HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-10-24, Page 4te" Otet.. I; , •• Ads. ied Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates:. FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word; 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent Sid Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion26 Cent Each ,flgare initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Ceerda of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Eventa—a cent per word- Mintranue 60 *mita per word. Eelquiries may be directed to a Box No-, c/o The Huron EXPoeitor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days eef date a final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of (harem Auction Salm Notices to Creditors, Lace—Rates on application. Coming Events lisaA.ZAAR AND TEA--COlkLE TO THEE "." Varna W.A. Bazaar and Tea at 3 p.m. on Saturday, November 1, in the Varna Town Hall. 4424-1 TONGING AT THE POPULAR CRYS- "' tal Palace Ballroom, Mitcbell, every Friday night, with the Nighthawks, featur- ing Clarence Petrie with the very latest in Western dance tunee, and the best in square dancing. 4423x2 THE W.M.S. OF' FIRST PRESBYTER Lan Church twill hold their 75th anni- versary and Fall Thankoffering on Tues- day, October 28, at 3 p.m. Miss RubY Walker, of Toronto, will be tbe guest speaker. Everybody welcome. 4424-1 Wanted FURNISHED ROOM AND board for gentleman. Apple Box L 197, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4424x1 (10141F038TAB1.E ROOMS AND BOARD available in lerivate -home th accommo- date five. or six elderly People—not bed patients. MRS. WM. CONSITT, P.O. Box 192, Hensall, Ont. Phone 126, Hensel'. 4424-2 Help Wanted MEN WANTED — FURN1TUR,E EX- perienee preferred, but not essential. Apply JOHN BOSHART & SONS, Sea - forth. 4423-2 MOOR -TO -DOOR SALESMAN WANT- ' ed to 'sell our 225 well-known and QKATES AND BOOTS FOR SALE — 2 . guaranteed products including: cosmetics, " emirs, size 8; 1 pair, size 2: 1 pair, eutinaries, medicines, tea. coffee, etc. size 4; 1 pair, size 13. PHONE 490-3, Large discount Splendid vacant territor- Seaforth. 4424x1 ies in your neiehborhood. Unlimited in- come for the ambitious Person. No risk— FOR SALE — CLARE JEWEL WHITE very little capital needed. Partieuhirs: JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. 4421-4 • For Sale pun SALE -2 REGISTERED HERE- ' ford halls, 12 and 15 months olcL Ap- ply to IVAN FORSYTH, R.R. 2 Kippen. 4424x1 pole SALE—REFRIGERATOR IN A4 condition: tri -light lame good as new. Apply to Box 191, HURON EXPOSITOR, 44224,f FOR SALE --GOOD PRINCESS ROSE " cook stove, and a quantity of wood. jAKES F.LLIOTT. Phone 249-W, Sea- forth- 4424-1 THE HUT OF THE SEASON! 'LINED " jeans for kiddies, 3-6X, at 2.95. Com- Pletely sanforized, at TUDOR'S in Hen - mil Matching iihirts, too! WOOD FOR SALE — REASONABLY " • priced. Apply to WILLLAII Mc- PILERSON, RR 1, Walton; Lot 7, Con. 14, McKillop Two- 4923x2 FOR SALE-3-4'IE381E COAT SET, BLUE witla leopard skin trim; size 5. GOR - DON PA.PPLE. Phone 8.39 r 13, Seaforth. 4424-1 "port SALE -2 EXTRA GOOD LEICES- ' tee rani lambs, not registered. Apply DR, J. W. BELL, Hensel]. Phone 685 r 5. 4423-2 FOR SALE—MARLIN RIFLE, so-so, with case, like new. Price 580.00. ROD. DOIG. Phone 662 r 3, Seaforth. 442442 yeses' MAN-TA1LORED SHIRTS AT TUDOR'S in Hensall, are priced at 2.98. Sizes 12-20, in pink, blue, yellow and sanforized, of course. Property For Sale COTTAGE TOR SALE (NE AND A HALF MILES SOUTH OF Bayfield. on private beaeh, partly furnished ; three bedrooms, living room and kitchesa;oil burner, refrigerator elec- tric stove; separate garage; corner lot. Apply— Box 196 HURON EXPOSITOR 4424-2 Notices ADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS -" of radios, at JERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Diek Hume, Seaforth. Phone 847-38. 4363-tf pAINTING — SPRAY OR BRUSH; " Papering, Sun worthy wallpapers. Fign Painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT. TLE, Hensel'. Phone 'I96-38, Henault. 4921-4 A TTENTION, FARMERS I — PROMPT, courteous Collection of all' dead and' disabled farm animate. Call collect, ED, ANDREW'S. 851 r II. Seaforth, or 23e, Feeter isnociated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4399- tf COURT OF REVISION Township of Tuckersmith COURT OF REVISION WILL BE HELD see on the 1952 Assessment Roll, TOWII.- ship of Tuckersmith. on Tuesday. Ocheber 28, at 2 pence, in the Town Hall, Seaforth. 'Last date for appeals: October 14, 1952. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith. .44234 COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP of MeKi/lop will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assesement Roll of 1952-53 at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, November 3, at 10 a.m. Parties interested should govern them- selves accordingly. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, lellcKillop. 4424.2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Charlotte Maria Cooper, late of the Village of Hensel', in the County of Huron, Widow, De- ceased. A LL PERSONS 2 -LAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of the aboVe de- ceased are required to file the Herne with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Eseate, on or before the 10th day of November, AD. 1952, after which date the assets will be dietributed amongst the Parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Minton, Ontario, this 14th day of October, A.D. 1952. F. FINGLAND, (LC., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. .HYGIENIC SUPPLIES(R UBBE Ft 4423-3 Goode), mailed postpaid in Plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-73 NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont Auction Sales UOTIoN SALB-8PON3OMen Irr " Ladies' Aid of Carmel Preebyterian Church, in liensall Community Arena, on Wednesday, October 29, at 8 p.ra. articles dopated by members of church (furniture, clothing, china, ete.); goods in Arena Weduesday sefternon. E. W. ELLIOTT. Auctioneer. 44234 A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD "3- Furnishings in Seaforth, at the home of tars. J. J. Sdater, High St., on Satur- day, Oetober 26, at 2 o'clock; Six-foot Frigidaire; studio bed much; bed, springs and mattress; dresser; dining room ex- tension table: 6 chairs and arm chair: sideboard; writing desk; Electralux vacuum cleaner (like new); small kitchen table; 6 chairs; mirror; rugs; electric or wood Annex stove; tub; boiler; coal scuttle; pots and pans; mops; rocking chair; pic- tures; clocks; silver; dishes; odd dishes; kitchen dishee; floor ham; small radio; heating Pad. and other small articles. Terms—Cash. ESTATE OP' 'rem LATE JOHN FINLAYSON. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4428-2 - AUCTION SALE THE PROPERTY OCCUPIED BY THE late James Riley will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, Octo- ber 25, at 12:30 p.m., on the premises, at the corner of John and Jarvis' Streets, in the Town of Seaforth. Such property consists of 6 -roomed frame cottage with three-piece bath, to. cated on let approximately 50, x Ille. Full basement with cement floor; well lo- cated on paved street. Term5-29% down: balance in 30 days. Subject to reserve bid. Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. mocoNereese & HAYS, Solicitors for James Riley Eatate 9423-2 pLEAMING AUCTION SALE OF FARM and Perm Machinery, at Lot 8, Conces- sion 7, Stanley Township, 3 miles south oft Varna, on Monday, October 27„ at 1 p.m.: MACHINERY — Massey -Harris binder; Massey-Flarris 13 -hoe seed drill; dump rake; riding plow; wagon; flat rack; set of harrows; cultivator; 5 tons hay; set oi double harness; 2 tables; writing desk; 3 beds; 10 kitchen chairs and some other household effects. PROPERTY—At same time and place there will be offered for Sale, subject to a reserve bid, the farm, being Lot 8, Concession 7, in the Town- ship of Stanley, upon which there is situ- ate a comfortable house and a good bank barn., TERMS -10% down on date of sale; balance in .30 days, Chattels—Cash. ESTATE OF ADMR. ROBERT FORREST; William Forrest, Executor: Bell & Laugh- ter', Solicitors; Harold Jackson, Auction- eer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 44224 (HEARING AUCTION SALE OF 111- `-' elements and Household Effects, on Lot 2, Concession 1, Tuckeremith, 1 mile south of Heneall. on No. 4 Highway' on Friday, October 31, at 1 pan.: IMPLE- MENTS—M.-IL 6 -ft. binder; M. -H. 5% -ft. mower; 35.-11. 11.hoe seed drill; spring tooth cultivator; 3 oil drums; 2 -row scuf- tier ; set of scales, 2.000 Ms capacitv.. lois enamelled coal and wood stove; first roller; iron axle farm wagon, in good *class condition. Phone Hensall, 679 r 3. ,shape; hay rack; gravel box; dump rake; ROBERT D. ELGLE, Kjppen, horse seufilee - 2 walking plows; top bug - 4420'2 get: Sutter; hay fork rope; pulleys; Clin- ton fanning mill; grindstone; set double pea SALE—MAN'S BROWN SUIT, harnces; 2 sets single harness; horse col- ' size 36-38; gabardine cloth coat; also tars; ladder; De Laval cream separator. large white enamel range, With or With good shape: sap pans; feed box; gallon out water front. PHONE 298, Seaforth, storage tank ; quantity of lumber; forks; scythe. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Kitchen ttee; Morris chair; quantity qf sealers Picture frames; 2 washstands and b rings. No reserve as the farm is sol ". WILLIAM HYD roprietress; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer, 4424 4429-1 eupboarcl • sideboard; round cherry table; FOR SALE --CARROTS, $1.25 BUSHEL; r Citrons, le and lec: Watermelons, 5e and 10c; Cabbage. 12e Ib. r Tulips Bulbs, $1.00 per 100. BASIL PURCELL, Market t. Phone 125-W. 4423x1 TIME TO MAKE GOWNS AND PY- • jarZas, and TUDOR'S in Hensel] have a grand display of flannelettes be the re dies' patterna too. yard. Striries and florals and new kid- lk so Hensall News of the •Week Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden and! Mrs. R, G. MaeKay was the guest Jimmy, Dresden, were weekend vis- itors with Mrs, C. ,Hedden and Herb. Mrs. E. ,Geiger is visiting with her daughter-in-law, -Mrs. Ralph Geiger, Whitby, and also with her son, Ralph, who is, a patient at the Private Patient'? Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shaddick and Judy, Hensell, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Flynn, Seaforth, attended the Massey -Kilpatrick nuptials at 'Chad Anglican 1Church, Toronto, Satur- day, October 18. The groom is the nephew of eirs, tSbaddick and Mrs. Flynn. The many friends of Mr. Fred Peters will regret to learn was taken by ambulance to Clinton Pub- lic Hospital Monday, suffering with pneumonia. Billy Shaddick spent the week- end with relatives in Palmerston. Reformation Sunday Carmel Presbyterian Church will observe Reformation Sunday this Sunday at bhe morning service, and will use the order of service ap- proved by the Assembly, which is the order used by John Knox, the Scottish reformer. Mrs. Laird 'Mickle s•pent the weekend in Toronto' visiting her aunt, Emily Boyle, and family. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Elliott were Mrs. H. O.- Patrick, Calgary; Mrs. Jake Combs, Toron- to, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carson, London. 'Mr. and IVirs. Laird 'Mickle visit- ed last Wednesday in Seaforth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, who telebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Miss Margaret iSehieck, of the public school staff here, attended the funeral in .Drayton Wednesday of John Schieck, three -and -a -half month old son of Mr. and leers. John D. Schieck. A home baking sale will be held in the United Church schoolroom on Saturday, November 1, at 3 p.m., sponsored by the Ladies' Evening Auxiliary. Kathy and Jimmy McCloy, To- ronto, are visiting with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hess. Mr, and Mrs, Stuart 'McBride, Toronto, spent the week -end with the former's parents, ,Mr. and Mrs, Alvin MeBride, Linda Mack, five, daughter of Mr. : ane Mrs. Ron -Mock, who has been ed d. in Victoria Hospital, London, and came home a week ago, was taken to the Siele Children's Hospital, To- -1,ronto, Sunday for further treat- ment. Doctors 'Bain and Shoot, 8- child specialists; are in attendance. 0- le LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements and Household E cts, at Lot No. 12, Concession 1, 580y Townehip, No. 4 Highway, one mi uth of Brucefield, Wednesday, Octobe ,29, at 1 tem., the following: HORSES— Grey Percheron team. CATTLE—Hole stein cow 4 years old, milking, due Feb. 114; Holstein cow 1 years old, milking, due Feb. 14; Holstein cow 6 years old, milk- ing, due March 29; Holstein heifer due December 6; 3 Holstein heifers 1% years old (open) ,• Holstein X Durham cow, .6 Years old, due December 20• Ayrshire X Durham cow, 6 years old, milking, due March 14; Henbane cow 7 years old, milk- ing. due April 3; rurham cow 4 years old, milking, due May 5; Holstein heifer, springing; Durham heifer 1% years old; 2 Durham calves. P1G5—Yorkshire BOW bred: 12 pigs eight weeks old. IMPLE MENTS-aCase model S. tractor 13 years , de with 5'.T.0.. pulley, lights and start - ase 3 -furrow tractor plow: Case 3- section drag harrows; Massey-Haries 54n. der, 7 -ft. cut; M.-11. mower, 6-88.. cut; set of Bissell 7 -ft, traetor diees: Internation. al 13 -disc fertilizer drill: International ha); loader: manure spreader ; 5 -section drag harrows; Mali. cultivator; steel roll- er: rubber tire wagon; flat rack; set of sleighs and flat rank : 2 range shelters: dump rake ; colony hous"e 10 x 12 ; set. of 200-11). scales; 2 electric fencers; Queen's oil brooder stove; De Laval elec- tric cream separator; steel water trough; 8 80 -gallon milk cans. FEED—Approxi- mately 15 tone of mixed hay; approxi- mately 700 bushels of mixed grain, HOUSEHOLD EFF,ECMS—Dining room suite; 6 kitchen chairs; Beatty electric washing me hine; Beach electric range; Winehaen Clipper enamel range; kitchen baking cabinet; also an English Collie cattle dog. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms—Cash. WILLIAM BURDGE, Proprietor; Edward W. Elliott. Auction- eer; K. W. Colquhouri, Clerk. 4424.1 QPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE — -' Small quantity of top quality Northern SPY apples. Apply ROBERT ARCFLI- BALD, R.R. 4, Seaforth,-or phone 655 r 16, Seaforth. 4422-4 FOR SALE—GIRL'S LEOPARD SKIN and wool two-piede snow sait, size 4- 5 . 80 good condition. Amity to MRS. GORDON HORNER, Scaforth. 4424x1 pcne SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, " eleetric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING 'MACHINE CO., Goderich, Phone 1135. 4395-tf port SALE—I4 HEAD DURHAM COWS. eieht with calves at foot, 4 springers, 2 milking. Apple JAMES S. PETTY, 38, R. 2, Hensel!. lole miles west of Kitepen and / mile south. 4424x2 FOR SALE -9 COLONY HOUSE 12424: " 1 ivory and" brown circulator heater; 1 large Clare Jewe/ cook stove with hot water front. Apply ROSS FORREST. R. R. No. 2, KiPPen. Phone 693 r 11, Hen- sel'. 442442 'FOR SALE — HARDWOOD SLABS. mostly maple, eeeno ner load of ap- proximately two cords: mixed wood slabs. $8 Per toad, approximately two cords, de- livered in Seaforth. Let us figure on eour saveluet reouirements, Prompt delivery. FRED ITUDIE, Phone 362, Clinton. Fixtures Furnaces Filters - Fittings COMPLETE BATHROOM FIXTTIRES— se' RAPTI (4%(' or 5e). BASIN, CLOSET, Powder room gets—white or color with chromed fittin es. KITCHT,eN SINKS, white or color—chromed fittinrs and KIT- CHEN SINK CABINETS for porcelain en- amel drain board tops or plastic toes. FIJRNACES--coal and oil gravity or air. conditioning with corterees and replacing FTBERGLASS FILTERSforforced-air fur- naces. FITTINGS and pipe in copper. cast irore black and galvanized eteel. Laun- dry tuba, shower cabinets electric ranges refrigerators, pressure systems oil burn. ers. FRF;E CATALOGUE. Write or visit our new modern ehowrocons. We deliver —you pay tie freight. S. V. JOHNSON FLU:VE.8132C SUPPLIES, Streetsville, Ontario. • • 9421-5 Poultry pee sALP_.—etio RED ROCK PULLETS. Scott's strain, six 'months old, laying. PHONE 838 r 3, Seaforth, 4424-1 FOR SALE -800 HAMP X ROCK PUL - Jets, starting to lay; Sunshine baby buggy with snow runners; pink gabardine I baby bunting bag with white for, Apply ; WILLIAM HENDERSON, Phone 683-J, Seaforth. 4424x1 Personals For Sale F40R SALE — OVEN-READY DUCKS. Phone GORDON PAPPLE, 839 r 13, Seaforth. 4424-1 FOR SALE — BED CHESTER,FIELD: Quebec range; Quebec heater. PHONE' 661 r 22, Seaforth. 4424--1 pen SALE—GIRL'S WINE GOAT, HAT and leggings: size 5.. PHONE CLIN- TON, 615 r 31. 442442 Lt REAL MONEY -SAVER ON STATION 1. Wagon Coats. Six only to clear at 19.45, regular 26.50; at TUDOR'S in Hem. sale A real buY, pon SALE -1 0001) CALF, GORDON REYNOLDS, Phone 667 r 24, Sea - forth. 4424-1 FOB, .SALE—COW AND A. err -mann or e geeing eaives. PHONE 8.88 r 82, Seme forth. 4424x1 Auction Sales A UOTION SALE OF FULLY ACCRED- '" ited Registered' Scotch Shorthorn cat- tle, at Lot 19, Con, 7, Hay Twp 30e miles' west of Hernial'. or 2% east of Zur- ich, on Wednesday, October 29, at 1:30 .7e.m• : 4 red bulls of serviceable age: 2 red bulls. 7 menthe old; 2 red COWFI; bred, 80 fresben in March ; 2 heifers due time of sale: 4 heifers, bred, and due in Mareh: 6 open heifere, rising 2 Years old. All the cattle are vaccinated. Terme—Cash, ROSS , DICK, Proprietor; Harold Jackeon, Aim- tioneer. 4423-2 ; A UCTION SALE OF cArret — MR. "." Minter el Howt will eel] by public auction at Lot .2940, Conceesion 13, Hut - lett. 3 miles northwest of Londeaboro, and ,3 inilm west of Hlerth, on Tuesday, Getober 28, at 1 Dan., sharp: 350 head of cattle, registered and a -raciest. Thie lot eons/tits of COW's, calves and yearlings. Ifi the lot are 12 Registered Hereford cows, due to fresh- en in November and December 4 hull ealvele. Iterieteree; also a number of yeae. //nit hestere Registered and Crude; 80 Dur- bein and Hereford calves. Positively no reserve. inset to attend. this sale of choice Cattle. W1LM51R ROVITATT, Proprieter; Vexed eivelagen, AnetiOneeto Veen P. Cheeriesf" Clerk+ 4044 poit SALE—USED WHITE BRIC25S,1 " clean; approximately 1,000. ApplY Peek 194, minor; ZSEPOserrOlt, or phenet tee.et, Seafotth. etelel „ „ tiledeiSS'tettfebTSAI,A, RAVE A WO1. teleation of blouses for tell midi ineete All eelors iota 915e6, jorken from goon, eteffie, woof .nanfisr.• riLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM. Farm Steele, Machinery, Hay, Grain. and Household Effeets, will the held ,at Lot 2, Concession 1, Hibbert Township, 2 miles west of Mitchell, on No. 8 Highway. on Friday, October 31, at 12 o'clock sharp: CATTLE -4 Register d Poll Angus cow 15 Poll Angus and urham cows; 7 Poll Angus steers rising 2 years old ; 15 Poll Angus steer calves: 1 Poll Angus bull off registered etock, 2 years old: 1 Poll Angus lull off registered stock. 3 years old. HOGS—e pure bred sow with litter; 1 York BOW with litter; 40 chunks, 100 to 150 lbs.: 1 Berk hog 2 years old. -6 young' 'mese. MACHINE38Y-36-i0ch George White threshing machine with vrain elevator: McCormick -Deering binder; Masaey-Harris mower: Mefle side rake; Massey -Harris hay- loader; Massey -Harris manure seirtarler ; 48, -ft. Case one-way thee : .3 -furrow :rector plow: 2 eyeing tooth cultivators; rubber tired wagon; hay rack : 2 000-31. Reales ; fanning mill; cream eepa rater M aesey-11 al ris weesl sprayer, 30 -ft. boom ; 10 -inch grain grinder; milking. machine, Universal pipeline: 10 -ft. lime or fertilizer sower on rieber: Gehl hammer mill; colony house lexel: rain shelter and poultry equipment; quantity new lumber; cedar posts : stove wood: 3 bushels red clover eeed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -- Kitchen chairs ; Queitee henter; extension tabletwardrobe; small tables number of rocking chairs ; chest of drawers; settee and ahnirs: sewing machine: Riese cup- board; hot plate; 2 com.pfete bedroom suites: dishes: kitchen utensils. HAY and GRAIN -4,000 bake of mixed hay; 15 tone loose mixed hay : 100 hales ftecond-cut alfalfa; 500 bushels mixed grain. FARM-- ell-aere farm, North % of Lot 1, Con. 2. Hietbert Township; 41 acres of workable lend: all seeded : e :levee bush. Terms: Chattele- "Cash: Proeirty— to% down; bal- ance in 30 davs. So!d subject to reserve bid. CHARLES ROBINSON, Proprietor: Harold Jackeon, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. No reserve; farm sold. ' Births ALLAN- Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan, Hen, RAH I nee Donna Shielse are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter at Clinton Public Hompital, Saturday, Octoiher 18. 1952. BUTSON- -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 21, tn Mr. arid Mrs. William Butson, &MTh, a daughter. BEECROFT—In Wineham General Hoeei. tat, on Tuesday. October 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Reecroft, R.R. 1, Belgrave, Ont., a son --James Gilbert GRAHAM ---At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 21, to F/S. and Mrs, Alex Grahame 14 Quebec Rd., R.C.A.11. SU- tiore Clinton, a daughter. HICKEY --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Ottoher 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hickey, Seaforth, a eon. HARRIS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 21, to Mr. and Mee. CliesleY Harris, Seateerth, a daughter. LOVE—In St, Thorns's Hospital, on Oct. 2, to Mr. and Mra. Stewart Love, Port Stanley, formerly of Windsor, a son— 'George Stewert. /WERNER—At Clinton Pubtic Hoepital. on Oerrier (nee Elaine Holma es), Zurich, dne:bar. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold btor. M RONEY—At Scott Memorial flomital, on Oetobet 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roney. len. 2, Dublin, a daughter. CROMARTY Mr. and, Mrs, Lloyd Miller and sone ,Ronald, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace Sunday. Mrs. Saulter visited with her father, IMr. Aitcheson, Chatsworth, and with Rev. R. Duncanson and Mrs. Duncanson, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar vis- ited with Mr. 'Charles Binning at Listowel, Mrs. Nicols, Toronto, spent a few days with her brother, 1-loward- Wright, and Mrs. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlin visited 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Allen at Mount Pleasant, near Brantford. - Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, Nia- gara Palls, N.Y., visited over the week -end with Mrs. Jackson's moth- er, Mrs. D. Bruce. Thankoffering Service A thankofferIng service was held Sunday morning at Cromarty Church with a good attendance. 90th Anniversary Turner's Church Tuckersmith SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 . 2 p.m. — 7:30 p.m. Guest -Speaker: Rev. M. G. Newton Helmesville Special Music by Choir + EVERYBODY WELCOME Reception & Dance for MR. & MRS. STEWART PEPPER in Hensall 'Town Hall FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 Syncopator Orchestra LADIES BRING LUNCH Cards Of Thanks WE WOULD LIKE TO 'PRANK EVERY- " one who exPreseed sympathy and helped in any way 'before and at the, fun- eral of the tete Miss Annie MaTageart, THE KINSMAN FAMILY T WISH TO EXPRESS MY THANKS AND appreciation for kindness received while in Scott Memorial Hospital,' to all who came to see me or sent flowers, cards or treats': 'deo to the nurses and doctors. 44241 •TENNIE ALEXANIYER Deaths MeTAGGART—In Clinton General Home. tat, on Monday, Octdber 13, 1952, Miss Annie Marie McTaggart, daughter of the late Martin and Mary erleTaagart, of Usborne Township, in her 84th year. READIVLAN—Im Seaforth, on Sunday, Oct. 19, Peter Alonzo Readman, dear brother of Mies Emma Readman, in his elst year., SOU'TER—In Seaforth, on Saturday, Oct. IS, Janet Elleabeth Ramses', beloved wifof e er outer; dear mother of Mee. Orrin Daimon, Varna; Mtg. Alex York, Perth; Jimes, Tuekeremith, and Bill. Vancouver, in her 8242 year. speaker. Dianne Houghton, is holidaying in Seaferth with 'Mies Judy Wal- lace. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 1Cockwe1i. Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mr. Ross Houghton, Bilile email Linda, 'Mrs. 'M. Houghton and Miss Olive Spea.re vieited Sunday at Wingham with' Mr. and hire Len Houghton and Mrs. E. MacDonald. Me and. Mrs. George Walz and family, St. 'Marys., visited. ,Sunday with Mrs. Robertson and John Robertson. Rev. R. G. MacKay and 'Mrs. 'Mac- Kay and Miss Grace MaeKay, of Thamesford, visited. with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. 'Mrs. David Chglmers and son, David, of London, and Grace Chal- mers, Chiselhurst, visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Laing. Rev, R. A. Cranston, Toronto, at. ended church service here and vis- ited in the community. Word was received here of the death of Donald M. McKellar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar. The funeral was held Wednesday - afternoon at the Heath Funeral Home, Mitchell, and burial was in Roy's cemetery. Speaker From St. Marys At Cromarty Auxiliary The Marion Ritchie Evening Aux- iliary of Cromarty Church held their thankoffering meeting in the basement Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. Thomas Scott presiding. The members of the Senior W.M.S. were guests for the afternoon and Mrs. N. 'Near, -St. Marys Home Helpers' secretary, was guest speaker. Lunch was served by the Young ladies of the society. ;•••••••MIlk.Wilo KlPPEN Mrs. Fanny Campbell, Zion, Il- linois, is 'visiting her cousin, Miss Jean Ivison, and other relatives. Mrs. J. B. iMcLean and Miss Mar- ion McLean, Exeter, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson Suaday. Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman and Helen, Centralia, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gacks tetter. Mr. and ,Mrs. Howard' Atkins, near Zurich, visited Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Ales. C. Dalton, Walton, visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mes. Carl MeClincthey. Rev. Norman McLeod, B.A., B.D., spoke over Station CKNX Monday morning on the program, "Church of the Air." Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peck and family, near Varna, were Sunday visitors of the former's parents, Mr. and lqrs. Bert Peck. Mrs. Alex McGregor and her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Wilbee, Seaforth, spent the weekend with the, for- mer's mother, Mrs. Edwards, Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Long spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sper- ling in London and attended the 62nd anniversary of Calvary Unit- ed Church. ,Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutcfiin- son, St. Thomas, were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Meilri.s. MLorne 'Elder, Hamilton, vis- ited last weekend with this sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, visited recently with the latter's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Keyes, Ger- ald and Grant were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Keyes' mother, Mrs. George E. Thomson, and -brother, William Thomson. Mr, Mrs. William Ellums, Brandon, Manitoba, were recent vis- itors- of the latter's niece and nephew, Mr. and 'Mrs. Archie Par- sons. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, daughter, and sonen-law of Mr. and Mrs. Wren, spent the v;,eekend vis- iting friends in Detroit. Badminton Club Meet Elect New Officers A large group of badminton en- thusiasts met Wednesday night to organize for the new badminton season. Preceding the meeting, be- ginners and old members swung their racquets at a racing birdie tilt all were exhausted. 'Past President Bruce Gefian pre- sided over the election of a new slate of' officers. The following are the 1952-53 executive: Honorary president, John McKenzie; presi• dent, Don Eaton; vice-president, Bruce Gehan; secretary -treasurer. Peg Willis Tournament eomenittee: Herb .3taffen, Mary Box, Ted Savauge; social committee, Doreen Bright - rale Gwen Wade, 'Betty Cardno, June Boussey; membership com- mittee, Dick Box, Nelson Cardno, Alice Stiles; property committee, John McKenzie; publicity, .Tune Boussey. !Members decided to charge a fee of $3.00 for old members and $2.00 for beginners. Locker fees remain the same at 25 cents. - Next Wednesday night there will be games and lunch, and the club invites all local and district bat 'n bird pea.yers, or those interested in play, to come tip and Join in the fun. Their cars having collided, loth and Pat were surveying the situa- tion. Jock offered Pat &drink. Pat drank and Jock returned the bottle to his pocket. Pat: "Aren't you going to have a drink yourself?" Jock: "Not until the pollee have been here.' Hay. council Dicides 1952: Election Date At the regular Meeting of flay Township council in Zuriett recent- ly, nomination date for township officers was set at ,November 21. Electiodley will be December 1. 'Council accepted the 1953 assess- ment roll from Assessor George Armstrong and set the court of re- vision date for Thursday, Nov. 6. Before adjournment the following accounts were ordered paid: Hay Township General — Aaron ResteMaYer, $3.50; Exeter Times - Advocate, $5.44; H. W. Broken - shire, $186.04; 'Mel Williams, $111.61; :Frieda Ilaberer„ $74.83; Hassell District Co-op., $17.93; Zur- ich Hydro -Electric System, $7.00: 'Bruce Kropp, $1.30; Zurich Police Village, $82.40; Treasurer County of Huron, $26.50; Marjory Wil- liams, $156.51; Wm. Siebert, $71.60; Hay Municipal Telephone 'System, $3,500.00. Hay Municipal Telephone Sys- tera--H, G. Hess, $2,456.42; Treas- urer, Township of 'Stephen, $18.00; Bell Telephone Co., $1,418.94; Ideal Supply Co., $36; Ed. Corriveau, $21; Joseph Carriveate $21; H. W. Brok- enshire, $25; Northern. Electric, $151.81; Stromberg 'Carlson, $56.92; Tay Tow-nship debenture and inter- est, 1,008; Wilfrid Corriveau, $21: Lucien Corriveau, .$21. Hay Township Roads — James Masse, $185.15; 'Michael 'Masse, $36.5,4; Wm. Watson, $27; St. JCIS- evh Service, $31.46; Sheridan Equipment Co., $41.32; Klopp's Sep- er Service, $47.64; Billie Reciter, $8•60; Alphonse )Masse, $184.11: Alex Denonnme, $39.34; Fergus Turnbull, $25; The Steel Co. of Canada; $215,11; Rouse Auto -Elec- tric, $3.40; ,Supertest Corp., $59.00; Department of Highways, $55.00. Huron Federation Ask Uniform Price Support For Finished Beef Directors of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture, meeting, in 'Clinton Monday night, With Robert S. MeKereher, RR. 1, Dub-' lin, presiding, agreed to request the ,Dominion ,Department of Agricul- ture to have the beef support price' apply to all finished carcasses re-: gardlees of weight. A request will 'be forwarded to, the healtb of animals branch at/ Ottawa requesting that final T.B. testing of cattle be carried out in, order that Huron 'County may be declared an accredited area. On Wednesday, October 29, the annual 'banquet will be held in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, with Cam- eron McTaggart, Glencoe, as guest speaker. The annual meeting will be held November 26 in the Cline ton Town Hall at 1:30 p.m., preced- ed by an executive meeting at 11 a.m. A letter of congratulations will be forwarded to the agricultural office, Clinton, for the fine show- ing -by Huron County junior club members at the recent competition at Guelph, and congratulations will be extended to the agricultural representativ.es, club leaders and members. DUBLIN Guests attending the ,Delaney - Jordan wedding were: Mrs. Robert Bowman, Mrs, Don Heard, Miss Rita Moore, Miss Mary Arnold, Miss Christina Campbell, Miss Jean Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. John Jor- dan, all of Kitcbener; Mr. and Mrs, Charles O'Neil and Edward, Wind- sor; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blonde, Chathagn; Mr. James Gallagher, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Grattan Dwyer, Leamington. Building experts say l'the sky- scraper has bad its day. Lower real estate values mean new build- ings will cover more grornd and be only a few stories Nigh. FOWL SUPPER BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH THURSDAY, OCT. 30th Supper' from 5 to 8 Pm. Admission: $1.50 and 75c eeeeteereetee.erettevereeveetweeMeweeweeeetee Elimville W.I. Rears Address About Colors, The WI. held theirOctober Meet- ing in Elimville Mall with Mrs. A. 'Cooper In charge of the program. Mrs. William Johns read the mot- to and tiara. Pranklia Skinner, the current events. Mr. Buswell, Exe- ter, gave a talk on color and show- ed contrasts in wallpaper designs. Wire. H. Heywood and Mrs, Hol. den sang a duet. Roll call was an- swered by a dozen home-made cookies, which were auctioned at the r,lose of the eneeting. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Dyke - ma's and eommittee. Many Canadians who started work ia railway shops have risen to high executive jobs with their lines. OOTOBER 24 Am The lede at the eerier drug mw Were Elbowing "AW," 04 ono8 ogirle are a .4440. "066," ailthed a rower lad tad rovarainol Went until • "awl all .thia tin2.0 Fve been Jelly beans." KIST go CORY GINGER ALE OVERDUE Have You Purchased Your Radio Licence, The obtaining of new Radio Receiving Lizences ig mandatory on April 1 or as soon thereafter as possible. Under the Radio Act, 1958, the Department of Transport ie not only required to collect the licence fee from ell radio owners but may prosecute where necessary to enforce the Act. Warning is given that investigations and prosecutions have already comroenced in cases where Radio Receiving Licences are overdue through neglect, misunderstanding or wilful intent. DIPAR1114ENT OP TRANSPORT Ottawa, Ontario FINAL WARNING All persons owning or harboring dogs in the Municipality of the Town of Sea - forth, and who have not obtained a 1952 License Tag by NOVEMBER 1, 1952, will be issued a stutunons to court after this date. Avoid this extra expense by procuring your tag at the TOWN CLERK'S' OFFICE or H. J. MALONEY, Tax Collector Rubber Stamps and Stencils MARKING DEVICES Of All Types • Rubber Stamps are essential to any well-run business! They save you time and money. Three Day Service On Rush Orders Stamp Pads, Daters '8,z various supplies The Huron Expositor Telephone 41 Seaforth 74:setaswessase7sessoveemowaseasweasseeeseetteeweeeeseesomerseemeesteeeseamewrowe eatemieweeeseyememetwaseremeemfatateeemassiMinewevameeeeettemenewevanowyeememseeve Prompt Delivery on the New 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS '52 CHEN'. STYLELINE SEDAN '52 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLETANE COACH— two-tone, loaded with extras 2—'51 CHEV. DE LUXE sTYLELINE SMD.A.STS Air Coeditionine '51 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH '51 CHEV. POWER GLIDE SEDAN '50 CHEV. DE LUXE PLEETLINE SEDAN '49 PLYMOTJTH SEDAN '49 METEOR SEDAN '42 PONTIA'C PLEETLENE COACH '39 CHEV. COACH '48 CHEV. 1 -TON PICKIJP—Price $550 '50 CHEV. DE LUXE PLEETLINE COACH WE HAVE A NUMBER OF '51 CHEV., SEDANS AND COACHES, TO CLEAR AT $1850 ALSO A NUMBER OF '50 CREVS. TO CLEAR AT $1495 A written guarantee for 60 days on aU late model care. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM PHONE 73-X BRUSSELS itt9IORS "The 'Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING 4