the week -end. with them for a short visit, mr. and Mrs. George .McGravin Mr, and Mrs. Robert McKercher spent a few days in BidduLph Town- and Mr. and Mrs, James M. Scott ship last week, have recently returned from a Mies Betty Bannon left this week motor trip to Lexington, Kentuck•y. (Mr. and- Mrs. James Hill were in London Saturday attending the ••••••••••••••••••••••.../M........V.M.WI 'blue soar SOLID FUEL. FOR SOLID GOMFORT rhe Color Guarantees the Quality WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 3634 •Res, 192-M WW FOR SALE 7elloom Frame in Egmondville; Easy terms. 7 -Room Frame on North Main St. Has bath and furnace. 5 -Room Frame on George 'St, . 7 -Room Brick in Brussels, on 2% aores of land. Farms! Farms! Farina! 100 Acres, near Londesboro; good building. 100 Acres in Grey County; , good brick house with bath and furnace. 100 Acres east of Brussels, on Highway; has Hydro. 150 Acres on No. 8 Highway, near Seaforth. Call W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL •olnallilsommommwallilliPmaimiswealiass "Far away fields But You Don't Have To Look Far To Find' the BEST in Bread . . . . TRY CRICH'S WHITE Clover Bread or For the small family • SEAFORTH BRAND BREAD Fresh At Your Door EVERY Day . . . Crich's Bakery Phone 34 : Seaforth P.S.—You don't have to Toast it to Taste it! wedding of their grandson, David William Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ivan Hill, Simcoe, Mrs. Cecil Adams, Goderich, spent Wednesday in town. Dr. and Mrs. F, Harburn attend - e4 the Hill - Graham wedding Sat- urday at London. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kaiser have returned after spending their holidays in 'Torontb, Detroit and Cleveland. The property of the late Earl Van Egmond in Egmondville has been sold to Mr, Thomas Jackson. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Frank, o Cleveland, were guests this weei of Miss Annie Gordon. Cavan Church Holds Anniversary Service Cavan Church, Winthrop, held anniversary services last 'Sunday with a large congregation attend- ing in the morning. Rev. F. Scott, Blyth, was the gUest speaker both morning and evening. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Oliver Anderson furnished the music and the Blyth quartet sang at both ser- vices. Rebekah Lodge Fund Holds Second Euchre Twelve tables of euchre were en- joyed at the second event sponsor- ed by the C.F. and T.B. Fund of the Rebekah Lodge Wednesday ev- ening. Mrs. 'Ches. Henderson was mistress of ceremonies. • Prize winners were: Ladies, first, Mrs. John Coutts; lone hands, Mrs. A. Bethune; consolation, Mrs. John 'Crawford; gents, first, James T. Scott; lone hands, Geo. L. Smith; consolation, David Pa.pple. Following the games a social half-hour was spent and refresh- ments were served. 01•411.110SalSon ELIMVILLE About 28 members of the W.I. went by bus to Seaforth Tuesday to enjoy an evening as guests of Seaforth, W.I. • Mr.and Mrs. William Johns spent the weekend he Sarnia with Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Johns. Mr. and Mrs. W. Routly, Anna and Grace, and Mrs. W. Horn spent the weekend in Aylmer with Mr. and Mrs. .N. Routly. Mrs. Horn stayed with her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. D. Avery, St. Thomas. Dr. and ,Mrs. A. E. Johns and son, Dr. Harold Johns, a eo-design- er of the Gobalt bomb, Saskatoon, visited with the forraer's nephew, Ma, and Mrs. Howard Johns and family, on Thanksgiving Day, Mrs, Thomas Bell, Exeter; Miss Alice Miller, nurse -in -training at London, arid. Bob Faveri, Toronto, visited, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. • Bride: "When you married me I thought you were daring and courageous." Groom: "That's nothing. Name one person who didn't." Anallaw1WWWIninneissesellaWinienmenar APPLE DAY -- Saturday, Oct. 25 • "Buy An Apple" PROCEEDS FOR THE SEAFORTH • BOY SCOUTS TROOP' t• • OCTOBER24, .1954 Regent Theatre... SEAFORTII NOW PLAYING TECHNICOLOR • "THE LADY FROM TEXAS" MONA FREEMAN HOWARD DUFF A rip-roaring Western from the Heart of Texas! Don't miss sein- irtg the loveable Little Lady and the Wandering Buckaroo. NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "THE SECRET OF CONVICT LAKE" ETHEL BARRVMORE GLENN, FORDAn ' exciting story of the escape of the convicts from Carson City in the days when the West was rugged. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "NEW MEXICO" LEW AURES MARILYN MAXWELL. The arrow -streaked adventure of the men and the glory that won' New Mexico. This is a Super -Western you've all been waiting for! "A single fact is worth.. a shipload of argument." —Charles Dickens It's. A Fact— a THAT YOU GET More for your Footwear Dollar — at the — WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the BIG Values" — SEAFORTH ar A Reminder 00 Space Heaters IN STOCIS- FESS and QUAKER MODELS with or without' Forced Air Circulation Fans Also Forced Draft When Necessary \ • FOR RENT • Animal Clippers • Floor Polisher Crown Har :ware Phone 797 Seaforth FRANK'S 7:30 A.M. SERVICE 10:30 P.M. "The Servi.' ce You WM Appreciate" CHECK - CHART LUBRICATION Premium and Heavy Duty Motor Oils Washing and Polishing — Tire Repairs Frost Cap Durlube Lubrication Nevi Freeze MOTORWAYS BUS DEPOT Ice Cream Cigarettes — Soft Drinks Phone 592 SEAFORTH F. C. Grieve, Lessee Illaftwomimigmamiimaimmilmimar BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME. with NEW -FLOOR COVERINGS Battleship, Inlaid a n d • Canvas Back Linoleum - - Congoleum, Rexoleum, & Marboleum, with many Patterns to choose front Congoleum and Rex- oleum Rugs, in alt Sizes - - Rubber Tile, Marboleum Tile, Jaspe Tile Let tie Measure and Quote a Price on your room! G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE : FUNERAL iCAMOULANENVICE • Telephone: Day or Wight 119; iteeldenee 69 BRAPOR-ON ONIARIO ' , • '3 '14